NullPointerException debugging help

I need to know why I'm getting a NullPointerException during the buildSchedule method of my model; I'm building an agent-based model, and I have no idea why this is happening. I'm including the two classes that are giving me problems:
Here is
public class Surfer implements Drawable {
     //class variables
     public static int                   surfer;
     public static int                   swimmer;
     public static int                   empty;
     public static int                          nextID = 0; // to give each an ID
     public static Object2DTorus          world;  // where the surfers live
     public Vector                       surferNeighbors;
     public Vector                       emptyNeighbors;
     public Vector                       vector;
     //instance variables
     int     ID;
     int x, y;
     // the Surfer constructor
     public Surfer ( ) {
          ID = nextID++;
          x = 0;
          y = 0;
          surferNeighbors = new Vector();
          emptyNeighbors = new Vector();
     public void step () {          
          int moved = 0; // Has not yet moved this step
          int totalSurferNeighbors = surferNeighbors.size();
          int totalEmptyNeighbors = emptyNeighbors.size();
          double happyRatio = (totalSurferNeighbors + totalEmptyNeighbors)/8.00;
          vector = world.getMooreNeighbors(x, y, false);
          for ( int i = 0; i < vector.size(); i++ ){
               Object o = vector.get(i);
               if (o instanceof Surfer)
               System.out.printf("==> surfers getting added to list now");
               //     if ( vector.elementAt( i ) == null )
                    //          Surfer aSurfer = new Surfer();
               //          emptyNeighbors.add( aSurfer );//FIX ME LATER
          //Is the Surfer happy? ( >= 33% similarity)
          //Empty and similar count as happy; dissimilar counts as unhappy;
          if ( happyRatio > 0.34  == true ) {//The Surfer is happy; they end their move
               System.out.printf("    -- is happy right here!");
          // Otherwise, the Surfer is unhappy; they seek to move
          int maxTries = 50;  // P tries only 50 times to place itself
          int tries = 0;  // P begins its count at zero
          int newX, newY;  //
          //  P now begins to move square by square to find a spot
          do {
               newX = x + Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo( -1, 1 );
              newY = y + Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo( -1, 1 );
               ++tries;  //  P tries again and again to find a spot
          } while (  world.getObjectAt( newX, newY ) != null && tries <= maxTries );
          // P tries to move from where she was to where she wants to be
          if (  world.getObjectAt( newX, newY ) == null ) {  // Square is empty!
               world.putObjectAt( x, y, null );          // Make that cell empty
               world.putObjectAt( newX, newY, this );  // P moves to new home
               x = SimUtilities.norm( newX, world.getSizeX() ); // normalize for
               y = SimUtilities.norm( newY, world.getSizeY() ); //    torus
               System.out.printf( "    -- moved to new x,y=%d,%d.\n", x, y );
          else {
               System.out.printf( "    -- couldn't find a place to move! tries=%d\n",
     // setters and getters
     public void setID(int i) {     
          ID = i;
     public int getID() {
          return ID;
     // This class method sets the class variables
     public static void setWorld( Object2DTorus world ) {
          world = world;
     public int getX() { return x; }
     public void setX( int i ) { x = i; }
     public int getY() { return y; }
     public void setY( int i ) { y = i; }
     // The Surfer needs to be able to draw itself.  As a result,
     // I use the Drawable method to let the Surfers make themselves
     // visible on the GUI.  That bit is found at the very top.
    public void draw( SimGraphics g ) {
          g.drawFastRoundRect( );
}And the overarching
public class Model extends SimModelImpl {
     //instance variables
     private int                     numSurfers = 0;
     private int                     numSwimmers =0;
     private ArrayList                   surferList = new ArrayList ();
     private ArrayList               swimmerList = new ArrayList ();
     private ArrayList               allList = new ArrayList ();
         private Schedule               schedule;
         private int                      sizeX = 8, sizeY = 8; // integer size of the world
          private Object2DTorus         world;                    // RePast version of Torus
         private Object2DDisplay       worldDisplay;           // Makes the display 2D
         private DisplaySurface           dsurf;                     // Displays the surface
     public static void main(String[] args) { // Here's where the Model starts.
         System.out.printf( "==> enter main..." );
          uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit init = new uchicago.src.sim.engine.SimInit ();
          Model model = new Model ();
          // Is there any portion of the model that is incomplete?
          if (args.length > 0)
               init.loadModel (model, args[0], false);
               init.loadModel (model, null, false);
          System.out.printf( "<== main done." );
    // constructor
     public Model () {
          System.out.printf( "==> Model constructor...\n" );
     public void setup () {
          System.out.printf( "==> setup...\n" );
          schedule = null;
          System.gc ();
          // default System.out and .err to terminal window especially for Windows.
          // Used when on a Windows machine to send output to a separate text file.
          // If on a Windows machine, uncomment and set to "true".
          //AbstractGUIController.CONSOLE_ERR = false; 
