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Witam serdecznie!
Jesteśmy małą rodzinką,która niedługo się powiększy o jeszcze jednego skarba.
Rodzina dla nas jest najważniejsza,dlatego bardzo cenimy sobie czas wspólnie spędzony.
Mamy wiele pasji i hobby,które dają nam radość życia , odpoczynek od codzienności i relaks.
Jednym z naszych hobby jest zbieranie gadżetów reklamowych.
Nasze dzieci Karolinka i Mateuszek jak również my pochłonięci jesteśmy tą pasją.
Bardzo cieszą nas każde drobiazgi dorzucone do naszej kolekcji.
Dlatego ośmielam się skierować do Państwa Firmy ten list z prośbą o drobiazg
do naszej kolekcji z logo Waszej Firmy.
Bardzo nas Państwo uszczęśliwicie ofiarowując nam drobiazg,a szczególnie dzieci,
których uśmiech i radość jest wyjątkowa dla naszych serc.
Bardzo dziękujemy z całego serca za czas poświęcony naszej prośbie!
Życzymy miłego dnia i wiele uśmiechów na twarzy!
Pozdrawiamy ciepło!
Jolanta Gąska
Mój adres:
ul.Piaskowa 11b/12
05-119 Legionowo
Welcome to the Oracle PartnerNetwork!
[email protected] wrote:
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 2006 04:29:48 -0800 (GMT-08:00)
From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: Welcome to the Oracle PartnerNetwork!
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For more information about the Oracle PartnerNetwork, go to and select Contact Partner Services.
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Thank you for your interest in the Oracle PartnerNetwork and we look forward to a successful partnership!
The Oracle PartnerNetwork Team
Bez McDonaldsa
Data: 27-06-2005 o godz. 09:25:22
Temat: w każdy pi±tek w
Głosie Szczecińskim
Bryła nowo powstaj±cej budowli przy ulicy Wyszyńskiego nabiera
kształtów. Im większy postęp na placu budowy, tym czę¶ciej
mieszkańcy Stargardu zastanawiaj± się nad tym, jakie plany ma
inwestor. Podobno miało być kino, Mc Donalds i Lidl. A co naprawdę
będzie? Inwestor zdradza dzisiaj kilka szczegółów, z których wynika
nie tylko to, co tam będzie, ale też to, czego na pewno tam nie
Duże centrum
Inwestor, czyli szczecińska firma Modehpolmo, kilka razy zmieniała
koncepcję zagospodarowania kupionej od miasta nieruchomo¶ci przy
ulicy Wyszyńskiego. To potęgowało nie tylko ciekawo¶ć stargardzian,
ale i pewne obawy. Głównie kupców, którzy bali się ekspansji w
centrum miasta kolejnych placówek dyskontowych, a także wła¶cicieli
pobliskich pubów, którym nie w smak nowe lokale rozrywkowe. Z kolei
amatorzy fast foodów cieszyli się, że w Stargardzie będzie Mc
Donalds, a miło¶nicy filmu, że w Stargardzie odbywać się będ±
projekcje z prawdziwego zdarzenia.
- Powstaje budowla dobrej klasy, co¶ w rodzaju Domu Kupca w
Szczecinie - mówi Mirosław Łukomski, prezes szczecińskiej firmy
Modeh Polmo, która zarz±dza wła¶nie szczecińskim Domem Kupca. -
Ogólnie rzecz ujmuj±c, będzie to centrum handlowo-usługowo-
rozrywkowe, w którym każdy znajdzie co¶ dla siebie.
Kina nie będzie
Pierwsze prace inwestor rozpocz±ł jesieni± ubiegłego roku. Planowane
na lato wielkie otwarcie obiektu przesunięto na póĽniejszy termin. W
trzykondygnacyjnej budowli niemal cała powierzchnia została już
skomercjalizowana. Pewne jest, że na parterze budynku od strony
urzędu pocztowego będzie mie¶ciła się, kolejna już w naszym mie¶cie,
placówka handlowa sieci Netto, za¶ obok niej sklep z artykułami
chemicznymi i kosmetycznymi firmy Rossman. Na parterze ma być także
niewielki punkt małej gastronomii (ok. 70 m .kw.).
I kondygnacja będzie należeć do markowych sklepów odzieżowych (
Wrangler i Lee) i obuwniczych. Blisko 600 m kw. zajmie sklep ze
sprzętem RTV, a resztę - punkty usługowe. Na handel przeznaczono
również II piętro, na którym planowane jest uruchomienie sklepu z
artykułami do wyposażania wnętrz. Na samej górze inwestor funduje
stargardzianom taras z widokiem na park 3 Maja. Na tarasie będzie
można popijać zimne napoje, a nieopodal w restauracji zje¶ć obiad
czy pizzę. W nowo powstaj±cym budynku znajdzie się także miejsce na
czynn± rozrywkę. Powstanie fitness klub, który ma ¶wiadczyć szeroki
wachlarz usług odnowy biologicznej.
Pub w piwnicy
W piwnicznych pomieszczeniach przygotowywane jest też miejsce na pub
(blisko 400 m kw) z wej¶ciem od strony mleczarni.
- W tym przypadku rozważamy jeszcze alternatywne rozwi±zanie i nie
wykluczamy, że zamiast pubu otworzymy kręgielnię - zastrzega
Mirosław Łukomski, prezes Modehpolmo - Do końca wrze¶nia wszystkie
obiekty zostan± w pełni skomercjalizowane. Jeste¶my w trakcie
podpisywania długoterminowych umów.
Prezes firmy rozwiewa nadzieje tych stargardzian, którzy liczyli, że
w nowym obiekcie będzie McDonalds. Jak zapewnia, tej firmy nie
Windy i schody
Komunikację wewn±trz budynku rozwi±ż± dwie windy towarowo-osobowe
oraz ruchome schody. Trudno sobie wyobrazić funkcjonowanie tak
dużego obiektu bez parkingu. Ten powstanie za kompleksem. Inwestor
wybuduje 90 miejsc postojowych, z czego 40 będzie w podziemiu.
Ekipy budowlane s± na etapie kończenia prac prowadzonych wewn±trz
budynku. Po wakacjach powinien mieć zrobion± elewację. Otwarcie
centrum handlowo-usługowo-rozrywkowego nast±pi w grudniu tego roku.
Wioletta Mordasiewicz
Expressivo - Twój osobisty lektor - ReMOSitory
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Chociaż nie jest to jeszcze wersja finalna t...
Fashion TV
konto: [email protected]
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O sobie
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Aneta Kręglicka-Żak
duo suspends operations
Bill Dawson and Andrew Peters, partners of Deloitte, were appointed
Joint Administrators to Duo Airways Limited ("duo") on 1 May 2004.
They act as agents of the company and without personal liability.
Following this appointment Duo has ceased to trade and there will be no further flights.
Passengers who have booked flights, which are now cancelled, are unlikely to
be protected by ATOL. However, if they have paid by credit card, the amount
was more than Ł100 and that credit card is issued under an agreement between
