Object creation performance

hi, am new to java, i have a set of classes, each class has only static methods, no non static methods and no attributes, and i have one loader class which will receive 2 string parameters which are the class name needs to be instantiated and the method name needs to be called, as i read java has this option which about create/call - object/method at runtime using the reflection technique as follows :
public void CallMethodByName(string objectName, string methodName)
      Class c = Class.forName(objectName);
      Method m = c.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, null);
      m.invoke(null, null);
}but when i take a look at the "Factory Creation Pattern" ( [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern|http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern] ) i can see that they are using switch statement for all type of objects that will be created, so i start to ask my self why didnt they mention to use such features in the programming languages like the reflection in java?? is it bcuz it is not an object oriented standard ?? or it has some performance defects?? so when i start to think that way i end up this solution:
public class Loader
public void CallMethodByName(string objectName, string methodName)
      if(objectName == "Class1")
            new Class1(methodName);
      else if(objectName == "Class2")
            new Class2(methodName);
      else if(objectName == "ClassN")
            new ClassN(methodName);
class Class1
      public Class1(string method)
             if(method == "method1")
             else if(method == "method2")
             else if(method == "methodN")
      public static void methid1()
      public static void methid2()
      public static void methidN()
}with this approach it well appears that the performance will not be good specially if the true condition was the last if condition, but if it is then how did they used it in the factory pattern ??
i like to hear your suggestions with pos and cons for each approach and i'll happy to learn other new approaches, thnx.
Edited by: akkadation on Nov 17, 2008 5:04 AM
Edited by: akkadation on Nov 17, 2008 5:06 AM
Edited by: akkadation on Nov 17, 2008 5:06 AM
Edited by: akkadation on Nov 17, 2008 5:08 AM

akkadation wrote:
but when i take a look at the "Factory Creation Pattern" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Factory_method_pattern) i can see that they are using switch statement for all type of objects that will be created, so i start to ask my self why didnt they mention to use such features in the programming languages like the reflection in java??
Probably because it does not belong there. Using Reflection would be an implementation detail that has nothing to do with the pattern in general.
Also it's usually not that great an idea, because you force your paramters to be class names, which kind of defeats the entire abstraction done by the factory (i.e. if the caller already needs to know the class name, why doesn't he simply instanciate it directly?).
is it bcuz it is not an object oriented standard ?? or it has some performance defects?? so when i start to think that way i end up this solution:Using reflection can be kind-of slow. It's gotten way faster with newer JDKs (especially in Java 5 and later), but it's still not as fast as other alternatives.
[snip code]Don't use "==" to compare Strings!
with this approach it well appears that the performance will not be good specially if the true condition was the last if condition, but if it is then how did they used it in the factory pattern ??"it well appears" is a pretty bad approach with performance. Test it, use some microbenchmarks to make sure. Guessing is far too easy to get wrong in that area.

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    But I'd say Clem1986 still has a point. Even in the constructor
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        throw new Exception("Bollocks");
      }there's the implicit call to super() and instance initializers before you arrive at throw. From JVM spec: The new instruction does not completely create a new instance; instance creation is not completed until an instance initialization method has been invoked on the uninitialized instance. Which is done above. Whether this qualifies in OP's context as completing instance creation or instantiating an object I don't know. But you could work with it in the constructor, and once you get to throw, memory has been allocated, all superclasses have been initialized (which might involve heavy allocation/computation), default values were assigned to fields and instance initializers have executed. Only now can you decide to "abort new object creation" by completing abruptly and not "returning" the reference to the newly-(partially-)created object to the caller.

