No good way to manage podcasts

I'd like to select the option to only keep unplayed episodes, but if I accidentally listen to a few seconds, or if I'm in the middle of one, it gets deleted when I connect to the computer.
So I selected keep last 10 episodes. This worked great until I decided to grab a few dozen old episodes from a site I'm interested in. ZAP! - only 10 episodes show up on the Ipod. Sigh...
So now I'm back to manually managing all my podcasts - what a drag!

You could just set it to Keep All Episodes, then
delete them when you are done with them...
That's what I'm doing now. But the "perfect" solution would be for the iPod to "know" that I have listened to a track all the way to the end.
I'm able to stop listening to a podcast, switch to something else, then later resume (most of the time) where I left off. So currently, if I decide to listen to the first bit of several podcasts, the option to "keep all unplayed episodes" is pretty worthless. And as I mentioned in the original post, I pretty much have to manage them by hand.
Another annoyance is that if I pause in the middle of a podcast, then don't return for a couple days, the iPod shuts down. BUT when I turn it back on, it's forgotten where I left off. It resumes play either at the beginning or at the place where I previously left off.

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    import java.util.*;
    class Node {
        private SortedMap<Character, Node> children = new TreeMap<Character, Node>();
        //0 <= index <= word.length()
        private void add(String word, int index) {
            if (index == word.length()) {
                children.put(Character.valueOf('\u0000'), null);
            } else {
                char ch = word.charAt(index);
                Node child = children.get(ch);
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                    children.put(ch, child = new Node());
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                throw new IllegalArgumentException();
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    Hi elfergos,
    Welcome to the Apple Support Communities!
    I am a Podcast fan as well and understand the desire to keep everything clean and organized. The there is a great Frequently Asked Questions article for Podcasts that I would recommend you reading over and using as a resource for both iTunes on your computer and your iOS device.
    Apple - iTunes - Podcasts - FAQs: For Podcast Fans
    Have a great day,

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    I've had that problem before too, a good way to fix this is to set your podcasts into a Compilation group (right click the song in iTunes, press "GetInfo" and go to "info" tab; at the bottom check "part of compilation"). This way the podcasts won't show up in Album and Artist listings but will still show up in Songs (and also shows up under compilations) on your iPod...
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    I think I figured out a way to do what you want to do - which is the same way that I use Itunes with my Ipod. (My Itunes libary was destroyed last year so I can no longer auto synch my Ipod as I would lose thousands of songs).
    Funnily enough, I discovered this new way of manually moving podcasts while trying to figure out what cpragman was trying to say (I never could - he must be smarter than me, as I couldn't get his method to work).
    1. Open up your Itunes in your regular Library view. Choose Pocasts from the left hand side (either in the sidebar if you have that enabled, or from the little "radio" icon if you don't.)
    2. Mouse to the podcast you want to place on your Ipod.
    3. Right-click it.  A long menu will pop up.
    4. Move to the "Add to Playlist" option.  As you hover, all your playlists will be visible. But at the very top will be the name of your Ipod itself (whatever you named it originally).  Choose THAT name, and voila! That podcast will now copy to your Ipod and be easily available when you disconnect.
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    thanks in advance,

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    Do a Google search on "Drobo S" "benchmark."  I don't have a Drobo S, only the regular Drobo.  But here's a guy who tested one on Windows:
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    Connecting Management Groups in Operations Manager
    Connected Management Groups in OpsMgr 2007 – How it works
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    Suggestions would be welcome.

    How about an Express Card/34 Flash Card Reader that should be faster than an old USB one. 
    Aperture looks good for Photo Management.
    This forum is for discussions about Apple Discussions themselves; you'll get better answers if you post in a more relevant forum.

  • Best way to manage new library with new hdd. Need Advice.

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    should i partition out the new hdd for aperture or just keeping it one partition. one of my partitions will be for bootcamp. i just dont want to partition it and run out of space in the partition. i also have 2 externals (300gb and 400gb) that i will use one of them for vault?, external backup. im also trying to scan all my film stuff and put it in there and manage that too. i also want to use iphoto too so is there a way to use one library for both without one or the other making doubles?
    i read about the manage and referenced masters methods, but i'm still a little confused on it. i would like to know how you guys manage your libraries and how u organized your folders. i read about people setting up raids on their mac pros but i would like to know more about people who doing the managing on their mbps. i running on leopard but are not using time machine. i currently have my folders setup in this way, i.e. 20080224-vacation pics day 1. there's prolly more to ask but i cant think of any right now. any help is appreciated.

    On a laptop generally you do want to manage by Referencing image Masters. Hard drives slow as they fill, so at some point - perhaps immediately - you will want your Masters on one or more external Firewire 800 hard drives. OWC <> "Mercury to go" FW800/USB2 drives are a good external solution if you need portable.
    A good rule of thumb is not to fill any drive more than 70%, and for best speed keep important drives no more than 50% full.
    With Referenced Masters, simply Finder-copy each batch of images to the external hard drive and eject the camera card. Then (after backup of images) from within Aperture Import the images by Reference (when you go to import, on the right hand side of the import window select "Store files in their current location").
    Existing images on your hard drive can similarly be imported selecting "Store files in their current location" however personally I would move the originals to an external drive prior to importing into Aperture because trying to keep originals on a laptop drive will sooner or later overfill the drive.
    During the import process is a good time to assign all manner of keywords, so take some time in advance thinking about keywording.
    Also, I recommend the US$35 tutorial CD Apple Pro Training Series: Aperture 2 (Apple Pro Training Series) by Ben Long, Richard Harrington, and Orlando Luna (Paperback - May 8, 2008), Note that the value is in the tutorial, not in using the book as a manual.
    Good luck!
    -Allen Wicks

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    Best regards,

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