"No parameters provided for template"

I am trying to compile a utility class which makes use of the stdLib queue class where we set up our queue as a private member, declared to be a queue as follows:
class rawMsg{
class rawMsgQue {
queue<rawMsg *> myQueue;
A rawMsgQue object is created as a member of an outputWriter class in our io package.
The code compiles and runs fine using gcc, but when trying to compile using the Forte WS6U2 package (Sun Solaris 2.6), we keep getting the "no parameters provided for template" error, even though compatibility is defaulted to 5 (according to docs). Any Ideas?

Please provide a code example that could in theory be compiled as-is. If you add the necessary header, the code compiles with Forte Developer 6 Update 2 latest patch, so there's no way to tell what your actual problem might be, if any.
Revised code sample:
#include <queue>
using std::queue;
class rawMsg{
class rawMsgQue {
queue<rawMsg *> myQueue;
% CC -V -c test.cc
CC: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 Patch 111685-13 2003/02/04
ccfe: Sun WorkShop 6 update 2 C++ 5.3 Patch 111685-13 2003/02/04
- Rose

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    Thanks in advance

    all the parameter's value will be there in your xml .
    just you need to add parameter heading and corresponding xml tag name to get the parameter value on the report.
    if u dont have you can try like below
    Declare Parameter in RTF Template
    Before you use the parameter in the RTF template file you need to declare it first. You can do so by having the following syntax.
    Note: where %parameter_name% is the parameter name that you have created at the BI Publisher Server UI.
    Here is an example:
    Use it in RTF Template!
    Once it’s declared in the RTF template you can start using it as the same way you use the variable. You need to just add ‘$’ prefix in front of the parameter name. Here is the example:
    The above example would print the parameter value in the report output. If you want to use this value in your condition or calculation you can simply use it as ‘$param1’. Yes, it’s that simple.
    If you are not sure if and how the parameter values are passed to the report when you run the report you can use this command in your RTF template, which will return all the parameter values passed to the RTF template at the runtime.

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    String name = names;
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         ContextElement ce = ces[j];
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    -Oleg Kozlov.

    I'm implementing a custom authorization provider for WebLogic 7.
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    String name = names;
    System.out.println("name = " + name);//here it gets array of
    Strings, which contains two parameter names: "int","int",
    which are the types of EJB method parameters
    ContextElement[] ces= ch.getValues(names);
    for (int j = 0; j < ces.length; j++)
         ContextElement ce = ces[j];
         System.out.println(ce.getName()+ " = " + ce.getValue());
    //here if the value of the first int was 2 and the second 0,
    it would get 2 from both ContextElements (each of ContextElements will
    have name "int"
    If I try this with method parameters of different types, for example
    int with value 2 and long with value 0, then this code work fine -
    first ContextEleement has name int and value 2 and the second has name
    long and value 0.
    -Oleg Kozlov.

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    Please refer to this kb below:
    As mentioned, if you use Word 2007 or Word 2010 to change the location in which your new templates are saved, you also change the location in which all 2007 Office program templates or all 2010 Office program templates are saved.
    Office programs use one registry key to record the user templates file location, you can browse to the following path to check if it's recorded:
    The user templates location is stored in the
    string value.
    If it doesn't exist, try to manually add it, check if this helps. Detailed information can also be found in the kb introduced above.
    Important This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps
    carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/322756/en-us
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

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    adm_modresname = FALSE<BR>
    adm_moduseruid = FALSE<BR>
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    default unison.ini file.
    Please do not attempt to change these parameters.

