NVL and no rows returned

i found a little error in coded in an SQL-Construct equivalent to this one:
SELECT NVL(dummy, 'A') from dual where 1=2
This will return nothing instead of the expected 'A', because in my understanding no rows are returned and though no NULL could be replaced.
BUT, at least surprising for me,
(SELECT NVL(dummy, 'A') from dual where 1=2), 'B')
from dual
will return 'B'.
What would be a good explanation of this behaviour?
I found nothing in the documentation on this.
Strange enough for me, in the net often other 'workarounds" are proposed, like
SELECT * from(
SELECT NVL(dummy, 'A') from dual where 1=2
SELECT 'A' from dual)
rownum = 1
or with the use of EXISTS.
Are there any drawbacks of the simple NVL-wrapper?
Edited by: chris227 on 11.01.2010 01:43

What would you say is the resultset of 'select NULL from dual' ?It's aset wich contains one element: NULL
and, then,
SQL> select nvl((select * from empty_table),'B') from dual;select * from empty_table returns an empty set, called NULL. hence NVL evaluates to 'B'
SQL> select * from empty_table;
no rows selectedThat means, there are no elements in the result set at all. You wanted to see all those elements.
That was what i wanted to say with the naiv words resultset and columns.
set = resulstset
element = columns (projection)

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    Dear All,
    Good morning. Need your advices. We had a view which is running and producing output to excel files. But recently after one of ours database migration, it were producing differ result: Select Count(*) and actual row are differ: 136 rows vs 65k x 7 rows. Error happen when we export out the row to csv file is produced 65000 rows x 7 worksheep. But when perform select count(*) from RTNEWWIP, result return: 136 rows.
    Is there any way to trace below sql to find where go wrong?
    The Veiw as below:
    wip.PO_NUMBER PO,
    wip.LOT_ID LOT,
    to_char((sysdate - wip.RECORD_START_DATE),'9999D99') STAY_DAY,
    to_char((wip.SCHEDULED_COMPLETE_DATE - sysdate),'9999D99') BACK_DAY,
    -- (sysdate - wip.RECORD_START_DATE) STAY_DAY,
    -- (wip.SCHEDULED_COMPLETE_DATE - sysdate) BACK_DAY,
    --nvl(oel.attribute15, to_char(sysdate+3650,'DD-MON-YYYY')) SHIP_CONF_DATE,
    to_char(nvl(to_date(oel.attribute15,'DD-MON-YYYY'), sysdate+3650),'DD-MON-YYYY') SHIP_CONF_DATE,
    to_char(wip.LOT_START_DATE,'DD-MON-YYYY') WS_DATE,
    --wip.MASK_NO || '/' || wip.MASK_TOTAL ROUTERATIO,
    '''' ||wip.MASK_NO || '/' || wip.MASK_TOTAL ROUTERATIO,
    from wip_report wip, lot_fact lf, order_fact orf, order_dim ord,
    apps.oe_order_headers_all@prod_myfabetl oeh,
