ODBC Driver Disappear

i am using Oracle 10 lite database in my test server and also using Oracle Lite 40 ODBC Driver and Oracle Lite 40 ODBC Driver(Client) in Another Test Server for accesing the Lite Database
the problem is while creating the DSN
Step i followed for creating the DSN
i entered into ODBC data source Administrator Wizard for creating the DSN
i select SYSTEM DSN and click Add
It show list of Drivers i Choose Oracle Lite 40 ODBC Driver and doublei Click on that driver ODBC data source Administrator Wizard is disappeared only this drivers are not working properly (Oracle Lite 40 ODBC Driver and Oracle Lite 40 ODBC Driver(Client)) version of the driver is
Any Device on this

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Justin Cave ([email protected]):
What version of the database do you have on the back end?
Oracle8i version 8.1.6. Looking at the specs that come with the ODBC driver upgrades, version [which requires Oracle*i version 8.1.7] and, it seems that similar enhancements/fixes were made to both. I honestly do not know if what I am attempting is possible with either of the ODBC drivers. I really would prefer not to have to drop down to programming using OCI.

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    All help is greatly appreciated,
    Chris Simms

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Justin Cave ([email protected]):
    What version of the database do you have on the back end?
    Oracle8i version 8.1.6. Looking at the specs that come with the ODBC driver upgrades, version [which requires Oracle*i version 8.1.7] and, it seems that similar enhancements/fixes were made to both. I honestly do not know if what I am attempting is possible with either of the ODBC drivers. I really would prefer not to have to drop down to programming using OCI.

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       However, we have another server installed the same Application, same OS level, same OS patches and same CR Oracle ODBC driver version installed on the same time as above server (the problem server). This server does not have any problems.
       Any suggestions would be appreciated.
    Best Regards,
    Noppadon S.

    Hi Noppadon,
    Thank you for the info. If it happens randomly in their application then it's something they need to debug. Could even be in the ODBC driver.
    I suggest you tell them that because it works sometimes it shows the issue is likely in their software because if it failed all the time then it would be in Crystal dll's. They need to debug the problem, suggest they use tools like Process Monitor from www.sysinternals.com to step through to see where or what part is failing. If they having logging abilities that may help to find out what step is failing and in which API.
    At this point we have no way of determining where the problem is, it's failing in their application and no one but them know what or how they are using CR runtime files.
    If you can duplicate the problem using Crystal Report Designer then it's our problem, if not they have to help you to show us it is a CR issue.
    Sorry we can't be of more help but without know their code we can't suggest anything to try. Suggest they log a call with support here to help them debug the problem if they don't know what to do.
    Thank you

