Noise bursts-- consequences

If anyone want a rare photo of me throwing a Macbook Pro out of a fourth floor window, you just have to wait until next time I get a $%#&##$"#$$ Logic noise burst piped into my ears at maximum level. Been with Logic since Notator SL, cannot do this anymore.
Thank you.

Can I have your address, please ? Is your room to the front or to the backyard ?

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  • White Noise bursts... Apple speaks!

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    You can read it on page 18 here:

    They may or may not be related. From what I gather, the PT users experience it while streaming audio through digi interfaces. Even Itunes does it to them. In Logic's case it's actually recorded on the file then played back. This happens to me on a daily basis and is occasionally followed by a disk error message. Laptop/desktop/internal/external/dedicated audio drives with no third party plugs or even hardware/ doesn't matter. I find it amusing that Apple support is not able to recreate the problem, they probably launch Logic, record two or three passes and say "see? not happening here..." Could very well be a core audio issue though, definitely related to how it writes data on the drive.

  • Random noise bursts in bounces

    I posted once before on this topic... but it seems to me that the problem is getting worse. When I bounce a project to disk, I almost always end up with random bursts of white noise which occur once or twice, lasting anywhere from a fraction of a second to several seconds. This means I have to be very very careful to open the bounced files and check if they are OK, before trusting that I can play them without scaring people or potentially damaging their ears (I am doing sound design for a theatre production). I have never had an audio app behave like this. I have turned on/off normalization, dithering, tried different sample rates, etc, and I continue to get these noise bursts. If anyone has similar experiences, or suggestions for a solution, I'd like to hear from you! Although I like Logic very much, I can't use it if this continues.

    Hi Matt,
    ...this could be a number of things. A defective plugin, corrupted system sound software, coreaudio drivers screwed up, etc etc.
    So, if you bounce the same project twice, is there always noise somewhere? Or is it only sporadically? And does this noise completely substitute the music where it occurs?
    Also: have you got anything (app) running in the background while bouncing?
    First approach: try bouncing the project 'plugless'. Make a copy of the project, disable all plugs (including SI's - export and reimport them as audio first) and see if the problem persists. If it goes away, one of the plugs may well be the problem. I would most suspect an SI, but an effect could also be the cause.
    If it persists, the plugs are not the problem.
    If you already haven't, also follow these tips where they apply:
    If all this has no effect, a Logic (app only) reinstall is next, followed by a Leopard (archive and) reinstall...
    regards and good luck, Erik.

  • HELP! dangerous noise bursts etc..

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    Hi, Judith. See the "Solution to freezes caused by ribbon cable" thread at the top of the topic list in this forum. The simple, free cable-insulation trick discussed in that thread will probably end your troubles. You will need to repair your hard disk directory using DiskWarrior or TechTool Pro after you get the cable squared away.

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    Does the noise burst still occur if you substitute a pair of stereo headphones into the audio port of the AirPort Express? If so, then the issue may be one of three things: 1) Audio source, 2) The power source the Express is connected to, or 3) The Express itself.
    If it doesn't then the issue may be: 1) The digital optical audio cable between the Express and the DAC, 2) The DAC itself, 3) The analog audio cable between the DAC and the power amp, or 4) The power amp itself.
    One known issue with the Express is that it doesn't have a local clock circuit. As such, when the incoming data is interrupted, as it is when you change songs in iTunes, there is no longer a digital output to feed the DAC, which loses lock as a result. Some external DACs are more sensitive to this than others.

  • Sudden noise inturuptions

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    of noise bursts when I tried to run it on leopard ( but no problems whatsoever in tiger.)
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    Please can you provide me with a solution to this so I can get back to work ?

    It's not the plugins because I don't use demos and my plugins work fine unless I want to use them in an older saved file as previously mentioned. They also work fine in garage band. The issue is all my work (thousands of hours) is in those older files.
    What exactly are my options here because I paid for snow leopard and logic 9 updates but it appears they are incompatible ?
    What exactly is causing the white noise bursts, logic, leopard or the combination of the two ?
    Thanks and regards,

  • Paste ends with noise

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    any ideas?
    Mac Pro 2.66 QC Xeon
    7GB RAM
    RME RayDAT v.11 with latest drivers
    BMD DeckLink SDI with latest drivers

    Woah, I'm an idiot.  Cut and paste works fine, links come through.  I have no idea why they weren't coming through when I was fighting with it earlier today, but now they are coming through just fine.  Please ignore.
    PS is there a way to delete a post on these forums?  I can't find one.