a credit card company and an individual, sole trader or partnership, then the
credit card issuer may be responsible under the Consumer Credit Act for giving a refund.
We recommend that passengers contact their credit card company for more details.
Passengers who have travel insurance should contact their insurance provider for more details.
Passengers who booked and paid a travel agent for flights, should contact the agent for advice.
Passengers paying for flights by any other source namely cash or cheque will have an unsecured claim against Duo.
If a company has paid for the tickets via any source, it is likely that the company will have an unsecured claim against Duo.
We are unable to repatriate passengers who are abroad and therefore they need to make alternative arrangements to return home.
Please see the attached document for an explanation of your rights and contact details. Click here to download PDF file.
Should you wish to discuss the position please write to the Administrators at:
201 Deansgate
M60 2AT
Or contact Pat Pilkington on 0161 455 8776
Please click here to access the Creditors’ Report
For the result of the resolutions passed at the Creditors’ meeting, please click on the appropriate link below:
Duo Group Ltd – Form 2.23B
Duo Holdings Ltd – Form 2.23B
Duo Airways Ltd – Form 2.23B
Dokument 01
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wyrażamy zgody na operowanie wlasnymi pieniędzmi.
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Date:Mon, 18 Sep 2006 09:30:01 UT
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Akwizycje Hyperion
Za ok. 1 mln zł Hyperion SA, dostawca Internetu notowany od
niedawna na GPW, nabył udziały dwóch mniejszych ISP - Mertonet
i Interlink. Pozyskane z Giełdy 35 mln zł Hyperion planuje wykorzystać do
ekspansji terytorialnej, ale także do zaoferowania usług WiMAX, VoIP i telewizji internetowej.
Przejęte spółki s± operatorami sieci teleinformatycznych na terenie miast:
Toruń, Bydgoszcz i Chełm. Przejęcie zwiększy zasięg działania Grupy Kapitałowej
Hyperion w rejonie Polski północnej i umocni jej pozycję na wschodzie kraju.
6 wrze¶nia 2006 Hyperion zawarł z Beat± Paszke-Sobolewsk±, Ewelin±
Fiedorowicz oraz Jarosławem Paszke umowę nabycia spółki Intelink przejmuj±c
600 (100%) udziałów tej firmy za kwotę 912 tys. złotych. 7 wrze¶nia 2006 r.
Hyperion zawarł z Piotrem Żelisko oraz Jarosławem Kalińskim umowy nabycia
375 udziałów spółki Metronet stanowi±cych 37.50% udziału w kapitale zakładowym
tej firmy za cenę blisko 185 tys. zł. Po transakcji nabycia udziałów – Hyperion S.A.
posiada już 95% głosów oraz kapitału zakładowego w Metronet sp. z o.o.
Akwizycje lokalnych operatorów sieci teleinformatycznych s± elementem
strategii GK Hyperion, która zakłada stworzenie na polskim rynku jednej z
głównych grup niezależnych dostawców usług telekomunikacyjnych i
rozszerzanie zasięgu własnej szerokopasmowej infrastruktury teleinformatycznej.
Obecnie w Grupie Kapitałowej Hyperion znajduje się 9 spółek, w których
Hyperion posiada większo¶ciowy pakiet akcji.
Hyperion S.A. zadebiutował na GPW w Warszawie w
sierpniu bież±cego roku. Spółka pozyskała z rynku 35 mln zł,
które przeznaczy w większej czę¶ci na konsolidację rynku usług teleinformatycznych.
Głównym kierunkiem akwizycji jest północna i centralna Polska.
Akwizycje rozszerz± zasięg działania GK Hyperion, umożliwiaj±c
zwiększanie jednostkowych przychodów abonamentowych spółki.
Pozostałe wpływy z emisji będ± wykorzystane na wdrożenie nowych
technologii - WiMAX - oraz usług telefonii IP i telewizji internetowej.
Czę¶ć ¶rodków zostanie przeznaczona na wykup obligacji wyemitowanych
w ramach pre-IPO w grudniu 2005 roku.
Hyperion na 2006 rok prognozuje trzykrotny wzrost zysku netto - do ponad 3,5 mln zł oraz
dwukrotne zwiększenie rentowno¶ci EDITDA do 6,5 mln zł w porównaniu do roku ubiegłego.
W latach 2003-2005 przychody Grupy Kapitałowej Hyperion wzrosły o ponad 270%,
natomiast zysk netto zwiększył się trzykrotnie. Na koniec 2005 roku zysk netto
spółki przekroczył 1 mln zł, przy przychodach rzędu 15,5 mln zł.
Hyperion S.A. funkcjonuje na rynku od 2000 roku. Pocz±tkowo firma prowadziła
działalno¶ć na terenie 5 miast (Bielska-Białej, Lublina, Katowic i Rzeszowa, Łodzi)
rozszerzaj±c stopniowo zasięg na kolejne regiony Polski. Firma operuje przede
wszystkim na dużych osiedlach, w ponad 20 miastach Polski. W 2000 r. Hyperion
uzyskał 15-letni± koncesję na ¶wiadczenie usług telekomunikacyjnych oraz
zezwolenie na zakładanie i używanie sieci telekomunikacyjnej. W roku 2005 Hyperion
wprowadził usługi telefonii IP w ramach Triple Play oraz rozpocz±ł przygotowania do wdrożenie technologii WiMAX.
W celu zwiększenia możliwo¶ci dostępu do kapitałów niezbędnych do dalszego rozwoju,
wła¶ciciele Spółki podjęli decyzję o wprowadzeniu Hyperion SA na Giełdę Papierów
Warto¶ciowych w Warszawie. Proces ten poprzedziło przeprowadzenie w grudniu 2005 roku,
zakończonej sukcesem emisji obligacji zamiennych na akcje na kwotę 9 mln zł w ramach pre-IPO.
Adres fizyczny
The BPX Community is your one-stop shop for best practices,
the latest tools and methodologies, and lively discussion forums.
To join, simply update your profile on your SDN Business Card.
It’s free, easy, and fast
Microsoft Small Business Newsletter for September 2006
MIKOLAJ, welcome to the Microsoft Small Business Newsletter!
Each month we will provide you with offers, product news,
events, demos and tips & advice to help you run your business better.
+48 604339153
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Jenna Jameson Chase Bank
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Our URL ( wasn't found
on your reciprocal links page (!
Please make sure you place this exact URL on your page before adding your link!
Life Supply Chain Manegament
Club Brama Menager Jenna Jameson
Kradzież komputera marki Vobis
'Generał' marcin
'Generał' marcin
Operator - spółka pod firm± sp. j., z siedzib± w Szczecinie, pl. Rodła 9,
wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców pod numerem KRS 0000082051,
