No appworld on my playbook

Hi All, after a hard reset of my PlayBook - the playbook didn't react on anything only on the setting button - I only have the browser as on application on the PlayBook. The Appworld etc is gone and the BB Bridge (re installed) doens't react on new emails. I tried to install the appworld but every link posted on the website of BB doesn't support the playbook. So how do I get the app world back on my playbook..... Thanks, Eduard

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    Hello dilak85, 
    Welcome to the forums. 
    I think the best option in this case is to contact​ support directly by following the link below. 
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    Thanks in Advance.
    Go to Solution.

    I believe if the playbook appworld app wasn't up to date, you would receive an update notice from app world to upgrade. As the app changes you will get notifications on the top left corner of the playbook. So, I think you can assume you have the current version.
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    Sweet Apps for the Fans

    Let's see how long it takes to put things right!
    We are currently having issues with the search function on the PlayBook App World client.  We are aware of this issue and are working quickly to resolve it.  Sorry for the inconvenience.
    -App World Team

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    You have probably tried to reboot the PB so I won't mention it You may have to contact customer support and hope for some help from them. Are the PB apps listed in the unavailable section of My World on your 9700?
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    Did you read any other posts about this. Servers might be down.
    Be a Shepard and not an iSheep.

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    Thanks in advance.

    You must have a Wifi connection to use AppWorld on the PlayBook.
    Article ID: KB26774 Requirements to use BlackBerry App World on BlackBerry PlayBook tablet
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    If you have access to paypal, you can use that
    there are also other ways; don;t know if you have already tried:​ayment-options/

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    You can't "move" those apps to your Playbook, BUT you can install most of those same apps on your Playbook.
    Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Messenger, all have Playbook specific apps. Check AppWorld from your Playbook.
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    Mobile Application Development | Blackberry Application Development

    Angry Birds if available in the BlackBerry AppWorld for the PlayBook.
    Similar games for the handheld BlackBerry smartphone would be Angry Farm.
    Try searching AppWorld.
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  • How does App World search work?

    I've realized that the only way to appear in search results is with app name words.
    It does not matter what your description or short description is, only words in app name are taken in account.
    This means you can not name your app with only a "name" as it will not be shown by any search terms.
    Am i true?
    This is awfull! I have apps that should be found by some keywords and I can not put all of them in the name.
    It would very usefull to have a keywords field on app settings.
    My apps for Playbook: PlayEpub Book Reader with epub and FB2 support, Google Reader, ReaditLater - Net Files Share Explorer Get access to your network shared files- FFSync Sync your Firefox bookmarks and passwords
    Go to Solution.

    Your findings are correct, the search currently works only on the title of the app.
    I was talking to one of the AppWorld reps at BlackBerry 10 Jam about this and similar AppWorld issues.
    e.g. I was looking to download "MorphWiz-Play" but I only recalled the app name included the word "Play" so I searched on that... several hundred un-related apps came back because many apps labeled themselves as "Something for BlackBerry PlayBook".
    Since BlackBerry 10 will run many of the apps currently in AppWorld for the PlayBook... the additional "suffix" of " for BlackBerry PlayBook" is going to become both misleading and innaccurate.  The rep indicated that there were several changes coming to address this... as well as the search in general.
    Reading between the lines, I gathered that the current search on the title only was due to many developers using "keyword stuffing" in their app descriptions, which again makes the search results useless.
    As for what the "next" search strategy is exactly... I don't know... but I'd like it to be something like:
    Strip off the suffix on all apps that are "Something for BlackBerry PlayBook"
    Change the search to run against both the app title and the description
    Weigh the results such that matches in the title are higher than those matches in the description
    As it is currently... matches for apps with both "keyword A" AND "keyword B" weigh more than results that match on "keyword A" OR "keyword B"... it is important that this is not lost when enabling search on descriptions
    At the same time, it would be nice to try and handle the keyword stuffing issue as well... I'm not sure if this should be done when approving app descriptions (e.g. strip out obvious stuffing) or as part of the AppWorld query... where descriptions stuffed with keywords rank lower... e.g. stop abuse/gaming of the system.
    PlayBook Apps: DataMine, Dots + Boxes, 5 Marbles
    BlackBerry SmartPhone Apps: 5 Marbles Soon: **** (D.Z.A), ****Quest, **** Challenge, VaultCracker, DevBrowser, Radial****

  • Playbook - Appworld Fails to Open after 'Upgrade Required'

    I've un-installed, and re-installed the Playbook OS from desktop manager, as well as wiping it from the security settings and re-updating the playbook. 2 times each way.
    Everything goes AOK, until I opend appworld. A prompt appears stating that  an upgrade is required. When I upgrade it closed Appworld, and when I re-open it, it's stuck on a colorful 'loading' screen and won't load.
    If I deleted my wifi connection and re-add it, I can then select updates, it finds a 3MB update, which I run and then I'm right back to square 1. Open appworld, and it prompts for an upgrade.
    Has anyone else run into this?
    BES 5.0.4
    BES 10.2
    Exchange 2010

    Try tweeting to @blackberryhelp and include link to this post. Whilst BB are seeking a buyer/messiah and they sold very few LTE playbooks, even then mostly on a plan, I doubt they will fix this.
    This is where I got my information.

  • Unable to connect Playbook to Appworld

    I was previously able to connect to Appworld, but tonight, after entering my login ID on the Appworld site, I get a pop-up to enter my Playbook device password. However, I have tried entering it at least 6 times, disconnected and reconnected it, but each time, I get the following message:
    "Unable To Connect Your Device
    You have not entered the correct BlackBerry device password. Try entering your password on your device. You cannot access BlackBerry App World on your computer until you have correctly entered your device password."
    I've googled it and seen others with the same problem, but no definite solution has been offerred.
    SOS please. Thanks in advance.

    Sorry perhaps did'nt make myself clear - I don' want to connect both phone and PlayBook to my PC at the same time - just one device OR the other at a time :-) Also, to make it clear, I am not connecting to App World via both the device and the PC - I have the device WiFi turned OFF.
    Why do I want to connect to App World via my PC?  Because it's a darn side easier to edit my account from a desktop - I want to change payment details, for example, and update my catalogue for the specific device while I browse App World on the PC.  I am unable to to either of these because of the error message that I have not entered the correct device password (even though I have!).  I have no problem logging on to App World and browsing unfiltered apps but I cannot browse the catalogue for my device.  My devices are recognised (i.e. correct PIN number displayed) but the device password is not.  
    If I can't browse App World on my PC then why bother to have a PC web page that I can log in to with BlackBerry ID?  Just a little frustrating ...

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