  • Sudden, incredibly loud burst of static

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    Processor: 2.8 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory: 4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    While reading, I am listening to a playlist of ambient sounds -- birdsong, babbling brook, ocean waves -- on my bluetooth headphones (Inland ProHT 87091) when without any warning an unbelievably loud burst of white noise bursts out of my headphones. It's incredibly startling and painful.
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    I've been playing with this for several hours. I can make it do it if I peg the memory use (not hard) and then do something like make a window go full-screen or anything that causes the bluetooth to glitch or pause. I got it to do it watching a YouTube video on full-screen, and then when I un-fullscreened, it blasted static. (So it's not just iTunes.) It appears to be the bluetooth, somehow.
    Under Mavericks, this never happened. But Yosemite does it a good portion of the time. Makes the headphones absolutely unusable.

  • Response from a long time customer... who will be a long time customer no mo

    I just browsed into the forum to get some help because I cannot get a microphone to work under Vista on my XFI Platinum. I also have an Audigy which as we all know has major issues as well and of which does not function under Vista correctly either.
    .....And when I got here for some help, I got hit upside the head with this brewing Daniel K controversy.
    To say this is unbelievable is an understatement. I became a Creative customer way back with the release of their first products... after being a C-64/C-28/Amiga user for years (still am actually!). Dam how I wish the Amiga were still a main stream system.....
    To learn that Creative has, in effect, mislead all of us in such a way that my sound card does not operate properly?because I am running Vista and WITHOUT TELLING ME is completely unacceptable.
    And this now explains why I have spent countless hours and days trying to get things working. Problems including crappy sound output (i.e distortion at volume), inability to get a microphone to function, lack of functionality of all the high end features on the card... the reason I bought it in the first place. It makes me extremely angry to know I have spent all this time trying to get things working?only to now find?it has been an entire waste because of your actions with the drivers. I have not?wasted days trying to fix this... I?have wasted MONTHS!Whomever the hell made this decision is an idiot. PERIOD - and I hope he or she reads this and chokes on it.
    Your reaction toward someone simply trying to help resolve the driver issues, even if he was asking for donations, was unacceptable as well, in my opinion. You have failed to do anything so someone else did. Of course it made it much worse to find out you PURPOSELY mislead all of us and PURPOSELY disabled features and functions.
    Hardware is what you make money off of, not drivers. In the past when I have upgraded, I have simply taken the old hardware and donated it to a good cause that needed it or put it in another older system that did not need the high end specs I was wanting or needing for a new system AND I could count on it function with the drivers because the hardware was still working solid. You should be giving us reason to WANT to upgrade.
    I.E. Quality, features, reliability, customer support.
    Now, instead you have really screwed the pooch and tried forcing us. You took years of me looking at your products as good, top of line, quality and functional to trash.
    What really pisses me off is the nice set of speakers I blew out because of the sound quality output and the massi've noise burst that happened when updating the drivers a couple months ago. That now explains why that happened and I now know it was YOUR fault that this occurred during a driver update and reboot. (at reboot, when windows loaded, the sound blared out at full distorted volume and short of cutting power I was unable to abort it in time).
    There is not much more for me to say here that others have not already stated. But I needed to make my thoughts public.
    to Creative:? I am not some child or young kid who is just upset because things do not work. I am a 45 year old who has worked with computers since the C-64 as a hobby. Like, I am sure most others here on this forum, I know the insides and outs of my system, how it works, how to configure it and etc etc. Because of your actions and my struggles you have now lost what was a customer you had for the last 23 years or so. This action and your lack of support of your products, your customers and those simply trying to help has now cost you me and my business. I hope that makes you very happy.
    Additionally, I will be watching and waiting and should a class action be taken against you for fraud, commercial deception, and false advertising, you can rest assured I WILL be participating.
    Just off the top I would say we all have a pretty good argument and case. So if things do take a turn that direction, I am in.
    In my RL work, I am in law enforcement. I deal with people who commit crimes everyday out there, people who boldly look me in the face and lie to me outright... Now I get to come home and instead of being able to not worry about being ripped off, taken advantage of and being able to trust companies I purchase from, I now have to think?of them just like those I deal with on the street. Now I have to look at companies like Creative who have also taken the path of boldly and outright lying to me as well. ?Instead of assuming you are honest, now I guess the time has come for me to assume you are lying to me like everyone else does.
    What a freaking year... first a certain high end video card maker and their driver issues (won't say who, but will say it is?not ATI) and now Creative. I thought I had seen it all with the video card maker... but this from Creative?!
    This out does everything else.
    In the meantime, I am right now making a purchase.... of a competitors high end audio card to replace the X-Fi card currently in my system. Unbelieveable.

