Not getting Landscape format while printing the file.

I am not getting Landscape format while printing the file. I am using the follwing code. Can anyone help me in this regard. its urgent.
public void printText(){
String outputPath="d:\\output\\";
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.POSTSCRIPT;
PrintRequestAttributeSet aaset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
DocumentName docName = new DocumentName(outputPath+"", Locale.US);               
PrintService pservices = PrintServiceLookup.lookupDefaultPrintService();// lookupPrintServices(flavor,aset);
try {
DocPrintJob pj = pservices.createPrintJob();
InputStream file = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(outputPath+""));
Doc doc = new SimpleDoc(file,flavor,null);
try {
     } catch (PrintException e1) {
     } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {

As a quick workaround... put the paper in the other way

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  • Force index not getting picked up while running the SQL Quer

    Hi All,
    We are facing an issue with one SQL Query. We have created a custom Index and we are using that index in our query by using the following syntax:
    ol – Table Alias Name
    XXEXH_ORDER_LINES_N2 – Index Name
    But still the index is not getting picked up in the Explain Plan.
    If any one of you have faced a similar issue then please let us know how you had resolved it.
    Appreciate your help.
    DB version:
    Apps version:
    Edited by: 876912 on Aug 3, 2011 2:49 AM

    For your issue i suggest close your thread here as changing thread status to answered and move it to Forum Home » Database or Forum Home » Database » SQL and PL/SQL which you can get more quick response

  • Force index not getting picked up while running the SQL Query

    Hi All,
    We are facing an issue with one SQL Query. We have created a custom Index and we are using that index in our query by using the following syntax:
    ol – Table Alias Name
    XXEXH_ORDER_LINES_N2 – Index Name
    But still the index is not getting picked up in the Explain Plan.
    If any one of you have faced a similar issue then please let us know how you had resolved it.
    Appreciate your help.
    DB version:
    Apps version:

