OAS 4081 with Solaris 2.7

Can OAS be installed on a Sparc with Solaris 2.7? THe release notes talk about Solaris 2.51 and 2.6, but not words about 2.7

Does your code extend frame? If so then having super("title") should work. If it isn't working try putting in a setTitle("title") call after the super.
If you are just creating a frame:
Frame f = new Frame("title");
should create a frame with the title "title". Again you can use the setTitle method to set the title.
How this helps.

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    - Each one are in a different physical machine.
    I am not sure what is exactlly WSRP producer. In the manual, it says that it is: JDE E1 HTML Web Server.
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    I have found the following manual:
    "Oracle® Application Server Portal Developer's Guide 10g Release 2" - Configuring Your Application Server to Run JPS-Compliant Portlets (including Data Sources's Configuration).
    I have followed the necessary steps, but when I tried to test it (Registering and Viewing Your Portlet's Section (create a WSRP Provider)), I have the same errorr:
    Internal error WWC-00006
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    Thank you and regards.
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    02-22-2000 13:21:43 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 7 0x400fff `Java cartridge runtime intialize..., thr_id: 19
    02-22-2000 13:21:43 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 7 0x400fff `Notify object content initialized to null`
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    02-22-2000 13:21:43 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 7 0x400fff `Using Servlet runtime
    02-22-2000 13:21:43 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 7 0x400fff `config flag: RUNTIME_MODE value: JSERVLET
    02-22-2000 13:21:43 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 7 0x400fff `CLASSPATH=e:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\jdk\lib\classes.zip;e:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\classes\services.jar;e:\oracle\oas\ows\cartx\jweb\classes\jweb.jar;e:\oracle\oas\ows\cartx\jweb\classes\j servlet.jar;e:\oracle\oas\orb\classes\yoj.jar;e:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\classes\cosnam.jar;e:\oracle\oas\orb\classes\session.jar;e:\oracle\oas\orb\classes\cache.jar;e:\oracle\oas\jdbc\ lib\classes111.zip;e:\oracle\oas\ots\classes\oraclejts.jar;e:\oracle\oas\ots\classes\jtsjdbc.jar;e:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\classes\ecoapi.jar;e:\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\classes\ejbapi.jar;e :\oracle\oas\ows\4.0\classes\oasdeploy.jar;c:\ctxdemo\DemoDBServelet.jar;c:\jCVS-5.1.1\jcvsii.jar
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    02-22-2000 13:21:47 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 0 0x400fff `in thread `
    02-22-2000 13:21:47 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 0 0x400fff `"Thread-5"`
    02-22-2000 13:21:47 0 demlwo193 `JAVAWEB` 445 0 0x400fff ` `
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    1. Which version of JDK you are using. OAS 4081 is certified for JDK 1.1.6. If you are using JDeveloper3.0 (JDK 1.2.2), please change over to JDeveloper3.0 (JDK 1.1.8).
    2. Similarly, which version of JVM is used with OAS. You may have to edit your wrb.app to make necessary changes.

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    They asked me to go to the forum to verify that - Oracle Database (with OAS) version 10.2 is compatable with x86 or Solaris 10 zones. Also, is Oracle Database with OAS a whole software package including the database? Does "OAS" automatically assume there is a database involved or are they seperate?

    Hi a brody,
    from what I can get from the 'Key Features' on that website there is a Mac software for the device avaiable.
    Nonetheless the culprit of Virtualization might be the usage of the USB-port.
    Since I don't have that device it might be best to use the free VirtualBox http://www.virtualbox.org/ for a check.

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    Does the s/w work with OAS 4082 ?
    I appreciate any help

    Here is what I get when try to run the batch file
    E:\Oracle\Ora81\panama\ServiceDesigner>set LIB=.\lib
    E:\Oracle\Ora81\panama\ServiceDesigner>set PASD_CP=.;.\classes;.\lib\panama_pasm
    E:\Oracle\Ora81\panama\ServiceDesigner>set PASD_CP=.;.\classes;.\lib\panama_pasm
    E:\Oracle\Ora81\panama\ServiceDesigner>set PASD_CP=.;.\classes;.\lib\panama_pasm
    E:\Oracle\Ora81\panama\ServiceDesigner>REM \bin\java -classpath .;.\classes;.\li
    er.zip;.\lib\client.zip;.\lib\servlet.jar oracle.panama.pasm.PASM
    E:\Oracle\Ora81\panama\ServiceDesigner>java -version
    java version "1.1.6"
    Press any key to continue . . .
    Current version of Java is 1.1.6

  • Ows issues in oas 4081

    We have a web based application using oracle 7 and oas 4081. Offlate occasionally the application just hangs. We could not see any issue either with the Netscape Web server or the Database. (looks like an oas memory leak).
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    JDeveloper 3.0 release notes has detailed steps to deploy DBservlets on OAS. Check it out.

