No Keyboard For Search Contact and Create Contact

When I try to search contact in contact list, there is no keyboard pop-up. And when I try to create contact, I place cursor in First Name but how much I try, no keyboard is appeared.
Have you faced this issue? How can I solve it?
My phone is iphone 4 and OS 7.1.
Thank you.

Have you tried a restart?

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    Ramesh Biradar

    Hi Ramesh,
    I'll make some assumptions about how you're going about this, and then give you a possible solution:
    I assume that you have a table with selection on one page. To edit an item, you wish to select it's radio button and click an edit button to take you to another page with the item filled in to edit it. To create a new item, you'd like to click a "new" button and go to the same page.
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    1). Assuming you have both the list and edit pages already created, make sure you have a JSF navigation case defined going from the list page to the edit page. I'll call this navigation case "goToEditPage" for this discussion.
    2). To make the edit button, drag a command button from the component palette and drop it on the af:TableSelectOne (the column in your table containing the radio buttons for selection).
    3). Set the action property on this command button to "goToEditPage".
    4). Now, to make the create button, drag a command button from the component palette somewhere on the page. I like to put mine in a panelButtonBar inside the actions facet of an af:Page component.
    5). Now, for the Action property of this command button, bind it to a method in your page's backing bean. The code will look something like this:
    public String performNew()
        BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
        OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("Create");
        Object result = operationBinding.execute();
        if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty())
          return null;
        return "goToEditPage";
    }Hope this is helpful, Ramesh.

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    Whether you need to buy Mac OS X 10.7.3 depends on what version of OS X you have now.
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    I second the M-Audio recommendation.  I have the Oxygen 8 and 61es keyboards from them, and they both work flawlessly with Garageband.
    what other else has to buy to start my garageband?
    This depends on what you want to do with Garageband.  Do you want to record with a keyboard only and just use Garageband's built-in software instruments? Do you want to record vocals? Do you want to record a guitar or bass or other instrument?  Do you want to record drums?
    Technically, you don't even need a keyboard to use Garageband, you could just use the software keyboard (Window -> Keyboard) or musical typing (Window-> Musical Typing).  However, an external keyboard will give you a lot more flexibility.  I don't recommend trying to record drums into Garageband unless you already know how to mic drums.  Instead use the built-in drum kit software instruments with your keyboard.
    Your iMac has a built-in mic, so you should be ok recording vocals with that.
    If you want to record an acoustic guitar or another acoustic instrument, you can also use the built-in mic though you may find that you don't like the way it sounds very much since built-in mics tend to pick up lots of noise from the computer itself. 
    If you want to record an electric guitar or bass, you can just plug in the line out on your instrument to the line in port on your iMac, but you won't get really good results.  You'd be better off geting a piece of hardware called an audio interface  Sweetwater sells these too: (USB and Firewire interfaces are easiest to start with.)  M-Audio also has some good cheap interfaces.  I've used the FastTrack Pro for a few years now, and I started out with the FastTrack USB.
    Ok, that's probably more than you wanted to know...happy Garageband-ing!

  • Help for search help and currency and quantity fields

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    Hi Rachu,
    Welcome To SDN
    Help On Search Help
    Go to se11
    Select radio button Search help
    click on create
    and select elementary seacrh help
    selection method---->tablename or viewname
    press f1 in search help exit we will get a FM named as
    F4IF_SHLP_EXIT_EXAMPLE.copy that FM from se37 in to Zprogram.we have a record_tab for copying the view by using this tab we can restrict the values from the view or table.this values are populate into another table .Then ,
    come to se11
    and in our seacrh help we will pass components of the search help
    Help On Currency and Quantity Fields:
    Whenever you have to maintain fields for currencies and quantites u need to refer them to currency key and quantity key which also have to be present in the table.
    If suppose you are creating a table for Employee. And suppose that fields would be like :
    EMPID -
    employee id
    employee name
    DEPARTMENT --- department
    SALARY -- salary ( Data Type u2013 CURR )
    WEIGHT -
    weight of the employee ( Data Type -- QUAN )
    Now the fields SALARY AND WEIGHT fields should refer to currency and quantity keys. So you need to have two more fields like
    CURRKEY --- Data Type ( Cuky )
    Quantity --- Data Type ( Unit )
    Now we have to attach the field Currkey to the field Salary
    And the field Quantity to the field Weight
    So when u create a table you can see a tab Currency / Quantity fields.
    Here You can give the reference table and the reference field against the salary and weight fields.

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    bumping up (I hope doing so is allowed.)

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    Post relates to: Palm TX

    I just deployed a "new (!) TX and the Palm Bluetooth Keyboard, after years of using the Tungsten T3.  For the most part I'm happy with both.  There's just a little downside to the keyboard, that is, the lack of a key combination to duplicate the Graffiti stroke that involkes shortcuts (these are the mostly custom texts that you set up in Prefs to insert by making the stroke followed by just one or two or three characters).  On the Ultrathin Keyboard, which I used with the T3, the fn-ctrl combination made the shortcut stroke on the screen, after which I could type (for example) "dts," which would insert a date and time stamp.  I think the Palm infrared wireless keyboard does the same thing.  If there is such a functionality on the BT keyboard, it's not documented and I cannot find it.  (I suspect that it may have been left out because it may be mostly used with smartphones, Treo series etc., which have the hardware keyboards and so dispense with Graffiti, but I use the Graffiti shortcuts a lot, so this omission makes me a somewhat unhappy camper.  If anyone has discovered a way to invoke this function on the BT keyboard, I would be very interested.)