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    You can keep a counter in the application code. A static var won't work, but an entity and a consistent id should. This version would affect performance, but it would be portable to other app servers.
    // ConstrainedBean.java
    package unq.ejb;
    import javax.ejb.Stateless;
    import javax.ejb.CreateException;
    import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
    import javax.annotation.PreDestroy;
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        final static int DEFAULT_COUNTERID = 1;
        @PersistenceContext EntityManager em;
        protected void init() throws CreateException {
         ConstrainedBeanCounter counter =
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         if( counter == null ) {
             counter = new ConstrainedBeanCounter();
             counter.counterId = 1;
             counter.counterValue = 0;
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             throw new CreateException("error attempting to create > 10 beans");
         else {
        protected void destroy() {
         ConstrainedBeanCounter counter = em.find(ConstrainedBeanCounter.class,
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    import javax.persistence.Entity;
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        @Id public int counterId;
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        public void decrement() {
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         return counterValue > 9;

  • Frequent Object Creation vs. synchronized

    HI all,
    I'm just looking to prompt a discussion I can learn from. Apologies if I'm missing something.
    Having just read the excellent articles over at:
    I was left wondering about the (largely unmentioned) trade-off between object creation and use of synchronization.
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    The articles do mention the overrated cost of synchronization - how does this compare with the cost of frequent object instantiation?
    Thanks for your time,

    Well, let's time it (test program below):
    using no synchronization: 180 ms (baseline measurement, not thread safe)
    using new: 1111 ms
    using uncontended sync: 491 ms
    using contended sync: 49531 ms
    new is fast - ten million temporary object allocations and frees per second. A magnitude faster than in traditional malloc()/free() -based languages. new is rarely a performance problem in Java programs.
    Uncontended locks are fast - twenty million per second.
    Heavily contended locks slow you down. Way down. A second becomes a minute.
    Don't try to optimize unless you have measured a real performance bottleneck.
    Object pooling is unlikely to help. Exceptions being objects that are expensive to initialize and are created often (e.g. large buffers or arrays, cryptographic engines that take time to initialize, or connections to external systems such as databases). You'll need to measure first if object creation really is the bottleneck.
    public class t
        static class Calculator
         private int value;
         void initialize(int n)
             value = n;
         int result()
             return value * 2;
        static class NewThread
         extends Thread
         int result;
         public void run()
             for (int n = 0; n < 1000 * 1000; n++) {
              Calculator x = new Calculator();
              result += x.result();
        static class SyncThread
         extends Thread
         static Calculator x = new Calculator();
         int result;
         public void run()
             for (int n = 0; n < 1000 * 1000; n++) {
              synchronized (x) {
                  result += x.result();
        // Not thread safe
        static class BaselineThread
         extends Thread
         static Calculator x = new Calculator();
         int result;
         public void run()
             for (int n = 0; n < 1000 * 1000; n++) {
              result += x.result();
        public static void main(String args[])
         throws Exception
         int thread_count = 10;
         for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
             Thread threads[] = new Thread[thread_count];
             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
             for (int m = 0; m < thread_count; m++) {
              // threads run consecutively, not in parallel
              (threads[m] = new BaselineThread()).start();
             long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
             System.out.println("using no synchronization: " +
                          (end - start) + " ms");
         for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
             Thread threads[] = new Thread[thread_count];
             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
             for (int m = 0; m < thread_count; m++)
              (threads[m] = new NewThread()).start();
             for (int m = 0; m < thread_count; m++)
             long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
             System.out.println("using new: " + (end - start) + " ms");
         for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
             Thread threads[] = new Thread[thread_count];
             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
             for (int m = 0; m < thread_count; m++) {
              // threads run consecutively, not in parallel
              (threads[m] = new SyncThread()).start();
             long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
             System.out.println("using uncontended sync: " +
                          (end - start) + " ms");
         for (int n = 0; n < 5; n++) {
             Thread threads[] = new Thread[thread_count];
             long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
             for (int m = 0; m < thread_count; m++)
              (threads[m] = new SyncThread()).start();
             for (int m = 0; m < thread_count; m++)
             long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
             System.out.println("using contended sync: " +
                          (end - start) + " ms");

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    | obj 1  |
         |    <creates>     ----------
         | -------------->  | obj 2  |
         |                  ----------or----------
    | obj 1  |
         |      <new>       ----------
         | -------------->  | obj 2  |
         |                  ----------

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    I would re-run FIM setup - I think it can re-create this account
    If you found my post helpful, please give it a Helpful vote. If it answered your question, remember to mark it as an Answer.

