No DVD after flashing BIOS on U330

A have acquired a fresh copy of Windows 7 ultimate and was about to perform an in-place upgrade on my U330 which was hardly used for the last year due to horrible Vista. My old IBM X31 was outperforming U330 in every field.
I downloaded to disk D all the drivers for windows 7 from Lenovo site and flashed BIOS to latest 67 0FCN67WW to enable Intel VT.
Well. After smooth flashing procedure I got Intel VT grayed out and no DVD rom.
Flashed back to 54 and HOP-LA. My DVD drive was there.
I am confused and frustrated. I need this IntelVT to support XP emulation which costs a fortune on 7 Ultimate.
But I can't use it thanks to my BIOS. 

I would not try to go back on the older BIOS.
Try uninstalling the audio drivers and re-installing them after a reboot. What happened to you is similar with what happened to me but after I swapped two hard drives, cloning the OS from one to the other. Upon the next reboot, Windows (same XP32 SP3) discovered the new HDD as a new piece of hardware, setup all drivers for it and requestde a reboot. After this reboot, sound was not working anymore and the uninstall / reboot / re-install / reboot process worked for me.
Best regards,
W500 / T61p / T61 / R60

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    Two different approaches to noisy system:
    Motherboards making a Siren-sound
    If your board is making the sound of a firetruck, BEEP-BOOP-BEEP-BOOP...
    Check the folowing:
    1. CPU too hot
    2. chassis intrusion was enabled in the BIOS
    3. PSU is below min/max allowable value
    The beeping is like a siren, High-low-high-low-high-low and it runs till I turn off all power to the system..... I bought a new heatsink and fan today that was copper... waiting till I get home to try it out.....
    as far as whether the bios was reading temperature, if I remember right it was set for disabled by default.... will have to check again when I get home what it was set for...          
    New Member
    Registration Date: 04-05-2004
    Posts: 6
    Location: Illinois
     Well, it turns out that it was something to do with my heatsink.... I installed this new one and its running fine as far as I can tell....

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    Quote from: Caronte on 30-May-13, 01:26:30
    manual of Z77 report "do not multi-BIOS  switch when the system is powered on".
    I have to go anymore ?
    Adry aka Caronte
    ignore that in this situation as its the only way to recover the Failed BIOS without paying a shop to SPI flash the failed chip! (switching BIOS while its on will only cause errors on the chip you switched to but as yours is bricked it cant make it any worse) this will allow you to tell that BIOS CHIP upon restart to Flash by imprinting a copy of the open M-FLASH utility to the chip that can then allow the chip to be re flashed to a functional recovered state.
    so just disregard that warning in the manual as the described way we have suggested has a good track record of successfully recovering a bricked chip on M-Power and other boards outfitted with the Multi BIOS hardware switch so just give it a go and all should be good.
    the live switching to recover BIOS has been successfully done many times and the info in the manual doesn't have any weight regarding Bricked Chips only ones that are functioning correctly...

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    1. Downloaded the 51C BIOS file and flashed the BIOS again.
    2. Turned off the laptop, removed the power cord & the battery, then installed the battery and connected to the cord, and turned on the laptop again.
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    Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.

    The ISSUE has been resolved!!
    After checking the BIOS setup thoroughly, I figured out that the following Boot Option WAS DISABLED!
    Boot tab -> UEFI Hard Disk Drive BBS Priorities -> Boot Options #1
    The laptop functions again after setting Windows Boot Manager in the above configuration.
    I conservatively guess it was introduced by the new BIOS file. Anyway, the laptop works again.
    I posted it here in case anyone happens to have the same problem after flashing BIOS.

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    Board: MSI 770T-C45
    Original Bios: v8.3
    Flashed Bios:  v8.7 (flashed with M-FLASH)
    VGA:   EVGA NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
    PSU:   Enermax FMAII EG465AX-VE 460W
    CPU: AMD Phenom x4 9650
    MEM: Kingston DDR2-667 4x2GB KVR667D2N5/2G
    HDD: SAMSUNG 840 SSD 250GB
    OS: Windows 8 Pro 64bit
    I tried every CMOS clearing method found in previous posts and threads (including this and this.)
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    Also I removed all RAMs and kept one in the first socket. Nothing.
    I really don't know what to do next. What seems to differ from other users is LEDs non working, what does that mean?

