No Hashtag Key

Just a quick complaint.
I have been having a lot of trouble lately as I have come to the realisation that my keyboard on my MacBook doesn't have a hashtag key. This is deeply worrying me and causing a lot of distress (my hamster died from distress, so this is why I am particularly concerned for my wellbeing.
Has anyone felt the same way? Do let me know your thoughts?


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    Shift 2    @ 
    Shift 3    #

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    All the secondary characters, Shift/Upcase, should be printed on the keys themselves. On a US keyboard it is Shift + 3.
    Without knowing what part of the world you are in or what style keyboard you have no one knows where that might be located on your Mac.

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    BIOS Update-Brand New:
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    HP Support Assistant: (Link is on the right side of that page)
    IM hoping that these tools might give you help in determining the problem.
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    You could just add it to your favourites in special characters then have special characters open:
    Edit > Special Characters > Roman > By Category > Punctuation > 4th Down on Left (Select) > Bottom Left of Characters Box click the Settings Cog > Add to Favourites.
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    GENIUS! Thanks for such a quick reply and easy solution!

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    If you go to System Preferences/Keyboard/Keyboard and check to show viewers in menu bar, then in the menu bar show Keyboard viewer, you can see what key combinations do what.

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    Kaushik Banerjee

    You are right Kaushik,
    I have not done Data Syndication but my concept tell if there is duplicate record with same remote system but different remote keys both will be syndicated back.
    Yes, but if they are duplicate, they needs to be merged.
    But if same record have two remote keys for same remote system then only the default remote key is syndicated back.
    This is after merging. So whichever remote key has tick mark in key mapping option(default) , it will be syndicated back.
    Pls refer to these links for better understanding.
    Hope this helps,
    + An

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    Put your sky clip on a layer below the clip you want to key. One or the other will be a connected clip. Apply  the Keying filter to foreground clip (the one with the green screen). The green will be seen as transparent and the sky will show through as the BG. Adjust as necessary in the Inspector.
    Good luck.

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    Hi Kundan,
    What is the data source that you are using to laod the data to DSO?
    You can fidn the key fileds with the help of data source. or from the source table if you are not having Data source.(there will be a screw symbol for the key fileds).
    you can use material, plant, BOM as key fileds.

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    Check this for standard DSO:

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    Hi Nithi,
    Since Key fields are decide by us we can add according to our requirement.
    Key fields can only be 16 you cannot exceed this. but if you have more key fields, you can combine fields using a routine for a key field
    Max Data Fields - 749 data fields can be added in a DSO.
    Warm regards

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    f1=1 f2=2 f3=3 f4=4 and key figure k1=1
    f1=1 f2=2 f3=3 f4=4 and key figure k1=1
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    I just want to avoid this and do not know what to do.
    A routine or formula or something else?
    Please help.

    Check your DSO Design
    Keep f1 ,f2, f3, f4, are in KeyFileds of DSO  and Keep key figure k1 in DataFields of DSO.
    Here I'm assuming that F1 to F4 are Charecteristics.And only K1 is Keyfigure. If this is the case then I hope it will work if you follw the above design.

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    Hi Gurus,
    We want to use mid-month calculation for Dep. key MSTL using period control 03 (i.e. 03/03/03/03). We are also using 6446 as year-depedent Fiscal year (i.e. Jan and Dec 6 weeks other rest 4 weeks).  period control 03 is pro rata at mid period
    period 12 for 2009 start 11/14/09 ends 12/25/09
    period 1 for 2010 start   12/26/09 ends 02/05/10
    as per period control 03 mid month is Dec-04-2009 (setup in OAVH)
    When i acquire an asset on Dec-04-09, the dep start date is Nov-14-09 which is correct and all calculation is correct
    however when i acquire an asset on Dec-06-09 the dep start date is still Nov-14-09 which is not correct infact it should start dep from next month which will be Dec-26-09 (This is 1st period of Fiscal year 2010)
    As mentioned above we are using 6-4-4-6 fiscal year
    When acquiring an asset with mid month concept at year end we are facing problem in depri start date and hence calculation.
    The setting in OAVH for period control 03 are as below
    FV   Period Control     Desc.                             Year   Month   Day    Period    MidMonth
    NL        03              Pro rata at mid period          2009    12        4         12           ticked
    NL        03              Pro rata at mid period          2009    12        25       12           ticked
    NL        03              Pro rata at mid period          2009    12        31        1            ticked
    NL        03              Pro rata at mid period          2010    1          15        1            ticked
    Thanks in advance

    Your period 12/2009 starts and ends between 11/14/09 ends 12/25/09. Now you acquire an asset on 12/4/2009. As per OAVH, you want depreciation calculation start mid-period. Then how is depreciation start date of Nov 14, 2009 for this case?
    Then you acquire an asset on Dec6, 2009. This, as per OAVH, falls into period 12/2009. Then why should the calculation start from period 1/2010 for this case?

Maybe you are looking for

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