No more periodic system cleanup?

I'm not quite sure what to call it besides periodic system cleanup that happened in Tiger, but if my computer was on later (although never left it on all night really - put it to sleep when I went to bed) and restarted it the next day, some files would be in my trash to empty all the time. This seems to never be the case with my Leopard. I was just wondering if there was possibly something I'm missing out on or if there was a way to manually do it.

Since 10.4.2 they are automatically postponed and taken care of later by launchd, if your Mac is sleeping at 3:15 (daily), 3:15 (weekly) and 5:30 (monthly).
That's right you might miss some though, if you shutdown your Mac every night or in some other rare occasions,
but the main point here is that these tasks are nothing at all that so very important.
Running them once a month to stay clean is far enough (that's what I do myself. I'm not saying they are totally useless).
They were more important in the early years of Unix, when HD capacities were small and various error messages were filling log files on systems that were running without any interuption for years, 24/7/365...
Then they became a kind of fashion with Jaguar and MacJanitor, when Mac OS X was running them during the night *only if the Mac was not sleeping*.
These times are far behind, except for some utilities developers and for some advisers who are stuck in their ancien knowledge.
Now in Leopard, if we let it run we might learn that there is yet another improvement in automation, that we don't ever need to run them anymore at all, no even once a month.
Of course if we compulsively jump on the first available utility, we do what we already did in Tiger (10.4.2): we never have a chance to learn we don't need them anymore.
As for Macaroni:
Me too I tried it and advised it then when it was still a little bit useful (Jaguar and Panther). Since Tiger it's just overkill and in Leopard, hopefully 100% obsolete if Leo is now able to automate also the post-shutdown situation.
More importanly in this thread:
Needing to install third-party utilities as soon as possible, before we even begin to know well what's new and what works even better than before, is not a good approach IMO.
I would've not reacted, but I know
(for example the French forums where OnyX author is always happy to show his knowledge and feel he's so needed...)
that this utilitie's hype is going to spread so fast, implying the wrong idea that Mac OS X cannot survive without tinkering,
implying that there are no improvements in how system files are handled and cleaned.
These habits are not fed only by some "helpers" here who have a whole set of ready-to-copy-paste replies, it comes also from these, often Windows switchers, who always feel better if they have something to tinker with.

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    There is some built-in protection against downloading malware, but you can’t rely on it — the attackers are always at least one day ahead of the defense. You can’t rely on third-party protection either. What you can rely on is common-sense awareness — not paranoia, which only makes you more vulnerable.
    Never install software from an untrustworthy or unknown source. If in doubt, do some research. Any website that prompts you to install a “codec” or “plugin” that comes from the same site, or an unknown site, is untrustworthy. Software with a corporate brand, such as Adobe Flash Player, must be acquired directly from the developer. No intermediary is acceptable, and don’t trust links unless you know how to parse them. Any file that is automatically downloaded from a web page without your having requested it should go straight into the Trash. A website that claims you have a “virus,” or that anything else is wrong with your computer, is rogue.
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    6. Relax, don’t do it. Besides the above, no routine maintenance is necessary or beneficial for the vast majority of users; specifically not “cleaning caches,” “zapping the PRAM,” "resetting the SMC," “rebuilding the directory,” "defragmenting the drive," “running periodic scripts,” “dumping logs,” "deleting temp files," “scanning for viruses,” "purging memory," "checking for bad blocks," "testing the hardware," or “repairing permissions.” Such measures are either completely pointless or are useful only for solving problems, not for prevention.
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    1) yes you can use DSL with what you have, but you want more RAM and I would recommend getting OSX.3 or above because the web browsers for OS9, which I assume is what you are running, are a bit dated and not well supported any longer.
    2) Yes you can add more RAM. The 64meg stick in there can be removed. You can add up to 1 Gig of RAM via two 512Mb PC100 or PC133 DIMMS.
    See here:
    I would add at least 512 Mb if you use OSX and no less than 256 mb if you are using OS9
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    Hi hystericallyme,
    We haven't yet heard from you on your Private Support case.
    As always, feel free to make a new post, so we can be sure to look into your issue and may work towards a resolution.
    Ali Adam

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    You have defined a Special Calendar of the type Withholding Tax and the period of the invoice has not been defined on that Calendar.

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    right SAP_R3_HumanResourcesMetaData

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    sohaib zahid wrote:
    Thanks for reply...
    got 1 more question.... If i'll put 2 x 2GB RAM then still i'll be utilizing the dual channel ??? though only 3GB memory is being used by the system....
    I'll start by saying that I've read Intel's chipset datasheets, including their sections on memory controllers, dual-channel, memory speeds, etc. With Intel's memory controller chipsets, they don't access two modules in parallel as an effectively doubled-width data bus. They still only perform read/writes data one module at a time. What you might get with "dual channel" operation is that it can get a small head-start when "ping-ponging" from one module to the other. It anticipates when it will be over, and will start off the other module to get a head start on the latency before data is available. Overall the advantage is small. In fact, Intel does do this when the memory modules aren't even matched for size - they call this "Dual Channel Asymmetric". It's supposed to perform dual-channel up to the high address of the smaller module. If you match sizes (doesn't even have to be identical modules or even speeds) Intel calls this "Dual Channel Interleaved", with the advantage throughout the entire address range.
    For your application, some benchmarks suggest a small increase in graphics performance. However - having more memory almost always wins out over trying to achieve "dual channel". Check these tests:
    n if RAM meets the specs of my macbook it won't panic kernel ???
    Not likely although poor quality memory could do that when it reaches marginal conditions (i.e. high heat).

