Non approved content has wrong ordering

We have a portal with KM installed.
all folders in CM has Manual ordering, approval process and versioning
The way we display the content depends on the manual ordering.
We have custom build all output templates for our portal, so we get the
resources via the api
Now suppose I have a folder with two content items, in this particular
order. And suppose that both Items has been approved at some point
We use the following code to get the resources to show
//coll = Folder1’s resource object
IResourceList children = coll.getChildren();
IResourceListIterator iter = children.listIterator();
//then wee loop over the iterator until we find what we want.
The problem is that the children list is ordered differently depending
on the approval status of the two Items
Case 1:
Item1 approved
Item2 approved
Order in list
Case 2:
Item1 not approved
Item2 approved
Order in list
This provides a significant problem because even though the latest
version of Item1 is not approved we still want the Items to be ordered
according to the manual ordering, so we can show the Items in the
correct way.
This change in the order of the Items is not visible in the standard CM
GUI, but only when using the api to get the resources
My question is:
Is it intentional that the approval status affects the ordering of
content items? If so, is there a work around or a different api I can
use to get the same ordering as seen in standard CM GUI.
If not, could it be some missing or wrong configuration in CM? or can
this be fixed in some other way?

Hi Ulrik,
it is already released, I got the note just directly from the release. -- Download -- Support Packages and Patches -- Entry by Application Group -- SAP NetWeaver -- SAP NETWEAVER -- SAP NETWEAVER 04 -- Entry by Component -- Enterprise Portal (EP) -- CM+COLLABORATION 6.0_640 -- #OS independent -- Patch for SP14 of Content Management + Collaboration 6.0 640
Hope it helps

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    select     distinct(sq.SAMPLE_ID) XXX,
    'ID: '||sq.SAMPLE_ID||'
    ' ||'Type: '||sq.SAMPLE_TYPE||'
    ' ||'Collection Date: '||sq.COLLECTION_DATE SAMPLE_INFO,
    'Aliquots (T/A): '||to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_TOTAL)|| '/' ||to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_AVAILABLE)||'
    ' ||'Volume (T/A): '||to_char(sq.VOLUME_TOTAL,'990D00')|| '/' ||to_char(sq.VOLUME_AVAILABLE,'990D00') AVAILABILITY,
    'Age: '||sq.PATIENT_AGE||'
    ' ||'Gender: '||sq.PATIENT_SEX||'
    ' ||'Bloodtype: '||sq.BLOOD_TYPE||'
    decode(to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_AVAILABLE), '0', null, htmldb_item.text(1, '1', 1, 2)) ORDER_QTY,
    decode(to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_AVAILABLE), '0', null, htmldb_item.checkbox(2,sq.SAMPLE_ID)) ORDER_ME
    from SEARCH_V01 sq
    where sq.DIAGNOSIS = 'D-Dimer'
    order by 1 desc
    The DML_SERVICE functions just return a string(Varchar2). At the right side of the report I have two columns, one with a textfield (ORDER_QTY, default: 1) and one with a checkbox (ORDER_ME) for each line.
    For each line where the checkbox is checked, a process (On Submit - after Comp and Val) places the order for the requested quantity (this is done by inserting an Order ID into the ALIQUOTS table -> see bold update statement below).
    The process follows:
    alq_qty number;
    alq_id number;
    cnt number;
    cnt := 0;
    for i in 1..HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02.count
    select count(*) -- set alq_qty to number of available alq's
    into alq_qty
    from ALIQUOTS a
    and a.ORDER_ID = 0;
    insert into D_DEBUG (ID, DD) values (1, 'wanted: ' || HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i) || ' available: ' || alq_qty); -- REMOVE!!!
    if alq_qty > to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)) then -- if there are enough alq's
    alq_qty := to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)); -- set alq_qty to number of ordered alq's
    end if;
    for n in 1..alq_qty
    select min(ID)
    into alq_id
    from ALIQUOTS
    where sample_id = HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02(i)
    and order_id = 0;
    insert into D_DEBUG (ID, DD) values (1, 'alq_id: '||alq_id); -- REMOVE!!!
    update ALIQUOTS
    set order_id = :P130_SELECT_ORDER
    where id = alq_id;
    cnt := cnt + 1;
    end loop;
    dml_service.upd_sample_record(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02(i)); -- refresh data in SAMPLE table
    end loop;
    :P130_MSG := 'Assigned '||cnt||' aliquots to order: '||:P130_SELECT_ORDER;
    Now my problem is that this process does what it should, sometimes. When I enter 6 in one row and check the checkbox and enter 4 in another row and check that checkbox and then press SUBMIT, 10 aliquots are assigned to my order.
    Sometimes.... the other times the process just orders 2 aliquots, one of each line and disregards the number entered in the textfield.
    Or so it may seem: I added some lines to write debug info into D_DEBUG (see above.) From those entries you can assume that the content of HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i) is in fact '1' when the process does its work. So I think the problem lies somewhere in the creation of htmldb_item.text(), (I went through the API of that htmldb_item again and again...)
    Also: I can reproduce / recreate this error. It's totally weird: for some rows it (always) works and for some it (always) doesn't !!!
    So, any help, any suggestion is really appreciated (I'm currently working on bringing the crucial part of this to
    [Edited by: sleuniss on Jul 15, 2004 12:18 PM]
    Changed subject line.

