News scroller plug in?

I'm looking for some way to put images, hopefully variable ones I can change on screen during real play. I'm trying to make a score bar like in any sporting event across the top or bottom, or a bar somewhere that I can just put some text in. Is there a plug in for this, even a 3rd party plug in anyone knows of?


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    <script src="C:/Documents and Settings/MBS/Desktop/Ysb/html/images/ns1js.js" type="text/javascript"></script>  
    <script type="text/javascript">
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       <param name="movie" value="ns1flashns.swf" />
       <param name="quality" value="high" />
       <param name="FlashVars" value="flashlet={}" />
       <embed src="ns1flashns.swf" quality="high" flashvars="flashlet={}" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="240" height="250"> </embed>
    If someone can please help me I am designing for someone.
    Thank you.

    Here's an article on how to set this up yourself. Its an
    older article, but a good article that should work.
    hope it helps.

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    I have been searching the internet for a couple of hours now
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    to create my own. I am particuarlly interested in creating a news
    scroller which imports the data from an XML document I have already
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    Recommend you use another type of news scroller, a layer, or
    even a marquee
    to scroll vertically.
    An Iframe means your links are actually on another page.
    "Stu127" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:ervnt4$hnm$[email protected]..
    >I have recently learned how to use an iFrame to insert a
    small text box
    >that I
    > can use as a "news scroller" onto a page. My only
    problem is that if I
    > include
    > links inside the text that is "scrollable", when the
    user clicks on the
    > link,
    > it opens a new browser window. My question is this... is
    there a way to
    > make
    > the link in the scrollable text take the user to a page
    inside the
    > original
    > browser window?
    > Thanks
    > Stu

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    OK, I understand better.
    Otto42 has made a javascript to make a list of albums without art.
    Download the first one to your PC and rename the file extension from .txt to .js
    Creates a playlist of all the songs in the library with no artwork:
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    Karlfromny wrote:
    I realize that. The plug in question has a USB connector on one side and the new Lightening interface on the other.  The USB side is plugged into the car and the otherside of the cable into the Mini.
    If this is a connector supplied by the electronics manufacturer for use with that radio and iOS devices then something is wrong.  If it supplied by a 3rd party then I wouldn't expect it to work at this stage of the game.  I also suspect that in a few months most manufacturers will have a new system that will work fine with the Lightning connector.
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    The issue seems to be from DB side and an SR would help you in resolving the issue.
    However, added below few points you can look as well from your side.
    + DB may be core dumping in which case it would be required to resolve the core dump issue.
    + Running ASH report from sqlplus may not be working in which we need to resolve the DB side issue.
    + If feasible you can choose to upgrade DB to higher version.

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    Support for the Nikon D4S has been added to the forthcoming Camera Raw 8.4 which is currently in a late stage beta (formally called Release Candidate). c-now-available.html
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    New JavaFX Script Wizard
    Outline View with navigation
    Download the plug-in [] .

    Have you already tested it? Is it better than netbeans plug-in? What are the new features and why I should change to plug-in for Eclipse?
    Best regards,
    André Rezende

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    Thanks for the plug-in Marian,
    it seems to work fine for W3MI objects.
    I'm looking for a plug-in that is able to upload mimes related to BSP and Web Dynpro for ABAP.
    The TADIR object is SMIM.
    Trying ZSAPLINK -> Slinkee -> Export object to Slinkee -> Object Type: W3MIF4 and F4 on the Object name I'm getting runtime error DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP  in module INFOSYSTEM_PREPARE:
    983 * Aktuelles Objektprogramm setzen
    984   IF NOT INFOSYSTEM_INSTANCE IS INITIAL and  infosystem_instance_active = true.
    987   ENDIF.

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