No repair box? Will the payment be cancelled?

Maybe a dumb question but I just want to be sure.
I requested a  repair service for my iPod, and chose the option where they send you the box. I had to submit a payment beforehand due to no warranty and now it's been almost two weeks and still no box. The email I received said the service would be cancelled in 10 days if I didn't send the box back/didn't need to.
My question is will the payment be cancelled as well?

Yes. But why don't you call AppleCare and see what happened?

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    Hi db429,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.  You can sign out of iCloud completely using System Preferences > iCloud:
    OS X Mavericks: iCloud preferences
    Please note the information in this article if you opt to sign out of iCloud:
    OS X Mavericks: If you sign out of iCloud
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    Hello lenmin,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    To help resolve this issue where you're repeatedly prompted to authorize with your Apple ID in iTunes when syncing, please follow the directions in the article below.
    iTunes: Missing folder or incorrect permissions may prevent authorization - Apple Support
    Have a great weekend,
    Alex H.

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    Same problem today. Took five times to reinstall without any error messages. Apple has posted a way to fix and you should follow their's first. I finally got to upldate correctly by doing their fix but with one difference. I did the following:
    1) Went to the C:\program files (x86)\iTunes and C:\program files\iTunes folders and moved every file ending in .dll to the desktop (even if two files in same location had the same name, just replace)
    2) Restarted computer and still got error message
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    4) put all the .dll files on the desktop in the trash and emptied (this is a step apple support did not specifically put in their fix but for a final try I wanted to delete everything apple).
    5) Restarted computer.
    6) Re-installed itunes from apple website
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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
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    Hi Shegra,
    Paste this into a applescript editor window and run it from there. In the script you may need to adjust the four properties to agree with your spreadsheet. Let me know if you have any questions.
    Script starts:
    -- This script converts column A in one table into an alphabetized list of popups. It copies the last cell in that column. Then reverts the column to text. It then refreshes popups in column A of a data table starting with a user defined row.
    property DataEntrySheet : "Sheet 1" --name of sheet with popups to be refreshed
    property DataEntryTable : "Sales" --name of table with popups to be refreshed
    set copyRange to {}
    property PopValueSheet : "Sheet 1" --name of sheet with popup values table
    property PopValueTable : "Contacts" --name of table with popup values
    set PopStartRow to {}
    tell application "Numbers"
      set d to front document
      set ps to d's sheet PopValueSheet
      set pt to ps's table PopValueTable
      set s to d's sheet DataEntrySheet
      set t to s's table DataEntryTable
      set tf to t's filtered --this records filter setting on data Entry Table
      display dialog "Start from row #..." default answer "" with icon 1 -- with icon file "Path:to:my.icon.icns" --a Week # row
      set PopStartRow to {text returned of result}
      tell pt --convert list to alphabetized popups
      set ptRows to count rows
      set copyRange to ("A2:" & name of cell ptRows of column "A")
      set selection range to range copyRange
      set selection range's format to text
      sort by column 1 direction ascending
      set selection range's format to pop up menu
      -- popupsmade
      set selection range to cell ptRows of column 1 of pt
      set v to value of cell ptRows of pt
      end tell
      activate application "Numbers"
      tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down
      tell pt
      set selection range to range copyRange
      set selection range's format to text
      end tell
      tell t
      set filtered to false
      set tRows to count rows
      set pasteRange to ((name of cell PopStartRow of column "A") & ":" & (name of cell tRows of column "A"))
      set selection range to range pasteRange
      tell application "System Events" to keystroke "v" using command down
      set filtered to tf
      end tell
    end tell

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    Have you tried connecting to iTunes in an attempt to restore?
    The device wold still be under warranty so if its deemed defective you would be able to get a replacement. However, you would need to go to an Apple store or at least an authorized reseller

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    Cheers and Good Luck...

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