No proxies generated

Hi there,
I know there are already some threads regarding proxies. But after reading these (mostly not answered) threads, I decided that the problems are too specific and to open a new thread:
After a data loss I have to set up FCSrv again. So far everythings seems to work, but I'm still having problems generating proxies:
In the FCSrv administration I've changed the proxy device (the old one was like "/path/to/proxies/proxies.bundle", so I have also set it up like this, with the filename included). In the preferences I have set the "Proxy Device" to this device and the stopped and restarted FCSrv in the prefpane.
Unfortunately I still get an error message when I try to create proxies: "ERROR: E_FILE unable to stat directory: /path/to/proxies/proxies.bundle No such file or directory"
Does anyone have a idea how to solve this?
Thank you very much!
Best regards,

But how is it generated? Only when initializing FCSrv for the first time?
I deleted "proxies.bundle" from the proxy path and now it works. But now FCSrv generates a lot of folders and subfolders inside the parent directory for every proxy. I think this would normally be the content of proxies.bundle, right? Well, no problem for me, I don't need the proxy folder for something else. Is it a problem for FCSrv or might it become a serious problem at some point?

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  • Generating Ruby Web Service Access Classes from a WSDL

    If you have tried to consume a web service from Ruby you surely have noticed how annoying is to write manually all the Ruby code just to invoke a service with complext input parameters' structure:
    - You have to know what do the input parameters, their structure and type look like;
    - You have to write Ruby classes for them to encapsulate the structures;
    - You have to instantiate these classes and pass the objects to the web service proxy class;
    - You have to interprete the output parameters.
    All this is not impossible of course, but if you are just consumer of the web service and not the developer, if you don't have the exact documentation, you have to read the WSDL description of the service and create the Ruby classes (structures) for the parameters.
    Fortunately there is a small, though handy tool, called <b>wsdl2ruby.rb</b>. It accomplishes all these boring tasks for you.
    In the following example I will try to show you how <b>wsdl2ruby</b> can be used to generate Ruby classes for accessing a SAP NetWeaver web service, called <b>CreditChecker1</b> (a web service for checking if a person is reliable credit consumer).
    To generate the necessary classes we will create a ruby script. Let us name it <b>ws2rgen.rb</b>. Here is what this file looks like:
    # Import the wsdl2ruby library.
    require 'wsdl/soap/wsdl2ruby'
    require 'logger'
    # Callback function for the WSDL 2 Ruby generation options.
    def getWsdlOpt(s)
         optcmd= {}
         s << "Service"
         optcmd['classdef'] = s
         #should work but doesn't, driver name is derived from classname
         #if you specify both it breaks, same thing for client_skelton
         #optcmd['driver'] = s
         optcmd['driver'] = nil
         #optcmd['client_skelton'] = nil
         optcmd['force'] = true
         return optcmd
    # Create logger.
    logger =
    # Create WSDL2Ruby object and generate.
    worker =
    worker.logger = logger
    # WSDL file location.
    worker.location = "http://mysapserver:53000/CreditChecker1/Config1?wsdl"
    # Where to generate.
    worker.basedir = "temp"
    # Set options.
    # Heat.
    The procedure is straightforward. First we create the WSDL2Ruby object, set its properties <b>location</b> and <b>basedir</b> and then set all other options via the callback function <b>getWsdlOpt()</b>. For further information about these parameters one could consult the source code of wsdl2ruby or contact the developers. Nevertheless the default options are pretty satisfactory. With the last line we start the generation. Two Ruby files will be generated in the <b>temp</b> folder, which is a subfolder of the script's current folder. <b>Please, create the folder "temp" before executing the script.</b>
    This generates two files. The first one is <b>CreditChecker1Wsd.rb</b>, containing the necessary data structures:
    require 'xsd/qname'
    # {urn:CreditChecker1Vi}areReliable
    class AreReliable
      @@schema_type = "areReliable"
      @@schema_ns = "urn:CreditChecker1Vi"
      @@schema_qualified = "true"
      @@schema_element = [["persons", "ArrayOfPerson"]]
