No of concurrent users on oracle 10g

Hi Guru's,
We have a requirement where 200 + user will have a connection to our database at a point of time. We have windows 2008 + oracle 11.1 in our envirnment.
Now my question is ..What steps do i need to take that all connection are taken care by databse and no connection gets failure message.I tried this by 100 connnection but after 100 it is giving error .(listener error..)
Please let me know in case any more detail is required from my side.

As you never posted what listener error you got, my guess is you hit ora-12500, which usually means the maximum number of threads for the Oracle process is reached.
You can configure the maximum number of threads in Windows, but I do not know from the top of my head how, so I suggest you visit
Sybrand Bakker
Senior Oracle DBA

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    Please find the user and its usage in 10G:::
    User Purpose
    SYS      Oracle Data Dictionary/ Catalog
    SYSTEM The default DBA user name (please do not use SYS)
    OUTLN Stored outlines for optimizer plan stability
    DBSNMP Oracle Intelligent agent
    DIP Generic user account DIP for processing events propagated by DIP.
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    ORACLE_OCM Owner of packages used by Oracle Configuration Manager
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    No, you can't rename user directly.
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    The only limit that Oracle places on the number of concurrent users on an XE database is through the limit of 1GB of RAM. You can have as many concurrent sessions as you can open in 1GB of RAM.

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    Recreate the password file for the ASM instance as follows:
    orapwd file=<ORACLE_HOME>/dbs/PWD<SID> password=<sys_password>
    orapwd file=<ORACLE_HOME>/database/PWD<SID>.ora password=<sys_password>
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    SQL> create user ASMDBA identified by test01;
    User created.
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;
    Please see this link :
    Thank you

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    CREATE TABLE privilege grants complete control on owner's tables :
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    TEST01@db102 SQL>                                                      

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    Can you post the entire dump from the console?
    Where are you getting the term "Concurrent Users"? Concurrent Users is a term Oracle used to use (or maybe still do) when licensing products. I'm just interested where you are seeing this from.

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    OS linux
    DB 10g
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    top - 22:43:43 up 52 days,  1:57,  6 users,  load average: 0.99, 0.49, 0.30
    Tasks: 549 total,   2 running, 547 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
    Cpu(s): 12.8% us,  0.5% sy,  0.0% ni, 86.5% id,  0.2% wa,  0.0% hi,  0.0% si
    Mem:   8309152k total,  8225644k used,    83508k free,     3752k buffers
    Swap: 10482308k total,  1993040k used,  8489268k free,  3575124k cached
    12778 oradev2   25   0  100   1:57.33  1.7 1165m 135m 101m R oracle
    14329 applprod  15   0    5   2:09.04  0.1 46300 7780 4204 S httpd
    12960 appldev   16   0    1   0:00.25  0.0  2620 1304  784 R top
    13945 oraprod   16   0    0   0:00.49  0.2 1119m  17m  15m S oracle
    15100 oraprod   16   0    0   0:05.16  0.9 1121m  69m  65m S oracle
        1 root      16   0    0   0:22.47  0.0  3504  508  432 S initI can see that oradev2 has a very hi CPU utilization, I am suspecting there is an untuned sql program inside it :(
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    Thanks a lot

    oradev2 is not the program, it is the LINUX oracle user id.
    the process is under the 'command' column and is 'oracle' - this usually means an oracle server process ( i don't know what you mean by an oracle 'kernel' incidentally)
    if you do a ps listing for the process - e.g
    $ ps -ef | grep 12778
    you will get a start time for the process which MAY give you a clue.
    otherwise you must use your documentation to find out about the sys view v$process - usually the SPID column is the LINUX process id - in your case, 12778
    you usually link v$process to v$session. Best of luck.
    johnnie d

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    in advance..

    Straight from the documentation :
    The SQL_BIND and SQL_TEXT columns are only populated if the AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter is set to db,extended.In addition, you have to make sure you issued the AUDIT command on the objects you would like to AUDIT access on.
    [Configuring and Administering Auditing|]

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    nice idea, because SQL itself doesn't contain info about session executing it.
    See Top SQL/Consumers
    in OEM 10: goto Perfomance - Top Activity - here you can see Top SQLs (left side) and Top Sessions (right side) and ! if click on SQL ID from Top SQL you can see sessions executing it on Activity page.

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    Pls. clearify me with your practical idea.!!

    If you can get it to work, the Designer Web Assistant should provide unlimited user, read-only access via a web-browser. That was one of our reasons for installing it. However, I cannot determine when the 6i version will be available, and it has not executed successfully yet.

