Next iOS update ,October ?

i just read some function which will be update in coming October
lets hope incoming Update will FIX alot of problem

We'll know at the same time you do, when Apple makes an announcement. No one who knows anything about future updates will be able to comment in public.

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    All of us here are users just like you. We have no inside info of when Apple products or operating system updates/upgrades will be released. The next iOS may not even change the issue you have.
     Cheers, Tom

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    This is primarily a user-to-user support forum. Following is a link for feedback/suggestions to Apple:

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    No one knows.
    Apple has not said anything at all about the next release of iOS yet.
    Downgrading iOS is not possible.

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    How would someone from AT&T know when Apple is going to release a firmware upgrade? Did he also tell you when Android and Windows Mobile 7 were going to be upgraded? Sounds like he was just trying to get rid of you.

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    Apple are not here - just other users like yourself.
    Send feedback to Apple here:

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    Sorry, no one here will know that. What troubleshooting steps have you taken? Restart? Reset? Restore from backup? Restore as new?

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    You must have an iPod 4. Apple stated sometime ago, there will be no more updates for the iPod 4, iOS 6.5.1 is as far as you can go. Sorry to say, if you need or want iOS 7 you need an iPod 5. iOS 7 requires 512MB of RAM and only the iPod 5 has 512MB of RAM. Hope this helps, Good luck.

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    If you mean the iPhone's Passcode Lock feature, it requires entering the Passcode to access anything on an iPhone except for being able to place an emergency call. I have not used a cell phone with a similar Passcode Lock feature that prevented turning the phone off.
    In regards to the MobileMe Find My iPhone feature, all a determined thief needs to do is remove the SIM card. Powering the iPhone off is not required for preventing an iPhone from being located with Find My iPhone. Where there is a will, there is a way with a determined thief.

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    Yes. Do it here:
    Apple - iPod touch – Feedback

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    It's quite probable that your iPhone has a hardware problem. Contact Apple Support or make an appointment at an Apple Store and have your iPhone evaluated.

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    Hi Andrey,
    I think I have figured it out. It has to do with my iCloud account. After a lot of reasearch I found a bunch of people with the same problem, and the fix for now is to COMPLETELY DELETE your iCloud account. Simply turning everything off does not work. I immediately did this on my wife and my phones and everything went back to normal.
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    Ok, so I'm trying to be calm and collective about this but it will be extremely hard.
    I updated the iOS version on my iPad (v1) today to 5.1.1.  Since I have had troubles every time I've updated iOS (regardless of device iPod, iPad, iPhone) I made 2 separate backups of my iPad before continuing... and specifically DID NOT CLICK on the "Hey there's a software update for your device" when it popped up when I plugged in the device as my very first experience with updating iOS on the iPad was done this way... and the backup failed, and thus never worked on the install.
    So my device has 98% charge, I do 2 separate device backups (just in case)... hold my breath, and manually request an iOS update.
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    Ok, not to worry, the update likely just gives me a clean image... (plus my wallpaper)... I'll just restore from 1 of my backups....
    Restoring.... Rebooting....
    Now its asking me to pick or setup an Apple ID... ok, fine... enter my ID/password.... re-state all my settings for wireless, location settings, iCloud (has always been NO)... and Booted....  STILL NO APPS
    Repeated the restore backup process several times with each backup file... no luck... including a few clean reboots just to be sure.
    ZIP, Nada, Zilch... All apps, all data, all music, all videos, all games, all game progress... you know... the efforts made over the past 6 months on several "resource management games"... all COMPLETELY GONE!!!
    Now I used the feedback option in iTunes to send a similar message directly to them... but shy of a rant here I have no idea what I can do.
    If all my data is lost forever... this ABSOLUTELY *****... not just because I lost it right now... but I don't ever want to buy/download another app now... if I know that there is a very, very high probability that I will again completely lose everything in the next iOS update.
    So now I seem to have 2 options....
    1.) Never update iOS on any device ever again due to fears it will fail and erase everything
    2.) Simply shelf the device because I have no faith that I'll be able to maintain the data on it long term
    Please tell me there is another option... a manual backup or restore option outside of iTunes.... or a way to look inside a backup file and make sure it really does have all the content you think it should have in it... in it.
    I censored myself in this post... but for anyone working at Apple that wants to really understand my "mood" when writing this... insert 2-3 4 letter curse words before every CAPS or bold words... to get an idea of how insanely frustrating this whole process is.

    1st off, thanks @turingtest2 I do appreciate your efforts it has helped explain some of this mess.
    Well... as much as I'm ashamed to admit it... this does seem to be the case.
    So, a "Backup" of an iOS device puts the "settings" back on your PC...
    An "OS Upgrade" wipes your device of all content and updates the OS cleanly to the next level
    A "Restore from Backup" effectively does next to nothing.... because in order to get all your stuff back... that you "Backed up"... you actually need to re-sync all your Apps, all your music, all your videos etc. manually once your "Backup" is complete.
    You also need to figure out which apps were actually on this device because it maintains 1 list per account, not a list per device... thus manual hand picking is required.
    Likewise you need to manually re-pick through your music and video collection because these settings too were not "really" backed up.
    Seems completely messed up to me that the backup step doesn't save a list of the media (songs/videos) you had on the devices and automatically syncs them when performing a restore.  Ditto for apps.
    I'm so glad my non-Apple devices don't follow this crazy 1/2 baked backup/restore scheme.
    As a software developer myself... there's no way I'd release software this messed up....

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