NI EVS-1463RT loging analog input

Im trying to log a signal on audio input NI EVS-1463 RT (LabVIEW RT App). I thought that the audio input behaves like ''analog input'' for example DAQmx Device.
Is there any driver to control the acquisition on audio input NI EVS-1463RT? I need only to log sound signal and save it for the next processing.
Thanks for answers
Go to Solution.

Sorry, in LVRT there is definitely no way to use those audio jacks. I think they work on the Windows version though.

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    I don't have a Platinum Pro or the dri've, but a general hardware troubleshooting step I would take would be to remove the soundcard and either move it to another slot or re-seat it. Also, I'd disconnnect and reconnect all cables to and from the card and the dri've. If I had another machine I could try the card or dri've in, I'd do that. If I could borrow another dri've or even another card, I'd test those too. (Swapping parts is often the simplest diagnostic.) Yeah, maybe it's not a hardware problem, but I'd take these steps just to rule out some possibilities.
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    I surf therefore I am....
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    The DAQ boards only have 1 timing clock for the analog inputs/outputs.  So you can only have 1 sample rate on a given card.  I would recommend just sampling at the highest of the desired rates in a single task.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    you can configure and enablethe Gearing mode in MAX and it should be activated after saving the settings and initializing the board. In 1D-Interactive you can't use Gearing. For better flexibility I recommend not using MAX for configuring and enbling Gearing. You better should do this in your application.
    In fact there is a perfect LabVIEW-example that ships with the NI-Motion driver (Master Analog Input - Slave Axis
    I hope this helps,
    Jochen Klier
    National Instruments
    Message Edited by Jochen on 10-02-2007 08:37 AM
    gearing.jpg ‏162 KB

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    The 9201 C Series module needs to be created under the FPGA Target
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    Hi Jud,
    Both threads are correct.  The cDAQ-9172 has a single analog input timing engine, so both of your analog input modules will need to be in a single task.  The other VI you referenced shows one analog input task (with channels added from two modules) as well as an analog output task.  Analog output has a separate timing engine from analog input, so both of those can run in parallel independent tasks.
    The beginning of this thread is a good example; a single DAQmx Create Task followed by a DAQmx Create Virtual Channel for channels from each module.  Also, Getting Started with NI-DAQmx will give you the fundamentals for data acquisition, though I don't know how many of their examples use CompactDAQ.

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    LabVIEW version 13.0
    cDAQ-9178 Chassis with NI 9401 for the two counter inputs and NI 9205 for the analog inputs.
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    Maybe third times the charm? 
    So I've finally got a good handle on why the VI is having problems at low RPM though I'm somewhat embarassed how long it took me to do that
    Because I have the counter time synced to my Analog input task if it doesn't see at least two pulses between the two clock pulses set by the analog input task I get the -201314 "Multiple sample clock pulses" error. This seems fine at first as it just sets a minimum RPM that I can measure and it's well below the area I'm interested in so no problems there.  I tried a simple error handler that would clear the error when it happend assuming the loop would keep iterating until the RPM went above that minimum at which point I would get a signal again. This is not the case, the read function just continues to spit out the -201314 error even after the RPM is back in the readable range. So then I tried adding two case structures so that when the error occured it would stop the task, clear the error, and then start the task again on the next loop iteration (Code Attached). This also doesn't work as the error shows up again on the stop task and then AGAIN on the start task on the next loop iteration. It seems this error is not actually being cleared and once it happens it stays with the task regardless of what the error cluster is carrying. 
    Anyone have any ideas?  The only solution I can think of is to just clear all tasks and recreate them each loop iteration until the RPM is readable again but that strikes me as a horribly clunky solution.
    SimpleDAQ_1_Start ‏48 KB

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    Please help me clarify this issue, I?ve been trying to find an answer through different forums for hours! Thanks

    Issue solved... line in /Mic is now working. Audigy 4 pro analog input is supported using latest windows 7 drivers.

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    Thanks in Advance.
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  • How to get signal from analog input and send it to analog output (real-time​)

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    I am doing simple task in Visual C++ and I am using PCI-6221(37 pin).
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    Can someone please provide me sample program. 
    I would appreciate if you could provide me with the good tutorial which explains
    step by step everything about programing NI-DAQmx for C/C++.
    Best Regards,
    Go to Solution.

    This is my code in C++, you can optimize it if it looks too messy. This code reads signal from analog input and outputs it through analog output. 
    To make this code work additional  include directories and library directories must be added from NI.
    I hope it helps someone.
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <conio.h>
    #include "NIDAQmx.h"
    #include <math.h>
    #define DAQmxErrChk(functionCall) { if( DAQmxFailed(error=(functionCall)) ) { goto Error; } }
    int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int32 error=0;
    TaskHandle taskHandleRead=0,taskHandleWrite=0;
    int32 read=0;
    float64 dataRead[1000];
    char errBuffRead[2048]={'\0'};
    char errBuffWrite[2048]={'\0'};
    bool32 done=0;
    int32 written;
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",&taskHandleRead));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateAIVoltageChan(taskHandleRead,"Dev1/ai0​","",DAQmx_Val_Cfg_Default,-10.0,10.0,DAQmx_Val_Vo​lts,NULL));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(taskHandleRead,"",100.0,DAQ​mx_Val_Rising,DAQmx_Val_ContSamps,0));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateTask("",&taskHandleWrite));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateAOVoltageChan(taskHandleWrite,"Dev1/ao​0","",-10.0,10.0,DAQmx_Val_Volts,NULL));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCfgSampClkTiming(taskHandleWrite,"ai/SampleC​lock",100.0,DAQmx_Val_Rising,DAQmx_Val_ContSamps,1​000));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask(taskHandleRead));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxStartTask(taskHandleWrite));
    while( !done && !_kbhit() )
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxReadAnalogF64(taskHandleRead,1,10,DAQmx_Val_​GroupByScanNumber,dataRead,1000,&read,NULL));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxWriteAnalogF64(taskHandleWrite,read,0,10.0,D​AQmx_Val_GroupByChannel,dataRead,&written,NULL));
    if( DAQmxFailed(error) )
    if( taskHandleRead!=0 )
    if( taskHandleWrite!=0 )
    if( DAQmxFailed(error) ){
    printf("DAQmx Error: %s\n",errBuffRead);
    printf("DAQmx Error: %s\n",errBuffWrite);
    printf("End of program, press Enter key to quit\n");
    return 0;

