OCM for Java EE no longer current?

Is Oracle Certified Master for Java EE still a current certification? I only ask as this is available for JavaEE 5, but not 6. I am concerned this is now a defunkt cert

This certification is currently being evaluated for upgrade to a new version. At this time, I cannot give a definitive answer about whether or not there will be an EE 6 version. We also do not have any info on retirement of the EE 5 version. I don't expect that this certification will retire terribly soon, as it is still getting a good amount of traffic. I'm sorry, I realize that my answer is not very informative or helpful, but that is the only info I have at this time. If you are interested in this certification, I would recommend that you go ahead and go for it. Even if we do end up retiring the certification path, the certification remains valid. It remains on your list of certifications in CertView and you can continue to use the OCM logo.
If you are worried about getting 1/2 way through the path and having the path retire, I can tell you that we typically provide at least 3 months notice for a retiring exam/certification path. This path may require extra time because of the length of time that it takes to complete this certification path. Whenever this certification path is set to retire, we will make every effort to contact all candidates who are working on the certification at that time, so always be sure that your email address is updated and correct in your Pearson VUE profile.
Brandye Barrington
Certification Forum Moderator

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    Hi Pascal,
    EWA for Java systems is currently in a pilot phase. It will be released with the note 976054, which is currently still being processed internally.
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    The note will be released in the very near future.
    Best regards,
    Walter Heibey

