Next & Prev Button functions from an array

Help. I'm new to actionscript and am trying to do something
simple like use a 2 frame HTML page with navigation in top (Flash
obj) and plain html stuff in the bottom or main frame.
I declared these global var...
var lssnPages = new Array('lssn_01.htm', 'lssn_02.htm',
'lssn_03.htm', 'lssn_04.htm', 'lssn_05.htm',
'lssn_06.htm','lssn_07.htm', 'lssn_08.htm',
'lssn_09.htm','lssn_10.htm', 'lssn_11.htm',
'lssn_12.htm','lssn_13.htm', 'lssn_14.htm');
var curPtr = 0;
var lastPtr = lssnPages.length -1
Then in the next button hit state used this code to make it
on (release) {
function NextPage ()
if (curPtr < lastPtr) { // don't go to last page
getURL("lssnPages[curPtr]", "Main");
if (curPtr = lastPtr) { //disable Next button
Even though I get no errors, this doesn't seem to work. It
I'm stumped. Does the Flash AS have to call something on the
html page, like the fscommands?
Help, please!

getURL("lssnPages[curPtr]", "Main");
should be:
getURL(lssnPages[curPtr], "Main");
otherwise Flash has the browser looking for a file called:
lssnPages[curPtr] instead of the file at the requested index.
kglad wrote:
> no, it shouldn't work.
> if that's a true button, the button is on the same
timeline as your array
> definition and that code is attached to your button
that's on that timeline,
> you should eliminate the
> function NextPage()
> {
> and remove that functions terminal
> }
Manno Bult

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    You can not disable the next and prev buttons, you may hide them via the Flyout options menu if you want (select the widget> click on the blue circle with the white arrow, on the right top of the widget).
    However, even if the next/prev buttons take you to a different picture, you can still edit them, when they are selected, as the buttons remain same for all the slides.
    Also, the buttons have to be of the same color for each picture.
    Hope it helps,

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    According to your description, my understanding is that  you want to add loading image when click the paging button to load the data.
    I suggest you can use Jquery BlockUI Plugin to show a block image when loding data in paging click event.
    Here is a similiar thread for your reference:
    How to display a loading image until a gridview is fully loaded
    More information:
    Jquery BlockUI Plugin
    Best Regards
    TechNet Community Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    Hi there
    If you have configured things (or more accurately, LEFT them configured for auto-sync - it is configured by default) then the sync button isn't presented.
    You don't see Prev or Next because you either haven't defined or haven't enabled a Browse Sequence. More on that at the link below:
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
    Adobe Certified RoboHelp HTML Training
    SorcerStone Blog
    RoboHelp eBooks

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    previous = _global.photoNum;
    } else {
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    if (_global.currentImage == _global.photoNum) {
    next = 1;
    } else {
    next = _global.currentImage+1;
    With at the end
    _global.currentImage = next; and
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    When you see that the picture is not loaded, you will have to
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    WHEN 'NEXT'.
          PERFORM scroll_end.
         PERFORM scroll_left.
    ENDMODULE.                 " USER_COMMAND_7100  INPUT
    *&      Form  scroll_end
         -->RT_COLUMNS text
    form scroll_end tables rt_columns type kkblo_t_columns.
    *&      Form  scroll_left
         -->RT_COLUMNS text
    form scroll_left tables rt_columns type kkblo_t_columns.
    i've tried this....the previous error gone..but now i have another error said " the type kkblo_t_columns. is unknown ".
    really exhausting :P

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         Pls help me how to do this,
    My read CAN data is like this
           First frame -10 11 58 05 52 35 F1 52
    Conse. frame 1 -21 04 E8 52 10 E8 56 11
    Conse. frame 2 -22 E4 56 12 E4 62 11 E4
     i want to extract the red coloured numbers from the array.
    I am using LabVIEW 7.1 & NI PCMCIA CAN card
    Attachments: ‏82 KB

    If instead you want to extract certain data bytes from each message, you should use the 'Index Array' function from the Array palette.
    This will extract individual elements from the array as specified by the connected Index inputs. The image below shows the setup needed to get the elements for your First Frame.
    Message Edited by Ed Dickens on 01-18-2007 07:57 AM
    Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
    Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.
    Index Array.gif ‏13 KB

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    Edit the report's attributes and verify that pagination is indeed turned on. Also, are you using HTML DB 1.6?

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    Bryan Ashcraft (remove brain to reply)
    Web Application Developer
    Wright Medical Technologies, Inc.
    Macromedia Certified Dreamweaver Developer
    Adobe Community Expert (DW) ::

    Maybe that was poor phrasing. I'm wanting to the links only
    when necessary.
    I don't them to loop. In other words I only want the previous
    available when there is a previous image. So it wouldn't show
    on the first
    image. The same with the next link.
    Bryan Ashcraft (remove brain to reply)
    Macromedia Certified Dreamweaver Developer
    Paragon Visuals ::
    Adobe Community Expert (DW) ::
    Got Questions? Get Answers
    DWFAQ ::
    PVII ::
    "kinblas" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:e5ublf$kr4$[email protected]..
    > Just curious ... why would you want to conditionally
    hide them as opposed
    > to just removing them? What would your condition be?
    > --== Kin ==--

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    I would appreciate any help or suggestion.
    Thank you!

    if you're not familiar with flash it might be easiest to place your initial "page" in frame 1, the 2nd (or next) page in frame 2, the 3rd/next page in frame 3 etc.
    place your previous and next buttons in their own layer that spans the main timeline (which will have as many frames as you have "pages").  give them instance names (say prevBtn and nextBtn).
    you can then use the following code placed in frame 1:
    var tl:MovieClip=this

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    Is this a good approach? Your input is much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Since I've updated to iOS 6 I am unable to use the next/back buttons from Headphone for audio book chapters.

