OAS wrksf taking all CPU

My configuration is: NT SP6a, Oracle 8.0.5, OAS All running on the
same server. OAS and Oracle 8 are in the same ORACLE_HOME. Whenever I
start OAS from the admin site, the WRKSF (catridge server) process takes up
100% of the CPU.
Could someone advice me how to trouble shoot this. Is there a fix? Pls ask
me more info if you need to.
Thank you so much.

My experience with wrksf, on Mandrake 7.0 (RH 6.1+) is that wrksf starts at first, then bails after about a second.
I have a couple cartridges installed, C and Perl, and it starts those cartridges up and then fails. I don't get the same error message that you do, but there is an error in the wrb.log:
`OWS-10911: Throwing exception for reason: wrkpGetProperty 2 `
`OWS-04793: Operation oracle_OAS_System_CartridgeServerFactory_create_nwreturns exception IDL:omg.org/CORBA/UNKNOWN:1.0 `
I'm not sure what this is all about, but it does start up my cartridges at first, because I specified a mininum number to start up initially, and a minimum number of instances.
They just don't come back if terminated, since wrksf isn't there.
BTW, this is the same error I encountered when, on NT, I compiled a c cartridge with Metroworks CodeWarrior instead of MS Visual C++ v6.0. So I wonder if this has something to do with compiler incompatibility, if wrksf was compiled with a different compiler from the rest of OAS. While compilers don't usually matter for C, they do for C++, and all binaries and libraries must be compiled with the same compiler/linker to work together.
Just a stab in the dark.

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  • Server Process taking all CPU time intermittently on Solaris

    What does my program do :-
    We have been facing this problem from many days, We have a server
    process which is continuously listening at a port on Solaris 5.8.
    Whenever a request is sent to this server a new thread & a socket is created for that client.
    This process is running as a proxy server, which connects to some other machine on client request.
    The process start taking whole CPU after few days, happens in a weeks
    period. The process remain in this state for few hours & after that it
    stops responding to any requests.
    & the only thing which can be done, to make it work is to restart the
    If someone has faced a similar problem then please let me know if you
    have found a solution for that.
    I will give 10 duke dollars to you if you can provide a solution for this problem.

