Not able to open MS Excel attachment in the email Using SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT

Hi, I am not able to open the attached MS excel in the mail its giving error as "Problems came up in the following areas during load Table". My requirement is to send a colored excel as attachment through mail when the program is executed in background. For this i have reffered the following link "". That is i have used the XML method for this . I would be thankful if you can let me know where i am doing the mistake For refference i am pasting my code: * Send mail when executed in background mode IF sy-batch eq 'X'. PERFORM send_mail_bkgrnd. ELSE. " Foreground mode PERFORM build_layout. PERFORM build_field_cat. PERFORM display. ENDIF. FORM SEND_MAIL_BKGRND . PERFORM process_xml_data. PERFORM disatch_mail. ENDFORM. " SEND_MAIL_BKGRND &---- *& Form PROCESS_XML_DATA &---- FORM PROCESS_XML_DATA . DATA lv_xlwidth TYPE i. * Creating a ixml Factory l_ixml = cl_ixml=>create( ). * Creating the DOM Object Model l_document = l_ixml->create_document( ). * Create Root Node 'Workbook' l_element_root = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Workbook' parent = l_document ). l_element_root->set_attribute( name = 'xmlns' value = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' ). ns_attribute = l_document->create_namespace_decl( name = 'ss' prefix = 'xmlns' uri = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:spreadsheet' ). l_element_root->set_attribute_node( ns_attribute ). ns_attribute = l_document->create_namespace_decl( name = 'x' prefix = 'xmlns' uri = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:excel' ). l_element_root->set_attribute_node( ns_attribute ). * Create node for document properties. r_element_properties = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'TEST_REPORT' parent = l_element_root ). l_value = sy-uname. l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Author' value = l_value parent = r_element_properties ). * Styles r_styles = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Styles' parent = l_element_root ). * Style for Header r_style = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Style' parent = r_styles ). r_style->set_attribute_ns( name = 'ID' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Header' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Font' parent = r_style ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Bold' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Interior' parent = r_style ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Color' prefix = 'ss' value = '#92D050' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Pattern' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Solid' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Alignment' parent = r_style ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Vertical' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Center' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'WrapText' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_border = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Borders' parent = r_style ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Bottom' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Left' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Top' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Right' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). * Style for Data "Color properties are set over here r_style1 = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Style' parent = r_styles ). r_style1->set_attribute_ns( name = 'ID' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Data' ). r_border = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Borders' parent = r_style1 ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Bottom' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Left' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Top' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). r_format = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Border' parent = r_border ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Position' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Right' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'LineStyle' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Continuous' ). r_format->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Weight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). * Worksheet r_worksheet = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Worksheet' parent = l_element_root ). r_worksheet->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Name' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Sheet1' ). * Table r_table = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Table' parent = r_worksheet ). r_table->set_attribute_ns( name = 'FullColumns' prefix = 'x' value = '1' ). r_table->set_attribute_ns( name = 'FullRows' prefix = 'x' value = '1' ). * Column Formatting DO 32 TIMES. CASE sy-index. WHEN 1. lv_xlwidth = '300'. WHEN 2. lv_xlwidth = '300'. WHEN OTHERS. lv_xlwidth = '300'. ENDCASE. PERFORM clmn_formatting USING lv_xlwidth. ENDDO. * Blank Row r_row = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Row' parent = r_table ). * Column Headers Row r_row = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Row' parent = r_table ). r_row->set_attribute_ns( name = 'AutoFitHeight' prefix = 'ss' value = '1' ). * VC. No. r_cell = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Cell' parent = r_row ). r_cell->set_attribute_ns( name = 'StyleID' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Header' ). r_data = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Data' value = 'VC No.' parent = r_cell ). r_data->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Type' prefix = 'ss' value = 'String' ). * Source r_cell = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Cell' parent = r_row ). r_cell->set_attribute_ns( name = 'StyleID' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Header' ). r_data = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Data' value = 'Source' parent = r_cell ). r_data->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Type' prefix = 'ss' value = 'String' ). DO 30 TIMES. * * TPLGRP r_cell = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Cell' parent = r_row ). r_cell->set_attribute_ns( name = 'StyleID' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Header' ). r_data = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Data' value = '' parent = r_cell ). r_data->set_attribute_ns( name = 'Type' prefix = 'ss' value = 'String' ). ENDDO. * Blank Row after Column Headers r_row = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Row' parent = r_table ). DO 32 TIMES. r_cell = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Cell' parent = r_row ). r_cell->set_attribute_ns( name = 'StyleID' prefix = 'ss' value = 'Data' ). ENDDO. * Data Table CLEAR gs_output. LOOP AT gt_output INTO gs_output. r_row = l_document->create_simple_element( name = 'Row' parent = r_table ). DO 32 TIMES. CASE sy-index. WHEN 1. a_dvalue = gs_output-vc_number. WHEN 2. a_dvalue = gs_output-source. WHEN 3. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_01. WHEN 4. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_02. WHEN 5. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_03. WHEN 6. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_04. WHEN 7. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_05. WHEN 8. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_06. WHEN 9. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_07. WHEN 10. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_08. WHEN 11. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_09. WHEN 12. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_10. WHEN 13. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_11. WHEN 14. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_12. WHEN 15. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_13. WHEN 16. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_14. WHEN 17. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_15. WHEN 18. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_16. WHEN 19. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_17. WHEN 20. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_18. WHEN 21. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_19. WHEN 22. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_20. WHEN 23. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_21. WHEN 24. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_22. WHEN 25. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_23. WHEN 26. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_24. WHEN 27. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_25. WHEN 28. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_26. WHEN 29. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_27. WHEN 30. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_28. WHEN 31. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_29. WHEN 32. a_dvalue = gs_output-tplgrp_30. ENDCASE. PERFORM fill_data_val_excel USING a_dvalue. ENDDO. CLEAR gs_output. ENDLOOP. * Creating a Stream Factory l_streamfactory = l_ixml->create_stream_factory( ). * Connect Internal XML Table to Stream Factory l_ostream = l_streamfactory->create_ostream_itable( table = l_xml_table ). * Rendering the Document l_renderer = l_ixml->create_renderer( ostream = l_ostream document = l_document ). l_rc = l_renderer->render( ). * Saving the XML Document l_xml_size = l_ostream->get_num_written_raw( ). ENDFORM. " PROCESS_XML_DATA &---- *& Form DISATCH_MAIL &---- FORM DISATCH_MAIL . DATA: objpack LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 2 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: objhead LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 1 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: objbin LIKE solix OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: objtxt LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 10 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: reclist LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 5 WITH HEADER LINE. DATA: doc_chng LIKE sodocchgi1. DATA: tab_lines LIKE sy-tabix. DATA: l_num(3). DATA: subj_date(10) TYPE c. * Mail Subject data lv_date TYPE d. lv_date = sy-datum. CONCATENATE lv_date6(2) '-' lv_date4(2) '-' lv_date+0(4) INTO subj_date. CONCATENATE 'SAP Application Usage Report ' subj_date INTO doc_chng-obj_descr SEPARATED BY space. * Mail Contents objtxt = 'Dear User,'. APPEND objtxt. CLEAR objtxt. APPEND objtxt. CONCATENATE 'Please find the attached SAP Application Usage Report for ' subj_date INTO objtxt SEPARATED BY space. " Mail Contents APPEND objtxt. CLEAR objtxt. APPEND objtxt. objtxt = 'Thanks & Regards,'. APPEND objtxt. objtxt = 'Himanshu Kanekar'. APPEND objtxt. DESCRIBE TABLE objtxt LINES tab_lines. READ TABLE objtxt INDEX tab_lines. doc_chng-doc_size = ( tab_lines - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( objtxt ). * Packing List For the E-mail Body objpack-head_start = 1. objpack-head_num = 0. objpack-body_start = 1. objpack-body_num = tab_lines. objpack-doc_type = 'RAW'. APPEND objpack. * Creation of the Document Attachment LOOP AT l_xml_table INTO wa_xml. CLEAR objbin. objbin-line = wa_xml-data. APPEND objbin. ENDLOOP. DESCRIBE TABLE objbin LINES tab_lines. objhead = 'SAP Login Details'. APPEND objhead. * Packing List For the E-mail Attachment objpack-transf_bin = ''."'X'. objpack-head_start = 1. objpack-head_num = 0. objpack-body_start = 1. objpack-body_num = tab_lines. CONCATENATE 'SAP_Login_Details' subj_date INTO objpack-obj_descr SEPARATED BY space. objpack-doc_type = 'XLS'. objpack-doc_size = tab_lines * 255. APPEND objpack. * Target Recipent CLEAR reclist. reclist-receiver = reclist-rec_type = 'U'. APPEND reclist. * Sending the document CALL FUNCTION 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1' EXPORTING document_data = doc_chng put_in_outbox = 'X' commit_work = 'X' TABLES packing_list = objpack object_header = objhead contents_txt = objtxt contents_hex = objbin receivers = reclist EXCEPTIONS too_many_receivers = 1 document_not_sent = 2 operation_no_authorization = 4 OTHERS = 99. ENDFORM. " DISATCH_MAIL


