Noise reduction on Garageband

Hi, discussion members.
I'd like to remove noise in my iMovie projects, and I was told that I should use Garageband to do this. I'm novice of Garageband, so I want know how to import projects and reduce background noise.

GB doesn't really have much in the way of noise reduction, but you can mess around with the various EQs or maybe the Gate effect (which may make for unnatural silences)
to import a movie into GB, just drop the movie file into the timeline

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    Original Sample One
    HardLimit - Noise Reduction Sample Two
    Your video has been published at
    Your video will be live at:

    Yes, you have very much overdone the Noise Reduction!
    First, I'm not sure why you would need to first apply a "Hard Limit".
    Second, are you sure you followed Bob's advice exactly, i.e taking a new noise sample and changing the FFT size on each pass?  Are you sure you set everything exactly correct on that first pass?

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    jfriend0 wrote:
    How do "defaults" interact with a preset applied upon import?  I shoot RAW and apply a preset upon import for every import I do.  If I apply a preset upon import will it override the "default" anyway?  If that's the case, then defaults are of no use to me.
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    Chris Tattersall

    It doesn't crash for everyone.  A person could be forgiven for saying, in return, "Please sort out your **** system problems". 
    Trust me when I say many, many problems are caused by the computer system setup not being up to the needs of this cutting-edge graphics software.  Photoshop is heavily dependent on the GPU, and GPU drivers are notorious for having bugs (they're primarily written to run games).
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    What display driver version are you running?
    If you're unsure how to tell these things, go into Photoshop, choose Help - System Info, copy the data, and post it here.

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    distortion: 20with% 20HD% 20treiber% 20with% 20rauschunterdr% C3% BCckung.wma
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    Dark areas have less bits to encode their values so a single bit of noise is a higher proportion of the total value.
    For the basis of the default processing, to match the human eye’s response to dark and light, darker areas are brightened more than bright areas, using a non-linear gamma curve.  This magnifies the noise in darker areas.
    If you boost the brightness of dark areas using Shadows or Clarity, you are making that noise even more visible.   Think of brightening as digitally increasing the ISO. 
    Adobe’s noise-reduction is calibrated to the original photo’s ISO setting, not how much you have digitally increased the ISO by brightening it, so if you have magnified the noise by extreme processing, you may be beyond what maxing out the NR sliders are calibrated to remove.
    Exporting sharpening will sharpen any remaining noise.
    Are you using the Mask slider in sharpen to keep from sharpening the noise grain in the Detail section?  Use the Alt key while moving the mask slider to determine the optimal Mask level for a particular photo, where you can’t to have the edges indicated but not the wide areas of little detail.
    It’s hard to guess what you’re seeing without seeing a screenshot.

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    first select an image, then drag the Sharpening Amount and Noise slider to zero, next choose Set Default Settings from the Develop menu. When dialog opens hit the Update to Current Settings button. If you have photos from more than one camera model you'll need to repeat process for each camera. The following tutorial should might also be worth reading

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    Another way is to just go into the Camera Calibration tab and select the 2010 process.

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    Paul Kakert wrote:
    The Background Noise Reduction in FCP X, applied at 100%, does a truly amazing job.
    Does this mean you actually like the audio to sound as though it was recorded under water? I guess it depends on the amount of noise that requires removing, but I've never been able to tolerate more than about 40% before the audio gets horribly distorted.
    I really don't share your experience of FCP X removing background noise 'on the fly' (sorry).