    apps.oe_order_lines_all@prod_myfabetl oel
    where wip.CUSTNAME like 'Realtek%'
    --AND WIP.FW_DEVICE like '%R25C'
    and lf.ORDER_FACT_KEY = orf.RECORD_KEY
    and orf.ORDER_KEY = ord.RECORD_KEY
    and ord.ORDER_NO = to_char(oeh.order_number)
    and oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
    and orf.LINE_ITEM_NUMBER = to_char(oel.line_number)
    and orf.ITEM_SCHEDULE = to_char(oel.shipment_number)
    and wip.LOT_TYPE in ('ENX','PRA','PRD','PRT','CSK','MPW')
    union all
    select --od.order_no,'
    od.CUST_PO PO,
    sfl.LOTID LOT,
    sfl.currentcompqty WIP_QTY,
    to_char(to_date(substr(recordstartdate,1, 14), 'yyyymmddhh24miss'), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') IN_TIME,
    --sysdate - to_date(substr(recordstartdate,1, 14), 'yyyymmddhh24miss') STAY_DAY,
    --to_date(sfl.scheduledcompletedate,'yyyymmdd') - sysdate BACK_DAY,
    to_char(sysdate - to_date(substr(recordstartdate,1, 14), 'yyyymmddhh24miss'),'9999D99') STAY_DAY,
    to_char(to_date(sfl.scheduledcompletedate,'yyyymmdd') - sysdate,'9999D99')BACK_DAY,
    to_char(to_date(sfl.scheduledcompletedate,'yyyymmdd'),'DD-MON-YYYY') WO_FCST_DATE,
    to_char(to_date(sfl.scheduledcompletedate,'yyyymmdd') + 1, 'DD-MON-YYYY') SHIP_FCST_DATE,
    --nvl(oel.attribute15, to_char(sysdate+3650,'DD-MON-YYYY')) SHIP_CONF_DATE,
    to_char(nvl(to_date(oel.attribute15,'DD-MON-YYYY'), sysdate+3650),'DD-MON-YYYY') SHIP_CONF_DATE,
    to_char(to_date(sfl.startdate,'yyyymmdd'), 'DD-MON-YYYY') WS_DATE,
    sfl.tempprocessplan PROCESS,
    sfl.currentstatus LOTSTATUS,
    sfl.currenttype LOTTYPE,
    ' ' PRIORITY,
    from SIL_FW_LOTCREATED_VIEW sfl, order_dim od, order_fact orf, item_master_dim imd,
    apps.oe_order_headers_all@prod_myfabetl oeh,
    apps.oe_order_lines_all@prod_myfabetl oel
    where substr(sfl.salesorderno,1,instr(sfl.salesorderno,'-',1,1)-1)= to_char(od.ORDER_NO)
    and od.RECORD_KEY = orf.ORDER_KEY
    and od.RECORD_CURRENT_FLAG = 1
    and orf.RECORD_CURRENT_FLAG =1
    and to_char(orf.LINE_ITEM_NUMBER) = substr(sfl.salesorderno,instr(sfl.salesorderno, '-',1,1) +1, (instr(sfl.salesorderno, '.',1,1) -1) - instr(sfl.salesorderno, '-',1,1))
    and to_char(orf.ITEM_SCHEDULE) = substr(sfl.salesorderno,instr(sfl.salesorderno, '.',1,1) +1, length(salesorderno) - instr(sfl.salesorderno, '.',1,1))
    and orf.ITEM_MASTER_KEY = imd.RECORD_KEY
    and sfl.customername = 'Realtek'
    and od.ORDER_NO = to_char(oeh.order_number)
    and oeh.header_id = oel.header_id
    and orf.LINE_ITEM_NUMBER = to_char(oel.line_number)
    and orf.ITEM_SCHEDULE = to_char(oel.shipment_number);
    select count(*) from rtnewwip;
    1 row selected

