No Dark UI in Dreamweaver CC 2014?

How has the outdated gui not been updated yet?  Everyone one of your programs has the ability to set the darkness of the gui, but the request for Dreamweaver goes unanswered.
This has been requested in multiple tickets.
No dark UI in Dreamweaver CC?
Dreamweaver UI
No dark UI in Dreamweaver CC?

Hi wscott84,
You can change your code view appearance by changing preferences -> code coloring
Below is the link for the same. .html
Hope this helps.
DW dark UI request is noted and will surely keep you posted on that.

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  • Change color of ColdFusion comments in Dreamweaver CC 2014

    Hi All,
    I've recently discovered Sublime Text 2, and really like their code coloring theme.  90% of my work still needs to be done in Dreamweaver.  I was able to find a Colors.xml file I could use, that got it very close to looking like sublime text.  The only real problem are ColdFusion comments.
    I changed this line in the XML C:\Users\{me}\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014\en_US\Configuration\
    <syntaxColor id="CodeColor_CFCommentText" text="#585835" bgcolor="#434343" /> from the original ffff99 bright yellow background, but after restarting Dreamweaver, the ColdFusion comments are still lite color text on this bright yellow background.  Horrible.
    It seems Dreamweaver CC 2014 removed a lot of ColdFusion options, sad.  Many of us still use it for Front-End work, while ColdFusion Builder works better for back-end.
    I really hope there is a way to get a dark color theme into Dreamweaver for ColdFusion.
    Any suggestions?

    What Adobe has done is blindly pull the rug right out from under our feet. Dreamweaver has been the one and only application I and thousands of others have used to code, design and FTP websites for years. Some of us have been using Dreamweaver as far back as when Allaire built it specifically to help ColdFusion developers. Dreamweaver offered ColdFusion tag support, a design view when needed, and an efficient way to FTP files.
    It seems what Adobe is telling us now is that Dreamweaver is some how not the right application for developing ColdFusion websites, but oddly enough the correct one for PHP developers. The only reason I can see that Adobe stripped the support for ColdFusion within Dreamweaver is to sell us CF Builder... which is suspiciously missing from any Creative Cloud subscription. Otherwise there was no real reason to pull support from ColdFusion within Dreamweaver. It is simple greed.  
    The reality for a lot of developers is that we can barely pay the Creative Cloud subscription fees every month, much less purchase a whole new program just because Adobe has forced our hand. Adobe needs to reestablish ColdFusion support in Dreamweaver or, based on what I have read in many forums, they will be losing a lot of customers. There are a lot of CF developers looking for an alternative to all of Adobe's products because of this "slap in the face" and I am sure there are companies out their already looking at this enormous opportunity.
    I, for one, am looking at other programs to replace everything I use from Adobe because I feel betrayed. Adobe may think they own the market but I am afraid they are going to learn the hard way. If you try to force the growth of the bottom line at the expense of ignoring your customers, you will fail. If you put your customers needs first, the bottom line will follow. Has history taught you nothing?

  • Dreamweaver CC 2014 won't launch

    Just switched to a new Mac Pro. Per Adobe's instructions, I downloaded and installed Creative Cloud. Then from Creative Cloud I selected the Adobe apps to install. Several of the apps run just fine--no issues. However, no matter what I try, I can't get Dreamweaver CC 2014 to launch. The icon in the dock bounces a couple of times and that's it. No splash screen, no crash dialog. I checked CONSOLE and it has nothing showing for "Dreamweaver" or "Adobe" in the message. The ~Library/Logs/CrashReporter has no crash logs (user and root). I've repaired permissions (even though that has no impact on Adobe apps) and rebooted, but nothing works. I've also uninstalled and then re-downloaded and installed Dreamweaver CC 2014, but that didn't help.
    What do I try now?
    MacOS 10.9.4
    Mac Pro 3.5 GHz 6-Core, 32 GB 1867 MHz DDR3

    Hi All
    I am hoping it is not rude to add my bit here but I am having exactly the same problem. I unistalled Dreamweaver and installed the I click on the icon it bounces twice and does not launch.
    I have seen that the extension manager was used to resolve this issue by Montylee.....please can you tell me step by step how you did it as I have adobe extension now and keen to resolve this issue.
    Also how do I unistall all traces of earlier versions I have that may be causing clashes?
    Many thanks in advance.....
    Getting desperate.... I am a relative novice so please treat me gently.....HA HA
    John M

  • Is it possible to create an extension containing a panel for Dreamweaver CC 2014?