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    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.List;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.xml.parsers.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.dom.*;
    import javax.xml.transform.stream.*;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    public class Sametime extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
        private int indentation = -1;
        JPanel panel = new JPanel();
        JTextArea jta = new JTextArea(
        //Instructions for user
        "For a successful buddy list migration do the following:\n"
        + "1. Save your current Sametime Buddy List to your PC.\n   "
        + "The default location should be: C:/Program Files/Lotus/Sametime Client.\n"
        + "  A. Open the Sametime Client.\n"
        + "  B. Click on People\n"
        + "  C. Click on Save List.\n"
        + "  D. Save as your first.last.dat\n"
        + "     Ex. john.doe.dat\n"
        + "NOTE: If you have AOL contacts in your Sametime buddy list they will not be migrated.\n");
        JButton browse = new JButton("Continue");
        JButton exit = new JButton("Exit");
        public Sametime() {
            super("Sametime Buddy List Migration");
            setSize(610, 245);
            Container c = this.getContentPane();
        } //end Sametime
        public class DATFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter {
            public boolean accept(File f) {
                //if it is a directory -- we want to show it so return true.
                if (f.isDirectory())
                    return true;
                String extension = getExtension(f);//get the extension of the file
                //check to see if the extension is equal to "dat"
                if ((extension.equals("dat")))
                    return true;
                //default -- fall through. False is return on all
                //occasions except:
                //a) the file is a directory
                //b) the file's extension is what we are looking for.
                return false;
            }//end accept
            public String getDescription() {
                return "dat files";
            }//end getDescription
             * Method to get the extension of the file, in lowercase
            private String getExtension(File f) {
                String s = f.getName();
                int i = s.lastIndexOf('.');
                if (i > 0 &&  i < s.length() - 1)
                    return s.substring(i+1).toLowerCase();
                return "";
            }//end getExtension
        }//end class DATFilter
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            //Default Location for JFileChooser search
            String error = "The file selected is not a .dat file!\n"
            + "Please select your recently saved .dat file and try again.";
            JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("/Program Files/Lotus/Sametime Client");
            fc.setFileFilter(new DATFilter());
            fc.setFileSelectionMode( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY);
            String user = System.getProperty("user.name");// finds who the current user is
            if (e.getSource() == browse) {
                int returnVal = fc.showSaveDialog(Sametime.this);
                if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                    //if (fc.getSelectedFile().getName().equals(".dat")){
                    if (fc.getSelectedFile().getName().endsWith(".dat")){ // checks to see if selected file is .dat
                        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, error, "Wrong File", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                    }//end else
                    try {
                        String[] contactArray = parseDatFile(fc.getSelectedFile());
                        Document document = createXMLDocument(contactArray);
                        new File(
                        "C:/Documents and Settings/" + user +"/My Documents/OLCS/",// looks for directory for list
                    } catch (Exception exc) {
                        File f = new File("C:/Documents and Settings/" + user +"/My Documents/OLCS/");// setting directory for list if not there
                        boolean yes = true;
                        yes = f.mkdir();// creating directory
                        try {
                            String[] contactArray = parseDatFile(fc.getSelectedFile());
                            Document document = createXMLDocument(contactArray);
                            new File(
                            "C:/Documents and Settings/" + user +"/My Documents/OLCS/",// used only if the directory didn't exist
                            //exc.printStackTrace();// not sure if this is needed?
                        } catch (Exception exc1) {
                        }//end inner catch
                    }// end catch
                }// end if
                    String Warning = "You did not migrate your Sametime buddy list at this time.";
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, Warning, "Migration Canceled", JOptionPane.WARNING_MESSAGE);
                    String thankyou = "Thank You for Migrating your Sametime buddy list to OLCS"
                    + "\nYour new OLCS buddy list has been saved to:"
                    + "\nC:/Documents and Settings/" + user +"/My Documents/OLCS"
                    + "\n as: Contact-List_migration.ctt"
                    + "\n\n To be able to use Contact-List_migration.ctt for Windows Messenger:"
                    + "\n1. Log into Windows Messenger."
                    + "\n2. Click on File"
                    + "\n3. Click on 'Import Contacts from a Saved File...'"
                    + "\n4. Open OLCS in My Documents"
                    + "\n5. Click on 'Contact-list_migration.ctt'"
                    + "\n6. Click Open to import the list."
                    + "\n   A window will pop up confirming that you want to add all of the contacts"
                    + "\n   Click 'yes'"
                    + "\n   Your buddy list is ready to be used.";
                    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, thankyou, "Migration Completed", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);//Change this when defualt directory is known.
                }//end if else statement
            } //end if
            System.exit( 0 );
            if (e.getSource() == exit) {
                System.exit( 0 );
            } //end if
        } //end actionPerformed
        String[] parseDatFile(File datFile)
        throws Exception    {
            List list = new ArrayList();
            BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(datFile));
            String line;
            while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
                line = line.trim();
                if (line.indexOf("U") != 0)
                int p = line.indexOf("::");
                if (p == -1)
                line = line.substring(p + 2).trim();
                if (line.indexOf("AOL") == 0)
                p = line.indexOf(",");
                if (p != -1)
                    line = line.substring(0, p);
                line = line.trim() + "@mci.com";
                if (list.indexOf(line) == -1)
            }//end while
            String[] contactArray = new String[list.size()];
            return contactArray;
        }// end String
        // setting up the XML file
        Document createXMLDocument(String[] contactArray) throws Exception {
            DocumentBuilderFactory dBF = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
            DocumentBuilder builder = dBF.newDocumentBuilder();
            DOMImplementation domImpl = builder.getDOMImplementation();
            Document document = domImpl.createDocument(null, "messenger", null);
            Element root = document.getDocumentElement();
            Element svcElm = document.createElement("service");
            Element clElm = document.createElement("contactlist");
            svcElm.setAttribute("name", "Microsoft RTC Instant Messaging");
            for (int i = 0; i < contactArray.length; i++) {
                Element conElm = document.createElement("contact");
                Text conTxt = document.createTextNode(contactArray);
    }//end for
    return document;
    }// end Document
    void saveToXMLFile(Document document, File xmlFile) throws Exception {
    OutputStream os =
    new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(xmlFile));
    TransformerFactory tFactory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
    Transformer transformer = tFactory.newTransformer();
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");//puts information on seperate lines
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.METHOD, "xml");
    transformer.setOutputProperty("{http://xml.apache.org/xslt}indent-amount", "2");//gives the XML file indentation
    transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, "no");
    DOMSource source = new DOMSource(document);
    StreamResult result = new StreamResult(os);
    transformer.transform(source, result);
    }//end saveToXMLFile
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    Sametime st = new Sametime();
    ImageIcon picIcon = new ImageIcon(st.getClass().getResource("/images/mci.gif"));//Change when default is known!
    } //end main
    private void setLookAndFeel() {
    try {
    } catch (Exception e) {
    System.err.println("Could not use Look and Feel: " + e);
    } //end catch
    } //end void setLookAndFeel
    } //end public class Sametime

    Are there features of Java 1.4 that you specifically took advantage and are there any particular lines you are having problems with or did you just freak and post it here?
    Basically compile it under Java 1.3 and see what complains. I've done several projects that compile under 1.2, 1.3, and 1.4.

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    Robert Templeton

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    Robert Templeton

  • Use vCloud SDK for Java to integrate with vCD 5.6

    Hello Folks,
             Newbie here.
             I have a situation where a home grown app, that uses vCloud SDK for Java to invoke a vCloud Director 5.1 installation. We use this for powering on/ off a few VMs.
             Our installation is being upgraded from vCloud Director 5.1 to 5.6.
             My question is, are we expected to upgrade/ carry out any code changes to our current implementation to integrate with the newer runtime version (5.6)?
             Many thanks in advance.

    Somewhat going from memory here.
    As long as the REST API Versions URL states that it is compatible with 5.1, then you should be fine to make the calls as v5.1.
    Here is the section of the documentation for that:
    Using the vCloud API with vCloud Director
    The I think the SDKs are just wrappers in a manner of speaking.  They all eventually translate code (java/python/etc) into a REST API system that is sent into vCloud Director via the API.  For the most part, I think it'll work.
    That's not talking about "support", just that it should work with some exceptions.  I don't know if there is an official stance on cross compatibility like this.