  • How do I get the keyboard back for searching contacts?

    I used to be able to type the contact name I was searching for, but that function seems to have disappeared.  I just get a list of all the contacts and have to scroll throught.  I'd like to have the keyboard back.  Any ideas?  Thanks! 

    Thank you!  I had to look up how to power the phone off:  hold the on/off button down until the choice to turn off the phone comes on the screen.  Turn off the phone for a few minutes.  When I restarted it, the contacts were searchable (with a keyboard) and the edit function was back again.  Thanks again. 

  • Nokia 5230 two page keyboard to search contacts

    What I always found quite annoying is the keyboard in portrait mode (the one with letters). When you open the contact list from the start screen, the keyboard only has the letters a to o, the letters p to z are on a second page.
    But whe you open the contact list when you type a new text message, the keyboard has all the letters on one screen.
    What's the difference? Is it a bug? Can I solve it myself?

    Can't Nokia solve it? It's possible! And the weird thing is that they did it correct in the contact list from the messages.

  • How do I use my external MIDI keyboard with Logic 7 and create MIDI data?

    I have a Yamaha UX16 cord that goes from the MIDI IN & OUT of my keyboard to a USB jack to plug in my Mac. But I don't know how to set it up so I can record myself playing the keyboard via MIDI and then later switch the sound or instrument in the track.

    You need to set up your keyboard inside a utility ap. called Audio Midi Setup.
    You find it here:
    Applications / Utilities / Audio Midi
    Inside this application you should see your Yamaha UX16 as an interface with ports along the bottom of it. Create a new device and name it whatever your keyboard is named, and cable it to and from the Yamaha UX16.
    If you do not see the Yamaha UX16, you need to install it's drivers. Consult your manual / the Yamaha website for details on this.
    Once this is accomplished, you will then see the keyboard inside Logic, as a Midi input.
    Dont' forget to read this document, to enlighten you as to how Logic works, as it is very different that Garageband:

