No update for iWork from a disk. Refuses to open presentation without an update.

I bought iWork on a disk. Now it refuses to open a presentation and asks to update. No update in AppStore. OS X Mavericks. What to do?

For the purchased OSX Lion you can use this to make yourself a bootable DVD or USB-Stick from the Lion Installer app.

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    You should consider downloading the 10.6.8 combo updater and applying it again.
    Pondini has a great page about upgrading.

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    No. The iWork (no 's') apps are a separate purchase. You should not have to buy any of the '09 apps again to work in Mountain Lion, you just need to update them.
    iWork '09 installed from the retail disk or from the downloaded trial must be updated through Software Update. In Mountain Lion Software Update has been "rolled into" the Mac App Store. Choose Software Update from the Apple menu just like you always have & the Mac App Store will launch. Depending on what you have that needs updating you may see two sections in the MAS window.
    But, as always, if you're not running the latest versions of the iWork apps installed from a retail box or the downloaded trial & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. If you installed from the downloaded trial or the retail box, they must be in the iWork '09 folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work.
    Alternatively, you can download the standalone updater here.

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    MacBook Air on Yosemite

    If you mean photo stream, that's because they only remain in iCloud for 30 days (even though your last 1000 photo stream photos remain on your iOS devices until you delete them).  When you first enable photo stream, you only get the photos from the last 39 days as older photos are no longer in iCloud.
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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    When an application that was working correctly stops doing so the cause is likely corrupt preferences. There are a couple of ways to check this out. Log in as another user on your Mac & see if the behavior continues.
    If you have a particular document you want to try to open in the other user, move it to the HD > Users > Shared folder. Unless permissions are set for other users to read & write you may get a message that a copy will be opened.
    Quit Pages & then delete the from HD > Users > [your account] > Library > Preferences. Then restart Pages & see what happens. You will have to reset some Pages preferences.
    If it were just one document, a trick I learned in the AppleWorks forum & has worked for some Pages users, is to save the document in iWork '05 format (use a different name) & then open it in Pages 2.
    You can reinstall iWork from the restore DVD that came with your Mac. Just make sure you have your serial number written down to reenter it. Apple has written an article, Knowledge Base article 61802 on restoring the software than came with your Mac. Reinstalling, though, will not remove the preference files, so they will need to be moved manually as above. There is also one for Keynote in each user's Library as well as the in HD > Library > Preferences which contains the serial number. It is unlikely that this preference file is corrupt.

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    We are not omniscient. Use screencapture on the error page. Shift + Command + 4 … then drag the cross-hairs around the error, and release. The Screen Shot will be written to your Desktop. Use the camera icon in this editor’s tool bar to embed that Screen Shot of your error in a follow-up post here.
    Did you move the Pages and Numbers applications out of /Application/iWork ’09 folder, where they are expected to reside? Did you run /Applications/Utilities/Disk, and on your boot drive, verify/repair permissions?

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    It used to be that to update the trial to the licensed version with the box, you just inserted the DVD & ran the installer to convert the trial to licensed. This changed with Snow Leopard. You now need to delete the trial & then reinstall from the boxed DVD or the Mac App Store. The files to delete are the iWork ’09 folder from the main HD > Applications; the iWork ’09 folder in HD > Library > Application Support & the individual iWork application plist files found in HD > Users > (your account) > Library > Preferences for each user.
    Yvan Koenig has written an AppleScript that removes the files. You can find it on his iDisk in For_iWork > iWork '09 > uninstall iWork '

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    Hello Smile_333
    The article below will assist with finding things and help increase the hard drive space for your computer. The best way is to have an external hard drive to copy things to if you do not want to delete and loose things.
    OS X Mountain Lion: Increase disk space
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

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    <Re-Titled By Host>

    The latest versions of the iWork '08 apps are x.0.3. The latest of iWork '09 is 9.3 although you don't need higher than 9.0.4 for Snow Leopard. If you're not running the latest versions of the iWork apps installed from a retail box or the downloaded trial & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. If you installed from the downloaded trial or the retail box, they must be in the iWork '09 folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work. The same applies for iWork '08.
    You can also download the standalone updater for iWork '09, 9.3, from this page.

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    Downloads of what?  Songs?  Apps?  Books?
    If you're talking about apps, then you have downloaded iOS apps which are intended to run on an iPhone or iPad, not a Mac.

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    updated my mac to mountain lion and now my app store, mail or facetime won't open. Also, I am not longer able to play videos through firefox. I tried downloading the combo for mountain lion and it refuses to install saying that I need to see developer. Whenever I try to open my appstore, mail or facetime it says that the programmes need to be installed and might not be compatible with this version of mac operating system. Can anyone help me?

    It's not a bad install of Mountain Lion. I've had the same thing happen to me, but it affected not only Mail, but a variety of other programs including iPhoto and MS Office, where I had to delete preferences, caches, and reinstall the OS as well as the program itself. I'm still having issues with Mail, so I've gone to another program.
    Everything was fine upon the initial install. I restarted my iMac about two weeks after the install, and that's when the issues began to happen. I've reinstalled Mountain Lion twice, but the same issues arise.
    As I mentioned above, you'll need to figure out which preferences are causing the issue, then reinstall the program, as a fresh reinstallation will do you no good unless you wipe the drive completely.
    Here's a thread that helped me with iPhoto:

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    i dont use google chrome,

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    Copy the routines into a new folder on your hard drive. Then burn the folder to a new blank disc using Disk Utility.

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