    Here is another class which is used in my code:
    package com.ge.med.service.olea.telnetapplet.proxy;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.net.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * This class is a generic framework for a flexible, multi-threaded server.
    * It listens on any number of specified ports, and, when it receives a
    * connection on a port, passes input and output streams to a specified Service
    * object which provides the actual service. It can limit the number of
    * concurrent connections, and logs activity to a specified stream.
    public class Server {
    // This is the state for the server
    ConnectionManager connectionManager; // The ConnectionManager object
    Hashtable services; // The current services and their ports
    ThreadGroup threadGroup; // The threadgroup for all our threads
    PrintWriter logStream; // Where we send our logging output to
    * This is the Server() constructor. It must be passed a stream
    * to send log output to (may be null), and the limit on the number of
    * concurrent connections. It creates and starts a ConnectionManager
    * thread which enforces this limit on connections.
    public Server(OutputStream logStream, int maxConnections) {
    log("Starting server");
    threadGroup = new ThreadGroup("Server");
    connectionManager = new ConnectionManager(threadGroup, maxConnections);
    services = new Hashtable();
    * A public method to set the current logging stream. Pass null
    * to turn logging off
    public void setLogStream(OutputStream out) {
    if (out != null) logStream = new PrintWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out));
    else logStream = null;
    /** Write the specified string to the log */
    protected synchronized void log(String s) {
    if (logStream != null) {
    logStream.println("[" + new Date() + "] " + s);
    /** Write the specified object to the log */
    protected void log(Object o) { log(o.toString()); }
    * This method makes the server start providing a new service.
    * It runs the specified Service object on the specified port.
    public void addService(Service service, int port) throws IOException {
    Integer key = new Integer(port); // the hashtable key
    // Check whether a service is already on that port
    if (services.get(key) != null)
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Port " + port + " already in use.");
    // Create a Listener object to listen for connections on the port
    Listener listener = new Listener(threadGroup, port, service);
    // Store it in the hashtable
    services.put(key, listener);
    // Log it
    log("Starting service " + service.getClass().getName() +
    " on port " + port);
    // Start the listener running.
    * This method makes the server stop providing a service on a port.
    * It does not terminate any pending connections to that service, merely
    * causes the server to stop accepting new connections
    public void removeService(int port) {
    Integer key = new Integer(port); // hashtable key
    // Look up the Listener object for the port in the hashtable of services
    final Listener listener = (Listener) services.get(key);
    if (listener == null) return;
    // Ask the listener to stop
    // Remove it from the hashtable
    // And log it.
    log("Stopping service " + listener.service.getClass().getName() +
    " on port " + port);
    * This nested class manages client connections for the server.
    * It maintains a list of current connections and enforces the
    * maximum connection limit. It creates a separate thread (one per
    * server) that sits around and wait()s to be notify()'d that a connection
    * has terminated. When this happens, it updates the list of connections.
    public class ConnectionManager extends Thread {
    int maxConnections; // The maximum number of allowed connections
    Vector connections; // The current list of connections
    * Create a ConnectionManager in the specified thread group to enforce
    * the specified maximum connection limit. Make it a daemon thread so
    * the interpreter won't wait around for it to exit.
    public ConnectionManager(ThreadGroup group, int maxConnections) {
    super(group, "ConnectionManager");
    this.maxConnections = maxConnections;
    connections = new Vector(maxConnections);
    log("Starting connection manager. Max connections: " + maxConnections);
    * This is the method that Listener objects call when they accept a
    * connection from a client. It either creates a Connection object
    * for the connection and adds it to the list of current connections,
    * or, if the limit on connections has been reached, it closes the
    * connection.
    synchronized void addConnection(Socket s, Service service) {
    // If the connection limit has been reached
    if (connections.size() >= maxConnections) {
    try {
    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(s.getOutputStream());
    // Then tell the client it is being rejected.
    out.println("Connection refused; " +
    "server has reached maximum number of clients.");
    // And close the connection to the rejected client.
    // And log it, of course
    log("Connection refused to " + s.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() +
    ":" + s.getPort() + ": max connections reached.");
    } catch (IOException e) {log(e);}
    else {  // Otherwise, if the limit has not been reached
    // Create a Connection thread to handle this connection
    Connection c = new Connection(s, service);
    // Add it to the list of current connections
    // Log this new connection
    log("Connected to " + s.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() +
    ":" + s.getPort() + " on port " + s.getLocalPort() +
    " for service " + service.getClass().getName());
    // And start the Connection thread running to provide the service
    * A Connection object calls this method just before it exits.