    Now the subjectline is right, but the indentation is gone.... :-(
    again the SQL query:
    select     distinct(sq.SAMPLE_ID) XXX,
               'ID: '||sq.SAMPLE_ID||'
    ' ||'Type: '||sq.SAMPLE_TYPE||'
    ' ||'Collection Date: '||sq.COLLECTION_DATE SAMPLE_INFO,
               'Aliquots (T/A): '||to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_TOTAL)|| '/' ||to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_AVAILABLE)||'
    ' ||'Volume (T/A): '||to_char(sq.VOLUME_TOTAL,'990D00')|| '/' ||to_char(sq.VOLUME_AVAILABLE,'990D00') AVAILABILITY,
               'Age: '||sq.PATIENT_AGE||'
    ' ||'Gender: '||sq.PATIENT_SEX||'
    ' ||'Bloodtype: '||sq.BLOOD_TYPE||'
               DML_SERVICE.get_Diagnoses(sq.SAMPLE_ID) DIAGNOSES,
               DML_SERVICE.get_Medications(sq.SAMPLE_ID) MEDICATIONS,
               DML_SERVICE.get_Interferences(sq.SAMPLE_ID) INTERFERENCES,
               DML_SERVICE.get_LabData(sq.SAMPLE_ID) LABDATA,
               decode(to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_AVAILABLE), '0', null, htmldb_item.text(1, '1', 1, 2)) ORDER_QTY,
               decode(to_char(sq.ALIQUOTS_AVAILABLE), '0', null, htmldb_item.checkbox(2,sq.SAMPLE_ID)) ORDER_ME
    from     SEARCH_V01 sq
    where  sq.DIAGNOSIS = 'D-Dimer'
    order    by 1 desc
    and the process:
       alq_qty number;
       alq_id number;
       cnt number;
       cnt := 0;
       for i in 1..HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02.count
          select count(*) -- set alq_qty to number of available alq's
           into alq_qty
           from ALIQUOTS a
           where a.SAMPLE_ID = HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02(i)
           and a.ORDER_ID = 0;
    insert into D_DEBUG (ID, DD) values (1, 'wanted: ' || HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i) || ' available: ' || alq_qty); -- REMOVE!!!
          if alq_qty > to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)) then -- if there are enough alq's
             alq_qty := to_number(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01(i)); -- set alq_qty to number of ordered alq's
          end if;
          for n in 1..alq_qty
             select min(ID)
              into alq_id
              from ALIQUOTS
              where sample_id = HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02(i)
              and order_id = 0;
    insert into D_DEBUG (ID, DD) values (1, 'alq_id: '||alq_id); -- REMOVE!!!
             update ALIQUOTS
              set order_id = :P130_SELECT_ORDER
              where id = alq_id;
             cnt := cnt + 1;
          end loop;
          dml_service.upd_sample_record(HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F02(i)); -- refresh data in SAMPLE table
       end loop;
       :P130_MSG := 'Assigned '||cnt||' aliquots to order: '||:P130_SELECT_ORDER;