  • Install instructions for Search Modeler and integrating with Apps 11i

    Below are all the steps I took for creating integrating Search Modeler with an Oracle E-Business Suite ATG RUP 7 instance called ERNIE.
    Much thanks to Oracle Support ( Rajesh Ghosh, Vikas Soolapani and Roger Ford), as this simply wouldn't have been possible without them.
    There are a few things in this document that may not be pertinent to your environment if you're doing this. I've made attempts to clarify those possibly optional sections in the documentation.
    I've broken the document down into the following multiple parts
    o Setting up a new RedHat 4.8 x86 server called ausSEARCHdev (The server is in AUStin, TX, is dedicated to SEARCH, and is for our DEV environment)
    o SES (Secure Enterprise Search install
    o SES patchset install
    o SES CPU patch apply
    o Standalone OC4J and ADF installation
    o Search Modeler installation and configuration
    o Configure ERNIE Apps instance to be on valid self-signed SSL certificate
    o Import ERNIE SSL certificate into SES and Search Modeler
    using aussearchdev initially
    rh4 x86, default oracle build
    ** htop and collectl are open source free performance monitoring packages we utilize**
    install htop and collectl
    rpm -ivh htop-0.7-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh collectl-3.4.0-4.noarch.rpm
    chkconfig collectl on
    service collectl start
    **We still need to install the necessary rpms so that collectl logs are compressed
    useradd -u 501 oracle
    groupadd -g 504 dba
    usermod -G 504 oracle
         [root@aussearchdev ~]# su - oracle
         [oracle@aussearchdev ~]$ id
         uid=501(oracle) gid=501(oracle) groups=501(oracle),504(dba)
    passwd oracle
    ** /mnt/oraclebackup is a network dumpspot we use to hold Software installs, RPMs, etc
    ** /mnt/rpms is a network dumpspot we use to hold ISOs for OS software such as Redhat Linux
    mkdir /mnt/oraclebackup
    mkdir /mnt/rpms
    add the following to /etc/fstab
    XXXXXXX:/patches/oraclebackup /mnt/oraclebackup nfs defaults,hard,nolock 0 0
    XXXXXXX:/esxpress/nfs /mnt/rpms nfs rw,addr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 0 0
    mount /mnt/rpms
    Next need to install various oracle needed RPMs.
    cd /mnt/rpms/rh40_upd8/RedHat/RPMS/
    rpm -ivh perl-Compress-Zlib-1.42-1.el4.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh libaio-devel-0.3.105-2.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh sysstat-5.0.5-25.el4.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-1.RHEL4.1.i386.rpm
    service collectl restart
    cd /tmp
    rpm -ivh oracle-validated-1.0.0-18.el4.i386.rpm
    Now we should have all the RPMs we need.
    cd /etc/sysconfig/oracle-validated
    cd /var/log/oracle-validated/results
    more orakernel.log
    uname -a
    should return 2.6.9 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep gcc-
    should return 3.4.3 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep glibc
    should return 2.3.4-2.9 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep make
    should return 3.80 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep binutils
    should return or higher
    rpm -qa|grep openmotif
    should return 2.2.3-9.RHEL4.1 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep compat-db
    should return 4.1.25-9 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep setarch
    should return 1.6-1 or higher
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem
    should return 250 32000 100 128 or higher (250 32000 100 142 in our case)
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall (1073741824 in our case)
    should return 2097152 or higher
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
    should return half the size of physical memory (4294967295 in our case - NO LARGER on 32-bit OS)
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
    should return 4096
    cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
    should return 65536 (327679 in our case)
    cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    should return 1024 65000
    values in /etc/security/limits.conf set by oracle-validated rpm, no changes necessary
    add the following line to /etc/pam.d/login
    session required /lib/security/
    add the following to /etc/profile
    if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
    if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
    ulimit -p 16384
    ulimit -n 65536
    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
    mkdir -p /d01/oracle
    chmod 777 /d01/oracle
    init 6 the box (aka reboot)
    Time to start the SES installer
    running SES installer
    as oracle
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/SES10182
    search server name sesprod
    administrative password XXXXXXXX for dev,
    http port 7777
    destination path /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev (dev)
    data storage path /d01/oracle/sesdevdata (dev)
    inventory /d01/oracle/oraInventory
    dba group
    run as requested
    all tests should pass, continue
    finished clean
    tried logging in to admin console at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/admin - worked fine
    tried bringing up search query at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/query/search - worked fine
    Now we need to get to of SES
    (yes, you need to keep the system up)
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/SES10184/ses_10184pst_linux/
    Destination, choose sesdev
    Patchset successful
    tried logging in to admin console at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/admin - worked fine
    tried bringing up search query at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/query/search - worked fine
    Apply CPU Patch to SES
    CPU JAN 10 says patch 9119261 is required - but patch requires extended support contract
    CPU OCT 09 says patch 8836540 is required - but patch requires extended support contract
    CPU JUL 09 says patch 8534394 is required - but patch requires extended support contract
    CPU APR 09 says patch 8290534 is required - and you can actually download it
    Need opatch from 6880880
    cp -r /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/CPUAPR09/OPatch $ORACLE_HOME
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:$PATH
    shut down everything
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/CPUAPR09/8290534
    opatch apply
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/cpu/CPUApr2009
    **Note: your sys password is what you set for your administrative password above
    sqlplus "sys/XXXXXX" as sysdba;
    shutdown immediate
    cd /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/cpu/view_recompile/
    sqlplus "sys/XXXXXXX" as sysdba;
    startup upgrade;
    shutdown immediate
    cd /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/jdk/jre/lib/ext
    mv mail.jar $HOME/mail.jar.backup02222010