  • ODBC Driver V8.00.58.00 Error

    I am experimenting an Oracle ODBC error while selecting more than 2500 records from a database table.
    Does anyone known the cause of the error?
    Thanks in advance.
    The database server is ORACLE Version
    My database table has the following structure:
    The table is populated with 3000 records where FIELD1 is always equal to 1 (this value is relevant for the queries).
    The application that executes the queries to the table is written in Visual C++ 6.0, the database connection is made through ODBC datasouce using the MFC ODBC database classes (CDatabase and CRecordset).
    The Oracle client installed to access the database server is from version: ORACLE ODBC driver - Version - Oracle Corporation SQORA32.DLL 1/5/00.
    The SQL queries executed in the application are:
    QUERY1: SELECT pk_pkey FROM my_table
    QUERY2: SELECT pk_pkey FROM my_table where FIELD1=1
    QUERY3: SELECT pk_pkey FROM my_table where FIELD1=1 ORDER BY pk_pkey
    The C++ application only creates a CDatabase object (m_cDatabase.OpenEx((LPCTSTR)_T(DSN=tc1;UID=myuser;PWD=mypwd))) and a CRecordset object with the previous created database connection. The queries are executed using a simple procedure described in the end of the email.
    I test several combinations using the queries described above and the results are quite different. The combinations performed where:
    TEST1 - First QUERY2 then QUERY3 RESULT 1
    TEST2 - First QUERY1 then QUERY3 RESULT 1
    TEST3 - First QUERY3 then QUERY2 RESULT 2
    TEST4 - First QUERY3 then QUERY1 RESULT 1
    TEST5 - First QUERY1 then QUERY2 RESULT 1
    TEST6 - First QUERY2 then QUERY1 RESULT 3
    TEST7 - First QUERY1 then QUERY1 RESULT 3
    TEST8 - First QUERY2 then QUERY2 RESULT 3
    TEST9 - First QUERY3 then QUERY3 RESULT 3
    - RESULT 1
    The first query is executed successfully but the application catches a database exception when executing the second query.
    Database Exception: Restricted data type attribute violation
    State: 07006, Native:0, Origin:[ORACLE][ODBC]
    - RESULT 2
    The first query is executed successfully but the application crash while executing the second query.
    The application does not catch any database exception.
    The crash description is:
    Unhanded exception Application.exe (SQORA32.DLL):0xC0000005 Access Violation
    - RESULT 3
    The queries returned the expected results. No errors where reported.
    1. Each test generates a log file where it is possible to confirm the results of the tests.
    2. Another element is that the number of times the first query is consecutive executed before the second one does not influence the result of the tests.
    3. The error is reported always after the 2500 record is fetch.
    4. I executed exactly the same test where the only modification was the version of the ODBC driver used in the client and the tests ran successfully. The results are correct if the client driver is one of the following:
    ORACLE ODBC driver - Version - Oracle Corporation SQORA32.DLL 16/02/1999
    ORACLE ODBC driver - Version - Oracle Corporation SQORA32.DLL 06/12/1998
    5. I also executed the tests with the ORACLE ODBC driver version and the results where the same as from driver v8.00.58.00
    6. If I create a restriction in the queries to return less than 2500 records the test are performed successful in all drivers.
    == PROCEDURE ==
    All the queries are executed in a simple procedure like:
    bool CTesteDBDlg::ExecuteTeste(void)
    int nIndex = 1;
    CString strSQL;
    CString strText;
    CRecordset cRecordset(&m_cDatabase);
    strSQL.Format(_T("SELECT pk_pkey FROM my_table"));
    //strSQL.Format(_T("SELECT pk_pkey FROM my_table WHERE field1=1"));
    //strSQL.Format(_T("SELECT pk_pkey FROM my_table WHERE field1=1 ORDER BY pk_pkey"));
    if(!cRecordset.Open(CRecordset::snapshot, (LPCTSTR)strSQL,
    return false;
    CString strDBValue;
    cRecordset.GetFieldValue((int)0, strDBValue);
    LOG_DEBUG_MESSAGE(eLow,(_T("ExecuteTeste1: Index=%ld - Value=%s"), nIndex, strDBValue));
    catch(CDBException* pDBException)
    TCHAR szCauze[256];
    pDBException->GetErrorMessage(szCauze, 255);
    LOG_DEBUG_MESSAGE(eLow,(_T("Database Exception: Code=%d - Desc = %s"), pDBException->m_nRetCode, szCauze));
    return false;
    return true;

    Mr. Cordeiro sent me the project and data he's using. When I run the test program on my 8.0.6 client machine with the 8.0.6 ODBC driver, I see no failures. When I run the test program on my 8.1.6 client machine with the driver, however, I see the problems Mr. Cordeiro describes. If I install the current evelopment build of our 8.1.6 driver, however, the problems disappear. Unfortunately, I don't have an 8.0.5 client machine to test on right now.
    I suspect that the problem here has been identified previously, has already been fixed, and will be shipped with the next release of the driver.
    My only hesitation here is that the and ODBC drivers are identical code, just linked with different client libraries, so it's unclear why the 8.0.6 client is working while the 8.0.5 client, apparently, is failing. It is possible that there is/was a bug in one of the layers under the ODBC driver which is causing the problem and that different versions of our code hit or miss this problem. I would strongly suggest that you apply the latest Oracle patch kit for your client (i.e. for the 8.0.5 client) to see if that fixes your problem. These patch kits are available from the Oracle FTP site-
    Justin Cave
    ODBC Development

  • Informix ODBC driver error while creating a view in Designer

    I nedd to ceate a view in a universe (Business Objects XI R2) that is connected to an Informix database. I use the 3.34 ODBC Informix driver.
    When I write the select statement (select column from table) and check the syntax I have the following error:
    "Exception: DBD, [Informix][Informix ODBC Driver][Informix]A syntax error has occurred.State: 42000"
    Is there anybody who has solved this problem??
    Thanks in advance to anyone who can give me hints on how to solve problem.