    * This method uses notify() to tell the ConnectionManager thread
    * to wake up and delete the thread that has exited.
    public synchronized void endConnection() { this.notify(); }
    /** Change the current connection limit */
    public synchronized void setMaxConnections(int max) { maxConnections=max; }
    * Output the current list of connections to the specified stream.
    * This method is used by the Control service defined below.
    public synchronized void printConnections(PrintWriter out) {
    for(int i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++) {
    Connection c = (Connection)connections.elementAt(i);
    out.println("CONNECTED TO " +
    c.client.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() + ":" +
    c.client.getPort() + " ON PORT " + c.client.getLocalPort()+
    " FOR SERVICE " + c.service.getClass().getName());
    * The ConnectionManager is a thread, and this is the body of that
    * thread. While the ConnectionManager methods above are called by other
    * threads, this method is run in its own thread. The job of this thread
    * is to keep the list of connections up to date by removing connections
    * that are no longer alive. It uses wait() to block until notify()'d by
    * the endConnection() method.
    public void run() {
    while(true) {  // infinite loop
    // Check through the list of connections, removing dead ones
    for(int i = 0; i < connections.size(); i++) {
    Connection c = (Connection)connections.elementAt(i);
    if (c != null && !c.isAlive()) {
                   try      {
                        //close server socket. SPR SVCge16539. Sachin Joshi.
                        Socket server = ProxyServer.Proxy.getServerSocket(c.client);                    
                        if (server != null)
                        //close client socket.
                        if (c.client != null)
                   catch (java.io.IOException e)     {
                        System.err.println("Error closing connection " + e);
                   catch (Exception e)     {
                        System.err.println("Cannot Establish Connection !! " + e);
    log("Connection to " + c.client.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() +
    ":" + c.client.getPort() + " closed.");
              System.out.println("Total Connections now = " + connections.size());
    // Now wait to be notify()'d that a connection has exited
    // When we wake up we'll check the list of connections again.
    try { synchronized(this) { this.wait(); } }
    catch(InterruptedException e) {}
    * This class is a subclass of Thread that handles an individual connection
    * between a client and a Service provided by this server. Because each
    * such connection has a thread of its own, each Service can have multiple
    * connections pending at once. Despite all the other threads in use, this
    * is the key feature that makes this a multi-threaded server implementation.
    public class Connection extends Thread {
    Socket client; // The socket to talk to the client through
    Service service; // The service being provided to that client
    * This constructor just saves some state and calls the superclass
    * constructor to create a thread to handle the connection. Connection
    * objects are created by Listener threads. These threads are part of
    * the server's ThreadGroup, so all Connection threads are part of that
    * group, too.
    public Connection(Socket client, Service service) {
    super("Server.Connection:" + client.getInetAddress().getHostAddress() +
    ":" + client.getPort());
    this.client = client;
    this.service = service;
    * This is the body of each and every Connection thread.
    * All it does is pass the client input and output streams to the
    * serve() method of the specified Service object. That method
    * is responsible for reading from and writing to those streams to
    * provide the actual service. Recall that the Service object has been
    * passed from the Server.addService() method to a Listener object
    * to the ConnectionManager.addConnection() to this Connection object,
    * and is now finally getting used to provide the service.
    * Note that just before this thread exits it calls the
    * ConnectionManager.endConnection() method to wake up the
    * ConnectionManager thread so that it can remove this Connection
    * from its list of active connections.
    public void run() {
    try {
    InputStream in = client.getInputStream();
    OutputStream out = client.getOutputStream();
    // service.serve(in, out);
    ((ProxyServer.Proxy)service).serve(in, out,client);
    catch (IOException e) {log(e);}
    finally { connectionManager.endConnection(); }
    * Here is the Service interface that we have seen so much of.
    * It defines only a single method which is invoked to provide the service.
    * serve() will be passed an input stream and an output stream to the client.
    * It should do whatever it wants with them, and should close them before
    * returning.
    * All connections through the same port to this service share a single
    * Service object. Thus, any state local to an individual connection must
    * be stored in local variables within the serve() method. State that should
    * be global to all connections on the same port should be stored in
    * instance variables of the Service class. If the same Service is running
    * on more than one port, there will typically be different Service instances
    * for each port. Data that should be global to all connections on any port
    * should be stored in static variables.
    * Note that implementations of this interface must have a no-argument
    * constructor if they are to be dynamically instantiated by the main()
    * method of the Server class.
    public interface Service {
    public void serve(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws IOException;     

