No GPS with Endomondo and Strava

my Problem ist, that i have no Problem to find GPS with Google Maps or Facebook but Endomondo or Strava don't find GPS.
Has anybody an Idea what the Problem is?
Sorry for my lousy english.

Hi and welcome to the community! Since you're new please be sure that you have checked out our Discussion guidelines.
Check if those applications are available under Settings > Location.
If yes, make sure you have the optimal settings for these to grant them faster GPS location.
 - Community Manager Sony Xperia Support Forum
If you're new to our forums make sure that you have read our Discussion guidelines.
If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

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    We certainly want to make sure you get the most out of the GPS, wplaxico! Was this tested primarily outdoors? When did this begin? Any other recent apps of updates installed when this started?
    Thank you,
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport
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    Nice Name: iPad mini (WiFi/Verizon/Sprint/GPS)
    Machine Model: iPad2,7
    Family name: A1455
    Group1: iPadMini
    Group2: WiFi-Cellular
    Generation: 1
    CPU speed: 1.0GHz
    Screen size: 7.9 inch
    Screen resolution: 1024x768 pixels
    Colour: White
    Production year: 2012
    Production week: 52 (December)
    Model introduced: 2012
    Capacity: 32GB
    Memory - flavour: xx
    Factory: DL (China - Foxconn)

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    Hello chezabha,
    unfortunately, maps cannot be displayed on the screen of CK-15W.
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    Acrobat 9: Advanced > Extend Features in Adobe Reader
    Acrobat 10: File > Save As > Reader Extended PDF > Enable Additional Features
    Acrobat 11: File > Save as Other > Reader Extended PDF > Enable More Tools (includes form fill-in & save)
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    I'm sending the fragment of this file where you can see everything after I typed 'startxfce4' in console:
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    Last edited by gargoyle (2015-03-15 23:20:18)

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