  • Java.lang.InternalError: Werent current caller

    I'm running the J2EE Sample for JDeveloper 9i.
    The EJB.jpr project compiles without errors. orderItems run without error.
    Running SampleorderItemsClient.java gives a java.lang InternalError.
    See server stacktrace:
    com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException: java.lang.InternalError: Werent current caller, server stacktrace (to disable this message, use -Dejb.assert=false at startup): java.lang.Throwable: Werent current caller
         void Orders_EntityBeanWrapper0.setEntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.passivateAndRelease(com.evermind.server.ejb.EvermindEntityContext, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(boolean)
         ejbsample.Orders OrdersHome_EntityHomeWrapper4.create(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void ejbsample.impl.orderItemsBean.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void orderItems_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
         java.lang.Exception com.evermind.server.ejb.EJBUtils.getUserException(java.lang.Throwable, boolean)
         void orderItems_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
    at connection to localhost/ as admin
         void Orders_EntityBeanWrapper0.setEntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.passivateAndRelease(com.evermind.server.ejb.EvermindEntityContext, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(boolean)
         ejbsample.Orders OrdersHome_EntityHomeWrapper4.create(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void ejbsample.impl.orderItemsBean.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void orderItems_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIConnection.EXCEPTION_ORIGINATES_FROM_THE_REMOTE_SERVER(java.lang.Throwable)
         java.lang.Object com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIConnection.invokeMethod(com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIContext, long, long, java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object[])
         java.lang.Object com.evermind.server.rmi.RemoteInvocationHandler.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Object[])
         void __Proxy1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void SampleorderItemsClient.main(java.lang.String[])
         Nested exception is:
    java.lang.InternalError: Werent current caller, server stacktrace (to disable this message, use -Dejb.assert=false at startup): java.lang.Throwable: Werent current caller
         void Orders_EntityBeanWrapper0.setEntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.passivateAndRelease(com.evermind.server.ejb.EvermindEntityContext, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(boolean)
         ejbsample.Orders OrdersHome_EntityHomeWrapper4.create(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void ejbsample.impl.orderItemsBean.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void orderItems_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
         void Orders_EntityBeanWrapper0.setEntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.passivateAndRelease(com.evermind.server.ejb.EvermindEntityContext, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(boolean)
         ejbsample.Orders OrdersHome_EntityHomeWrapper4.create(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void ejbsample.impl.orderItemsBean.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void orderItems_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
    at connection to localhost/
         void Orders_EntityBeanWrapper0.setEntityBean(javax.ejb.EntityBean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBHome.passivateAndRelease(com.evermind.server.ejb.EvermindEntityContext, boolean)
         void com.evermind.server.ejb.EntityEJBObject.releaseContext(boolean)
         ejbsample.Orders OrdersHome_EntityHomeWrapper4.create(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void ejbsample.impl.orderItemsBean.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         void orderItems_StatelessSessionBeanWrapper1.addOrder(long, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, long)
         java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[])
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMICallHandler.run(java.lang.Thread)
         void com.evermind.util.ThreadPoolThread.run()
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.OrionRemoteException.receive(java.net.InetAddress, java.lang.String)
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIConnection.handleMethodInvocationResponse()
         void com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIConnection.run()
         void java.lang.Thread.run()
    Process exited with exit code 0.
    Can you tell me what this means?

    The problem is that both clients and EJBs are in the same server and you are using RMIInitialContextFactory. You have to use default context and package this client in the same EAR. Please look at http://otn.oracle.com/sample_code/tech/java/oc4j/htdocs/oc4jsamplecode/oc4j-demo-ejb.html#CMP for samples. Also some EJB/client sample programs are packaged with Oc4J disand you can find at $IAS_HOME/j2ee/home/demo/cmp distribution ctory.
    However the client program should work fine if your client and EJBs are running on different Oc4J containers.
    Hi Debu,
    the client is a java application. Here is the code:
    [...in main method...]
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "admin");
    env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, "admin");
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "ormi://CHRISTIANE/statful");
    Context ctx = new InitialContext(env);
    PersonHome personHome = (PersonHome)ctx.lookup("Person");
    Person person;
    person = personHome.create( 14261026 );
    CU, Chris

  • Impossible to download SAP Gui for Java (7.20)

    I have been trying for more than an hour to download SAP GUI for Java (7.20), but without luck.
    I'm on Linux, and have tried chrome, Firefox and download manager. I'm on a plain internet connection without proxy.
    On Firefox and chrome:
    1) Went to the market place and chose "SAP GUI FOR JAVA 7.20 -> Linux on IA32 32bit"
    On the download tab, I see a list of files, amongst which is "PlatinGUILNX_3-10006060.JAR"
    Clicking it brings up a new window, but no download is started, i.e. nothing happens. The link in the new window is
    2) So I installed the download manager, prepared a basket from the list at (1) and refreshed. Trying to connect brought up the failure: u201CThe basket content could not be read. [...]
    Exception: class dlClient.ResponseParseException
    Message: Invalid line in basket content data: <HTML>
    Current token:"
    (i.e. nothing more after current token.)
    Any ideas? TIA
    (I must say I'm a little disappointed through how many hoops I have to go for a simple download. The registration was already a bit more complicated than is usual, but I could understand security and administrative reasons. But why is it not possible to provide a simple download link for logged in users which only works for logged in users?)