          //AbstractGUIController.CONSOLE_OUT = false;
          schedule = new Schedule (1);
          numSwimmers = 20;
          numSurfers = 20;
          swimmerList = new ArrayList ();
          surferList = new ArrayList ();
          sizeX = 8;  sizeY = 8;  // Traditional world size.
          // set up the display surface, linking it to this (Model)
          if ( dsurf != null )
          dsurf = new DisplaySurface( this, "Player Display" );
          registerDisplaySurface( "Main Display", dsurf );
          System.out.printf( "<== setup done.\n" );
     public void begin () {
          System.out.printf( "==> begin...\n" );
          buildModel ();
          buildDisplay ();
          buildSchedule ();
          System.out.printf( "==> begin about to display dsurf...\n" );
          System.out.printf( "<== begin done.\n" );
     private void buildModel () {
          System.out.printf( "==> buildModel...\n" );
          // create a uniform random variate generator.
          // create the 2D world, tell the Surfer and Swimmer classes about it.
          world = new Object2DTorus( sizeX, sizeY );
          Surfer.setWorld( world );
          Swimmer.setWorld( world );
          // create Swimmers and Surfers, place them at random in the 2D world.
          // note only one Agent per cell!
          Surfer aSurfer;
          Swimmer aSwimmer;
          int randomX, randomY;
          for ( int i = 0; i < numSurfers; i++ ) {
               aSurfer = new Surfer();
               surferList.add( aSurfer );
               allList.add( aSurfer );
               // Tells Surfers to find new places
               do {
                    randomX =  Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo( 0, world.getSizeX () - 1 );
                   randomY =  Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo( 0, world.getSizeY () - 1 );
               } while ( world.getObjectAt( randomX, randomY ) != null );
               world.putObjectAt( randomX, randomY, aSurfer );
               aSurfer.setX( randomX );
               aSurfer.setY( randomY );
               int asurferID = aSurfer.getID();
               System.out.printf( "    - created surfer with ID=%d placed at x,y=%d,%d.\n",
                                      asurferID, aSurfer.getX(), aSurfer.getY() );
          for ( int i = 0; i < numSwimmers; i++ ) {
               aSwimmer = new Swimmer();
               swimmerList.add( aSwimmer );
               allList.add( aSwimmer );
               // Tells Swimmers to find new places
               do {
                    randomX =  Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo( 0, world.getSizeX () - 1 );
                   randomY =  Random.uniform.nextIntFromTo( 0, world.getSizeY () - 1 );
               } while ( world.getObjectAt( randomX, randomY ) != null );
               world.putObjectAt( randomX, randomY, aSwimmer );
               aSwimmer.setX( randomX );
               aSwimmer.setY( randomY );
               int aswimmerID = aSwimmer.getID();
               System.out.printf( "    - created swimmer with ID=%d placed at x,y=%d,%d.\n",
                                      aswimmerID, aSwimmer.getX(), aSwimmer.getY() );
          System.out.printf( "<== buildModel done.\n" );
     private void buildDisplay () {
          System.out.printf( "==> buildDisplay...\n" );
          // create the link between the dsurf and the Object2DTorus,
          // and tell parts about each other as needed. Hah!
          worldDisplay = new Object2DDisplay( world );
        worldDisplay.setObjectList( allList );
        dsurf.addDisplayableProbeable( worldDisplay, "Surfers");
          dsurf.addDisplayableProbeable( worldDisplay, "Swimmers");
        addSimEventListener( dsurf );
          System.out.printf( "<== buildDisplay done.\n" );
     private void buildSchedule () {
          System.out.printf( "==> buildSchedule...\n" );
          schedule.scheduleActionBeginning (1, this, "step");
     public void step () {
          System.out.printf( "==> Model step %.0f:\n", getTickCount() );// Checking step #
          for ( int i = 0; i < surferList.size(); i++ ) {
               Surfer aSurfer; // Makes new surfers when needed
               aSurfer = (Surfer) surferList.get (i);  // Identifies surfers
               aSurfer.step ();
          for ( int i = 0; i < swimmerList.size(); i++ ) {
               Swimmer aSwimmer; // Makes new swimmers when needed
               aSwimmer = (Swimmer) swimmerList.get (i);  // Identifies swimmers
               aSwimmer.step ();
          dsurf.updateDisplay();  // Updates the display with new surfers and swimmers and identities
          System.out.printf( "<== Model step done.\n" );
     // Another version of step(), which uses a common idiom
     // Note the definition of aBug is *inside* the for-loop,
     // and it gets its value on the same line.
     //public void stepX () {
     //     System.out.printf( "==> step %.0f:\n", getTickCount() );
     //     for ( int i = 0; i < bugList.size(); i++ ) {
     //          Bug aBug = (Bug) bugList.get (i);
     //          aBug.step ();
     public String[] getInitParam () {  // Looks at init params; places correct
          String[] params = { "numSurfers" };  // number of Ps from init params.
          //String[] params = { "numSwimmers" };
          return params;
     public Schedule getSchedule () {     return schedule; }  // Sets the timing
     public String getName () { return "Model"; }  // Just for output.
     // setters and getters
     public int getNumSurfers () { return numSurfers; } // These talk to P class
     public int getNumSwimmers () { return numSwimmers; }
     public void setNumSurfers (int numSurfers) {
          this.numSurfers = numSurfers;}
     //     public void setNumSwimmers (int numSwimmers) {
     //     this.numSwimmmers = numSwimmers;}
}What the hell am I doing wrong?