    Dear Adobe Community,
    Currently we work in Dreamweaver CS6 with some custom extensions. Since we're now looking into upgrading to CC 2014, obviously, we need to make sure we can either re-use, port or create new extensions to maintain the functionality we have now.
    In short: I haven't been able to create an extension for CC 2014 featuring a panel in any shape or form.
    Creating a HTML5 based (CES 5) extension results in an error only visible in the log (attached).
    Fiddling around in a flash based extension, upping the host application version gives no such error. But, like a HTML 5 based one, doesn't show up in Dreamweaver. (And I'm using the Sublime plugin, since Extension Builder 3 lacks DW support.)
    Mind you, the "extensions" tab in the "Window" menu is lacking entirely.
    Can anyone tell me if it is at all possible to create an extension for DW CC 2014?
    Full log:
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  PlugPlug version :
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  LogLevel : 6
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Copy RGB Background Color Information for AppBar
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Fallback: Copy RGB Background Color Information for AppBar for sRGB usage
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Copy RGB Background Color Information for Panel
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Fallback: Copy RGB Background Color Information for Panel for sRGB usage
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Windows 32-bit PlugPlug logs
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ----------------------------
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  PlugPlugSetup() API called:
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->appName : DRWV
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->appVersion : 14.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->locale : en_US
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->userInterfaceLocale : en_US
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->supportedTypes : 31
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->apeVersion : unknown
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->overrideManifestLocation : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  isApplicationOffline : false
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->hostCEPHtmlEngineDirectory : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->hostExtensionDirectory :C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014\en_US\Configuration\CEP\Extensions\
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->hostStageManagerDirectory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  hostData->imsLibPath: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\OOBE\PDApp\P7\IMSLib.dll
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  skinInfo->baseFontSize : 10
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  skinInfo->baseFontFamily : MS Shell Dlg 2
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  skinInfo->appBarBackgroundColor->antialiasLevel : PlugPlugAntialiasLevel_None
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  skinInfo->appBarBackgroundColor->type : PlugPlugColorType_RGB
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ExtensionRegistry started
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Found ExtensionManifest in cache: C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\csxs\manifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Found ExtensionManifest in cache: C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo\csxs\manifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Searching for valid extensions in 'C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014\en_US\Configuration\CEP\Extensions\'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Searching for valid extensions in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Searching for valid extensions in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Searching for valid extensions in 'C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Searching for valid extensions in 'C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG ExtensionManifest in cache is still the same (C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\csxs\manifest.xml).
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG ExtensionManifest in cache is still the same (C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo\csxs\manifest.xml).
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ExtensionManifest 'C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\csxs\manifest.xml' contains '1' valid extensions for this host
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Found extension with id 'com.example.ext'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> BasePath                    : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ExtensionBundleId           : com.example.ext
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ExtensionBundleVersion      : 1.0.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ID                          : com.example.ext
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Version                     : 1.0.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MainPath                    : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\index.html
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ScriptPath                  : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\jsx\hostscript.jsx
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ScriptEngineId              : com.example.ext_Engine_Id
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> AutoVisible                 : true
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> StartOn -> Event            : 0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Type                        : Panel
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Menu                        : Extension-Name
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MenuPlacement               : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Size
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> Height                   : 300
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> Width                    : 300
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MaxSize
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MinSize
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> IconPath
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> Normal       : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconNormal.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> Disbaled     : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconDisabled.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> RollOver     : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconRollover.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> DarkNormal   : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconDarkNormal.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> DarkRollOver : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconDarkRollover.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> DefaultExtensionData        : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> SpecialExtensionData        : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> RequiredRuntimeList            : 1
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> RequiredRuntime -> Name     : CSXS
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> RequiredRuntime -> Version  : 5.0.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ExtensionManifest 'C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo\csxs\manifest.xml' contains '1' valid extensions for this host
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Found extension with id 'com.OLO.Nemo.extension'
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> BasePath                    : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ExtensionBundleId           : com.OLO.Nemo
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ExtensionBundleVersion      : 0.5.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ID                          : com.OLO.Nemo.extension
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Version                     : 0.5.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MainPath                    : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo\Nemo.swf
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ScriptPath                  : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo\Nemo.jsx
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> ScriptEngineId              : com.OLO.Nemo.extension_Engine_Id
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> AutoVisible                 : true
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> StartOn -> Event            : 0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Type                        : Panel
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Menu                        : Nemo
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MenuPlacement               : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> Size
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> Height                   : 400
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> Width                    : 232
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MaxSize
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> MinSize
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> IconPath
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> Normal       : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> Disbaled     : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> RollOver     : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> DarkNormal   : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> IconPath -> DarkRollOver : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> DefaultExtensionData        : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> SpecialExtensionData        : (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG -> RequiredRuntimeList            : 1
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> RequiredRuntime -> Name     : CSXS
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG    -> RequiredRuntime -> Version  : 5.0.0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO 
    ********** Number of extensions found : 2 **********
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Register Extension called for Extension : com.OLO.Nemo.extension, ExtensionType : Trusted
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ----------------------------------------------------------------
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension inPlayerType : 1
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension mainUTF8Path : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.OLO.Nemo\Nemo.swf
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension iconPathNormal :
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension iconPathRollOver:
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension iconPathDisable:
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension windowType: Panel
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension showWindowOnCreate: true
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry topleftx: 0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry toplefty: 0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry width: 232
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry height: 400
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  PlugPlugRegisterExtension() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<    FLASH BASED plugin
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  Register Extension called for Extension : com.example.ext, ExtensionType : Trusted
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ----------------------------------------------------------------
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension inPlayerType : 2
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension mainUTF8Path : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\index.html
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension iconPathNormal : C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconNormal.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension iconPathRollOver: C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconRollover.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension iconPathDisable: C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\extensions\com.example.ext\icons\iconDisabled.png
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension windowType: Panel
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension showWindowOnCreate: true
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry topleftx: 0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry toplefty: 0
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry width: 300
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG Extension defaultGeometry height: 300
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  PlugPlugRegisterExtension() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_registerExtCallbackNotFound
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : WARN  Service: com.example.ext not registered properly. //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<   HTML5 BASED plugin
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  PlugPlugSetMenu() callback called for main menu. Extension : , inMenuPosition:
    (null), Menu: [{menuId: '1',nameUtf8: 'Nemo',extensionId: 'com.OLO.Nemo.extension'}]
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  PlugPlugSetMenu() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : INFO  ExtensionLoadService activated
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG PlugPlugAMTRequest() callback called. Request: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><PlugPlugEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="./AmtlibPlugPlug.xsd"><request id="1" functionName="getProductLicenseInfo"><arguments/></request></PlugPlugEnvelope>
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG PlugPlugAMTRequest() return value: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
    2014-09-01 16:11:24 : DEBUG PlugPlugAMTRequest() XML returned chunk: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <PlugPlugEnvelope xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="./AmtlibPlugPlug.xsd">
        <response id="1" functionName="getProductLicenseInfo">
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : INFO  PlugPlugUnloadExtension called for extension : com.OLO.Nemo.extension
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG AllocatePlayer() callback called. playerOptions: 0B4CFB01
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG AllocatePlayer() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Connected PlugPlug DOM to APE player
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Looking for available StageManagers
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Looking for available StageManagerBundles in StageManagerManifest at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\StageManager\StageManagerManifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG No StageManagerManifest found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\StageManager\StageManagerManifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Looking for available StageManagerBundles in StageManagerManifest at C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\StageManager\StageManagerManifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG No StageManagerManifest found at C:\Users\BC-OLO\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CEP\StageManager\StageManagerManifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Looking for available StageManagerBundles in StageManagerManifest at C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\StageManagerManifest.xml
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Found 1 possible StageManagers in StageManagerManifest
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Added StageManagerBundle StageManagerBundle with Version (, ReleasePath (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Release\StageManager-5.0.swf), DebugPath (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Debug\StageManager-5.0.swf)
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Determining the most recent StageManagerBundle
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Now checking StageManagerBundle with Version (, ReleasePath (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Release\StageManager-5.0.swf), DebugPath (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Debug\StageManager-5.0.swf) against (null)
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG Will use StageManagerBundle with Version (, ReleasePath (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Release\StageManager-5.0.swf), DebugPath (C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Debug\StageManager-5.0.swf) as the most current StageManagerBundle
    2014-09-01 16:11:31 : DEBUG StageManager SWF will be loaded from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014\Configuration\CEP\StageManager\Debug'
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : DEBUG Add StageManager event listener
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : INFO  StageManagerController: Created StageManager <STAGE_MANAGER_0> for Extension <com.OLO.Nemo.extension>
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : INFO  Return value of PlugPlugUnloadExtension call : PlugPlugErrorCode_unknown
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : INFO  PlugPlugTerminate called
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : INFO  StageManager: Disposing StageManager <STAGE_MANAGER_0>
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : DEBUG Remove StageManager event listener
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : DEBUG Disconnected PlugPlug DOM from APE player
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : DEBUG DisposePlayer() callback called. apePlayerRef: 06C4CE78
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : DEBUG DisposePlayer() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success
    2014-09-01 16:11:32 : INFO  Return value for PlugPlugTerminate: PlugPlugErrorCode_success

