Number conversion

1.I have a doubt.if i do arithmetic operation on two floating point numbers(data type F) and assign it to a packed number(P) how will it affect the final result.
2.Another question how can i convert a negative packed number into positive packed number.
Please answer.
thanks and regards,

check this
This link will give detail descrition abt datatypes.
Data Type Code Length Description
b 1 1-byte integer
C 1 - ? Character string
D 8 Date (yyyymmdd)
F 8 Floating point number
I 4 4-byte integer
N 1 - ? Digits-only character string
P Binary Coded Decimal (packed) number
s 2 2-byte integer
T 6 Time (hhmmss)
X 1 - ? Raw data
INTLEN tells us the number of bytes used by this field; DECIMALS the number of decimals for packed and floating point numbers.
reward point if helpful.

Similar Messages

  • FM for Material number conversion from R/3 to APO in R/3

       Can anybody tell me conversion exit (function module) for Material number conversion from R/3 to APO in R/3 system. I mean i have 18 digit R/3 material number which i have to convert to 40 digit APO material number in R/3 system.
    Please suggest to win full points.
    Thaniks in Advance,
    Chandan Dubey

    Dear Chandan,
    Conversion Exits:
    CONVERSION_EXIT_MATN1_INPUT ....... If you are storing Material With Zeros
    Then concatenate it with 22 zeros. i.e. '0000000000000000000000000000'.
    For example:
    data : v_matnr type matnr,            "R/3 Material
           v_apo_matnr(40) type c,        "APO Material with 40 length
           v_zeros(22) type c. value '0000000000000000000000000000'.
           EXPORTING  INPUT          = v_matnr
           IMPORTING  OUTPUT         = v_matnr.
    concatenate e_mantr v_zeros into

  • Error ORA-06502, numeric or value error character to number conversion

    I have been trying to create an email including data from a table as part of the body. Whenever I try to send it, I get an error ORA-06502, numeric or value error, character to number conversion. If I take out the part referencing the table, the email will go without error, but if I put it back in I get the error.
    There is the code:
    v_email_body CLOB;
    v_from_email_address VARCHAR2(100) := v('APP_USER');
    v_id NUMBER;
    v_email_body := 'Please pay the attached invoice from FY '||:P14_FY||' funds
    Date: '||:P14_PURCHASE_DATE||'
    Vendor: '||:P14_VENDOR||'
    Invoice Number: '||:P14_INVOICE||'
    Invoice Date: '||:P14_INVOICE_DT||'
    Due Date: '||:P14_INVOICE_DUE_DT||'
    KSR Number: '||:P14_KSR||'
    DTS PO: '||:P14_DTS_PO||'
    WHERE P_ID = :P14_ID)
    v_email_body := v_email_body||detail.OB_CODE||utl_tcp.crlf;
    FOR detail2 IN (SELECT ob_code, amount
    FROM budget_used
    WHERE p_id = :P14_ID)
    v_email_body := v_email_body||detail2.ELCID||' - '||detail2.AMOUNT||utl_tcp.crlf;
    v_email_body := v_email_body
    v_id := APEX_MAIL.SEND
    (p_to => :P14_SUBMIT_TO
    ,p_cc => v('APP_USER')
    ,p_bcc => '[email protected]'
    ,p_from => v_from_email_address
    ,p_body => v_email_body
    ,p_subj => 'Invoice, '||:P14_VENDOR||', '||:P14_INVOICE||'');
    --Having set up your email, now add one (or more) attachments...
    FROM file_subjects f, apex_application_files a
    where =
    and f.P_ID = :P14_ID) LOOP
    IF c1.blob_content IS NOT NULL THEN
    APEX_MAIL.ADD_ATTACHMENT( p_mail_id => v_id,
    p_attachment => c1.blob_content,
    p_filename => c1.filename,
    p_mime_type => c1.mime_type);
    END IF;
    This is important to my company to be able to put this data into an email. If anyone can help me, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance.

