Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40 gb please H

Hi, i change the operation system to Windows XP Pro x64, i downloaded all the softwares for this version of OS to my Zen player. but i cant transfer data any more. The player is recogniced at a MTP media player, not like a storage media... and in the Creative Media Organizer i only can transfer music
please help

any help please :S

Similar Messages

  • No driver found - Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra - WinXP

    I have used my Zen Xtra for over 2 years now, with the same PC I am currently having problems with. I recently had to do a complete reinstall of Windows (note that I have done at least 2 other complete reinstalls during the life of my Zen Xtra, with no problems). Windows Device Managers sees the NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra, but with the yellow question mark and exclamation point. Each attempt at driver installation results in the same problem. The driver ("JB3MV2_PCWDRV_US__30_03.EXE") installs completely, I'm told to reconnect my device so the driver can take effect. When I do, the device is still marked in Device Manager with exclamation point and yellow question mark, and Windows continues to ask if it can find and install the driver. I have told it not to (knowing that I just installed Creative's own driver), with no success, and other times let Windows try to install the driver (hoping it would find the Creative driver that was just installed). No luck. I have even done another complete reinstall of Windows, and tried to install the driver before any other program or hardware installations into my system. No luck. Note that there are no hardware changes between now and when I have done other complete Windows reinstallations. It just no longer accepts the Creative driver. I have also tried to install the driver in safe mode, with the same results. I have also completely removed the Zen Xtra (showing hidden devices in the Device Manager), and tried to reinstall. Firmware version of Zen Xtra was upgraded over a year ago to 2.0.03.
    Windows XP Pro SP2
    38GB free hard dri've space
    Zen Xtra firmware version: 2.0.03

    I have the same problem. But when i try to installl it it says he is missing an .nfo file.
    I removed WMP and reinstalled WM0 because is crap.
    I have Windows XP SP2
    I have the newst firmware on it.
    Can somebody help me with this because it's annoying not to put any new music on your mp3 player.
    I never experienced this before even after formatting my HD.
    Almost the same problem as fritzm but not completely because het gets an different error.
    I have installed the CD but that doesnt work either.
    I have installed the software from the website but that didnt help because he doesnt recognize my player.
    Please help!!

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra Firmware Update Issue

    My player does not get recognized after attempting to update firmware (ZenXtraP4SAudible_PCFW_LB_2_0_03.exe) according to website instructions.
    When turned on the player displays "Firmware Problem" for a fraction of a second, then it goes into Rescue Mode v., Boot v.4, HW v0.0., 4 items in the menu ( Clean Up; 2 Format All; 3 Reload OS; 4 Reboot)
    This is my setup:
    Kernel version: Microsoft Windows XP, Multiprocessor Free
    Product type: Professional
    Product version: 5.
    Service pack: 3
    Kernel build number: 2600
    IE version: 8.0000
    System root: C:\WINDOWS
    Processors: 2
    Processor speed: 2.6 GHz
    Processor type: AMD Athlon(tm) 7750 Dual-Core Processor
    Physical memory: 3072 MB
    Video driver: ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series
    Relevant Applications:
    Creative Jukebox Driver
    Creative MediaSource
    Creative NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra
    Windows Media Format Runtime
    Windows Media Player 0
    Please advise, thanks in advance,

    Problem solved!
    I did not follow the link you provided, thanks for the suggestion anyway. I read in another post that you advised to disable the device in Device Manager, although I took a different route. This is what I did after enabling Mediasource DETECTOR
    . Completely uninstall Windows Media Player , revert to WMP 0, inlcuding the Runtime
    2. Reboot the PC
    2. Once rebooted connect the player to the PC
    4. Under Windows Portable Devices right click NOMAD JUKEBOX ZEN XTRA, then select Update Drivers
    5. Navigate to "C:\Program Files\Creative\Jukebox 3 Drivers" to select the driver, OK all the windows
    6. Run ZenXtraP4SAudible_PCFW_LB_2_0_03.exe with the player connected
    7. I was prompted if I wanted to replace the Firmware with the same version (2.0.03) I said yes... within seconds the player came back to normal.
    I hope that the above can help people in my same situation. The culprit seems to be WMP and all the hidden software installed with it. Freakin Microsoft!
    Final question. Now that the firmware has been updated, am I safe by installing WMP ?