    Hello Joeren,
    I am really sorry that we are no longer allowed to provide the anonymous ftp download.
    Method 2) is the one which should work for you.
    Please have a look at [notes|http://service.sap.com/notes] of component XX-SER-SAPSMP-SDM, in particular [note 401195|https://service.sap.com/sap/support/notes/401195] regarding Download Manager. Did you enter the address of the SAP Service Marketplace (http://service.sap.com) correctly?
    In case you do not find the information to make it work, please create a [support message|https://service.sap.com/message] on the component already mentioned, and someone responsible for Download Manager should contact you.
    Apologizes for not being able to provide more assistance in this matter.
    Best regards

  • PetStore running in Forte for Java 4 - Part 1

    I am hoping to get the PetStore (1.3.1_01) running under Forte for Java 4 EE. If I succeed I will be posting this up to the web-site so that it is publicly available. However I am very new to Forte for Java (FFJ) [I ran it for the first time six days ago]. As a concequence I may not understand the best way of configuring projects or web modules etc, associating the J2EE, implementing ANT files etc etc etc. So what I thought I would do is (briefly) explain what I am doing so that if I am doing stupid things or there are better ways of doing things you guys can shout (ie get some peer review as I proceed).
    The overall approach I am taking is:
    + The project is stored in the standard \forte4j-userdir\system\Projects directory.
    + the source currently is stored separately (ie the directory I unzipped the perstore to).
    + I am building the project in the same sequence that the main build.xml files specifies (ie components / waf / apps).
    + I expose parts of the PetStore project to FFJ by mounting local directories from the unzipped PetStore directory.
    + As long as the j2ee.home is defined in build.properties the ANT build processes work. However a compile under FFJ will not work as it does not know where the j2ee.jar file is. Therefore I have mounted the j2ee.jar and added this to the project. [IS THERE A BETTER WAY OF DOING THIS?]
    Each of the COMPONENTS (asyncsender, encodingfilter, purchaseorder etc) are held in separate java packages. Each of these have been mounted separately and then arranged in the same order as they appear in components/build.xml. Each of these can then be compiled, or, built using the ANT files successfully. Finally for the COMPONENTS I wanted to make the components/build.xml known to FFJ. Unfortunately you can't just mount the components directory (see problem below). So I have created a new directory at the petstore/src level called build and mounted this directory. The components build.xml file has been copied into this directory and renamed to components.xml. Finally the base directory in components.xml has been changed from (.) to (../components). Double clicking on this now builds all of the COMPONENTS without errors.
    I have taken this approach rather than just mounting the components directory as when you do a build you get the following error:
    "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Mount/org-openide-filesystems-LocalFileSystem_1.settings: missing 'class' attribute in 'instance' element". [WHAT IS THIS AND IS THERE A SOLUTION?]
    Hopefully I will get some more time tomorrow to start work on the waf part of PetStore.

    Before starting on the waf import to Forte for Java (FFJ) I did a quick review. And found an issue. FFJ was not recognising the EJB components as EJBs.
    When creating a new EJB FFJ will store the following "special" files:
    + <ejb name>.ejbdd containing the <ejb-jar> definition
    + <ejb name>.ejbj2eeri containing the <j2ee-ri-specific-information> [AM I CORRECT IN SAYING THIS IS THE CONTAINER SPECIFC DEPLOYMENT INFORMATION? ]
    + <ejb name>.sesejb or .entejb or .mesejb - depending on whether the bean is an session / entity / message bean
    The PetStore project contains <ejb-jar> definitions in ejb-jar.xml files. These files were therefore copied out to the appropriate location for FFJ and renamed to <ejb name>.ejbdd. On opening the project FFJ now recognises the EJBs correctly (signified by the FFJ bean icon). The build.xml files were then changed to copy the new <ejb name>.ejbdd files to the META-INF directory. The project both compiles and can be built from the ANT files successfully.
    Neither have I done anything about the .sesejb / .entejb / .mesejb files. They contain the following information:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    Thanks for any help that can be provided.