  • Xdb_installation_trigger does not support object creation of type SNAPSHOT

    hi everyone, i'm using Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit on solaris sparc 5.10
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    PCTUSED    40
    PCTFREE    10
    INITRANS   2
    MAXTRANS   255
    STORAGE    (
    INITIAL          64K
    MINEXTENTS       1
    PCTINCREASE      0
    FREELISTS        1
    +/* Formatted on 9/23/2010 1:07:42 PM (QP5 v5.114.809.3010) */+
    SELECT   coy_id,
    SUM (scheme_adm) scheme_adm,
    SUM (appl_unit) appl_unit,
    SYSDATE mkt_sysdate
    FROM   (SELECT   NVL (a.coy_id, '01') coy_id,
    a.branch_id appl_branch_id,
    DECODE (a.buss_unit, 'NMC', '2101', 'UMC', '2102', '2352')
    a.platform product_type,
    TRUNC (c.contract_active_date) ppdcf_paid_date,
    NVL (s.ms_amt, 0) scheme_adm,
    NVL (o.total_item, 0) appl_unit
    FROM   ordmgmt.om_trn_appl_ms_lvl_object s,
    ordmgmt.om_trn_appl_hdr a,
    acctmgmt.ar_trn_sum_contracts c,
    +( SELECT appl_no, COUNT ( * ) total_item+
    FROM   ordmgmt.om_trn_appl_object
    GROUP BY   appl_no) o
    WHERE       s.appl_no = a.appl_no
    AND a.appl_no = o.appl_no
    AND s.ms_code IN ('MS03', 'MS14')
    AND c.appl_no = a.appl_no
    AND c.contract_no = a.contract_no
    +/*AND c.office_code = a.branch_id*/+
    AND NVL (a.coy_id, '01') = NVL (c.coy_id, '01'))
    GROUP BY   coy_id,
    and this error shown:
    ORA-00604 error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
    ORA-20000 Trigger xdb_installation_trigger does not support object creation of type SNAPSHOT
    ORA-06512 at line 32
    maybe some of you know how to solve this problem??
    and, this in the script of the xdb_installation_trigger
    CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER SYS.xdb_installation_trigger
    sql_text varchar2(200);
    val number;
    if (dictionary_obj_owner != 'XDB') then
    if (dictionary_obj_type = 'FUNCTION' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'INDEX' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'PACKAGE' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'PACKAGE BODY' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'PROCEDURE' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'SYNONYM' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'TABLE' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'TABLESPACE' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'TYPE' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'VIEW' or
    dictionary_obj_type = 'USER'
    if (dictionary_obj_type  != 'PACKAGE BODY'
    +) then+
    sql_text := 'select count(*) from ALL_OBJECTS where owner = :1 and object_name = :2 and object_type = :3';
    execute immediate sql_text into val using dictionary_obj_owner, dictionary_obj_name, dictionary_obj_type;
    if (val = 0) then
    sql_text := 'select count(*) from dropped_xdb_instll_tab where owner = :1 and object_name = :2 and object_type = :3';
    execute immediate sql_text into val using dictionary_obj_owner, dictionary_obj_name, dictionary_obj_type;
    if (val = 0) then
    insert into xdb_installation_tab values
    +(dictionary_obj_owner, dictionary_obj_name, dictionary_obj_type);+
    end if;
    end if;
    end if;
    raise_application_error(-20000, 'Trigger xdb_installation_trigger does not support object creation of type '||dictionary_obj_type);
    end if;
    end if;

    i'm so careless, after checking a fresh installation of the same version DB, i dont found xdb_installation_trigger.
    so just by simply remove that trigger & everything works just fine. :)

  • Object creation of string

    Please tell me what is the difference between these two object creation of string.
    String str = new String("Hello");.
    String str="Hello";