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    Is Admin in the same BEA-HOME as SSM: [default: Yes]:
    Give the location of the Admin: c:\bea\ales32-admin
    Enter the identity directory name which will be used: [default: CoESSM_dir]:
    Enter the root node which will be used to create resources: [default: //app/policy/CoESSM_app]:
    Checking if default ARME port is free: 8000
    Generating policy files based on templates ...
    Checking if SSM instance already present
    Checking to see if SSM ARME port is free.
    Checking JDBC parameters...
    Checking to see if asipassword was run...
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  • Exception Description: No conversion value provided for the attribute

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    Exception [TOPLINK-115] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.4 (Build 060412)): ora
    Exception Description: No conversion value provided for the attribute [NEW].
    Mapping: oracle.toplink.essentials.mappings.DirectToFieldMapping[status-->REPORT
    Descriptor: RelationalDescriptor(com.namespace1.reports.persistence.Report --> [
    The Entity class is the following:
    * Report.java
    * Created on 25 ����� �����, 2006, 06:07 �
    * To change this template, choose Tools | Template Manager
    * and open the template in the editor.
    package com.namespace1.reports.persistence;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.persistence.*;
    * @author Administrator
    @javax.persistence.Entity(name="Report")//name used in EJB-QL.
    public class Report implements Serializable {
    public enum ReportStatus{
    @javax.persistence.GeneratedValue(strategy = javax.persistence.GenerationType.AUTO)
    private long id;
    private int currentEntryId;
    private String title;
    private String ownerName;
    private ReportStatus status;
    private Map<Integer,ReportEntry> reportEntries;
    /** Creates a new instance of Report */
    public Report() {
    public long getId() {
    return id;
    public void setId(long id) {
    this.id = id;
    public int hashCode() {
    int hash = 0;
    hash += (int)getId();
    return hash;
    public boolean equals(Object object) {
    // TODO: Warning - this method won't work in the case the id fields are not set
    if (!(object instanceof Report)) {
    return false;
    Report other = (Report)object;
    if (this.getId() != other.getId()) return false;
    return true;
    public String toString() {
    return "com.namespace1.reports.persistence.Report[id=" + getId() + "]";
    public int getCurrentEntryId() {
    return currentEntryId;
    public void setCurrentEntryId(int currentEntryId) {
    this.currentEntryId = currentEntryId;
    public String getTitle() {
    return title;
    public void setTitle(String title) {
    this.title = title;
    public String getOwnerName() {
    return ownerName;
    public void setOwnerName(String ownerName) {
    this.ownerName = ownerName;
    public ReportStatus getStatus() {
    return status;
    public void setStatus(ReportStatus status) {
    this.status = status;
    public Map<Integer, ReportEntry> getReportEntries() {
    return reportEntries;
    public void setReportEntries(Map<Integer, ReportEntry> reportEntries) {
    this.reportEntries = reportEntries;

    This problem is side effect of issue 193 (https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=193) and is described in details in issue 634 (https://glassfish.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=634). Your choices are to use the work around described in the above issue or switch to the GlassFish build with the fix.

  • OraOLEDB.Oracle versus msdaora provider for adParamInputOutput

    I'm currently using Microsoft OLE DB for Oracle provided with MDAC2.8 to execute stored procedures in an ASP page. My vbscript procedure contains an adParamInputOutput parameter (see code below - prm pio_session_id). Everything works fine. I pass a value to my SP and get a new value in return. The parameter is declared as in out in my oracle stored procedure
    But as soon as I want to use Oracle Provider for OLE DB (, I get the following error:
    OraOLEDB error '80040e14'
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error ORA-06512: at line 1.
    When I set the prm direction to adParamOutput, everything goes well !!.
    Any idea why this behaviour ?
    My environment is: Windows server 2003 with IIS6.0 and Oracle
    dim objConnection
    dim objCommand
    dim connectstring
    'Microsoft driver
    connectstring = "Provider=msdaora;Persist Security Info=true;User ID=userid;Password=pwd;Data Source=mydatasource"
    'Oracle driver
    connectstring = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Persist Security Info=true;User ID=userid;Password=pwd;Data Source=mydatasource"
    set ObjConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    ObjConnection.ConnectionString = connectstring
    ObjConnection.CursorLocation = adUseClient
    ObjConnection.ConnectionTimeout = 30
    Set objCommand = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
    objCommand.ActiveConnection = objConnection
    objCommand.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    objCommand.CommandText = "outage$reporting.processReporting"
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("RETURN_VALUE", adInteger, adParamReturnValue)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@user", adVarChar, adParamInput, 6, p_user)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@report_type", adInteger, adParamInput, , p_report_type)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@week_start", adVarChar, adParamInput, 10, p_week_start)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@week_end", adVarChar, adParamInput, 10, p_week_end)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@lvl", adInteger, adParamInput, , p_lvl)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@loc", adInteger, adParamInput, , p_loc)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@agree_type", adInteger, adParamInput, , p_agree_type)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@edit_seq", adInteger, adParamInput, , p_edit_seq)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@session_id", adInteger, adParamInputOutput, , pio_session_id)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@reviewed_data", adInteger, adParamOutput, , po_reviewed_data)
    objCommand.Parameters.Append objCommand.CreateParameter ("@err_msg", adVarChar, adParamOutput, 4000)
    objCommand.Execute, , adExecuteNoRecords

