Number of SQL executions

Hi there...
I know this not related to SQL Developer properly...
My problem is that a job is taking to much time to complete... I wanna see if my sql is executed more then once for an instance that it should execute only once...
Threre are several reports in sqldev that are helpful (especially those Top SQL by...), I wander if it is a way of resetting the count for the number of executions as a normal user for a sql id...
Thank you so much
Florin POP

kquizak wrote:
... , I wander if it is a way of resetting the count for the number of executions as a normal user for a sql id...
No, you cannot do that. These counters are instance-wide and cannot be 'reset'. Not even by a SYSDBA.
So you would have to 'snapshot' the values just before you start your job, so you can substract those values at the end of your job.
Even better option would be, to sql-trace your job, and see exactly where time is spent, and which and how many times, SQL statements were executed.

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    lookup_cursor      integer;
    ignore          integer;
    VARvalue          number;
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              'SELECT ' || TEST_FUNCTION || ' FROM DUAL,
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    In Oracle 7, for a function to be called from a select statement it has to follow the 'purity rule' that it does not modify any database table or package variable.
    Probably you will have to use the compiler directive PRAGMA RESTRICT_REFERENCES (WNDS,WNPS) on your TEST_FUNCTION so that it can be called within a SQL statement.
    This restriction is removed in Oracle 8i onwards.
    Hope this solves your problem.

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    ss.c,,, ..., ...,,
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    Problem with the sub-query is likely a full table scan needs to be performed. The predicate "TRIM(" uses a function to convert the searched column.
    This means reading every row applicable, applying the TRIM function to the ID column, and then evaluating the predicate. If the ID column is indexed, the index is made useless by the function.
    Solution in this case - either make use of a function index, or better still, apply the TRIM via the INSERT/UPDATE trigger and create a normal index on the ID column.
    Second problem is that the sub-select is ran for every single row selected in the main loop - it is a corellated query as the predicate for the sub-query includes a value from the row from the main query.
    So if the main query hits 10,000 rows, this sub-query will be executed 10,000 times. With the sub-query doing a full table scan, this is very, very expensive.
    Solutions. Ensure that all filters and processing are done (upfront) to reduce the result of the main query to a minimum, in order to reduce the number of sub-queries to perform (1 per row) to a minimum. Or rethink the logic and design of the entire query and do away together with the corellated sub-query.

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    899485 wrote:
    You have mistaken me. We have 2 environments. Dev,Prod and QA. 2 or 3?
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    But I see very little value in taking Dev runtimes and trying to apply that as a benchmark on Prod for identifying performance issues.

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    Figure 6-8 Monitored SQL Execution Details Page
    Kind Regards,

    Please log an SR provide SQL Monitor Active Report for your SQL. Thanks.

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      Do you mean transcation SCU3 for viewing table changes?
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    Hi TheJudge2,
    Based on my understanding, you have installed SQL Server Migration Assistant successfully then you perform migration. After migration, you can’t find the table which you want to migrate to SQL Server 2008 R2 under the database in your SQL Server Management
    Studio, then you perform migration again. Then error message “Loading to database new table file name.dbo[table] ... sql execution failed” is thrown out. Please correct me if I misunderstand your meaning.
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    Besides, “sql execution failed” is a general error message. It is hard to find out the cause from this error message. Please check the information under the Output in SQL Server Migration Assistant again. It would be better if you can provide the complete
    output information for our deep analysis.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

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    Metric Historical Information will be saved for a year by default.
    SQL Statement execution might be analyzed from AWR snapshots using ADDM.
    You can keep AWR Snapshots as long as you like.
    Bare in mind that this will occupy database space.
    From the Database Home page select the Server tab and select the Automatic Workload Repository link to set Snapshot Retention

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    Identifying the query is the hard part. If you can identify it(based on table access or some such parameter, getting the execution plan is easy in ST04 .

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    The answers so far are supposed to show ways how to see that a plan changed after the fact - that is not really proactive but that was the question.
    A way to see a plan change proactively would be to create a SQL Plan Baseline for the SQL statement with the 'good old' plan and then watch DBA_SQL_PLAN_BASELINES for new rows with that SQL_HANDLE which would indicate that a new execution plan was computed - although not yet used.
    Kind regards
    Uwe Hesse
    "Don't believe it, test it!"

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