    Assuming we have a CSXS Flash based extension which works with DW CC 2014, steps to be followed for the extension to show up in DW CC 2014:
    1.  The extension should be placed at /Users/labuser/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CC 2014/en_US/Configuration/CEP/Extensions . [WIN: C:\Users\labuser\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014.1\en_US\Configuration\CEP\Extensions] . The installation of the zxp should have placed the extension in the above path.
    2.   Add a custom menu item like <menuitem mmstring:name="menus/DWMenu_Window_BusinessCatalyst" key="Cmd+Shift+B" enabled="true" command="dw.toggleCSXSExtension("com.adobe.bccsdialog");" checked="dw.getFloaterVisibility('BCModulePanel');" id="DWMenu_Window_BC_Modules" /> where the argument in the call dw.toggleCSXSExtension is the Extension Id as seen in the manifest.xml at the line <Extension Id="com.adobe.bccsdialog">.
    Note: All these will work provided the extension is successfully registered with DW.
    To know if an extension is registered with DW, do the following:
    1. On MAC, there is a CSXS preference plist file Users/labuser/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.5.plist which has an entry named LogLevel. Set the value to 5 for detailed log. [On windows –Registry - Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\CSXS.5]
    2. Quit and Launch DW
    3. Open Console application and under ~/Library/Logs/CSXS/, there will be a log file created with name csxs5-DRWV.log [WIN: log file is in C:\Users\labuser\AppData\Local\Temp]
    4. In the log, search for "Register Extension called for Extension : com.adobe.bccsdialog, ExtensionType : Trusted" and under that, you should see "PlugPlugRegisterExtension() callback returned: PlugPlugErrorCode_success" which mean this extension is successfully registered with DW.
    5. When you try loading the extension from the menu you have added, you should see an entry like "INFO  PlugPlugLoadExtension called for extension : com.adobe.bccsdialog" followed in the next few lines by " INFO  Return value of PlugPlugLoadExtension call : PlugPlugErrorCode_success" and you should see the extension loaded in DW.
    If any of these steps fail with any value other than "PlugPlugErrorCode_success", the extension will not load in DW.
    The solution provided here is a temporary one and we are bringing back the functionality we have removed in DW CC 2014 in the next release.

  • Is it possible to have two testing servers in Dreamweaver CC 2014?

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    Thanks in advance

    Sure. I really wanted two remote servers. We have a live and "backup live" server operational inside and outside of China. We do need to switch between them relatively frequently e.g. this week, external access to Hong Kong servers has been severely restricted, so we switch to a godaddy-hosted solution. But we also want a live testing server / development environment where we can build. Completed solutions get deployed to both live servers.
    I can work around it, but am just being lazy really. And Dreamweaver seems to make lots of other things quicker, so I thought I'd ask

  • Windows 7 64 bit Dreamweaver CC 2014 & Lightroom 5: Trying to insert a lightroom web gallery into a template in Dreamweaver

    I am using a template for my website in Dreamweaver CC 2014. I installed a lightroom 5 web gallery into the template. I have an editable region where my main content goes that is where I inserted the web gallery. The main content css height is set at Auto. The web gallery shows up but only the very top half of the gallery. The whole web gallery wont push down the main content section so you can see the whole gallery. If I set the main content at height 700px then the whole gallery shows up, but because this is a template it screws up all my other pages because of the height setting. I need that to be variable. What am I doing wrong?

    Most likely that main content area also contains a floated element and you are not clearing the float before closing the main content container. Floated elements are removed from the normal flow. Being removed from the normal flow means that a container for that floated element does not regard the floated element as being in it, and will collapse around its non-floated content. To prevent this from happening you should clear the float before closing the container, e.g.,
    <img src="very-tall-image.jpg" style="float:left">
    <p>some content</p>
    This div will only be as tall as the paragraph tag requires, thus truncating the image.
    But here -
    <img src="very-tall-image.jpg" style="float:left">
    <p>some content</p>
    <div style="clear:left;"></div>
    This div will show the whole image.