    The problem here is that after update 8.6 the m-flash module was updated, so yes your mobo is a brick, but there is still hope for it. I had the same situation a few days ago with the exact same model and was able to recover it by following the steps on listed on the below posts:
    It may seem complicated at first, but trust me its not at all.
    Anyways you probably already have another mobo, send it for RMA or used it as frisbee, but it may come handy for some other doing the same noob flashing as we did

  • BSOD after flashing BIOS

    Hello everyone,
    I have encountered a problem after flashing my mobo with a new BIOS (either "official" 3.3 or 3.36 or 3.41 beta which I have received from MSI tech support because of famous >219 HTT problem).
    Flashing goes okay, and after reboot, just before the Windows XP loading logo should appear, I get a qiuck BSOD and then restart. It's too fast to read anything, and running Windows in safe mode doesn't help. Returning to the original BIOS 3.1 solves the problem.
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    I'm very sorry for my english...
    My configuration:
    A64 3000+ (Winchester CBBID) 
    MSI K8N SLI Platinum
    2x 512 MB RAM (Hynix D43) dual mode.

    Quote from: Cimmo on 30-May-05, 19:35:28
    Same issue
    After official 3.3 bios update from MSI Live Update Windows crash!
    My Windows doesn't reboot after BSOD and it says:
    STOP 0x0000007B (0xF79F7528, 0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)
    Backing to bios version 3.2, Windows boots normally
    MSI K8N SLI Platinum (MS-7100-030)
    AMD Athlon64 3000+ Winchester
    2x512 MB of ram (dual channel)
    1xClub3D Geforce 6600 GT
    if you need some others informations tell me.
    Please fix this and reply to this thread ASAP!
    EDIT: Provided more informations, see bold lines
    cosa dicono? non capisco l ingkese

  • LAN going haywire after flashing BIOS

    hi all
    first of all...lemme apologize for posting this shld go under the BIOS section...but seems like this section gets more reads....
    unfortunately i didn't read the forum before flashing my 865GM2-LS from the 5.1 to 5.3 bios version using the "flash in windows" option....flashed the bios as i was having tonnes of prob with the TWINMOS DDR PC3200 512MB screen of death kept poppin out with the "error in phyical error dump" or something like dat.....well anyway dats off topic n i had dat resolved
    after flashing my SATA hd wasn't prob.....simply enabling the SATA controller did the trick..sorry off topic again....juz wanted to highlight all the S**T i had to go thru
    however....the prob now is that even with the onboard LAN controller enabled in the BIOS i'm unable to get any IP address...the LAN appears in the windows device column to be working properly...even the icon on the windows tray shows it connected...the thing is that after repeated ipconfig /release & ipconfig /renew i'm still unable to get an IP address...i've even disabled the onboard LAN in the BIOS and added a PCI d-link DFE-530TX card n the same problem detects the card n the tray icon shows it as connected....even using USB connection to the modem doesn't work....also i've cleared CMOS using the jumper changes on the m/b.....but i just simply cannot get connected!!!! it definitely is not a ISP prob as i have another pc which i tried problem at all
    i even tried reinstalling the INTEL INF n the LAN drivers that came with the installation CD all over again....and without avail
    i really do not wish to reflash the m/b again....i've flashed my old abit n gigabyte m/b before....never encounterin such horrors..... can any of u please help?!?!?!?!
    thank you very much in advance...sorry for the long post
    i'm runnin winXP SP2
    sound, video n LAN all sound n vga r runnin fine even after the flash
    TWINMOS DDR PC3200 512mb ram
    SATA 120gb Western Digital HD

    dearest cnotemd
    unable to fall asleep thinkin of the problem...i have decided to check this forum again for help....n oh my god.....u r my was really down to a simple powering off and powering on the cable modem!!!! all day all i did was to put it on standby n turning it back never occurred to me to power it off!!!
    u have juz made my day man!!!! after almost 12 hrs of tinkering... changing to the static ip of the other pc....adding PCI LAN card....disabling on board card....reinstalling drivers....ALMOST flashing back to the older firmware version for the m/b...n it boils down to a simple on off switch...muahahaha
     :biggthumbsup:thank you once again......n thanks to danny as well.....n also to babyface...u guys rock!!!  
    with regards to the DDR rams....i think i'll juz let it go.....too much tinkerin makes me cross eyed....if the BIOS says i have them in 1st n 3rd dimms....even though its confirmed in the 1st n 2nd dimms physically....i dun give a damn long as there's no blue screen of death i'm a happy camper!!!!!
    cheerios & out!!