      attr_accessor :persons
      def initialize(persons = nil)
        @persons = persons
    # {urn:CreditChecker1Vi}areReliableResponse
    class AreReliableResponse
      @@schema_type = "areReliableResponse"
      @@schema_ns = "urn:CreditChecker1Vi"
      @@schema_qualified = "true"
      @@schema_element = [["response", ["ArrayOfboolean","urn:CreditChecker1Vi", "Response")]]]
      def Response
      def Response=(value)
        @response = value
      def initialize(response = nil)
        @response = response
    # {urn:CreditChecker1Vi}isReliable
    class IsReliable
      @@schema_type = "isReliable"
      @@schema_ns = "urn:CreditChecker1Vi"
      @@schema_qualified = "true"
      @@schema_element = [["person", "Person"]]
      attr_accessor :person
      def initialize(person = nil)
        @person = person
    # {urn:CreditChecker1Vi}isReliableResponse
    class IsReliableResponse
      @@schema_type = "isReliableResponse"
      @@schema_ns = "urn:CreditChecker1Vi"
      @@schema_qualified = "true"
      @@schema_element = [["response", ["SOAP::SOAPBoolean","urn:CreditChecker1Vi", "Response")]]]
      def Response
      def Response=(value)
        @response = value
      def initialize(response = nil)
        @response = response
    # {urn:java/lang}ArrayOfboolean
    class ArrayOfboolean < ::Array
      @@schema_type = "boolean"
      @@schema_ns = ""
      @@schema_element = [["boolean", ["SOAP::SOAPBoolean[]","urn:java/lang", "boolean")]]]
    # {}Person
    class Person
      @@schema_type = "Person"
      @@schema_ns = ""
      @@schema_element = [["age", "SOAP::SOAPInt"], ["name", "SOAP::SOAPString"], ["purse", "Purse"]]
      attr_accessor :age
      attr_accessor :name
      attr_accessor :purse
      def initialize(age = nil, name = nil, purse = nil)
        @age = age
        @name = name
        @purse = purse
    # {}Purse
    class Purse
      @@schema_type = "Purse"
      @@schema_ns = ""
      @@schema_element = [["color", "SOAP::SOAPString"], ["money", "Money"]]
      attr_accessor :color
      attr_accessor :money
      def initialize(color = nil, money = nil)
        @color = color
        @money = money
    # {}Money
    class Money
      @@schema_type = "Money"
      @@schema_ns = ""
      @@schema_element = [["amount", "SOAP::SOAPDouble"], ["currency", "SOAP::SOAPString"]]
      attr_accessor :amount
      attr_accessor :currency
      def initialize(amount = nil, currency = nil)
        @amount = amount
        @currency = currency
    # {}ArrayOfPerson
    class ArrayOfPerson < ::Array
      @@schema_type = "Person"
      @@schema_ns = ""
      @@schema_element = [["Person", ["Person[]","", "Person")]]]
    The second file is <b>CreditChecker1WsdDriver.rb</b>. In it you can find a generated child class of SOAP::RPC::Driver, containing all methods of this web service, so you don't need to add every method and its parameters to call the web service.
    require 'CreditChecker1Wsd.rb'
    require 'soap/rpc/driver'
    class CreditChecker1Vi_Document < ::SOAP::RPC::Driver
      DefaultEndpointUrl = "http://mysapserver:53000/CreditChecker1/Config1?style=document"
      MappingRegistry =
      Methods = [
      def initialize(endpoint_url = nil)
        endpoint_url ||= DefaultEndpointUrl
        super(endpoint_url, nil)
        self.mapping_registry = MappingRegistry
      def init_methods
        Methods.each do |definitions|
          opt = definitions.last
          if opt[:request_style] == :document
            qname = definitions[0]
            name = definitions[2]
            if != name and == name.capitalize
              ::SOAP::Mapping.define_singleton_method(self, do |*arg|
                __send__(name, *arg)
    There is a problem with this script, since the <b>Methods</b> array is empty. I suppose it is due to the imports in the SAP NetWeaver WSDL, maybe wsdl2ruby is not mighty enough to handle these WSDL imports. When I succeed in overcoming this, I will post again in this thread to let everybody know.
    Message was edited by: Vasil Bachvarov

    I find Ruby to be really tough to consume SAP WebServices. For simple scenarios like currency conversion may it is good. But for complex scenarios such as Purchase Order entry etc..I found it very annoying to use wsdl2ruby and see that it didnt generate correct proxies.
    Until wsdl2ruby is stable enough to support complex datatypes, authentication etc. my recommendation is to use JRuby and use Java Proxies generated by NW Developer studio until pure Ruby's web service support improves.
    Following link might be of interest w.r.t wsdl2ruby