private void buildSchedule () {
    System.out.printf( "==> buildSchedule...\n" );
    schedule.scheduleActionBeginning (1, this, "step");
}Here is the code for your buidSchedule method. Apparently, the schedule object hasn't been instantiated yet.

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    Hi Rashmi,
    When you set the debugging status of the server to ON, it takes some time to restart the server.
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    Hi exo,
    You may also want to try setting a breakpoint in your code, then step through it.  You can set a breakpoint from the Tools Palette (View » Tools Palette).  From the Tools Palette, click the Set/Clear Breakpoint button.  You can now set breakpoints in the code, which will halt execution.  You can then step throught the execution using the Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out of buttons, which are all found on the toolbar.  Like Andre said, you can also use Probes to debug your application.  These tools are explained in more detail in the link below, please let me know if you have any other questions!
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    Thanks in advance!
    #0 0x00002b1b0d060f80 in DbXml::NsFormat::unmarshalInt64 () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #1 0x00002b1b0d077a21 in DbXml::NsRawNode::setNode () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #2 0x00002b1b0d05cecb in DbXml::NsEventReader::getNode () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #3 0x00002b1b0d05d07f in DbXml::NsEventReader::endElement () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #4 0x00002b1b0d05d355 in DbXml::NsEventReader::next () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #5 0x00002b1b0d049625 in DbXml::EventReaderToWriter::doEvent () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #6 0x00002b1b0d049a92 in DbXml::EventReaderToWriter::start () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #7 0x00002b1b0d133cc8 in DbXml::DocumentDatabase::reindex () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #8 0x00002b1b0d103d61 in DbXml::Container::reindex () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #9 0x00002b1b0d10ad72 in DbXml::Container::setIndexSpecificationInternal () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #10 0x00002b1b0d10b648 in DbXml::Container::setIndexSpecification () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #11 0x00002b1b0d16f1a0 in DbXml::XmlContainer::setIndexSpecification () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #12 0x00002b1b0d16f52b in DbXml::XmlContainer::deleteIndex () from /usr/local/xmldb/lib/
    #13 0x000000000040f67e in DeleteIndexCommand::execute ()
    #14 0x0000000000427475 in Shell::mainLoop ()
    #15 0x000000000042c7f9 in main ()

