OBIEE Digital Signage Display

We would like to create an overhead LCD to display dashboard data from OBIEE. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this and could guide us in the right direction.
Ideally a prototype would require little capital, but eventually we'll be rolling out to multiple sites globally. Each site might have its own dashboard. Also, if we use touch screens, it would be nice to allow someone to be able to change prompts, dashboards, etc.
I would appreciate any guidance's been hard to find anything online like this.

The Digital Media Manager does have software that allows you to create the Signage content.

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    The Digital Media Manager does have software that allows you to create the Signage content.

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    Terry Burton1 wrote:
    I still see interlacing on the H.264 export that I don't see when I export the sequence as HDV. Of course, I can't get the HDV export to play on a PC.
    I'm trying to read between all of the lines here...I'm going to assume there is a fundamental lack of understanding about what interlacing is and how you're going to remove it. The display either handles interlaced or progressive video files; one or the other. Let's assume it's progressive only. Since you shot interlaced, you must decide how you're going to remove the interlacing; you either throw away one filed or your combine them. If you combine them, you will see combed edges on anything that moves horizontally because every other line of pixels was captured 1/60th of a second later in time. If you throw away one field, you might as well have shot 720.
    Where do you want o make this compromise?

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    Actually, it sounds like an issue with the Inlightens
    Two thoughts to make sure your end of things is as covered as
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    Message was edited by: dotguy

    I have a plasma screen in our school lobby connected to a MacMini. I wanted to use Keynote to display weather station data kiosk style. One of the Keynote slides would include a web view of the weather station webpage (not exactly RSS, but a related problem that has been discussed widely online). Unfortunately, web views do not update once presentation mode is started. Here's the work around:
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    Don't think it matters in terms of quality whether you export using quicktime conversion from within fcp or you use compressor, but compressor will allow you to customize and save your settings as a preset and/or a droplet which may make things easier.  Theoretically you will get a more efficient encode using multiple pass variable bit rate encode as the output will be adjusted according to the complexity of the images.  However, theory and practice are 2 different things and the only way to really see what your effect this parameters will have on your output is to do some tests.    More than likely your displays will be progressive, so fooling with deinterlacing either in fcp or in compressor may be a good idea.    Also, bitrate is going to effect how smoothly your wmv's play on the display system.  Be sure and test this on your display system with what ever programs, etc will be running at the same time and hopefully on hardware that will match what will be in position for end use.  You will probably make your clients a little crazy with questions and testing unless of course they've had some unfortunate experiences in the past, in which case they'll be appreciative right from the start.

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    Since you are deplying the 4400, and can therefore use HTML, one way would be to use a database to store the names of files and locations, and then with a simple interface, the user can select from the slides that they want to display, which they could have uploaded prior. Your dynamic page could then display the image.

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    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    I am looking for a replacement for the current setup we have in the breakroom. We have a small tower that is used to stream cable tv from the cable box, as well as display some information that is constantly updating from the local network (lunch break times, if there is a call waiting, the weather, etc.). I have been asked to look into a replacement for this setup, with a note that digital signage with TV capabilities would be fine. I found the SlingBox and fell in love, but it is a slight overkill as far as what we need. It is $200 bucks. Is there any other options you guys can think of?
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    Thanks for the help!

    The Digital Media Manager does have software that allows you to create the Signage content.

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    Digital signage has exploded into a huge industry. There were dozens of product booths at NAB using all kinds of elaborate and proprietary technologies. The displays can over-resolve HD video so it is a very cool delivery method but it requires new ways of designing content and pushing pixels to the display systems. And lots of D.S. displays are vertical or segmented. Rmemeber "video walls?" Digital signage makes that stuff look like pointy sticks and clay tablets.
    Put digital signage into google. There are even trade magazines for this industry.
    Hope you find what you need.

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    Hello GaryFL!, Same issue here - we are running a number of digital displays across the building, using Keynote, and would like to incorporate an RSS feed that we produce anyway. If you've had any ideas about this in the meantime, I'd be pleased to hear! Gerhard

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    I'd like to know in particular if:
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    2° playlist video -> 2° (different from 1° and in different position)
    Is this possible and simple ?
    - can I manage playlist in advanced mode
    (I'd like to create playlist in dynamic way, with languages like php fetching data from DB) 
    Thank you in advance

    - I need full screen application. Can I use Strobe in full screen mode (monitor HD 1920-1080) inside a web page.
    Also in Portrait and landscape way ?
    SVE: OSMF supports fullscreen, since flash supports it. Switching from landscape to portrait was not tested on monitors, but you should be able to control this from the video player, by adding some code.
    - can I overlay text over video (not ads like youtube ads but price o other words over a exact point of the video for the exact duration of 1 video and change text for the following video in playlist ?
    SVE : Yes - there are captioning or text layout examples in the osmf code samples
    1° playlist video -> 1° overlay text in a exact poit of the video  2° playlist video -> 2° (different from 1° and in different position)  ...
    Is this possible and simple ?
    - can I manage playlist in advanced mode  (I'd like to create playlist in dynamic way, with languages like php fetching data from DB) 
    SVE: Possible, but not very simple. Please look at the Strobe media playback  JS API examples and the playlist feature

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    Set it up in View>Video Out then Cmd-F12 will toggle it on and off.
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