    did you get the solution for the above. If yes plz. let me know the problem what it is? As i am facing the same problem.

  • Records management:  Getting record GUID in Service Provider for Transactio

    I wan't to use a service provider for transaction (or may be reports) in a record.
    I the called transaction (Z-transaction) I need the GUID of the record (from which this transaction was calle). Afterwards we want to add automatically a new document into the record.
    Does anybody know, how to transfer (or receive) the ID of the record in our Z-transaction or z-report? Or are there any other techniques how to do this?
    Many thanks for any advice,

    Hi Espen,
    Basic searching for documents and records can be done via the organizer part of the screen. It's the left part of the screen with the role-based view and the history. Select the folder for eg records and open it. Select the record type you want to search on and right click on it adn select search. You then can to enter your parameters (attribute values) on which you want to search. Same for the documents.
    The search you are reffering to is the generic search in which it's possible to search over multiple documenttypes at once. For this however you need to customize RM parts. In the registry for once you have to change some settings on the element type (sps) of the generic document search element (e.g SRM_SPS_GEN_DOCUMENT_DEMO in the service provider SRM_SP_GEN_DOCUMENT). These options are only available in the newer systems (e.g. Netweaver 4s). Not in SAP Enterprise 4.7. So for the generic search options you"ll need more indepth knowlegde on how to customize SAP RM.
    There is a kind of howto on the generic search options on: http://service.sap.com/recordsmanagement in the media library under documentation called "How To Guide: Cross Search based on Property Unification" .
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Tjalling-Jan Gerkema

  • How to create ''from to '' parameter in XL reporter for templates

    How to create ''from to '' parameter in XL reporter for templates
    Can anyone help me in this regard
    Suresh Kannan

    1. Goto Report Designer
    2. there u can find "Advanced Report Builder" on left side of the window
    3. At the below u can find three buttons like "Parameters", "Properties","Apply"
    4. Click on "Parameters"
    5. then Parameters window will populate
    6. Click the new Button
    7. Name: give as u like
    Category: Literal
    Type: Date
    Attribute: Leave blank
    Default Vale: Leave Blank
    Prompt: From Date
    This is the process to create the parameters.

  • Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'

    Getting the following error:
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'
    [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Wrong number of parameters
    I have a Stored Procedure within a package that has no input parameter and 2 output parameters..
    oConnEngineer.CursorLocation = 3
         oConnEngineer.Open sConnectionString
         oCmdEngineer.ActiveConnection = oConnEngineer
         oCmdEngineer.CommandText = "{Call ENG_TAILORMADE.USER_PKG.GET_ENGINEER_LIST(?,{resultset 100, out_ENGINEER_ID, out_ENGINEER_NAME})}"
         oCmdEngineer.CommandType = 1
         Set rsEngineers = oCmdEngineer.Execute()
    Any suggestions?