    query might be referring to different environment/schema as you are using database link to access some tables.
    getting result/count from view means executing query which forms that view. try to run that query separately and see the output.
    it may help you to debug

  • E-Rows = NULL and A-Rows=42M? Need help in understanding why.

    Oracle Standard Edition CPU Oct 2012 running on Windows 2008 R2 x64. I am using Oracle 10g syntax for WITH clause as the query will also run on Oracle 10gR2. I do not have a Oracle 10gR2 environment at hand to comment if this behaves the same.
    Following query is beyond me. It takes around 2 minutes to return the "computed" result set of 66 rows.
    SQL> WITH dat AS
      2          (SELECT 723677 vid,
      3                  243668 fid,
      4                  TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') mindt,
      5                  TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') maxdt
      6             FROM DUAL
      7           UNION ALL
      8           SELECT 721850,
      9                  243668,
    10                  TO_DATE ('06.02.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),
    11                  TO_DATE (' 22.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
    12             FROM DUAL
    13           UNION ALL
    14           SELECT 723738,
    15                  243668,
    16                  TO_DATE ('16.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),
    17                  TO_DATE ('  04.04.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
    18             FROM DUAL)
    19      SELECT /*+ GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS */ DISTINCT vid, fid, mindt - 1 + LEVEL dtshow
    20        FROM dat
    21  CONNECT BY LEVEL <= maxdt - mindt + 1
    22  order by fid, vid, dtshow;
    66 rows selected.
    SQL_ID  9c4vma4mds6zk, child number 0
    WITH dat AS         (SELECT 723677 vid,                 243668 fid,
                TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') mindt,
    TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') maxdt            FROM DUAL
    UNION ALL          SELECT 721850,                 243668,
       TO_DATE ('06.02.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),                 TO_DATE ('
    22.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')            FROM DUAL          UNION ALL
        SELECT 723738,                 243668,                 TO_DATE
    ('16.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),                 TO_DATE ('  04.04.2013',
    'dd.mm.yyyy')            FROM DUAL)     SELECT /*+
    GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS */ DISTINCT vid, fid, mindt - 1 + LEVEL dtshow
        FROM dat CONNECT BY LEVEL <= maxdt - mindt + 1 order by fid, vid,
    Plan hash value: 1865145249
    | Id  | Operation                              | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |      |      1 |        |     66 |00:01:54.64 |       |       |          |
    |   1 |  SORT UNIQUE                           |      |      1 |      3 |     66 |00:01:54.64 |  6144 |  6144 | 6144  (0)|
    |   2 |   CONNECT BY WITHOUT FILTERING (UNIQUE)|      |      1 |        |     42M|00:01:04.00 |       |       |          |
    |   3 |    VIEW                                |      |      1 |      3 |      3 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   4 |     UNION-ALL                          |      |      1 |        |      3 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   5 |      FAST DUAL                         |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   6 |      FAST DUAL                         |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   7 |      FAST DUAL                         |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------If I take out one of the UNION queries, the query returns in under 1 second.
    SQL> WITH dat AS
      2          (SELECT 723677 vid,
      3                  243668 fid,
      4                  TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') mindt,
      5                  TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') maxdt
      6             FROM DUAL
      7           UNION ALL
      8           SELECT 721850,
      9                  243668,
    10                  TO_DATE ('06.02.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),
    11                  TO_DATE (' 22.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
    12             FROM DUAL)
    13      SELECT /*+ GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS */ DISTINCT vid, fid, mindt - 1 + LEVEL dtshow
    14        FROM dat
    15  CONNECT BY LEVEL <= maxdt - mindt + 1
    16  order by fid, vid, dtshow;
    46 rows selected.
    SQL_ID  1d2f62uy0521p, child number 0
    WITH dat AS         (SELECT 723677 vid,                 243668 fid,
                TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') mindt,
    TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') maxdt            FROM DUAL
    UNION ALL          SELECT 721850,                 243668,
       TO_DATE ('06.02.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),                 TO_DATE ('
    22.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')            FROM DUAL)     SELECT /*+
    GATHER_PLAN_STATISTICS */ DISTINCT vid, fid, mindt - 1 + LEVEL dtshow
        FROM dat CONNECT BY LEVEL <= maxdt - mindt + 1 order by fid, vid,
    Plan hash value: 2232696677
    | Id  | Operation                              | Name | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   |  OMem |  1Mem | Used-Mem |
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT                       |      |      1 |        |     46 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   1 |  SORT UNIQUE                           |      |      1 |      2 |     46 |00:00:00.01 |  4096 |  4096 | 4096  (0)|
    |   2 |   CONNECT BY WITHOUT FILTERING (UNIQUE)|      |      1 |        |     90 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   3 |    VIEW                                |      |      1 |      2 |      2 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   4 |     UNION-ALL                          |      |      1 |        |      2 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   5 |      FAST DUAL                         |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    |   6 |      FAST DUAL                         |      |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       |       |          |
    26 rows selected.What I cannot understand is why the E-Rows is NULL for "CONNECT BY WITHOUT FILTERING (UNIQUE)" step and A-Rows shoots up to 42M for first case. The behaviour is the same for any number of UNION queries above two.
    Can anyone please help me understand this and aid in tuning this accordingly? Also, I would be happy to know if there are better ways to generate the missing date range.