NIP 852-21-03-252, REGON 811158242, wpisana do rejestru przedsiębiorców
telekomunikacyjnych prowadzonego przez Prezesa Urzędu Komunikacji
Elektronicznej pod numerem 2068.
Ban (ang. zakaz lub zakazywać) – termin stosowany w informatyce
do określenia czynności zablokowania dostępu danego użytkownika
do wysokopoziomowej usługi internetowej, na przykład komunikatora internetowego czy forum WWW.
Powody banowania
Bany przyznawane są zwykle przez administratorów usług w
reakcji na niepożądane zachowania użytkowników - na przykład w
skutek złamania regulaminu usługi, nie przestrzegania netykiety, prób
naruszenia bezpieczeństwa systemu lub ograniczenia jego dostępności
(atak DoS). Blokada może odnosić się do konta użytkownika, albo do adresów sieciowych, z których korzysta.
Ban a fora internetowe
Na forach internetowych, zależnie od sposobu ich funkcjonowania, może
istnieć kilka różnych rodzajów bana - często możliwe są ban czasowe
(np. godzinne) oraz stałe, a w pewnych sytuacjach ograniczone może być tylko pisanie
lub edytowanie postów (z zachowaniem możliwości odczytu). Wiele for internetowych
ma własny, czasem arbitralny regulamin banowania, który, oprócz kwestii
wymienionych we wcześniejszej sekcji, może zabraniać np. za posiadania
dwóch kont przez jednego użytkownika (dla jednego adresu IP).
Ban a IRC
W odniesieniu do technologii Internet Relay Chat, termin ten ma węższe
znaczenie: odnosi się tylko do wykluczenia użytkownika z pojedynczego
kanału dyskusyjnego. Takiej operacji może dokonać każdy użytkownik,
który posiada status operatora na danym kanale. Blokady przyznawane
przez administratorów, które pozbawiają całkowicie dostepu do serwera IRC, noszą nazwę k-line.
Właściciel sklepu
Poufno¶ć i bezpieczeństwo transakcji
Tutaj wstaw informacje o swoim programie lojalno¶ciowym.
Ponizsza tabela jest generowana automatycznie na podstawie konfiguracji
z bazy danych. Jeżeli jest pusta oznacza to, że moduł ten nie został zainstalowany
Warunki korzystania z serwisu
Tutaj wstaw regulamin sklepu
Włamanie do sieci:
ROI (ang. return on investment - zwrot z inwestycji) -
w przedsiębiorczości, wskaźnik rentowności oznaczający jak
wiele zysku udało się wygenerować spółce z zaangażowanych kapitałów.
W polskich warunkach określa ile groszy zysku udało się
osiągnąć spółce z jednej złotówki nakładów inwestycyjnych.
eTrust® Cleanup for RACF Security Free 30-Day Trial
After installing eTrust Cleanup, you will need to contact
the Total License Care (TLC) group at 1-800-338-6720
to get your trial download keys for eTrust Cleanup for
RACF and/or the LMP keys for eTrust Cleanup for ACF2
and/or eTrust Cleanup for Top Secret Security.
RegCleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio, translation by Michał Gerke
Autor : MozillaPlugins
Program :;version=
Wpis : Stary
Usunięcie tej pozycji spowoduje usunięcie tych kluczy
C:\Program Files\Stoprocent - Sklep
The .htpasswd file should contain
Highlight the line, COPY it and then PASTE it into the .htpasswd file.
Each username:Passwd combination should have it's own line in the .htpasswd file.
Encrypt another?
Go Back
Poufno¶ć i bezpieczeństwo transakcji
Tutaj wstaw informacje o swoim programie lojalno¶ciowym.
Ponizsza tabela jest generowana automatycznie na podstawie konfiguracji
z bazy danych. Jeżeli jest pusta oznacza to, że moduł ten nie został zainstalowany
Warunki korzystania z serwisu
Tutaj wstaw regulamin sklepu
Feature Not Available - Tracking
<strong>Download Copernic Agent Professional</strong></a></span></div></td>
Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]:
Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
in /home/netshock/public_html/pp/signup.php on line 20
Database CONNECT Error (line 8)
RegCleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio, translation by Michał Gerke
Zarejestrowane typy plików. Pozycje z wpisem „<BRAK DANYCH>” mogą być spokojnie usunięte, Zaznaczono 13 z 298
[syntax:  Rozszerzenie, Opis ]
Jednostk± czasu w układzie SI jest sekunda [t] = s.
Rodowód tej jednostki jest stosunkowo prosty do wymy¶lenia.
Punktem wyj¶cia jest tu oczywi¶cie naturalna jednostka czasu - doba,
maj±ca 24 godziny, a w każdej godzinie jest 3600 sekund. Pocz±tkowo
więc sekunda była zdefiniowana jako 1/86400 doby
(24 razy 3600 = 86400). Jednak okazało się, że taka jednostka
nie jest zbyt precyzyjna. Powodów jest kilka – pierwszy z nich, to np.
fakt, że mamy aż dwie doby – dobę słoneczn± i dobę gwiazdow±,
a różni± się one o prawie 4 minuty. Sk±d ta różnica?
nie ma istnienia
An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
Resource not found
Sorry, the requested resource does not exist.
Check the URL and try again.
Site Error
An error was encountered while publishing this resource.
Resource not found
Sorry, the requested resource does not exist.
Check the URL and try again.
OLIWIA 05.09.2001 05:55 CET
MAJA 15.03.2003 07:45 CET
Zmiana wektoryzacji przesyłu danych
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Finding your Card Verification Number
For American Express
The card verification number is the four small numbers
printed on the front of your American Express card, above the last few embossed numbers.
Note: For MasterCard, Visa, and Discover cards, this number is
printed in the signature panel on the back of the card.
What is Express Checkout?
Express Checkout allows you to store your payment
information in your Yahoo! Wallet and to access this information
for future purchases from this computer without having to re-type it
every time you shop. Simply click on the "Express Checkout"
checkbox to store your payment information securely. The next time
you buy products or services from Yahoo! on this computer, your payment
information will be pre-filled and ready to go.
As a security precaution, you are required to log in to Yahoo!
with your Yahoo! ID and password each time you access this credit card
information. In addition, this information is only available from computers on
which you have activated the Express Checkout feature.