  • Dreamweaver update 2014.1.1 is now live

    The Dreamweaver team is happy to announce “Dreamweaver CC 2014.1.1” Win Build #6981 & Mac Build #6982 build.
    Please refer to the What’s New for detailed information here
    For the list of known issues with this release, see Known issues | Update to Dreamweaver CC 2014 release
    For the list of bug fixes, see Bugs fixed in the February 2015 release
    While we do not foresee any issue with updating your application, it is always best to complete your immediate tasks before you update your software. I am locking this discussion so that we can discuss topics related to this release under more relevant headings.
    Note: On the Creative Cloud application, the version appears as 2014.1. Use the Update button next to it.
    If you do not see an update in Creative Cloud application, quit the application. Click the wheel icon on top and select Quit.  Relaunch the application and the update should be listed now. To make sure that you have installed the latest update, open Dreamweaver after the update is complete (took me around 5 minutes over a high speed connection today), and select Help > About. You should see this screen. Ensure that the version is listed as 2014.1.1. The build number for Windows is 6981 and for Mac OS is 6982.
    Tip: You can launch Dreamweaver directly from the Creative Cloud application by clicking the name of the software.
    When you open the latest Dreamweaver update, the latest (and its most exciting feature) becomes immediately apparent. Using data from many sources, the team responsible for content and learning have put together a set of tutorials that will help new  users get started with web design, and of course, Dreamweaver. I am very excited especially because we now have one repository that is available immediately within Dreamweaver.
    Key feature set for this patch release: 
    New Welcome screen
    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, or evaluating the new version of Dreamweaver, you can now get all the essential learning resources right on the Welcome Screen.
    CSS Designer enhancements
    This update includes a few changes to the CSS Designer user interface and a change in the default setting of the Show Set check box.
    Enhancements to Extract panel
    Live Guides and Element Quick View icon now appears in Live View when you drag images from the Extract panel. These visual aids help you place the image quickly and precisely in the required position.
    Remote debugging of Live View
    You can now remotely debug your Dreamweaver documents open in Live View using Google Chrome DevTools.
    Change in the view mode of dynamic documents
    Dynamic documents such as PHP, CFM, and ASP no longer open in Code View by default. They open in the same mode (Code/Live/Split) as the last closed document or the last document that was in focus.
    Enhancements to Live View editing : Drag and drop elements, Marquee selection, Element Display enhancements, New Code View themes.

    The Dreamweaver team is happy to announce “Dreamweaver CC 2014.1.1” Win Build #6981 & Mac Build #6982 build.
    Please refer to the What’s New for detailed information here
    For the list of known issues with this release, see Known issues | Update to Dreamweaver CC 2014 release
    For the list of bug fixes, see Bugs fixed in the February 2015 release
    While we do not foresee any issue with updating your application, it is always best to complete your immediate tasks before you update your software. I am locking this discussion so that we can discuss topics related to this release under more relevant headings.
    Note: On the Creative Cloud application, the version appears as 2014.1. Use the Update button next to it.
    If you do not see an update in Creative Cloud application, quit the application. Click the wheel icon on top and select Quit.  Relaunch the application and the update should be listed now. To make sure that you have installed the latest update, open Dreamweaver after the update is complete (took me around 5 minutes over a high speed connection today), and select Help > About. You should see this screen. Ensure that the version is listed as 2014.1.1. The build number for Windows is 6981 and for Mac OS is 6982.
    Tip: You can launch Dreamweaver directly from the Creative Cloud application by clicking the name of the software.
    When you open the latest Dreamweaver update, the latest (and its most exciting feature) becomes immediately apparent. Using data from many sources, the team responsible for content and learning have put together a set of tutorials that will help new  users get started with web design, and of course, Dreamweaver. I am very excited especially because we now have one repository that is available immediately within Dreamweaver.
    Key feature set for this patch release: 
    New Welcome screen
    Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, or evaluating the new version of Dreamweaver, you can now get all the essential learning resources right on the Welcome Screen.
    CSS Designer enhancements
    This update includes a few changes to the CSS Designer user interface and a change in the default setting of the Show Set check box.
    Enhancements to Extract panel
    Live Guides and Element Quick View icon now appears in Live View when you drag images from the Extract panel. These visual aids help you place the image quickly and precisely in the required position.
    Remote debugging of Live View
    You can now remotely debug your Dreamweaver documents open in Live View using Google Chrome DevTools.
    Change in the view mode of dynamic documents
    Dynamic documents such as PHP, CFM, and ASP no longer open in Code View by default. They open in the same mode (Code/Live/Split) as the last closed document or the last document that was in focus.
    Enhancements to Live View editing : Drag and drop elements, Marquee selection, Element Display enhancements, New Code View themes.

  • Latest version of Dreamweaver CC 2014 keeps freezing or crashing?