    May be, this?
    WITH dat AS
                (SELECT 723677 vid,
                        243668 fid,
                        TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') mindt,
                        TO_DATE ('06.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy') maxdt
                   FROM DUAL
                 UNION ALL
                 SELECT 721850,
                       TO_DATE ('06.02.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),
                       TO_DATE (' 22.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
                  FROM DUAL
                UNION ALL
                SELECT 723738,
                       TO_DATE ('16.03.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy'),
                       TO_DATE ('  04.04.2013', 'dd.mm.yyyy')
                  FROM DUAL)
           SELECT  vid, fid, mindt - 1 + LEVEL dtshow
             FROM dat
      CONNECT BY LEVEL <= maxdt - mindt + 1
          and prior vid = vid
          and prior fid = fid
          and prior sys_guid() is not null
      order by fid, vid, dtshow;
    66 rows selected.
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.03

  • How to Customize the Message "No Row Returned" from a Report

    I've been trying to customize the Message "No Row Returned" from a Report.
    First i followed the instructions in Note:183131.1 -
    How to Customize the Message "No Row Returned" from a Report
    But of course the OWA_UTIL.REDIRECT_URL in this solution did not work (in a portlet) and i found the metalink document 228620.1 which described how to fix it.
    So i followed the "fix" in the document above and now my output is,..
    "Portlet 38,70711 responded with content-type text/plain when the client was requesting content-type text/html"
    So i search in Metalink for the above and come up with,...
    And i've read it and read it and read it and read it and can't make heads or tails of what it's saying.
    Every "solution" seems to cause another problem that i have to fix. And all i want to do is customize the Message "No Row Returned" from a Report. Please,...does anyone know how to do this?

    My guess is that it only shows the number of rows it has retrieved. I believe the defailt is for it to only retrieve 50 rows and as you page through your report it retrieves more. So this would just tell you how many rows was retireved, but probably not how many rows the report would contain if you pages to the end. Oracle doesn't really have a notion of total number of rows until the whole result set has been materialized.

  • Problem with creating and deleting row in table

    I'm using JDev11. I have a table "A" with primary key X -> CHAR(1). I have created Entity and ViewObject (with the primary key X).
    I created an editable Table with CreateInsert and Delete actions.
    When I click Insert, a new record is added and I enter some data. Then I move selection to some other row, and return back to the new row. When I press Delete, It does not delete the new row, but the previous one selected.
    In the console, when I navigate back two the new added record: <FacesCtrlHierBinding$FacesModel><makeCurrent> ADFv: No row found for rowKey: [oracle.jbo.Key[null ]].
    I tried the same scenario with a different table, that has RowID as a primary key and it works correctly.
    Any Idea why this is happening ? I suppose it's connected somehow with the primary key.
    Edited by: a.gruev on Nov 26, 2009 9:47 AM

    I changed my entity: unchecked the X column to be primary key added RowID as a primary key. Now it works.
    What's wrong with my CHAR(1) as a primary key ?
    I also tried to add a Refresh button:
      <af:commandButton text="Refresh" id="cb3"/>and in the table add a partialTarget to the button. Now when I add new row and press the Refresh button - then it works.
    So it seems that the problem is when I add new row and enter data, the table is not refreshed and the row is missing it's primary key.
    Any solutions?
    Edited by: a.gruev on Nov 26, 2009 4:18 PM

  • Difference between current row and previous row in a table

    Hi All,
    I am having a problem with the query. Can some of please help me?
    I need to get difference between current row and previous row in a table. I have a table, which have data like bellow.
    Name Date Items
    AAA 01-SEP-09 100
    BBB 02-SEP-09 101
    CCC 03-SEP-09 200
    DDD 04-SEP-09 200
    EEE 05-SEP-09 400
    Now I need to get output like bellow...
    Name Date Items Diff-Items
    AAA 01-SEP-09 100 0
    BBB 02-SEP-09 101 1
    CCC 03-SEP-09 200 99
    DDD 04-SEP-09 200 0
    EEE 05-SEP-09 400 200
    Can some one help me to write a query to get above results?
    Please let me know if you need more information.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    We are using Oracle10G(

         , nvl (items - lag (items) over (order by dt), 0)like in
    SQL> with test as
      2  (
      3  select 'AAA' name, to_date('01-SEP-09', 'dd-MON-rr') dt,  100 items from dual union all
      4  select 'BBB' name, to_date('02-SEP-09', 'dd-MON-rr') dt,  101 items from dual union all
      5  select 'CCC' name, to_date('03-SEP-09', 'dd-MON-rr') dt,  200 items from dual union all
      6  select 'DDD' name, to_date('04-SEP-09', 'dd-MON-rr') dt,  200 items from dual union all
      7  select 'EEE' name, to_date('05-SEP-09', 'dd-MON-rr') dt,  400 items from dual
      8  )
      9  select name
    10       , dt
    11       , items
    12       , nvl (items - lag (items) over (order by dt), 0)
    13    from test
    14  ;
    AAA 01-SEP-09        100                                      0
    BBB 02-SEP-09        101                                      1
    CCC 03-SEP-09        200                                     99
    DDD 04-SEP-09        200                                      0
    EEE 05-SEP-09        400                                    200