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    Another thing do we need to have same password for dbsnmp and sysman

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    Following is the message in the browser
    Enterprise Manager is not able to connect to the database instance. The state of the components are listed below.
    Browser is showing All the components are up like instance, Agent and Listener with green arrows upward
    Message was edited by:

  • Number of concurrent users

    how can I find the number of concurrent users in oracle 10g;
    thank you

    You mean ACTIVE users ??
    Use following script :
    set pagesize 120
    set linesize 150
    select username, count(*) from v$session where status = 'ACTIVE'
    group by username;
    column spid format a5
    column sid format 9999
    column serial# format 999999
    column username format A9
    column schemaname format A8
    column osuser format a20
    column machine format a15
    column logondate format a15
    column terminal format a10
    column status format a10
    column module format a25
    select a.sid, a.serial#, b.spid,
    to_char(a.logon_time,'DD-MM HH24:MI:SS') LogonDate, a.osuser, a.machine, a.status, a.module
    from v$session a, v$process b where a.paddr = b.addr
    and a.status = 'ACTIVE' and a.username is not null
    order by 9;
    --order by b.spid;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Oracle 10g Lite Database User Creation

    I am using Oracle 10g Lite Database Release 3, I Like to Know How to Create a user in Oracle 10g Lite Database through Command ,Any Advice
    Thanks U

    In the same way you create user in any other oracle database. I recommned to check following Oracle Lite Sql reference document for creating user from command line.
    sql> CREATE USER liteuser IDENTIFIED BY "litepassword"; -- And add required privs to the user.

  • Iconic file in oracle 10g forms

    i am a new user in oracle 10g form,,,here i am running a form & placing all the icons in a folder,after that i changed the iconic file path in the default.env file,the path is same where the icons are kept,,but still i am unable to see the icons at the run time,,,,,
    do i need to modify some other file or the icons will be kept at some particaular place????
    plzzzz help.....

    1 How to Display Iconic Images Using Forms 9.0.x/ 10.x?
    When running an Oracle Forms 9i/10g application the icon files used must be in a web enabled
    format such as JPG or GIF (GIF is the default format) (This is unlike older versions of forms running in client-server mode when the file format is .ico.)
    Icon image files can either be retrieved by Forms as individual files on the filesystem or from a Java Archive (JAR file).
    If an application uses lots of icon images it is recommended that they are stored in a JAR file to reduce the number of HTTP round trips.
    Reference:Note 232413.1 How to Deploy Iconic Images via a JAR File in Forms 9i/10g?
    The example below details steps to configure iconic images as individual gif or jpeg files.
    It is a first approach recommended for initial testing and understanding.
    This document has been written for use with both Windows and UNIX operating systems: Windows will use the "\" character to delimit directories and UNIX uses the "/" character. Any other differences are noted in the document.
    1) Determine the physical location of the icons on your web server. For this example, assume that the icons are stored in D:\Myfiles\icons.
    2) Create the virtual directory in the forms90.conf file that point to the location of your Forms 9i/10g icons. This file is located in:
    To define a virtual directory forms90/icons, use the following syntax:
    # Virtual path for ICONS (used to show icons in a form ) AliasMatch ^/forms90/icons/(..*) "D:\Myfiles/icons/$1"
    Below is an example of the forms90.conf after it has been modified to include the /forms90/icons virtual directory.
    # Virtual path mapping for Forms Java jar and class files (codebase) AliasMatch ^/forms90/java/(..*) "E:\IASR2\APP/forms90/java/$1" # Virtual path for JInitiator downloadable executable and download page AliasMatch ^/forms90/jinitiator/(..*) "E:\IASR2\APP/jinit/$1" # Virtual path for runform.htm (used to run a form for testing purposes) AliasMatch ^/forms90/html/(..*) "E:\IASR2\APP/tools/web90/html/$1"
    # Virtual path for ICONS (used to show icons in a form ) AliasMatch ^/forms90/icons/(..*) "D:\Myfiles/icons/$1"
    ( For 10g use instead of "forms90" -> "forms")
    3) Direct forms to use the /forms90/icons or /forms/icons virtual directory when running on the web by modifying the Registry.dat file in the $ORACLE_HOME\forms90\java\oracle\forms\registry or $ORACLE_HOME\forms\java\oracle\forms\registry
    directory. Note that for UNIX, both the path name and file name are case sensitive. You must specify "Registry.dat".
    Modify the default.icons.iconpath entry as follows: default.icons.iconpath=http:///forms90/icons/ or default.icons.iconpath=http:///forms/icons/
    If the URL used to bring up forms on the web is: or
    Then the entry required for the Registry.dat will be: default.icons.iconpath= or default.icons.iconpath= default.icons.iconextension=gif
    4) Now use EM Website to: a) Restart the OC4J-BI-Forms Instance b) Restart the BI-FORMS HTTP Server Instance.
    5) Verify that the virtual directory has been defined properly and that the icons can be viewed in a browser.
    Assuming that exeqry.gif exists in the D:\Myfiles\icons directory, the following URL should show the icon: or
    6) Check the form :\Testcases\F90\ICON_CHECK_IASR2.fmx or\Testcases\F10g\ICON_CHECK_IASR2.fmx
    Icons do not appear in the browser using the URL:
    o Verify that you are using the correct machine name and port for the OC4J_BI_Forms object.
    o Check the virtual directory name to make sure that there are no typographical errors. o Check for typographical errors in the forms90.conf or forms.
    conf for the virtual directory. o Check the name of the icon on the file system. If the file is saved as Exeqry.gif, then it will not be found using the URL Close all your browser sessions and open a new browser window.
    Execute the URL to bring up from the Form Builder runtime or from the browser.
    ( For 10G use "forms" instead of "forms90")USEFUL REFERENCES:==================
    [PDF] Oracle9iAS Forms Services Deployment Guide (P/N B10170-01)Configuring Oracle9iAS Forms Services ->
    Deploying Icons and Images Used by Oracle9iAS Forms Services
    [PDF] Oracle9iForms Services - How to Deploy Icons

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