NoClassDefFoundError when using URLClassLoader

I have an applet which tries to load a jar file dynamically. I am giving the code snippet here.
loader = new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { new URL("http://localhost:4095/jars/dynamicload.jar") });
m_class = loader.loadClass("loader.DynamicLoadedClass");
(loader.DynamicLoadedClass) prntr = (loader.DynamicLoadedClass) m_class.newInstance();
But this is throwing a NoClassDefFoundError when I try to cast the new instance to a DynamicLoadedClass.
Can anybody help me correct this problem?

It will be happening when your code tries to access loader.DynamicLoadedClass for the cast. When a class accesses another class implicitly it asks the ClassLoader that loaded it for the class. That will presumably be the standard class loader that points to the classpath, and knows nothing about your dynamically loaded class.
Really if you mention a class to the compiler then there's no point in trying to load it dynamically, since you must already have it locally to do the compilation.
Usually you know that an dynamically loaded class will conform to some abstract class or interface you have locally, and you cast the new instance to that. That works because standard classloader delegation means your URLClassLoader will take classes from the class path if they are there.

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    Hi Markus,
    Both exceptions are located in the jrfc.jar file.
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    Kind regards,

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    Okay, we found the problem. Our in-house MASTER OF ALL found it. The argument that the jvm was trying to load as a class needed to be in quotes according to documentation, but the shell escapes out the quotes when run on the command line, whereas in my java process it was not, therefore the jvm thought it needed to load it as a class.
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    public class Main {
            public static void main(String[] args)  {
                    Server sv = new Server();
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    On Solaris the classpath element seperator is a colon, not a semi-colon like it is in Windows.
    ... -classpath /opt/TimesTen/5_0/jdbc/lib/classes14.jar:. ...
    Sigh Too late, as already covered by another poster above.
    But this still applies:
    ... And there should be no need to include /usr/j2sdk1.4.2_05 in the classpath.
    Message was edited by:

