Not good quality when keyed over video

When I import a LT project into my PAL Anamorhpic project in FCP and place it in V2 over my video, the aliasing is terrible and even when rendered looks like bad resolution!!!
I am obviously doing something basic wrong ? Any ideas ??

First make sure your LT project properties match your sequence settings in FCP
Then here's a stock Answer about images
Shane's Stock Answer #2: Blurry playback
The Canvas shows you what happens after the codec you are working with has been applied. The Viewer shows you the material in its native format.
1. Disable overlays on the Canvas.
2. Make sure you've rendered everything (no green bars at the top of the timeline).
Video playback requires large amounts of data and many computations. In order to maintain frame rate and be viewable at a normal size, only about one-fourth of the DV data is used in displaying the movie to the screen. However, the DV footage is still at full quality, and is best viewed thru a TV or broadcast monitor routed thru your camera or deck.

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    If you export to QuickTime Movie and UNcheck the "Make Movie Self-Contained" option, what you get is a very small QT file called a QT Reference Movie. (All it really contains are pointers to your FCE Project File + your source media files.) As long as FCE and iDVD (or DVD Studio Pro) are on the same computer, that's all you need. It's a real time & space saver.
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    To move an iPhoto Library to a new machine:
    Link the two Macs together: there are several ways to do this: Wireless Network,Firewire Target Disk Mode, Ethernet, or even just copy the Library to an external HD and then on to the new machine...
    But however you do choose to link the two machines...
    Simply copy the iPhoto Library from the Pictures Folder on the old Machine to the Pictures Folder on the new Machine.
    Then hold down the option (or alt) key key and launch iPhoto. From the resulting menu select 'Choose Library'
    and select the Library that you moved.  That's it.
    This moves photos, events, albums, books, keywords, slideshows and everything else.
    Your first option didn't work because you imported one Library to another. Every version and thumbnail is imported like a distinct photo, you lose all your Albums, Keywords etc., the link between Original and Previews is destroyed, the non-destructive editing feature is ruined and so on. In summary: it's mess.
    Your second option didn't work because you simply referenced her library on the old machine.

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    1.Update your Graphics card driver. Visit the website of the Graphics card manufacturer to download and install the latest driver.
    2. Ensure that your windows 8.1 updates to latest.
    3. Update BIOS and chipset driver.For this visit the website of your system manufacturer.
    S.Sengupta, Windows Entertainment and Connected Home MVP

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    With all the apps at your disposal, that is a long way around. Granted it is hard to not loose quality/data when scaling. But it makes sense to create the document to your liking, then create a new document that is 8.5" x 11" and place the original into it. Then using guides or alignment tools, duplicate that image.
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    Luckily you have multiple programs that can accomplish this. Some are easier than others, some are more robust than others, etc. In the end it is what you are familar with and how much time you can spend on learning while getting the job done.
    Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign are all your go to programs from creating anything for print and they can be used for other media as well. But that is their strong suite, print.
    All three apps have their own dedicated forum on this site, so go ahead and mark them as your favorites as your questions for each need to be in their respective place.

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    Create your favicon at 32 pixels by 32 pixels in size saved as PNG.
    Separately, avoid resizing your images slightly in Muse. For example the image on your home page is 814x251 but it's sized on the Home page to be 810x250. When Muse sees an images that's very nearly the exact size it's used on your webpage, Muse won't resample the image. Instead it will just pass it through unaltered. However, if the image is slightly smaller in the browser, the browser will have to resize the image and this type of slight resizing (whether done by Muse or the visitor's browser) will soften your images.
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    Thank you for your helpful answer.   Regarding frame view, I found the  options you indicated.  However, I think my issue has more to do with  "timeline view" if you will.   For example, in Final Cut, you could  press "option +" several times to "lengthen" the timeline which in turn  would "stretch" out each frame to an extent necessary to make really  precise edits on a minutia scale.  Then in order to "compress" it so you  could see the entire timeline on the computer screen, pressing "option  -" several times would bring it back down to that size which was handy  for seeing exactly where all your other effects on other timelines were  arranged.  Does that make sense?  Is there a way to do that in PE 11?    It's zooming in and  out of the timeline essentially in order to see  more of the detail while editing. 
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  • How Do I Change Video Output Quality When Capturing .DV Video From Camera?

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    Thank you!

    The PRE workflow is (1) Create your project (2) import your assets (3) sequence and edit your assets (4) create your menus (5) share your project.
    The quality of intended output has no effect on your project settings which should match your source footage. Done this way optimises PRE's performance - as it can internally process far more effectively when matched to a 'native' format.
    For standard definition the ideal format for PRE is DV-AVI Type 2. This is almost lossless and operates at around 13GB per hour.
    Compression to an output format (e.g. DVD, or an iPod, or viewing online) is managed through the share process.
    You could:
    Import your footage - e.g AVCHD, HDV, DV-AVI, VOB
    Share it to a compressed format - e.g. MP4
    Delete the original capture source (in Step 1)
    Work in a new project using the compressed output (in step 2).
    But if you do this your final output quality will be lessened through working with a compressed original that you will then compress again. I can't see what you feel you will gain by this - disk space is so cheap now why wouldn't you want to give yourself the best quality source to work with.
    Note that once you are finished with a project you can archive it off to free up your disk space.
    Insanity is hereditary, you get it from your children

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    To help explain this, I recorded a demonstration and uploaded it to YouTube.
    As you can see, I can hold a note on my MIDI keyboard and the note plays fully. But when I press play (or record) it plays a repeated note over and over, when I hold the key.
    As it only seems to affect this project, I tried looking in the Project settings, but I've not found a fix yet. It may be something simple that I'm just missing, I've been using Logic for almost a year but every now and then I still forget things!
    Any help would be great.