    The query and plan are given as:
    fl.segment1 || '-' || fl.segment2 || '-' || fl.segment3 || '-' || fl.segment4 current_loc,
    || '-'
    || NVL (ship_to.state, ship_to.province)
    || '-'
    || DECODE (ship_to.county,
    || DECODE (,
    '-' ||
    ) new_loc,
    DECODE (mil.segment1,
    || '-'
    || DECODE (mil.segment1,
    UPPER ('Field%'), NULL,
    || '-'
    || DECODE (mil.segment1,
    UPPER ('Field%'), NULL,
    || '-'
    || DECODE (mil.segment1,
    UPPER ('Field%'), NULL,
    ) rma_loc,
    ship_su.attribute1 oper_loc,
    msib.organization_id --SC#5878
    ,fa.asset_number --SC#5878
    ,fdh.code_combination_id --SC#5878
    ,fa.asset_id parent_asset_id
    FROM fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv,
    fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,
    mtl_item_locations mil,
    --hr_organization_units_v hou,
    hr_organization_units o,
    -- hr_lookups l,
    -- hr_lookups l2,
    hr_locations hou,
    hr_locations_all_tl lot,
    mtl_transaction_types mtt,
    mtl_material_transactions mmt,
    hz_locations ship_to,
    hz_cust_acct_sites ship_cas,
    hz_cust_site_uses ship_su,
    hz_party_sites ship_ps,
    fa_distribution_history fdh,
    fa_locations fl,
    fa_additions fa,
    mtl_system_items_b msib,
    oe_transaction_types_tl ttv,
    oe_order_headers oh,
    oe_order_lines ol
    WHERE ol.org_id = TO_NUMBER (fnd_profile.VALUE ('ORG_ID')) --SC#5878
    AND ol.flow_status_code = 'CLOSED'
    AND TRUNC(ol.last_update_date) BETWEEN '01-SEP-2010' AND '31-OCT-2010'
    AND ol.header_id = oh.header_id
    AND ol.line_type_id = ttv.transaction_type_id
    AND ol.inventory_item_id = msib.inventory_item_id
    AND ol.ship_from_org_id = msib.organization_id
    AND msib.item_type = 'REN'
    AND SUBSTR(fa.asset_number,1,DECODE(INSTR(fa.asset_number,'-'),0,LENGTH(fa.asset_number),INSTR(fa.asset_number,'-')-1)) = msib.segment1 -- SC#11824 / added for fetching all assets with any suffix/ on 20-JUL-2011 by MPRAKAS
    AND fdh.asset_id(+) = fa.asset_id
    AND fdh.location_id = fl.location_id(+)
    AND fdh.date_ineffective IS NULL
    AND ol.ship_to_org_id = ship_su.site_use_id
    AND ship_su.cust_acct_site_id = ship_cas.cust_acct_site_id
    AND ship_cas.party_site_id = ship_ps.party_site_id
    AND ship_ps.location_id = ship_to.location_id
    AND mmt.inventory_item_id = ol.inventory_item_id --added new condition
    AND mmt.organization_id = ol.ship_from_org_id --added new condition
    AND mmt.trx_source_line_id = ol.line_id
    AND mmt.transaction_quantity > 0
    AND mmt.transaction_type_id = mtt.transaction_type_id(+)
    AND mtt.transaction_type_name(+) = 'RMA Receipt'
    AND o.organization_id(+) = mmt.organization_id
    AND mil.inventory_location_id(+) = mmt.locator_id
    AND ffvs.flex_value_set_name = 'HCCA_AFF_LOCATION' --added new condition
    AND ffvv.flex_value_set_id = ffvs.flex_value_set_id(+)
    AND ffvv.flex_value(+) = ship_su.attribute1
    AND ttv.LANGUAGE = 'US'
    AND (ol.ordered_item_id IS NULL OR ol.ordered_item_id > 0)
    AND NVL (ol.ship_to_org_id, 1) > 0
    AND NVL (hou.location_id, 1) > 0
    AND o.location_id = hou.location_id(+)
    AND NVL (hou.business_group_id, NVL (hr_general.get_business_group_id, -99)) = NVL (hr_general.get_business_group_id, -99)
    AND hou.location_id = lot.location_id
    AND (fa.asset_id = fa.parent_asset_id OR fa.parent_asset_id IS NULL)
    SELECT STATEMENT ALL_ROWSCost: 4,065 Bytes: 958 Cardinality: 2                                                                                                                                   
         125 CONCATENATION                                                                                                                              
              62 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 3,140 Bytes: 479 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                                         
                   59 FILTER                                                                                                                    
                        58 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 3,139 Bytes: 441 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                               
                             55 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 3,131 Bytes: 420 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                          
                                  52 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 3,130 Bytes: 390 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                     
                                       49 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 3,128 Bytes: 377 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                
                                            46 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 3,127 Bytes: 351 Cardinality: 1                                                                                           
                                                 44 HASH JOIN Cost: 3,126 Bytes: 342 Cardinality: 1                                                                                      
                                                      42 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,443 Bytes: 324 Cardinality: 1                                                                                 
                                                           40 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,443 Bytes: 315 Cardinality: 1                                                                            
                                                                38 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,443 Bytes: 306 Cardinality: 1                                                                       
                                                                     36 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,443 Bytes: 298 Cardinality: 1                                                                  
                                                                          33 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,442 Bytes: 268 Cardinality: 1                                                             
                                                                               31 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,441 Bytes: 259 Cardinality: 1                                                        
                                                                                    28 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,438 Bytes: 238 Cardinality: 1                                                   
                                                                                         25 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,437 Bytes: 207 Cardinality: 1                                              
                                                                                              22 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,436 Bytes: 194 Cardinality: 1                                         
                                                                                                   19 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,435 Bytes: 184 Cardinality: 1                                    
                                                                                                        16 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,433 Bytes: 168 Cardinality: 1                               
                                                                                                             13 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,432 Bytes: 154 Cardinality: 1                          
                                                                                                                  10 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,430 Bytes: 126 Cardinality: 1                     
                                                                                                                       7 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 2,427 Bytes: 102 Cardinality: 1                
                                                                                                                            4 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 779 Bytes: 34,028 Cardinality: 724           
                                                                                                                                 2 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS Cost: 2 Bytes: 28 Cardinality: 1      
                                                                                                                                      1 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS_U2 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                                                                 3 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE AR.HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL Cost: 777 Bytes: 13,756 Cardinality: 724      
                                                                                                                            6 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE ONT.OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL Cost: 3 Bytes: 55 Cardinality: 1           
                                                                                                                                 5 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX ONT.OE_ORDER_LINES_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 1      
                                                                                                                       9 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS Cost: 3 Bytes: 24 Cardinality: 1                
                                                                                                                            8 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_N1 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 1           
                                                                                                                  12 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Cost: 2 Bytes: 28 Cardinality: 1                     
                                                                                                                       11 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) INV.MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                
