NWA Compare systems Feature **flop**

Hi Members,
I'm trying to compare two Java systems through NWA - Compare system URL
Open SAP NetWeaver Administrator and choose > Troubleshooting  Java  ->Compare Systems .
You can also use the quick link: http://<host>:<port>/nwa/cs
with Remote compare option.
This giving not good results, I found Development system components are present in system but report showing it's missing is there any issue with Compare feature?
We are using NW 7.30 SP1 for both systems.
Thanks in advance.
Amit Lal

Hi Members,
I'm trying to compare two Java systems through NWA - Compare system URL
Open SAP NetWeaver Administrator and choose > Troubleshooting  Java  ->Compare Systems .
You can also use the quick link: http://<host>:<port>/nwa/cs
with Remote compare option.
This giving not good results, I found Development system components are present in system but report showing it's missing is there any issue with Compare feature?
We are using NW 7.30 SP1 for both systems.
Thanks in advance.
Amit Lal

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    - You can't install Acrobat Pro alongside Acrobat Standard. You will need to remove Standard to be able to install Pro.
    - You (probably) can't upgrade your license if it's a part of an enterprise license. The entire license will need to be upgraded.
    - It's not possible to install just the "Compare Documents" function as a sort of add-on to Acrobat Standard.

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    Mr. J,
    And you wonder why we all build our own systems. Sorry but:
    "Dude, you got Delled!"  
    Do not bother talking to the guys on the other line of that Dell "Award Winning Service and Support", all it is, is a a bunch of underpaid, unskilled people, asking you questions out of a book and depending on what you reply, they read what it says in the book to you.
    To start with, the differnece between that card running at 8X vs 4X is less than 3% Performance, you will not be able to tell.
    My guess is you do not have the proper GART Drivers for the AGP Slot.
    Your Mobo is the Intel's 82850 chipset, so you want the .inf file from  Intel.
    Then install the  nVidia ForceWare Drivers
    Take Care,
    P.S. We want your 3DMark2001SE score to be around 12k.

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      RESULT = '0'.
      RESULT = COMM_STRUCTURE-<numeric characteristics>.
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    data lastpurdays type I.
    lastpurdays = '1'.
      RESULT = lastpurdays.
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    Lenovo 3000 N100
    Lenovo 3000 N200
    Lenovo 3000 C100
    Lenovo 3000 C200
    Lenovo 3000 V100
    Lenovo 3000 Y300 / Y400
    Message Edited by Mark_Lenovo on 02-21-2008 03:10 PM
    ThinkPads: S30, T43, X60t, X1, W700ds, IdeaPad Y710, IdeaCentre: A300, IdeaPad K1
    Mark Hopkins
    Program Manager, Lenovo Social Media (Services)
    twitter @lenovoforums
    English Community   Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español   Русскоязычное Сообщество

    The service videos for Y400 series can be used for your Y410.
    Edmund Tse
    V100 0763-68H :: R31 2656-7LH
    Member of #!SUITS. Visit my blog!

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    Copy them over to iPhoto so you show the slide show and afterwards simply delete them from iPhoto.
    There's another way to keep all user data on an external HD if you wish. In the Account pref panel if you unlock the padlock and highlight your account and then right-click on it an Advanced Options tab will display. Select this and you can point your /Users/account_name to an extenal location. This is what I do and keep all my /Users on a HD different from the boot Volume.

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    We are currently running Sophos Enterprise Console with Sophos Endpoint protection in our environment. We use most of the Sophos functionality with Device Control, Application Control, Disk Encryption and Tamper Protection. We are looking to move to
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    Please advise with suggestions before we get rid of Sophos will be highly appreciated.
    Kind Regards,
    Francois Kaljee
    Regards Francois Kaljee IT Systems Administrator MCITP Svr2k8 Direct: +2712 381 1000 Cell: +2782 852 2367 Fax: +2786 602 8482 GPS: S 25 39.639 E 27 50.699 Hernic's Street Address: R/E of PTN 103 De Kroon 444 JQ Brits 0250 South Africa Hernic's
    Postal Address: P.O.Box 4534 Brits 0250 South Africa

    Most third-party security vendors have multiple products that they bundle together. You need to sit down and define your requirements in terms of functionality and features and then map those to Microsoft's offerings. Trying to find equivalent "products"
    won't really work.
    You also need to look at the cost. It's quite possible that many of the required MS technologies are available to you through your EA. This is the way to sell a strategy like this to your business.
    Simply comparing product features won't work. It should be a combination of
    1. what do I actually need?
    2. what will it cost?
    Gerry Hampson | Blog:
    www.gerryhampsoncm.blogspot.ie | LinkedIn:
    Gerry Hampson | Twitter:

  • Compare portal Systems

    Hi There
    We have implemented SAP Netweaver Portal 2004 in our company. There are multiple environment such as dev, qa, test and prod. However even though they were all built using the same methodology and cookbook they all behave different. I was looking for some help from all you talented portal experts in identifying a tool or a procedure whereby I can compare multiple portal systems side by side easily. Thanks.

    First, I would recommend opening this thread in a more  general Portal forum and not in the AFP forum.
    To your question, with SAP NetWeaver Portal 7.3 there is a new "Compare System" tool that can assist you with this requirement.
    Kind regards,

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