  • Wbengine.exe taking all CPU

    Im having issues with wbengine.exe I know its the block level backup for WSB however its killing my server (see below) we are running on 2 x 600gb R1 SAS 15k disks for where the os VM is stored and 3 x 1tb nearline 1tb disks 7.2k where the data for essentials
    ("server folders/folder redirection" is stored with another virtual server doing very little in the background there is plenty of memory and cpu for all vms (just the two)
    we have a backup on the vm start at 8 and finishes around 10 and a host backup that starts at 11 and finishes around 1 
    backups locally from WSB dont show to of started however they did on the host with warnings  any ideas ?
    After talking to some users the issue occurred on yesterday morning, it looks like WSB is causing issues backing up when on schedule, as looking at the CPU usage from 8 at night last night. Thats when it started maxing out and the backup began, a single
    one off backup seems to work fine using the settings of the schedule but scheduling seems to kill it. 
    To note this is going through ISCSI 

    Glad to hear that you have solved this issue and thanks for sharing your solution in the forum. Your time and efforts are highly appreciated.
    Best regards,
    Justin Gu

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    What were the results of taking all the applicable steps in the support article?

  • Checkbox taking all the records irrespective of selection

    HI All,
    This is my code
    for i in 1..htmldb_application.g_f02.count
    insert into nam values(htmldb_application.g_f02(i));
    end loop;
    Here i'm trying to insert the selected things but its taking all the records whatever is displaying in the report
    Kindly help me to get rid of the issue
    And guide me how cai insert only checked in records

    I'm not a pro but maybe I can share some experience.
    First I would create a textfield for debugging.
    This helps to find out what data you are really working with.
    My textfield's name is "PX_SELECTED_ITEMS"
    I filled the textbox with a process in "On submit - After Computations and Validations"
    END;I'm not sure how your values are seperated.
    In my application I hat to replace the seperator from ':' to ','
    Therefore I created another textfield "PX_SELECTED_ITEMS_replaced"
    and added following code to the process:
    :PX_SELECTED_ITEMS_replaced := replace(:PX_SELECTED_ITEMS,':',',');Now I have two textfields wich should contain your selection.
    The second one ("PX_SELECTED_ITEMS_replaced") with the comma seperated data should be good for a "where-filter" in an SQL statement.
    Here is the PL-SQL-syntax I used for a standard SQL report:
      v_sql varchar2(32767);
      v_sql := 'select * from  my_table';
      if :PX_SELECTED_ITEMS_replaced is not null then
        v_sql := v_sql ||' where My_ID in ('||:PX_SELECTED_ITEMS_replaced||')';
        v_sql := v_sql ||' where 1=0';
      end if;
      return v_sql;
    end;This Report should contain your selected items.
    Note: This does NOT work with Interacive Reports.
    I hope this helps you finding the issue.
    Edited by: pAT on Nov 26, 2010 4:45 AM

  • My iPhone 6 plus is a 16G, and my photos and camera is taking all my storage. Does icloud keep my photos in tack, if I delete them off my phone?

    I have an Iphone6 plus and my photos are taking all my storage. I can't update or download anything, what to do?

    Actually iCloud doesn't keep your photos until you back up your iPhone to iCloud: tap Settings > iCloud > Backup > enable Backup and tap Back Up Now. However, I have to tell you that iCloud backup file only contains your photos on your iPhone Camera Roll and can't be viewed unless you restore your iPhone with the backup file. For photos in Photo Library, you need to find a third-party tool to copy them to your computer. In a word, in my opinion, you'd better import photos to your computer: Import photos and videos from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to your Mac or Windows PC - Apple Support

  • Procedure is taking 100% cpu

    Hi ,
     One of my procedure is taking 100% CPU, I looked execution plan .. But I am not sure what to look on that .. I didn't find any anything wrong in execution plan. like all are index seek ..  Even the query is not taking much time just 2 sec
    Regards Vikas Pathak

    In addition to great suggestion Sean has been posted , I always start with the below
    ---This first thing to check if CPU is at 100% is to look for parallel queries:
    -- Tasks running in parallel (filtering out MARS requests below):
    select * from sys.dm_os_tasks as t
     where t.session_id in (
       select t1.session_id
        from sys.dm_os_tasks as t1
       group by t1.session_id
      having count(*) > 1
      and min(t1.request_id) = max(t1.request_id));
    -- Requests running in parallel:
     select *
       from sys.dm_exec_requests as r
       join (
               select t1.session_id, min(t1.request_id)
              from sys.dm_os_tasks as t1
             group by t1.session_id
            having count(*) > 1
               and min(t1.request_id) = max(t1.request_id)
          ) as t(session_id, request_id)
         on r.session_id = t.session_id
        and r.request_id = t.request_id;
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Dbms_stats.cleanup_stats_db_proc taking more CPU time.