    Every time I open up Dreamweaver to edit a website it is either very slow and unresponsive or freezes completely requiring a force quit. I am getting the same problem with any site I try to open the last site I was trying to work on only had 5 pages so i don't think it is due to the size of the website?
    Here is the crash report for the last crash after only 3 seconds of opening DW. and for the last hour not yet had any luck in getting any work completed.
    Date/Time:       2015-04-17 15:22:23 +0100
    OS Version:      10.9.5 (Build 13F1066)
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Report Version:  18
    Command:         Dreamweaver
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014.1/Adobe Dreamweaver CC
    Version: (
    Parent:          launchd [216]
    PID:             550
    Event:           hang
    Duration:        4.85s
    Steps:           49 (100ms sampling interval)
    Hardware model:  MacBookPro10,1
    Active cpus:     8
    Fan speed:       3706 rpm
    Free pages:      1731165 pages (-3799)
    Pageins:         0 pages
    Pageouts:        0 pages
    Swapins:         0 pages
    Swapouts:        0 pages
    Process:         Dreamweaver [550]
    Path:            /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014.1/Adobe Dreamweaver CC
    Architecture:    x86_64
    Parent:          launchd [216]
    UID:             501
    Task size:       137701 pages (+2)
    CPU Time:        4.844s
      Thread 0x7ea9     DispatchQueue 1          priority   49-58   cpu time   4.837s
      49 start + 52 (Dreamweaver) [0x10d1367a4]
        49 main + 238 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e55ba2e]
          49 CRealApp::Run() + 611 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e594543]
            49 exo::app::OS_AppBase::RunEventLoop() + 56 (exo) [0x1121ce288]
              49 -[NSApplication run] + 646 (AppKit) [0x7fff8e4639f9]
                49 -[ExoMacApplication sendEvent:] + 568 (exo) [0x1121ce858]
                  49 -[DVAMacApplication sendEvent:] + 1075 (dvaui) [0x11195c243]
                    49 -[NSApplication sendEvent:] + 2021 (AppKit) [0x7fff8e6135d4]
                      49 ??? (AdobeOwl + 227172) [0x11260f764]
                        49 -[NSWindow sendEvent:] + 781 (AppKit) [0x7fff8e672145]
                          49 -[DVAMacContainerView mouseUp:] + 157 (dvaui) [0x11196411d]
                            49 void dvacore::config::ExecuteTopLevelFunction<void>(boost::function0<void>, bool*) + 160 (dvacore) [0x1111d2390]
                              49 void dvacore::config::ErrorManager::ExecuteFunctionWithTopLevelExceptionHandler<void>(boost::f unction0<void>, bool*) + 99 (dvacore) [0x1111cef73]
                                49 TestErrorManager::ExecuteFunctionWithTopLevelExceptionHandler(boost::function0<int>) + 36 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e595fd4]
                                  49 int dvacore::config::ErrorManager::ExecuteFunction<void>(boost::function0<void>*, void*) + 28 (dvacore) [0x1111ceedc]
                                    49 dvaui::ui::OS_View::UI_HandlePlatformEvent(NSEvent*) + 76 (dvaui) [0x11195770c]
                                      49 dvaui::ui::OS_View::UI_HandleOSEvent(dvaui::ui::OS_Event*) + 22 (dvaui) [0x111955c96]
                                        49 dvaui::ui::OS_View::UI_DispatchEvent(dvaui::ui::OS_Event*) + 120 (dvaui) [0x111955d38]
                                          49 dvaui::ui::OS_View::UI_DispatchPlatformMouseClickEvent(dvaui::ui::OS_Event const&) + 587 (dvaui) [0x111957c6b]
                                            49 dvaui::ui::OS_View::UI_DispatchPlatformMouseEvent(dvaui::ui::MouseEvent const&, bool) + 996 (dvaui) [0x111958274]
                                              49 dvaui::ui::UI_Node::UI_DispatchPointerEvent(dvaui::ui::PointerEvent const&, bool) + 66 (dvaui) [0x1118d6fd2]
                                                49 dvaui::ui::UI_Node::UI_DispatchPointerEventToTarget(dvaui::ui::UI_Node*, dvaui::ui::PointerEvent const&, bool) + 160 (dvaui) [0x1118d7120]
                                                  49 dvaui::ui::UI_Node::UI_DispatchCapturedMouseEvent(dvaui::ui::MouseEvent const&) + 416 (dvaui) [0x1118d7890]
                                                    49 dvaui::controls::ButtonInputCapture::DoMouseEvent(dvaui::ui::MouseEvent const&) + 212 (dvaui) [0x111691664]
                                                      49 dvaui::ui::UI_NodeManager::EndInputCapture(bool) + 117 (dvaui) [0x1118cb885]
                                                        49 dvaui::ui::PointerCapture::InvokeEnd(bool) + 134 (dvaui) [0x1118c0c56]
                                                          49 dvaui::controls::ButtonInputCapture::End() + 115 (dvaui) [0x1116914c3]
                                                            49 dvaui::controls::UI_Button::PerformAction(bool, dvacore::utility::Flags<unsigned char>, bool) + 105 (dvaui) [0x111690c09]
                                                              49 dvaui::controls::UI_RadioButton::SendButtonChangedMessage(dvacore::utility::Flags<unsigne d char>) + 236 (dvaui) [0x111777c7c]
                                                                49 dvaui::controls::UI_Button::SendButtonChangedMessage(dvacore::utility::Flags<unsigned char>) + 458 (dvaui) [0x111691d0a]
                                                                  49 dvaui::controls::UI_ControlView::SendControlMessages(dvacore::utility::SharedFunctions<bo ost::shared_ptr<boost::function<void (dvaui::ui::MessageT<dvaui::ui::UI_Node>*)> > > const&, dvaui::ui::MessageT<dvaui::ui::UI_Node>*) + 71 (dvaui) [0x1116b6477]
                                                                    49 boost::detail::function::void_function_obj_invoker1<dvaui::ui::MessageFunctionAdapter<dva ui::ui::MessageT<dvaui::ui::UI_Node>, dvaui::controls::UI_ControlChangedMessage, boost::function1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_ControlChangedMessage*> >, void, dvaui::ui::MessageT<dvaui::ui::UI_Node>*>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffe r&, dvaui::ui::MessageT<dvaui::ui::UI_Node>*) + 65 (Dreamweaver) [0x10d2457b1]
                                                                      49 CWnd::WinSendMessage(unsigned int, unsigned long long, long long) + 18 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e552942]
                                                                        49 CWnd::WindowProc(unsigned int, unsigned long long, long long) + 48 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e554890]
                                                                          49 CWnd::OnWndMsg(unsigned int, unsigned long long, long long, long long*) + 132 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e554944]
                                                                            49 CFormView::OnCmdMsg(unsigned int, int, void*, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO*) + 9 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e6033d9]
                                                                              49 CCmdTarget::OnCmdMsg(unsigned int, int, void*, AFX_CMDHANDLERINFO*) + 307 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e576aa3]
                                                                                49 AssetPaletteView::OnSiteCatalog() + 68 (Dreamweaver) [0x10d50a644]
                                                                                  49 AssetPaletteView::RefreshCatalogList(int, int) + 117 (Dreamweaver) [0x10d50b205]
                                                                                    49 CAssetListView::RebuildAssetList(int, CAssets*, int) + 666 (Dreamweaver) [0x10d4fb06a]
                                                                                      47 CAssetListView::PopulateEntireTree(CObject*) + 1826 (Dreamweaver) [0x10d4fce12]
                                                                                        47 CSftTree::SetItemFileStatus(int, int) + 120 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e623b68]
                                                                                          47 CSftTreeImpl::RedrawItems(int, int) + 32 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e636820]
                                                                                            41 CSftTreeImpl::LayoutAfterInsertRow(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTr eeRow>, bool) + 109 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e62babd]
                                                                                              36 dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::SortTreeOnly() + 142 (dvaui) [0x1117150ae]
                                                                                                 31 void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::sort<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>((anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 291 (dvaui) [0x111717ed3]
                                                                                                   28 void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::merge<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiCo lumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >&, (anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 161 (dvaui) [0x1117333f1]
                                                                                                     12 CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 276 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627d14]
                                                                                                       10 dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::GetCellSortData(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls ::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 75 (dvaui) [0x111717c8b]
                                                                                                         10 boost::function2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 63 (dvaui) [0x11173446f]
                                                                                                           9  boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker2<boost::_bi::bind_t<std::basic_string<unsig ned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> > >, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 49 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639a71]
                                                                                                             7  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> >::operator()<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&> >(boost::_bi::type<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>&, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&>&, long) + 67 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639ac3]
                                                                                                               7  boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(CSftTreeImpl*, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 74 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639b8a]
                                                                                                                 5  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 87 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e626897]
                                                                                                                   3  M2D_UI_MultiColumnTreeRow::GetColumnText(int) + 62 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e6167fe]
                                                                                                                     3  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                   1  M2D_UI_MultiColumnTreeRow::GetColumnText(int) + 30 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e6167de]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                   1  M2D_UI_MultiColumnTreeRow::GetColumnText(int) + 69 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e616805]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                 1  M2D_UI_MultiColumnTreeRow::GetColumnText(int) + 1 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e6167c1]
                                                                                                                   1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                 1  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 214 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e626916]
                                                                                                                   1  CString::~CString() + 126 (libCoreTypes.dylib) [0x11712c83e]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                             2  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> >::operator()<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&> >(boost::_bi::type<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>&, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&>&, long) + 42 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639aaa]
                                                                                                               2  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                           1  boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker2<boost::_bi::bind_t<std::basic_string<unsig ned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> > >, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 41 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639a69]
                                                                                                             1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                       2  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::GetCellSortData(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls ::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 62 (dvaui) [0x111717c7e]
                                                                                                         2  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     6  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 191 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627cbf]
                                                                                                       6  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::GetCellSortData(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls ::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 75 (dvaui) [0x111717c8b]
                                                                                                         5  boost::function2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 63 (dvaui) [0x11173446f]
                                                                                                           5  boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker2<boost::_bi::bind_t<std::basic_string<unsig ned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> > >, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 49 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639a71]
                                                                                                             4  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> >::operator()<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&> >(boost::_bi::type<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>&, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&>&, long) + 67 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639ac3]
                                                                                                               4  boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(CSftTreeImpl*, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 74 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639b8a]
                                                                                                                 1  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 87 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e626897]