    Lets isolate the erroring line by running the code in debug mode and adding some debug lines at various stages in the code
    Apex has a builtin function named wwv_flow.debug which can print messages to the debug stack and would be visible when the page is run in debug mode.
    v_email_body CLOB;
    v_from_email_address VARCHAR2(100) := v('APP_USER');
    v_id NUMBER;
      v_email_body := 'Please pay the attached invoice from FY '||:P14_FY||' funds
      Date: '||:P14_PURCHASE_DATE||'
      Vendor: '||:P14_VENDOR||'
      Invoice Number: '||:P14_INVOICE||'
      Invoice Date: '||:P14_INVOICE_DT||'
      Due Date: '||:P14_INVOICE_DUE_DT||'
      KSR Number: '||:P14_KSR||'
      DTS PO: '||:P14_DTS_PO||'
      FINANCE DO: '||:P14_FINANCE_PO||'
    wwv_flow.debug('Before sending mail');
      v_id := APEX_MAIL.SEND
      (p_to => :P14_SUBMIT_TO
      ,p_cc => v('APP_USER')
      ,p_bcc => '[email protected]'
      ,p_from => v_from_email_address
      ,p_body => v_email_body
      ,p_subj => 'Invoice, '||:P14_VENDOR||', '||:P14_INVOICE||'');
    wwv_flow.debug('Before attachements');
      --Having set up your email, now add one (or more) attachments...
      FOR c1 in
             (SELECT FILENAME
            FROM file_subjects f, apex_application_files a
            where =
            and f.P_ID = :P14_ID)
        IF c1.blob_content IS NOT NULL THEN
        APEX_MAIL.ADD_ATTACHMENT( p_mail_id => v_id,
        p_attachment => c1.blob_content,
        p_filename => c1.filename,
        p_mime_type => c1.mime_type);
        END IF;
      END LOOP;
    wwv_flow.debug('Finished attachements'); 
    END;What is the last message you see in the debug after running the page in debug mode and submitting it ?

  • Numeric or value error: character to number conversion error

    I'm having problems inserting a value from a date picker field (DD-MON-YYYY HH MI )
    i'm submitting this value to a packaged procedure that accepts this field as VARCHAR2 .
    on the insert, i do a to_date( P_DATE, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI PM' )
    and i get the numeric conversion error.
    If I change the to_date on the procedure side, I get the :could not read the end of the format mask - which I've found threads about on this site.
    I've tried using HH24 and different formats, but I get one of the two above errors on the insert.
    If I don't fill in the datepicker field at all, it works fine.
    help is appreciated !

    Here is the trace anyway:
    *** ACTION NAME:(application 4000, page 1) 2004-09-24 12:58:44.052
    *** MODULE NAME:(HTML DB) 2004-09-24 12:58:44.052
    *** SERVICE NAME:(TOPS) 2004-09-24 12:58:44.052
    *** SESSION ID:(151.1) 2004-09-24 12:58:44.052
    *** 2004-09-24 12:58:44.052
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Current SQL statement for this session:
    rc__ number;
    htp.HTBUF_LEN := 255;
    if (wpg_docload.is_file_download) then
    rc__ := 1;
    rc__ := 0;
    end if;
    :rc__ := rc__;
    ----- PL/SQL Call Stack -----
    object line object
    handle number name
    6A3C4A00 532 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES
    6A3C4A00 2502 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES
    6A3C4A00 2748 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW_UTILITIES
    6A0E63C8 991 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW_FORMS
    6A11675C 932 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS
    6A11675C 247 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW_DISP_PAGE_PLUGS
    6A4B54E0 8341 package body FLOWS_010500.WWV_FLOW
    6A2A99F0 102 procedure FLOWS_010500.F
    6A2B9E54 10 anonymous block
    ----- Call Stack Trace -----
    calling call entry argument values in hex
    location type point (? means dubious value)
    ksedmp+524          CALLrel  ksedst+0 1
    ksedmptracecb+15 CALLrel _ksedmp+0            C
    _ksddoa+118          CALLreg  00000000             C
    ksdpcg+143          CALLrel  ksddoa+0
    ksdpec+180          CALLrel  ksdpcg+0 1966 6D7D208 1
    __PGOSF3__ksfpec+11 CALLrel _ksdpec+0            0
    _kgerev+77           CALLreg  00000000             7474210 1966
    kgerec1+18          CALLrel  kgerev+0 7474210 6DCE5EC 1966 1
    peirve+465          CALLrel  kgerec1+0
    pevmCVTCN+346 CALLrel _peirve+0           
    pfrinstrCVTCN+36 CALLrel pevmCVTCN+0 6E6E604 71CE370 7160F0C
    pfrrunno_tool+51 CALL??? 00000000
    pfrrun+1834         CALLrel  pfrrun_no_tool+0 6E6E604 6A3C010A 6E6E640
    plsqlrun+1051 CALLrel _pfrrun+0            6E6E604
    peicnt+179          CALLrel  plsql_run+0 6E6E604 1 0
    kkxexe+477          CALLrel  peicnt+0
    opiexe+4896         CALLrel  kkxexe+0 6A2B9E54
    kpoal8+1705         CALLrel  opiexe+0 49 3 6D7E06C
    _opiodr+977          CALLreg  00000000             5E 14 6D7E7CC
    _ttcpip+1827         CALLreg  00000000             5E 14 6D7E7CC 0
    _opitsk+1098         CALL???  00000000            
    opiino+938          CALLrel  opitsk+0 0 0 747ABC0 6DEFB14 D8 0
    _opiodr+977          CALLreg  00000000             3C 4 6D7FBBC
    opidrv+479          CALLrel  opiodr+0 3C 4 6D7FBBC 0
    sou2o+45            CALLrel  opidrv+0 3C 4 6D7FBBC
    opimai+237          CALLrel  sou2o+0
    OracleThreadStart@  CALLrel  opimai+0
    77E7D338 CALLreg 00000000