    Hi All,
    Oracle 11g R2( EE , on Linux machine.
    Oracle auto optimizer stats collection enabled in our environment. In that dbms_stats.cleanup_stats_db_proc() taking more CPU time (more than 24 hours).
    Could you please suggest any solution.
    Thanks in advance.

    suresh.ratnaji wrote:
    NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
    _optimizer_cost_based_transformation string      OFF
    filesystemio_options                 string      asynch
    object_cache_optimal_size            integer     102400
    optimizer_dynamic_sampling           integer     2
    optimizer_features_enable            string
    optimizer_index_caching              integer     0
    optimizer_index_cost_adj             integer     100
    optimizer_mode                       string      choose
    optimizer_secure_view_merging        boolean     TRUE
    plsql_optimize_level                 integer     2
    please let me know why it taking more time in INDEX RANGE SCAN compare to the full table scan?Suresh,
    Any particular reason why you have a non-default value for a hidden parameter, optimizercost_based_transformation ?
    On my database, its default value is "linear". What happens when you reset the value of the hidden parameter to default?

  • F1 live timing taking 100% CPU

    I realise this is a pretty obscure problem. F1's live timing service runs as a Java applet in a browser: http://www.formula1.com/services/live_t … popup.html (registration required, but it should load and run at any time, not just on race weekends). Obviously, I haven't used it since last October, and when I fired it up this weekend it just sat there, taking 100% CPU.
    It doesn't seem to be the JVM at fault: other Java applets run fine, and I've tried downgrading to a version I know worked last year. Neither is it anything in the applet itself: I have another Arch partition which I cloned off this one last November, and it works perfectly there (it doesn't seem to be the kernel, either; I tried booting this "current" partition with the kernel from that one). However, so many packages have been upgraded - and I've tinkered so much with this install - since then, that it could be literally anything.
    For that reason, I don't expect anyone to come up with an immediate answer, but I'd appreciate some ideas on how to narrow down the possibilities and figure out what might be causing this.

    lucke wrote:What browser?
    All of 'em: Firefox, Opera, Konq, Kazehakase...
    Works OK in konqueror.
    Weirder and weirder, then. 

  • Mail is taking 100% CPU

    Out of nowhere OS X Mail on my macbook pro is taking 100% of the CPU. Doesn't seem to be downloading emails or anything but it's working the CPU. It's an IMAP connection to Mobile Me. I have tried to remove the account and re-create it from scratch and no change.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    1129 top 5.1% 0:01.42 1 18 29 880K 200K 1476K 18M
    1123 ocspd 0.0% 0:00.01 1 19 21 412K 192K 1072K 18M
    1121 PubSubAgen 0.0% 0:00.01 2 57 27 348K 4576K 1396K 20M
    1053 Mail 98.7% 6:22.50 11 239 451 45M 36M 70M 471M
    1051 sqlite3 0.0% 0:00.00 1 31 25 112K 188K 520K 18M

    I have a similar problem.
    Mail starts eating up all CPU and RAM resources at the same time. After a short hang its CPU usage drops and RAM is set free again. This occurs periodically about each minute. I tried all suggestions in the forum from Onyx cleaning over envelope index deletion to Flip4Mac uninstall. Nothing helps.
    Switching to Thunderbird is ok, but i'd really like to use Mail again and I'm desperately looking for a final solution.

  • Oracle on NT(taking 100% CPU)

    I have my Oracle running on NT.It is a Dell machine .The database isna test database.When the instance starts up it is taking 100% CPU.No activity possible on it.All querries hanging.Any suggestions ?

    Please look at patch name EM_NT_1224539.