    Getting the following error:
    Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e10'
    [Microsoft][ODBC driver for Oracle]Wrong number of parameters
    I have a Stored Procedure within a package that has no input parameter and 2 output parameters..
    oConnEngineer.CursorLocation = 3
         oConnEngineer.Open sConnectionString
         oCmdEngineer.ActiveConnection = oConnEngineer
         oCmdEngineer.CommandText = "{Call ENG_TAILORMADE.USER_PKG.GET_ENGINEER_LIST(?,{resultset 100, out_ENGINEER_ID, out_ENGINEER_NAME})}"
         oCmdEngineer.CommandType = 1
         Set rsEngineers = oCmdEngineer.Execute()
    Any suggestions?

  • Records Management - Service provider for HR

    I'm trying to create a service provider for HR, but i cant get i to work. I won't display in the RM browser.
    I have read the documentation, and hopefully set the right parameters, but i still can't use it.
    Any tips or tricks?

    Found the answer - the documentation is wrong.
    The documentation says that one should not enter a value in RFC destination if working on the same system.
    This is incorrect - the value NONE has to be entered for RFC dest, same as for the other service provicers.

  • Working parameters in mail template GP

    Hi All,
    I want get parameters in Mail Template and this parameter to get into structure of cardinality 0..n. How I iterated this structure elements?
    I only Know to use
    writeln (structure.names)
    How I iterated the attributes names? Eg a structure of type FOR, WHILE, etc...
    Thanks & Regards