  • About Proxies

    Hi all
    give me clear information about
    what is proxies
    why we go for proxies
    when we go for ABAP proxy and Java proxy
    How to configure ABAP proxy
    How to configure Java proxy
    How to debug a proxy
    How to handle errors in Proxies

    We can use proxies to communicate with integration engine.
    Proxies are objects (classes & methods) generated from a language.
    Proxy communication starts with objects in integration repository and adapter communication starts with application system.
    Out-Side In Development: Here we define language independent message interfaces in to integration repository. Then we can use proxy generation to create java or abap proxies.
    Proxies communicate with the XI server by means of native SOAP calls over HTTP .RFC does not, so you have to convert from SOAP to RFC calls and vice versa. So XML conversion is required.
    ABAP Proxies uses Webservice and Http Protocols.
    If you use ABAP Proxy , you can reduce the overhead calling the function again and again.
    What are Proxies?
    Proxies: are interfaces which will get executed in the application system.They can be created only in the system from message interfaces using the proxy generation functions.
    The biggest advantage of the proxy is that it always by passes the Adapter Engine and will directly interact with the application system and Integration engine - so it will and should give us a better performance.
    The literal definition of a proxy is an object / process authorized to act for another; an agent or a substitute. In simpler terms, proxies in the XI context are objects used to encapsulate the creation (from a sender system) or parsing of XML (at a receiver system) as well as the communication with the relevant runtime components required to send or receive those messages. The Proxy Runtime controls these objects / processes, and can itself be controlled by the applications it communicates with.
    What is Proxy communication.
    The aim of proxy communication is to bypass the adapter engine thus providing an adapterless communication. With proxy you save on performance over using adapters and also it reduces complexity.
    Where Proxy communication is used i.e in which type of systems or situations.
    The Proxy currently has the following components available:
    1. ABAP Proxy u2013 Communication using XI or Web Services
    2. Java Proxyu2013 Communication using XI (J2EE)
    JAVA Proxies:
    ABAP Proxies:
    Proxies communicate with the XI server by means of native SOAP calls over HTTP .RFC does not, so you have to convert from SOAP to RFC calls and vice versa. So XML conversion is required.
    ABAP Proxies uses Webservice and Http Protocols. And if you use RFC it is mainly meant for Sync. call. But Proxies is used for both Sync and Async.
    If you use ABAP Proxy , you can reduce the overhead calling the function again and again.
    /people/vijaya.kumari2/blog/2006/01/26/how-do-you-activate-abap-proxies - Activate Proxy
    /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies - ABAP Server Proxy
    /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy - ABAP Client Proxy
    Re: JDBC Sender select/update problem
    What is the difference between server proxy and client proxy.
    If u generate proxy for outbound interface then its client proxy and for inbound interface its server proxy.
    In client proxy u can call the method to send messages but u can't modify it but in server proxy its possible to write a user code within the method to execute proxy.
    A WSDL description from a UDDI server (or an Internet page) is usually used to make a service executable in the Internet and to describe the interface of this service. You require a client proxy and not a server proxy to call this service by using the Web service infrastructure.
    You can only generate ABAP server proxies from a WSDL description if they originate in the Integration Repository.You can also generate server proxies for Java and client proxies for ABAP from message interfaces.
    There are two Types of proxies which can be done by ABAP or JAVA
    u2018clientu2019 proxy is used by an application to send messages outside of the system it resides in (normally to the IS in this context).
    u2018serveru2019 proxy is used by an application to receive messages from sources outside itself (again, normally the IS in this context).
    To test a connection - /people/vijaya.kumari2/blog/2006/01/26/how-do-you-activate-abap-proxies
    Client Proxy - /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy
    Server Proxy - /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies
    Testing proxy - /people/stefan.grube/blog/2006/07/28/xi-debug-your-inbound-abap-proxy-implementation
    JAVA Proxies:
    ABAP Proxies:
    Get back if u not getting these...
    These blogs will answer all your questions
    Proxies are nothing but interfaces , which will directly communicate witht he IS with out any adapter. these are adapter less communication
    Proxies Help file
    How to Activate Abap Proxy
    File to R3 via ABAP Server Proxy
    ABAP Client proxy
    As we know, the role of SAP XIu2019s integration broker is basically to integrate SAP and non-SAP systems, as in the integration of an SAP R/3 system with a database using adapters. SAP XI provides various adapters to integrate different types of systems.
    But in some of real-time scenarios, itu2019s not always a particular type of business system that has to send/receive messages with SAPXI; it can also be an application like ABAP or Java. To cater to these needs, SAP XI provides different ways to generate interfaces in ABAP and JAVA u2013 and these interfaces are known as proxies.
