Nomad Explorer File l

I have a nomad zen xtra 40G. I would like to copy the nomad explorer file data into microsoft excel.
Any suggestions?

do you mean you want to export a printout of your songs to excel? i don't think you can do it easily, but if I am not mistaken, you can do it with Notmad. SSR, I know you are lurking, am I correct in that assesment?

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    I'm sure my NJB3 tells me somewhere. Is there a place you can view the firmware version? I'm thinking it's around there somewhere, if it hasn't been removed from the Touch. I know that Notmad Explorer gives very clear details.
    To save the tracks as a playlist, just queue them all up then hit the scroller and choose "save as playlist". Of course you can do a similar thing in the software by creating a playlist and then copying the tracks into it.

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    GRGO2 wrote:
    does anyone know why this is happening?
    im trying to copy my mp3 files from player via nomad explorer and the player keeps disconecting?
    anyone knows how to fix this?
    its the nomad jukebox zen extra 30gb
    thank you very much
    Try using another usb cord & rear usb ports if using a desktop or usb ports directly on the laptop no hubs.

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    Well it has started to show the files but when I try to copy a Data File it comes up with an error "Jukebox Player Can't Be Read" or something similar. When I try to play a .avi file straight from the Data Library it comes up with an error saying "An unkown error has occured and the operation was unsuccessful.".
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    Thanks for the information.
    Yes, I did try upgrading ALL of the Creative software on my notebook, including the driver. That did not solve the crash problem. At that point, I tried uninstalling all Creative Software, rolled back my system to the state before I installed any Creative software (using WinXP System Restore), and reinstalled the original Creative software. The problem remains. I guess I could try rolling the system state back again, but then install only the latest version of the software. I don't know. At this point I am flailing and I am thinking there is no way to make this stuff work on my computer.
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    Hi!?I'm having the same problem. I bought the player, but after a couple of weeks I've exchanged it, because of some hardware problem. The original player worked all right, but the new one is not recognized by NOMAD Explorer ("not connected"), and?I also?can't copy files via Windows Explorer. The strange thing is I managed to copy a couple of albums, but then it'sstarted to hang the Explorer. The firmware version is 2.0.03. I reinstalled the drivers and NOMAD Explorer - didn't help. PS: You've got to help me, 'cause my iPod-loving friends laugh at me, so it's my and Creative's reputation we're talking about

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    Are you using the PlayForSure firmware(verson 2.xx.xx) for the Zen Touch player now? Nomad Explorer won't work with the new firmware. You can download the Zen Touch Media Explorer suite from the website and use that instead to replace the Nomad Explorer.

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    I've never liked Nomad Explorer much, and am not sure how you'll solve that specific crashing issue.
    If you're after data files you can also get them with PlayCenter and Notmad. For advice on using Notmad see PlayCentre 3.02.52.

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    ...ohhh you said AND driver =] i forgot about thatMessage Edited by Milhouse on 02-03-2005 0:39 PM

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    Not easily. It will involve finding the relevant shell extension entry in the registry.

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    "Explorer has caused an error in CTNJBDB.DLL"
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    Gotta love windows.
    Does anyone know what is wrong and what will fix it's I deleted the Creative folders in my windows area for the database (so it can recreate) and that does not work. Totally uninistalled the nomad software and reinstalled latest, same error.
    TIAMessage Edited by Max_Rebo on 06-08-2005 09:52 AM

    All I can say is that Nomad Explorer is not a very wonderful piece of software, and Notmad is far more preferable in my experience. Just stick with Notmad if you can.

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    I've never done this myself, but you can have an item in your block of type Image.
    Then you can use the WebUtil package to read and write image files from the client workstation. See for more information in WebUtil.
    You could use Francois' JavaBean to use a file chooser with an image previewer. You can use this component to let the user browser for an image file on his/her local file system. More info at

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