  • Re: Error, numeric or value error: character to number conversion error

    Can someone please please tell me why I'm getting this error and what I'm doing wrong? It looks like a simple error, "numeric or value error: character to number conversion error".
    My code is as follows:
    string connectionString = WebConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DEMO_TEST"].ConnectionString;
    OracleConnection con = new OracleConnection(connectionString);
    OracleCommand cmd = new OracleCommand("DEMO.PKG_LOCATION_TYPE.INS", con);
    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("@P_DESCRIPTION", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 60));
    cmd.Parameters["@P_DESCRIPTION"].Value = "Test_Description";
    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("@P_NAME", OracleDbType.Varchar2, 6));
    cmd.Parameters["@P_NAME"].Value = "Test_Name";
    cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter("@P_LOCATION_TYPE_CD", OracleDbType.Decimal, 4));
    cmd.Parameters["@P_LOCATION_TYPE_CD"].Direction = ParameterDirection.InputOutput;
    //In case of an error
    And I recieve the following error block:
    Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException was unhandled by user code
    Message="ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error\nORA-06512: at line 1"
    Source="Oracle Data Provider for .NET"
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleErrorHelper(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src, String procedure)
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException.HandleError(Int32 errCode, OracleConnection conn, String procedure, IntPtr opsErrCtx, OpoSqlValCtx* pOpoSqlValCtx, Object src)
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleCommand.ExecuteNonQuery()
    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard.OnFinishButtonClick(WizardNavigationEventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Wizard.WizardChildTable.OnBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args)
    at System.Web.UI.Control.RaiseBubbleEvent(Object source, EventArgs args)
    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.OnCommand(CommandEventArgs e)
    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
    at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.System.Web.UI.IPostBackEventHandler.RaisePostBackEvent(String eventArgument)
    at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(IPostBackEventHandler sourceControl, String eventArgument)
    at System.Web.UI.Page.RaisePostBackEvent(NameValueCollection postData)
    at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

    Are the parameters in your procedure in the same order as they are created in this code? Oracle command works by position unless you change it to be BindByName.
    Failing that you seem to have defined a parameter (P_NAME) to have a length of 6, and are then setting it's value to a string with a length of 9.
    Also the in/output parameter is defined as type decimal. Is this correct? It is defined as InputOutput but you don't assign it any value.
    If these suggestions don't help then perhaps if you post the stored procedure you might get some more ideas.

  • PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error in TRG

    I've got strange issue with one trigger which during update of table reports (DB is
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    ORA-06512: at "UDR_LOG", line 345
    ORA-04088: error during execution of trigger 'UDR_LOG'but line 345 is:
    END IF;
    so its kind of strange
    the code looks like
    343 IF nvl(to_char(:old.PKD_ID),'''') <> nvl(to_char(:new.PKD_ID),'''') THEN
    344     v_zmn := v_zmn || 'PKD_ID''' || to_char(:old.PKD_ID) || '''' || to_char(:new.PKD_ID) || '''';
    345    END IF;
    so its concatenation not to_number usage .error is triggered by update statement on any column .
    I'm sorry I cant provide You with whole trigger code .
    So if You could only recommend any investigation method that would be great .