    ABAP proxies are generated using the transaction SPROXY (in SAP Web AS 6.20 and above); for Java proxies, the Integration Builder tool is used.
    Basicly client & server are just diffrent terminology for sender and reciever (client being the sender and server the reciever), proxies are basicly program that begin in one SAP system and continue running at nother SAP system (with control ultimatly return to the original system).
    It's a good way to create your own application "envelope" to activate any code you want and that is both its strong point and weak point (maintanance and flexability).
    ABAP proxy can be used with WAS version greater than 6.20
    If u r wondering why we need ABAP proxy when we have a RFC..the reason is hat the overhead incurred is less in case of proxy and swift execution too.
    There is a cliet proxy and a server proxy
    The chief distinction betwen the two is :
    Client proxy: Calls a webservice on the internet
    Server Proxy : Provides an inbound interface as a webservice
    ABAP proxy generation is part of the SAP Web AS 6.40. ABAP proxy generation enables you to generate proxies to communicate by using the Web service infrastructure and by using SAP Exchange Infrastructure. ABAP proxies that were generated from message interfaces in the Integration Repository (IR) can be used in both infrastructures. This means that if none of the Integration Server services are required for a proxy-to-proxy communication scenario in ABAP, you can use a point-to-point connection using the Web service infrastructure instead.
    u2022 Java proxy generation in the Integration Builder (Design) generates proxies from message interfaces in the Integration Repository. Java proxy generation packs the proxy objects in a Jar file, which you can save locally. You use the generated classes in J2EE applications on the SAP J2EE Engine.
    Advantages of Proxies:
    Basically proxies are used for adapter less communication & main purpose of it is to bypass adapter engine.
    Proxy generation enables you to create proxies in application systems. Proxies encapsulate the creation or parsing of XML messages and the communication with the relevant runtime components required to send or receive the messages. The proxy runtime controls these processes and can itself be controlled in application programs by means of additional methods.
    Since the communication between the sender and receiver is decoupled, you can use proxies to exchange messages with various different communication parties, and also by using adapters. However, this section of the documentation only discusses the programming model for the proxy runtime.
    We can generate proxies out of the message interface (inbound/outbound) defined in Integration repository.
    Proxy generation converts non-language specific interface descriptions in WSDL into executable interfaces know as proxies. Proxies are executable interfaces in the application system.
    There are two kinds of proxies:
    1) Java proxies - generated in IR from WSDL description of interface u2013 results in .jar file containing generated java classes.
    2) ABAP proxies - generated in application server with SPROXY transaction based on WSDL representation of message interface.
    Note: For WAS release lower than 6.20 adapters are the only means to establish
    connection. From WAS 6.20, proxy generation feature enables application systems to communicate with XI using proxies. Proxies enable adapter-less
    communication (native connectivity).
    You can get details about PrProxy : Proxy is a structure where there is no processing function module associated. You need to explicitly write the Business Logic/Call the subroutines .
    Choosing of RFC adapter depends on the version of the system we r going to communicate.
    Using RFC Adapter is the only option when we have SAP system with WAS 6.1 or older.
    RFC Adapter may not be considered as the best option when we have WAS 6.2 onwards.
    Proxys bypasses adapter engine & they communicate directly with IE .
    Thru proxys
    You can handle large amount of data
    You can handle error messages
    if you want to reduce the work load over XI server
    then the best way is avoiding protocol conversion which adapters does(XYZ format to XML format)
    if we use proxy which will be deployed on local proxy engine which in turn does protocol conversion instead of giving the job to XI.
    i.e is (XYZ to XML format is done by proxy runtime and passed to XI at XI no conversion is done)
    go thru this link : [original link is broken] [original link is broken] [original link is broken] here..
    .If you have a transfer the huge amount of data between two need to use Proxy..
    ABAP proxies - generated in application server with SPROXY transaction based on WSDL representation of message interface
    They are Client Proxy and Server proxy.
    Client Proxy - When Java or R/3 is calling XI.
    R/3 or Java -
    > XI----
    > Any Application
    Server Proxy - When XI is calling Java or R/3
    Any Application--> XI--
    > R/3 or Java
    Activating ABAP proxies:
    XSD Data Types vs. ABAP Data Types -- Quick Reference u2013 Part I
    XSD Data Types vs. ABAP Data Types - Quick Reference u2013 Part II
    Client Proxy - /people/ravikumar.allampallam/blog/2005/03/14/abap-proxies-in-xiclient-proxy
    Server Proxy - /people/siva.maranani/blog/2005/04/03/abap-server-proxies
    reward points if found useful

  • Can we hide ABAP proxies?