  • XModem via TCP for Java

    I am sure that many of you experienced developers have read requests in the past concerning implmentation of Ward Christenen's XModem protocol over a TCP socket. If not, well... you are about to...
    This is a major hack... but it is starting to come together... thanks to Fred Potter for his source code to start this project...
    Basically, I want to create a console application which accepts an incoming connection and starts the receive mode for a XModem file transfer. I am using CGTerm (for Commodore retrocomputing) but can test with HyperTerminal as well...
    The user who connects to the server selects SEND and the FILE to send for a XModem file transfer... and the transfer begins...
    The incoming blocks of 128 bytes are written to a file
    After the transfer is over the server disconnects the client terminal.
    Here is what I have so far:
    import java.net.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    import java.io.*;
    // X-Modem Server implementation via TCP/IP socket
    public class XServer {
    public static FileWriter fw;
    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    // define the file
    try {   
    fw = new FileWriter("filename.txt");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    int port = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
    ServerSocket server = new ServerSocket(port);
    System.out.println("X-Server v1.0 - waiting for connection");
    Socket client = server.accept();
    // Handle a connection and exit.
    try {
    InputStream inputStream = client.getInputStream();
    OutputStream outputStream = client.getOutputStream();
    new PrintStream(outputStream).println("Go to send file mode!"); // sent to client
    System.out.println("Ready to receive file via X-Modem...");
    // set the debug flag
    XModem.debug = true;
    * Here we are instantiating a new InputStream that represents the remote
    * file that we are receiving. In this single line we are attempting to
    * start the flow.
    * Behind The Scenes: We're sending a NAK across the serial line repeatedly
    * until we finaly start seeing the data flow. If we don't see the data
    * flow, then we throw an exception.
    System.out.println("Sending NAK to start receive mode...");
    InputStream incomingFile;
    try {
    incomingFile = new XModemRXStream(inputStream, outputStream);
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("ERROR! Unable to start file transfer!");
    System.out.println("Starting file transfer...");
    * Here we are reading from the incoming file, byte by byte, and printing out.
    * Behind The Scenes: Internally, the read() method is handling the task of
    * asking for the next data block from the remote computer, processing it (i.e.
    * parsing, running checksums), and then putting it in an internal buffer. Not
    * all calls to read() will request a new data block as each block contains at
    * least 128 bytes of data. Sometimes you will only hit the buffer.
    try {
    for (;;) {
    int c = incomingFile.read();
    if (c==-1)
    break; // End of File
    // print character / byte
    // write to file
    try {       
    } catch (Exception e) {
    } catch (IOException e) {
    System.out.println("error while reading the incoming file.");
    // done
    System.out.println("File sent.");
    new PrintStream(outputStream).println("");
    new PrintStream(outputStream).println("transfer successful!");
    } finally {
    // save the file
    try {   
    System.out.println("file saved.");
    } catch (Exception e) {
    * XModem keeps track of settings that the Receive and Transmit Stream classes will
    * reference.
    * <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2004</p>
    * @author Fred Potter
    * @version 0.1
    class XModem {
    public static boolean debug = false;
    * XModemRXStream is an easy to use class for receiving files via the XModem protocol.
    * @author Fred Potter
    * @version 0.1
    class XModemRXStream
    extends InputStream {
    private static final int SOH = 0x01;
    private static final int EOT = 0x04;
    private static final int ACK = 0x06;
    private static final int NAK = 0x15;
    private static final int CAN = 0x18;
    private static final int CR = 0x0d;
    private static final int LF = 0x0a;
    private static final int EOF = 0x1a;
    // block size - DON'T CHANGE - I toyed with the idea of adding 1K support but the code is NOT there yet.
    private static final int bs = 128;
    private int ebn; // expected incoming block #
    private byte[] data; // our data buffer
    private int dataPos; // our position with the data buffer
    private InputStream in;
    private OutputStream out;
    * Creates a new InputStream allowing you to read the incoming file. All of the XModem
    * protocol functions are handled transparently.
    * As soon as this class is instantiated, it will attempt to iniatate the transfer
