No internal standard grouping exists:

While I am trying to create a BP (Person/Organisation/Group) I am getting error:
"No internal standard grouping exists
Message no. R11117"
Could any one help me please ?
FYI: I am new in CRM

Hi Venkat,
You need to tell the application, with grouping/number range will be used to assign a number, to the business partner you are creating.
If none is indicated, it will get the standard one that is seems you have not defined in your system, and will give that error message.
You can define the internal standard grouping in following path:
SPRO->IMG->Cross-Application Components->SAP Business Partner->Business Partner->Basic Settings->Number Ranges and Groupings->Define Groupings and assign number ranges
Kind regards,

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    Any Standard reports are available to display the internal order group name and internal order.
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    There is a lot of standard reports (e.g. S_ALR_87012993 - Orders: Actual/Plan/Variance); just go to Information systems of the Internal orders in the standard menu.
    Tables: AUFK - orders master data. SETNODE and SETLEAF - groups.


    Hi everyone! I want to know if there's existing functional module whereas I can get a list of internal order number (AUFNR) based from the internal order group name (AUFGR)? Thanks a lot! Your response will be greatly appreciated!

       First take a look at K_ORDER_SET_CREATE fm..
       The following code may help you in getting the orders based on order group..
      DATA: t_setvalues LIKE SETVALUES
            t_hierarchy LIKE SETHIER OCCURS 0
            WITH HEADER LINE,
            l_date_from LIKE sy-datum,
            l_date_to LIKE sy-datum,
            l_subrc LIKE sy-subrc,
            l_setid LIKE SETHIER-SETID,
            BEGIN OF t_aufnr OCCURS 0,
              aufnr TYPE aufnr,
            END OF t_aufnr.
                SETCLASS        =  '0103'
                SHORTNAME       =  l_aufgr   <Your Aufgr here>
                SETID           =  l_setid.
                SETNAME = l_setid
                TABLE   = 'CCSS'
                SUBRC   = l_subrc.
                CLIENT                  = sy-mandt
                SETID                   = l_setid
                TABNAME                 = 'CCSS'
                fieldname               = 'AUFNR'      
                NO_DESCRIPTIONS         = space
                NO_RW_INFO              = space
                date_from               = l_date_from 
                date_to                 = l_date_to    
                SET_HIERARCHY           = t_hierarchy
                SET_VALUES              = t_setvalues
                SET_NOT_FOUND           = 1
                OTHERS                  = 3.
       LOOP AT t_setvalues.
         t_aufnr-aufnr = t_setvalues-from.
         COLLECT t_aufnr.
         t_aufnr-aufnr = t_setvalues-to.
         COLLECT t_aufnr.
    Message was edited by: Srikanth Pinnamaneni

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    Tejas Jani

    Hello Tejas,
    System is not able to determine the PGrp. 3 things are important for determining PGrp
    a. Organization Unit
    b. Product category
    c. Logical System  
    To check whether its a data issue or system issue. Best way is to update one of the PGrp
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    Now, create a new shopping cart. It should pick this PGrp. If not, check if you have implemented BBP_PGRP_FIND BADI in system. 
    Hope this helps.

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    Hello jreynolds!
    With the command 'GroupIndexGet'. It returns 0 if the group does not exist.
    Matthias Alleweldt
    Project Engineer / Projektingenieur

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    1: check T-code KOK4, define a selection variant and tick "create order group" by entering a group key and a group name (for groups with large number of order master records).
    2: For creation of group hierarchies, see SAPNET note 51141 and the reports listed there (RGSIMPH1, RGSIMPH2) and/or the BAPIc listed there for object BUS1117.
    BR Christian

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    Or use FM [G_SET_TREE_IMPORT|] to read the hierarchy/Group. (Read FM and FG documentation, you can also add break-point and call some S_ALRxxx transaction which use this FM for the objects you need).

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    The Internal order group details are found in the table SETHEADER & SETLEAF, SETHEADER-SETNAME would be the internal order group for the setclass for the order group set class '0103',
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    You can use fm K_HIERARCHY_TABLES_READ.
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    Method: CREATE
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    TOPNODEONLY  GROUPNAME     HIERLEVEL     VALCOUNT     DESCRIPT                              VALFROM                      VALTO
                92CAPITAL     0                   0         92 RPC Domestic Capital          
                92NONDAIRY      1     0     92 Non Dairy Capital          
                92ARLIN             2     0     92 Arlington plant capital          
                92AR_CRFRD      3     0     92 Previous Year - Arlington          
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    This might help...
    if( layerExist("Layer 1")){
        alert("Layer/Group Exists");
            alert("Layer/Group does not exist");
    function layerExist(lyrName){
          var desc = new ActionDescriptor();
          var ref = new ActionReference();
          ref.putName( charIDToTypeID( "Lyr " ), lyrName);
          desc.putReference( charIDToTypeID( "null" ), ref );
          desc.putBoolean( charIDToTypeID( "MkVs" ), false );
          executeAction( charIDToTypeID( "slct" ), desc, DialogModes.NO );
          }catch(e){return false;}
          return true;

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    Looks like the developers of that code relied on something that is not part of the official documented Java API (packages that start with java, javax or org). Packages starting with sun or com.sun are Sun proprietary internal implementation packages and as such are not guaranteed to be available from version to version or from Java vendor to Java vendor. So your installation seems ok, but your program is not.

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    Please follow this link to complete the survery
    And pass this message on!
    PS: /people/susan.keohan/blog/2010/03/11/international-user-groups-150-sap-business-workflow-survey-2010

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    Hi all,
    I am doing the migration program for internal order group creation.(KOH1)
    I have used the FM for BAPI_INTERNALORDRGRP_CREATE and BAPI_INTERNALORDRGRP_ADDNODE                     
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    Expected: already created internla order it displayed, but the internal order description from table it doesn't show.
    Anyone clear my doubts.

      You can get the ordergroup as SETNAME in SETHEADER table for the SETCLASS '0103', the order details are found in SETLEAF for the setname obtained from SETHEADER,
    Hope this helps,

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    Hi All,
    two formulas (to uppercase) in the transfer rules maping
    after the migration of transfer rules,activation of transfermation i am getting this error for two fields.
    Rule 73 (target field: 0RPA_OID group: 01 Standard Group): Syntax error in formula.
    can anybody tell me how to resolve it.

    Hi ,
    This is a common problem which we get after migrating to BI7 .
    Do one thing copy the formula some where and delete the formula save it activate it . then create the formule once again .
    save it and then activate it . You will not get syntax error any more .

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