  • XML Parsing attributes with encoded ampersand causes wrong order

    Hi all,
    I am writing in the forum first (because it could be that i am doing something wrong.... but i think it is a bug. Nonetheless, i thought i'd write my problem up here first.
    I am using Java 6, and this has been reproduced on both windows and linux.
    java version "1.6.0_03"
    read XML file into org.w3c.dom.Document.
    XML File has some attributes which contain ampersand. These are escaped as (i think) is prescribed by the rule of XML. For example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
              <text dna="8233" ro="chisturi de plex coroid (&gt;=1.5 mm)" it="Cisti del plesso corioideo(&gt;=1.5mm)" tr="Koro&#305;d pleksus kisti (&gt;=1.5 mm)" pt_br="Cisto do plexo cor&oacute;ide (&gt;=1,5 mm)" de="Choroidplexus Zyste (&gt;=1,5 mm)" el="&Kappa;&#973;&sigma;&tau;&epsilon;&iota;&sigmaf; &chi;&omicron;&rho;&omicron;&epsilon;&iota;&delta;&omicron;&#973;&sigmaf; &pi;&lambda;&#941;&gamma;&mu;&alpha;&tau;&omicron;&sigmaf; (&gt;= 1.5 mm)" zh_cn="&#33033;&#32476;&#33180;&#22218;&#32959;&#65288;&gt;= 1.5 mm&#65289;" pt="Quisto do plexo coroideu (&gt;=1,5 mm)" bg="&#1050;&#1080;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072; &#1085;&#1072; &#1093;&#1086;&#1088;&#1080;&#1086;&#1080;&#1076;&#1085;&#1080;&#1103; &#1087;&#1083;&#1077;&#1082;&#1089;&#1091;&#1089; (&gt;= 1.5 mm)" fr="Kystes du plexus choroide (&gt;= 1,5 mm)" en="Choroid plexus cysts (&gt;=1.5 mm)" ru="&#1082;&#1080;&#1089;&#1090;&#1099; &#1089;&#1086;&#1089;&#1091;&#1076;&#1080;&#1089;&#1090;&#1099;&#1093; &#1089;&#1087;&#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1077;&#1085;&#1080;&#1081; (&gt;=1.5 mm)" es="Quiste del plexo coroideo (&gt;=1.5 mm)" ja="&#33032;&#32097;&#33180;&#22178;&#32990;&#65288;&gt;=1.5mm&#65289;" nl="Plexus choroidus cyste (&gt;= 1,5 mm)" />
    </lang>As you might understand, we need to have the fixed text '>' for later processing. (not the greater than symbol '>' but the escaped version of it).
    Therefore, I escape the ampersand (encode?) and leave the rest of the text as is. And so my > becomes >
    All ok?
    in fetching attributes, for example by the getAttribute("en") type call, the wrong attribute values are fetched.
    Not only that, if i only read to Document instance, and write back to file, the attributes are shown mixed up.
    dna: 8233, ro=chisturi de plex coroid (>=1.5 mm), en=&#1082;&#1080;&#1089;&#1090;&#1099; &#1089;&#1086;&#1089;&#1091;&#1076;&#1080;&#1089;&#1090;&#1099;&#1093; &#1089;&#1087;&#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1077;&#1085;&#1080;&#1081; (>=1, de=Choroidplexus Zyste (>=1,5 mm)Here you can see that 'en' is shown holding what looks like greek, ... (what is ru as a country-code anyway?) where it should have obviously had the english text that originally was associated with the attribute 'en'
    This seems very strange and unexpected to me. I would have thought that in escaping (encoding) the ampersand, i have fulfilled all requirements of me, and that should be that.
    There is also no error that seems to occur.... we simply get the wrong order when fetching attributes.
    Am I doing something wrong? Or is this a bug that should be submitted?
    Kind Regards, and thanks to all responders/readers.
    p.s. previously I had not been escaping the ampersand. This meant that I lost my ampersand in fetching attributes, AND the attribute order was ALSO WRONG!
    In fact, the wrong order was what led me to read about how to correctly encode ampersand at all. I had been hoping that correctly encoding would fix the order problem, but it didn't.
    Edited by: svaens on Mar 31, 2008 6:21 AM