    Hi, Greg,
    When there's an error in a trigger, the line numbers in the error messages are relative to the first DECLARE or BEGIN statement; often, that's a few lines after CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER. Post a few lines after what you already posted.
    If you can't find the error, then create another table for testing this, and create a smaller trigger on that table, which does only enough to cause the error. Then you'll be able to post the complete trigger, and the code needed to re-create the problem.

  • ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion e

    when I do same thing in my procedure it throws below error but it works fine as annonymus block.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    CREATE TABLE test_table
    (memberid NUMBER,
    trans_date date);
    v_num number(10,0);
    v_text varchar2(100);
    v_text := '123456abcdef';
    v_num := substr(v_text,1,5);
    INSERT INTO test_table

    Works fine as a procedure as well;
      2  v_num number(10,0);
      3  v_text varchar2(100);
      4  begin
      5  v_text := '123456abcdef';
      6  v_num := substr(v_text,1,5);
      7  INSERT INTO test_table
      8  (memberid,
      9  trans_DATE)
    10  VALUES
    11  (v_num,
    12  sysdate);
    13  end;
    15  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from test_table;
         12345 20-MAY-10
    SQL> create or replace procedure ins_test_table as
      3    v_num number(10,0);
      4  v_text varchar2(100);
      5  begin
      6  v_text := '123456abcdef';
      7  v_num := substr(v_text,1,5);
      8  INSERT INTO test_table
      9  (memberid,
    10  trans_DATE)
    11  VALUES
    12  (v_num,
    13  sysdate);
    15  end ins_test_table;
    16  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> exec ins_test_table;
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> select * from test_table;
         12345 20-MAY-10
         12345 20-MAY-10

  • "Settings for material number conversion not found" occurs when ...

    After I run an initial load data into the InfoCube 0PUR_C01, I want to check the InfoCube Content by the following path:
    RSA1 -> pick up the InfoCube 0PUR_C01, right click it and select Manage -> Get to Content tab -> Click InfoCube Content button -> Deselect all selection, only tick the 1st column checkbox next to 0Material, then hit enter, get a small window titled as "Cancel" with a red STOP msg sysing "Settings for material number conversion not found" with an "Exit" button and a question mark button, click Exit button leads to SAP Easy Access screen, if clicking the question mark button, another window pops up with the msg showed above, click Technical Information button causes the original window short dump and the short dump msg shows below in between two dashed lines:
    Runtime Errors         RPERF_ILLEGAL_STATEMENT
    Date and Time          11/28/2005 14:43:13
        Statement "CALL SCREEN" is not allowed in this form.
    What happened?
        Error in ABAP application program.
        The current ABAP program "SAPLSHL2" had to be terminated because on
        statements could not be executed.
        This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program.
    Error analysis
        There is probably an error in the program
        The program was probably called in a conversion exit
        or in a field exit. These are implemented by
        function modules called CONVERSION_EXIT_xxxxx_INPUT/OUTPUT or
        Conversion exits are triggered during screen field transports or
        WRITE statements, field exits during field transports from the
        screen to the ABAP/4 program.
        In this connection, the following ABAP/4 statements are not allowed:
        -  CALL SCREEN
        -  CALL DIALOG
        -  SUBMIT
        -  MESSAGE W... and MESSAGE I...
        -  STOP
        -  REJECT
        Moreover, conversion exits for output conversion
        (implemented by function modules called
        CONVERSION_EXIT_xxxxx_OUTPUT) do not allow
        -  MESSAGE E...
        to be used.
    Trigger Location of Runtime Error
    Program                                 SAPLSHL2
    Include                                 LSHL2F19
    Row                                     3
    Module type                             (FORM)
    Module Name                             TECHNISCHE_INFO5
    rce Code Extract
    e  SourceCde
    1 ***INCLUDE LSHL2F19 .
    2 form technische_info5.
    >>   call screen 1900 starting at 5  8.
    4 endform.
    6 &----
    7 *&      Form  SHRINK_VALUES
    8 &----
    9 *       text                                                           *
    10 ----
    11 *  -->  p1        text
    12 *  <--  p2        text
    13 ----
    14 form shrink_values.
    16   loop at dynpselect.
    17     clear checktable.
    18     if dynpvaluetab-lowvalue ne space and dynpvaluetab-lowvalue na '*'.
    19       move 'EQ' to checktable-op.
    20       move dynpvaluetab-lowvalue to checktable-low_value.
    21       append checktable.
    22     endif.
    What could cause the problem by selecting only 0Material when checking the InfoCube 0PUR_C01 content?  What does that mean by this STOP msg "Settings for material number conversion not found"?