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        Hi Rohit ,
    I had copied these .class & .xml files under Myclasses -> oracle.apps.icx and oracle.apps.po and oracle.apps.fnd was same which comes part of the standard OA tutorial.
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    Firstly, convert Excel Format with FM: SAP_CONVERT_TO_TXT_FORMAT ,
    " Format convert(Excel content)
          I_LINE_HEADER        =  'X'
          I_TAB_SAP_DATA      = GIT_DATA                     "Before convert
          I_TAB_CONVERTED_DATA = GIT_EXCEL           "After convert
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    Hi Ashim Kumar Nath,
    Have you registered SCP when installing ADRMS? If you can't remember, you can check this running ADSI Edit, connect to the configuration container in verify if those nodes exist CN=Configuration [server name], CN=Services, CN=RightsManagementServices,
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    Hi ,
    Please find the code used.
       WRITE: sy-datum TO l_date MM/DD/YY.
        CONCATENATE  text-014   "Enterprise workflow(s) are in ERROR status
                     INTO l_text
                     SEPARATED BY c_colon.
        wa_doc_data-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
        wa_doc_data-obj_name   = text-013.  "SAPRPT
        wa_doc_data-obj_descr  = l_text.
        wa_doc_data-sensitivty = c_false.
    Fill the document data and get size of attachment
         DESCRIBE TABLE i_attach LINES l_cnt.
         READ TABLE i_attach INTO wa_attach INDEX l_cnt.
        IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
          l_size = STRLEN( wa_attach ).
          l_docsize =   ( ( l_cnt - 1 ) * c_length255 + l_size ).
          wa_doc_data-doc_size   = l_docsize.
          wa_doc_data-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
          wa_doc_data-obj_name   = text-013.  "SAPRPT
          wa_doc_data-obj_descr  = l_text.
          wa_doc_data-sensitivty = c_false.
        lt_attachment[] = i_attach[]." XLS attachment details
    Describe the body of the message
        CLEAR wa_packing_list.
        REFRESH lt_packing_list.
        wa_packing_list-transf_bin = space.
        wa_packing_list-head_start = 1.
        wa_packing_list-head_num   = 0.
        wa_packing_list-body_start = 1.
       DESCRIBE TABLE lt_message LINES wa_packing_list-body_num .
        wa_packing_list-doc_type   = c_raw.
        APPEND wa_packing_list TO lt_packing_list.
        CLEAR wa_packing_list.
    *l_docsize = 5000.
    Create attachment notification
        wa_packing_list-transf_bin = c_active.
        wa_packing_list-head_start = 1.
        wa_packing_list-head_num   = 1.
        wa_packing_list-body_start = 1.
        DESCRIBE TABLE lt_attachment LINES wa_packing_list-body_num.
        wa_packing_list-doc_type   =  c_xls.
        wa_packing_list-obj_descr  =  text-022.
        wa_packing_list-doc_size  =  wa_packing_list-body_num * c_length255.
        APPEND wa_packing_list TO lt_packing_list.
        CLEAR: wa_packing_list,l_cnt.
    Email to be sent for multiple receivers
    Add the recipients email address
        LOOP AT s_receiv INTO wa_email.
          l_email = wa_email-low.
          wa_receivers-rec_type   = c_rectyp.
          wa_receivers-receiver   = l_email.
          wa_receivers-com_type   = c_internet.
          wa_receivers-notif_del  = c_true.
          wa_receivers-notif_ndel = c_true.
          APPEND wa_receivers  TO lt_receivers.
          CLEAR : wa_receivers, wa_email, l_email.
        IF lt_receivers[] IS NOT INITIAL AND
           i_itemrecord[] IS NOT INITIAL.
    email sender
          l_sender_address = sy-uname.   " Stores the sender's address
    *Function  module to handel mail sending.
              document_data                    = wa_doc_data
              put_in_outbox                    = c_true
              sender_address                   = l_sender_address
              sender_address_type              = c_sender_address_type
              commit_work                      = c_true
          SENT_TO_ALL                      =
              packing_list                     = lt_packing_list
              contents_bin                     = lt_attachment
             contents_hex                     = lt_attachment1
              contents_txt                     = lt_message
              receivers                        = lt_receivers
              too_many_receivers               = 1
              document_not_sent                = 2
              document_type_not_exist          = 3
              operation_no_authorization       = 4
              parameter_error                  = 5
              x_error                          = 6
              enqueue_error                    = 7
             OTHERS                            = 8