    * with the remote computer - if unsuccessful, an IOException will be thrown. If it
    * is successful, reading may commense.
    * NOTE: It is important not to wait too long in between calls to read() - the remote
    * computer will resend a data block if too much time has passed or even just give up
    * on the transfer altogether.
    * @param in InputStream from Serial Line
    * @param out OutputStream from Serial Line
    public XModemRXStream(InputStream in, OutputStream out) throws
    IOException {
    this.in = in;
    this.out = out;
    // Initiate the receive sequence - basically, we send a NAK until the data
    // starts flowing.
    init:for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
    if (XModem.debug) {
    System.out.println("Waiting for response [ try #" + t + " ]");
    long mark = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // Frequently check to see if the data is flowing, give up after a couple seconds.
    for (; ; ) {
    if (in.available() > 0) {
    break init;
    try {
    catch (Exception e) {}
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - mark > 2000) {
    // We have either successfully negotiated the transfer, OR, it was
    // a failure and timed out. Check in.available() to see if we have incoming
    // bytes and that will be our sign.
    if (in.available() == 0) {
    throw new IOException();
    // Initialize some stuff
    ebn = 1; // the first block we see should be #1
    data = new byte[bs];
    dataPos = bs;
    * Reads the next block of data from the remote computer. Most of the real XModem protocol
    * is encapsulated within this method.
    * @throws IOException
    private synchronized void getNextBlock() throws IOException {
    if (XModem.debug) {
    //System.out.println("Getting block #" + ebn);
    // Read block into buffer. There is a 1 sec timeout for each character,
    // otherwise we NAK and start over.
    byte[] buffer;
    recv:for (; ; ) {
    buffer = new byte[bs + 4];
    for (int t = 0; t < 10; t++) {
    System.out.println("\nReceiving block [ #" + ebn + " ]");
    // Read in block
    buffer = new byte[buffer.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) {
    int b = readTimed(1);
    // if EOT - don't worry about the rest of the block.
    if ( (i == 0) && (b == EOT)) {
    buffer[0] = (byte) (b & 0xff);
    // if CAN - the other side has cancelled the transfer
    if (b == CAN) {
    throw new IOException("cancelled");
    if (b < 0) {
    if (XModem.debug) {
    System.out.println("Time out... NAK'ing");
    continue recv;
    else {
    buffer[i] = (byte) (b & 0xFF);
    int type = buffer[0] & 0xff; // either SOH or EOT
    if (type == EOT) {
    if (XModem.debug) {
    int bn = buffer[1] & 0xff; // block number
    int bnc = buffer[2] & 0xff; // one's complement to block #
    if (
    (bn != ebn) && (bn != (ebn - 1)) ||
    (bn + bnc != 255)) {
    if (XModem.debug) {
    System.out.println("NAK'ing type = " + type + " bn = " + bn +
    " ebn = " +
    ebn + " bnc = " + bnc);
    continue recv;
    byte chksum = buffer[ (buffer.length - 1)];
    byte echksum = 0;
    for (int i = 3; i < (buffer.length - 1); i++) {
    echksum = (byte) ( ( (echksum & 0xff) + (buffer[i] & 0xff)) & 0xff);
    if (chksum != echksum) {
    continue recv;
    if (ebn == 255) {
    ebn = 0;
    else {
    // We got our block, now save it in our data buffer.
    data = new byte[bs];
    for (int i = 3; i < (buffer.length - 1); i++) {
    data[(i - 3)] = buffer;
    dataPos = 0;
    public synchronized int read() throws IOException {
    // If at the end of our buffer, refill it.
    if (dataPos == bs) {
    try {
    catch (IOException e) {
    throw new IOException();
    // If we're still at end of buffer, say so.
    if ( dataPos == bs) {
    return -1;
    int d = data[dataPos];
    if (d == EOF)
    return -1;
    return d;
    * A wrapper around the native read() call that provides the ability
    * to timeout if no data is available within the specified timeout value.
    * @param timeout timeout value in seconds
    * @throws IOException
    * @return int an integer representing the byte value read.
    private int readTimed(int timeout) throws IOException {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    for (; ; ) {
    if (in.available() > 0) {
    return (in.read());
    try {
    catch (InterruptedException ex) {
    //if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout * 1000) {
    if (System.currentTimeMillis() - start > timeout * 5000) {
    return -1;
    Here was the output...
    Original file:
    (Commodore CBM SEQ file exported to PC using DirMaster)
    � �
    � ��� �� �� ��� ��
    � �� �� ���� �� ��� ��
    � ��� ����������������������������������������������
    �� ����� ������� ����� �� ����� ������ ����� ���
    � �� ������ ������ ��� ��� �� ��� ���� �� ������
    � � ���
    � � ��OWERED BY �OLOR 64 ��� V8
    �UNNING �ETWORK64 V1.26A