    Hi Fabrizio,
    The error state 42000 indicates that there is a syntax error or access violation. If you are using an Informix native client connection then add the following parameter <Parameter Name>"Force SQLExecute">Always</Parameter> in the informix.sbo file. Restart Designer and then try to create a derived table with a simple select statement.
    If you are using an ODBC connection, then add the above mentioned parameter in the Generic section of odbc.sbo file.
    Arun Sasi

  • External Drive Disappeared!

    My external drive is no longer recognized by my MacBook Pro. The drive is a SimpleTech, and I've used it for 3 years, on prior iMac and present MacBook Pro. Recently, I opened the external drive, and as I clicked on folders, the files in the folders would disappear. I restarted the external drive and computer, and everything was restored and could be opened. Ordered a new backup external, but before I hooked it up and transfered data from old external drive, the external drive disappeared from screen. Now can't get computer to recognize the old external. I can plug new external drive into computer, and it works fine, recognized, and Time Machine is backing up to new external drive. Unfortunately iPhoto library, and some other photos are still on the old external drive.

    If you have data you wish to retrieve from the old external drive, I would suggest getting a copy of DiskWarrior and using it to re-build the file system on the drive. This often fixes a drive that is not mounting or failing to transfer files due to directory corruption. Of course, if the drive has a hardware failure there is not much you can do to get to your data.