    I think that this is not possible

  • Oracle Identity Server Authenticator as Security Provider for Weblogic 10.3

    I am getting the following exception on weblogic server 10.1.3 console when accessing users and groups in security realm. This can be reproduced using the following steps.
    1. I have installed Oracle Identity Management 10.1.4 (Oracle SSO). I have installed Oracle SSO using the default port options. I tested accessing the Internet directory using orcladmin user and it is working with out any problems.
    2. Installed Oracle weblogic Server 10.1.3 and then installed ADF runtime. I verified the installation by accessing the admin server console and did not find any issues.
    3. Opened the Admin Console and then accessed the Security Realms and then selected myrealm. Then selected Providers and added Oracle Internet directory Authentication provider.
    4. configured the provider specific parameters like the host name and port number (389).
    Now when I select user and groups tab I am getting the following exception on weblogic adminserver command prompt console.
    Am I missing any steps in configuring Oracle Internet directory authenitcaiton provider for weblogic 10.3.1
    <Oct 13, 2009 8:33:21 PM EDT> <Error> <Console> <BEA-240003> <Console encountere
    d the following error weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegateException: [Security:090294]could not get connection
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate.getConnection(LDAPAtnDelegate.java:3224)
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate.listUsers(LDAPAtnDelegate.java:2248)
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.listUsers(LDAPAuthenticatorImpl.java:178)
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticatorMBeanImpl.listUsers(OracleInternetDirectoryAuthenticatorMBeanImpl.java:221)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:597)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.modelmbean.WLSModelMBean.invoke(WLSModelMBean.java:437)
    at com.sun.jmx.interceptor.DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.invoke(DefaultMBeanServerInterceptor.java:836)
    at com.sun.jmx.mbeanserver.JmxMBeanServer.invoke(JmxMBeanServer.java:761)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$16.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:449)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.invoke(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:447)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXContextInterceptor.invoke(JMXContextInterceptor.java:268)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase$16.run(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:449)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.invoke(WLSMBeanServerInterceptorBase.java:447)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.SecurityInterceptor.invoke(SecurityInterceptor.java:443)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.mbeanserver.WLSMBeanServer.invoke(WLSMBeanServer.java:314)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$11$1.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:663)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder$11.run(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:661)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:363)
    at weblogic.management.mbeanservers.internal.JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.invoke(JMXConnectorSubjectForwarder.java:654)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1426)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.access$200(RMIConnectionImpl.java:72)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl$PrivilegedOperation.run(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1264)
    at java.security.AccessController.doPrivileged(Native Method)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.doPrivilegedOperation(RMIConnectionImpl.java:1366)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl.invoke(RMIConnectionImpl.java:788)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_WLSkel.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.ServerRequest.sendReceive(ServerRequest.java:174)
    at weblogic.rmi.internal.BasicRemoteRef.invoke(BasicRemoteRef.java:222)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnectionImpl_1031_WLStub.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnector$RemoteMBeanServerConnection.invoke(RMIConnector.java:978)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.MBeanServerInvocationHandler.doInvoke(MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java:544)
    at weblogic.management.jmx.MBeanServerInvocationHandler.invoke(MBeanServerInvocationHandler.java:380)
    at $Proxy106.listUsers(Unknown Source)
    at com.bea.console.utils.security.UserUtils.getUsers(UserUtils.java:78)
    at com.bea.console.actions.security.users.UserTableAction.getCollection(UserTableAction.java:100)
    at com.bea.console.actions.security.ManagementBaseTableAction.execute(ManagementBaseTableAction.java:83)
    at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.processActionPerform(RequestProcessor.java:431)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.access$201(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:97)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor$ActionRunner.execute(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:2044)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.interceptor.action.internal.ActionInterceptors.wrapAction(ActionInterceptors.java:91)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.processActionPerform(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:2116)
    at com.bea.console.internal.ConsolePageFlowRequestProcessor.processActionPerform(ConsolePageFlowRequestProcessor.java:262)
    at org.apache.struts.action.RequestProcessor.process(RequestProcessor.java:236)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.processInternal(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:556)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowRequestProcessor.process(PageFlowRequestProcessor.java:853)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.AutoRegisterActionServlet.process(AutoRegisterActionServlet.java:631)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowActionServlet.process(PageFlowActionServlet.java:158)
    at com.bea.console.internal.ConsoleActionServlet.process(ConsoleActionServlet.java:256)
    at org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet.doGet(ActionServlet.java:414)
    at com.bea.console.internal.ConsoleActionServlet.doGet(ConsoleActionServlet.java:133)
    at org.apache.beehive.netui.pageflow.PageFlowUtils.strutsLookup(PageFlowUtils.java:1199)
    at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.ScopedContentCommonSupport.executeAction(ScopedContentCommonSupport.java:686)
    at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.ScopedContentCommonSupport.renderInternal(ScopedContentCommonSupport.java:266)
    at com.bea.portlet.adapter.scopedcontent.StrutsStubImpl.render(StrutsStubImpl.java:107)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.controls.content.NetuiContent.preRender(NetuiContent.java:292)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlLifecycle$6.visit(ControlLifecycle.java:428)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:727)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walkRecursivePreRender(ControlTreeWalker.java:739)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.ControlTreeWalker.walk(ControlTreeWalker.java:146)
         at com.bea.netuix.nf.Lifecycle.processLifecycles(Lifecycle.java:395)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.Lifecycle.processLifecycles(Lifecycle.java:361)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.Lifecycle.runOutbound(Lifecycle.java:208)
    at com.bea.netuix.nf.Lifecycle.run(Lifecycle.java:162)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.runLifecycle(UIServlet.java:388)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.doPost(UIServlet.java:258)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.doGet(UIServlet.java:211)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.UIServlet.service(UIServlet.java:196)
    at com.bea.netuix.servlets.manager.SingleFileServlet.service(SingleFileServlet.java:251)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:820)
    at com.bea.console.utils.MBeanUtilsInitSingleFileServlet.service(MBeanUtilsInitSingleFileServlet.java:47)
    at weblogic.servlet.AsyncInitServlet.service(AsyncInitServlet.java:130)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$ServletServiceAction.run(StubSecurityHelper.java:227)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecurityHelper.java:125)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.java:292)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(TailFilter.java:26)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(RequestEventsFilter.java:27)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(FilterChainImpl.java:56)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.run(WebAppServletContext.java:3588)
    at weblogic.security.acl.internal.AuthenticatedSubject.doAs(AuthenticatedSubject.java:321)
    at weblogic.security.service.SecurityManager.runAs(SecurityManager.java:121)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppServletContext.java:2200)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletContext.java:2106)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.run(ServletRequestImpl.java:1428)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.execute(ExecuteThread.java:201)
    at weblogic.work.ExecuteThread.run(ExecuteThread.java:173)
    Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate$LDAPFactory.newInstance(LDAPAtnDelegate.java:3890)
    at weblogic.security.utils.Pool.newInstance(Pool.java:37)
         at weblogic.security.utils.Pool.getInstance(Pool.java:33)
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate.getConnection(LDAPAtnDelegate.java:3219)
    ... 119 more
    Caused by: netscape.ldap.LDAPException: error result (49)
    at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection.checkMsg(LDAPConnection.java:4871)
    at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection.simpleBind(LDAPConnection.java:1766)
    at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection.authenticate(LDAPConnection.java:1264)
    at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection.authenticate(LDAPConnection.java:1273)
    at netscape.ldap.LDAPConnection.bind(LDAPConnection.java:1562)
    at weblogic.security.providers.authentication.LDAPAtnDelegate$LDAPFactory.newInstance(LDAPAtnDelegate.java:3860)
    ... 122 more
    Thanks and Regards,
    S R Prasad