  • HTTP Server is not currently supported with Solaris 10

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    Has this been fixed yet?
    Thank you for your time.

    Hi james,
    I have checked the log file but i am unable to find what to do next.
    I am giving the small piece of content of the log file. The following messages are repeating again and again...
    Log content:-
    07/09/23 17:20:36 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:22:26 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:22:30 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:24:40 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:24:44 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:26:36 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:26:42 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:28:57 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd
    07/09/23 17:29:01 Start process
    /dev011/oracle/product/ startssl: execing httpd

  • 1) How to Boot from SAN for T4-1 Server with Solaris 11.1 OS on the disk? 2) How to SMI Label/Format a disk while OS Installation in Solaris 11.1?

    FYI....boot from SAN is required for physical server (T4-1) (not OVM).
    1) How to Boot from SAN for T4-1 Server with Solaris 11.1 OS on the disk?
    The SAN disks allocated are visible in ok prompt. below is the output.
    (0) ok show—disks
    a) /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@f/pci@0/usb@0, 2/hub@2/hub@3/storage@2/disk
    b) /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci€a/SUNW, ezalxs@0, l/fp@0, 0/disk
    e) /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@a/SUNW, ealxs@0/fp@0, 0/disk
    d) /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@8/SUNW, emlxs@0, l/fp@0, 0/disk
    e) /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@8/SUNW,enlxs@0/fp@0,0/disk
    f) /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk
    g) /pci@400/pci@1/pci@0/pci@4/scsi@0/disk
    h) /iscsi—hba/disk
    valid choice: a. . .h, q to quit c
    /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@a/SUNW, ealxs@0/fp@0, 0/disk has been selected.
    Type “Y ( Control—Y ) to insert it in the command line.
    e.g. ok nvalias mydev “Y
    for creating devalias mydev for /pci@400/pci@2/pci@0/pci@a/SUNW,emlxs@0/fp@0,0/disk
    (0) ok set—sfs—boot
    set—sfs—boot ?
    We tried selecting a disk and applying sfs-boot at ok prompt.
    Can you please help me providing detailed pre-requesites/steps/procedure to implement this and to start boot from SAN.
    2) How to SMI Label/Format a disk while OS Installation in Solaris 11.1?
    As we know that ZFS is the default filesystem in Solaris 11.
    We have seen in the Oracle documentation that for rpool below are recommended:
    - A disk that is intended for a ZFS root pool must be created with an SMI label, not an EFI label.
    - Create root pools with slices by using the s* identifier.
    - ZFS applies an EFI label when you create a storage pool with whole disks.
    - In general, you should create a disk slice with the bulk of disk space in slice 0.
    I have seen the solution that using format -e, we change the labelling but all the data will be lost, whats the way to apply a SMI Label/Format on a rpool disks while OS Installation itself.
    Please provide me the steps to SMI Label a disk while installaing Solaris 11.1 OS.

    Oracle recommends below things on rpool: (thats reason wanted to apply SMI Label)
    I have seen in the Oracle documentation that for rpool below are recommended:
    - A disk that is intended for a ZFS root pool must be created with an SMI label, not an EFI label.
    - Create root pools with slices by using the s* identifier.
    - ZFS applies an EFI label when you create a storage pool with whole disks.
    - In general, you should create a disk slice with the bulk of disk space in slice 0.

  • Several mysterious problems with Solaris 11 x86 install

    Hi folks,
    I've recently installed Solaris 11 x86 as a replacement for Solaris 9 SPARC on an Ultra 2 machine. I like the operating system, but I've promptly acquired some mysterious problems. The computer is a Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E2500 with a Pentium 4 HT 3.06 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, an 80 GB SATA disk and a 147 GB SCSI disk.
    I have had a few occasions on which the screen goes totally blank, the monitor claims that there is no signal, and I have to restart the machine. However, with the blank screen, the hard drive activity light is sometimes still flashing. This happens predictably when I try to log off (as opposed to shutting down) and when I use Totem media player and click on anything inside the Totem window. The motherboard has built-in graphics and brief specifications can be found here:
    Yesterday my PS/2 keyboard started causing the motherboard to beep crazily when I use it. It beeps rapidly 4 times, then prints the expected character. However, the problem doesn't occur at the initial log in screen. The mouse cursor has also gone beserk on one occasion, flying all over the screen (I had this problem with a previous PC, but a different OS, and thought it was a hardware fault, which I why I got this new computer). With the keyboard problem, the machine is basically unusable. However, it is configured as a dual boot machine, and the keyboard problem isn't present with Windows XP.
    There are also a few smaller, odd problems. Occasionally all the icons vanish from my Gnome desktop. The command prompt also mysteriously changed from $chris@pluto to $bash-4.1 just before the keyboard problem appeared, although that might have had something to do with me copying my home directory to a different disk and editing the /etc/auto_home file (moving the home directory worked fine). Also, unlike with Solaris 9 SPARC, I find that I have to have external SCSI devices switched on at boot time, should I want to use them later. That's a pain. With Solaris 9, I could run "boot -r" when I first attached the device, then switch on the SCSI devices and mount them whenever I wanted.
    After the useful advice I received here about "more" and "less", I thought I'd post these problems and see if anyone can help. I'd really appreciate some advice. Can anyone identify likely causes for these problems? Which problems can I expect to solve and which do I have to live with?
    Many thanks,
    Chris Tidy
    Edited by: Chris Tidy on 23-Mar-2012 03:36