  • Internal Hard Drives Disappeared, Finder Memory Problem

    Hello Helpful Folks,
    I recently installed an addional internal Hard Drive, and an additional 1GB SDRAM. This worked great for a day, but the next morning, after powering up, system was extremely sluggish, and after much deadline-induced impatient problem solving, has gone from bad to worse (system refuses to acknowledge existence of internal Hard Drives). I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but as
    the devil is in the details, I figure too much info is better than not enough.
    Following is a breakdown of my system: AS IT LAST WORKED; RECENT UPGRADES; and MY LAME ATTEMPTS AT PROBLEM SOLVING THAT HAVE MADE THINGS WORSE. Please don't interpret my all caps as shouting, just trying to organize this post for better clarity.
    System is dedicated to Video Editing with FCP 3, running under OS 9.2.2. System is "off the Grid", i.e. no network, no internet, no printer, no gaming devices. System was purchased new in July 2001, by a friend. At one point I know this system had an Airport card, which was removed prior to my purchase in 2003. I can't remember what else it may have had installed in its history, but here's what it has now:
    **bold items are upgrades Original Owner or I installed with no apparent problems**
    Power Mac G4 "Quicksilver" 2001
    867 PowerPC G4, 256 L2, 2MB L3
    -1 Stick "ValueRAM - KVR 133 x 64 C3/512" in PC 133 DIMM slot **
    - "Virtual Memory" was turned off years ago due to conflict with FCP 3
    -2 empty DIMM slots
    -1 60 GB internal HD (Maxtor Ultra ATA/100), 1 partition, formatted HFS+, jumpered as "Master" on Internal ATA 2 ID=0 (which as I understand it is ATA/66 speed)
    -1 Pioneer "Superdrive" DVD-R/W/CD-R/W on Internal ATA 0 ID=0
    -NVIDIA GeForce2 MX with 32MB SDRAM in AGP Slot, feeding a 17" Apple Studio Display.
    -PCI Display Card "formacGA7" - not attached to any external device, not sure what its intended purpose is.**
    -3 Empty PCI Slots
    -OEM Keyboard attached to Monitor's rear USB port.
    -Microsoft 3 Button Wheel mouse with "IntelliEye" (wheel is 3rd Button) connected to Keyboard USB port (right side).**
    -2 OEM FireWire (400) ports
    -2 OEM USB (1) ports
    Peripherals that have worked in various configurations with this system over the past 3 years:
    -3 OWC Mercury Elite ("Oxford Chipset") Externally powered, External FireWire(400) 200GB Hard Drives, 1 partition each, formatted HFS+, daisy-chained to either of the FireWire ports.
    -1 Canon GL1 MiniDV camera, attached either to the other FireWire port, or to the last drive in the chain, depending on my urgency/laziness factor. BTW, FCP 3 has worked flawlessly controlling this Cam for logging and Batch Capturing.
    Applications on System Hard Drive that I have OEM CDs for:
    -OS 9.2 - (I think I remember that OS X was removed from system due to conflicts shortly after original purchase)
    -FCP 3
    -DiskWarrior (version unknown, purchased from Alsoft in 2003)
    -OWC Intech Hard Disk SpeedTools ver 3.5
    Other CDs I have:
    OEM CDs for Power Mac G4:
    -Software Install, OS 9.2, CD vers 1
    -Software Install, OS 10.0.4, CD vers 1
    -Software Restore, OS 9.2 & 10.0.4 CDs vers 1, Discs 1-4 of 4.
    -OEM Apple Hardware Test; Power Mac G4, SW vers 1.2.1
    Applications on system Hard Drive that I don't have CDs for, that I rarely use, but I'd like to keep:
    -After Effects 5.0
    -QuickTime Player 6.0.2
    -Toast Audio Extractor 1.1
    -Toast Titanium 5.0.2
    Applications on system Hard Drive I use if my wife is busy on our Windows XP machine:
    -Photshop 6.0
    -Microsoft Word & Excel
    # of other Applications on System Hard Drive I either don't use or may be integral to the system: 260
    # of Control Panels:
    -Enabled: 34
    -Disabled: 0
    # of Extensions:
    -Enabled: 174
    -Disabled: 0
    note: a number of the applications and extensions are for AOL, Quickbooks, Microsoft Money and the like, as well as other things I don't use (Airport, USB printers, Networking, etc.)
    Smart things I did:
    -Regularly made backup copies of my FCP projects to the external drives.
    -Bought a copy of MacDrive so I can see what's on my External Drives on the XP machine.
    -Printed out System Profile before I installed upgrades.
    -Thoroughly searched this discussion board for and gathered as much info as I could before upgrading.
    Dumb things I did:
    -Made a copy, but not a clone, of my System Folder to one of the external drives when I first got it.
    -Didn't keep any sort of separate log of what's on the External Drives.
    -Never ran any sort of Disk Maintenance, even after one of the Externals crashed (DiskWarrior saved my butt on that).
    -Ignored some of the advice on this discussion board.
    Really dumb thing I did without even realizing it:
    Captured all media for a rush job onto my internal system Hard Drive, as well as storing and using massive jpgs for the same job on that same drive...
    Which led to painfully slow rendering times, and crashes caused by "Error: Out of Memory", which I interpreted as "Must buy more memory" and not "must make sure I'm not trying to edit media stored on system drive, especially with massive jpgs that I should reduce"
    Here's what I did, and how I did it:
    Turned off system, disconnected all External FireWire Devices, disconnected Monitor, opened case, touched various metal parts of case and power supply to discharge any Static, unplugged power cable.
    -Installed 2 512MB sticks of "Lifetime" PC 133 SDRAM; total System RAM is now 1.5GB, all 3 DIMM slots now occupied.
    -Installed 1 Maxtor "DiamondMax" Ultra ATA/133 100GB Hard Drive (8 MB buffer) as "Slave" (no jumper) in top of U-Carrier above System Hard Drive; attached to middle of original Apple ribbon cable, attached available power plug.
    Taped spare jumper to inside of empty drive bay, noting origin and date. Did NOT push PMU button. Carefully closed case. Reconnected Monitor, did NOT reconnect any FireWire devices. Powered System on, but did NOT perform PRAM reset.
    I don't remember the exact order of what happened next, but I think: System booted up normally, a window popped up saying a new drive had been found, would I like to intitialize it?, which I did as Mac OS extended, and then named. If I was instructed to restart, I did so, otherwise did not. Clicked on "about this Mac" and saw that it now showed 1.5GB RAM. I then went about moving Media/Render files off the System drive (and one of the Externals) onto the Internal Drive, with a combination of FCP's Media Manager, and dragging from the Finder. After files had copied, dragged Media/Render files from System Drive to Trash. Opened FCP project, had FCP re-link to new locations of missing files. Saved, closed, and re-opened project, set Capture/Scratch disc to new internal Drive. At some point I changed FCP's Memory Allocation from whatever it was to 512000KB Minimum, and 900000KB Prefered (and I hope I got all those zeroes right). Did NOT restart after changing Memory Allocation, unless a window popped up instructing me to do so, in which case I did. Re-opened my project, rendered a few thing at a noticeably increased speed, saved everything, emptied the Trash, shut everything down, and called it a night as it was 4:30 am.
    A few hours later, I plugged the MiniDV and an External Drive into the FW ports and powered up the System. It was behaving extremely sluggishly. I would click on something, the pointer would turn into a wristwatch (sometimes with the minute-hand moving, sometimes not) and like an actual minute later, what I'd clicked on would open. All three drives were on the desktop, still had their files, and "About this Mac" still showed 1.5GB total Memory. So I powered down, disconnected the FW devices, waited a bit, and powered back up. Same sluggish response. I tried to open my FCP project file, and instead got a Window that said something to the effect of "The Application associated with this document could not be found". I think I tried to open FCP from the Applications folder on the System Drive and got the same message (I'd only had 3 hours sleep, no coffee, my client had died, and his family was coming for whatever I had in a few hours).
    Panic had set in, which never solves anything, so I don't remember what order I performed which tasks, between searching for clues in this forum, and convincing myself that that would be faster than trying to compose a question, waiting for a response, etc.
    The first two things I did, and I can't remember which I did first (both from Keyboard Commands during Restart):
    Rebuild Desktop
    PRAM Reset
    Neither of those solved the problem, so I continued.
    I tried restarting without extensions.
    I would get errors that said something like "Not Enough Memory to Open Finder".
    I tried booting from Disc 1 of the Software Restore Disk, which only wanted to destroy my data.
    I tried booting from the OS 10 disk, with the same result.
    I was finally able to boot from the OS 9.2 Software Install Disk, and actually saw both internal drives on the desktop, and the 1.5GB RAM in About this Mac. I tried to allocate more memory to Finder, but was informed that "Cannot Perform Requested Operation. This operation requires versions above 8.0".
    I think at this point I decided that I must have too many extensions, and started disabling ones I thought irrelevent to my cause (mostly anything that said "AOL", "Airport", "Ethernet", "Printer", "Modem", "Speakable", and a couple things called "Open TPT".
    It gets worse. Then I decided to turn off some "unnecessary" things via the control panels, but somehow managed to disable the control panels themselves: AppleTalk, DialAssist, File Sharing, Modem, Mouse (as I saw that Microsoft Mouse was among the others), Remote Access, Speech, USB Printer Sharing, and possibly TCP/IP.
    That certainly didn't help anything (though upon restarting from the OS 9.2 Disc I was able to see the extensions and control panels in their respective "Disabled" folders in the System Folder). But I still wasn't able to get more Memory to Finder.
    So, I decided a few more PRAM resets might help, which succeeded in making both Internal Hard Drives disappear. I tried booting up from the DiskWarrior disc, but even the Mighty DiskWarrior couldn't find the drives. I performed the longer, in depth version of the Apple Hardware Tools tests, which reported that everything's fine (including the new RAM), but made no mention of the Hard Drives at all. The deadline having long passed, I shut the system down. I read through more posts and tech articles, etc.
    I searched my External drives with MacDrive on my XP, and found the drive that has the copy of my System Folder (which shows all extensions and control panels as enabled); not sure if the Quicksilver will boot from that, I don't know what the Keyboard command for booting from a FireWire drive is (if there is one) and the drive itself only has 900MB of free space.
    I can't find any reference to Internal ATA drives anywhere in the MacDrive documentation; if it was possible I'd put them into the XP, get the files off the Mac drives, reformat them and install OS9 from the Discs.
    This is where I am now:
    The Quick Silver is still powered down. I removed the Microsft mouse and replaced it with the OEM Apple mouse. I opened the case, and removed the PRAM/Backup battery (manufacture date: July 2001). Couldn't find my voltmeter, so took the bat to Radio Shack and bought a new one. Had the Radio Shack guy test the old one: it showed 3.69 volts still. Have not installed the new battery yet. The case is still open, waiting for any advice any of you might have to offer.
    Thank you all so much for your patience in perusing and pursuing this.
    Power Mac G4 Quicksilver 867   Mac OS 9.2.x   17" Studio Display, 512MB RAM