  • Reinstall the OS after flashing bios ?

    Hi !
    I have MSI 875-P NEO With XP PRO US
    I would like to know if is required to re-install the OS after flashing the bios ?
    If the answer is yes is it a clean instalation or can re-install over ?

    Hi Luis,
    Depends why you had to flash bios............?
    Generally NO you should not have to do a Re-Install of OS..........

  • N500 won't boot windows xp after flashing BIOS

    Hi, I purchased an N500 a couple weeks ago, it's been running fine on xp, except occassionally I'd get disconnected from the internet (a line problem, not the computer, happens here in egypt) but the wireless would not automatically reconnect to my line once the line was back up.  The log file for the wireless card said something like "unable to set proper band" when this happened.  Anyway my driver version was the latest version, so I thought maybe I needed to update bios.  So I flashed bios using the flashbios utility that is listed on the lenovo website in the download section dedicated to my laptop model.  The laptop then restarted itself, and then I got the black screen that says "We apologize for the inconvenience, but Windows did not start correctly...." blah blah blah.with options to start up in safe mode, last known configuration that worked etc.  However when I choose ANY of these options about 3 seconds later I get the blue screen of death, and the computer restarts!  So how do I get myself out of this mess!  Thanks Lenovo for that great Flash utility by the way!!

    Try reinstall the OS. I hope it works. My opinion is when you update BIOS, The OS detected as a new computer (for some pcs). Try repair The OS with boot from CD.
    Good Luck,....

  • 890FXA GD 65 wont't reboot after flashing BIOS

    I have flashed my BIOS using Live Update 5. Everything seemed OK, but when I rebooted, Windows halted. The logo started coming up and then just stopped halfway.
    On another system I prepared a bootable USB stick, and tried to flash my memory again. To no avail.
    Clearing CMOS did not help.
    I tried several BIOS versions, to no avail.
    When flashing BIOS, I get the following on screen:
    -   Bootblock checksum: OK
    -    Module checksum: OK
    -   - Rom Hole: NIC Protected!!
    System data protected
    -   erasing flash: OK
    -   writing flash: OK
    -   erasing NVRAM: OK
    -   writing NVRAM: OK
    -   erasing bootblock: OK
    -   writing bootblock: OK
    -   Verifying bootblock: OK
    -   CMOS checksum destroyed
    -   Program ended normally.
    I have not been able to find what the third an fourth line mean. And not at all what I can do about it.
    I tried to reinstall Windows, which failed. It stated that my disk was defect.
    Can anybody tell me what to do to make it run again?
    Board :msi 890fxa gd65
    Bios:   Version 18.8
    VGA:   Radeon HD5670 Xfire
    PSU:   Coolermaster silentpro 600 w
    AMD phenom II 1055t 2.8mhz
    MEM: Kinston Hyperx dimm 2x4 gb 1600
    HDD: 3x Samsung spinpoint 3 1tb
    SDD: OCZ Agility 3 64 GB
    COOLER: Scythe mugen 2
    OS: Windows 7 64bit Home premium

    I was on here looking at boards just like mine and I passed your post....I am sure you have heard this. I know I have a 100 times or more. Never use a Windows base programs for updating Bios... To many Bricked Boards using the same utility. But getting into windows-might mean you just don't have your bios set right. It has been a long time since I updating the bios on a MSI Board...But If I can remember right--It reset everything back to default....You might need to go in an make sure all your setting are correct...AHCI and not IDE.....Ram setting's PCI settings...all that good stuff.
    I bet if you can get into Bios and all the settings are there---and you can work around in Bios---Its an easy fix...
    Can you get into Bios?
    Can you press F8 right before the windows screen...or right before it boots up.....Get into the repair section and check Booting?
    Good Luck!!!!!!

  • Satellite A210-127 (PSAELE) - after flashing BIOS, the password is required

    I just re-installed my Windows Vista x64 Ultimate SP1... Than I had a good idea to download a fresh drivers from Toshiba site... After installing a BIOS update, by WinPhlash ver., after restart a have a surprise that my bios ask me a password it says :
    "Please Enter Your Password:
    All seems simple, but I cant get further.. It says wrong password... I made a lot different ways... I have a qwerty with Russian extension keyboard...
    Maybe my keyboard is in Russian but I tried to change it, doesn't work neither...
    So if somebody can give me a clue I'll be really great full, cause now I m on my EEEpc, and I cant live without my satellite!!!
    Maybe someone knows a good password or how deactivate it?