    The Environment can be a bit daunting to look at... but it's very very powerful and... (excuse the shameless plug) but if you want to understand more about the Environment and how to control it better check out the relevant videos over at
    The TNT series 1 through 3 are excellent to create some pretty cool things...
    Also, I'd recommend creating an on/off switch for all your Arpegiator based environments... works a treat

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    Thanks, I hope to have this resolved soon.

    Actually yes!
    I'm not familiar with fuse, but I found the action in line one of your third frame (on the main timeline) dubious, and a quick search lead me to try "portfolio._brightness = 0;" as first line (and I commented out the original line) that worked.
    My quess is that whatever template or original file you've been modifing/adjusting used some kind of color-fade in at that point, and you somehow broke it.
    To me it looks ok without it, but you let me know if you need further guesswork from me.

  • Very poor quality when importing a video done with CAMSTUDIO

    I am using a video done in camstudio. THe source video is perfect, very sharp all excellent.
    when i bring it into Priemiere CS4, the quality ebcomes horrible making it almost unviewable (for annoying)
    you cans ee here the final result (horrible)
    while the original result was awesome....
    The video captures in Camstudio was full screen, the Premiere Settings where set at DV, Widescreen...but trying other settings didn't help either
    Some help please
    thank you

    What frame rate did you use for the screen cap?
    What frame rate did you use to process the .camrec files?
    What format and codec did you use to process the .camrec files?
    Do you need to show the whole screen for the whole video?  If so, you need a Pr sequence that matches the frame size of your screen cap.  If you want to zoom in to highlight certain areas of the screen, then you need a smaller frame size for your Pr sequence, but it still should have the same aspect ratio of the original capture.
    Finally, your screen cap is progressive.  Make sure your Pr sequence is set to No Fields.

  • HELP!! i cant export my movie and keep good quality when I put it on youtub

    On my final cut express, the movie looks great, Great quality and great sound. But when I export it, it loses so much quality, and looks terrible online. I know you should lose some quilty, but this is more then some, it looks bad.
    Ive tried so many different ways to export it. Its only a 4 min music video, and youtube and myspace allow up to a gig. I don’t under stand it help!!
    If u want to see what im talking about go to

    File>Export>Using QuickTime Conversion.
    Change the "Default Settings" to "Broadband High" from the dropdown menu and click Save.
    PS. The link you gave seemed reasonably OK for an internet video.
    Message was edited by: Ian R. Brown

  • My pictures are good quality when I take them with my iPhone 4 camera bit when I send them via mms or post on Facebook they loose a lot of quality. How can I fix this problem?

    When I take photos whit my IPhone 4 camera the pictures look great but recently when I send pictures to friends or try posting them on Facebook the photos loose their quality dramatically and the ones that I sent all look blurry and bad compared tothe original. Please somebody help! I always take pictures with my iPhone and send or post them and this problem is restricting me a lit. Thanks for your help :)

    when I could open iPhoto the library had tripled... photos from years ago from my iPhone and iPhoto had somehow come back onto it (even though I deleted them), the "faces" files had turned into their own photos, photos tripled (some smaller versions some bigger), and loads of random clip art and images I had never seen was on it. There was over 40,000 photos. It was so weird
    Nothing weird. That happens when you import one iPhoto Library into another. Every version and thumbnail is imported like a distinct photo, you lose all your Albums, Keywords etc., the link between Original and Previews is destroyed, the non-destructive editing feature is ruined and so on. In summary: it's mess.
    As for deletions:
    Drag the image from the Event to the iPhoto Trash. Empty it. Then Empty the System Trash. That removes it from the hard disk.
    If that has failed in the past it was due to the Library being corrupted.
    Hello from Clare.

  • Iphoto .MOV issue - "a necessary data reference could not be resolved" when opening certain videos

    I have recently perchaced a brand new Mac Book Pro. The apple store very kindly tranfered everything from my old Mac Book to my new Mac Book Pro. I keep my iphoto library on and external hardrive, which seems to be working fine since I moved everything. BUT..."some' movies won't play from my iphoto library and a window appears saying "a necessary data reference could not be resolved". I can find these videos when I search for them in finder manually (I backed everything up before I transfered everything into a file called TEMP VIDEOS), but why can't my iphoto application find them, like it used still still should right!? Very frustrating.
    Please help..

    Actually this happened to me today and although it would not let me play the file it allowed me to use that same file i had exported from iphotos but could not play and then it allowed me to open it in imovie (you can go to import and then get it from the desktop or wherever) although I made a couple of changes to it the main thing is once you drag it into the space to begin a new project you can then right click and select open in finder and that file actually plays......if its cause i made some changes to it i.e trimmed it slightly then its worth doing so.

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