    Thank you Rodney and John,
    The jumpers are correct for both Maxtor Drives.
    Rodney, you are correct in that the initial problem (slow rendering/"out of Memory" crashes) was caused by my not realizing I'd stupidly captured several GBs of media to my system drive, and not checking which drives those files were on (as I'd assumed I'd put them on one of my external media drives) once that problem presented itself.
    Before I'd determined what I'd done, I bought the extra RAM. After I'd found the media files on the System Drive, and saw that my dedicated media drives were too full to easily move them, I decided to buy an additional Internal drive so that I could:
    -Move the Media onto it relatively quickly and finish my urgent project.
    -Juggle all my media into a more organized fashion for archiving (as most of my projects are on-going long-term affairs)
    -Wipe it, Partition it, and clone my System Drive onto it, as a spare bootable drive in case my OEM System Drive failed.
    Copying the Media files onto the New Drive and moving the System Drive's Media files into the Trash worked great: huge improvement in Rendering, etc.
    Before shutting down for the night I Emptied the Trash, and was pleased with the amount of space I'd freed up on the System Drive.
    My guess is that the System Drive was terribly fragmented, having been subjected to intense use over the past 5 years without any sort of Drive Maintainence, and deleting that massive amount from it in one shot caused my extreme system sluggishness upon Startup the next day.
    My subsequent lame attempts to solve the sluggishnes ultimately resulted in my losing access to both drives.
    Today, I replaced the Backup Battery, pushed the PMU, re-attached the AC, and Powered Up with the case open as per your suggestion.
    It was trying for a few minutes (the gray screen went black at one point, and then returned to gray) before presenting me with the flashing question mark.
    There was, however, a quiet but distinct "buzzing" sound that would alternate: 1 sec "buzz", one second silence, one second "buzz", one second silence, etc. coming from the drives, even after the "?" appeared.
    I powered down, removed the Ribbon and Power Cables from the new "Slave" drive, and powered up again, with the exact same results.
    I powered down, removed the Ribbon and Power cables from the original "Master" drive, reinstalled the Jumper on the New Drive as "Master", plugged the End of the Ribbon and the Power cables into the New "Master" drive and powered up. The screen went to the "?" within 20 seconds instead of 4+ minutes, and no more "buzzing".
    I put the Apple Hardware Tools Disk in, ran the "long" test, and everything came out fine.
    I have to abandon this for now, but thanks again for your previous advice, and any more you may have!

