Newbee want to split array

Annoying - but cant fix it. I want to divide a waveform array - take sound as an example - into positive and negative portions and then use the largest array of positive values for further calculations. Struggling with this silly problem - can anyone help please?
"Physician, researcher and programmer wannabe."

Sorry - posted in the wrong place ...
"Physician, researcher and programmer wannabe."

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    Thank you
    Go to Solution.

    Thank you Marcus_Körner , GerdW and thoult for your assistance.
    Sorry I am using Labview 2013, so I saved it in ver 2010 format, and I uploaded a photo for the circuit.
    Attachments: ‏8 KB
    Untitled.png ‏5 KB

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    Trey, I seriously feel your pain. I'm editing a wedding project in IM '09 and it is literally taking me twice as long to complete the project than it would have in HD. You should be able to make splits in the event browsers, but that's too much like common sense for Apple. They completely mucked up the editing process by doing away with iMovie HD, which by the way is not working well in Snow Leopard.
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    What version of Premiere Elements do you have and on what computer operating system is it running?
    Please review the following workflow.
    ATR Premiere Elements Troubleshooting: PE11: Project Assets Organization for Scene and Highlight Grabs from Collection o…
    But please also determine if your project goal is supported by
    a. format of your source
    b. computer resources
    More later based on details that you will post.

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    split uses a regex:String str = "car$bar$road$building$motor";
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    in the help window type in "split" - it will show you the command (event menu ==> split event)
    learn to use HELP - it is extremely "Helpful"

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    Thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.

    Try the decimate array function. That's probably all you need.
    Here are a few general comments to your code in general:
    Since the number of iterations is known before the loop starts, you need a FOR loop. No need to wire N or compare the iteration count. It will iterate for all elements in the autoindexing input array automatically, then exit the loop. Also, output indexing on a FOR loop is much more efficient, because the array sizes of the outputs can be determined and exactly allocated before the loop starts. With a while loop, labview cannot do that.
    If you have LabVIEW 2012, you could use conditional indexing on the output tunnels.
    You could wire the remainder directly to the case structure and make one case 1 and the other 0. Less code! (See my signature).
    To check for odd vs. even, a logical AND with 1 is sufficient and more efficient.
    The "-1" belongs before the loop because it needs to be done only once (well, the compiler recognized loop invariant code and will in fact create compiled code as if the "-1" were before the loop, but why not be explicit?)
    When creating a code screenshot, try no to select anything.  These black dotted outlines are distracting.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    double[] series1 = (double[])data1;
    But it throw exception about fail to cast.
    How can I cast variable type of array to double[]?

    Another option is to combine Generics with this.
    You can use generics to allow the users to pass different types of data to a method, but type specific in a different way.
    public FormGraph<T>(string title, string name1, IEnumerable<T> data1)
    var series1 = data1.Select(x => Convert.ToDouble(x)).ToArray();
    Muthukrishnan Ramasamy
    Use only what you need, Reduce global warming

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    908794 wrote:
    I would like to see the raw http response which is returned from web service calls.Why the HTTP response? Isn't the soap message body enough? If it is, you probably want to check out SoapUI.
    A simple google query for "apache axis2 http response" also return this article:
    And finally, you did go through the Axis2 website right? It has a wiki with a rather staggering amount of articles in there.

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    Go to Solution.

    The Index Array can be extended to separate all 4 of your elements.  That would likely be the easiest way for you to do this.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    It's not currently possible to split an account, all content will remain tied to the account that originally bought/downloaded it. You can try leaving feedback for Apple, and maybe at some point it will be possible :

  • Passing split array to function

    Anyone know how to pass an array to a function as seperate
    parameters i.e
    _array = [param1,param2,param3]
    instead of: functionToCall(_array[0],_array[1],_array[2]);
    of having to go
    var1 = _array[0];
    var2 = _array[1];
    var3= _array[2];
    Cheers, burnside

    > Marco Mind wrote:
    > Can't you just pass the array and indexs as a second
    That would only work if the desired function is written to
    accept two
    parameters formatted as arrays. DCIBurnside could certainly
    write an
    intermediary function, I suppose; but for that effort, it
    would be just as
    easy to pass in the parameters as already shown:
    Check out the methods of the Fuction class -- in particular
    Function.apply() -- which might be exactly what DCIBurnside
    is looking for.
    David Stiller
    Co-author, ActionScript 3.0 Quick Reference Guide
    "Luck is the residue of good design."

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