  • Re: Transactions and Locking Rows for Update

    Sounds like you either need an "optimistic locking" scheme, usually
    implemented with timestamps at the database level, or a concurrency manager.
    A concurrency manager registers objects that may be of interest to multiple
    users in a central location. It takes care of notifying interested parties
    (i.e., clients,) of changes made to those objects, using a "notifier" pattern.
    The optimistic locking scheme is relatively easy to implement at the
    database level, but introduces several problems. One problem is that the
    first person to save their changes "wins" - every one else has to discard
    their changes. Also, you now have business policy effectively embedded in
    the database.
    The concurrency manager is much more flexible, and keeps the policy where
    it probably belongs. However, it is more complex, and there are some
    implications to performance when you get to the multiple-thousand-user
    range because of its event-based nature.
    Another pattern of lock management that has been implemented is a
    "key-based" lock manager that does not use events, and may be more
    effective at managing this type of concurrency for large numbers of users.
    There are too many details to go into here, but I may be able to give you
    more ideas in a separate note, if you want.
    At 04:48 PM 6/5/97 PDT, Dale "V." Georg wrote:
    I have a problem in the application I am currently working on, which it
    seems to me should be easily solvable via appropriate use of transactions
    and database locking, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly how to
    do it. The database we are using is Oracle 7.2.
    The scenario is as follows: We have a window where the user picks an
    object from a dropdown list. Some of the object's attributes are then
    displayed in that window, and the user then has the option of editing
    those attributes, and at some point hitting the equivalent of a 'save'button
    to write the changes back to the database. So far, so good. Now
    introduce a second user. If user #1 and user #2 both happen to pull up
    the same object and start making changes to it, user #1 could write back
    to the database and then 15 seconds later user #2 could write back to the
    database, completely overlaying user #1's changes without ever knowing
    they had happened. This is not good, particularly for our application
    where editing the object causes it to progress from one state to the next,
    and multiple users trying to edit it at the same time spells disaster.
    The first thing that came to mind was to do a select with intent to update,
    i.e. 'select * from table where key = 'somevalue' with update'. This way
    the next user to try to select from the table using the same key would not
    be able to get it. This would prevent multiple users from being able to
    pull the same object up on their screens at the same time. Unfortunately,
    I can think of a number of problems with this approach.
    For one thing, the lock is only held for the duration of the transaction, so
    I would have to open a Forte transaction, do the select with intent to
    update, let the user modify the object, then when they saved it back again
    end the transaction. Since a window is driven by the event loop I can't
    think of any way to start a transaction, let the user interact with the
    window, then end the transaction, short of closing and re-opening the
    window. This would imply having a separate window specifically for
    updating the object, and then wrapping the whole of that window's event
    loop in a transaction. This would be a different interface than we wanted
    to present to the users, but it might still work if not for the next issue.
    The second problem is that we are using a pooled DBSession approach
    to connecting to the database. There is a single Oracle login account
    which none of the users know the password to, and thus the users
    simply share DBSession resources. If one user starts a transaction
    and does a select with intent to update on one DBSession, then another
    user starts a transaction and tries to do the same thing on the same
    DBSession, then the second user will get an error out of Oracle because
    there's already an open transaction on that DBSession.
    At this point, I am still tossing ideas around in my head, but after
    speaking with our Oracle/Forte admin here, we came to the conclusion
    that somebody must have had to address these issues before, so I
    thought I'd toss it out and see what came back.
    Thanks in advance for any ideas!
    Dale V. Georg
    Indus Consultancy Services [email protected]
    Mack Trucks, Inc. [email protected]
    Don Nelson
    Senior Consultant
    Forte Software, Inc.
    Denver, CO
    Corporate voice mail: 510-986-3810
    aka: [email protected]
    "I think nighttime is dark so you can imagine your fears with less
    distraction." - Calvin