    Hi Kevin,
    Set the length of 0MATERIAL and change conversion to alpha:
    Re: Error Installing 0MATERIAL from Business Content
    Best regards,

  • ORA-06502: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error

    I met the following error when I ran Donald's PL/SQL function to_number_or_null. Could somebody here help me find the resolution? Thanks!
    SQL> create or replace FUNCTION to_number_or_null (
    2 aiv_number in varchar2 )
    3 return number is
    4 /*
    6 by Donald J. Bales on 12/15/2006
    7 An errorless to_number( ) method
    8 */
    9 begin
    10 return to_number(aiv_number);
    11 exception
    12 when INVALID_NUMBER then
    13 return NULL;
    14 end to_number_or_null;
    15 /
    Function created.
    SQL> select to_number_or_null('A') from dual;
    select to_number_or_null('A') from dual
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    ORA-06512: at "CAROL.TO_NUMBER_OR_NULL", line 10

    Only INVALID_NUMBER exception is handled and also VALUE_ERROR should be handeled. You can resolve it by handling VALUE_ERROR exception or by adding WHEN OTHERS as I did in following example.
    SQL> create or replace FUNCTION to_number_or_null (
      2      aiv_number in varchar2 )
      3      return number is
      4     /*
      6     by Donald J. Bales on 12/15/2006
      7     An errorless to_number( ) method
      8     */
      9  begin
    10     return to_number(aiv_number);
    11     exception
    12     when INVALID_NUMBER then
    13      return NULL;
    14     when OTHERS then
    15      return null;
    16     end to_number_or_null;
    17  /
    Function created.
    SQL> select to_number_or_null('A') from dual;
    ----------------------With kind regards
    Krystian Zieja

  • ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion

    I am new to Oracle Apex so I decided to read and do the tutorials that are on the site.
    Now I am at the tutorial 6: How to Work with Check Boxes of the Advanced Tutorials.
    At a certain point you have to add a new radio button.
    At the Item Source Value you have to add SELECT 'Y' FROM DUAL WHERE :P2_LIST_PRICE*0.75=:P2_MIN_PRICE.
    But when I try to create the item, I keep getting the following error:
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    Error creating item.
    Does anybody know what could be the problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    p_branch_code XXBOB_HRMS_APPRAISALS_DATA.Branch_code%TYPE,
    emp_refcur SYS_REFCURSOR;
    v_deposits XXBOB_HRMS_APPRAISALS_DATA.deposits%TYPE :=0;
    v_branch_code XXBOB_HRMS_APPRAISALS_DATA.branch_code%TYPE:=0;
    p_query_string VARCHAR2(500);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello' || ' ' || '...');
    p_query_string := 'SELECT Avg(deposits) Dep,branch_code  FROM XXBOB_HRMS_APPRAISALS_DATA WHERE ' ||
    *' Branch_code = :branch_code '||*
    *' AND PERIOD_NAME = SubStr( :PERIOD_NAME ,1,4))||(SubStr( :PERIOD_NAME ,InStr( :PERIOD_NAME ,'-',1,1)+3,5)) ' ||*
    *' group BY SubStr(PERIOD_NAME,5),BRANCH_CODE ';*
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hi' || ' ' || '...');
    OPEN emp_refcur
    FOR p_query_string USING p_branch_code,v_p_PERIOD_NAME,v_p_PERIOD_NAME,v_p_PERIOD_NAME;
    -- DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('----- -------');
    Here I m passing a string variable to pass the select statement for the ref cursor.
    There seems some problem in the substr conversion in the statement.
    ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character to number conversion error
    But when i run as a independent staement passing real values in the place of placeholders
    i get the result right.
    The *:PERIOD_NAME* format is *'Jan-2009-10'* .
    And I need to pass the *:PERIOD_NAME* to the query as *'Jan-09-10'*
    Pls suggest.
    Edited by: user7391361 on Jul 23, 2009 8:28 AM

  • Settings for material number conversion not found

    "Settings for material number conversion not found"
    This is the error that came out. I was everytime i try to access the activated business content 0material, the system comes up with this error. Please help me with this! Thank you!