    HI Experts,
    We have a scenario in which data is transferred from PI to BI and vice versa.
    The communication is done via ABAP proxies as far as the documentation goes.
    But I dont see the proxies generated in SPROXY. The system is running absolutely fine.
    My question is, is it possible to hide business systems, proxies etc in PI 7.0?
    If yes, how do we go about to find them.

    We will always creatre Proxies in the application system. So please check your proxy in your BI system. We cannot hide the intereface either in ABAP or JAVA, but you can restrict access to the interface. If you see the interface in IR and ID and you cannot access then you may not have sufficient authorizations. So please check that.
    Somtimes when you create the objects and if you dont add to a configuration scenario then you may not see under standard configuration scenario. In that case go to the objects tab and see each one inidividually.

  • Proxies for Standard Content

    I'm using the pre-delivered XI Content for our scenarios. R/3 <->  XI <--> SRM
    There were many scenarios in the standard content and we decided to go with 5 of them. So i created a new package and copied the the objects related to those 5 scenarios. On the SRM side we are using proxies to send the data. There were also pre-delivered proxies generated for the standard content. Since i copied the objects to the new namespace, i cannot find the proxies generated along with them. Can i know is there any way that i could copy proxy code to the new package i have created.
    Helpful answers will be rewarded.

    Hi Kiran,
    Thanks for you replies.  You said when we trigger the data then sap shall take care of all the standard objects. Could you please explain in more detail.
    Let me explain my problem in more detail. I created the namespace in a different SWCV. When i went to sproxy in the SRM system. I could not find the pre-delivered proxy code in the SWCV which i created. I could find it only in the SWCV which i downloaded from Is there any way that i could copy the proxy code from this into my SWCV .

  • Advantage of Proxies?

    hi all,
    i want to know what is the exact advantage of proxies,
    eg: file to RFC scenario.. we can do the scenario is two ways
    1)using RFC adapter
    2)abap proxy
    what is the main use of doing the scenario using abap proxy
    Madhav Poosarla.

    We can generate proxies out of the message interface (inbound/outbound) defined in Integration repository.
    Proxy generation converts non-language specific interface descriptions in WSDL into executable interfaces know as proxies. Proxies are executable interfaces in the application system.
    There are two kinds of proxies:
    1) Java proxies - generated in IR from WSDL description of interface – results in .jar file containing generated java classes.
    2) ABAP proxies - generated in application server with SPROXY transaction based on WSDL representation of message interface.
    Note: For WAS release lower than 6.20 adapters are the only means to establish
    connection. From WAS 6.20, proxy generation feature enables application systems to communicate with XI using proxies. Proxies enable adapter-less
    communication (native connectivity).
    You can get details about Proxies here..
    Also, the below links are helpful too...
    Please find the link for SProxy generation..
    Please read the below link to understand the use of proxies...
    Note: reward points if solution found helpfull

  • Disable creation of proxies. How ?

    I want to turn off proxies for Video. I just want to use FCS as stocking server and be able to see the thumbnail of the video and that's it. I have set the proxy Transcode Setting to NONE (not No Conversion) on video and i have unchecked Enable Edit Proxies in the Preferences but i still get proxies generated for video. I just want the JPEG. Is that possible ?

    Wow, that *****, you can't disable Proxy create? If you don't want proxies, there's no way to turn that feature off with FCServer????
    Hey Nicholas, what is typical of an FCServer proxy create, compared to real-time. Does FCServer create proxies at 1/4 real-time, or 6 time real-time? From my experience, Compressor is pretty slow on FCStudio2 installs and I wouldn't expect FCServer to be faster... is it? I know this all depends on the proxy type (codec, size and etc.).
    I have experience with Dalet and FORK, both competing products, though more features, and they create a proxy at around 6x real-time for Dalet and I think faster with FORK. What should be expected for FCServer on a single, dedicated XServe (new one, 8core)?