    We have taken an optimistic data locking approach. Retrieved values are
    stored as initial values; changes are stored seperately. During update, key
    value(s) or the entire retieved set is used in a where criteria to validate
    that the data set is still in the initial state. This allows good decoupling
    of the data access layer. However, optimistic locking allows multiple users
    to access the same data set at the same time, but then only one can save
    changes, the rest would get an error message that the data had changed. We
    haven't had any need to use a pessimistic lock.
    Pessimistic locking usually involves some form of open session or DBMS level
    lock, which we haven't implemented for performance reasons. If we do find the
    need for a pessimistic lock, we will probably use cached data sets that are
    checked first, and returned as read-only if already in the cache.
    Dale V. Georg <[email protected]> on 06/05/97 03:25:02 PM
    To: Forte User Group <[email protected]> @ INTERNET
    cc: Richards* Debbie <[email protected]> @ INTERNET, Gardner*
    Steve <[email protected]> @ INTERNET
    Subject: Transactions and Locking Rows for Update
    I have a problem in the application I am currently working on, which it
    seems to me should be easily solvable via appropriate use of transactions
    and database locking, but I'm having trouble figuring out exactly how to
    do it. The database we are using is Oracle 7.2.
    The scenario is as follows: We have a window where the user picks an
    object from a dropdown list. Some of the object's attributes are then
    displayed in that window, and the user then has the option of editing
    those attributes, and at some point hitting the equivalent of a 'save' button
    to write the changes back to the database. So far, so good. Now
    introduce a second user. If user #1 and user #2 both happen to pull up
    the same object and start making changes to it, user #1 could write back
    to the database and then 15 seconds later user #2 could write back to the
    database, completely overlaying user #1's changes without ever knowing
    they had happened. This is not good, particularly for our application
    where editing the object causes it to progress from one state to the next,
    and multiple users trying to edit it at the same time spells disaster.
    The first thing that came to mind was to do a select with intent to update,
    i.e. 'select * from table where key = 'somevalue' with update'. This way
    the next user to try to select from the table using the same key would not
    be able to get it. This would prevent multiple users from being able to
    pull the same object up on their screens at the same time. Unfortunately,
    I can think of a number of problems with this approach.
    For one thing, the lock is only held for the duration of the transaction, so
    I would have to open a Forte transaction, do the select with intent to
    update, let the user modify the object, then when they saved it back again
    end the transaction. Since a window is driven by the event loop I can't
    think of any way to start a transaction, let the user interact with the
    window, then end the transaction, short of closing and re-opening the
    window. This would imply having a separate window specifically for
    updating the object, and then wrapping the whole of that window's event
    loop in a transaction. This would be a different interface than we wanted
    to present to the users, but it might still work if not for the next issue.
    The second problem is that we are using a pooled DBSession approach
    to connecting to the database. There is a single Oracle login account
    which none of the users know the password to, and thus the users
    simply share DBSession resources. If one user starts a transaction
    and does a select with intent to update on one DBSession, then another
    user starts a transaction and tries to do the same thing on the same
    DBSession, then the second user will get an error out of Oracle because
    there's already an open transaction on that DBSession.
    At this point, I am still tossing ideas around in my head, but after
    speaking with our Oracle/Forte admin here, we came to the conclusion
    that somebody must have had to address these issues before, so I
    thought I'd toss it out and see what came back.
    Thanks in advance for
    Dale V. Georg
    Indus Consultancy Services [email protected]
    Mack Trucks, Inc. [email protected]
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    Subject: Transactions and Locking Rows for Update
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  • [Forum FAQ] How do I send multiple rows returned by Execute SQL Task as Email content in SQL Server Integration Services?