    Amen, I plugged in my first Soundblaster 8 bit card 20 years ago, and the being left without a decent driver for Vista for an Audigy I had less than 6 months hacked me off.... Then I find out they intentionally were not upgrading the drivers to force new hardware purchase? (And I was considering getting an X-Fi)... and now the shear arrogance of the management of creative?
    "? O'Shaughnessy admits that Creative Labs intentionally crippled its Vista drivers as a business strategy.
    "If we choose to develop and provide host-based processing features with certain sound cards and not others, that is a business decision that only we have the right to make."
    I run a business myself, and the correct business decision is one that helps both the customer and the company, not the one that is an blatent attempt to screw the customer.
    I only see 2 options for creative to survi've at this point.
    One, Apologize, either fix their drivers quickly (in the next week or two) or hire Daniel_K drivers, and distribute his drivers. Key workd is quickly here.
    Two, Quickly offer a rebate/tradein program...and a significant one, not a 0% off least a 40-50% off sale. ?
    I don't expect # 2 because that will be a hard financial hit on a company that is suffering anyway. ? But # will not create as much goodwill.....and goodwill is what creative needs because of the mismanagement of this situation, and the admission that it was done strictly to force purchase of their hardware. ?
    Unfortunately, I think in either event, creative is now doomed.

  • Plz-Tel me how to connect to the DME using JNDI

    This is my final sem [ M.Tech IT] project work. Problem is " I cant get connection to the DME. Though i searched a lot from Google I cant get a solution. Plz help me to get connection to the Data Mining Engine. If possible plz mail me a detailed code or any links that says how to.
    Srinivasa Babu

    I work in the power conversion industry and do these types of measurements all the time…
    Do you want to just measure power quality or create and measure power quality problems?
    What hardware are you using?
    Power quality analyzer?
    Programmable AC power source?
    Fast Transient Generator?
    Here is an example of what I do.
    To create PQ problems I use a California Instruments AC source set to nominal power for the unit under test. Using Labview I program several transients consisting of fixed and random duration dropouts and surges. I also use a Schaffer Fast Transient Burst Generator to apply high frequency noise bursts directly onto power lines.
    For measuring power quality I use a Voltech PM3000A power analyzer and Labview to measure everything from voltage, current, and frequency, to  harmonics and %THD
    Message Edited by RTSLVU on 07-23-2008 10:31 AM

  • Movie audio becomes corrupted when exported to iDVD

    I have created a movie that is 53" long in iMovie, added various transitions, text screens, music tracks and photos but also kept a lot of the camcorder audio as well. The movie plays perfect in preview on iMovie but when I have shared it with iDVD some of the audio and voices are out of sync and there are also some random loud noises, a quarter/half a second long, that appear at certain points in the iDVD version - they sound like bits of the actual iMovie audio but from completely different part of the movie.
    So, the problem is that the movie is perfect in iMovie but when shared with either iDVD or Media Browser, there is some loss of syncing and these random noise bursts.....
    This is the same when I have burned the movie to a DVD and played back through the DVD player - the out of sync and noises still appear.
    Any thoughts on how I can get around this to have a perfect DVD as well - dont really want to get everyone around the Mac to watch the movie later this month!!!!

    There is a known audio glitch in iMovie '09 that appears in exported movies when custom speed settings have been used in the project.
    It's important when making speed changes to use only the preset speed percentages shown on the speed slider. These are: 12.5%, 25%, 50%, 100%, 200%, 400% and 800%. Don't manually type in your own custom speeds that differ from the presets.
    The glitch that you describe appears only in the exported movie, and as you have noted, is not evident in preview (before sharing). The fix is to revisit your project and adjust any custom speeds to the presets. This can be a pain of course, as you may have to resynchronise the project elements.

  • Dear frnz, i am doing my prjct in Lview. ie online PQ monitoring​. i need to simulate the system with disturbanc​es generated in Lview. so can any bdy plz tel me how to genrte PQ problems in labview. thanks in advance..

    dear frnz, i am doing my prjct in Lview. ie online PQ monitoring. i need to simulate the system with disturbances generated in Lview. so can any bdy plz tel me how to genrte PQ problems in labview. thanks in advance..