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra - Battery 3.6v vs. 3

    Hey all - I'm looking to purchase a replacement battery for my 30g Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra and I've found some cheap ones from ebay (such as this one). The question I have is this: my stock battery is 3.6v but this replacement (which has the same parts number) is rated at 3.7v - is this a problem? Will this damage my player?
    Please let me know what issues this may cause and what successes/failures people have had with replacement batteries.
    Thanks in advance!!!

    I found the following discussion on :
    <A target=_blank><B>Q: What is the difference between the 3.6 volt and the 3.7 volt lithium-ion and lithium-polymer cells?</B>[/url]A. This quesiton has been on my mind for a few months. There is a lot of folklore out there about this. It confused me for two reasons. Firstly, I have never heard of a higher charge voltage for some cells and not others. Secondly, the 3.6 is just a rule-of-thumb average of the battery voltage anyway . The actual voltage varies between 4.2 volts and 3 (or 2.8) volts during the discharge. It doesn't have one voltage. You can't just put a meter on a cell and say "this one is a 3.6 volt cell" or "this one is a 3.7 volt cell."So I asked a friend who has a PhD in battery chemistry and has been designing, testing, and manufacturing lithium ion and li-poly cells for over 5 years. Here is his answer:<I>There is no difference between 3.6V and 3.7V cells. The reasons why people say 3.6V in one case and 3.7V in other cases are due to discharge rate. If you discharge your lithium ion cells with 0.2C rate, the middle point voltage of the cells is 3.7V. If you discharge your lithium ion cells with 2C rate, the middle point voltage of the cells is 3.6V or even lower. The middle point voltage of a lithium ion cells, including Polymer Lithium ion Cells, is between 3.6V and 3.7V, variable upon discharging rate.</I>In other words, it is mostly marketing hype. Now the modern cells tend to keep their voltage higher during discharge than the old ones, so a marketing person could easily say "this makes the average higher, so let's call it a 3.7 volt cell."But why stop there? Why not rate the voltage as the peak voltage and get the jump on everybody? "It's a 4.2 volt cell, demand nothing less!"So don't get caught up with the hype when selecting a batteryMessage Edited by RobertoV05 on 0--2006 2:37 AM

  • Moving music from my nomad jukebox zen xtra to my

    I am trying to move my music from my nomad jukebox zen xtra to my pc - i cant get the creative media source to recognize my player - i tried windows media player and comcast rhapsody - it recognized my player but wont let me highlight music to move to my PC
    any ideas please?
    many thanks

    [size="2" face="Helv">You must install the specific MP3 player plugin for MediaSource. Here is what you should do:
    - Download and install the latest Creative MediaSource Player/Organizer 3.30.2 from your product download site. Make sure that you install this first before installing the rest of the MediaSource plugins listed below.
    - (Depending on your product and firmware)
    For non-PlaysForSure Zen Xtra: Download and install the latest Creative Zen and NOMAD Jukebox plugin 2.00.20 for Creative MediaSource from your product download site.
    For PlaysForSure Zen Xtra: Download and install the Creative Software Suite for PlaysForSure-enabled Creative NOMAD Jukebox Zen Xtra Players.

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60GB not playing correctly anymore, help!!