                                                                                                             15 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL Cost: 1 Bytes: 14 Cardinality: 1                          
                                                                                                                  14 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                     
                                                                                                        18 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE ONT.OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL Cost: 2 Bytes: 16 Cardinality: 1                               
                                                                                                             17 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) ONT.OE_ORDER_HEADERS_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                          
                                                                                                   21 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_PARTY_SITES Cost: 1 Bytes: 10 Cardinality: 1                                    
                                                                                                        20 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_PARTY_SITES_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                               
                                                                                              24 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE HR.HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Cost: 1 Bytes: 13 Cardinality: 1                                         
                                                                                                   23 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_PK Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                    
                                                                                         27 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE ONT.OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL Cost: 1 Bytes: 31 Cardinality: 1                                              
                                                                                              26 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) ONT.OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                         
                                                                                    30 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUES Cost: 3 Bytes: 21 Cardinality: 1                                                   
                                                                                         29 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUES_N1 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 1                                              
                                                                               32 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL_U1 Cost: 1 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                                                        
                                                                          35 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE HR.HR_LOCATIONS_ALL Cost: 1 Bytes: 30 Cardinality: 1                                                             
                                                                               34 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_LOCATIONS_PK Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                        
                                                                     37 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNTS_TL_PK Cost: 0 Bytes: 8 Cardinality: 1                                                                  
                                                                39 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK Cost: 0 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                                                                       
                                                           41 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK Cost: 0 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                                                                            
                                                      43 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE FA.FA_ADDITIONS_B Cost: 683 Bytes: 670,734 Cardinality: 37,263                                                                                 
                                                 45 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) FA.FA_ADDITIONS_TL_U1 Cost: 1 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                                                                                      
                                            48 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES Cost: 1 Bytes: 26 Cardinality: 1                                                                                           
                                                 47 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) INV.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                                                      
                                       51 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS Cost: 2 Bytes: 13 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                
                                            50 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) INV.MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                                                                                           
                                  54 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_LOCATIONS Cost: 1 Bytes: 30 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                     
                                       53 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_LOCATIONS_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                
                             57 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE FA.FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Cost: 8 Bytes: 126 Cardinality: 6                                                                                                          
                                  56 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX FA.FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 6                                                                                                     
                   61 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE FA.FA_LOCATIONS Cost: 1 Bytes: 38 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                                    
                        60 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) FA.FA_LOCATIONS_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                               
              124 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 925 Bytes: 479 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                                         
                   121 FILTER                                                                                                                    
                        120 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 924 Bytes: 441 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                               
                             117 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 916 Bytes: 420 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                          
                                  115 HASH JOIN Cost: 915 Bytes: 411 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                     
                                       113 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 231 Bytes: 393 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                
                                            110 NESTED LOOPS OUTER Cost: 229 Bytes: 380 Cardinality: 1                                                                                           
                                                 107 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 228 Bytes: 354 Cardinality: 1                                                                                      
                                                      104 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 225 Bytes: 330 Cardinality: 1                                                                                 
                                                           102 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 224 Bytes: 321 Cardinality: 1                                                                            
                                                                99 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 222 Bytes: 293 Cardinality: 1                                                                       
                                                                     96 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 221 Bytes: 263 Cardinality: 1                                                                  
                                                                          93 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 220 Bytes: 253 Cardinality: 1                                                             
                                                                               90 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 218 Bytes: 237 Cardinality: 1                                                        
                                                                                    87 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 217 Bytes: 223 Cardinality: 1                                                   
                                                                                         84 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 216 Bytes: 192 Cardinality: 1                                              
                                                                                              81 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 210 Bytes: 137 Cardinality: 1                                         
                                                                                                   78 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 28 Bytes: 118 Cardinality: 1                                    