    Since I've updated from iOS 5 to iOS 6 I am unable to use the next/back buttons from Headphone for audio book chapters.
    This is working fine for albums but are broken for audio books.
    The back button refers always to the first chapter of the audio book (very annoying if you are in the middle of an audio book) and the nex button goes one level higher back to the selection of the audio book itself.
    In iOS 5.0 it was still possible to navigate throught the audio book chapters using these buttons.
    This still happens in iOS 6.1.
    Is this a known bug?
    Does any solution exist?

    To gdgmacguy your a f****** idiot for one I'm having the same problem as pennymar. And you tell me to quit whinning. You got more problems then the iOS 6 you did not answer my question nor the other 13 or whatever you replied to within a 30 min time frame. You must got nothing better to do then to harass people and to pretend you know something about apple products. Which you don't from what I've read the other advices you should have gave to other people. But you didn't you replied a question back to the people asking a question. So if your not gonna use these community forums the right way don't use them at all.

  • RH11. Script to make Next and Prev buttons work as they do in a standard browser?

    I know that the Next and Prev button arrows in the navigation pane take the user to the next or previous topic specified in the browser sequence. This means that the Help author has to design one or more browse sequences, which can be time-consuming and hard to maintain.
    Has anyone created a script, or know if one exists, that can turn the Next and Prev buttons into buttons that perform standard browser actions. For example:
    User opens Topic A.
    User opens Topic J.
    User presses Prev button.
    Help opens Topic A.
    At the moment the results depend on the browse sequence.
    User opens Topic A.
    User opens Topic J.
    User presses Prev button.
    Help opens Topic I (the topic preceding Topic J in the browse sequence).
    Thank you.[
    Carol Levine

    What you are looking at are the properties for the Single Source Layout. Notice that your properties have a location that says "Default Window:"
    That option allows you to choose the window I was showing earlier. So you need to click View > Pods > Project Set up, then expand the Windows category and change the settings for the CHM window. You may not actually have one defined. For example, in the image below, all I see is a WebHelp window. And in that case, I need to right-click, point at New Window and choose Microsoft HTML Help. Then you will see the image I showed earlier.
    Once you have your window defined, you then choose it in the Single Source Layout settings.
    Cheers... Rick

  • Additional Next Button Functionality

    I would like to see some additional next button functionality.
    For example when I am in Residential Products and Services I will read each of the sections.  if I am in Fios Internet and which to go FIOS TV Programming I wish there was a next button that would take me to Fios TV Programming (which is the next topic) instead of having to go back to Residental products and services and then choose Fios TV programming.  I read each section so having that next button functionality would help moving around here a bit quicker.
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks for your suggestion. Have you tried using the "Go To" menu, which is just beside the board search button? It allows you to jump to another board fairly easily.
    Not exactly what you ask for, but maybe it will help in the interim?

  • Migrating array functions from AS2 to AS3

    The code below is meant to load randomly selected "koan swfs" into a movie clip on the main root timeline called "koan_loader_mc" using a loader called "koan_loader."  Are the actions of this array correctly migrated to AS3?  Thanks for your help
    // creates function called at the end of koan_#.swfs  
    // this code is in the first frame of the root timeline
    Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {
    for (var ivar = koan.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
    var p = random(ivar+1);
    var t = this[ivar];
    this[ivar] = this[p];
    this[p] = t;
    var koan_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var koan:Array =["swfs/koans/koan_1.swf","swfs/koans/koan_2.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_3.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_4.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_5.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_6.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_7.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_8.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_9.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_10.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_11.swf", "swfs/koans/koan_12.swf"];
    koan_loader.load(new URLRequest(koan[index]));
    This is the code in a frame at the end of koan swfs:
    var koan_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    koan_loader.load(new URLRequest(koan[root.index]);

    function shuffle(a:Array) {
    for (var ivar = a.length-1; ivar>=0; ivar--) {
    var p = random(ivar+1);
    var t = a[ivar];
    a[ivar] = a[p];
    a[p] = t;

  • Display an array with Next-n Record functionality

    I want to show results from an array that's created from
    query results:
    <cfif (WebEx is 0 or WebEx is "") OR (RPMSClassesUp.WebEx
    is 1 and Compare("#dani#","#daniNow#") gt
    0 and
    Compare("#DateFormat(RPMSClassesUp.StartDate)#","#nowDate#") is 0)
    OR (RPMSClassesUp.WebEx is
    1 and
    Compare("#DateFormat(RPMSClassesUp.StartDate)#","#nowDate#") gt
    <cfset session.a_up
    [1]="#RPMSClassesUp.UniqueClassID#" />
    <cfset session.a_up[2]="#RPMSClassesUp.Title#" />
    <cfset session.a_up
    [3]="#RPMSClassesUp.ClassDescription#" />
    I could loop through the results, but I'd like to only display
    20 records per page like you can do
    <CFOUTPUT query="RPMSClassesUp" STARTROW="#url.RowStart#"

    "torque-speed" is the DAQ loop. Collected data are passed by a shared variable with a RT FIFO to "". The FIFO setting is uploaded in previous post. The DAQ uses 1kHz loop.
    I think the RT FIFO settings are quite important to this problem. If I set it to 1 Point per Waveform instead of 100, the problem is gone. 
    Please disregard the error when loading it.
    Attachments: ‏23 KB
    torque-speed ‏44 KB

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