    Hi Vyacheslav -
    Sorry to not have the line number - I was having some missing magic incantations in my library loading so it wasn't finding the symbols. Full bt with line number is below. I'll look into this as well but if you've seen this before I'd be happy to hear about it! BTW, when not run in debug this is a SEGFAULT but when run under debug its an assertion error. I am using the exact same test case and getting different results.
    No idea what the first version was - it was about 5 years ago. Everything worked fine until the 2.5.16 upgrade, which happened to fix bugs that OTHER containers were having so it was a must. I can go document by document but I literally have 16GBs of documents (49307 docs). I get the segfault when I try to do any full container query so getting all ids for example isn't working. I'll keep plugging on this part - was just looking for a cursor-ish way to find out which one is making things upset.
    Thanks again
    #0 0x00000037dec30265 in raise () from /lib64/
    #1 0x00000037dec31d10 in abort () from /lib64/
    #2 0x00002b1f3fb24a27 in DbXml::assert_fail (expression=0x2b1f3fba1bc2 "", file=0x2b1f3fba1ae0 "src/dbxml/nodeStore/NsEventReader.cpp", line=665) at src/dbxml/DbXmlInternal.cpp:21
    #3 0x00002b1f3fa3c3cf in DbXml::NsEventReader::getNode (this=0x7fff7e6887b0, parent=0x27215420) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/NsEventReader.cpp:665
    #4 0x00002b1f3fa3c648 in DbXml::NsEventReader::endElement (this=0x7fff7e6887b0) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/NsEventReader.cpp:874
    #5 0x00002b1f3fa3c7ae in DbXml::NsEventReader::next (this=0x7fff7e6887b0) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/NsEventReader.cpp:508
    #6 0x00002b1f3fa2307c in DbXml::EventReaderToWriter::doEvent (this=0x7fff7e6886e0, writer=0x7fff7e6889b0, isInternal=true) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/EventReaderToWriter.cpp:160
    #7 0x00002b1f3fa23955 in DbXml::EventReaderToWriter::start (this=0x7fff7e6886e0) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/EventReaderToWriter.cpp:146
    #8 0x00002b1f3fa5b15c in DbXml::NsWriter::writeFromReader (this=0x7fff7e6889b0, reader=@0x7fff7e6887b0) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/NsWriter.cpp:104
    #9 0x00002b1f3fa25d0b in DbXml::NsDocumentDatabase::getContent (this=0x167b7180, context=@0x16a84368, document=0x16a842d0, flags=0) at src/dbxml/nodeStore/NsDocumentDatabase.cpp:111
    #10 0x00002b1f3fb2b409 in DbXml::Document::id2dbt (this=0x16a842d0) at src/dbxml/Document.cpp:888
    #11 0x00002b1f3fb2e267 in DbXml::Document::getContentAsDbt (this=0x16a842d0) at src/dbxml/Document.cpp:530
    #12 0x00002b1f3fb8017d in DbXml::XmlDocument::getContent (this=0x16a844a8, s=@0x7fff7e688c60) at src/dbxml/XmlDocument.cpp:145
    #13 0x00002b1f3fb197c9 in DbXml::DbXmlNodeValue::asString (this=0x16a84490) at src/dbxml/Value.cpp:507
    #14 0x00002b1f3fb8a263 in DbXml::XmlValue::asString (this=0x7fff7e689010) at src/dbxml/XmlValue.cpp:299
    #15 0x000000000040d16a in PrintCommand::execute (this=0x167a7a90, args=@0x7fff7e689160, env=@0x7fff7e689880) at src/utils/shell/PrintCommand.cpp:83
    #16 0x0000000000427dda in Shell::mainLoop (this=0x7fff7e689900, in=@0x7fff7e689240, env=@0x7fff7e689880) at src/utils/shell/Shell.cpp:66
    #17 0x0000000000416d4b in IncludeCommand::execute (this=0x167a7870, args=@0x7fff7e689580, env=@0x7fff7e689880) at src/utils/shell/IncludeCommand.cpp:56
    #18 0x0000000000427dda in Shell::mainLoop (this=0x7fff7e689900, in=@0x647790, env=@0x7fff7e689880) at src/utils/shell/Shell.cpp:66
    #19 0x000000000042eac0 in main (argc=1, argv=0x7fff7e689ad8) at src/utils/shell/dbxmlsh.cpp:248
    Edited by: eleddy on Feb 22, 2011 2:39 PM