  • Java Proxy Runtime:  failure to locate proxy bean on inbound call

    Hello gurus of the SDN,
    I have been trying to get an inbound Java Proxy scenario to work in XI 3.0 but have not been able to get the JPR to recognize my generated and deployed java code.  My scenario is set up to call the java proxies generated from a message interface based on the MATMAS Idoc.  I successfully deployed the generated java proxies on the same host box as is running the XI instance.  The objects are named as follows
    Message interface on XI = Inbound_MATMAS04
    Generated proxy bean = Inbound_MATMAS04_PortTypeBean
    Implementing class = InboundMATMAS04_PortTypeImpl
    Implementing method = inboundMATMAS04
    I used the JPR transport servlet to register the interface and implementing class but am not sure if I did this correctly.  I used the following entry in my web browser:
    I also tried using the localejb/ prefix for the bean name in the above step since the code is co-located.  When I trigger the scenario, the Idoc info is passed into XI and the Java Proxy Runtime is called, but I get the following error response back in the SOAP header:
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="1">
      <SAP:Code area="PARSING">GENERAL</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:P1 />
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText> Cannot locate proxy bean InboundMATMAS04_PortTypeImpl: Cannot locate proxy bean InboundMATMAS04_PortTypeImpl</SAP:AdditionalText>
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack />
    Finally, appended at the end of this post is the audit log of the messaging system showing that the JPR is called but without being able to locate the bean.  I think I am missing a configuration step somewhere, but can’t figure out what it is!!  Can anyone help me? 
    Many thanks in advance.
    Nick Simon
    Time Stamp     Status     Description
    2004-10-25 19:47:32     Success     The message was successfully received by the messaging system. Profile: XI URL:
    2004-10-25 19:47:32     Success     Using connection JPR. Trying to put the message into the receive queue.
    2004-10-25 19:47:32     Success     The message was successfully retrieved from the receive queue.
    2004-10-25 19:47:32     Success     The message status set to DLNG.
    2004-10-25 19:47:32     Success     Java proxy runtime (JPR) accepted the message
    2004-10-25 19:47:34     Error     JPR could not process the message. Reason: Cannot locate proxy bean localejbs/InboundMATMAS04_PortTypeImpl
    2004-10-25 19:47:34     Error     Delivery of the message to the application using connection JPR failed, due to: Cannot locate proxy bean localejbs/InboundMATMAS04_PortTypeImpl.
    2004-10-25 19:47:34     Error     The message status set to FAIL.
    2004-10-25 19:47:34     Error     Asynchronous error detected: Cannot locate proxy bean localejbs/InboundMATMAS04_PortTypeImpl. Trying to report it.
    2004-10-25 19:47:34     Error     Asynchronous error reported.
    Message was edited by: Nicholas Simon

    How do you determine the JNDI naming of the a EJB?
    I have following entry in JNDI directory in the root
    Object Name FlightQueryIn
    Class Name javax.naming.Reference
    Context Name 
    Object Value Reference Class Name:
    Type: clientAppName
    Type: interfaceType
    Content: remote
    Type: home
    Type: ejb-link
    Content: FlightSeatAvailabilityQueryIn_PortTypeBean
    Type: jndi-name
    Content: FlightQueryIn
    Type: remote
    I tried to register the bean with JPR using:
    I followed the following blog

  • How do ABAP Proxy and XI adapter work?

    Hi everybody,
    I have a general question about the ABAP proxy and XI adapter.
    In order to use the ABAP proxy and XI adapter, I must configure the HTTP Destination between the R/3 system and the XI server. I must also maintain the SLD.
    After several hours configurations with our administrator, it failed. At least the HTTP Destinations on both servers don't work correctly. We got always HTTP error message. But a scenario with an ABAP Receiver proxy works! It is really strange and laughable. We're very happy about that but don't know why and what happened. Today we tested the ABAP Sender proxy, it doesn't work.
    So we decide to ask the XI experts in this forum to give us a general lessen about the ABAP proxy: how it works, why we should create the HTTP destinations, how do the destinations work and so on.
    Thanks a lot in advance!
    With best regards

    Once you create the interface in XI, you generate the proxies on your R3 system.
    Client Proxies -->
    This is done for outbound interfaces. You generate the proxy and then write a report that fills in the proxy class with the data and pushes it to XI.
    Server proxies -->
    Generated for inbound interfaces. Generate the proxy and write the implementation for the exectue method that deals with the data sent from XI to the R3 system
    Abap Proxy
    ABAP Proxies in XI(Client Proxy)
    Smarter Approach for coding ABAP Proxies
    The specified item was not found.
    ABAP Proxy - XML to ABAP Transformation
    why we should create the HTTP destinations, how do the destinations work and so on.
    we create http destiantio because in proxies , adapter is not use so who is goin to send the message to integration server creating http destinatio we create integration engine which send messg to IS . then messg is routed .and all
    error in HTTP to file scenario http to file
    hope this help's  you
    Chetan Ahuja