  • Analog Input and Output in One Single VI

    I need help in setting both analog input and output in one single VI. How do I assign channels to be either input or output? How do I simultaneously uses both in one single VI with a while loop structure?? Which AO am I suppose to use to obtain signal from the function generator I have built to feed into the DAQCard-1200?? Help!!
    Attachments: ‏48 KB

    One thing you'll need to be aware of is that you will need to DMA lines: one for AI and one for AO. If you don't, then you can configure the DAQCard to do without DMA using the Config VI. But you certainly can do this.
    As far as your function generator, you will want to do a buffered analog output. You will write your buffer of points to the buffer, and then tell NI-DAQ how fast to update your analog output channel with these values.
    So, you can be reading from AI and checking the AO process in the same while loop. Just make sure you handle the while loop execution (the wait it exits) correctly. This can get tricky when you're doing two types of measurements.
    J.R. Allen

  • How to synchronize analog input and output from two different USB daq boards

    Hi all,
    I have two very differnt USB boards the NI USB 6008, which I am using to acquire the data (Analog Input) and a NI USB 9263, it is an Analog Output only board that I am using to deliver a signal (in this case a square pulse). The reason why I am not using the 6008 Analog Ouputs is because I need to deliver negative voltages and need the full +/-10V range.
    Looking at similar posts I am pretty sure that I can't use an external trigger or a shared clock, I also tried to use the synchronization of timed structures but no cigar.
    I am including a quick vi that I whipped out showing how the signal jitters due to the lack of synchronization. The AO from the 9263 connects to the AI in the 6008 in this example.
    Go to Solution.
    Test ‏117 KB

    I talked to a specialist in the phone and tols me that it is not possible.

  • How to save the files to a USB memory plugged into the EVS-1463RT

    I am trying to collect images with EVS-1463RT by running a vi. The EVS has LV Real Time v13.0.1 installed. The vi runs well and save images to a folder ('C:\Images\') in the development PC. But, when I deploy the vi to EVS-1463RT, the vi cannot find the directory and nothing is saved in the folder. I am considering to save the files to a USB drive connected to a port on the EVS. Would it be possible to save the image files to a USB memory plugged into the EVS-1463RT? If so, what would be the file path to the USB connector?

    Thanks for the information.
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  • How to use Digital output to turn on sensor for Analog Input?

    I am trying to use a digital output to turn on an array of sensors that I then wish to read on 16 analog input lines. I have a 6024E DAQ card. I am planning to take data at 10-20 hz, so not terribly fast, but I will be acquiring for long periods of time (days) so I will be streaming data to disk.
    I have a fair bit of experience in Labview basics, but can quickly get out of my depth when I try something new (like this). I have V6.01.
    It looks as though the best way might be to do the DO and then a single AI as individual events, then write to disk and continue through the loop. I am puzzled, however, how to keep this cycle on schedule given that I don't know how long it will take to sample 16 channels
    , write the data to disk and get back to the starting point... perhaps this is so fast that I don't need to worry about it? The actual timing of the samples (be it 10 or 20 hz) isn't too critical, as long as I can record at what time they were taken... it would be frustrating to find that I was several seconds off after days of data.

    Thank you for contacting National Instruments.
    If you are worried about the time of your acquisition being off, then you should associate each voltage measurement with a timestamp. This will allow you to know the exact time at which the sample was taken and you will never be off. You can use the Get Date/Time in in our while loop with your AI code so that you can read a sample and read the time. You can than log the voltage value and the timestamp to your file.
    Bill B
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Application exe not displaying analog input measurements

    i am using the compactDAQ cDAQ 9172, after building the exe all the other digital and analog output ports are working properly whereas the analog input section is displaying the value as Zero, if i read read this channel from the max, it reads the values without any  errors.what might be the issues.

    Hi Kodeeswar:
    I have a couple suggestions first try to create your analog input application with no digital or analog output task just "analog input" and then build the executable and try it again; second if it is possible for you please try updating to the new drivers of (NI DAQmx), and third reinstalling the last version of the “labview run time engine”. Also the 9172 is the chassis so which module are you using to handle the Analog Input application? To synchronize multiple modules or chassis if this is your case these links might be able to help you so please take a look at:  NI CompactDAQ Module Synchronization,  Synchronized Continuous Analog Input Across. I hope I was able to help you.
    Jaime Hoffiz
    National Instruments
    Product Expert
    Digital Multimeters and LCR Meters

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