  • Lenovo T520 Debugging Help

    I recently wiped the HDD of my T520 and installed Arch from scratch from a thumb drive (side note: it's been a while since I did a fresh install and I found the new method really great). About a week later (2 days ago), I ran a system update (-Syu) and updated several packages, linux among them. Seeing that, I rebooted. After seeing the BIOS stuff and selecting to boot to Arch (I don't have it auto-select, even though I only have one partition), the screen goes black and nothing ever happens. The Wifi light turns on, but the HDD read light doesn't. I booted from my install media and tried to see if the systemd journal said anything helpful, but the logs look like they never picked up after rebooting after my latest update. My next thought was the chroot and run another system update. I updated linux again, but still no boot. During both updates, the output indicated that new image creation was successful.
    Any ideas on how to begin debugging this?
    FWIW, I'm using efibootmgr to boot and I see that it has had issues with kernel upgrades in the past (, but this machine never had 3.6 or 3.7 on it (the earliest still in the cache is 3.10.3 and the latest is 3.10.7; I've never cleared the cache).

    After 5 days of  frustrations of how to try to identify the cause of "AC plugged in but not charging" message.My Lenovo 3000V100 has suddenly started recharging.At one moment it recharges up to 99% and stops recharging, at times it just shows 3 % remaining and stops recharging and now its showing 100% fully charged.
    I dont understand this, whats a turn around to this?
    Also, are there any drivers for download  -IntelWin DVD drivers for this 3000V100 running on Windows Vista/media drivers.My hard disk was formatted, and i never created any recovery disc.I have at least re-installed few other drivers though.

  • NullPointerException pls help me...

    I have created a small applicationin swing.
    It has 2 different JFrame.
    first it validates username and password.
    both are correct first frame will be hide and second one will be called
    at the time of compiling no error will be thrown.
    But at the time Running, NullPointerException Thrown
    how can i solve it?
    pls help me..
    BY Thamil
    at [email protected]

    Post the code please using the tags

  • Forms DEBUG - help

    Hello all.
    I need to debug a list of forms which are running in a remote server. Because of the setup we have, i can not run them in the developer tool. I need to test them using the web based environment we have installed. I used to enable the debug mode in windows by adding the clause "/debug". I tried adding this in the web address that's calling the forms, but it didn't work. Could you please help me out?
    Thanks in advance.

    what do you mean when you say that i also attach my linux run form with Windows Forms builder?
    I use windows forms builder just to make the make the changes i need. Because of the nature of the forms, i can neither run nor compile them in windows.
    What i do, is to upload them to our linux server, compile them with a script i run from the command line, and move the fmx to the right folder. That's how i'm able to run them, otherwise i can't. If i try to run them in windows it raises an error message saying there's no http listener running in my local box...
    On the other hand, I tried to run them using the "DEBUG=YES" flag, but nothing happened. I used to work with forms 4.5, and at that time, when i wanted to debug a form i just made a shortcut with that same flag. Something like: "F45RUN.EXE formname.fmx /debug=yes", so, I tried something similar in this case...
    The URL I use to run the forms is "". I added the flag you mentioned at the end. Something like " debug=yes"... but it didn't work.
    Any other ideas?