If you choose not to use Express Checkout, simply uncheck the
"Express Checkout" checkbox. You may turn on the Express Checkout feature at anytime.
ja ? tak
bez tytułu
https NATO
My Life. My Card. American Express.
Partner Portal Registration Complete
Thank you for registering for the CA Partner Portal
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RegCleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio, translation by Michał Gerke
Autor : TimeAcct Information Systems
Program : Memory Optimizer
Wpis : Nowy
Usunięcie tej pozycji spowoduje usunięcie tych kluczy
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\TimeAcct Information Systems\Memory Optimizer\
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\TimeAcct Information Systems\Memory Optimizer
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\memory optimizer
Diplomatic Passport and Honorary Consulship -Central America
For the first time a highly respectable diplomatic appointment with a diplomatic passport is available.
Through our long time reliable and trusted contacts at governmental level we are finally able to offer
a genuine diplomatic passport from a highly respected country for only USD 10,000! PRIVILEGES OF
1. You will enjoy the privileges and immunities granted by the Vienna Conventions of Consular and Diplomatic Relations.
2. Your home and office will be officially designated as a consulate and therefore are inviolable.
3. You may display "CC" (Corps Consulaire) plates on your car so that your status is known to the forces of control who may not
detain you in any way.
4. When traveling, you may use the diplomatic channel at airports and will not be subject to time delaying and annoying customs checks.
5. You may purchase drinks, cigarettes and other supplies for your consulate duty free.
6. You will be exempt from all forms of tax on any of your income in the host country derived from outside of that country.
7. Doors, which may have been previously closed, will remarkably open once you have received your diplomatic status.
8. Top restaurants, hotels and clubs, which may be "fully booked", will suddenly take your reservation.
9. You will receive free upgrades from many airlines to First/Business class at the check-in desks.
10. You will automatically receive numerous invitations to Royal/Diplomatic and Society parties and events.
11. You will meet top-ranking government officials and heads of state.
12. You will boost your business success as well as your social status and prestige. For full details please remit USD 1,000
(to avoid the merely curious) and e-mail us to receive full particulars . PLEASE NOTE THAT THESE PROGRAMS AND ALL
The price ranges quoted are inclusive of all government fees, lawyers fees, and commissions. .
If you are serious about applying for one of these options, drop us a line asking for the latest fee
structure, application form and information on availability. We will get this off to you ASAP. Please
note: All documents offered by procuring agencies are guaranteed by same agencies to be absolutely
genuine - no forgeries, no stolen or "lost" papers! We are not "selling" these passports in the sense that
we issue them, fill in existing blanks or print them ourselves! (This should really be a given, but we do get
inquiries asking us to do just that - sorry, folks, but that's a strict no-no as far as we are concerned!)
What we do instead is to mediate between clients who are interested in obtaining a legal & official 2nd
citizenship/passport and those agents & facilitators who are capable and willing to help them obtain it.
Diplomatic World Services
Diplomatic Positions:
Charge D`Affairs
Honorary Consul
Honorary Counsellor
Honorary Ambassador
Diplomatic positions:
Deputy Secretary –
Diplomatic Counsellor
Consul General
UN Positions
Please contact us for appropriate application requirements.
Please be advised that WE do NOT SELL PASSPORTS !
Our Email is: [email protected]
Diplomatic World Services
1 North Bridge Road
High Street Centre #22-07
Singapore 179094
Tel.: +65 63386009
Fax: +65 63386311
Central Europe
Time: 4 to 5 weeks
Docs: Birth Certificate, Driving License, Passport (renewable any
embassy every 5 years)!
Visa free to all Schengen countries.
Fees: USD 7,000
Country = Western Europe (EU)
Program Fee = USD 12,000
Delivery Time = 4-5 weeks
Family Plan = None
Military Duty? = None
Points of Interest =naturalization certificate included
Program Fee = USD 5,000
Delivery Time = 4-5 weeks
Family Plan = USD 2,500 per additional family member
Military Duty? = None
Points of Interest = Good hassle free Central American country
Program Fee = USD 8,000
Delivery Time = 4-6 weeks
Family Plan = USD 4,000 per additional family member
Military Duty? = None
Points of Interest = Rock solid, best known
Program Fee = USD 12,000
Delivery Time = 4- 5 weeks
Family Plan = USD 6,000 per additional family member
Military Duty? = None
Points of Interest = Difficult to secure but a real winner
Nieznany protokół
Nie zaszyfrowano
CNET -- Technology news and business reports
FEEDBACK: Vista availability: Make that 'late January'
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 02:25:18 -0700 (PDT)
From: "MIKOŁAJ" <[email protected]> View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: FEEDBACK: Vista availability: Make that 'late January'
To: [email protected]
Do zakończenia przekazania obowiązków
finanse osobiste zostają zamrożone.
Stoprocent - Sklep Internetowy
Przyjęto zamówienie
"100% s.c." <[email protected]>
Zamówienie nr: 215
Szczegółowa specyfikacja:
zamówienia: poniedziałek, 28 sierpień 2006
1 x 2006 stpr spodnie nowe ES () = 189,00zł Rozmiar XXL
1 x Spodnie 2006 Peace () = 199,00zł Rozmiar XL
1 x Kurtka Baseballówka Z Zamkiem / czerwona () = 239,00zł Rozmiar S
1 x Kurtka Baseballówka Z Zamkiem / biała () = 239,00zł Rozmiar S
1 x T-Shirt 'StoPro pisane' / melanż () = 74,00zł Rozmiar S
1 x Czapka Pilotka / szara () = 45,00zł
1 x Bluza na zamek 'Gryf' / błękitna () = 219,00zł Rozmiar XL
Podsuma: 1204,00zł
VAT-22: 217,11zł