                                                                                                        75 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 22 Bytes: 97 Cardinality: 1                               
                                                                                                             73 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 22 Bytes: 88 Cardinality: 1                          
                                                                                                                  71 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 22 Bytes: 79 Cardinality: 1                     
                                                                                                                       69 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 22 Bytes: 71 Cardinality: 1                
                                                                                                                            66 NESTED LOOPS Cost: 19 Bytes: 58 Cardinality: 1           
                                                                                                                                 64 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS Cost: 2 Bytes: 28 Cardinality: 1      
                                                                                                                                      63 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUE_SETS_U2 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1
                                                                                                                                 65 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE HR.HR_LOCATIONS_ALL Cost: 17 Bytes: 30 Cardinality: 1      
                                                                                                                            68 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE HR.HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNITS Cost: 3 Bytes: 13 Cardinality: 1           
                                                                                                                                 67 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX HR.HR_ORGANIZATION_UNITS_FK3 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 5      
                                                                                                                       70 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_ALL_ORGANIZATION_UNTS_TL_PK Cost: 0 Bytes: 8 Cardinality: 1                
                                                                                                                  72 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK Cost: 0 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                     
                                                                                                             74 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) HR.HR_LOCATIONS_ALL_TL_PK Cost: 0 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                          
                                                                                                        77 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUES Cost: 6 Bytes: 2,667 Cardinality: 127                               
                                                                                                             76 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUES_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 127                          
                                                                                                   80 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL Cost: 182 Bytes: 19 Cardinality: 1                                    
                                                                                                        79 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX APPS.HCCA_HZ_CUST_SITE_USES_ALL_N1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 489                               
                                                                                              83 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE ONT.OE_ORDER_LINES_ALL Cost: 6 Bytes: 55 Cardinality: 1                                         
                                                                                                   82 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX ONT.OE_ORDER_LINES_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 4                                    
                                                                                         86 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE ONT.OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL Cost: 1 Bytes: 31 Cardinality: 1                                              
                                                                                              85 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) ONT.OE_TRANSACTION_TYPES_TL_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                         
                                                                                    89 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_ALL Cost: 1 Bytes: 14 Cardinality: 1                                                   
                                                                                         88 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_CUST_ACCT_SITES_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                              
                                                                               92 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE ONT.OE_ORDER_HEADERS_ALL Cost: 2 Bytes: 16 Cardinality: 1                                                        
                                                                                    91 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) ONT.OE_ORDER_HEADERS_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                                                   
                                                                          95 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_PARTY_SITES Cost: 1 Bytes: 10 Cardinality: 1                                                             
                                                                               94 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_PARTY_SITES_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                        
                                                                     98 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE AR.HZ_LOCATIONS Cost: 1 Bytes: 30 Cardinality: 1                                                                  
                                                                          97 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) AR.HZ_LOCATIONS_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                             
                                                                101 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B Cost: 2 Bytes: 28 Cardinality: 1                                                                       
                                                                     100 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) INV.MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                                                                  
                                                           103 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) APPLSYS.FND_FLEX_VALUES_TL_U1 Cost: 1 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                                                                            
                                                      106 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS Cost: 3 Bytes: 24 Cardinality: 1                                                                                 
                                                           105 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX INV.MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_N1 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 1                                                                            
                                                 109 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES Cost: 1 Bytes: 26 Cardinality: 1                                                                                      
                                                      108 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) INV.MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1                                                                                 
                                            112 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE INV.MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS Cost: 2 Bytes: 13 Cardinality: 1                                                                                           
                                                 111 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) INV.MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS_U1 Cost: 1 Cardinality: 1                                                                                      
                                       114 TABLE ACCESS FULL TABLE FA.FA_ADDITIONS_B Cost: 683 Bytes: 670,734 Cardinality: 37,263                                                                                                
                                  116 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) FA.FA_ADDITIONS_TL_U1 Cost: 1 Bytes: 9 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                     
                             119 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE FA.FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY Cost: 8 Bytes: 126 Cardinality: 6                                                                                                          
                                  118 INDEX RANGE SCAN INDEX FA.FA_DISTRIBUTION_HISTORY_N2 Cost: 2 Cardinality: 6                                                                                                     
                   123 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID TABLE FA.FA_LOCATIONS Cost: 1 Bytes: 38 Cardinality: 1                                                                                                                    
                        122 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN INDEX (UNIQUE) FA.FA_LOCATIONS_U1 Cost: 0 Cardinality: 1