    mv mailapi.jar $HOME/mailapi.jar.back02222010
    cp /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/search/lib/mail.jar .
    SES is now installed and updated with latest available CPU
    tried logging in to admin console at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/admin - worked fine
    tried bringing up search query at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/query/search - worked fine
    we're going to go with the standalone OC4j and Oracle ADF method
    The URLs for these products are
    and specifically
    OC4J -
    ADF -
    OC4J install
    First you need to have Java 1.5 on the machine. Latest is 1.5.0_22. Package is in /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES
    as root on aussearchdev
    cd /usr/local
    cp /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/jdk-1_5_0_22-linux-i586.bin .
    chmod 700 jdk-1_5_0_22-linux-i586.bin
    install OC4J just by copying over the directory
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    mkdir -p /d01/oracle/oc4j
    cd /d01/oracle/oc4j
    cp -r /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/oc4j/* .
    ADF install
    vi /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/adf/
    change the following
    OracleHome = /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/adf
    DesHome = /d01/oracle/oc4j/
    type = OC4J
    as root
    cd /usr/bin
    rm java
    ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22/bin/java
    su - oracle
    java -version     should now return 1.5.0_22
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/adf
    java -jar runinstaller.jar -version
    returns The version for the ADF libraries being installed is - yes, that is apparently
    java -jar runinstaller.jar
    output looks good, do not be concerned by
    WARNING: 'Could not delete: /d01/oracle/oc4j/BC4J/redist/bc4j' whilst deleting bc4j application
    WARNING: 'Could not delete: /d01/oracle/oc4j/BC4J/redist/datatags' whilst deleting datatags application
    as it was trying to delete the old version that didn't exist
    Start OC4J
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./oc4j -start
    you will be prompted for password - we're setting it. use XXXXXXXXXX
    after it's up, kill it (ctrl-c) and restart it with
    nohup ./oc4j -start &
    last lines in nohup.out is
    Starting OC4J from /d01/oracle/oc4j/j2ee/home ...
    10/02/23 03:22:38 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    So now on to search modeler installation, going by Installation steps in Note 781366.1
    8326128 - This is not a patch to be applied to the Apps, keep reading
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/8326128
    mkdir -p /d01/oracle/oc4j/uploaded
    vi, changing
    now set the following environment values in your ssh session
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/ant/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    ant main
    whole bunch of stuff to screen, errors due to undeploy something that doesn't exist. Finished after a minute with
    Total time: 58 seconds
    Now on to post install steps
    restart OC4j
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./ -shutdown -port 23791 -password r*l*r*0*
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/ant/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    nohup ./ -start &
    end of nohup.out should show
    Starting OC4J from /d01/oracle/oc4j/j2ee/home ...
    Try going to http://aussearchdev:8888/modeler/faces/ModelerHome.jsp
    Should get login screen, but wait, we haven't installed Oracle Apps interface yet...
    Next let's do the Apps side of things
    Going by note 953378.1
    Using ERNIE (a development instance of E-Business Suite running ATG RUP 7)
    as applmgr on ausernieapp (ausernieapp is our app tier)
    shut down apps services
    apps patch 8225631
    verify all the pre-req patches are in ERNIE
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '5903765';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '6372396';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3219567';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3264822';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3261254';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '5161676';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3036401';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3263588';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3264818';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3218526';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3263645';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '4206794';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3262486';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3261243';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '2614213';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3262159';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '2819091';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3412795';
    patch went in smooth
    Log in to ERNIE Apps GUI as sysadmin user responsibility
    Give users such as sysadmin FND Search Crawler responsibility
    Go to system profile options, set
    set FND: Search Enabling Flag to Y at site level
    as applmgr on ausernieapp
    cd /d01/oracle/ernieappl/fnd/11.5.0/patch/115/sql
    sqlplus apps/$APPS_PWD @AFSRCHCF
    Enter SES endpoint URL [e.g.]:
    Enter Apps Admin username [e.g. sysadmin]: sysadmin
    Enter Apps Admin password: sysadmin_password
    Enter SES Admin username [e.g. eqsys]: eqsys
    Enter SES Admin password: eqsyspassword <-- This is the same as sys's password
    on aussearchdev as oracle
    had to kill modeler and start all the processes, so
    kill -9 the modeler oc4j process, then
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    enter the password when prompted
    in IE browser go to
    log in with eqsys password
    global settings tab
    identity management setup
    click circle next to
    (yes, we're going with 12 even though we use Oracle Apps 11i)
    http end point
    username sysadmin
    password XXXXXXX
    Global Settings
    Federation Trusted Entitites
    ####entity name sysadmin
    ####Entity Password XXXXXXXX
    According to web conference with Oracle, this should NOT be eqsys but instead be sysadmin from above.
    Select the Use Entity Plug-in for authentication check box
    Trying to go to and login (sysadmin / password)
    stop midtier on both SES and Apps
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    ./ apps/$APPS_PWD on EBS app tier
    start midtier on both SES and Apps
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    ./ apps/$APPS_PWD on EBS app tier
    Now try and log in to Oracle SES user interface to verify the configuration
    Now start up modeler again
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    nohup ./ -start &
    Works now.
    Now go to log in as oc4jadmin/XXXXXXX
    Configure new target
    Target Type 11i
    Description ERNIE