    Hmm thats really strange usually the BIOS password should not be set after the BIOS update!
    I have no explanation for this issue but I know that you will be not able to delete this password without any help from Toshiba ASP
    Therefore you should contact the nearest ASP in your country as fast as possible and should explain this issue and should ask for the further handling
    Good luck

  • P35 Neo-FI: after flashing bios, Win XP won't start (BSOD)

    Hello board,
    I was a moron and did a bios upgrade from Windows, using Live Update 4. The flash seemed to finish normally. However, after the flash my Windows XP install wouldn't start, resulting in a blue screen of death ("Stop: 0x0000007E" etc). I used the rescue floppy to flash back to the (presumably) original bios version, with no change, still BSOD. I have been able to flash the bios again by using a bootable USB stick. (I couldn't use the Forum Flasher from my old notebook, so I used MSI's guide to creating a USB flash stick.)
    The version I flashed back to from the rescue floppy is 1.A0 (1.10). I'm not sure what the newer(?) version Live Update offered me was. I was confused with the version numbers and looked for a newer version manually. I ended up flashing to 1.19, downloaded from MSI's server (, which is what I have now. Still same the problem. I've cleared up the CMOS several times, after most of these flashes (but not all).
    Starting a fresh XP install results in the same BSOD after first reboot (after copying files to the disk). I also booted up (in 1.A0/1.10) an old Linux Ubuntu Live CD, which gave this warning:
    "Warning! Your PnP BIOS caused a fatal error. Attempting to continue. You may need to reboot with the "nobiospnp" option to operate stably. Check your vendor for an updated BIOS. get_dev_node: unexpected status 0x28"
    I'd be grateful to any suggestions!
    The system in question: P35 Neo-FI, Core 2 Duo E4500, 2 * 1 GB Kingston DDR2 800, MSI Radeon HD 4670, Samsung 1614N IDE hard disk, an LG DVD drive, Corsair CX400 PSU.

    make sure you change the settings for ide/sata settings in bios.

  • X79MA-GD45 BSODs, errors after flashing BIOS

    Hi guys, I have an MSI X79MA-GD45, together with a 3930k CPU, Kingston Hyperx 4 x 4 GB RAM, a Seasonic X-660 PSU (660W), and for now the old GeForce 880GTS 512 [Waiting for Kepler ;p]. One old seagate 160GB drive and two WD drives one is a 250GB and the other the greenpower 2tb. Figured i'd keep them for now since i recently upgraded. Anyway the issues that i'm having looks like this: after i flash the BIOS to ANY version from the MSI site - i suddenly lose windows bootability with a BSOD - ok i figured as much So I tried to reinstall the system and i was getting a lot of issues telling me that the installer couldn't copy the files etc. These errors go up to 1.5 and happen all the time on installs - i tried disabling almost every feature i could think of in the bios settings. For now 1.0 version (the one that shipped works without any install hitches and the system runs fine). I just to update since there's some new microcodes for these cpus and i seem to lose the Enhanced Turbo Boost with 1.0 :( One thing that I realized after i found this forum is that the M-Flash module could cause these issues? But i reverted back with it a few times to 1.0 and it's not happening. Anyway thanks in advance for any tips - I'd like  to update - if it was possible to avoid those install issues Cheers

    Quote from: NovJoe on 29-March-12, 11:16:24
    No option to turn off hard disk? That's quite weird.
    Found an article in Microsoft KB similar to your issue. Might be worth a read.
    Well i've checked that article. Nothing new there to be honest, i don't use indexing in fact i have search uninstalled, i don't need it. I don't have any activity on this disks from regular reads if i'm loading files. Really a weird thing Well the whole systems runs very well and stable so i won't complain, but it would be nice to have this feature which i thought was quite basic...

  • 4 red leds after flashing bios

    I flashed the bios on  k7t266 pro2. After reboot i get 4 red leds and no post. Its acts as if dead. Does this mainboard hve the bios recovery at start-up like the newer ones or am I hosed.

    used the jumper to clear cmos but did not bring back the post and I do have a copy of the old bios but if I can not get a post then I can not use it.

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