No video on organizer clip playback

I am inporting video from a dvd of a home made movie to Adobe Premiere Elements. It shows up on the organizer and I can see the still frame on each clip but when I try to preview them I hear the audio but cannot see the video. Same thing after I drag it to the sceneline. Whenever I press pause I see the still frame but it goes blank when I press playback again. Also after I drag the clips to the sceneline it starts "background rendering" but it takes so long that the program goes into a "not responding" mode and I have to start over.

Actually, these sound like two very different issues with similar symptoms.
In answer to the first question, you should just wait it out until the background rendering and processing finishes. It may take a couple of minutes, but be patient. When it's all conformed and rendered, you should be fine.
You can turn off background rendering the preferences (under the Edit menu), but that won't help you right now. You really need to let the program assimilate the DVD files before it will be able to work with (and play) them.
BTW, if you decide to use this video in Premiere Elements, make sure your project uses the DVD/Hard Drive Camcorder project settings. Otherwise, you'll run into interlacing issues later.

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    Hi aalincoln,
    I had a similar problem. For me it was because my memory was reaching it's limits, not the space on my harddrive. I closed all other programs to make sure iMovie has all the memory it needs and played/export the clips again and it worked.
    Try downloading Memory Clean or another solution to see your current memory usage.
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    In iMovie'11 (version 9.0.x)
    on top menu row - Apple/iMovie/File/Edit/Cut (Can vary dep. on language - in Swedish Apple/iMovie/Arkiv/Redigera/Klipp . . . )
    down Cut menu - Slow playback/Raspid Playback/Re-play in Slow Motion and onvards
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    Are you familiar with getting 'inspector' to run?
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    Very true ! My main point was to show how easy it was to sync. I still think apple has a way to go to make this a great tool. It was fast to edit but when I want to send somthing to AE 5.5 it was a nightmare. I do  I love how it organizes keywords and the color correction tools are good if you want to do it your self (check out this site ts ) it will be a great program if apple listens to all the comments but does not make it too complicated the you cant create quickly.

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    Hi CarlVerbanac, i'm sorry for waiting so long for a reply.
    [ If you have RealPlayer installed - update it] (to latest, if you haven't already)
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    your problem will not be the process of 'glueing stuff together'
    follow advice given here
    under 'Getting started' or follow the 'Video' tutorials ...
    the real task is, to make all clips readable for usage in iM ...
    before making you a technician on video-codecs:
    download and install the free tools Mpeg Streamclip and
    you have to relaunch your Mac after doing so...-
    BEFORE adding any of your external sources into an Event, use Streamclip to manually convert to DV, or if source is HDef, to Quicktime/Appleintermediate.
    the resulting files should import flawless into iM, proceed as usual.
    iM 'swallows' a lot of formats, so it could be this manual conversion isn't needed ... 
    don't hesitate to come back here, if probs occur ...

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