    Thanks. I keep getting directed to that knowledge base page, but it is not addressing my problem. My computer immediately tells me that the device has "malfunctioned" and the computer does not recognize it. I only have the usb cord that came with the zen, so I don't have another one to try. I love my zen and have staunchly defended it over the years vs. an i-pod. However, this is my 2nd onI've had my Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60GB for over 5+ years. It has worked great, with minimal problems. I had a firmware update issue quite a while back. I'm not sure how to resolve this problem. Here is the situation:
    Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60GB is fully charged and ready to use.
    I tried loading a set playlist but it won't load. So I tried another, and it doesn't load. Not sure what to do, I go to the menu. This time I choose an artist/band. The music loads, but it doesn't play. I try again, then it starts to play. So I load a few other artists that way. It seems like I had a issue to work out later. Being away from my computer that was going to have to wait. After some time the Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60GB started to start N stop diferent songs. A few times it froze while playing a song. Then would unfreeze to play another, then suddenly start playing the previous one. After about 0-5 minutes of this I decided I had enough. So I planned to empty the playlist, and turn it off. It took me atleast three attempts to empty the playlist and turn it off.
    Are these problems fixable What are they hardware or software
    Would an OS or firmware update fix these problems Is my Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60GB hard dri've going Can I get a replacement Or do I need to buy a new player
    Please help me get my player working. I really like this model, I'd hate to have to replace it.
    in 5 years. (The first one fried itself, but fortunately was still under warrantly.) Sadly, I, too, am considering moving on. I onlyreceived generic help fromthe Creative SupportTeam (who ultimately told me my zen is "unrepairable" when their one-size-fits-all solutions didn't work).Since there seems to be an overwhelming # of people experiencing similar problems, maybe the time is right to make the change, especially since an iPod classic 60 GB (7th Generation) is quite affordable these days.

    Formatting will erase all the files on the player,Cleanup scans the disc & corrects file system errors,broken links (from when you delete things)ect. but does NOT repair bad sectors,Reboot then rebuilds the file system. I'd do the Cleanup>Reboot first to see if that solves the you will find how to open the player to see what dri've is in there. You can then search Ebay or Google the model number to find another one.

  • Missing Songs on Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra - 40GB. Player empty but space not 1

    I have the Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 40GB.
    Over the last couple of weeks I?ve been slowly ripping my CDs, using Creative MediaSource and then adding them to my Nomad player. Recently, I went to turn on my player and notice it saying ?rebuilding library?. I thought nothing of it.<SPAN> I then went to see how many songs and albums were on the player and from what I could tell it looked like a lot less than what I thought I had copied over. The songs were something like 3750 and the number of albums was something like 350, which was far less than what I thought it should be but was not 00% for sure.<SPAN> Total free space was something like 7800MB.
    Anyway, yesterday, I tried to copy over some new songs that I had just ripped from CDs.<SPAN> ? of the way through the battery died on the Zen player so it stopped transferring. I went to charge the player and when turned it on the player said ?rebuilding library?. There should, at this point, had been 4500+ songs.<SPAN> I went and tried to copy over the files again, from my computer, and noticed that the songs that I had just copied and would have been skipped, were being copied over again. When I went to check Settings, About the player said I had the ~3750 songs plus the additional songs that had just copied over. At this point I just copied over the new songs bringing my total count to 4634. To be safe, I copied all the songs from my Zen back to a new computer, using Creative MediaSource. After copying over all the files, I then tried a reset of the player, thinking this would delete all the files on the Zen. Instead it did the ?rebuilding library?.<SPAN> When I went back to Settings, About, on the Zen player, it again said there was the ~3750 songs and ~350 albums.<SPAN> So the ?rebuilding library? on my Zen player keeps on removing/hiding my songs and albums.
    Since nothing was working, I connected my Zen to my computer again and using the Creative MediaSource deleted all the songs on my Zen player. When I was done it is showing No. of Tracks: 0.<SPAN> Total Memory:<SPAN> 3833MB.<SPAN> Free Memory though is only 8659MB.
    There is nothing on my Zen player that I can see. Even using Windows Explorer and Nomad Explorer, it is completely blank.
    Someone help please.<SPAN> How do I get back my missing songs and/or reset the player? If at all possible I?d like to get the missing songs off the player since I don?t have those ripped songs on my computer and don?t feel like ripping all those songs again.<SPAN> What is going on?

    PaulS7 wrote:
    Thank you. I'm trying that now. I see that I can reload the OS (Firmware). Does anyone know where I can find out what the latest firmware is to see if I need to upgrade? How do I find out what the latest firmware is and where do I go to upgrade?
    Make sure to read the FAQ post. All downloads are got from downloads.