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    package agent.win32;
    public class MemoryInfo{
      int dwLength;
      int dwMemoryLoad;
      int dwTotalPhys;
      int dwAvailPhys;
      int dwTotalPageFile;
      int dwAvailPageFile;
      int dwTotalVirtual;
      int dwAvailVirtual;
      public int get_dwLength() { return dwLength; }
      public int get_dwMemoryLoad() { return dwMemoryLoad; }
      public int get_dwTotalPhys() { return dwTotalPhys; }
      public int get_dwAvailPhys() { return dwAvailPhys; }
      public int get_dwTotalPageFile() { return dwTotalPageFile; }
      public int get_dwAvailPageFile() { return dwAvailPageFile; }
      public int get_dwTotalVirtual() { return dwTotalVirtual; }
      public int get_dwAvailVirtual() { return dwAvailVirtual; }
    // Java Class that uses JNI
    package agent.win32;
    public class NIMSNT {
      public NIMSNT(){};
        catch (java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
          System.out.println (e);
       * check psapi.dll and psapi functions
       * return true if NT process can be enumerate
      public static native boolean Initialize();
       * Description:The EnumProcesses function retrieves the process identifier
       * for each process object in the system
       * return value:the list of process identifiers
       * call psapi function EnumProcesses
      public static native int[] EnumProcesses();
       * Description:The OpenProcess function returns a handle to an existing process object.
       * return value:If the function succeeds, the return value is an open handle to the specified process
       * call kernel32 function OpenProcess
      public static native int OpenProcess(int Pid);
       * Description:The EnumProcessModules function retrieves a handle for each module in the specified process
       * return value:the list of module handles
       * call psapi function EnumProcessModules
      public static native int[] EnumProcessModules(int hProcess);
       * Description:The GetModuleFileNameEx function retrieves the fully qualified path for the specified module
       * return value:the fully qualified path for the specified module
       * call psapi function GetModuleFileNameEx
      public static native String GetModuleFileName(int hProcess,int hModule);
       * Description:The GetModuleBaseName function retrieves the base name of the specified module
       * return value:the base name of the specified module
       * call psapi function GetModuleBaseName
      public static native String GetModuleBaseName(int hProcess,int hModule);
       * Description:function closes an open object handle
       * return value:true if succesfuly
       * call kernel32 function CloseHandle
      public static native boolean CloseHandle(int handle);
       * Description:function gets system memory
       * return value:String
      public static native MemoryInfo GetSystemMemoryInfo();
    // C Structure (defined in windows.h)
    typedef struct _MEMORYSTATUS {
      DWORD dwLength;
      DWORD dwMemoryLoad;
      SIZE_T dwTotalPhys;
      SIZE_T dwAvailPhys;
      SIZE_T dwTotalPageFile;
      SIZE_T dwAvailPageFile;
      SIZE_T dwTotalVirtual;
      SIZE_T dwAvailVirtual;
    // C code
    #include <windows.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include "agent_win32_NIMSNT.h"
    #define MaxProcessNumber 10000
    /** Type Definitions                                  **/
         DWORD * lpidProcess, 
           DWORD cb,            
           DWORD * cbNeeded     
         HANDLE hProcess,     
         HMODULE * lphModule, 
         DWORD cb,            
         LPDWORD lpcbNeeded   
         HANDLE hProcess,          
         HMODULE hModule,          
         LPTSTR lpstrFileName,     
         DWORD nSize               
         HANDLE hProcess,          
         HMODULE hModule,          
         LPTSTR lpstrFileName,     
         DWORD nSize               
    typedef struct _PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS {
        DWORD cb;
        DWORD PageFaultCount;
        DWORD PeakWorkingSetSize;
        DWORD WorkingSetSize;
        DWORD QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage;
        DWORD QuotaPagedPoolUsage;
        DWORD QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage;
        DWORD QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage;
        DWORD PagefileUsage;
        DWORD PeakPagefileUsage;
         HANDLE hProcess,
         PPROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS ppsmenCounters,
         DWORD cb
    /** Global Variables                                  **/
    ENUMPROCESSES EnumProcesses;
    ENUMPROCESSMODULES EnumProcessModules;
    /** DLL Entry                                         **/
    BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HANDLE hInst, DWORD ul_reason_being_called, LPVOID lpReserved){    
         return TRUE;
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    Initialize
    * Signature: ()Z
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_Initialize(JNIEnv * env,jclass clazz){
         HANDLE hpsapi=LoadLibrary("PSAPI.DLL");
         if (hpsapi==NULL) return FALSE;
         GetModuleFileNameExA = (GETMODULEFILENAMEEXA)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hpsapi, "GetModuleFileNameExA");
         GetModuleBaseName = (GETMODULEBASENAME)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hpsapi, "GetModuleBaseNameA");
         EnumProcessModules = (ENUMPROCESSMODULES)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hpsapi, "EnumProcessModules");
         GetProcessMemoryInfo = (GETPROCESSMEMORYINFO)GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)hpsapi, "GetProcessMemoryInfo");
         if (
              NULL == EnumProcesses          ||
              NULL == GetModuleFileName     ||
              NULL == GetModuleBaseName     ||
              NULL == EnumProcessModules  )
            return FALSE;
         return TRUE;   
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    EnumProcesses
    * Signature: ()[I
    JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_EnumProcesses(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz){
         DWORD aPids[MaxProcessNumber];
         DWORD cGot;
         jintArray Pids=0;
              cGot /= sizeof(aPids[0]);
                 Pids= (*env)->NewIntArray(env,cGot);
              (*env)->SetIntArrayRegion(env,Pids,0,cGot,(jint*) aPids);
         return Pids;
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    OpenProcess
    * Signature: (IZI)I
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_OpenProcess (JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz,jint Pid){
         return (jint) OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ,FALSE,Pid);
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    EnumProcessModules
    * Signature: (I[I)[I
    JNIEXPORT jintArray JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_EnumProcessModules (JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint hProcess){
         HMODULE hModule[MaxProcessNumber];
         jintArray jModule=0;
         DWORD cGot;    
         if (EnumProcessModules((HANDLE)hProcess,hModule,sizeof(hModule),&cGot)){
              cGot/= sizeof(hModule[0]);
              jModule= (*env)->NewIntArray(env,cGot);
         return jModule;
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    GetModuleFileName
    * Signature: (II)Ljava/lang/String;
    JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_GetModuleFileName(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint hProcess, jint hModule){
         jstring jName=0;
         char FileName[MAX_PATH];
         return jName;
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    GetModuleBaseName
    * Signature: (II)Ljava/lang/String;
    JNIEXPORT jstring JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_GetModuleBaseName(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint hProcess, jint hModule){
         jstring jName=0;
         char FileName[MAX_PATH];
         return jName;
    * Class:     nims4_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    CloseHandle
    * Signature: (I)Z
    JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_CloseHandle(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz, jint handle)
         return CloseHandle((HANDLE) handle);
    * Class:     nims_agent_win32_NIMSNT
    * Method:    GetSystemMemoryInfo
    * Signature: (I)Lagent/win32/MemoryInfo;
    JNIEXPORT jobject JNICALL Java_agent_win32_NIMSNT_GetSystemMemoryInfo(JNIEnv * env, jclass clazz){
         jfieldID jfield;
         jobject jobj=0;
         MEMORYSTATUS stat;
         stat.dwLength = sizeof(stat);
         if (clazz==0) return 0;
         jobj = (*env)->AllocObject (env,clazz);
         //set NIMSMemoryInfo object field
         // dwLength
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwLength);
         // dwMemoryLoad
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwMemoryLoad);
         // dwTotalPhys
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwTotalPhys);
         // dwAvailPhys
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwAvailPhys);
         // dwTotalPageFile
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwTotalPageFile);
         // dwAvailPageFile
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwAvailPageFile);
         // dwTotalVirtual
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwTotalVirtual);
         // dwAvailVirtual
         (*env)->SetIntField (env,jobj, jfield,stat.dwAvailVirtual);
         return jobj;
    };I can use all of the methods in the Java/C code except for the the last native method   public static native MemoryInfo GetSystemMemoryInfo(); . I get a NoClassDefFoundError when I try to use this method. I have a feeling that I'm just doing something stupid.
    Thanks in advance,