    Name ERNIE
    EBS Database Host Name auserniedb
    EBS Database Port 1521
    EBS Database SID ERNIE
    username apps
    password XXXXXXXXx
    oc4jadmin XXXXXXXx
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home
    java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:aussearchdev oc4jadmin XXXXXXXXX -addDataSourceConnectionPool -name "ERNIE2-pool" -factoryClass "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" -dbUser "apps" -dbPassword "XXXXXXX" -url "" -applicationName appsearch
    java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:aussearchdev oc4jadmin XXXXXXX -addManagedDataSource -name "ERNIEDS" -jndiLocation "jdbc/ERNIEDS" -connectionPoolName "ERNIE2-pool" -applicationName appsearch
    So, creating a self signed SSL certificate for ERNIE EBS instance (this will not work if you use an SSL certificate for another server like say, PROD)
    doing this on ausernieapp
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out ausernieapp.key 1024
    PEM key is ausernieapp
    openssl req -new -key ausernieapp.key -out ausernieapp.csr
    PEM key is ausernieapp
    Country US
    State Texas
    Locality Austin
    Organization Name Corporation
    Organizational Unit Name Information Technology
    Common Name
    Email address [email protected]
    No challenge password
    No optional company name
    Now let's remove the passphrase from the key
    cp ausernieapp.key ausernieapp.key.orig
    openssl rsa -in ausernieapp.key.orig -out ausernieapp.key
    Now let's generate a self-signed certificate
    openssl x509 -req -days 1000 -in ausernieapp.csr -signkey ausernieapp.key -out ausernieapp.crt
    Install the private key and certificate
    cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt
    cp server.crt server.crt.backup.03102010
    chown applmgr:applmgr server.crt.backup.03102010
    cp $HOME/ausernieapp.crt /d01/oracle/ernieora/new/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
    cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.key/
    cp server.key server.key.backup.03102010
    cp $HOME/ausernieapp.key /d01/oracle/ernieora/new/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key
    chown applmgr:applmgr server.key.backup.03102010
    bounce apache as applmgr
    cd /d01/oracle/erniecomn/admin/scripts/ERNIE_ausernieapp
    ./ stop
    ./ start
    In IE
    Click on Certificate Error next to URL bar
    Install Certificate -> Next-> Place all certificates in the following store -> trusted root certificate authorities ->finish
    close browser, back to
    no errors,
    Next step will be to import key into the SES and Search modelers
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    cd /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/jdk/jre/lib/security/
    cp cacerts cacerts.backup.03102010
    scp root@ausernieapp:/root/ausernieapp.crt .
    export LANG=c
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin:$PATH
    keytool -keystore ./cacerts -storepass changeit -alias rootausernieapp -import -trustcacerts -file ausernieapp.crt
    Owner: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Issuer: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Serial number: b4e92089cf73076f
    Valid from: Wed Mar 10 13:22:38 CST 2010 until: Tue Dec 04 13:22:38 CST 2012
    Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5: 2C:6B:EE:1A:63:6D:XX:A6:05:90:F6:XX:DD:88:F7:80
    SHA1: F8:DC:E5:2A:3E:68:XX:E1:EA:E4:75:AE:CC:4F:4A:10:2F:8A:FE:9B
    Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
    Now load our cert
    keytool -keystore ./cacerts -import -trustcacerts -file ausernieapp.crt
    keytool -list -v -keystore ./cacerts now shows
    Alias name: rootausernieapp
    Creation date: Mar 10, 2010
    Entry type: trustedCertEntry
    Owner: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Issuer: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Serial number: b4e92089cf73076f
    Valid from: Wed Mar 10 13:22:38 CST 2010 until: Tue Dec 04 13:22:38 CST 2012
    Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5: 2C:6B:EE:1A:63:6D:CB:XX:05:90:F6:78:DD:88:F7:80
    SHA1: F8:DC:E5:2A:3E:68:9C:CE:EA:4E:75:AE:CC:FA:9E:10:2F:8A:FE:9B
    Now we need to load it into the search modeler keystore
    as root on aussearchdev
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22/
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22/jre/lib/security/
    scp root@ausernieapp:/root/ausernieapp.crt .
    keytool -keystore ./cacerts -import -trustcacerts -file ausernieapp.crt
    Enter keystore password: changeit
    Owner: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Issuer: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Serial number: b4e92089cf73076f
    Valid from: Wed Mar 10 13:22:38 CST 2010 until: Tue Dec 04 13:22:38 CST 2012
    Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5: 2C:6B:EE:1A:63:6D:CB:A1:05:90:F6:78:DD:88:F7:80
    SHA1: F8:DC:E5:2A:3E:68:9C:CE:EA:4E:75:AE:CC:4F:9E:10:2F:8A:FE:9B
    Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
    [root@aussearchdev security]#
    For troubleshooting, if you go to end of /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/search/data/config/crawler.dat
    you can modify the logLevel from the default of 4 to 2 to get better debug data. No services need to be restarted, it will become active with the next crawl.
    While talking with Oracle, they mentioned the following patches
    The patches identified 8321527 and 7586924 are SES patches to help with indexing
    They also identified patch 9103851 which is an apps patch dealing with responsibilities <-- This is not yet available
    Applying patch 7586924
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/post_patches/7586924
    opatch apply
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    sqlplus eqsys/XXXXXX@SESDEV
    define SCH_NAME=EQSYS
    define INST_USER=EQ_TEST
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/search/data/config/
    cp crawler.dat crawler.dat.backup.03102010
    vi crawler.dat
    We're using the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 crawler, so we will add the line
    USE_IN_MEMORY_QUEUE Oracle E-Business Suite R12
    as the line immediately preceding IMPORT -
    so the end of the file looks like this:
    # system properies: separated by space for multiple system properties or define multiple SYSTEM_PROPERTIES
    # logLevel values: DEBUG(2), INFO(4), WARN(6), ERROR(8), FATAL(10)
    USE_IN_MEMORY_QUEUE Oracle E-Business Suite R12
    IMPORT -
    Now on to patch 8321527
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/post_patches/8321527
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    cd -
    opatch apply
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    sqlplus eqsys/XXXXXXX@SESDEV
    define SCH_NAME=EQSYS
    select object_name from user_objects where status = 'INVALID';
    --should be no rows selected
    --should be no rows selected
    restart SES
    cd -
    ./searchctl stopall
    ./searchctl startall