    Hi folks,
    I've recently installed Solaris 11 x86 as a replacement for Solaris 9 SPARC on an Ultra 2 machine. I like the operating system, but I've promptly acquired some mysterious problems. The computer is a Fujitsu Siemens Esprimo E2500 with a Pentium 4 HT 3.06 GHz processor, 2 GB RAM, an 80 GB SATA disk and a 147 GB SCSI disk.
    I have had a few occasions on which the screen goes totally blank, the monitor claims that there is no signal, and I have to restart the machine. However, with the blank screen, the hard drive activity light is sometimes still flashing. This happens predictably when I try to log off (as opposed to shutting down) and when I use Totem media player and click on anything inside the Totem window. The motherboard has built-in graphics and brief specifications can be found here:
    Yesterday my PS/2 keyboard started causing the motherboard to beep crazily when I use it. It beeps rapidly 4 times, then prints the expected character. However, the problem doesn't occur at the initial log in screen. The mouse cursor has also gone beserk on one occasion, flying all over the screen (I had this problem with a previous PC, but a different OS, and thought it was a hardware fault, which I why I got this new computer). With the keyboard problem, the machine is basically unusable. However, it is configured as a dual boot machine, and the keyboard problem isn't present with Windows XP.
    There are also a few smaller, odd problems. Occasionally all the icons vanish from my Gnome desktop. The command prompt also mysteriously changed from $chris@pluto to $bash-4.1 just before the keyboard problem appeared, although that might have had something to do with me copying my home directory to a different disk and editing the /etc/auto_home file (moving the home directory worked fine). Also, unlike with Solaris 9 SPARC, I find that I have to have external SCSI devices switched on at boot time, should I want to use them later. That's a pain. With Solaris 9, I could run "boot -r" when I first attached the device, then switch on the SCSI devices and mount them whenever I wanted.
    After the useful advice I received here about "more" and "less", I thought I'd post these problems and see if anyone can help. I'd really appreciate some advice. Can anyone identify likely causes for these problems? Which problems can I expect to solve and which do I have to live with?
    Many thanks,
    Chris Tidy
    Edited by: Chris Tidy on 23-Mar-2012 03:36

  • Hardware Compatibilities with Solaris 10

    Plase, in the company, we have several equipments, like Sun Blade 1000, Sun Blade 2000, Sun Blade2500, Sun Ultra 80 and Sun Ultra 60, I would like to know if all of this models could work with Solaris 10. Thanks for your help.

    Yes, for all of the above.

  • Sun DS 5.2 p3 with Solaris 10

    I've been trying to test out using LDAP to replace NIS.
    My setup is a Sun Sparc box with Solaris 10 running
    Sun One Directory 5.2 patch level 3. I have two x86_64 client
    machines; one running Red Hat 4 and the other Solaris 10.
    I have been able to authenticate on the RH 4 machine
    with no problems, but have been unable to on the
    Solaris 10 machine. I'm using Sun's native LDAP
    client tools.
    I've tried configuring the DS for anonymous access
    to proxy access with simple authentication, but neither
    one seems to matter.
    I've copied over the pam.conf example provided by Sun
    today, but it still doesn't seem to work. I can do a
    "getent passwd" on the RH 4 and get all the local accounts
    and the test one in the LDAP server. If I try that on the
    Sun box I only get the local accounts, however if I
    do a "getent password testuser" on the Solaris 10 box,
    then I get the right account info. It looks like I can even
    see the passwords, which are stored using md5; not
    crypt, if that matters.
    I'm tried searching for more info, but it doesn't appear
    that DS 5.2 has been used too much on Solaris 10;
    nor does Gary Tay's great documentation cover
    Solaris 10. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
    I can't believe it would be this hard to set LDAP up
    with just Sun software.