Przesyłka kurierska (Opłata za przesyłkę): 9,00zł
Suma: 1213,00zł
Adres dostawy
STARGARD, 73-100
NIP: 8541560832
Adres płatnika
STARGARD, 73-100
NIP: 8541560832
Sposób zapłaty
Gotówka: przelew
Wpłata Dla:
Należno¶ć Wysłać Do:
100% s.c.
Winicjusz Bartków, Maria Bartków
ul. Szczerkowa 12, 71-751 Szczecin
tel. +48 91 453 76 35
fax +48 91 453 76 36
NIP 955-19-33-034
Konto: BPH oddział Szczecin
06 1060 0076 0000 3200 0105 4599
Twoje zamówienie będzie realizowane dopiero gdy
uregulujesz należno¶ć.
RegCleaner 4.3 by Jouni Vuorio, translation by Michał Gerke
Rozszerzenie : Folder
Polecenie : ACDBrowse
Program : "C:\Program Files\ACD Systems\ACDSee\8.0.Pro\ACDSee8Pro.exe" "%1"
Usunięcie tej pozycji spowoduje usunięcie tych kluczy
1. RapidSSL - najprostszy, wystawiany przez Equifax Secure eBusiness, 128-bitowy,
rozpoznawalny przez 96% obecnie używanych przegl±darek WWW (Internet Explorer 5.01+,
Netscape 4.71+, Firefox 1.0+, Mozilla 1.0+, Safari, AOL 5+). Koszt certyfikatu w tej
wersji wynosi 200 zł + VAT rocznie (244 zł).
2. QuickSSL - certyfikat profesjonalny, gwarantuj±cy wysokie zaufanie,
wystawiany przez GeoTrust, 128-bitowy, rozpoznawalny przez 98% obecnie
używanych przegl±darek WWW (Internet Explorer 5.01+, Netscape 4.51+).
Koszt certyfikatu w tej wersji wynosi 800 zł + VAT rocznie (976 zł).
Strony błędów a .htaccess
ErrorDoc <kod_błędu> <reakcja>
74c 168 WinMain
74c 168
lpCmdLine: '/REGSERVER'
168 Run
74c 168 lpCmdLine:
74c 168 nCmdShow:
74c 168 leaving WinMain
Yahoo! - 999 Unable to process request at this time -- error 999
Sorry, Unable to process request at this time -- error 999.
Unfortunately we are unable to process your request at this time.
This error is usually temporary. Please try again later.
If you continue to experience this error, it may be caused by one of the following:
You may want to scan your system for spyware and viruses, as they may interfere with
your ability to connect to Yahoo!. For detailed information on spyware and virus protection,
please visit the Yahoo! Security Center.
This problem may be due to unusual network activity coming from
your Internet Service Provider. We recommend that you report this problem to them.
While this error is usually temporary, if it continues and the above solutions don't
resolve your problem, please let us know.
Return to Yahoo!
META Description: missing
Broken internal links
\ Missing
Unicenter DNA
Parametr jest niepoprawny
Proces nie może uzyskać dostępu do pliku,
ponieważ jest on używany przez inny proces.
Winqual User Account Rejected
Your request to establish a new Winqual
user account has been rejected by your company
account administrator.
Thank you,
Windows Quality Online Services
Windows Quality Online Services Welcome
User Name mroszak2001
Password !70Fucknbp
GP32x File Archive Login Details:
Username: mroszak2001
Password: SwJVdlXa
Log on to GP32x File Archive now:
This is an automatically generated message. There
is no need to reply.
useird/password combination is p196667/secure48.
Portal Runtime Error
An exception occurred while processing a request for :
iView : N/A
Component Name : N/A
iView not found: /global/services/installed/
Exception id: 04:31_04/08/06_0002
See the details for the exception ID in the log file
[email protected]
Web CEO: 6 years in businessLearn. Promote. Convert. The Choice of 265,000+ Businesses in 103 countries
Marina Savenkova
Dear Friend,
Marina Savenkova, (aka Support Archangel) at Web CEO
would like to say thank-you for putting your trust in
our product. As a registered user, you want to be sure
that the Web promotion software you use is always on the
move toward success for you and your business. As
Director of Customer Care, I can assure you that we are
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results: prominent SE positions + better conversions and
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(BTW, thanks a lot for all the success stories you
continue to send us! :)
In celebration and excitement, we are almost giving away
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Web CEO SmallBiz
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Web CEO Professional Unleashed
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$249 USD $479 (You Save $230)
And that’s not all!
With every offer, you get Professional SEO Education and Certification!
1. Deadline
Be aware that we can only allow such a low price for a limited time until August 26, 2006.
2. How to join
To take advantage of this birthday deal, just run Web CEO,
press "My Account", and look for the button for the optional code.
Your discount code is: WEBCEO6YO
Once the code is entered, you will see the updated prices.
Choose one of the "Unleashed" editions and go ahead.
(Just in case, detailed instructions and screenshots are here).
3. Feel 100% safe about the purchase
Your purchase is subject to an unconditional 30-day money-back
guarantee. You have put your trust in us and we will honor that trust
with an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee. If for any
reason, you find that Web CEO doesn’t deliver the value you
expected, you can have your money back. No questions asked!
4. More information
1. With Web CEO, you never pay for version upgrades. Version 6
to version 7 and so on, will always be free for you. This
means you save even more with Web CEO compared to other SEO
software that makes money by charging you for upgrades!
2. To read recent awards and testimonials of Web CEO, click here;
3. Find out what you get by upgrading to a SmallBiz Unleashed
or Professional Unleashed user;
4. Learn more about the bonus training and SEM certificate.
As always, feel free to contact me or one of our Angels at
[email protected] with any questions regarding this offer or technical issues.
Kind regards,Marina Savenkova
Web CEO Ltd.
E: [email protected]
P: 866-7WEBCEO (USA)
P: +38 (Int'l)
F: 206.339.5658 (USA)
Our business hours are:
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM GMT, London
2:00 AM - 11:00 AM EST, New York