    Hi kdgregory ,
    Firstly, sorry if there has been a misunderstanding on my part. If i did not reply to the question you raised, I appologise.
    In this 'reply' I hope not to risk further misunderstanding, and have simply given the most basic example which will cause the problem I am talking about, as well as short instructions on what XML to remove to make the problem disappear.
    Secondly, as this page seems to be displayed in ISO 8859-1, this is the reason the xml I have posted looks garbled. The xml is UTF-8. I have provided a link to the example xml file for the sample below
    [example xml file UTF-8|]
    As for your most recent questions:
    Is it specified as an entity? To my knowledge (so far as my understanding of what an entity is) , yes, I am including entities in my xml. In my below example, the entities are the code for the greater than symbol. I am under the understanding that this is allowed in XML ??
    Is it an actual literal character (0xA0)? No, I am specifying 'greater than' entity (code?) in order to include the actual symbol in the end result. I am encoding it in form 'ampersand', 'g character', 't character', 'colon' in order for it to work, according to information I have read on various web pages. A quick google search will show you where I got such information from, example website:
    Here is my sample program. It is longer than the one you kindly provided only because it prints out all attributes of the element it looks for. To use it, only change the name of the file it loads.
    I have given the xml code seperately so it can be easily copied and saved to file.
    Results you can expect from running this small test example?
    1. a mixed up list of attributes where attribute node name no longer matches its assigned attribute values (not for all attributes, but some).
    2. removing the attribute bg from the 'text' element will reduce most of these symptoms, but not all. Removing another attribute from the element will most likely make the end result look normal again.
    3. No exception is thrown by the presence of non xml characters.
    IMPORTANT!!! I have only just (unfortunately) noticed what this page does to my unicode characters... all the the international characters get turned into funny codes when previewed and viewed on this page.
    Whereas the only codes I am explicitly including in this XML is the greater than symbol. The rest were international characters.
    Perhaps that is the problem?
    Perhaps there is an international characters problem?
    I am quite sure that these characters are all UTF-8 because when I open up this xml file in firefox, It displays correctly, and in checking the character encoding, firefox reports UTF-8.
    In order to provide an un-garbled xml file, I will provide it at this link:
    link to xml file: []
    Again, sorry for any hassle and/or delay with my reply, or poor reply. I did not mean to waste anyones time.
    It will be appreciated however if an answer can be found for this problem. Chiefly,
    1. Is this a bug?
    2. Is the XML correct? (if not, then all those websites i've been reading are giving false information? )
    Kindest Regards,
    import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory;
    import org.w3c.dom.Document;
    import org.w3c.dom.Element;
    import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap;
    import org.w3c.dom.Node;
    import org.w3c.dom.NodeList;
    import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
    public class Example
        public static void main(String[] argv)
                   FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("/home/sean/Desktop/chris/less2.xml");
                 Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance()
                 .parse(new InputSource(fis));
                   Element root = doc.getDocumentElement();
                   NodeList textnodes = root.getElementsByTagName("text");
                   int len = textnodes.getLength();
                   int index = 0;
                   int attindex = 0;
                   int attrlen = 0;
                   NamedNodeMap attrs = null;
                   while (index<len)
                        Element te = (Element)textnodes.item(index);
                        attrs = te.getAttributes();
                        attrlen = attrs.getLength();
                        attindex = 0;
                        Node node = null;
                        while (attindex<attrlen)
                             node = attrs.item(attindex);          
                             System.out.println("attr: "+node.getNodeName()+ " is shown holding value: " + node.getNodeValue());
              catch(Exception e)
                   System.out.println("we've had an exception, type "+ e);
    }  [example xml file|]
    FOR THE XML, Please see link above, as it is UTF-8, and this page is not. Edited by: svaens on Apr 7, 2008 7:03 AM
    Edited by: svaens on Apr 7, 2008 7:23 AM
    Edited by: svaens on Apr 7, 2008 7:37 AM
    Edited by: svaens on Apr 7, 2008 7:41 AM

  • Attached libraries in wrong order in generated form

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    - qmsevh50.pll
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    - qmslib50.pll
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    What can I do about this?
    Jeroen van Veldhuizen

    There is a wealth of information on moving from 6.0 to 6i in the Migration Guide available on the Designer page on OTN

  • Need Help - CD burning tracks in wrong order!

    Dear All..
    I am having a huge problem with my iTunes when it comes to burning a disc. Alright - yesterday I bought a new CD from iTunes and I wanted to burn it to disc for my car. So I did exactly that however, when I play the CD in my car it has the tracks burned in the wrong order than the CD was in the "playlist" that I burned it from.
    It's very frustrating. It has happened previously and I remember an iTunes update fixed it but now it's back. I would really appreciate any help that any of you experts can give me.
    Many thanks..