  • Java Server Proxy Generation in PI 7.1 / NW Developer Studio

    I have gone through the document on how to create the java proxies. But the details are related to PI 7.0
    I understand that the mechanism to create Java server proxies in PI 7.1 is similar. But I read some online help document where it is mentioned that the Java proxies should be created from NW Developer Studio and it will be disabled in PI in future releases.
    I can see the option of generating java proxies using the WSDL file or the RFC function in the Studio.
    But how to generate the java server proxies for a given server definition in the service repository from developer studio? Is there any document that explains these details?
    One more question, the generated proxy classes in PI 7.0 are based on EJB 2.0,  Are the proxies generated in PI 7.1 as per EJB 3.0?
    Sorry for asking too many questions. I would appreciate if you provide me the pointers / links that gives the details.
    Thanks and Regards.

    I guess I know why this behaviour occured. What I did was mixing the two types of java proxies currently available by creating a web service client in NWDS for a XI 3.0 compatible service interface.
    After opening a OSS ticket SAP told me that using service proxies created in NWDS using proxy runtime will be available from PI 7.11 SP1 onwards. In prior releases the old approach of creating proxies in ESR/IR is to be used.

  • Final Cut Server Petition

    I have started the above pet it ion at: it ion (no spaces)
    Search for Final Cut Server or FCS. Please sign it, I would love to get this product back.

    I'm finding the promotional material confusing. Apparently you do not have simultaneous read-write capabilities, you check out media dn then check it back in. But it can be located anywhere, on any machine, on any server.
    Max, are you at NAB and seeing the demos?
    This is from the marketing page:
    Use Final Cut Server to automatically catalog your media in any format and in any location. Powerful layered search tools let you find any asset fast, whether you’re in the studio or on the road. Browse thumbnails, poster frames, and proxies generated by Final Cut Server in formats you specify.
    Final Cut Server extracts and reports industry-standard metadata, including IPTC, XMP, and XML data types, so you won’t have to waste time reentering data. Final Cut Server is a seamless extension of the editing workflow in Final Cut Pro. Drag assets from Final Cut Server to any of the Final Cut Studio applications. Use Final Cut Server to organize Productions—including any combination of Final Cut Pro projects, rough cut sequences, media assets, and production documents. Or create a Final Cut Pro project in Final Cut Server and check it out to begin editing; when you check it back in, the catalog updates automatically.
    It all sounds too good to be true.
    We use Canto Cumulus to handle our digital still assets (and much more) but it is beyond "too good to be true." Cumulus is a chimera masquerading as a nightmare.

  • Does SAP supports transport of TPZ  files from PI7.11 to XI3.0 ???

    Does SAP supports transport of TPZ  files from PI7.11 to XI3.0 ???
    because after Pasting PI7.11 .tpz files into import directory of Development XI3.0 .. I am not able to find these files into ID/IR -Tools - Import ?
    What could be reason ??

    Have check this note :Note 1247043 - Release Restrictions for EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver PI 7.1
    No release
    XI 3.0 message protocol in the SOAP adapter
    Supported with EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 (version abbreviated with 7.11 from now on) is the XI 3.0 message protocol in the SOAP adapter for the communication between an Advanced Adapter Engine version 7.11 and ABAP proxies generated in the SAP NetWeaver Process Integration versions 3.0, 7.0, 7.10, 7.11; Advanced Adapter Engine version 7.11 and 7.10; SAP Partner Connectivity Kit version 7.11 and below, Java SE Adapter Engine 7.11 and below, Integration Server 7.11. However for all above listed scenarios the following functions are currently not supported: Acknowledgements, Transport & message level security, Principal propagation, Bulk support on sender-side, HTTP destinations support. Not supported with EHP 1 for SAP NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 is the XI 3.0 message protocol in the SOAP adapter for the communication between an Advanced Adapter Engine version 7.11 and Java proxies, Integration Server 7. 10 and below.
    ( Changed at 18.12.2009 )

  • ABAP Proxy - How to link a Business System

    Dear Experts,
    My scenarion is ECC6 to BW.  From ECC6, I am planning to use ABAP proxies. A new PI7.0 has been installed.
    In tocode RZ70 in ECC6, I have specified the SLD destination.
    This has created a relavent technical system in the SLD for the ECC6 system.
    Now when I write my abap code in ECC6 and use the proxies generated in tcode sproxy to create a message, how does it associate a sender business system with it?
    How would the local IS in ECC6 and the central IS in PI7.0 would know what is the sender business system?
    Is there a special configuration is SLD needs to be made to get this going?