  • Debug Help bbp_create_req_back

    Hello Friends, I need a little help here.  I am trying to populate the trackingno field from SRM to R/3 on the PR/PO.
    Here is a snipet of my code which is in a loop. Everything else works except trackingno:
    ls_header          TYPE          bbp_pds_sc_header_d
    MOVE ls_header-object_id TO req_items_wa-trackingno.
              MODIFY req_items
                FROM req_items_wa
                  TRANSPORTING trackingno
    Any ideas?  Also, does anyone have step by step instructions on debugging this badi?  Thanks in advance.

      to debug back-end related Badi is some thing different then other Badi. i used to debug back-end badi like this. i hard code break-boint 'user-name' in bbp_create_req_back implementation.
      we have a method 'TRANSFER' in BUS2121. after u create the SC which will wait for approval goto SWO1 and execute this method, here first time only bebug mode will gets call if you try 2nd time it won't trigger. so write your all coding and but the hard code break point while SC waiting for Approval goto SWO1 with BUS2121 and execute TRANSFER method u will get into debug mode.
    thank you,

  • Logical Debugging Help

    I've written an application that isn't working exactly like I think it should. The program is supposed to compare two files. If there is a string in file one that is not in file two, then it is supposed to write that string to a third file. To help clarify, the first file is a final list of students that are taking the class. The second file is a list of students that attended for that session (they will be registering electronically). Therefore, I need the program to exam the two lists and tell me who was absent. At the moment, it will work for the first absent person (ie. it writes the student information to the third file so I know they are absent) but it seems to just stop working after that. I'm sure there is a problem with the logic...but I can't figure out where. Below is the code that i'm using. I'd appreciate any assistance!
    public void actionTaken(){
    try {
    //File with final registration list
    classList = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("classList.txt"));
    //File that has recorded attendance
    studentInput = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("studentInput.txt"));
    // String written to this file if they were absent.
    absent = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream("Absent.txt", true)));
    // First while loop examines every line that is in the classList.txt file. Should advance to the next line after the nested while loop executes.
    while ((cLT = classList.readLine()) != null){
    // Nested while loop examines every line in the studentInput.txt
    while ((sIT = studentInput.readLine()) != null){     
    //If statement checks to see if a student has logged in.
    if (cLT.equals(sIT)){
    countTemp++; //countTemp is tripped if the student has logged in.
    studentInput.close(); //Closes file after the entire file has been examined.     
    //If statement checks the countTemp to see if the student registered.
    if (countTemp == 0){ //Writes to the absent file if this line is true.
    countTemp = 0; //reinitialized to test next student name.
    classList.close(); //Closes file after the entire file has been examined.
    } catch (IOException x) {

    You close the student attendance file (studentInput) after you read the first student name from the class list!!!
    Unless the files are going to get really big, I wouldn't do it this way. I'd create a Map of students who attended. Then I'd go through the names list and see if the names are present in the map. That way you could re-use the map for every student name.
    If you don't want to do it that way, you're going to have to make assumptions about the ordering of the two name lists, and whether one is necessarily a subset of the other.

  • I2c debugging help needed with an oscillascope

    I am trying to debug my i2c slave device and was hoping that someone could explain how to use an oscillascope to debug it and how to set up the vi to use the oscillacope to test my scl and sda values.

    Hi rbme,
    Depending on the oscilloscope you are using to debug your i2c device, there might be an instrument driver located at The instrument driver will allow you to control the oscilloscope with a set of software routines reducing software development time.
    Andy L.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Need Debugging Help, Please