    Hi Peter,
    try oss note 555675, it tells you to use transaction OMSL.
    Message was edited by: Siegfried Szameitat

  • Need help in date to number conversion

    I have a doubt in a date conversion, please help me.
    I executed the below query, its throwing "invalid number" error.
    select * from test
    where date_sid between to_number(to_char('01-05-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyymmdd') and to_number(to_char('02-05-2009','dd-mm-yyyy'),'yyyymmdd')
    date_sid column is number datatype.
    In my above query i want to pass the date value like '12-05-2009'. If i check my table date_sid looks like yyyymmdd. So how to convert '12-05-2009' to 20090512 in my above query. Please help me.

    Use to_date instead of your to_char, and to_char instead of your to_number.
    That said, that's very very sad to work on date as number format.

  • Date to number conversion?

    I want to select a number of rows created within last week.
    To do it I use a select statement with:
    WHERE sysdate-o.created_on <= days;
    (days is a number, created_on is a date)
    Everything works fine, but I get warnings like this one:
    PLW-07204: conversion away from column type may result in sub-optimal query plan
    I suppose I should convert date to number to get rid of them. How can I do it isnide a SELECT query?

    While the comments regarding re-writting the query to allow the possibility of index usage are valid, the warning will still appear even with the re-written query. I am sure that this query would use an index on dt1 if one was available.
    SQL>CREATE TABLE t (id number, dt1 date, dt2 date);
    Table created.
      2  BEGIN
      3     FOR r IN (SELECT * FROM t
      4               WHERE dt1 = sysdate - 7) LOOP
      5        NULL;
      6     END LOOP;
      7  END;
      8  /
    SP2-0804: Procedure created with compilation warnings
    SQL>show error
    Errors for PROCEDURE P1:
    3/13     PLW-07204: conversion away from column type may result in
             sub-optimal query planThe warning in this case is clearly spurious, and the reason is, at the level the compiler is looking, they are different data types. dt1 was inserted as sysdate a few minutes before I did the dunp below.
    SQL> SELECT DUMP(dt1) tab_date, DUMP(dt1 - 3) calc_date,
      2         DUMP(sysdate) sys_date
      3  FROM t;
    TAB_DATE                            CALC_DATE                          SYS_DATE
    Typ=12 Len=7: 120,107,2,27,10,45,42 Typ=13 Len=8: 7,215,2,24,9,44,41,0  Typ=13 Len=8: 7,215,2,27,9,49,13,0A date field in a table is a type 12 while sysdate, and any date that has is a result of a calculation is a type 13. Clearly a "different" datatype.
    Practically speaking, in the SQL engine, the type 13 date would be cast to a type 12 date and used in an index probe, but the compiler is likely doing something similar to the DUMP conparision.
    I believe that the type 13 dates are a representation of the C time_t struct that Oracle's kernel would likely use internally.

  • Time stamp to number conversion

    Hi All,
    I notice in Labview 7.0 the 'Get Date/Time to Seconds' and 'Seconds to Date/Time' now output a Time Stamp rather than actual seconds.
    There is a 'To Time Stamp" standard vi in the conversion pallet that converts a number (seconds) to a time stamp but I really need to convert from a Time Stamp to real seconds.
    Does anyone have a vi that might do this or is there something already in LabVIEW 7.0 I have overlooked?
    Many Thanks in Advance for your help.
    Sammy Mason

    You are going to have to post an example where the conversion does not work.
    Message Edited by Dennis Knutson on 05-05-2007 05:34 AM
    TimeStamp to Dbl.PNG ‏2 KB

  • Asset Sub Number Conversion

    Hi Expert,
    I have a question here and hope experts can give some Light.
    We have asset main number with asset number sub number in the legacy system. When we migrate to SAP, I'll also need to create the Asset Main Number (AS91) and following with Asset Sub Number for it (AS94).
    The problem is, how could I actually link the asset sub number with the relevant main number for data conversion as the main asset must always be created first before I can load asset sub-number.
    What is the best approach to use?
    Please help. Thanks.

    Hello Louis Yale
    You first create the main Asset number with T-code AS91
    Once that is done you then create Asset sub number with reference to main Asset number . T-code AS94.
    When you start creating Asset sub number on the main screen you will need to input main asset number and company code. This links your asset sub number to main asset number.
    Hope this helps.