  • INR format while printing the check

    am printing the check every thing fine.
    but on check the amount is coming us language mean millions and billions.
    but i want lakhs and rupees mean print 'Ten Lakhs Rupees' not 'One million rupees"
    If knows any one how to change that please explain
    Thanks in advance

    You need to make the necessary changes in the Check Printing Form which is attached to the payment method in company code in FBZP settings,
    Make the necessary changes along with ur abap consultant.
    Hope this clarifies. ASsign points if helpful

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    Resource 'view/Master.view.xml' is out of synch with the server; reloading will overwrite your changes.

    I had experienced same error sometime back. I cleared browser cookies and caches then dont see it now.
    Hope you are testing it on CHROME.

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    I'm trying to add the CD Ben Howard - I Forgot Where We Were to iTunes but I keep getting
    Error Occurred While Converting the file "Track Name". An Unknown Error Occurred (-50).
    Could someone please help?

    Importing problems have been rife in the recent iTunes release.
    Not sure how to solve your problem, but until a solution comes along feel free to rip in another program, such as Windows Media Player, and add the resulting MP3s to your iTunes library.

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    I get an error message while converting the file. you do not have the privilege to make changes. I get this message when I try to import a music CD

    Hey amba1015,
    I found an article that talks about similar error messages in relation to importing an audio CD. Check out the recommended troubleshooting steps in here to see if they help:
    Trouble adding music to iTunes library or importing audio CD
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a good one,

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    Ever since I downloaded Itunes 11 I have not been able to add new CDs to my library.  I keep getting this message: Error occured while converting the file "..." An uknown error occured (-69).

    Did you already try to restore your device? Restoring iPod to factory settings
    Other solutions for this errror are mentioned here: iTunes: Error 13019 during sync

  • I keep getting this window that pops up while surfing Drudge, File not found, Firefox can't find the file at /C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/D èÎß&̪H¿MH¿%1BnàŽ–âPÕ"6´6-%06%1B%0FÜ- ¢Oóü&Ùß%03[Ò–‚Ø%­%1C#%17E±MgÓ˜Û%04goS£‡Å-ovûU%08êïǁÔý„€ÙØ–!gäø½.

    I keep getting this annoying window that pops up while surfing Drudge:
    File not found
    Firefox can't find the file at /C:/Program Files/Mozilla Firefox/D>èÎß&̪H¿MH¿%1BnàŽ–âPÕ”6´6—%06%1B%0FÜ… ¢Oóü&Ùß%03[Ò–‚Ø%­%1C#%17E±MgÓ˜Û%04goS£‡Å…ovûU%08êïǁÔý„€®ÙØ–!gäø½.
    Check the file name for capitalization or other typing errors.
    Check to see if the file was moved, renamed or deleted.
    Do you have any idea how to get rid of this annoying pop-up? I searched for that file name on Google, but nothing came up.
    This only started happening after the Scareware program, Open Cloud Security, infected my computer a few days ago. My wife got into my registry to remove Open Cloud, but now I am left with this annoying Firefox problem. I have to close the annoying window TWICE to get back to Drudge.
    This happens 6 times per hour.

  • I can't get music to transfer from cd to iTunes.  Error occurred while converting the file.  You do not have the privilege to make changes.

    "Error occured while converting the file.  You do not have the privilege to make changes.  27" iMac 2013 late model   

    Hey amba1015,
    I found an article that talks about similar error messages in relation to importing an audio CD. Check out the recommended troubleshooting steps in here to see if they help:
    Trouble adding music to iTunes library or importing audio CD
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a good one,

  • Getting 'Out of memory' error while opening the file. I have tried several versions of Adobe 7.0,9.0,X1. It is creating issue to convert PDF into TIFF. Please provide the solution ASAP

    Hello All,
    I am getting 'Out of memory' error while opening the file. I have tried several versions of Adobe 7.0,9.0,X1.
    Also, it is creating issue to convert PDF into TIFF. Please provide the solution ASAP.