    Yes, exactly. I changed the name of that class and forgot to change it in the c code. Thanks for the feedback.
    Also, if anyone is using this code as an example, you need to change "agent.win32.MemoryInfo" to "agent/win32/MemoryInfo" in the c code. If it is left as "agent.win32.MemoryInfo" you will get a ClassCircularityError when trying to make multiple calls to the NIMSNT.GetSystemMemoryInfo();.

  • Java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError when trying to run my program in Eclipse

    I have a problem when using Eclipse. I can compile my classes in Eclipse without problems, but when I try to run the main class I get the following error message:
    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    java/lang/NoClassDefFoundError: java/lang/Object
    I have the same classpath setup when compiling and running the program. I am using JDK 1.3.1 and also have no problem running the program using javaw from a command prompt.
    Please answer if you have encountered this problem or have any idea what the problem might be.

    I start Eclipse using the exe file eclipse.exe with no special arguments.
    I use a JRE installed in e:\jdk1.3.1_01 so on the JRE page in the launch dialog box I have added a JRE with e:\jdk1.3.1_01\jre as the JRE home directory. This means that the JRE system library contain e:\jdk1.3.1_01\jre\lib\rt.jar. On the classpath page this JAR file is also listed as well as some other JAR files I use in my project.

  • Java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when compile SQLJ source file

    Always got error message java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/CharToByteConverter
    when using sqlj to compile SQLJ source file.
    The CLASSPATH (partial) .:$ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib/$ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib/
    I am able to compile the demo and but not TestInstallSQLJ.sqlj in the same directory.
    I am using Oracle 8.1.6 R2 client in Linux Intel on Red Hat 6.0. Can anyone explain why this happened ?