    I needed to copy a cd and this is the first time I was trying with my Mac. In Windows is so easy and there are hundreds of programs to do it that it's unbelievable how difficult this can be in the Mac world without paying extra $$$ for a program like Toast! I was trying several solutions and none of them worked. Finally I realized that the order I was looking at my the files in the library is the order the playlist is generated and no matter what the track order is that doesn't help in getting the tracks in the cd in proper order. So I went to my library, selected the files I wanted in my cd and got them in the correct track order and then created the playlist from that selection and the order of the files in the playlist matches the original cd order and the new cd I burned out of the playlist. I tried this a couple times already and works fine this way. Kind of a bummer if you ask but... hope this helps anyone out there because this can be very frustrating.

  • Palm desktop calendar - in month view, event times are in wrong order!

    I use Palm Desktop 4.1.4 on my Windows XP machine (I don't own a PDA). I enter my appointments in Week view and they look fine, but when I go to Month view (I want to print this view), the events for a given day show up in the wrong order!
    For example, on one day I see:
    9a Event
    10:30a Event
    2p Event
    12p Event
    and on the next day I see:
    9a Event
    2p Event
    10a Event
    I tried changing things in Options and Preferences - no luck. I have messed around with it and can't figure out any weird pattern it might be sorting by (I've tried re-entering appointments to see whether it sorts by the last time they were entered/edited, and looked into whether it was sorting by category, length of event name, first digit of the time, length of time, alphabetically by event name, by whether it repeats/has a location/has a note/has an alarm/was entered by clicking once and typing or by right-clicking). It just seems baffling, and it definitely seems like a bug, since of course you'd want your events sorted by time.
    Does anyone know what's going on or have this problem?
    Post relates to: None

    I had looked at this in response to another post, and didn't notice the same problem. But then I went back further and noticed it sure's only occasional.
    I haven't done any kind of analysis as you have apparently done, mostly because I don't really use the desktop application except occasionally.
    Thought maybe it sorts repeating events differently than single events, but I've seen it both ways, so that doesn't seem to be it.
    It doesn't bother me enough, but it certainly seems like it would warrant an email support request to Palm, to see if they have an answer.
    I am a volunteer, and not an HP employee.
    Palm OS ∙ webOS ∙ Android

  • AppleTV not showing non-synced content since upgrade to iTunes

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    iTunes can see the AppleTV and I can sync content to it. Under "Settings" for the AppleTV I have "Custom Sync" selected and the "Show only synced content on my AppleTV" box is not checked.
    Any ideas how I can get non-synced content to show again in the AppleTV?

    That's exactly what I did, it took ~20sec to complete the "apply to enclosed items" command (there was heavy disk access), but it does not improve. The permissions stay the same for the files/folders in question. It's very odd, have a look at the screenshot:
    Some folders have correct permissions, others (to which I have no access through iTunes) show "admin" twice as the only user who is allowed to write. Repair permission does not help. I have hundreds of files/folders where permissions are wrong, only since the upgrade recently.
    Message was edited by: JJulian (added screenshot)

  • Can't locate email content? All of a sudden my email content has disappeared from inside MacMail? The actual emails are coming through but I am unable to view them as the area is just left blank! Nothing has been done to have changed this?

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    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your documents or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this behavior; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, by a font conflict, or by corruption of the file system or of certain system caches.
    Please take this step regardless of the results of Step 1.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards, if applicable. Start up in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. You must hold down the shift key twice: once when you turn on the computer, and again when you log in.
    Note: If FileVault is enabled, or if a firmware password is set, or if the startup volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to start up and run than normal, with limited graphics performance, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models. The next normal startup may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, restart as usual (not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of Steps 1 and 2.

  • Compilations in wrong order on iPod

    Has anyone had an issue with making their own compilations?
    This only seems to happen if I create my own compilation (not playlist) from a selection of songs - despite everything looking fine in iTunes the songs are in the wrong order on the iPod.
    I'm setting the album artist to "Various Artists" and the track numbers aren't duplicated, but this issue still happens on each of my 'homemade' compilations.