maybe OP want to extract all numbers from his inbox using regular expressions?

Similar Messages

  • Possibility of drawing numbers on java bouncing balls?

    Can anyone show me how to put numbers on these moving balls in my code. I need the numbers 1-60 on them. I have two sets the red and white. Here is my code. Any help is appreciated. I am trying to write a program to represent the powerball.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    class CollideBall{
    int width, height;
    public static final int diameter=20;
    //coordinates and value of increment
    double x, y, xinc, yinc, coll_x, coll_y;
    boolean collide;
    Color color;
    Graphics g;
    Rectangle r;
    //the constructor
    public CollideBall(int w, int h, int x, int y, double xinc, double yinc, Color c){
    r=new Rectangle(150,80,130,90);
    public double getCenterX() {return x+diameter/2;}
    public double getCenterY() {return y+diameter/2;}
    public void alterRect(int x, int y, int w, int h){
    public void move(){
    if (collide){  
    double xvect=coll_x-getCenterX();
    double yvect=coll_y-getCenterY();
    if((xinc>0 && xvect>0) || (xinc<0 && xvect<0))
    if((yinc>0 && yvect>0) || (yinc<0 && yvect<0))
    //when the ball bumps against a boundary, it bounces off
    //ball width is 6 so if the ball becomes less then 6 it is touching the frame
    //if ball is greater than the entire width-the diameter of the rectangle, then the ball is just touching the frame of the rectangle and must switch to negative to go in opposit direction
    if(x<6 || x>width-diameter){
    //same thing as about just about the Y-axis instead of the x-axis
    if(y<6 || y>height-diameter){
    public void hit(CollideBall b){
    public void paint(Graphics gr){
    //the coordinates in fillOval have to be int, so we cast
    //explicitly from double to int
    //Draws half white and half dark gray arc around the balls to give light and shadow effect
    public class BouncingBalls extends Applet implements Runnable { 
    Thread runner;
    Image Buffer;
    Graphics gBuffer;
    CollideBall ball[];
    //Obstacle o;
    //how many balls?
    static final int MAX=60;
    boolean intro=true,drag,shiftW,shiftN,shiftE,shiftS;
    boolean shiftNW,shiftSW,shiftNE,shiftSE;
    int xtemp,ytemp,startx,starty;
    int west, north, east, south;
    public void init() {  
    ball=new CollideBall[MAX];
    int w=getSize().width-5;
    int h=getSize().height-5;
    //our balls have different start coordinates, increment values
    //(speed, direction) and colors
    for (int i = 0;i<30;i++){
    ball=new CollideBall(w,h,48+i,500+i,1.5,2.0,Color.white);
    ball[i+30]=new CollideBall(w,h,890+i,200+i,1.5,2.0,;
    public void start(){
    if (runner == null) {
    runner = new Thread (this);
    /* public void stop(){
    if (runner != null) {
    runner = null;
    public void run(){
    while(true) {
    try {runner.sleep(15);}
    catch (Exception e) { }
    //move our balls around
    for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++){
    boolean collide(CollideBall b1, CollideBall b2){
    double wx=b1.getCenterX()-b2.getCenterX();
    double wy=b1.getCenterY()-b2.getCenterY();
    //we calculate the distance between the centers two
    //colliding balls (theorem of Pythagoras)
    double distance=Math.sqrt(wx*wx+wy*wy);
    return true;
    return false;
    private void handleCollision(){
    //we iterate through all the balls, checking for collision
    for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
    for(int j=0;j<MAX;j++){
    if(collide(ball[i], ball[j])){  
    public void update(Graphics g){
    public void paint(Graphics g) { 
    //paint our balls
    for(int i=0;i<MAX;i++)
    g.drawImage (Buffer,0,0, this);
    Thanks again

    this.user wrote:
    JakeG27 post your code within the code tab it will be more clear.
    You can do this by clicking on CODE when you do this will appear { code} { code} post your code inbetween those to tags.
    { code} code... { code}
    and it will look like this
    This must be the first sensible post you've ever made. At least you're able to copy someone else's response and pretend you know something.