    Hi, I am going to bother you after my fruitless attempts to debug the code shown below. The message is "NoSuchMethodError: value" and I am very confused by the message.
    The message on the console is:
    Exception in thread "Main Thread" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: value
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ClassInfoImpl.getAccessType(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ClassInfoImpl.getProperties(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeClassInfoImpl.getProperties(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ModelBuilder.getClassInfo(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeModelBuilder.getClassInfo(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RuntimeModelBuilder.getClassInfo(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ModelBuilder.getTypeInfo(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.RegistryInfoImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ModelBuilder.addRegistry(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ModelBuilder.getTypeInfo(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.getTypeInfoSet(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.runtime.JAXBContextImpl.<init>(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext(
         at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.ContextFactory.createContext(
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.newInstance(
         at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.find(
         at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
         at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
         at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
         at com.register.jaxb.JAXBUnMarshaller.unMarshall(
         at com.register.jaxb.JAXBUnMarshaller.main(
    and the source code is shown below:
    package com.register.jaxb;
    import generated.*;
    import javax.xml.bind.*;
    import javax.xml.validation.SchemaFactory;
    import javax.xml.validation.Schema;
    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import java.util.List;
    public class JAXBUnMarshaller {
         public void unMarshall(File xmlDocument) {
              try {
                   JAXBContext jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance("generated");
                   Unmarshaller unMarshaller = jaxbContext.createUnmarshaller(); // this line is java:18
                   SchemaFactory schemaFactory = SchemaFactory
                   Schema schema = schemaFactory.newSchema(new File(
                   CustomValidationEventHandler validationEventHandler = new CustomValidationEventHandler();
                   JAXBElement<CatalogType> catalogElement = (JAXBElement<CatalogType>) unMarshaller
                   CatalogType catalog = catalogElement.getValue();
                   System.out.println("Journal Title: " + catalog.getJournalTitle());
                   System.out.println("Publisher: " + catalog.getPublisher());
                   List<JournalType> journalList = catalog.getJournal();
                   for (int i = 0; i < journalList.size(); i++) {
                        JournalType journal = (JournalType) journalList.get(i);
                        List<ArticleType> articleList = journal.getArticle();
                        for (int j = 0; j < articleList.size(); j++) {
                             ArticleType article = (ArticleType) articleList.get(j);
                             System.out.println("Article Edition: "
                                       + article.getEdition());
                             System.out.println("Title: " + article.getTitle());
                             System.out.println("Author: " + article.getAuthor());
              } catch (JAXBException e) {
              } catch (SAXException e) {
         public static void main(String[] argv) {
              File xmlDocument = new File("catalog.xml");
              JAXBUnMarshaller jaxbUnmarshaller = new JAXBUnMarshaller();
         } // this line is java:64
         class CustomValidationEventHandler implements ValidationEventHandler {
              public boolean handleEvent(ValidationEvent event) {
                   if (event.getSeverity() == ValidationEvent.WARNING) {
                        return true;
                   if ((event.getSeverity() == ValidationEvent.ERROR)
                             || (event.getSeverity() == ValidationEvent.FATAL_ERROR)) {
                        System.out.println("Validation Error:" + event.getMessage());
                        ValidationEventLocator locator = event.getLocator();
                        System.out.println("at line number:" + locator.getLineNumber());
                        System.out.println("Unmarshalling Terminated");
                        return false;
                   return true;

    user537770 wrote:
    Hi, I am going to bother you after my fruitless attempts to debug the code shown below. The message is "NoSuchMethodError: value" and I am very confused by the message. When you post code, please put it in code tags (you can find an example on the FAQ page, or in the welcome pages at the top of the thread).
    As for your problem, I'm way out of my comfort zone here, but the source code for ClassInfoImpl would suggest that the 'value' method is being invoked on an annotation called 'XmlAccessorType'; and since annotations only came in with version 5, I'm wondering if you have some sort of jar/jdk/jvm incompatibility. You might want to check that all of these are in sync.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Unable to install OS X 10.4 with external display

    My display died quite awhile ago (broken hinges, broken cables, etc etc) but since then I've used an external LCD display without problems. Once I set the display to mirror, everything has been working great. However, I tried to install OS X 10.4 and

  • How to Reset/Erase a Store Demo iPad 3?

    We have a demo unit in our store, but visitors loaded it full of garbage and there is no way to erase any apps and no "restore"  or "restrictions" options under settings/general. Also, pressing and holding home+lock button for 30 seconds doesn't rese

  • Wowza with Flash Media Live Encoder

    Video Quality Problem: Action Script netStream X Flash Media Encoder Hi, We're running Wowza to stream a live webcam from a Flex web application (using ActionScript 3 netStream method) for a 1 to 1 video chat. We are able to stream it properly, but t

  • Code on card is not valid even though it IS activated

    I just purchased a creative cloud card and verified it was activated and have the activation receipt.  Went home to install and the adobe Redemption code on the card comes up as invalid?  WTF  typed it in every possible way.  Cant find any help.

  • Changing users and groups settings without unlocking

    I recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and have noticed that I can change the settings in preferences for Users and Groups without unlocking. Should this be the case?