                                                                                                                   1  M2D_UI_MultiColumnTreeRow::GetColumnText(int) + 62 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e6167fe]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                 1  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 54 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e626876]
                                                                                                                   1  __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info::search_below_dst(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_info*, void const*, int, bool) const + 168 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff909012e4]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                 1  M2D_UI_MultiColumnTreeRow::GetColumnText(int) + 1 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e6167c1]
                                                                                                                   1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                 1  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 235 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e62692b]
                                                                                                                   1  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >::basic_string(std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > const&) + 22 (dvacore) [0x1111b20f6]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                             1  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> >::operator()<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&> >(boost::_bi::type<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>&, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&>&, long) + 42 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639aaa]
                                                                                                               1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                         1  boost::function2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 54 (dvaui) [0x111734466]
                                                                                                           1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     3  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 295 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627d27]
                                                                                                       3  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     2  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 168 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627ca8]
                                                                                                       2  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     2  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 127 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627c7f]
                                                                                                       1  __dynamic_cast + 919 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff90900d81]
                                                                                                         1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                       1  __dynamic_cast + 648 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff90900c72]
                                                                                                         1  __cxxabiv1::__vmi_class_type_info::search_above_dst(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_info*, void const*, void const*, int, bool) const + 258 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff909013e6]
                                                                                                           1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     1  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 89 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627c59]
                                                                                                       1  __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info::process_static_type_above_dst(__cxxabiv1::__dynamic_cast_i nfo*, void const*, void const*, int) const + 37 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff90900dbf]
                                                                                                         1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     1  __cxxabiv1::__pointer_type_info::can_catch(__cxxabiv1::__shim_type_info const*, void*&) const + 370 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff909009ea]
                                                                                                       1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     1  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 426 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627daa]
                                                                                                       1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                   2  void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::merge<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiCo lumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >&, (anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 99 (dvaui) [0x1117333b3]
                                                                                                     2  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                   1  void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::merge<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiCo lumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >&, (anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 119 (dvaui) [0x1117333c7]
                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                 4  void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::sort<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>((anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 634 (dvaui) [0x11171802a]
                                                                                                   3  void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::merge<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiCo lumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >&, (anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 161 (dvaui) [0x1117333f1]
                                                                                                     2  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 191 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627cbf]
                                                                                                       2  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::GetCellSortData(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls ::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 75 (dvaui) [0x111717c8b]
                                                                                                         2  boost::function2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 63 (dvaui) [0x11173446f]
                                                                                                           2  boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker2<boost::_bi::bind_t<std::basic_string<unsig ned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> > >, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 49 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639a71]
                                                                                                             2  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> >::operator()<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&> >(boost::_bi::type<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>&, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&>&, long) + 67 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639ac3]
                                                                                                               2  boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(CSftTreeImpl*, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 74 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639b8a]
                                                                                                                 1  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 54 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e626876]
                                                                                                                   1  __dynamic_cast + 24 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff90900a02]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                                 1  __cxxabiv1::__pointer_type_info::can_catch(__cxxabiv1::__shim_type_info const*, void*&) const + 370 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff909009ea]
                                                                                                                   1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                     1  CSftTreeImpl::OnSortIsRowLess(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow*) + 276 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e627d14]
                                                                                                       1  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::GetCellSortData(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls ::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 75 (dvaui) [0x111717c8b]
                                                                                                         1  boost::function2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 63 (dvaui) [0x11173446f]
                                                                                                           1  boost::detail::function::function_obj_invoker2<boost::_bi::bind_t<std::basic_string<unsig ned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> > >, std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::invoke(boost::detail::function::function_buffer&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) + 49 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639a71]
                                                                                                             1  std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > boost::_bi::list3<boost::_bi::value<CSftTreeImpl*>, boost::arg<1>, boost::arg<2> >::operator()<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&> >(boost::_bi::type<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> > >, boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>&, boost::_bi::list2<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&, unsigned int&>&, long) + 67 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639ac3]
                                                                                                               1  boost::_mfi::mf2<std::basic_string<unsigned short, std::char_traits<unsigned short>, dvacore::utility::SmallBlockAllocator::STLAllocator<unsigned short> >, CSftTreeImpl, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int>::operator()(CSftTreeImpl*, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, unsigned int) const + 74 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e639b8a]
                                                                                                                 1  CSftTreeImpl::OnCellSortDataRequest(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnT reeRow>, unsigned int) + 223 (Dreamweaver) [0x10e62691f]
                                                                                                                   1  CString::~CString() + 67 (libCoreTypes.dylib) [0x11712c803]
                                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                   1  void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::merge<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiCo lumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >&, (anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 239 (dvaui) [0x11173343f]
                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                 1  void std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::sort<(anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator>((anonymous namespace)::RowSortComparator) + 307 (dvaui) [0x111717ee3]
                                                                                                   1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                              3  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::SortTreeOnly() + 360 (dvaui) [0x111715188]
                                                                                                 2  void boost::_bi::list2<boost::reference_wrapper<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree>, boost::arg<1> >::operator()<boost::_mfi::mf1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> >, boost::_bi::list1<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&> >(boost::_bi::type<void>, boost::_mfi::mf1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> >&, boost::_bi::list1<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&>&, int) + 54 (dvaui) [0x111736866]
                                                                                                   1  boost::_mfi::mf1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> >::operator()(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>) const + 16 (dvaui) [0x111736780]
                                                                                                     1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                   1  boost::_mfi::mf1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> >::operator()(dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree&, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>) const + 60 (dvaui) [0x1117367ac]
                                                                                                     1  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::SortOpenedRows(boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls: :UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>) + 155 (dvaui) [0x1117183fb]
                                                                                                       1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                 1  void boost::_bi::list2<boost::reference_wrapper<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree>, boost::arg<1> >::operator()<boost::_mfi::mf1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> >, boost::_bi::list1<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&> >(boost::_bi::type<void>, boost::_mfi::mf1<void, dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree, boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> >&, boost::_bi::list1<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>&>&, int) + 39 (dvaui) [0x111736857]
                                                                                                   1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                              2  dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTree::SortTreeOnly() + 56 (dvaui) [0x111715058]
                                                                                                 1  std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::list(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > > const&) + 58 (dvaui) [0x11173661a]
                                                                                                   1  <executing in user space>
                                                                                                 1  std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > >::list(std::list<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow>, std::allocator<boost::intrusive_ptr<dvaui::controls::UI_MultiColumnTreeRow> > > const&) + 54 (dvaui) [0x111736616]
                                                                                                   1  operator new(unsigned long) + 30 (libc++abi.dylib) [0x7fff908ff36e]
                                                                                                     1  malloc + 42 (libsystem_malloc.dylib) [0x7fff9336f27c]