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60 GB can't be found through Mediasource Organizer

    I have been using the Creative Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra HDD Player since a few years and I have always been satisfied. But recently, I had a massi've computer problem, forcing me to do a complete re-install of Windows XP, without the chance to backup my old XP.
    So of course I also needed to reinstall the Nomad Player. However, since I can't find the CD-Rom with the driver, I had to download (almost) everything.
    At first I installed the drivers of the player and then I installed the Nomad Explorer (I still had that one on an old HDD). When I start the Nomad Explorer, the player connects and I can see the music that is stored on the player.
    However, in the past I never used the Nomad Explorer, I always used Media Source Organizer. I think in the past I had Version 3 and later I updated it to Version 5. So now I went for Version instantly. I downloaded it and installed it. But here it starts to get strange. I closed the Nomad Explorer and disconnected the player, then I installed the Organizer. During the installation, I was told that the organizer can't find any supported devices, I should connect and start the player and try again. So I did. This time, the installation finished itself - but when I startet Media Organizer, it couldn't find my player.
    I once read something like that you need at least Windows Media Player 0 or . Since I had 9, I installed 0, but that didn't change a thing.
    So, does anyone have an idea what I am doing wrong ? Or maybe I forgot to install some normal Windows stuff, that is required by Media Organizer ? For example, I haven't installed DirectX yet (but I tell you that just as an example, I don't think that it's DirectX related)

    You need the Creative Nomad Jukebox? plug-in 5.00.22 for Creative MediaSource5 found here.

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra won't turn

    My problem is exactly as the title states. I have a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra (40 gig HD) and I cannot get it to power on. This problem has been occuring since yesterday evening. I try to plug it into the computer via the USB cable, but this does nothing. The same is true of plugging it into a wall outlet with the charger that came with it. I can't tell you what the firmware on it is, as I have no ability to view that.
    Any suggestions as to what I can try next?

    I have (and left it out for fi've minutes, per another suggestion in another thread). Thanks to both of you for your help, I'm in contact with Creative's customer support via email now (thankfully it's within the 90 day warranty period)

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra connection probl

    Hello Everyone.
    First off, I am using Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra (30G) with Windows XP - SP2. A few days ago my Zen Xtra would connect to my pc but as of today it no longer does. After searching through similar posts I am assuming it's not a problem with my Zen but with my PC. None the less, I did do my best to troubleshoot myself. I downloaded all possible firmware/drivers from However - the firmware upgrade would not complete due to the fact that my device is not connected. I tried connecting my player to other USB ports on my PC - no luck. I used Nomad Explorer to do my transfers and as suggested in the FAQ, I tried downloading others (ie: MediaSource) however these wouldn't install because it could not detect any device. When I go to Device Manager/USB/ my Nomad isn't even listed. I have tried 3 different USB cables. The player isn't locked. Other devices work with the usb cables and port (ie: logitec clicksmart camera)
    So now assuming it is a PC problem, where do I go from now? Thanks in advance for any help you can give me

    Thank you for your response. The only thing that comes to mind is k-lite codec pack I downloaded and installed for the Indeo codec needed for my clicksmart 820. I'm not sure if that would have anything to do with the disruption of my device. The camera itself worked but wouldn't record videos until I installed the codec. Everything else to my knowledge is the same. No other new USB devices installed either.

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra VS Winows Media Player - Help?

    I have a 40gig Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra - a computer crash a year ago resulted in a replacement by the computer company - and it came with Windows Media Player.... when I tried to run it and had already installed the Creative software/Music library - Media Player crashed my computer every time - had to uninstal...,. now - that computer is defecti've and has just been replaced again by the maker - and before I load the Creatai've Software wondered if this is what is interfering with Media Player? Does anyone know? When I buy music it looks for Windows Media Player I believe - and I can play it and transfer the music in Creative program - BUT - it no longer lists my music library as single songs but as folders - and I have to go specifically into a remote folder to try to find the downloaded music and transfer to the Nomad....
    Any help is appreciated..... I'm lost!