    We have to do some configuration at SAP R/3 side
    Check this

  • Webservice: client proxy chokes on (any) reply

    I have made sure that:
    - there is a complete reproduction scenario
    - the webservices are online!
    - the wsdls and eclipse project with proxies and test program calling the proxies are attached
    I can't find any references (SDN/google, posted on SDN) which help me with the errors my proxies (generated in Netweaver Developer Studio) keep getting when reading/processing the response message. Therefore I would be grateful for any pointer which helps me solve/workaround this problem.
    Netweaver Developer Studio generated proxies choke when reading/processing our reply:
    - We are using our own SOAP implementation, just so you know
    - I tried all kinds of webservice signatures (void foo(void), string foo(string) etc...) All give the same problem
    - Error messages work fine! (Our errormessage is read and perfectly converted into an exception)
    - I ran several checkers/validators:
      - EP Web Services Checker has no problem
      - WS-I check reveals that the only problem is that we don't use UTF-8, but iso-8859-1 (I tried using UTF-8 which should be ok, same problem)
      - Mindreef SoapScope gives no problem
      - Several web based WSDL validators (also invoking the service) have no problem
    - I use stateless communication (checkbox in LogicalPort configuration)
    - I am using the sneak preview available for evaluation on SDN: " Sneak Preview SAP NetWeaver 04 - Full Java Edition with SAP NetWeaver Portal,  NW04 SP16 11 Apr 2006"
    - I get a warning (using guidgenerator.jar removes the warning, but does not help with the real problem)
      Warning ! Protocol Implementation [] could not be loaded (NoClassDefFoundError) !
      Error Message is :com/sap/guid/GUIDGeneratorFactory
    Using the workspace attached:
    To call webservice Foo: run with the main supplied in class com.quintiq.WSNullPointerExceptionProblem.Foo.Test_Foo
    To call webservice PCT_DUEDATE: run with the main supplied in class com.quintiq.WSNullPointerExceptionProblem.Test_PCT_DUEDATE
    To call both: run with the main supplied in class Main in the default package
    It takes about 5/10 minutes to generate proxies yourself and call the webservice. (Don't forget to check the "stateless communication" checkbox in the LogicalPort configuration!)
    The error is always the same:
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Service call exception; nested exception is:
         at com.quintiq.WSNullPointerExceptionProblem.Foo.Test_Foo.main(
         at Main.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
         ... 2 more
    Kind regards,

    Found the problem. We returned HTTP code 202 (Accepted) instead of 200 (OK) when the response was in the body.

  • ABAP Sneak Preview SP11 - NWDS:SAP Enterprise Connector error

    I have installed the ABAP 6.4 Sneak Preview SP11 (It works fine with the SAP GUI). I am trying to call Bapis from Java with the help of the proxies generated by "SAP Enterprise Connector". But the problem is that the "SAP Connection Wizard" does not progress any further after providing the R/3 system details(like hostname, sys number, client) and username/pasword. When I click the "Next Button" after providing the correct connection parameters it just stays there.
    -->Would the license be a problem. I did not apply for the 90 day license yet, I wanted to do that once everything is working fine.
    --> Should I do any additional configuration on the R/3 side.
    --> Should I add any extra setting to the environment variable path.
    Your help will be greatly apprecaited!!!

    Hello some more information....
    I have installed the ABAP 6.4 Sneak Preview SP11 (It works fine with the SAP GUI). I am trying to call Bapis from Java with the help of the proxies generated by "SAP Enterprise Connector". But the problem is that the "SAP Connection Wizard" does not progress any further after providing the R/3 system details(like hostname, sys number, client) and username/pasword. When I click the "Next Button" after providing the correct connection parameters it just stays there.
    -->Would the license be a problem. I did not apply for the 90 day license yet, I wanted to do that once everything is working fine.
    --> Should I do any additional configuration on the R/3 side.
    --> Should I add any extra setting to the environment variable path.
    Your help will be greatly apprecaited!!!

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