    �YS�P: � � � � � � � � �

    The result when the file was uploaded and received by my XServer:
    ? ? ??OWERED BY ?OLOR 64 ??? V8
    ?UNNING ?ETWORK64 V1.26A
    ?YS?P: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
    The result is different!
    Can someone help me along here... I have been trying to figure out how to do this for approx. a year or so... it has been a very slow process.
    I could use a guru to help me out so I can write the upload and download routines for my Commodore BBS PETSCII Emulation Server.
    Visit http://www.retrogradebbs.com for details.
    Please help out a dedicated developer who is in over his head...

    Ok. Fair enough. What about general information about Xmodem. This is a hard project because of how obscure the legacy technology is that I am having to implement using Java and MySQL.
    I have two major issues which I have to figure out how to troubleshoot and debug, if possible.
    1. The 23+ blocks exception when a file is being received
    2. The exception which is thrown immediately if I try to receive a binary file instead of an ASCII file.
    I read that telnet is a 7-bit technology and that is why Xmodem, which is an 8-bit technology is not that popular as a viable protocol via telnet, whereas Kermit is, since it was developed for 7-bit systems, i.e. mainframes and minicomputers.
    Is this correct?
    If that is the case, why does www.serio.com have a viable X-Y-ZModem library available (for several hundred $$$ of course) which can be used with both RS-232 serial ports and TCP socket ports? Obviously, it can be done. They are the ONLY company with this library for sale for Java to do this. I cannot justify that $$$ amount for a mere hobby (writing the BBS emulation server for supporting Commodore PETSCII (CG) callers via CGTerm or a native C-64 terminal program using Jim Brain's TCPSER middleware, which emulates a Hayes modem via telnet for telBBSing/retrocomputing.
    I really want to learn how to implement a file transfer protocol, since back in the 80s, I used Xmodem, Punter, Y/Z Modem, etc., a lot to upload and download files via modem at baud rates of 2400, 14.4, 19.2, and 38.4, respectively.
    It's fun to learn how the old skool gurus of telecommunications technology did it. It is one thing to run a BBS which supports these technologies and features, and it is an entirely other thing to learn how to design and develop them yourself for implementation into a project such as I taken on.
    It CAN be done. It WILL be done. However, I have just started my exhaustive research on how it needs to be done. I have read up as much as I could on XModem by Ward C., the father of the protocol.
    But, I have no information to help me figure out why the communications are acting as they do so far.
    Can someone please download the xserver.zip file on my website at:
    Compile it. Run it. Connect using HyperTerminal, Netrunner, or another telnet terminal emulation program which supports Xmodem file transfers using WinSock.
    See what happens. With finals due in the next two days, this project will have to be put on hold until after I submit my two final projects.
    If anyone knows what needs to be done to support both ASCII and BINARY file transfers via Xmodem via a socket instead of a modem with RTS/CTS hardware flow control, please respond.
    I know for a fact that this can be done.
    - Dave

  • How to create a report with data using the Crystal Reports for Java SDK

    How do I create a report with data that can be displayed via the Crystal Report for Java SDK and the Viewers API?
    I am writing my own report designer, and would like to use the Crystal Runtime Engine to display my report in DHTML, PDF, and Excel formats.  I can create my own report through the following code snippet:
    ReportClientDocument boReportClientDocument = new ReportClientDocument();
    However, I cannot find a way to add data elements to the report without specifying an RPT file.  Is this possible?  I seems like it is since the Eclipse Plug In allows you to specify your database parameters when creating an RPT file.
    is there a way to do this through these packages?
    Am I forced to create a RPT file for the different table and column structures I have? 
    Thank you in advance for any insights.
    Ted Jenney

    Hi Rameez,
    After working through the example code some more, and doing some more research, I remain unable to populate a report with my own data and view the report in a browser.  I realize this is a long post, but there are multiple errors I am receiving, and these are the seemingly essential ones that I am hitting.
    Modeling the Sample code from Create_Report_From_Scratch.zip to add a database table, using the following code:
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.application.*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.data.*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.document.*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.definition.*"%>
    <%@ page import="com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.*" %>
    <%@ page import = "com.crystaldecisions.report.web.viewer.*"%>
    try { 
                ReportClientDocument rcd = new ReportClientDocument();
    // Setup the DB connection
                String database_dll = "Sqlsrv32.dll";
                String db = "qa_start_2012";
                String dsn = "SQL Server";
                String userName = "sa";
                String pwd = "sa";
                // Create the DB connection
                ConnectionInfo oConnectionInfo = new ConnectionInfo();
                PropertyBag oPropertyBag1 = oConnectionInfo.getAttributes();
                // Set new table logon properties
                PropertyBag oPropertyBag2 = new PropertyBag();
                oPropertyBag2.put("DSN", dsn);
                oPropertyBag2.put("Data Source", db);
                // Set the connection info objects members
                // 1. Pass the Logon Properties to the main PropertyBag
                // 2. Set the Server Description to the new **System DSN**
                oPropertyBag1.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_LOGONPROPERTIES, oPropertyBag2);
                oPropertyBag1.put(PropertyBagHelper.CONNINFO_CRQE_SERVERDESCRIPTION, dsn);
                oPropertyBag1.put("Database DLL", database_dll);
                // The Kind of connectionInfos is CRQE (Crystal Reports Query Engine).
    // Add a Database table
              String tableName = "Building";
                Table oTable = new Table();
                rcd.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);
        catch(ReportSDKException RsdkEx) {
        catch (Exception ex) {
    Throws the exception
    com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportSDKException: java.lang.NullPointerException---- Error code:-2147467259 Error code name:failed
    There was other sample code on SDN which suggested the following - adding the table after calling table.setDataFields() as in:
              String tableName = "Building";
                String fieldname = "Building_Name";
                Table oTable = new Table();
                oTable.setDescription(tableName) ;
                Fields fields = new Fields();
                DBField field = new DBField();
                rcd.getDatabaseController().addTable(oTable, null);
    This code succeeds, but it is not clear how to add that database field to a section.  If I attempt to call the following:
    FieldObject oFieldObject = new FieldObject();
                // Now add it to the section
                rcd.getReportDefController().getReportObjectController().add(oFieldObject, rcd.getReportDefController().getReportDefinition().getDetailArea().getSections().getSection(0), -1);
    Then I get an error (which is not unexpected)
    com.crystaldecisions.sdk.occa.report.lib.ReportDefControllerException: The field was not found.---- Error code:-2147213283 Error code name:invalidFieldObject
    How do I add one of the table.SetDataFields()  to my report to be displayed?
    Are there any other pointers or suggestions you may have?
    Thank you

  • I just ran a software update for Java and MacBook Pro SMC, now my Mini Display Port to HDMI TV is not working. The TV is flickering. The Mac Display is fine.