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    1.There is one option called Master User Source in config tab. Right now, SERVER1 is specified. Does it mean that, if I want to synchronize User/Role/Profile data from SERVER2, first I need to specify SERVER2 here then run backgroung jobs?
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    2.There is one option called "Logical System" as well in config tab, which says that if you want to do analysis for multiple systems with the same rule set, define them here.
    But how to go about it?
    The bottom line is that, I want to use existing J2EE server for these 2 systms : SERVER1 and SERVER2. Kindly let me know the steps to be followed.
    Response would be appreciated and awarded, since it quite urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Faisal,
    1. No, the Master User Source is just the first search system to retrieve user data like first/last name. The search will continue in the other systems if the user is not found in the Master User Source. You do not need to change anything here!
    2. Logical systems can be used if you have multiple systems having the same ruleset. You do not have to use logical systems, you can also create each system and load the rule data individually. With logical systems, you would group the systems under the name of the logical system and load the rule data/generate the rules for the logical system.

  • ChaRM: Change process for correction belonging more sap systems?

    Dear friends of SolMan,
    a question regarding ChaRM.
    How can I solve the following process with ChaRM by SolMan?
    I have a change request belonging BI. Therefore I create a normal correction and do my customizing or developement in BI. But for the change I have to do some customizing in the ERP 6.0 system too.
    How can I handle the developement and/or customizing in two different systems within one change?
    Thanks for your help in advance.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: Alexander Barth on Mar 16, 2009 11:27 AM

    Hi Holger,
    try this condition:
    &Servicevorgang CRM.Anwenderstatus&  [*] E0002+DHFHEAD 
      and    &Servicevorgang CRM.ErrorFreeFlag&  = X 
    Keep me informed, if this helped.

  • SLT system cleanup

    We are replicating data from CRM to SAP HANA using SLT.
    We done a lot of development on SLT (created a lot of configurations, deleted them, then recreated them again, e.t.c).
    But as SLT is not deleting all objects compleatly we have a real mess now in system. For instance we have only 5 configurations working now in system, but we have already used number 155 of mass transfer. Because of that we are expiriencing some other issues.
    Is there some wise way to do system clean-up?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Markus,
    There are few IUUC* tables which hold the information of the MTDs..
    So you need to remove the table entries from these below 3 tables only to get rid of the old SLT Configuration.This has to be done before you create a new fresh LTRC Configuration..
    Note: This is a bit risky thing to perform as you have to use the debugger screen in SE16 & delete the entries for these tables..

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    I looked through several discussions of variables but did not find what I was looking for. I wanted a page # variable for the front matter and then a page # of # for the rest of the manual.
    Framemaker 7.0 defines 12 running H/F system variables plus a few others for page numbers but you are limited as to how you can edit them. For example, I was trying to make a variable that displayed current page only. None of the running H/F variables offers a building block called <$curpagenum>.
    I have a system variable called Current Page # and I was able to edit it down to just the Page #. I also have two other variables called Page x of x and Page xxx of xxx but they act like user variables. Any editing of their building blocks screws them up. Plus I don't know where they came from, unless from the original installation.
    Any suggestions?
    Michael F

    Typically, doing this is simple:
    For the front matter, either put those pages in their own component file of a Book, or use custom Master Pages that are mapped by Apply Master Pages, triggered by paragraph formats unique to the front matter content.
    The front matter MPs would have just system variable <$curpagenum> ("Current Page #") in a background text frame.
    For the main body pages, use default Left/Right and/or custom MPs as needed, and put "Page "<$curpagenum>" of "<$lastpagenum>" ("Page Count") in the background text frames.
    In neither case do you need to create a new variable. Just insert the plain text and system vars as needed.
    Using book format simplifies the MP use, and also provides the capability to use different numbering schemes. For example, the front matter could be roman numeral starting with "i", and the body pages arabic starting with "1".

  • Periodic System Hang/Freezing

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    Is any one getting this issues with the current model?

    If you suspect your hard drive, back everything up and keep it backed up. Then download and run S.M.A.R.T. Utility:
    You can download the demo and run it several times for free. S.M.A.R.T. Utility will give you a detailed view of of the factors which determine the S.M.A.R.T. status, and may detect impending hard drive failure before it shows up in Disk Utility.
    Freezing could also be software related. You could try a restart and see if this helps. You could create a new user account for test purposes and see if the problem persists. You could also reinstall the OS.
    If the problem persists, you could try running the extended version of the Apple Hardware Test and see if anything shows up in the form of an error code.
    If nothing works, tell Apple. Your computer should not be freezing.
    Good luck!

  • More camera systems for direct tether?

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    Can we expect to see tethering available for Phase One and Leaf for us medium format users?

    Don't hold your breath for tethering support of HoyaTax DSLR's, especially if you have a K-7.  Seems they, HoyaTax, has decided to disable the ability to support LiveView tethering let alone basic an PnS on the market can do it tethering.  My suspicion is the Samsung sensor used combined with the weather sealing and very small internal body volume, the sensor is very sensitive to heat related failures like the "green line syndrome" we saw in early units right after release.  While it wasn't ever linked to sensor heat sensitivity, it just seems to make to help reduce the potential for over heating during a tethered shooting sessions thanks to the added hardware which must be running when tethered, HoyaTax decided to just 86 tethering completely.
    I originally bought into HoyaTax, leaving Canikon world, for the weather sealing and the reasonably OK in-body shake-reduction...I bought a K20D, even with it's crummy LiveView last minute bolt-on, with the idea of waiting out the K-7 price point.  Never for a moment did I think something as trivial as tethering was going to be intentionally removed/left out of a $1400 DSLR...there is a level of feature expectation and HoyaTax is pretty arrogant in that respect.

Maybe you are looking for