    The firmware update only works on a windows XP machine.
    you also need to have Windows media player 0 installed
    you must not have windows media player or windows media player runtime lurking in your windows XP add/remove programmes bit on the control panel.
    if you do have WMP first remove it ( roll back) then re-boot, then remove windows media player runtime ( rioll back) and re-boot.
    open windows media player, if it is windows media player 0 then you should be OK, if its windows media player 9 you need ot download and install windows media player 0.
    Check again to make sure that windows media player and windows media player runtime are not in the add/rmove programs.
    Back up everything on the player, all music, playlists and data files.
    update the firmware.
    if it stalls part way, like it did for me the last time i updated a Zen Xtra ( last weekend -installing a new motherboard ) dont panic.
    it will go to rescue mode, close the firmware update, the player will go to rescue mode, then re-satart the update, on the zen xtra, slect re-load OS then on the firmware update click on English. then slect re-load os on the player.
    make sure that the player is fully charged, and that the mains charger is also attached.
    just out of interest, when you remove the front panel on your zen xtra to get to the battery, does the headphone jack ( visable through a hole in the top right) have a blob of red paint on

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra: Nomad Explorer says Not connected ... first time u

    I just bought a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra. I used the installation CD to install everything and Windows automatically tried to locate a driver for it but it was not successful, so I downloaded the driver for the Zen Xtra from this website and installed it.
    However, when I open "Nomad Explorer" it shows the player's logo with a red X and says "Not connected". How do I get the player to connect to the computer?
    This is my first time using a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra and I have limited computer knowledge, but I know all my USB ports are working.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Hi!?I'm having the same problem. I bought the player, but after a couple of weeks I've exchanged it, because of some hardware problem. The original player worked all right, but the new one is not recognized by NOMAD Explorer ("not connected"), and?I also?can't copy files via Windows Explorer. The strange thing is I managed to copy a couple of albums, but then it'sstarted to hang the Explorer. The firmware version is 2.0.03. I reinstalled the drivers and NOMAD Explorer - didn't help. PS: You've got to help me, 'cause my iPod-loving friends laugh at me, so it's my and Creative's reputation we're talking about

  • Nomad jukebox zen xtra firrmware version 1.03

    i own a nomad jukebox zen xtra 30gb which has been running in excellent condition for three years..i want to make a database of all driver and firmware versions on my pc..
    i've tried locating this firmware version(.03.02)?everywhere(creative downloads page included)..but haven't met with success..i would appreciate if anyone would tell me where to look for it..thanks in advance

    First you must install the driver on the computer. Have a battery that is charged. What you did is you erased the firmware(reload O.S.)so the player has none. That is why you got the message you got. You are going to lose all the files(music) on the player because when you install the firmware? you are going to format the dri've before you do that.
    Download & install the driver first. The version 2.0.00 driver Then check to see if player is recognized(plug it into a rear usb port if using a desktop NO USB HUBS) Download the firmware file to your desktop on the computer
    <div class="DownloadBriefBox"><div class="DownloadNameBox"> ascending&page= <span class="DownloadSizeBox">

  • Nomad jukebox zen xtra - cannot create file w message when trying totransfer fi

    My 30G nomad jukebox zen xtra was working great until recently. Now when I power my player up after a day of no use, it takes 0-5 minutes to rebuild the library. When I begin to transfer files using Media source after a few transfers I get the "unable to create file" message and can no longer transfer. I have tried disk clean up and re-booting to no avail. I tried installing the new firmware and this worked for about 80 songs and then I began getting the same problems. I have completely cleaned my PC of adware and spyware and this has no effect. I love my player but am becoming a little frustrated. Would anyone have any ideas? This all started when I turned on my player one day and all of the music was gone. I re-transfereed everything back and later noticed that I had two of everything. I deleted all of the duplicates and from that point on it began to take 5 minutes to rebuild the library but I could still transfer files with no problems. One last thing, when I run disk cleanup in rescue mode, once it gets to 99% done it stalls there for about 0-5 minutes before going back to the rescue mode menu.