  • Ifweb60.exe takes all CPU on webserver-Forms Prod. mgmt

    I have 3 tier setup. Database 81741 on windows2000 SP3. Webserver on windows2000 SP2 using forms6i patch 11( Clients using IE5.05/IE6 to access database. Sometimes, a user hangs the process and kills his session from his PC, even reboots client. The process is still there on webserver and goes on taking more CPU and more memory till it cloggs the webserver. It has taken almost 100%CPU. How can we eliminate this process without rebooting the webserver.
    I tried killing the session from the database end, it is still there on webserver. The user says he waited for 2 mins to respond the application and then killed using ctrl-alt-del. Is there a way to kill the session on the webserver. When we try killing using Task Manager, it says 'access denied' and wouldn't let us kill. Even, tried with FORMS60_TIMEOUT. IN normal situation, this worked but in this case where a application hanged & user killed, FORMS60_TIMEOUT even didn't kill the process ifweb60.exe.
    Someone has a idea how to prevent from rebooting webserver again and again...other than to check all 100 forms for any infinite loops and fix that.
    Thanks a lot.

    I believe this is a known bug.
    As a work-around you could try to add FORMS60_CATCHTERM=0 to the registry.
    This probably will cause Dr. Watson on the webserver box, but should kill the process.
    I have 3 tier setup. Database 81741 on windows2000 SP3. Webserver on windows2000 SP2 using forms6i patch 11( Clients using IE5.05/IE6 to access database. Sometimes, a user hangs the process and kills his session from his PC, even reboots client. The process is still there on webserver and goes on taking more CPU and more memory till it cloggs the webserver. It has taken almost 100%CPU. How can we eliminate this process without rebooting the webserver.
    I tried killing the session from the database end, it is still there on webserver. The user says he waited for 2 mins to respond the application and then killed using ctrl-alt-del. Is there a way to kill the session on the webserver. When we try killing using Task Manager, it says 'access denied' and wouldn't let us kill. Even, tried with FORMS60_TIMEOUT. IN normal situation, this worked but in this case where a application hanged & user killed, FORMS60_TIMEOUT even didn't kill the process ifweb60.exe.
    Someone has a idea how to prevent from rebooting webserver again and again...other than to check all 100 forms for any infinite loops and fix that.
    Thanks a lot.

  • [SOLVED] mandb hangs, taking 100% CPU

    I have a VPS running Arch (limited to kernel 3.9.4-1 by the provider). The system was unceremoniously rebooted last night due to a power outage at their facility. When it came back up, the mandb process being run by cron was taking 100% of the CPU and had been running for ~10 hours by the time I noticed it.
    I eventually killed the mandb process and re-tried it manually with debugging turned on: `mandb -d`. It appears that processing stops at /usr/share/man/man5/core.5.gz (this is the last output I see, even if I leave it running for an hour or two). Even after the output stops, it is still taking 100% CPU. Anyone have any ideas or other things to try debugging it? I'm all out.
    Last edited by aclindsa (2013-11-26 01:02:42)

    I re-installed man-pages with `pacman -S man-pages` and then received the following messages:
    Purging old database entries in /usr/share/man...
    Processing manual pages under /usr/share/man...
    Updating index cache for path `/usr/share/man/man2'. Wait...mandb: bad fetch on multi key alarm 2
    mandb: index cache /var/cache/man/3354 corrupt
    Then, after running
    mandb -c
    subsequent calls to `mandb` executed successfully. Problem solved. I guess maybe mandb was running when the power outage occurred, corrupting the man index cache... makes me wonder what else got corrupted that I haven't noticed yet.