    Below are all the steps I took for creating integrating Search Modeler with an Oracle E-Business Suite ATG RUP 7 instance called ERNIE.
    Much thanks to Oracle Support ( Rajesh Ghosh, Vikas Soolapani and Roger Ford), as this simply wouldn't have been possible without them.
    There are a few things in this document that may not be pertinent to your environment if you're doing this. I've made attempts to clarify those possibly optional sections in the documentation.
    I've broken the document down into the following multiple parts
    o Setting up a new RedHat 4.8 x86 server called ausSEARCHdev (The server is in AUStin, TX, is dedicated to SEARCH, and is for our DEV environment)
    o SES (Secure Enterprise Search install
    o SES patchset install
    o SES CPU patch apply
    o Standalone OC4J and ADF installation
    o Search Modeler installation and configuration
    o Configure ERNIE Apps instance to be on valid self-signed SSL certificate
    o Import ERNIE SSL certificate into SES and Search Modeler
    using aussearchdev initially
    rh4 x86, default oracle build
    ** htop and collectl are open source free performance monitoring packages we utilize**
    install htop and collectl
    rpm -ivh htop-0.7-1.el4.rf.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh collectl-3.4.0-4.noarch.rpm
    chkconfig collectl on
    service collectl start
    **We still need to install the necessary rpms so that collectl logs are compressed
    useradd -u 501 oracle
    groupadd -g 504 dba
    usermod -G 504 oracle
         [root@aussearchdev ~]# su - oracle
         [oracle@aussearchdev ~]$ id
         uid=501(oracle) gid=501(oracle) groups=501(oracle),504(dba)
    passwd oracle
    ** /mnt/oraclebackup is a network dumpspot we use to hold Software installs, RPMs, etc
    ** /mnt/rpms is a network dumpspot we use to hold ISOs for OS software such as Redhat Linux
    mkdir /mnt/oraclebackup
    mkdir /mnt/rpms
    add the following to /etc/fstab
    XXXXXXX:/patches/oraclebackup /mnt/oraclebackup nfs defaults,hard,nolock 0 0
    XXXXXXX:/esxpress/nfs /mnt/rpms nfs rw,addr=XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX 0 0
    mount /mnt/rpms
    Next need to install various oracle needed RPMs.
    cd /mnt/rpms/rh40_upd8/RedHat/RPMS/
    rpm -ivh perl-Compress-Zlib-1.42-1.el4.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh libaio-devel-0.3.105-2.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh sysstat-5.0.5-25.el4.i386.rpm
    rpm -ivh unixODBC-devel-2.2.11-1.RHEL4.1.i386.rpm
    service collectl restart
    cd /tmp
    rpm -ivh oracle-validated-1.0.0-18.el4.i386.rpm
    Now we should have all the RPMs we need.
    cd /etc/sysconfig/oracle-validated
    cd /var/log/oracle-validated/results
    more orakernel.log
    uname -a
    should return 2.6.9 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep gcc-
    should return 3.4.3 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep glibc
    should return 2.3.4-2.9 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep make
    should return 3.80 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep binutils
    should return or higher
    rpm -qa|grep openmotif
    should return 2.2.3-9.RHEL4.1 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep compat-db
    should return 4.1.25-9 or higher
    rpm -qa|grep setarch
    should return 1.6-1 or higher
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/sem
    should return 250 32000 100 128 or higher (250 32000 100 142 in our case)
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmall (1073741824 in our case)
    should return 2097152 or higher
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmax
    should return half the size of physical memory (4294967295 in our case - NO LARGER on 32-bit OS)
    cat /proc/sys/kernel/shmmni
    should return 4096
    cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max
    should return 65536 (327679 in our case)
    cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range
    should return 1024 65000
    values in /etc/security/limits.conf set by oracle-validated rpm, no changes necessary
    add the following line to /etc/pam.d/login
    session required /lib/security/
    add the following to /etc/profile
    if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
    if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
    ulimit -p 16384
    ulimit -n 65536
    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
    mkdir -p /d01/oracle
    chmod 777 /d01/oracle
    init 6 the box (aka reboot)
    Time to start the SES installer
    running SES installer
    as oracle
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/SES10182
    search server name sesprod
    administrative password XXXXXXXX for dev,
    http port 7777
    destination path /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev (dev)
    data storage path /d01/oracle/sesdevdata (dev)
    inventory /d01/oracle/oraInventory
    dba group
    run as requested
    all tests should pass, continue
    finished clean
    tried logging in to admin console at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/admin - worked fine
    tried bringing up search query at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/query/search - worked fine
    Now we need to get to of SES
    (yes, you need to keep the system up)
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/SES10184/ses_10184pst_linux/
    Destination, choose sesdev
    Patchset successful
    tried logging in to admin console at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/admin - worked fine
    tried bringing up search query at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/query/search - worked fine
    Apply CPU Patch to SES
    CPU JAN 10 says patch 9119261 is required - but patch requires extended support contract
    CPU OCT 09 says patch 8836540 is required - but patch requires extended support contract
    CPU JUL 09 says patch 8534394 is required - but patch requires extended support contract
    CPU APR 09 says patch 8290534 is required - and you can actually download it
    Need opatch from 6880880
    cp -r /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/CPUAPR09/OPatch $ORACLE_HOME
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:$PATH
    shut down everything
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/CPUAPR09/8290534
    opatch apply
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/cpu/CPUApr2009
    **Note: your sys password is what you set for your administrative password above
    sqlplus "sys/XXXXXX" as sysdba;
    shutdown immediate
    cd /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/cpu/view_recompile/
    sqlplus "sys/XXXXXXX" as sysdba;
    startup upgrade;
    shutdown immediate
    cd /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/jdk/jre/lib/ext
    mv mail.jar $HOME/mail.jar.backup02222010
    mv mailapi.jar $HOME/mailapi.jar.back02222010
    cp /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/search/lib/mail.jar .
    SES is now installed and updated with latest available CPU
    tried logging in to admin console at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/admin - worked fine
    tried bringing up search query at http://aussearchdev:7777/search/query/search - worked fine
    we're going to go with the standalone OC4j and Oracle ADF method
    The URLs for these products are
    and specifically
    OC4J -
    ADF -
    OC4J install