    I am using Adobe reader XI. When i open PDF it gives "OUT of memory" error after scrolling PDF gives another alert "Insufficient data for an image". after clicking both alerts it loads full data of PDF. It is not happening with all PDFs. couple of PDFs are facing this issue. Because of this error my software is not able to print these PDFS into TIFF. My OS in window7*64. I tried it on win2012R2 and XP. Same issue is generating there.
    It has become critical issue for my production.

  • The Cluster Service function call 'ClusterResourceControl' failed with error code '1008(An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.)' while verifying the file path. Verify that your failover cluster is configured properly.

    I am experiencing this error with one of our cluster environment. Can anyone help me in this issue.
    The Cluster Service function call 'ClusterResourceControl' failed with error code '1008(An attempt was made to reference a token that does not exist.)' while verifying the file path. Verify that your failover cluster is configured properly.
    Venu S.
    Venugopal S ----------------------------------------------------------- Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem!

    Hi Venu S,
    Based on my research, you might encounter a known issue, please try the hotfix in this KB:
    Meanwhile since there is less information about this issue, before further investigation, please provide us the following information:
    The version of Windows Server you are using
    The result of SELECT @@VERSION
    The scenario when you get this error
    If anything is unclear, please let me know.
    Tom Li

  • Error occurred while converting the file "". You do not have the privilege

    I have recently bought a new MacBook Pro and it's my first mac ever. I have imported all my songs into itunes from an external hard drive where i would keep all my music and video's. I went ahead and added it to my mac and everything plays and works fine but whenever i try to import a cd i get this message Error occurred while converting the file "(Song Title)". You do not have the privilege to make changes." I tried changing the sharing and permission settings on the drive but it won't let me so i have no idea on what to do next. Any help is appreciated!

    Hey amba1015,
    I found an article that talks about similar error messages in relation to importing an audio CD. Check out the recommended troubleshooting steps in here to see if they help:
    Trouble adding music to iTunes library or importing audio CD
    Welcome to Apple Support Communities!
    Have a good one,

  • I am getting some errors while distilling the post script file.

    I am getting some errors while distilling the post script file. please check and suggest me, how to control this?
    <PDFX ISO="15930-1:2001" COMPLIANT="true">
    PDF/X Compliance Report
    1.  Summary
       Warnings: The total found in this document was 0.
       Violations: The total found in this document was 0.
       No problems were found in the document.
       This document passes PDF/X-1a:2001 compliance checks.

    @Jack – you were using a joboptions file by Distiller to convert a PostScript file to a PDF/X-1a.
    What you get is no error message, just a report, that everything went ok. And in this case I cannot see any advantage using PDF Export for printing to PostScript/distilling to PDF. Ok, maybe one, CS5 and above would export in a background process.
    To prevent InDesign flattening transparency, you could use PDF/X-4 as your export setting. You cannot use writing to PostScript for that task.
    Check including tags for tagged export to prevent misalignment of text because of a strange bug with PDF Export when you are using 9pt text on 12pt leading or text with a ratio of 9/12 for point size and leading in multicolumn text frames.

  • On my old iTunes sofwear iTune store would not open. I uninstalled iTunes and downloaded the new updates and installed it. Now I get a message that said " The file iTunes Libary.itl" cannot be read becouse it was created by a newer version of iTunes.

    On my old iTunes sofwear iTune store would not open. I uninstalled iTunes and downloaded the new updates and installed it. Now I get a message that said " The file iTunes Libary.itl" cannot be read becouse it was created by a newer version of iTunes.I did everything it said to do inarticle HT1923 Removing and reinstalling iTunes, Quick Time, and other sofware components for Windows Vista or Windows 7. Now what?

    Unless you've recently attempted to downgrade iTunes this is probably a sign of a corrupt library file. See Empty/corrupt library after upgrade/crash.

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