    See related posts:
    1) make sure /etc/nsswitch.conf has this entry in it:
    ipnodes: files
    2) must run these commands as root:
    crle -u -s /usr/lib/mps
    crle -64 -u -s /usr/lib/mps/64
    Other than that I didn't need to do anything different than solaris 9.
    I did have to run this command on occasion though:
    svcadm enable svc:/network/ldap/client:defaulthttp://forum.sun.com/thread.jspa?forumID=271&threadID=25523

  • Does HP Proliant DL380 G4 work with Solaris 10?

    Hi everybody!!!
    I�d like to know if anybody made HP Proliant DL380 G4 work with solaris 10.
    I didn�t find this server in HCL for solaris 10.
    has anybody tried to install solaris 10 on this server?
    tnx very much
    The player

    I've tried. The biggest stumbling block is the RAID controller if you are using one. I was using a Smart Array 5300 but couldn't find a driver. As memory serves me, and it was a year ago on a G3 with version 9, you need to use the second or third ( I forget) CD for Solaris and not the first to set it up and you need a startup diskette (my name for it, Sun calls it somethig else) with the array driver on it. It was a real pain especially when my version of Red Hat Liniux found the controller right off the bat and installed nicely with NO errors. I think Sun's clunky installation needs some work to make it work better. Maybe Solaris 10 is different.

  • Problems with Solaris 10 + mod_wl_20

    Hello all,
    I've been trying to get apache 2.0.58 that's shipped with Solaris 10 (Sparc) with mod_wl_20 from Weblogic 8.1 SP6 with not much luck.
    Every time I try connect to a mapped application via Apache+weblogic_mod I keep getting 404, it seems like the plugin isn't even being invoked, as apaches logs keep saying:
    File does not exist: /var/apache2/htdocs/examplesWebApp
    I copied over mod_wl_20.so from WEBLOGIC_HOME/server/lib/solaris and put it on the solaris box with apache in the libexec directory.
    My httpd.conf is basically a copy of the httpd.conf-example with the following entries:
    LoadModule weblogic_module libexec/mod_wl_20.so
    <Location /examplesWebApp>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicPort 7001
    Debug ON
    WLLogFile /tmp/test.log
    DebugConfigInfo On
    Strange thing, the /tmp/test.log file gets created, but no logging dumped there.
    If I connect to the Weblogic Server host, via port 7001 the examplesWebApp works just fine.
    Have I missed something? - is the version of Apache2 that comes with solaris 10 okay?
    Thanks for help in advanced.

    Hi haili,
    Thanks for the reply, I've modified my entry in httpd.conf to
    <Location /examplesWebApp>
    SetHandler weblogic-handler
    WebLogicPort 7001
    Debug ALL
    WLLogFile /tmp/weblogic.log
    WLTempDir /tmp
    DebugConfigInfo ON
    The log file /tmp/weblogic.log is no longer been created.
    Has anyone got it to work with the standard apache 2.0.58 shipped with solaris 10?

  • Solaris 8 client setup with solaris 9 ldap

    I have managed to install iplanet directory server 5.1 that comes with solaris 9 using the utility idsconfig. As far as i can tell, all went well. Now i'm trying to initialize a solaris 8 client to authenticate to the iDS 5.1 on my solaris 9 box. What do i have to do on the solaris 8 client to "initialize it"? I've tried using ldapclient on the solaris 8 client as follows:
    # ldapclient -v -P default x.x.x.x
    but i keep getting the following errors:
    findDN rename(/var/ldap/ldap_client_file.orig, /var/ldap/ldap_client_file) failed!
    findDN rename(/var/ldap/ldap_client_cred.orig, /var/ldap/ldap_client_cred) failed!
    There are no files in /var/ldap. I thought that one uses ldapclient to create them. Am i wrong?
    Also, the output from idsconfig says that a 'NisDomainObject' was added to my domain but looking at the object classes in iDS5.1, there is no nisdomainobject.
    I also noticed that when i run the command domain on my solaris 8 box, there's no output. Do i need to set the domain on my solaris 8 client? I have the domain defined in /etc/resolv.conf.

    hi Stewart,
    You may find what you are looking for in the following technical note: http://knowledgebase.iplanet.com/ikb/kb/articles/7966.html
    It is called: "Cookbook for Solaris 8 client with Directory Server 5.1/Solaris 9" :-)
    Hope this will help you.
    Cheers / Damien.

  • Network connectivity on Sparc with Solaris 8

    Hello friends,
    I have a Sparc Ultra 5 machine with Solaris 8 .
    Now I want to establish network connectivity by configuring net work card in it.also I want to establish connectivity with Intel Systems also.How can I accomplish this.
    I will be grateful to you if u cud guide me in this.
    Thank u in anticipation

    I think the V20z have an ordinary broadcom chipset, if so the network interface should be called bgeX.
    So try:
    ifconfig bge0 plumb
    .. dont forget your /etc/hostname.bge0 file..

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