    RGEO wrote:
    Is the string pool is part of a heap? Huh? I suppose yes, you could regard the String pool as part of the heap... but (I guess) that interned String objects would be placed directly into the permanent generation, which is not garbage collected... and therefore I don't really think of the permanent generation as part of the heap (except when tuning heap allocations)... but I think I'm talking over your noob head here, yes... and so to the noob-stuff.
    If you get bored you might like to scan (for now) http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/hotspot/gc/gc_tuning_6.html#generations ... and come back to it in a couple of years time (when every second word isn't new and baffling to you;-)
    jvm what will do when he encounter the following code,
    String s1 = new String ("hello");The VM will:
    1. Create a new String object, and then
    2. copy the characters 'h','e','l','l','o' from the interned String "hello" to the new String,
    3. and then assign a reference to the new String to variable s1.
    Note that the result is subtley different from String s1 = "hello", which just does step 3... it assigns a reference to the existing interned String object "hello" to the variable s1... it does not create and "populate" a new String object.
    Try this just for fun... what is the output of the following program? Why?
    package forums;
    public class StringEquals
      public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
          String a = "Hello";
          String b = "Hello";
          System.out.println("a==b is "+(a==b));
          String c = new String("Hello");
          System.out.println("a==c is "+(a==c));
        } catch (Exception e) {
    }Now, what's the correct way to evaluate equality of String objects in Java?
    HTH. Cheers. Keith.

  • Cost of object creation vs reflection?

    How does the cost of invoking a method using reflection compare to the cost of object creation? Thank you,

    i agree. in such cases, you should do the simplest thing that could possibly work. there are legitimate uses for reflection. without reflection, we have no core serialization mechanism. without serialization, we have no core RPC mechanism (RMI). no dynamic proxies without reflection. all those neat visual building tools are hampered without reflection. ORBs and scripting languages like Jython are hindered.
    note that the legitimate uses of reflection shown above tend to be for core JDK, or for development tools. that should be a clue to the developer that unless you're building these kinds of systems, you should reconsider whether reflection is necessary.
    that said, reflection has a high "cool" factor. i think that's what sucks developers toward it. it sucked me in, that's for sure. 8^)

  • Mappings Creation Performance Issue:

    Mappings Creation Performance Issue
    I am having a performance problem when linking attributes from Splitter Transformation (has app. 80 input ports and 9 different filter condition for 9 target tables) to other transformations. It takes app. 6 minutes to link one attribute from Splitter Transformation to other transformations; generally it should take less than a second. This is the problem only with Splitter Transformation, other transformations works very well.
    Any thoughts on this will be very helpful.
    Ragu Mandala

    Unfortunately this issue was introduced in (lower versions did not have this... 'feature'). The issue has been rolled into the version, but there is no backport for 9.0.3.
    Any chance you can migrate to 9.2? or go back to

  • While Loop - Object Creation

    I have a question on object creation and while loops. Have a look at the following code snippet:
           Object obj = new Object();
           // Pass off obj to a new thread
           Thread job = new Thread(new ObjectHandler(obj));
    }My question is, do I have to wait until the newly created Thread is finished with the Object obj before I can create a new Object called obj in the while loop?
    Also does anyone have any documentation on this sort of thing?

    Jaxie wrote:
    I'm still not sure you get what I'm on about, you might want to read up on java methods and pass by value.I think we know how it works. Most of us have been programming in Java for serveral years.
    When you pass an object to a method in java you pass it a copy of a reference to that object. Leading on from that, before an object is eligible for garbage collection in java, all references to that object must be dropped.
    So with all that in place, my question was, is the creation of an object in a while loop dependent on previous objects of the same name? Objects don't have names. Have we mentioned that before?
    You have a reference, larry that is referencing an unnamed object. You can also create other references that reference the same object. The thread will have one reference. You can then make larry reference another object. That will not change anything in the thread. It will still reference the old object, and that object will not be claimed by the gc until that thread stops referencing it.
    So the second time we go through the loop below, do we have to wait until larry has been garbage collected, before a new larry can be created?Read the articles/tutorials and what I have written above. What do you think?
    Do also note that the GC isn't executed synchronously.

  • Use String Variable in New Object Creation

    Thanks to those who review and respond. I am new to Java, so please be patient with my terminoloy mistakes and fumblings. I am reading in a file and I want to create a new object based on specific field (car for example). As you will notice I grab field 8 here label sIID.
    String sIID = dts.group(8);
    BTW this regex grouping works fine. The problem is seen when I try to use the sIID variable in my new object creation process.
    DateParse sIID = new DateParse();
    My IDE is reporting "Variable sIID is already defined in the scope"
    Is this possible? The assumption is that the sIID will have different value during the processing of the file. For example, car could mean truck, sedan, etc with operators like color, number of doors, mileage, top speed, etc.