    Hi Tim,
    Am forwarding your post to the support team. Let me see what they have to say.

  • "Cannot connect to server" error when setting up MAMP local server in Dreamweaver cc 2014

    I am trying to set up my Wordpress 4.1 site with MAMP in Dreamweaver cc 2014, but I am getting a "Cannot connect to server" error when trying to view the site live. The site works fine on the localhost:8888. I am using OS X Yosemite and PHP 5.6.2. Below are screenshots of my Dreamweaver settings. Thanks in advance.

    Hi Subhadeep!
    Think I'm getting closer (Lol). I did as you suggested and changed the web url to http://localhost:8888/Documents/projects/whoknew/. As you suggested I moved the local site to the Documents folder under the sub-folder projects. It is connecting to the server, but now I am getting the requested url cannot be found on the server. Below are screenshots of my current settings.
    http://localhost:8888/Documents/projects/whoknew/. As you suggested I moved the local site to the Documents folder under the sub-folder projects. It is connecting to the server, but now I am getting the requested url cannot be found on the server. Below are screenshots of my current settings. Thank you!

  • Index file freezes up live view dreamweaver cc 2014 .

    I have a html5 site that the index file was rendering fine yesterday in live view and today it freezes up dreamweaver cc 2014. The page will not render in live view however when viewed in a browser it views correctly. The rest of the site files will view properly just not the index.html file.
    Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated

    Are you using valid HTML code?
    The W3C Markup Validation Service
    Does your index page contain any neutral protocol links to 3rd party servers like TypeKit?
    If yes, try changing //: to http://
    If that doesn't help, we'll need to see a link to your page.
    Nancy O.