    I was just watching / streaming TV off Safari on my actual TV.
    I'm using a Mini-Display Port to HDMI cable for the connection to the external display.
    Software update popped-up and said there was an update for Java and for SMC.
    I ran the update and upon the computer restarting, my external display (my TV) is no longer working. It is now flickering.
    It won't work in Mirroring or set up as an extended display.
    I've reset SMC / PRAM / Safe Mode / Even restored from a Time Machine backup (From before the updates were done).
    What could it be?!

    I keep saying this over and over, in the hope that people who do a search will find it.  Apple cannot possibly test for or be reponsible for the bazillion combinations of adapter, cables, and TV's out there.  The only monitors that are 100% guaranteed to work with the MacBook Pro are the Cinema Displays and Thunderbolt Displays, because, they're made by Apple.  They're expensive, but they work perfectly.
    My guess is that you bought a cheap MDP to HDMI cable, or have a defective one.  From my reading of these boards over the past few months, cheap cables have a high failure rate.  And the regular priced ones have only a slightly less of one.  Try a new one.  Make sure you do not damage the Thunderbolt port.

  • Ebusiness Suite SDK for Java session management

    Hi, I am trying to try sample java application mentioned in Oracle® E-Business Suite Software Development Kit for Java Release 11i and 12 Part No. E28169-02
    Current version i am trying is Jdeveloper and Ebiz suite 12.1.3
    able to create Apps Data source with out any issue.
    when Home.jsp is accessed through application menu, user name and all session related information is showing as NULL.
    how to resolve this issue.

    Hi Shay,
    I gone through the webinar.
    Here is more explanation of my issue.
    I created Apps Data source earlier. That time i registered external node in ebusiness suite with node_name as ip_address of weblogic server.
    But that time session details came as Null on sample Java application.
    Then i realized that may be the issue and corrected registration of external node and corrected ebiz profile options accordingly.
    When i tried to create Apps data source with fresh dbc file, i got into invalid username/pwd issue.
    As per following forum discussion topic, hyphen and dots in host name will cause issue with Apps data source creation, which is confirmed by couple of discussion participants and Juan also.
    My weblogic host name is like WL-SOADEV-01.domainname.com
    what should be my further actions to resolve this issue.

  • Java Applet taking long time to load

    I have a swing based Menu generator Applet. On clicking a Menubar item, I have called a new class [ MyEntry1 my1 = new MyEntry() ], which called one or more utility classes. My main applet (which I have used in <Aplpet> tag in .html file) is very small. But from that, I have called severel classes which are not very small.
    My Problem is, when i am trying to run my applet through IE 5, it is taking long time (180-250 secs.)
    Can anyone give me some tips, how to minimise the loading time? I am using Applet/Servlet/JDBC to develop a web application, which will be used remotely. Using Tomcat server. Any code snippets will be very helpfull for me.
    Thanking all gurus in advance.

    Hope someone can tell me why my Java takes so long to
    load when I go into a online game..I don't think anyone in here can. You could call your local computer repair-shop to have them take a look at your PC.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Aperture import is not working

    I just installed Lr 5.0 and upgraded to 5.7. I'm trying to import my Aperture library, but Lr does not recognize any photos that I have on my laptop. Using a MacBook Pro. I have no idea what to do. I'm so new to this, I don't even know what questions

  • IMac kernel panic -- rule out hardware and software! any ideas?

    Greetings forum I am totally at a loss on what to do next. Im writing about a mid 2010 27 inch iMac recently upgraded to Mountain Lion. Shortly after this the computer started to experience issues of rebooting itself as clicking apps such as safari.

  • I don't understand why this simple program will not print.  Help please!!!

    This program runs with no errors, it just doesn't print anything. Anyone have a clue as to why it doesn't print anything? Here is my code: import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class Converter { public static void main(String[] args) { int a,b,c; in

  • Remove partitions from a Hard Drive

    I am using Win 8.1 Pro.  I am taking a harddrive from another computer which as a boot partition and 2 other partitions.  I would like to completely reformat the drive to remove the partitions so I end up with just one partition of 500MB ( which is t

  • Can a bad download cause my spin retry cycle to suddenly fail?

    Hey everyone, So I recently left for a few days on vacation and my younger sibling was using my macbook pro while I was gone. Well, they were downloading something and all of the sudden application stopped and internet cut out. The Internet wouldnt c