    I work in the power conversion industry and do these types of measurements all the time…
    Do you want to just measure power quality or create and measure power quality problems?
    What hardware are you using?
    Power quality analyzer?
    Programmable AC power source?
    Fast Transient Generator?
    Here is an example of what I do.
    To create PQ problems I use a California Instruments AC source set to nominal power for the unit under test. Using Labview I program several transients consisting of fixed and random duration dropouts and surges. I also use a Schaffer Fast Transient Burst Generator to apply high frequency noise bursts directly onto power lines.
    For measuring power quality I use a Voltech PM3000A power analyzer and Labview to measure everything from voltage, current, and frequency, to  harmonics and %THD
    Message Edited by RTSLVU on 07-23-2008 10:31 AM

  • Constant problems with logic 8 (only in last 2 weeks)

    I've been using logic pro 8 since the day it came out, and have had hardly any problems with it.
    Now all of a sudden it is crashing all the time, sometimes it just totally loses sound and my monitors just click and pop, or other times i get random 'blasts' of white noise through my left monitor!!
    I put snow Leopard on a few days ago and it appears to be worse than ever for crashing now.
    Anyone else had similar problems or know what the deal is here?
    Many thanks

    John Alcock wrote:
    Interesting. There are many reports of this noise, but all (AFIAK) with Logic 9, not 8. I've had the same problem with LP9 but haven't with 8.
    See if there's anything in that thread which helps.
    Today I had this white noise bursts for the 1st time since I upgraded to LP9...the project is super audio track - flexed and muted ...and the bounce in place regions created from that on a second audio track...I was doing some fades so I was moving back and forth to the regions to listen and adjust the fades...
    It's really loud and I'm glad I wasn't wearing headphones...
    I check the link you posted ......

  • Slow Audio/Video on i3 iMac and ESU1808 audio interface

    Symptoms (with both 32bit and 64bit kernels):
    Everything runs as expected at 96 kHz for a while and then one of the following occurs:
    1) Everything slows down, so audio sounds deep and MIDI triggers are slow. In Renoise, movement through the pattern slows down accordingly, and in DVD Player the video frame progression also slows accordingly. At this point I can fix the sound by changing the sample rate (in Renoise using the preferences and in DVD Player by using Audio MIDI Setup) to another frequency and then back again. Then the same issue occurs again after a while.
    2) Sound stops and there is a short burst of noise coming from the speakers at regular intervals every 1 or 2 seconds. Pattern progression in Renoise also slows as with issue 1, plus the level meters within Renoise freeze and change in time with the noise bursts. In the ESU1808 control panel, bursts come up on the meters, including on the inputs. On the front of the unit, the MIDI Out light flashes in time with the noise bursts. Here the unit must be switched off and back on to correct.
    The same occurs in Cubase LE 4.
    Running the unit at 88.2 kHz has caused the second issue, and running at 44.1 kHz and 48 kHz is fine.

    Not quite Chris - your hospital will probably have a device or several devices distributing IP addresses connecting everyone to the network - the DHCP server. That device could have more work to do (ie number of users, traffic volume) than it is capable of delivering at speed. Using Bonjour for iChat relies on this device matching up buddies - if the device is busy you'll have to wait longer to be matched up for video chat. Ask your IT department to look at whether these devices are hitting 100% CPU - if yes that will most certainly be your problem waiting 5 minutes to connect.
    Meanwhile - a separate suggestion - it sometimes helps to speed things up by reducing the number of directories your Mac looks at when searching busy networks. AppleTalk is the original Bonjour - SMB relates to communication with Windows. If performance remains unchanged simply tick them back on.
    Any use?

  • Sound plays on first time when called by VI

    Hi, I am trying to create a VI that creates noise bursts of specific durations in sequences. My problem is that the sound generation VI only plays the sound the first time it is called. I have tried putting the VI in a for loop to see if I can get it to play multiple times, but regardless of what I do it only plays the generated sound once.
    Go to Solution.
    Doc1.doc ‏116 KB

    I figured out the problem. Thanks. The problem was with the timer not resetting in the loop (fixed it with a shift register) on second or further calls. Thus the loop was skipped as the timer was greater than the specified value after first time the loop was run.

Maybe you are looking for