  • Erreur à l'ouverture et à l'enregistrement d'un fichier dans Dreamweaver cc 2014.1

    windows 8.1
    Dreamweaver cc 2014.1
    6947 build
    Suite à la mise à jour de Dreamweaver cc 2014.1,  j'ai des alertes à chaque ouverture et fermeture de fichier (voir captures ci-dessous).
    J'ai désinstallé et installé de nouveau l'application sans solutionner le problème. Pas de résultat sur ce cas, en faisant une recherche dans les FAQ et forum.
    Quelqu'un a-t-il une solution ou une manip pour supprimer cette erreur ?
    merci bien
    Erreur à l'ouverture d'un fichier
    Erreur à l'enregistrement d'un fichier

    pour info :
    il faut supprimer le fichier .dat dans le dossier C:\Users\[utilisateur]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014.1\fr_FR\Configuration
    et redémarrer l'application

  • I am attempting to instal the Business Catalyst extention to Dreamweaver CC (2014).

    The Business Catalyst extension does NOT appear in my Dreamweaver CC 2014 program. I keep getting "instal the Business Catalyst extension via Extension Manager". Please advise?

    Please confirm that it is installed using Extension Manager CC? And it is showing as installed inside that application?

  • Frequent crashing in Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 on Windows 7 Professional 32bit

    Dear All,
    We have Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 installed as part of a Creative Cloud package across multiple machines running Windows 7 Professional 32bit.
    EVERY time we open the software, we are able to run through the "demo" introduction but when we get to the create new document screen we get an "Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 has stopped working" error and have to close it.
    We have tested this on multiple machines (adequate system specs) with multiple users and it is happening every time. I can confirm we have the latest version of DW CC 2014 installed and all Windows Updates.
    Note: We have packaged Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 and this works without issue, we are able to open a new document with no problem.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    Hi Mcarlinx,
    Can you please share the screenshot of this location -
    In Registry entry navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC 2014.1(or which ever version in which you are seeing the crash)\Cloud Sync preferences.
    Also please share the logs -
    How to Create crash logs on win –
    You need to add these entries in registry.
    1.  Go to run, type regedit and enter. This will open Registry Editor.
    2. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Windows Error Reporting->Right Click->New->Key. New key named "New Key #1" will be created. Rename it to LocalDumps. Add two entries LocalDumps
    Right click on LocalDumps->New->Expandable String Value (REZ_EXPAND_SZ). Double click on the  entry created and add value name : DumpFolder and value data : %LOCALAPPDATA%\CrashDumps.
    Right click on LocalDumps->New->DWORD (32 bit) Value(REG_DWORD). Double click on the value created and add value name : DumpType and value data :1
    Next time when the application crashes you will find the crash dump at C:\Users[UserName]\AppData\Local\CrashDumps. Dumps will be created only in case of crash and not hang.

  • Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 Helper has stopped working

    When I try to import an Flash SWF file created with CC 2014 I get an error that says Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014 Helper has stopped working.  Then I get the option to check online for a solution and close the program or just a second option to just close the program.
    Any suggestions to a fix?

    I insured that Flash 64 bit was installed on my computer.
    This problem must have something to do with embedding a Flash file. I could not recreate the problem on other client's websites. I pulled all the Flash code and the problem went away. Of course I want to include a Flash file so it's still an issue for me.
    <script src="Scripts/swfobject_modified.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="100%" height="250px" id="FlashID" title="animatedDog">
                <param name="movie" value="dog.swf">
                <param name="quality" value="high">
                <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
                <param name="swfversion" value="">
                <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
                <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf">
                <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
                <!--[if !IE]>-->
                <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="dog.swf" width="100%" height="250px">
                  <param name="quality" value="high">
                  <param name="wmode" value="opaque">
                  <param name="swfversion" value="">
                  <param name="expressinstall" value="Scripts/expressInstall.swf">
                  <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                  <div><img src="/images/2014/noFlash.gif" alt="Missing Adobe Flash player" /></div>
                  <!--[if !IE]>-->
             <br><img src="images/2014/sidePhotos/photo.jpg" alt=""><br>

  • Exit Code 7 error installing Dreamweaver CC 2014

    I can't install Dreamweaver CC (2014) - keeps erroring at about 82% installation with the following error (I'm on Windows 7)
    Any help much appreciated... I have tried removing the sourceCodePro-Light-ttf font but this is always in use by 'another program' so won't allow me to delete or move temporarily - as for 'file (Seq 9336)???/
    Here's the error code:
    Exit Code: 7
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example, ERROR: DF012, DF024 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s)
    ----------- Payload: Adobe Dreamweaver CC 2014.1 {7F823F8E-4348-11E4-8BF8-81763C49AA32} -----------
    ERROR: DF012: Unable to find file(Seq 9336)
    ERROR: DF024: Unable to preserve original file at "C:\Windows\Fonts\SourceCodePro-Light.ttf" Error 32 The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.(Seq 9336)

    Thanks everyone
    I'm no techie so reading through all the suggestions was sort of helpful but non gave the answer... or at least an answer I understood. In the end, I just used a bit of common sense after several more failed installation attempts following the use of the adobe cleaner tool/software, I decided that the problem was clearly an issue with permissions on the font mentioned in the error. So, backed up the font on to my desktop, and restarted windows 7 in safe mode. This allowed me to delete the font in question from the c:/windows/fonts folder which couldn't be done when booting up windows normally beacuse it was always 'in use by another application'.
    Once the font was deleted, I rebooted again but this time in full windows mode rather than safe mode and installed Dreamweaver CC 2014 successfully.
    Thanks for all your help guys, I do appreciate you posting the suggested links... if only the above simple instructions had been listed on the Adobe Troubleshooting pages, I could have done something more constructive with the 4 hours of my life I won't get back spent wasting my time fixing this!!!
    Now for some shut-eye!

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