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    hello, can you try to replicate this behaviour when you launch firefox in safe mode once? if not, maybe an addon is interfering here...
    [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]

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    I would really appreciate your advice are you compatible with yahoo?

    WHich system?
    Any third party plugins installed?
    Any clipboard extensions in your system?
    Maybe Pushbullet?

  • Excel sheet is not able to open in edit mode.

    Hi all,
    I have one issue where user is not able to open an excel file in edit mode. 
    User uploaded .XLS file and have MS office 2003 installed on her system.
    I asked her to save it as .xlsx and then upload it again....any idea why she is not able to open in edit mode.

    What did you mean that the user is not able to open an excel file in edit mode?
    Whether he or she can find "Edit in Microsoft Excel" via clicking the right of the name of the file.
    If yes, when he or she clicked it, whether there are some errors occurred.
    Whether other users can open the excel file in edit mode.
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    I think you need to contact Adobe directly using the link below. Use the dropdown menu for boxes (1) & (2) to scroll down the list and choose:
    1. Adobe Photoshop Elements
    2. Adobe ID, and signing-in
    3. Click on the blue button: Still need help? Contact us – then click the area marked chat 24/7, then click “start chat ”
    It’s usually possible to start a live chat, if an Adobe agent is free, and often to get the problem fixed right away. Ask to be transferred to technical support. Have your serial number available. The agent can directly troubleshoot your system if you agree to activate the Adobe Connect add-on.
    Click here to get help now Contact Customer Care

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    the error is as follows..
    Error 404--Not Found
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.5 404 Not Found
    The server has not found anything matching the Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or permanent.
    If the server does not wish to make this information available to the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally configurable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no forwarding address.
    I have checked in weblogic console. there in the "Deployments" tab , em.ear is in failed state.i tried to update(redeploy) it to adminserver, but im getting the following error....
    "weblogic.application.ApplicationLifecycleEvent.getDeploymentOperation()Lweblogic/application/DeploymentOperationType; "
    Please provide some inputs.

    stopping and starting em application from AdminConsole-> Deployments did the trick.