    From the forthcoming new version of the SQLJ FAQ:
    "NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/CharToByteConverter"
    (This is likely a general configuration issue, not something specific to your code.)
    Running sqlj results in the following error message.
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/io/CharToByteConverter
    This happens if you are running under a JRE environment, and not a full JDK environment. You need to download and install a full JDK environment. Note that the Oracle
    database installation will only set up a Java Runtime Environment. Oracle does not distribute the Java Development Kit - you have to get it from
    If that did not help, you'd need to give us a fuller picture of your environmnet (JDK versions, PATH, CLASSPATH settings, etc.).

  • Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when Install 11g 2

    Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when Install Oracle database 11g release 2 on redhat linux enterprise 5
    My Java Version is 1.6.0_13-b03, can anyone help?
    Error Message as follows:
    准备从以下地址启动 Oracle Universal Installer /tmp/OraInstall2009-12-01_11-25-58AM. 请稍候...[oracle@redhatlinux ~]$ Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.awt.Toolkit$
    at Method)
    at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(
    at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.isLowResolution(Unknown Source)
    at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    at com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel.<clinit>(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.loadSystemClass(
    at javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(
    at oracle.install.commons.util.Application.startup(
    at oracle.install.commons.flow.FlowApplication.startup(
    at oracle.install.commons.flow.FlowApplication.startup(
    at oracle.install.commons.base.driver.common.Installer.startup(
    at oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.startup(
    at oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.main(

    I am getting the same exception. I tried using xhost_+ but it's still not working for me.
    Again, here is the error that I'm receiving when trying to install Oracle 11g:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at java.awt.Toolkit$
    at Method)
    at java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(
    at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.isLowResolution(Unknown Source)
    at com.jgoodies.looks.LookUtils.<clinit>(Unknown Source)
    at com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel.<clinit>(
    at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.Class.forName(
    at javax.swing.SwingUtilities.loadSystemClass(
    at javax.swing.UIManager.setLookAndFeel(
    at oracle.install.commons.util.Application.startup(
    at oracle.install.commons.flow.FlowApplication.startup(
    at oracle.install.commons.flow.FlowApplication.startup(
    at oracle.install.commons.base.driver.common.Installer.startup(
    at oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.startup(
    at oracle.install.ivw.db.driver.DBInstaller.main(
    Thanks in advance for the help!!
    Also, this is all very new to me. So if you could provide a step-by-step answer I would really appreciate it.
    Edited by: user9014123 on Jan 25, 2010 1:40 PM

  • Class not found when using JvmModelInferrer

    I am trying to transform one of my language elements to a class using the ModelInferrer approach. This generated class should extend a class (AbstractMatcher) from an external project. The external project is added to the build path of the Xtext model project as an external class folder and to the run-time project in the same way. It should be noted that the external project is a plug-in built in Helios SR1. I am able to reference the AbstractMatcher class from the xtend source code (it is available for auto complete and imported correctly), but when I start runtime eclipse, I get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError when trying to add a superType to the generated class. If I substitute the AbstractMatcher with a dummy like java.util.ArrayList everything works fine. I have tried to make a simple Java class inside the runtime Java project and reference the AbstractMatcher from it and this also works fine. Everything seems to be able to find the offending class except the ModelInferrer.
    import external.package.AbstractMatcher
    def dispatch void infer(Matcher matcher, IJvmDeclaredTypeAcceptor acceptor, boolean isPreIndexingPhase) {
    acceptor.accept(matcher.toClass("matchers." + + "Matcher")) [
    superTypes += typeRef(AbstractMatcher) // <---exception here
    Stack trace:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/talend/designer/xmlmap/figures/treetools/zone/matchers/AbstractMatcher
    at org.xtext.example.mydsl.jvmmodel.MyDslJvmModelInferrer$1.apply(
    at org.xtext.example.mydsl.jvmmodel.MyDslJvmModelInferrer$1.apply(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.JvmModelAssociator$
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.jvmmodel.JvmModelAssociator.installDerivedState(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.resource.DerivedStateAwareResource.installDerivedState(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.resource.BatchLinkableResource.getContents(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.LogicalContainerAwareBatchTypeResolver.getEntryPoints(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.DefaultBatchTypeResolver.getTypeResolver(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.CachingBatchTypeResolver$1.get(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.CachingBatchTypeResolver$1.get(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.util.OnChangeEvictingCache.get(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.CachingBatchTypeResolver.doResolveTypes(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.typesystem.internal.AbstractBatchTypeResolver.resolveTypes(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.resource.BatchLinkingService.resolveBatched(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.xbase.resource.BatchLinkableResource.resolveLazyCrossReferences(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.EcoreUtil2.resolveLazyCrossReferences(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.builder.clustering.ClusteringBuilderState.doUpdate(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.builder.builderState.AbstractBuilderState.update(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.builder.impl.XtextBuilder.doBuild(
    at org.eclipse.xtext.builder.impl.XtextBuilder.incrementalBuild(
    I sense that this is actually an OSGi problem, since I see this is how typeRef tries to find the reference, but I don't know how to get around it. I am not able to add the external plugin containing the AbstractMatcher class as a dependency and I'm not sure if it would be possible due to different Eclipse versions (Helios vs Luna).