  • Non interactive zlogin eats up all CPU on Solaris 10 u4

    We are having trouble with a zlogin command that is started via a script from inittab on a Solaris 10 u4 system.
    When a zlogin command is started from the script this zlogin will within 10-15 seconds start spinning and consume 97-98% of the CPU. The zlogin command never ends, and the startup is stuck there.
    Running a pstat during the zlogin shows the following picture:
      1912 root     6576K 3560K run    100    -   0:22:30  97% zlogin/1
      1489 root     3544K 3184K cpu0   100    -   0:00:15 0.9% prstat/1
       159 root     3880K 3080K sleep  100    -   0:00:04 0.3% picld/11
         0       89  509M  548M    27%   0:23:07 100% global
         1       22   26M   40M   1.9%   0:00:05 0.0% zone01
    Total: 111 processes, 362 lwps, load averages: 4.25, 4.23, 3.49A ptree of the zlogin command
    # ptree 1912
    993   /sbin/sh /opt/sz/sysadmin/bin/set_remote_status.sh -b
      1912  zlogin -l root zone01 svcs -a |grep svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:def
        1913  sh -c svcs -a |grep svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
          1919  grep svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:default
            1920  svcs -aA truss of the zlogin shows that it is spinning in a poll/fstat loop.
    # truss -p 1912
    pollsys(0xFFBFE6E0, 3, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)  = 1
    fstat(4, 0xFFBFC5F8)                            = 0
    pollsys(0xFFBFE6E0, 3, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)  = 1
    fstat(4, 0xFFBFC5F8)                            = 0
    pollsys(0xFFBFE6E0, 3, 0x00000000, 0x00000000)  = 1
    fstat(4, 0xFFBFC5F8)                        = 0
        Received signal #18, SIGCLD [caught]
          siginfo: SIGCLD CLD_EXITED pid=1913 status=0x0000
    lwp_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, 0x00020000, 0x00000000) = 0xFFBFFEFF [0x0000FFFF]
    pollsys(0xFFBFE6E0, 2, 0xFFBFC678, 0x00000000)  = 1
    read(5, " o f f l i n e          ".., 8192)     = 65
    write(1, " o f f l i n e          ".., 65)      = 65
    pollsys(0xFFBFE6E0, 2, 0xFFBFC678, 0x00000000)  = 0
    waitid(P_PID, 1913, 0xFFBFE618, WEXITED|WTRAPPED) = 0
    _exit(0)When running the process under truss the zlogin runs to end, probably because the child processes now get time for doing their work.
    A pstack of the zlogin process shows something similar
    # pstack 1912
    1912:   zlogin -l root zone01 svcs -a |grep svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:de
    ff2465c8 __pollsys (ffbfe6e0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 8
    ff1e1b34 poll     (ffbfe6e0, 3, ffffffff, 0, 0, 0) + 7c
    000128b4 ???????? (3, 4, 5, 7, 1, 126400)
    00013c30 ???????? (ffbff47b, 12400, ffbff476, 127450, 1428f8, 2)
    00014460 main     (4, 1, 1428f8, 15400, 15400, 0) + 728
    00011a24 _start   (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0) + 108A pfiles out the zlogin show the following:
    # pfiles 1912
    1912:   zlogin -l root zone01 svcs -a |grep svc:/milestone/multi-user-server:de
      Current rlimit: 256 file descriptors
       0: S_IFREG mode:0555 dev:85,10 ino:47996 uid:0 gid:0 size:64656
       1: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1377 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
       3: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1378 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
       4: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1378 uid:0 gid:0 size:8192
       5: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1379 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
       6: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1379 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
       7: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1380 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
       8: S_IFIFO mode:0000 dev:308,0 ino:1380 uid:0 gid:0 size:0
          O_RDWRSo do anybody know a workaround for this behavior, or any other clues?

    Found the reason. The default scheduling class was set to RT. Probably explained why zlogin was allowed to eat up all CPU resources

  • Oracle internal queries taking more CPU time

    Following are queries taking more CPU time. I got this from awr report. Can anyone tell me why these queries are running? Is it a oracle enterprise manager query? should I use
    emctl stop dbconsole to stop this?
    DECLARE job BINARY_INTEGER := :job; next_date DATE := :mydate; broken BOOLEAN := FALSE; BEGIN EMD_MAINTENANCE.EXECUTE_EM_DBMS_JOB_PROCS(); :mydate := next_date; IF broken THEN :b := 1; ELSE :b := 0; END IF; END;
    Thanks in advance
    With Regards

    maybe this document will help if you are using 10g:
    SQL run by SYSMAN consuming a lot of resources on OMS with 800+ targets [ID 330383.1]
    there you'll find Cause and Solution too:
    SYSMAN Job and Queries are Taking Up High CPU (DB Console) [ID 1288301.1]
    For databases above version 11.1 there are paches available.
    Michael T. Z.

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