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    Kindest Regards,

    ACR 4.3 has better NR (noise reduction) than previous versions and can handle NR in most normal situations. However, available light photography with a small pixel sensor may require more NR and the specialized plugins such as Noise Ninja, NeatImage, and NoiseWare Pro can do a better job. I have all three and they do an excellent job, but I currently use NoiseWare most of the time.
    Here is a demonstration of NoiseWare vs ACR NR, using 100% crops of an image taken with the Nikon D200, 1/320 sec at f/2.8. The image is reasonably sharp at normal viewing conditions, but has quite a lot of luminance noise. It was rendered with ACR and the settings were exposure +0.85, brightness +60. One thing you learn early in this type of shooting is to expose to the right to reduce noise, but this may conflict with stopping action and reducing camera shake. More exposure would have helped this image, and one should try to avoid exposures requiring this amount of positive exposure adjustment.
    The results are shown below, followed by some discussion. Other comments are welcome. Color noise is not prominent in this image and I left color NR at its default.
    ACR, No sharpening, no NR
    ACR, Luminance NR 53, no sharpening
    ACR, No NR, No sharpening, NoiseWare default, no sharpening
    Noise reduction and sharpening are antagonistic processes. It is important that NR is applied before sharpening--you don't want to sharpen noise. Following NR there is an inevitable loss of detail, and some sharpening is necessary to restore the detail, but this also brings back the noise. One can use masks and blend if sliders in Photoshop in both NR and sharpening to mitigate some of these effects, and Bruce Fraser discusses the details in his excellent book on sharpening.
    If you use an add on such as NoiseWare, you should turn off luminance sharpening in ACR. In doing so, you lose all those nifty sharpening features that have recently been added to ACR. I leave color NR at the default. It has a minimal effect on detail.
    In adjusting the NR in ACR at 100% viewing, I estimated that a luminance setting of +53 was optimal. Beyond that, blotchy artifacts appear in the image.
    For NoiseWarePro, I used the default settings with no sharpening. The NR effect is dramatic, but detail is lost and some sharpening is needed. This could be applied in NoiseWare or in Photoshop, perhaps with a plugin such as PhotoKit Sharpener. Personally, I have found that PK does not work well with this type of image because it bring back noise and produces artifacts.
    In all of these examples, sharpening is needed following the NR. One could try to use surface masks to keep sharpening in Photoshop with the unsharp mask away from the edges. However, I find it is difficult to get a good surface mask, and I don't take the trouble.
    For now, I use the sharpening built into NoiseWare. I don't know how it works internally, but it does have a slider for detail protection, and you can play with this to get the best result. It would be best to have the robust NR of the add ons built into ACR much like NoiseNinja is built into Bibble Pro. However, this is an ACR forum and I would expect that ACR is the preferred raw converter of those who frequent this forum.
    After expending this much effort on the post, I hope to get some helpful feedback.

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    I was trying to find the "use ambient noise reduction" option in my new iMac, but in the new iMac I don't have that option. I was wondering if in previous iMacs versions had the "use ambient noise reduction" option available because I have an issue with facetime, people that I am calling are telling me that they hear feedback or static sound and they can't hear me well. I believe that with the "noise reduction" option, that problem will be solved. However, in my iMac, I don't have that option only in my MacBook pro. The reason that I am asking if in previous iMacs versions had that option is because I believe that there might be a bug that Apple needs to fix in order to have that option available in iMac.

  • Cant get noise reduction to work

    when I apply the noise reduction feature to a grainly picture nothing happens.  am I missing a step?

    It's subtle. Maybe zoom in and look at it. The M key will let you toggle to the Master file so you can look at the before and after quickly.

  • Noise reduction doesn't work?

    Hi All,
    New user here (testing the demo). I have a moderately loud
    air conditioner system, and as a result there is a constant hum.
    I'm trying to get the noise reduction to work, but to no avail.
    Here's what I do.
    I record a clip. then select Edit Timing. Then Adjust Volume.
    Then check "Dynamics (boost quiet sections), then I play with the
    Noise Threshold and Ratio sliders (primarily Noise Threshold).
    These don't seem to do anything, though I *can* adjust the volume
    of the clip successfully.
    What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!

    Hi carloshl
    Welcome to the world of Captivate!
    Seriously, the audio editing bundled inside Captivate is
    always reported as being rather anemic. I compare it to the jack in
    the trunk of a new car. Enough to change the tire once in a while,
    but if I'm gonna do it more often than that, I should probably
    invest in a different tool.
    The really super good news here is that your investment need
    not be cash! There is a wonderful and totally free audio editor out
    there called Audacity. You may download it by
    clicking this magickal
    Oh, and you should probably also find a quieter room to
    record in.
    Any possibility of turning off the air for a brief
    Cheers... Rick

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