    On 13.07.15 12:39, Zeljko Vukovic wrote:
    > but when I start runtime eclipse, I get a java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
    > when trying to add a superType
    Does it work for you if you refer to the AbstractMatcher from Java-code
    that is in a project in the runtime instance?

  • Sy-tabix when using secondary key

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    LOOP AT ... USING KEY secondary_key WHERE index = iv_index.
    Unfortunately the sy-tabix is afterwards not correct, it contains the position in the secondary key probably instead the position in the internal table.
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    I rewrote it to include the row index also, not only the dependency.. was thinking too generic

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    I connect to my HDTV via HDMI cable, using a mini-DVI to HDMI adapter from my Macbook’s video-out port. The audio connection is a mini-plug from the Mac’s headphone out jack to stereo RCA plugs associated with the TV’s HDMI port.
    The wireless connection is through a Lynksys Wireless-G 2.4 Ghz, 54 Mpbs Broadband router.
    I’d appreciate any solutions the Apple user community has to offer.

    I'd say this has nothing to do with your display. The problem will likely lie in either your router settings, network settings or a simple signal strength issue. Try first changing the broadcast channel on your router, and make sure all settings are correct for your desired network.

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    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

    Since installing LTR 5.4, which I've now upgraded to 5.6, I've encountered repeated slowness and malfunctions in operations, especially when using the Compare View function and the Tab key to open and close the right and left side panels.  Such problems never arose during two years of using LTR-4 and nothing else has changed on my computer.  I have a pretty simple system with only a few plug-ins, which are usually not in operation.  I have 12GB of RAM in my Windows 7 PC.  I could illustrate these problems with screen shots if you would tell me how to submit screen shots.  Otherwise I will try to describe the problems in words.
    The problem is clearly cumulative, growing worse as usage time passes.  Compare View feature gradually slows down and eventually seems to choke as my work session proceeds. If I Exit LTR and re-enter and start all over, things will work normally for maybe 30 minutes, but then the Compare View feature begins to become very slow to respond.   In a recent example with my screen full of thumbnails in Library mode I highlighted two images to compare. LTR started to open the Compare View screen by first having the top row of thumbnails disappear to be replaced by the "SELECT" and "CANDIDATE" words in their spaces  (but no images), but Compare View never succeeded in gaining control of the screen. After some seconds the top row of thumbnails reasserted its position and the Compare View windows disappeared. But LTR kept trying to bring them back. Again the top row of thumbnails would go away, Select and candidate would reappear, try again, and give up. This went on for at least 2-3 minutes before I tried to choose File and Exit, but even that did not initially want to respond. It doesn't like to accept other commands when it's trying to open Compare View. Finally it allowed me to exit.
    To experiment I created a new catalog of 1100 images.  After 30-40 minutes, the Compare View function began to operate very slowly. With left and right side panels visible and two thumbnails highlighted, hitting Compare View can take half a minute before the two mid-size  images open in their respective SELECT and CANDIDATE windows. When the side panels are open and two images are in the Select/Candidate spaces, hitting the Tab button to close the side panels produces a very delayed response--25-30 seconds to close them, a few more seconds to enlarge the two images to full size. To reverse the process (i.e., to recall the two side panels), hitting Tab would make the two sides of the screen go black for up to a minute, with no words visible. Eventually the info fields in the panels would open up.
    I also created a new user account and imported a folder of 160 images. After half an hour Compare View began mis-placing data.  (I have a screen shot to show this.)  CANDIDATE appears on the left side of SELECT, whereas it should be on the right. The accompanying camera exposure data appears almost entirely to the left of the mid-screen dividing line. Although the Candidate and Select headings were transposed, the image exposure data was not, but the data for the image on the right was almost entirely to the left of the line dividing the screen in two.
    Gurus in The Lightroom Forum have examined Task Manager data showing Processes running and Performance indicators and they see nothing wrong.  I could also send screen shots of this data.
    At this point, the only way I can process my images is to work 30-40 minutes and then shut down everything, exit, and re-start LTR.  This is not normal.  I hope you can find the cause, and then the solution.  If you would like to see my screen shots, tell me how to submit them.
    [email protected]