    First you need to have Java 1.5 on the machine. Latest is 1.5.0_22. Package is in /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES
    as root on aussearchdev
    cd /usr/local
    cp /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/jdk-1_5_0_22-linux-i586.bin .
    chmod 700 jdk-1_5_0_22-linux-i586.bin
    install OC4J just by copying over the directory
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    mkdir -p /d01/oracle/oc4j
    cd /d01/oracle/oc4j
    cp -r /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/oc4j/* .
    ADF install
    vi /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/adf/
    change the following
    OracleHome = /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/adf
    DesHome = /d01/oracle/oc4j/
    type = OC4J
    as root
    cd /usr/bin
    rm java
    ln -s /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22/bin/java
    su - oracle
    java -version     should now return 1.5.0_22
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/adf
    java -jar runinstaller.jar -version
    returns The version for the ADF libraries being installed is - yes, that is apparently
    java -jar runinstaller.jar
    output looks good, do not be concerned by
    WARNING: 'Could not delete: /d01/oracle/oc4j/BC4J/redist/bc4j' whilst deleting bc4j application
    WARNING: 'Could not delete: /d01/oracle/oc4j/BC4J/redist/datatags' whilst deleting datatags application
    as it was trying to delete the old version that didn't exist
    Start OC4J
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./oc4j -start
    you will be prompted for password - we're setting it. use XXXXXXXXXX
    after it's up, kill it (ctrl-c) and restart it with
    nohup ./oc4j -start &
    last lines in nohup.out is
    Starting OC4J from /d01/oracle/oc4j/j2ee/home ...
    10/02/23 03:22:38 Oracle Containers for J2EE 10g ( initialized
    So now on to search modeler installation, going by Installation steps in Note 781366.1
    8326128 - This is not a patch to be applied to the Apps, keep reading
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/8326128
    mkdir -p /d01/oracle/oc4j/uploaded
    vi, changing
    now set the following environment values in your ssh session
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/ant/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    ant main
    whole bunch of stuff to screen, errors due to undeploy something that doesn't exist. Finished after a minute with
    Total time: 58 seconds
    Now on to post install steps
    restart OC4j
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./ -shutdown -port 23791 -password r*l*r*0*
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/ant/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    nohup ./ -start &
    end of nohup.out should show
    Starting OC4J from /d01/oracle/oc4j/j2ee/home ...
    Try going to http://aussearchdev:8888/modeler/faces/ModelerHome.jsp
    Should get login screen, but wait, we haven't installed Oracle Apps interface yet...
    Next let's do the Apps side of things
    Going by note 953378.1
    Using ERNIE (a development instance of E-Business Suite running ATG RUP 7)
    as applmgr on ausernieapp (ausernieapp is our app tier)
    shut down apps services
    apps patch 8225631
    verify all the pre-req patches are in ERNIE
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '5903765';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '6372396';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3219567';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3264822';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3261254';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '5161676';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3036401';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3263588';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3264818';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3218526';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3263645';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '4206794';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3262486';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3261243';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '2614213';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3262159';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '2819091';
    select * from ad_bugs where bug_number = '3412795';
    patch went in smooth
    Log in to ERNIE Apps GUI as sysadmin user responsibility
    Give users such as sysadmin FND Search Crawler responsibility
    Go to system profile options, set
    set FND: Search Enabling Flag to Y at site level
    as applmgr on ausernieapp
    cd /d01/oracle/ernieappl/fnd/11.5.0/patch/115/sql
    sqlplus apps/$APPS_PWD @AFSRCHCF
    Enter SES endpoint URL [e.g.]:
    Enter Apps Admin username [e.g. sysadmin]: sysadmin
    Enter Apps Admin password: sysadmin_password
    Enter SES Admin username [e.g. eqsys]: eqsys
    Enter SES Admin password: eqsyspassword <-- This is the same as sys's password
    on aussearchdev as oracle
    had to kill modeler and start all the processes, so
    kill -9 the modeler oc4j process, then
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    enter the password when prompted
    in IE browser go to
    log in with eqsys password
    global settings tab
    identity management setup
    click circle next to
    (yes, we're going with 12 even though we use Oracle Apps 11i)
    http end point
    username sysadmin
    password XXXXXXX
    Global Settings
    Federation Trusted Entitites
    ####entity name sysadmin
    ####Entity Password XXXXXXXX
    According to web conference with Oracle, this should NOT be eqsys but instead be sysadmin from above.
    Select the Use Entity Plug-in for authentication check box
    Trying to go to and login (sysadmin / password)
    stop midtier on both SES and Apps
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    ./ apps/$APPS_PWD on EBS app tier
    start midtier on both SES and Apps
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    ./ apps/$APPS_PWD on EBS app tier
    Now try and log in to Oracle SES user interface to verify the configuration
    Now start up modeler again
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    nohup ./ -start &
    Works now.
    Now go to log in as oc4jadmin/XXXXXXX
    Configure new target
    Target Type 11i
    Description ERNIE
    Name ERNIE
    EBS Database Host Name auserniedb
    EBS Database Port 1521
    EBS Database SID ERNIE
    username apps
    password XXXXXXXXx
    oc4jadmin XXXXXXXx
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22
    export ORACLE_HOME=/d01/oracle/oc4j
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home
    java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:aussearchdev oc4jadmin XXXXXXXXX -addDataSourceConnectionPool -name "ERNIE2-pool" -factoryClass "oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" -dbUser "apps" -dbPassword "XXXXXXX" -url "" -applicationName appsearch
    java -jar admin_client.jar deployer:oc4j:aussearchdev oc4jadmin XXXXXXX -addManagedDataSource -name "ERNIEDS" -jndiLocation "jdbc/ERNIEDS" -connectionPoolName "ERNIE2-pool" -applicationName appsearch
    So, creating a self signed SSL certificate for ERNIE EBS instance (this will not work if you use an SSL certificate for another server like say, PROD)
    doing this on ausernieapp
    openssl genrsa -des3 -out ausernieapp.key 1024
    PEM key is ausernieapp