    There is a scenario that users want to send multiple rows returned by Execute SQL Task as Email content to send to someone. With Execute SQL Task, the Full result set is used when the query returns multiple rows, it must map to a variable of the Object data
    type, then the return result is a rowset object, so we cannot directly send the result variable as Email content. Is there a way that we can extract the table row values that are stored in the Object variable as Email content to send to someone?
    To achieve this requirement, we can use a Foreach Loop container to extract the table row values that are stored in the Object variable into package variables, then use a Script Task to write the data stored in packages variables to a variable, and then set
    the variable as MessageSource in the Send Mail Task. 
    Add four variables in the package as below:
    Double-click the Execute SQL Task to open the Execute SQL Task Editor, then change the ResultSet property to “Full result set”. Assuming that the SQL Statement like below:
    SELECT   Category, CntRecords
    FROM         [table_name]
    In the Result Set pane, add a result like below (please note that we must use 0 as the result set name when the result set type is Full result set):
    Drag a Foreach Loop Container connects to the Execute SQL Task. 
    Double-click the Foreach Loop Container to open the Foreach Loop Editor, in the Collection tab, change the Enumerator to Foreach ADO Enumerator, then select User:result as ADO object source variable.
    Click the Variable Mappings pane, add two Variables as below:
    Drag a Script Task within the Foreach Loop Container.
    The C# code that can be used only in SSIS 2008 and above in Script Task as below:
    public void Main()
       // TODO: Add your code here
                Variables varCollection = null;
                string message = string.Empty;
                Dts.VariableDispenser.GetVariables(ref varCollection);
                //Format the query result with tab delimiters
                message = string.Format("{0}\t{1}\n",
               varCollection["User::Message"].Value = varCollection["User::Message"].Value + message;   
               Dts.TaskResult = (int)ScriptResults.Success;
    The VB code that can be used only in SSIS 2005 and above in Script Task as below, please note that in SSIS 2005, we should
    change PrecompileScriptIntoBinaryCode property to False and Run64BitRuntime property to False
    Public Sub Main()
            ' Add your code here
            Dim varCollection As Variables = Nothing
            Dim message As String = String.Empty
            'Format the query result with tab delimiters
            message = String.Format("{0}" & vbTab & "{1}" & vbLf, varCollection("User::Category").Value, varCollection("User::CntRecords").Value)
            varCollection("User::Message").Value = DirectCast(varCollection("User::Message").Value,String) + message
            Dts.TaskResult = ScriptResults.Success
    End Sub
    Drag Send Mail Task to Control Flow pane and connect it to Foreach Loop Container.
    Double-click the Send Mail Task to specify the appropriate settings, then in the Expressions tab, use the Message variable as the MessageSource Property as below:
    The final design surface like below:
    Result Sets in the Execute SQL Task
    Applies to:
    Integration Services 2005
    Integration Services 2008
    Integration Services 2008 R2
    Integration Services 2012
    Integration Services 2014
    Please click to vote if the post helps you. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

    Is this a supported scenario, or does it use unsupported features?
    For example, can we call exec [ReportServer].dbo.AddEvent @EventType='TimedSubscription', @EventData='b64ce7ec-d598-45cd-bbc2-ea202e0c129d'
    in a supported way?
    Thanks! Josh

  • How to get number of rows return in SELECT query

    i'm very new in java, i have a question:
    - How to get number of rows return in SELECT query?
    (i use SQL Server 2000 Driver for JDBC and everything are done, i only want to know problems above)

    make the result set scroll insensitve, do rs.last(), get the row num, and call rs.beforeFirst(), then you can process the result set like you currently do.
             String sql = "select * from testing";
             PreparedStatement ps =
             ResultSet rs = ps.executeQuery();
             System.out.println("Row count = " + rs.getRow());
    NOTE: Ugly, but does the trick.

  • How to restrict number of rows returned in a query

    Hi frnds,
    I'd like to restrict number of rows returned by my query to some 10 rows. how to do that.When I try doing with the rownum<10 its giving results for a particular dept and that too some 6 rows only...btw I'm grouping my table and includes joins from many a table and am ordering the table results by a column.. How to do this..

    776317 wrote:
    Hi frnds,
    I'd like to restrict number of rows returned by my query to some 10 rows. how to do that.When I try doing with the rownum<10 its giving results for a particular dept and that too some 6 rows only...btw I'm grouping my table and includes joins from many a table and am ordering the table results by a column.. How to do this..
    Because you have only *6 rows* in you column, if you less than 10 rows then it displays only containied/exist rows. nothing much
    select ename,empno from emp where rownum < 10;Thanks

  • Restrict number of rows returned in a report

    Hi All
    Does anyone know how to restrict the number of rows returned in a report eg. I want to do a couple of reports based on opportunities/products and return only the top 5 or 10???