  • Previewing Pages document in Preview shows page numbers incorrectly

    Previewing Pages (5.2) document in Preview (7.0) shows page numbers incorrectly. Regardless of starting page number preview shows as Page 1.
    Suggestions appreciated...

    That appears to be YABIP5 (Yet Another Bug In Pages 5].
    Pages .09 documents are fine.
    No prizes however for finding bugs in Pages 5/5.2 it's swarming with them.

  • IPod 4,1 will not update to iOS 7. I updated my iMac to 10.9.1 (maverick). Latest Numbers version on iMac is not compatible with Numbers on iPod. Ideas? Can I go back a version with Numbers?

    iPod 4,1 will not update to iOS 7. I updated my iMac to 10.9.1 (maverick). Latest Numbers version on iMac is not compatible with Numbers on iPod. Ideas? Can I go back a version with Numbers? I downloaded old version of Numbers 2.0.1 from DVD but with both versions the 2.0.1 will not open.  So both versions are present but only the new version functions. I tried to drag the new version to the trash but the old version still runs error message and will not open. I did not try to restart with the new version in the trash.

    Maybe. See:
    Reverting to previous version of Numbers

  • HT4910 Have two phones with same apple id as I got one for my hubbie .he tried to back up his numbers in I cloud . Our contacts have now merged and neither can delete from our phone without it coming off the other . Any ideas how we can stop this

    Have two iPhones with the same id as I got hubbie one in week and when I got it they asked for email address so I gave the one we use, so when my husband started phone up he just put my password in. When he tried to back his numbers on iCloud they all appeared on my phone and now I can't delete his numbers without them deleting on his phone as well . Any help would be appreciated.

    You'll have to migrate one of the phones to a different account, then delete the other person's data from each account (you can continue to share the same Apple ID for purchasing from the iTunes and app stores). 
    Decide which iPhone will be keeping the current iCloud account.  On the one that will be changing accounts, if you have any photos in photo stream that are not in your camera roll or backed up somewhere else save these to your camera roll by opening the photo stream album in the thumbnail view, tapping Edit, then tap all the photos you want to save, tap Share and tap Save to Camera Roll. 
    Once this is done, go to Settings>iCloud, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  (This will only delete the account from this phone, not from iCloud.  The phone that will be keeping the account will not be effected by this.)  When prompted about what to do with the iCloud data, be sure to select Keep On My iPhone.  Next, set up a new iCloud account using a different Apple ID (if you don't have one, tap Get a Free Apple ID at the bottom).  Then turn iCloud data syncing for contacts, etc. back to On, and when prompted about merging with iCloud, choose Merge.  This will upload the data to the new account.
    Finally, go to on your computer and sign into each iCloud account separately and manually delete the data you don't from each account.

  • How do I add multiple phone numbers at once to a contact? Is there any software able to do this, which I can import to iCloud?

    I have my email forwarded to my cell phone via message to [[email protected]].
    I do this for the reason that having my emails fetched constantly is a heavy burden on the battery.
    This works perfectly, except for the fact that the emails come from a different number every time.
    The numbers change by 3 digits from 001-999. (1-210-100-###)
    I can write these numbers easily using something like excel to write the consecutive numbers, and not have to write one by one, but I would like to import these easily to my contact under "Email" for several reasons.
    1. SMS tone to be consistant
    2. Easy identification
    3. Easy deletion
    4. Message grouping
    There are probably more benefits, however I cannot think of any at this very moment.
    I want to basically write them all in to the contact to make the identity seamless.
    I've tried to do so with
    -Gmail - one number entry at a time
    -Editing the .abbu file using text editor - Cannot find the phone number location to copy and emulate
    Editing the contact using excel - I downloaded "Addressbook2CSV Exporter" and managed to get the contact information in an editable form.
    I got the contact info which looks like
    [,Other","","","1210100001 ::: 1210100002","","","","","","","","Generic","","","","","","","","","","",]
    MEANING, if I can manage to merge the 999 numbers into one line of text, and add them to the numbers separated by "{space}:::{space}"
    then I have my solution right there. This may have turned from an iCloud question to an excel question.
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

    Fair enough.
    I started doing this before unlimited data and emails on phones was a common commodity, on my Samsung Blackjack.
    I then continued it due to its convenience. My only counter argument is this:
    Even when emails are set to immediately push, I am always notified earlier by this forwarding message (sometimes by several minutes/hours due to the fact that it is not dependent on my being connected to 4G or wifi to receive it.
    Also, to contradict snozdop's point that both methods use data and battery, I say this - when I use the forwarding method, the information comes in a pure text format and therefore uses considerably less information than an HTML and CSS rich email, with embedded images and such -also, unlimited text messages aids curve costs.
    I will, however, give this method a go. In any case, a solution to my original question would still be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks guys.

  • How can I convert an old Numbers file to be compatible with the new Numbers version, without having access to the old?

    I received a Numbers file created in iWorks version 8 or earlier, but only have the newest version of Numbers on my MacBook Air. I can't request the sender to reformat the file. Is there any way to convert the file so I can open it in the new Numbers version?

    Are you sure you don't still have Numbers from iWork '09 on your MacBook Air. My Mid 2012 does. To be certain you can look in the Applications folder to see if there is an iWork 09 folder. You can also use Spotlight search to see if it will find that Numbers as well as the current one.
    If you do find to 09 version: iWork '09 and iWork '08: File compatibility

  • Is there a way to darken the dates (numbers) on ical. After installing Lion I can barely read the dates of the month in ICal

    Is there a way to darken the dates (numbers) on the ICal calender. I can barely read mine after installing Lion.

    I should note that the time stays on the left of the event name when I re-enter the text (which I had to do all the time before I found the "show event times" button) so I feel like there's a way.

  • In Numbers, how can i change only the year in a date formatted column of data?