    Thanks for the reply. I have include similar and much shorter code for the sake of brevity.
    My problems are centered around the x variable/object below. Ideally this would translate to three objects PersonA, PersonB, etc that I could reference later in the code as PersonA.newname if I wanted to. Hopefully this makes sense.
    public class TestingObjects {
      public static void main(String[] argv) {
           String [] names;
           names = new String[3];
           names[0] = "PersonA";
           names[1] = "PersonB";
           names[2] = "PersonC";
           for (String x:names) {
             PN x = new PN();  // <- Problem
             x.name = x;
    public class PN {
           String name;
           String newname;
      public String SayName() {
           newname = "Name = " + name;
          return newname;

  • Java Object Creation

    A general question about how can Java object creation with an average amount of data retrieval is considered as a reasonable.
    For example if I am clicking on a link in a web application...to paint that page, I think, about 4-5 java object with an average data retrieval of 20 rows wud be considered as appropriate. Any other thoghts or any other parameters to take into consideration?

    If you are concerned about object creation speed, you probably shouldn't. Even my laptop PC can create and garbage collect some 12 million objects per second (10,000,000 objects takes about 800 milliseconds). Test program below; remember to run with "java -server" to get the faster optimizing compiler. For laughs, write an equivalent C++ program that does new&delete in a similar loop.
    public class CreateObject
        public static void main(String args[])
         throws Exception
         for (int m = 0; m < 5; m++)
        static void doit()
         long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
         for (int n = 0; n < 10 * 1000 * 1000; n++) {
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
             new CreateObject();
         long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
         System.out.println((end - start) + " ms");

  • MXML Dynamic Object Creation

    Hi ,
    Static Object Creation :
        <mx:Fade id="ViewStack_EffectStart" duration="500" alphaFrom="0.0" alphaTo="1.0"/>
        <mx:Fade id="ViewStack_EffectEnd" duration="500" alphaFrom="1.0" alphaTo="0.0"/>
    <comp:ErrorBox id="errorBox" active="{active}" showEffect="{ViewStack_EffectStart}" hideEffect="{ViewStack_EffectEnd}"/> .
    The above static objects is working fine, but the problem is that we have lot of similiar static object which creates a memory issue.If we create dynamic objects, will it avoid the issue.Is dynamic objects advisible?.
    Thanks in advance.Please reply ASAP.
    Thanks ,

    hmn.. I don't understand your questions fully.
    What about create the fade object in "Model" and reference the same Fade object for all dynamic objects?
    or r u asking to find out how to create fade in actionscript?
    var fade:Fade = new Fade();
    fade.target = this;
    fade.alphaFrom = 0;
    fade.alphaTo = 1;
    hope this helps,

  • JVM 1.5.0, parallelism and object creation

    I am currently running Java 1.5.0 on a production server. This server is a 4-cpu 2gb ram beast running Red Hat ES 3. It provides MySQL backend and a Java server to be accessed through a Flash client.
    So far, the Flash client fares well. MySQL takes worst cast 16% of one CPU for very heavy selections. But I am having problems with optimizing the Java part that does everything.
    First and foremost, I cannot change the way it is. Our java code is mostly vendor code, thus we can't really expect to be able to easily change the code. Whatever code we added to the vendor code is definitely not the bottleneck, it's optimized, it's properly synchronized and it's very effective.
    I would like to give you an idea of how things fares. You will see my problem soon.
    - I am running one process of Java. This process is -Xms and Xmx'ed to 384 megs.
    - The total DSize of the Java environment is more than a gigabyte due to the 1000+ threads that runs through it. More so, every client that runs through it adds up at least two threads.
    - There are massive object creation and destruction happening. For a 100-client system, the "eden" memory is filled up and GC'ed at least twice per second. Since 1.5.0, the "old" memory of 384m gets filled up in 10 minutes, and GC'ed at that point.
    - CPU usage is having fun between 80% and 150% of one CPU (remember I have 4 CPUs so 150% is 150/400% total usage)
    - GC is the major speed bump for my server, as if I put 768 megs of Xmm instead of 384, cpu usage drops to 60%-90% CPU, that is, until memory gets filled up and swap gets used (do the math: 768m + 1200 thread stacks)
    Now it works fine. 100 users, it's perfect. My major problem is that from next week on, we are planning 300+ users. Ouch.
    So my few questions are:
    - In knowing that garbage must constantly be collected, is there something I can do in the environment to make it happen all the time in background? Or am I bound to have all 4 cpu's stopped momentarily twice per second so that it might happen?
    - In 1.4.x, I could change "eden" memory block size. It doesn't seem to be the same for 1.5.x. What's up with that? I used to increase it dramatically, making GC longer but less frequent, increasing parallelism force.
    I am asking the questions because I am not in position of trying "what if"s with my production server. The test server handles well our 8 internal users ... but we are not close of making the same amount of request as our 100-users production server... so we cannot reliably try out options. Best case is see if it crashes or now.