  • After Upgrade OBI 10g to 11g:Odbc driver returned an error - SQLExecDirectW

    Hi all,
    for an OBI upgrade from 10g to 11g I used a RPD and Webcatalog based on a remote machine other than my local machine. Firstable I am making the tests on a Linux Virtual machine, which uses the Sample Lite version from Oracle.
    I made the following steps:
    1. I upgraded the RPD and Webcatalog. It worked without any errors.
    2. I set the static variable BI_EE_HOME via Administration Tool to the path in the Linux machine.
    --> Here I am not sure if the set path is correct. It begins with: \bi\ ...\instances\...\coreapplication_obis1 (... : I can't mention here the whole path name).
    --> When the OBI Server is installed in Windows, the mentioned static variable points to something like 'C:\<install folder>\...\coreapplication_obis1'
    --> Question: is the begin of my set path correct?. I set that pointing to the Linux OBI Server, because the OBI Server is installed on Linux.
    After login as the user in RPD: Administrator/<Password for my upgraded RPD> I can see the links in the Catalog and the Dashboards links. But I can not see any values, any Reports when going through the links.
    For example when trying to see a Dashboard with date 12.02.2011it happens:
    Odbc driver returned an error (SQLExecDirectW).
    Status: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] general error.
    [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS.
    [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed:
    [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 12154, message: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    at OCI call OCIServerAttach.
    [nQSError: 17014] Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000)
    SQL Issued: SELECT "Dimension_-_My Dimension"."MyDimension" saw_0 FROM "Accounting (ACC)" WHERE "Dimension_-_My Dimension"."MyDimension" LIKE 'J%' ORDER BY saw_0
    I think its not retrieving the data from the remote database, because I don't have the data of the remote database in my local. I think the OBI Server still is pointing to the local virtual machine Oracle database.
    Can anybody tell me what happens here and how can I solve this problem?.
    I would appreciate any help....