  • Format issue in opening an XLS attachment sent through email by ABAP2XLSX

    I have downloaded the ABAP2XLSX nuggets and tried to send an attachment in the email using the SAP. But when opening the attachment it is giving up an format issue and not able to view the content. I am able to save the XLSX file on the PC and able to read it but when I  send it to email it doesn't open correctly and it is in a non readable format. Please find the code that I have been using. Can someone help me on this.
    TYPES: BEGIN OF tp_zzrule,
             zzprog     TYPE zzfunc,
             zzdata     TYPE zzcri1,
             zzseq      TYPE zzseq,
             zzkey1     TYPE zzkey1,
             zzkey2     TYPE zzkey2,
         END OF tp_zzrule.
    DATA: w_zzrule   TYPE tp_zzrule,
          t_zzrule   TYPE TABLE OF zzourule.
    TYPE-POOLS: abap.
    DATA:   v_document            TYPE REF TO cl_document_bcs,
            v_recipient           TYPE REF TO if_recipient_bcs,
            v_main_text           TYPE bcsy_text,
            v_send_request        TYPE REF TO cl_bcs,
            v_msub                TYPE so_obj_des,
             v_size               TYPE so_obj_len,
            v_string2             TYPE string,
            v_attsub              TYPE sood-objdes,
            v_mailid              TYPE ad_smtpadr,
            v_sent(1)             type c,
            v_sent_to_all         TYPE os_boolean,
            v_string              TYPE string,
            v_repid               TYPE sy-repid,
            v_title               TYPE so_text255,
            v_dochead             TYPE so_text255.
    DATA lt_test TYPE TABLE OF sflight.
    DATA: lo_excel                TYPE REF TO zcl_excel,
          lo_excel_writer         TYPE REF TO zif_excel_writer,
          lo_worksheet            TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet,
          column_dimension        TYPE REF TO zcl_excel_worksheet_columndime.
    DATA: ls_table_settings       TYPE zexcel_s_table_settings.
    DATA: lv_file                 TYPE xstring,
          lv_bytecount            TYPE i,
          lt_file_tab             TYPE solix_tab,
          t_objtxt  like solisti1   occurs 0 with header line,
          t_objbin  like solisti1   occurs 0 with header line,
          t_objpack like sopcklsti1 occurs 0 with header line,
          t_reclist like table of somlreci1 with header line.
    DATA: lv_full_path      TYPE string,
          lv_workdir        TYPE string,
          lv_file_separator TYPE c.
    CONSTANTS: lv_default_file_name TYPE string VALUE 'multi sheet test.xlsx'.
    PARAMETERS: p_path  TYPE zexcel_export_dir,
                p_empty TYPE flag.
      lv_workdir = p_path.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>directory_browse( EXPORTING initial_folder  = lv_workdir
                                                  CHANGING  selected_folder = lv_workdir ).
      p_path = lv_workdir.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_sapgui_workdir( CHANGING sapworkdir = lv_workdir ).
      cl_gui_cfw=>flush( ).
      p_path = lv_workdir.
      IF p_path IS INITIAL.
        p_path = lv_workdir.
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>get_file_separator( CHANGING file_separator = lv_file_separator ).
      CONCATENATE p_path lv_file_separator lv_default_file_name INTO lv_full_path.
    SELECT *
        INTO TABLE t_zzrule
       FROM zzourule
      WHERE zzprog  = 'RV63A999'.
        SELECT * FROM sflight INTO TABLE lt_test.
      " Creates active sheet
      CREATE OBJECT lo_excel.
    For first Sheet in the excel workbook
      " Get active sheet
      lo_worksheet = lo_excel->get_active_worksheet( ).
      lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'Test sheet one').
      ls_table_settings-table_style  = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
      ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
      lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table          = lt_test
                                is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
      lo_worksheet->freeze_panes( ip_num_rows = 3 ). "freeze column headers when scrolling
      column_dimension = lo_worksheet->get_column_dimension( ip_column = 'E' ). "make date field a bit wider
      column_dimension->set_width( ip_width = 20 ).
    For second Sheet in the excel workbook
      lo_worksheet = lo_excel->add_new_worksheet( ).
      lo_worksheet->set_title( ip_title = 'Second sheet' ).
      lo_worksheet->set_cell( ip_column = 'B' ip_row = 2
