Nokia 5700 - Dictionary's word database missing

Hi there! I've same problem with my Nokia 5700 after reformatting the memory card. Anyone know where to download the word database for English-Chinese dictionary or can provide with remedy?

Hei y'all..
i was having a troublesome to with my Dictionary in my 5700 phone.. but anyone give me suggest to solve my problem at Nearest "Nokia care Center" in my town, ask there to reinstall your Memory card and u'll get your dictionary fixed....

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    10-Nov-2007 01:03 PM
    divinewind88 wrote:
    Recently I formatted the memory card for my Nokia 5700.
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    Hi Mathieu,
    I would like to know where
    you try classe Indexer() ?you find class Indexer in package, i.e. it is part of the JavaHelp package and can be imported with import*;> have you try to exclude words ?
    no, but it can be done in the same way. Creation of a search database is invoked by the method call Indexer ixr = new Indexer();
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    To use the T9 dictionary for predictive text do as follows. When typing a message, press the key with the pen symbol. Now scroll down to activate predictive text and select.

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    2) When download and install dictionary, it prompts to install base package.
    1) Go to (English-Simplified Chinese Dictionary 汉语双向词典), click Download Now.
    2) Follow the instruction
    If above steps cannot work out, try below steps: (Tested on N78)
    1) Go to (English-Simplified Chinese Dictionary 汉语双向词典), click Download Now.
    2) Save the file .zip at Desktop.
    3) Extract the files to Desktop
    4) You will find private -> 101f9cfe after you extracted the files.
    5) Connect you mobile with USB cable, connect as "Mass Storage".
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    6) Once your mobile connected as "Mass Storage", in Windows Explorer, you can see "private" folder.
    7) Copy private->101f9cfe from destop(Computer) into the private folder(your mobile memory card).
    8) Try to open the Dictionary. It will back to normal.
    I believe it also works for other phone model. No harm to try it out. 
    Good luck!

    you had the Dictionary application preinstalled on your N78? i too have a N78 but never could get the Dictionary application to work  
    If you found this or someone's comments helpful or like what that person has to say, please give some Kudos to their post!

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    09-Oct-200701:17 PM
    nehwkll wrote:
    Go to Menu-Settings-Phone settings-General-Personalisation-Standby mode-shortcuts
    hope it helps if this is wat u mean
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    Thank you for posting at Adobe forums. We would love to help you out.
    Could you please let me know if you have tried converting other web pages to PDF and checked if the same issue persists.
    How have you been trying to convert the web page to PDF?
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    Rick Good wrote:
    In opening an RTF file written in Farsi - or English and Farsi - many of the letters/words are missing. If I open the file up in Microsoft Word for Mac the words are there, although left-to-right rather right-to-left. (Again Microsoft screws with us as Microsoft Word on Windows will do the right-to-left.)
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    The same missing letters/words are found in TextEdit.
    Did you export as Unicode text from MsWord for Windows, which has excellent RtoL support? See if .doc works.
    Interestingly enough OpenOffice opens the file right-to-left with all of the words/characters there.
    I did take this problem to a Apple Genius at an Apple Store yesterday and he confirmed it's a software problem.
    My question is when will it be fixed and does it affect other right-to-left non-standard character sets like Hebrew.
    Good question, all RtoL text in OSX is practically unworkable, especially when trying to edit it and any English text within RtoL. This is something I have been "offering feedback" to Apple since OSX came out supposedly with full Unicode and multi-lingual support. 10 years ago!
    Right up to OSX 10.2.3 I was frankly misled by Apple (not allowed to use the 3 letter word here) who made out that I was doing something wrong (what an unusual approach by Apple!). Even then I did not get the truth from Apple but from a sympathetic developer.
    Meanwhile it ruined my reputation with a few key clients and cost me a motza on the jobs I was doing for them.
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