    The problem has been resolved after providing OID admin user creadential with cn=orcladmin instead of orcladmin. The Security:090294 is related to OID credentials.
    S R Prasad

  • Unable to add a stored proc through Oracle Provider for OLE DB

    I want to bind an oracle stored procedure to a report. This oracle stored procedure returns a cursor.
    Problem Definition:
    When I use the "Oracle Provider For OLE DB driver." to bind the store procedure with the report, I am getting the following message.
    Description : ORA -06550 Line 1 Column 7
    PLS 00306 wrong number of types or arguments to the "Strored Procedure Name"
    But When I use "Microsoft OLE DB provider for oracle" driver, I can bind the stored procedure to the report successfully .
    Please help me in resolving this problem.
    My Stored procedure is something like this.
    PROCEDURE usp_SelectGroups (int intInputI IN ,Dresults_cursor OUT CURSOR_TYPE);
    PROCEDURE usp_SelectGroups (int intInputI IN ,results_cursor OUT CURSOR_TYPE)
    OPEN results_cursor FOR
    SELECT GroupID, GroupName, GroupDescription, LastUpdateDate
    FROM Groups
    ORDER BY GroupName;

    I think the following SAP Note would help you
    You create a BusinessObjects report and call an Oracle stored function through an object defined in Designer. The stored function name contains a number (like MyFunc2). You refresh the query and receive the error, "Connection or SQL sentence error (DA0005)" followed by, "ORA-06553: PLS-306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to '<function name>' 6552."
    You see the incorrect SQL when you open the query panel in BusinessObjects.
    The function defined on the database has several parameters, each separated by a comma. BusinessObjects replaces this comma by a concatenation operator ('||'). Thus the database does not understand the SQL statement.
    Business Objects version 5.x
    Oracle database version 8.1.6
    Here are two workarounds for this issue:
    Workaround 1
    Modify the SQL generated in the query panel.
    1. Replace the concatenation operators ('ll') with commas.
    2. Check the option "Do not regenerate SQL."
    Workaround 2
    Rename your Oracle function to a name with no digits or numbers.

  • Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (aka Phystech) wants to be content provider for iTunes U. What do we need to do?

    We are in TOP-100 world universities in physics, and right now can provide complete physics coursers for bachelor degree.

    Why is it so?
    All we here, who again are just fellow users, can say is "because Apple does not offer iTunes U in your country".
    Who decides on the inclusion of the country in the list of permitted?
    Apple. Who at Apple specifically makes those decisions or what their parameters are for deciding, again, none of us here will know.

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