No red/white Adobe icon?

I recently formated my computer disk, then installed my old files from backup. Adobe was included with backup, but did not load program, only the icons, and their was no red/white adobe icon, only mini pgs. with pg. content. I downloaded Adobe again, and viewed my icons. The icons showed (same) miniature version of page contents only; and page contents with mini (red)adobe icon in right corner with( larger set icons). How do I reset the icon to show red/white icon. Thank you! r. lowe    Q: Some icons are red with white figure. Some are white with red figure. How do I get these?
Message was edited by: r.lowe

There is only this
Maybe someone should write a FAQ entry that covers the entire procedure.  (I could do the Windows part, but I have no idea how to do such a thing on a Mac.  Can you send me a PM if you do?)

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        Hello Fireblazin!
    Having access to email on the go is awesome! Let's get you back into a mobile email status!
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    Hi Bill,
    Sorry for the delay in replying.  I have spent the time de-cluttering / removing programs, clearing the registry, and de-fragging.
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        My Pictures:   104GB    29994 files    585 folders
        Videos:          269GB    12290 files    277 folders
        HDD:            Used:    488GB
                            Free     432GB
    Core i7  2.8GHz
    8GB RAM
    Win 7 64-bit
    My apologies for such a lengthy reply, but I am at a loss as to what may be wrong! 
    Can I clear Organizer totally, and see if that works?
    Should I delete a portion of my pictures / videos?  (I have a back-up).
    Your assistance is so appreciated.
    P.S.  The only way to clear my memory, is to re-start.

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    heh, and just to cover again what you tried , and have it typed out for reference here is some stuff from PC magazine and another place...
    Good Luck !  Rod
    from pc magazine for xp
    If your desktop items display the wrong icons or no icons at all, enlarging and refreshing the icon cache should help. The easiest way is to download Microsoft's free (but unsupported) TweakUI PowerToy; there is a tool specifically for repairing desktop icons. See "Something for Nothing."
    To do this manually, go to Start | Run and enter Regedit to launch the Registry Editor. Navigate to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer. In the right-hand pane, find or create the DWORD value MaxCachedIcons.To enlarge the cache size, double-click on this value and change it to 4096 in decimal. If the problem recurs, try an even larger value.
    Next, you must force Win XP to reread all the cached icons. Right-click on the desktop, choose Properties, click on the Appearance tab in the dialog box that pops up, and click on the Advanced button on that tab. Select Icon in the Item list and increase the Size setting by 1 pixel (this will normally be from 32 to 33). Click on OK to dismiss the Advanced Appearance dialog, then click on the Apply button. The desktop will fade and then return back to normal. Now click on the Advanced button again, change the icon size back to what it was, click on OK, and click on OK again.
    For Vista from "my digital life"
    Fix Blank or White Shortcut Icons on Desktop
    Once in a while, the shortcut icons on the Windows desktop may suddenly been changed or became blank or ‘white paper’ icon, where supposedly the icons should be colorful and customized in style and color. It’s as if the icon for the shortcut has been removed or unassigned, and been replaced with default blank icon in white.
    The bug happens whenever there is corruption in icon cache database. For example, in Windows 7 pre-RC release, a network connection
    or broadband connection shortcut’s icon placed on desktop by user manually will go haywire and turn into blank default icon if there is another third-party program places an icon on desktop later.
    In order to fix the problem where shortcut icons turn to blank icon, try to refresh or rebuild the cache database for icons. There are many system management software utilities that may reset the icon cache db automatically, but here’s how to reset the icon cache db manually.
    To refresh and reset the icons cache, go to the following folder:
    To see the hidden AppData folder, go to Organize -> Folder and Search Options -> View tab, and select Show hidden files, folders and drives, and uncheck Hide protected operating system files (Recommended).
    Once inside the folder, delete IconCache.db. Create a new file named IconCache.db, and set it to Read Only attribute in Properties (if the file is not read only, the cache won’t be reset). Then restart the computer. Remove the Read Only attribute of IconCache.db file, and the icons cache will be refreshed. The step will restore the desktop shortcut icons to their lawfully icons.

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    I want your help, please!

    Please see if the following article helps:

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    I am sorry but I am a Windows user and so I am not sure I can help you. I do not know if you have enough time before your project is due but if you do not get an answer here you may want to just call Adobe. They have techs that can walk you through everything. They can take over your computer and fix it for you. They have done this for me many times when I have had problems and I have always been helped.
    I do not know if Mac is the same but have you tried going to your Program Files? Like... your C drive > whatever > whatever > program files? and then right + click to open it from there ...?? does Mac have something similar??
    I totally wish that I could help you more than this!! Best of luck and I really do hope you can get your project done or an extension!!

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    No answer but marking as answered because I want to clear my unresolved questions.

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    If you want to use the Composite input on your TV there’s no Mini DisplayPort to Composite. The only adapters with Composite are the older Mini-DVI adapters. (Composite is the red, white and yellow RCA plugs on your TV or red, white and S-Video plugs.).
    You’ll could try a Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter -keywords=mini+displayport+to+vga&sprefix=mini+Displayport+to
    And then a VGA Adapter to TV S-Video RCA Out Cable for PC Video. =electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1316369974&sr=1-7
    I don't know if that would work but it's the only way I would know.

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    I'm using a PC & I use Windows 7

    Please don't post the same question mutliple times!  I have deleted your duplicate post.
    Have you tried a System Restore to a time before the change occurred?

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