    Mikle -- please make sure that you are using either the
    UseParallelGC collector or the UseConcMarkSweepCollector.
    Both would appear to address some of the problems you
    You may need to tune the size of the young generation
    explicitly. Check out the GC tuning documents/tips
    You should make sure your application is not paging.
    Since the default thread stack sizes are large (2 MB?)
    and you may not need that much, you can try -Xss256k
    (for example) to reduce the virtual memory requirements
    for your thread stacks and free up more address space
    for the Java heap.
    In the end, for an application of the kind you describe you
    probably need to go 64-bit and use a larger Java heap
    along with the parallel/concurrent collector to deal with the
    attendant GC overheads. That (going 64-bit) should be easy
    (trivial) if your application is pure Java.
    I am currently running Java 1.5.0 on a production
    server. This server is a 4-cpu 2gb ram beast running
    Red Hat ES 3. It provides MySQL backend and a Java
    server to be accessed through a Flash client.
    So far, the Flash client fares well. MySQL takes worst
    cast 16% of one CPU for very heavy selections. But I
    am having problems with optimizing the Java part that
    does everything.
    First and foremost, I cannot change the way it is. Our
    java code is mostly vendor code, thus we can't really
    expect to be able to easily change the code. Whatever
    code we added to the vendor code is definitely not the
    bottleneck, it's optimized, it's properly synchronized
    and it's very effective.
    I would like to give you an idea of how things fares.
    You will see my problem soon.
    - I am running one process of Java. This process is
    -Xms and Xmx'ed to 384 megs.
    - The total DSize of the Java environment is more than
    a gigabyte due to the 1000+ threads that runs through
    it. More so, every client that runs through it adds up
    at least two threads.
    - There are massive object creation and destruction
    happening. For a 100-client system, the "eden" memory
    is filled up and GC'ed at least twice per second.
    Since 1.5.0, the "old" memory of 384m gets filled up
    in 10 minutes, and GC'ed at that point.
    - CPU usage is having fun between 80% and 150% of one
    CPU (remember I have 4 CPUs so 150% is 150/400% total
    - GC is the major speed bump for my server, as if I
    put 768 megs of Xmm instead of 384, cpu usage drops to
    60%-90% CPU, that is, until memory gets filled up and
    swap gets used (do the math: 768m + 1200 thread
    Now it works fine. 100 users, it's perfect. My major
    problem is that from next week on, we are planning
    300+ users. Ouch.
    So my few questions are:
    - In knowing that garbage must constantly be
    collected, is there something I can do in the
    environment to make it happen all the time in
    background? Or am I bound to have all 4 cpu's stopped
    momentarily twice per second so that it might happen?
    - In 1.4.x, I could change "eden" memory block size.
    It doesn't seem to be the same for 1.5.x. What's up
    with that? I used to increase it dramatically, making
    GC longer but less frequent, increasing parallelism
    I am asking the questions because I am not in position
    of trying "what if"s with my production server. The
    test server handles well our 8 internal users ... but
    we are not close of making the same amount of request
    as our 100-users production server... so we cannot
    reliably try out options. Best case is see if it
    crashes or now.

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