    openssl req -new -key ausernieapp.key -out ausernieapp.csr
    PEM key is ausernieapp
    Country US
    State Texas
    Locality Austin
    Organization Name Corporation
    Organizational Unit Name Information Technology
    Common Name
    Email address [email protected]
    No challenge password
    No optional company name
    Now let's remove the passphrase from the key
    cp ausernieapp.key ausernieapp.key.orig
    openssl rsa -in ausernieapp.key.orig -out ausernieapp.key
    Now let's generate a self-signed certificate
    openssl x509 -req -days 1000 -in ausernieapp.csr -signkey ausernieapp.key -out ausernieapp.crt
    Install the private key and certificate
    cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt
    cp server.crt server.crt.backup.03102010
    chown applmgr:applmgr server.crt.backup.03102010
    cp $HOME/ausernieapp.crt /d01/oracle/ernieora/new/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.crt/server.crt
    cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.key/
    cp server.key server.key.backup.03102010
    cp $HOME/ausernieapp.key /d01/oracle/ernieora/new/iAS/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.key/server.key
    chown applmgr:applmgr server.key.backup.03102010
    bounce apache as applmgr
    cd /d01/oracle/erniecomn/admin/scripts/ERNIE_ausernieapp
    ./ stop
    ./ start
    In IE
    Click on Certificate Error next to URL bar
    Install Certificate -> Next-> Place all certificates in the following store -> trusted root certificate authorities ->finish
    close browser, back to
    no errors,
    Next step will be to import key into the SES and Search modelers
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    cd /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/jdk/jre/lib/security/
    cp cacerts cacerts.backup.03102010
    scp root@ausernieapp:/root/ausernieapp.crt .
    export LANG=c
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin:$PATH
    keytool -keystore ./cacerts -storepass changeit -alias rootausernieapp -import -trustcacerts -file ausernieapp.crt
    Owner: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Issuer: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Serial number: b4e92089cf73076f
    Valid from: Wed Mar 10 13:22:38 CST 2010 until: Tue Dec 04 13:22:38 CST 2012
    Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5: 2C:6B:EE:1A:63:6D:XX:A6:05:90:F6:XX:DD:88:F7:80
    SHA1: F8:DC:E5:2A:3E:68:XX:E1:EA:E4:75:AE:CC:4F:4A:10:2F:8A:FE:9B
    Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
    Now load our cert
    keytool -keystore ./cacerts -import -trustcacerts -file ausernieapp.crt
    keytool -list -v -keystore ./cacerts now shows
    Alias name: rootausernieapp
    Creation date: Mar 10, 2010
    Entry type: trustedCertEntry
    Owner: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Issuer: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Serial number: b4e92089cf73076f
    Valid from: Wed Mar 10 13:22:38 CST 2010 until: Tue Dec 04 13:22:38 CST 2012
    Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5: 2C:6B:EE:1A:63:6D:CB:XX:05:90:F6:78:DD:88:F7:80
    SHA1: F8:DC:E5:2A:3E:68:9C:CE:EA:4E:75:AE:CC:FA:9E:10:2F:8A:FE:9B
    Now we need to load it into the search modeler keystore
    as root on aussearchdev
    export JAVA_HOME=/usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22/
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
    cd /usr/local/jdk1.5.0_22/jre/lib/security/
    scp root@ausernieapp:/root/ausernieapp.crt .
    keytool -keystore ./cacerts -import -trustcacerts -file ausernieapp.crt
    Enter keystore password: changeit
    Owner: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Issuer: [email protected],, OU=Information Technology, O=Corporation, L=Austin, ST=Texas, C=US
    Serial number: b4e92089cf73076f
    Valid from: Wed Mar 10 13:22:38 CST 2010 until: Tue Dec 04 13:22:38 CST 2012
    Certificate fingerprints:
    MD5: 2C:6B:EE:1A:63:6D:CB:A1:05:90:F6:78:DD:88:F7:80
    SHA1: F8:DC:E5:2A:3E:68:9C:CE:EA:4E:75:AE:CC:4F:9E:10:2F:8A:FE:9B
    Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
    Certificate was added to keystore
    [root@aussearchdev security]#
    For troubleshooting, if you go to end of /d01/oracle/10.1.8/sesdev/search/data/config/crawler.dat
    you can modify the logLevel from the default of 4 to 2 to get better debug data. No services need to be restarted, it will become active with the next crawl.
    While talking with Oracle, they mentioned the following patches
    The patches identified 8321527 and 7586924 are SES patches to help with indexing
    They also identified patch 9103851 which is an apps patch dealing with responsibilities <-- This is not yet available
    Applying patch 7586924
    as oracle on aussearchdev
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/post_patches/7586924
    opatch apply
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    sqlplus eqsys/XXXXXX@SESDEV
    define SCH_NAME=EQSYS
    define INST_USER=EQ_TEST
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/search/data/config/
    cp crawler.dat crawler.dat.backup.03102010
    vi crawler.dat
    We're using the Oracle E-Business Suite R12 crawler, so we will add the line
    USE_IN_MEMORY_QUEUE Oracle E-Business Suite R12
    as the line immediately preceding IMPORT -
    so the end of the file looks like this:
    # system properies: separated by space for multiple system properties or define multiple SYSTEM_PROPERTIES
    # logLevel values: DEBUG(2), INFO(4), WARN(6), ERROR(8), FATAL(10)
    USE_IN_MEMORY_QUEUE Oracle E-Business Suite R12
    IMPORT -
    Now on to patch 8321527
    cd /mnt/oraclebackup/deathstar_patches/SES/post_patches/8321527
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl stopall
    cd -
    opatch apply
    cd $ORACLE_HOME/bin
    ./searchctl startall
    sqlplus eqsys/XXXXXXX@SESDEV
    define SCH_NAME=EQSYS
    select object_name from user_objects where status = 'INVALID';
    --should be no rows selected
    --should be no rows selected
    restart SES
    cd -
    ./searchctl stopall
    ./searchctl startall

  • Can I use one wireless mouse and keyboard for a MB and a pc?

    I am planning to buy a lcd display which basically has both dvi and vga ports. So, I thought I will plug my pc into the vga and my MB into the DVI and use the same display for both machines. I just need to switch between the source through the display menu in order to switch. Now the problem is I can't seem to fiigure out how to use a single wireless KB and a mouse to run in both systems.
    Anyone has any idea?

    I can see the appeal of your desired setup, but is the limitation the inability to "Pair" the mouse/keyboard to more than one computer at a time? (Practically, that makes sense, you don't want to be blindly moving both cursors around at the same time, since you can only see one screen at a time)
    You CAN operate bluetooth devices on Windows without pairing-you just need to locate the device each time before using:
    So maybe you can pair the Mac version, and just search out the device each time you switch over? (but then you would have to "unpair" it off the Mac too) Maybe you need to write two scripts for each platform: pair/unpair devices.
    Sounds like it would be easier to buy two wireless keyboards and mice :P
    What you really want is a utility like this:
    (its only Mac to Mac though, unfortunately)
    Good luck!

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