    I'm using Numbers 3.5.2 on an iMac running Yosemite 10.10.2.
    This column is a listing of dates tied to info that needs to happen on a particular date each year. Rather than re-key all the dates so the year advances to 2015, it would be great if I could change just the year for the entire column, leaving the day and month intact.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    If you already have a column of dates, and just want change the year in the entire column, rather than reenter the dates,  then you could use a formula something like this:
    The formula in B2, copied down the column:
    Then select the new column, command-c to copy, and Edit > Paste Formula Results. The original column can then be deleted.

  • How to print page numbers in adobe form

    Can anybody tell me how to print page numbers in adobe form.
    Thanks in advance

    Yes the field page n of m is used normally for printing page numbers. But it won't display the current page of total pages by itself. You have to set the run time property to n (current page ) and m (Total number of pages). Carefully select the # (current page ) and ## (Total number of pages). Hope this works for you.
    My requirement is to have the user control on current page. For Example:
    Example for a Invoice with 5 PO items (stands on 2 pages) :
    1st  page is the letter : no page number
    2nd page is the 1st page of the 1st copy of the invoice : we should read u201C1 / 2u201D
    3rd page is the 2nd page of the 1st copy of the invoice : we should read u201C2 / 2u201D
    4th page is the 1st page of the 2nd copy of the invoice : we should read u201C1 / 2u201D
    5th page is the 2nd page of the 2nd copy of the invoice : we should read u201C2 / 2u201D
    Presently i cam getting the current page number for page 4th as 3 / 2 and for 5th page 4 / 2. I could able to control the total number of pages from print program. But when i am printing the second copy (4th and 5th pages), I couldn't able to control the current page number. I need to initialize the Current page count (4th page ) as 1.
    I have used the follwing java scripting:
    this.rawValue = wv_pages -
    where wv_pages is total no of pages calculated from print program.
    Please help me in this regard with some formcal or java scripting conditions.
    Thank You,

  • How to print selected cells in numbers

    Does anyone know how to print selected cells in a Numbers spreadsheet, rather than printing the entire sheet?
    Also, how to save the selected cells as a pdf file without saving the irrelevant cells?

    Hi nmygs,
    How about this?
    Cell A1 is a Pop-Up Menu containing names of the various "Departments"
    Other cells contain formulas to find a match for whatever is chosen in A1 from the Very Big Data Table.
    Reusable Print Me table.

  • I need to start the page numbers over for a new section in a document (i.e. first six pages are roman numerals, next 70 need to be in arabic numerals), but for some reason, the automatic page numbering has started over at number 3 instead of 1. Help!!

    If anyone has any idea why it's doing this, or what I can do to fix it, please help!

    No idea why it's doing this.
    You should be able to fix it by using Insert > Page Number, rather than 'Automatic Page Numbering.'
    Set Page Numbers in your second section to "Start at:" 1

  • Numbers/Address Book and Google Maps

    I would love to integrate my spreadsheet of addresses or my Address Book with Google Maps.
    Is this possible? Somehow?
    I take a lot of trips across the country and don't always know when I will be driving by my friends. But if I had a map I could glance at to see where they all are, I would know that I could schedule a lunch with a friend halfway or something like that.
    I have heard about MapPoint, but don't know if there is anything like this that is free/affordable/non-MS.

    Integrating in Numbers would not be automatic. You'd have to format links to assign to each address.
    I've seen plug-ins to use Google maps with Address Book. Try a search on MacUpdate or VersionTracker for Address Book.
    I think one of the features for Address Book in Leopard is integration with Google maps.

  • How to print a specific cell in numbers

    how to print a specific cell in numbers?

    Copy the cell (contents), Paste onto a page of a separate document, or onto a separate sheet of your Numbers document, Print.
    Or insert a single cell table onto your Numbers document, type an = sign in the cell then click on the cell you want to print. Drag the new table to a second sheet, set up your page there, and print.
    See the Numbers '09 User Guide for other useful tools and techniques. Download the guide via the Help menu in Nuimbers.

  • How can I return to a previous version of Numbers? Or how can I have all my sheets show on a column on the left hand side, as in the previous version?

    I updated my Numbers for Mac only to find out that there are several changes that make it less appealing for me so far (and I don't think it's only the learning curve). Questions: a) can I somehow edit the location of where I can find all the sheets (right now they are on top of the page, and you can't see all of them listed at quick glance but must scroll/arrow through them) I have in that spreadsheet? In the previous version they were all easy access on the left hand side.
    Or b) can one go back to a previous version of a program somehow?
    Thank you for any leads/answers!

    can I somehow edit the location of where I can find all the sheets (right now they are on top of the page, and you can't see all of them listed at quick glance but must scroll/arrow through them)
    On my machine I just hit shift-command-j (the keyboard shortcut I assigned in System Preferences) and a list of the sheets in the current document pops up:
    I type a number from the list and jump immediately to that sheet. The hands never have to leave the keyboard.
    (This particular document had a sheet named for each month.  But the sheets in your document automatically will be listed instead.)
    This is done via a Jump to Sheet Automator Service (Dropbox download).  To install just doubleclick the .workflow package and (if needed) click 'Download Anyway' in System Preferences > Privacy & Security.
    Installation will cause a new item to appear in your Numbers > Services menu.  Then, if you want a keyboard shortcut, go here in System Preferences and add one:
    You can rename or remove the service by holding down the option key in Finder and choosing Go > Library > Services. You can also view the AppleScript contaned within the service by opening the .workflow package in Automator.
    Note, also, that in Numbers 3 you don't have to use those left-right arrows upper right to slowly scroll left-right to the sheets that are out of view.  Just move your cursor up to the "band" with the "tabs" and drag left or right.  That's much faster than using the arrows.

  • I can no longer access a password protected Numbers file with the correct password. Error message only says the file "cannot be opened."

    I'm using Numbers version 3.2.2.
    Suddenly I cannot access my password protected Numbers file with the correct password. I have the correct password written down so I know I haven't made a mistake.
    The response box that pops up says that the file cannot be opened. There are no other options for me to choose from.

    Also, I tried to open it through an older version of Numbers but it sent this error message.

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