    i experienced the same problem. until 2 weks ago it worked fine. but a visited the support site and found out that all the software was new. so i downloaded the new versions. even the new firmware with the e at the end. i was at the edge to smash my monitor when i found out that after the firmware update the sound was hearing so quiet. after rebuil os and searching 2 hour on the net for the previous firmware release, prior to E release, i solve the sound problem.
    but another appeard. cannot copy files on the player. if i choose to delete them, they disappear. i turn off the zen nx, turn back on and the files were still there. practically all the copy/delete/new folder/paste function were blocked. and the same problem on WIN XP and win 2000. all this because i installed the new versions for nomad explorer, nomad mediacenter, nomad plugin for media center.
    solution: uninstalled all the creative software. put the original cd in the dri've. installed all the original software. it was running perfect. so, i could operate again in the data files on the player.
    so i thought it was the driver problem since the media library i could access just fine. so i kept the original driver but installed all the new software (mediasource, nomad explorer, nomad zen plugin for mediasource).
    guess what? the accesing proble appeard again. i think that the better solution is to stick to the original software.
    and one last find. after the E firmware adveture, i experince what other are and was praing not to happen to me. the battery is lasting much much short period. and the green light if you look carefully is fluctuating in intensity. this was not happening until i burn the new E firmware. .0.02e. now after the rebuild os and writng a firmware it displays .0.02 without the E. the sound is like before. 24 damages your ears but the battery problem stills persit. it driving me crazy.

  • Nomad jukebox zen xtra firmware quest

    Hello all,
    happy to be on the boards. I have a few questions I would like to ask:
    ) what product do I have? on the front it says "nomad jukebox zen xtra" with 40gb on the side. is it a "zen xtra" or a "nomad jukebox"? I was trying to find updated firmware, but found both "zen xtra" and "nomad jukebox" on the creative site.
    2) i've read horror stories of firmware 2..03. is there newer or firmware that works?
    3) is there a way to treat this player as a regular hard dri've? as in when I plug it into Windows/Linux (Debian linux), it will be recognized as a regular hard dri've without much trouble?
    Thanks all!

    I didn't mean to take the hard dri've out and use it as a computer hard dri've. I meant: is there a way (maybe changing firmware?) to make the creative plug and play with windows without installing drivers?
    An example: I want to go to a friend's house, plug my creative in, and copy a 5gb ISO off his computer. This is assuming he doesn't have the creative drivers.
    I read that the 2..03 (or whatever the bad one is called) is supposed to allow this. Any solutions?

  • Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60gp prob

    Well, to start off with, I loved my mp3 player. So far, I ran into problems that I could not fix. I downloaded all of the updates that were needed. My mp3 player, a Nomad Jukebox Zen Xtra 60gb, suddenly would not work the same way. When the power adapter of battery are inserted, the player starts up. When they are pulled the player shuts down. One of the problems is when the player is on, it doesn't want to leave the main screen that says, "EAX". The hard dri've is not spinning, and no data is being accessed. I found on this website a page that tells users how to reset their mp3 player. For my mp3 player, it must be turned off for me to do a hard disk check, re-installation of operating system, or a format of the hard dri've...which is another problem, because I cannot turn it off. As I stated previously, the player is either on or off depending on if the battery is in or not. I am totally puzzeled. I cannot connect the player to the computer because of this problem. So either I have a new 60gb laptop hard dri've, or I figure out a way to get this to work. I haven't been able to find any threads like this or any users experiencing these problems.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Ok... I think I figured it out. I finally got into the recovery mode. I let the battery sit out of the mp3 player for a while, hoping that there is a capacitor that would run out of power. I put the battery back in and got into recovery mode. I ran disk clean up. Nothing changed. I had the same problem I first started off with. So I took the battery out again for an hour. Came back, and got back into recovery mode. I reinstalled the OS. Everything seems to be working fine.
    I hope that anyone having a similar problem with this mp3 player can keep this in the back of their mind if they cannot get into recovery mode due to a boot up and shut down problem.

Maybe you are looking for