    Sorry just answered my own question by using the 'is in top' colum filter!

  • How to get the number of rows returned by a report?

    I'm developing my first application in APEX and so far everything seems fine, except I can't figure out this very simple thing: I have a report based on a PL/SQL block returning an SQL string. I'd like to have a message (something like "X rows returned") just before the report. The closest thing I could find was "X to Y out of Z" in the pagination styles, but that's not what I want. Also I don't think running the same query to get COUNT() is wise.
    Any help would be appreciated.

    My guess is that it only shows the number of rows it has retrieved. I believe the defailt is for it to only retrieve 50 rows and as you page through your report it retrieves more. So this would just tell you how many rows was retireved, but probably not how many rows the report would contain if you pages to the end. Oracle doesn't really have a notion of total number of rows until the whole result set has been materialized.

  • "select count(*)" and "select single *" returns different result

    Good day!
    product version SAP ECC 6.0
    data transfers from external oracle db into customer tables using direct oracle db link
    sometimes I get case with different results from 2 statements
    *mytable has 10 rows
    *1st statement
    data: cnt type I value 0.
    select count( * ) into cnt from mytable WHERE myfield_0 = 123 and myfield_1 = '123'.
    *cnt returns 10 - correct
    *2nd statement
    select single * from  mytable WHERE myfield_0 = 123 and myfield_1 = '123'.
    *sy-dbcnt returns 0
    *sy-subrc returns 4 - incorrect, 10 rows are "invisible"
    1. se16 shows correct row number
    2. I update just one row from "invisible" rows using se16 and 2nd statement returns correct result after that
    can not understand why
    thank you in advance.

    Thank you, Vishal
    general problem is that
    1. both statements have the same WHERE conditions
    2. 1st return resultset with data (sy-dbcnt=10), 2nd return empty dataset, but must return 1 in sy-dbcnt
    Yes, different meaning, you are right, but must 2nd must return 1, because of "select single *" construction, not 0.
    Dataset to process is the same, WHERE conditions are equal...
    I think the problem is that how ABAP interperets select count(*) and "select single *".
    Maybe "select count (*)" scans only PK from index page(s)? and "select single *" scans data pages? and something is wrong with that?
    I'm new in SAP and didn't find any SAP tool to trace dump of data and indexes pages with Native SQL.
    se16 shows all records.
    And why after simple manual update of just one record using se16 "select single *" returns 1?
    I've just marked one row to update, didn't change any data, then pressed "save".

  • Inserting static text in between rows returned from a pivot table

    Is there a way to type static text (eg. “Note that the data for Land has an accuracy of 98%”) in between rows returned from the dataset in the rtf template. The alternative would be to break the BI analysis report (which is the source of the template data) into 2 parts and then insert each part into the template one below the other with the text typed in between.

    Oracle support has confirmed that this requirement is not possible to implement

  • Af:commandButton only works for the first 10 rows returned in the af:table

    Using JDeveloper
    I am new to ADF programming. I have attempted to create an ADF page that contains a search and return table in the same page. The search appears to work fine but the return table displays odd behavior. If the search returns more than 10 rows such that it is possible to page forward through the rows returned the command button associated with the return table that allows the user to pick a particular row and navigate to another page does not work. If the user finds what he/she is looking for in the first ten rows then the command button works fine and the user is taken to the next page. The command button is actually defined to have an af:setActionListener to set a value in a backing bean and then command button has an action to invoke a backing bean. Both of these fire just fine if the selection is made from the first 10 rows. However once the user pages forward to another set of rows then neither seem to happen. Any advice on where to figure out what I did wrong?

    When I get a component that seems to do nothing under certain circumstances, the first thing I usually check for is Javascript errors. Sometimes errors on page load can keep a component's Javascript from firing properly.
    Try reproducing your problem in Firefox (or another browser with a decent Javascript error console; IE doesn't have one, although I think you can get extensions that provide JS debugging). Check the error console:
    # Before scrolling off the first 10 rows.
    # Right after scrolling off the first 10 rows.
    # After unsuccessfully clicking the command button.
    Do any interesting errors show up in steps 2 or 3?

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