               ip_value = 'This is the test for second sheet by Pavan' ).
      ls_table_settings-table_style  = zcl_excel_table=>builtinstyle_medium2.
      ls_table_settings-show_row_stripes = abap_true.
      lo_worksheet->bind_table( ip_table          = t_zzrule
                                is_table_settings = ls_table_settings ).
    This will create excel.
    CREATE OBJECT lo_excel_writer TYPE zcl_excel_writer_2007.
      lv_file = lo_excel_writer->write_file( lo_excel ).
    " Convert to binary
          buffer        = lv_file
          output_length = lv_bytecount
          binary_tab    = lt_file_tab.
    Save the file on to the PC
      cl_gui_frontend_services=>gui_download( EXPORTING bin_filesize = lv_bytecount
                                                        filename     = lv_full_path
                                                        filetype     = 'BIN'
                                               CHANGING data_tab     = lt_file_tab ).
    *--Create and set document with attachment.
    v_main_text-line  = 'This is the main text not sure where this would print'.
    append v_main_text.
        v_send_request = cl_bcs=>create_persistent( ).      "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
      v_msub       = 'Test excel with multi sheets.XLS'.
          v_document = cl_document_bcs=>create_document(
          i_type     = 'RAW'
          i_text     = v_main_text
          i_subject  = v_msub ).
        CATCH cx_document_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
        v_size = lv_bytecount.
    *--Add the attachment.
          v_document->add_attachment(                          "#EC .., bzw
                i_attachment_type    = 'EXT'
               i_attachment_type    = 'XLS'
               i_attachment_type    = 'RAW'
                i_attachment_subject = v_attsub
                i_attachment_size    = v_size
               i_att_content_hex    = lt_file_tab ).    "#EC .., bzw.
               i_att_content_hex    = lt_file_tab ).    "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_document_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Add document object to send request.
          v_send_request->set_document( v_document ).         "#EC .., bzw.
        CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--E-mail recipent list
      t_reclist-rec_type = 'U'.
      t_reclist-receiver = <email Id here>.
      APPEND t_reclist.
      CLEAR t_reclist.
      LOOP AT t_reclist.
        CLEAR v_mailid.
        v_mailid = t_reclist-receiver.
    *--Create mail recipient object.
          v_recipient = cl_cam_address_bcs=>create_internet_address( v_mailid ). "#EC .., bzw.
           CATCH cx_address_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Add recipient object to send request.
            v_send_request->add_recipient( v_recipient ).     "#EC .., bzw.
          CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    **--Add recipient object to send request.
        v_sent_to_all = v_send_request->send( i_with_error_screen = 'X' ).
    CATCH cx_send_req_bcs . "#EC NO_HANDLER
    *--Send document.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
       MESSAGE s999(zou01) WITH text-020.
        v_sent = 'X'.

    I realize this is an old post, but am wondering if you ever resolved this.  I'm having the same issue.  Download an xlsx file locally opens fine, but attaching the seemingly exact same file throw errors/warnings when trying to open via an email attachment.

  • Opening an Excel File on the CD

    Hi, I am creating a splash screen & interactive menu for
    a product CD. I want to be able to open an Excel file from the CD
    Menu. First, give them directions on how to use the Excel file,
    then let them click on a link that opens the file from the CD.
    Can you help me with this?

    Which version of Director are you using?
    I would suggest using an xtra like Buddy API or FileXtra4
    (depending on
    your answer to the above question) and using them to run an
    command on the full path to an Excel file that you pass to
    the xtra's
    method. For example, using Buddy API:
    on mouseUp me
    -- assuming you have a document named "document.xls"
    -- in a folder named "Excel" located next to the movie file
    executes this command:
    OK = baOpenFile("@/Excel/document.xls", "normal")
    if OK < 32 then
    -- an error occurred, check the BudAPI docs for numbers and
    alert "Error opening document:" && OK
    end if

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