  • How can I show only text edits and not text formatting when using print comments summary?

    Acrobat 9.3.0 for Mac.
    Here is the scenario: I used the Compare command to see the changes between 2 PDFs. The resulting file some edits are inserts and some are deletions. I want to print a comments summary only showing the text edits. In the Compare Option pane, I select Text and deselect Images, Annotations, Formatting, Headers/Footers, and Backgrounds. Now on the screen I see inserts are highlighted in blue and deletions are marked with sort of a caret and vertical bar symbol. So all looks good at this point. However, when I show the Comments List, I see addtional comments that indicate "Replace - The following text attributes were changed: fill color." Those comments do not appear in the page view unless I check the Formatting check box to show them. With Formatting unchecked, I print a comments summary and all of the "Replace - Fill Color" comments" appear on the resulting comments summary.
    I only want to show text edits, not text formatting changes. So questions are:
    1. Why, when the Formatting checkbox is unchecked, do the text formatting comments still appear in the comments list when they do not appear on the page display.
    2. How can I print only the text content edits and not show the text formatting changes when using Print Comments Summary.

    You can set ExecuteWithParams as default activity in the task flow then method activity to return total no of rows passing to Router activity if your method has value 0 then call Create insert operation else do directly to page.
    Following idea could be your task flow
    Execute With param (default) > SetCurrentRowWithKey > GetTotalNoOfRows (VOImpl Method)
    1. If pageFlowScope outcome is 0 then call CreateInsert > MyPage
    2. if pageFlowScope outcome > 0 then MyPage
    hope it helps,

  • I have a new MAcBook Air and my photos don't fit on the internal hard drive.  I want to store my photos on an external hard drive which I will connect to my Air when using Iphoto.  How do I set an external hard drive as the default drive?

    I have a new MAcBook Air and my photos don't fit on the internal hard drive.  I want to store my photos on an external hard drive which I will connect to my Air when using Iphoto.  How do I set an external hard drive as the default drive in Iphoto?

    Make sure the drive is formatted Mac OS Extended (Journaled)
    1. Quit iPhoto
    2. Copy the iPhoto Library from your Pictures Folder to the External Disk.
    3. Hold down the option (or alt) key while launching iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library' and navigate to the new location. From that point on this will be the default location of your library.
    4. Test the library and when you're sure all is well, trash the one on your internal HD to free up space.

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    Why when using Adobe Bridge,  I apply a star rating,   the rating does not show up in Photoshop Elements.  I use Elements as my organizer and Bridge to view as it is much more user friendly.  Anyone any solutions??

    Most likely you have set the wrong file as the external editor. You don't want the obvious one; that's just a link to the welcome screen. Go back and choose this one, which is hidden away inside the folder Support Files:

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