    The thing to check would be to look on your iTunes at home on your desktop and check that the songs are ordered correctly there. One thing with renaming double cd sets (as I also do) is that sometimes the track numbers get jumbled.
    If you select the offending album in iTunes, click on the header bar where it says 'name' (above the song titles), you'll see that part of the bar turn blue and iTunes will jumble the tracks into a random order.
    Click on track# to reorder them 1,2,3 etc. Sync these changes back to the iPod.
    Incidentally, there can be problems associated with iPods and network drives. See this.
    Strange iPod behavior.

  • Toolbar buttons in wrong order on the server

    Time to call for backup.
    I have a couple of CSH FlashHelp projects where I specify the
    following toolbar button order in the SSL dialog:
    Contents (default)
    However, after the generated help goes to the various
    application builds, the buttons show in this order: Contents,
    Index, Glossary, Search. (Wrong order and no Print button.)
    I got a developer's help when we first found this problem,
    and he tracked the button order to the whcshdata.htm file. After I
    generate, it contains the following line, after all the CSH/topic
    name]",false,30,"10%","3%","60%","75%","[window title
    Note the wrong button order. It looks on the surface like
    it's ignoring my specifications. The funny thing is that even with
    this wrong order, the toolbar buttons show up correctly when I open
    the help from my hard drive by double-clicking the start page. The
    malfunction is when the help files are on a server.
    To fix this, I have to manually change "toc|ndx|gls|nls" to
    "toc|nls|ndx|gls|prt" and check that file in to the repository in
    order to get the right order and the Print button. (It's not a
    problem if I haven't introduced any changes to my map file, because
    then I just don't check whcshdata.htm in to source control. But if
    I have made changes, then I have to tweak the file again.)
    Anyone know what the problem could be? I've just rolled with
    it for months, ever since the problem popped up in one of the
    production systems and we fixed it with the manual tweak. But I'd
    like to get to the root of this if possible.
    Thanks all,

    The thing to check would be to look on your iTunes at home on your desktop and check that the songs are ordered correctly there. One thing with renaming double cd sets (as I also do) is that sometimes the track numbers get jumbled.
    If you select the offending album in iTunes, click on the header bar where it says 'name' (above the song titles), you'll see that part of the bar turn blue and iTunes will jumble the tracks into a random order.
    Click on track# to reorder them 1,2,3 etc. Sync these changes back to the iPod.
    Incidentally, there can be problems associated with iPods and network drives. See this.
    Strange iPod behavior.

  • Tracks in my albums are all in the wrong order!

    Hi, as it turns out I have a problem. Some of my albums on my iPad have all mixed up, the tracks we appear as, instead of in correct order (listed as 1. 2. 3. Well you get the idea), are in the wrong order! Everything was fine before I update to iOS 7, as anybody else had this problem?
    Many thanks

    iTunes doesn't do multi-level sorts, or rather it doesn't give us users any control over them. Take, for example, the *Album by Year* view and you'll see that is has sub-ordering on quite a few values. In pseudo-SQL it's something like this:
    SELECT * FROM Tracks ORDER BY Sort Album Artist, Year (Of 1st Track of Album), Album, Disc #(Empties Last), Track #(Empties Last)
    Where there is no Sort Album Artist value it is infered from Album Artist, Sort Artist or Artist. Where there is no Sort Album it is infered from Album.
    When you click to sort on the Year column any previous ordering is discarded. If the tracks are in the wrong order then all you can do is click again to change between an ascending or descening sort.
    For general tips on grouping & ordering tracks in iTunes see

  • Cover Flow in the wrong order

    I have had my Ipod Touch for about a week now, and I have about 1000 songs on there. I love using 'Cover Flow' to browse through my music, but whenever I do, the Albums are all in the wrong order. I know this isn't a major thing, but I really like to have them in the same order as iTunes, as I use that a lot as well.
    I have tried resetting the Ipod, but I haven't tired restoring it through iTunes cause I don't want to loose all my music and have to sync it all over again.
    Is there a solution?
    Can anyone help me?

    One other thing which I think has been happening to many people recently is the change in album artwork. There must have been something wrong with the 2.2 update! The album artwork is fine in the 'Cover Flow' (just in the wrong order!), but when I'm scrolling in vertical view some of my albums have just completley black pictures of the actual artwork!
    Btw, all of these things are fine in iTunes, so it must be something wrong with my iPod and not with how I organize my music! Thanks to anyone who can help!

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