  • Regional settings impact JavaScript Number conversion to String in applet

    XP, IE6 and IE7, JDK 1.6.0_13,1.6.0_10,1.6.0_7, Apache
    We recently converted our application from the MS JVM to Sun JVM 1.6 and have since had numerous problems with a user's regional setting impacting the application's behaviour.
    The application is using an applet, passing JavaScript Number values to an Applet where the input argument in the Java function is declared as a String.
    We have users with various regional settings, most don't impact the application, but we have found problems when the regional settings are set to "French (France)" or "German (Germany)".
    With "French (France)" JavaScript Number values >=10000000 get truncated to a Java String value of just the first character.e.g. 10000000 is converted to "1", 200000000 is converted to "2".
    With "German (Germany)" a trailing "0" is added to the converted String, and for values >=10000000 we get the String value with an additional 6 "0"s and then 2 additional "0"s as the input Number value is increments by each power of 10.
    A simple example follows.
    Any help understanding why this is happening and any coding solution would be appreciated.
    The default number format for the various regional settings seems to be impacting the implicit conversion to String in LiveConnect.
    We can re-code to convert the Number value to a String in the JavaScript before calling the applet, but this involves significant re-coding of the application.
    We also have a workaround to verify that navigator.userLanguage returns one of the list of supported languages and exit the application if the language is unsupported.
    Example output for test:
    English (United States)
    Regional Settings Number format sample: 123,456,789.00
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=1,Applet Java String value =(1)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=11,Applet Java String value =(11)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=111,Applet Java String value =(111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=1111,Applet Java String value =(1111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=11111,Applet Java String value =(11111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=111111,Applet Java String value =(111111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=1111111,Applet Java String value =(1111111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=11111111,Applet Java String value =(11111111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=111111111,Applet Java String value =(111111111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=1111111111,Applet Java String value =(1111111111)
    lang=en-us,javascript Number=11111111111,Applet Java String value =(11111111111)
    NOT OK >=10000000
    French (France)
    Regional Settings Number format sample: 123 456 789,00
    lang=fr,javascript Number=1,Applet Java String value =(1)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=11,Applet Java String value =(11)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=111,Applet Java String value =(111)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=1111,Applet Java String value =(1111)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=11111,Applet Java String value =(11111)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=111111,Applet Java String value =(111111)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=1111111,Applet Java String value =(1111111)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=11111111,Applet Java String value =(1)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=111111111,Applet Java String value =(1)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=1111111111,Applet Java String value =(1)
    lang=fr,javascript Number=11111111111,Applet Java String value =(1)
    NOT OK
    German (Germany)
    Regional Settings Number format sample: 123.456.789,00
    lang=de,javascript Number=1,Applet Java String value =(10)
    lang=de,javascript Number=11,Applet Java String value =(110)
    lang=de,javascript Number=111,Applet Java String value =(1110)
    lang=de,javascript Number=1111,Applet Java String value =(11110)
    lang=de,javascript Number=11111,Applet Java String value =(111110)
    lang=de,javascript Number=111111,Applet Java String value =(1111110)
    lang=de,javascript Number=1111111,Applet Java String value =(11111110)
    lang=de,javascript Number=11111111,Applet Java String value =(111111110000000)
    lang=de,javascript Number=111111111,Applet Java String value =(11111111100000000)
    lang=de,javascript Number=1111111111,Applet Java String value =(1111111111000000000)
    lang=de,javascript Number=11111111111,Applet Java String value =(1.1111111111E20)
    Example code:
    import java.applet.Applet;
    public class Test1 extends Applet {
    public void init() {
    public String stringTest(String str) {
    String out = "Applet Java String value =(" + str + ")";
    <APPLET CODE="Test1.class" NAME="test1" WIDTH="0" HEIGHT="0">
    <PARAM NAME="scriptable" Number="true">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var x;
    x = Number("1");
    document.write("lang="+navigator.userLanguage +",javascript Number=" x "," + document.test1.stringTest(x)+"<BR>");
    document.write("<BR>copy/paste the above 2 lines of code, adding an additional '1'<BR>");

    I have found a workaround by setting the locale in the applet to a locale that does perform implicit Number to String conversion correctly.
    public void init() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Failed to set Locale, Caught Exception: " + e.getMessage());
    and adding this line to the java.policy to prevent "access denied (java.util.PropertyPermission user.language write)" errors.
    permission java.util.PropertyPermission "user.language", "read, write";

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