    Hi gerardnico,
    I've tried many things and did as in your articles, but I don't have success with that.
    These are the things I did:
    1. I searched for the file tnsnames.ora in my Linux virtual machine. I could find it in many paths:
    in the last path I found the listener.ora as well.
    2. I took the tnsnames.ora from the last path, because the ORACLE_HOME points to /.../usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server
    3. I edited the tnsnames.ora this way:
    # tnsnames.ora Network Configuration File:
    XE =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host_of_the_remote_machine)(PORT = 1521))
    (SERVICE_NAME = database_name_of_the_remote_machine)
    (SID = database_SID_of_the_remote_machine)
    4. I made a backup of the tnsnames.ora in path /.../Oracle_BI1/network/admin/samples/tnsnames.ora
    and copied the tnsnames.ora from /.../usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/admin to the Oracle_BI1 path
    5. I set the TNS_ADMIN to /.../usr/lib/oracle/xe/app/oracle/product/10.2.0/server/network/admin
    6. I restarted the BI Server
    No success in what I did. The error is still there.
    7. I've tried also: sqlplus database_user_remote_machine/database_password_remote_machine@database_SID_remote_machine
    I didn't get the connection:
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Jun 16 04:36:10 2011
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.
    ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified
    Enter user-name: database_user_remote_machine
    Enter password:
    ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
    ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
    Linux Error: 2: No such file or directory
    What am I doing wrong here?. I am still thinking that I need the import of the database.
    Additional SID=Service-Name=Database-name in the remote machine.

  • Working ODBC driver is not working suddenly

    The ODBC driver which was running, has stopped running after a windows update. We are running Windows 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2008 R2. Using Oracle client 11.2g
    Any suggestion or a reason why this might happened?

    The ODBC driver which was running, has stopped running after a windows update. We are running Windows 2008 R2 with SQL Server 2008 R2. Using Oracle client 11.2g
    Any suggestion or a reason why this might happened?

  • Problem with connecting [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager]

    I am employing the Apache Tomcat 5.5.During the time of execution one Exception occur which implies [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
    In ordinary way of execution of DataBase connectivity(without Apache Tomcat 5.5),it can successfully done.I dont know how to connect with database with tomcat 5.5.
    Could anyone please steer me to find out the solution.

    Need to configure the server.xml file in tomcat .
    <Resource name="jdbc/myoracle" auth="Container"
    type="javax.sql.DataSource" driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver"
    username="scott" password="tiger" maxActive="20" maxIdle="10"
    More Info here

  • Can not shut down late 2011 MacBook Pro and turn it back on again without the hard drive disappearing?

    Ok, I have searched for months for an answer to this question to no avail, probably because no one has experienced it before. I am hoping however that you guys can help me figure this one out cause it is driving me nuts! Also, I am not entirely sure what section of the support I should put this under so if I stick it in the wrong place, I apologize.
    Right now my problem is very simple. When I turn off my laptop, and then try to turn it back on, my internal hard drive disappears... and I get the blinking folder with a question mark on it. I have figured out something interesting however. I have an install disk with Ubuntu Linux on it. If I boot into that first, then RESTART the laptop, not shut down and turn back on, it reads the internal hard drive just fine and I can boot as if there is nothing wrong.
    Second part to the problem... If I allow the laptop in either OSX or Windows to go to sleep (aka shut off the hard drive but the computer remains on), when I attempt to wake it up, I am greeted with the usual log in screen of whichever OS I am in, but is frozen and after a few seconds goes black and restarts the computer to find that... Surprise! The hard drive is gone
    I have tried every trick in the book that I can think of, but can not seem to come up with a solution to the problem... I know when the problem happened and if anyone thinks that that will help them figure this out I will type everything I did up till, including the crash that caused this, and my attempted fixes, but I have class right now so only if you guys want it I will type all that out.
    What I am currently running is:
    2011 MacBook Pro 13in screen
    4Gb of Ram
    1TB internal Hard Drive
    OSX 10.11.whatever the newest update is... just updated the other day again.
    Windows 8.1 on BootCamp 5 (yea I know its not supposed to work but it does) again, fully updated
    Ubuntu 13.10 (I think? Doesn't really matter, its just an install disk I use to boot the computer)
    If there is anything else that you guys need me to provide, I can, just simply ask. I can provide as much info as is necessary.

    Sorry it took me so long to write back, But unfortunately this didn't help my issue.
    My uncle and I did a lot of tests on this computer and have narrowed down the location of the problem a little bit.
    We tried to first reset the SMC and the NVRAM as suggested, but the only thing that did was make the fans run on full tilt for the first session after restarting it for some reason. After that we tried re installing OSX over the OSX that was already on the system (not removing any of the files). This also didn't do anything but make refit stop working. Then we moved onto the next task at hand by removing the hard drive entirely and booting it as an external drive from one of the USB ports... as long as you booted it with the options key held down, it worked perfectly fine. Then we put an alternative hard drive into the computer and installed OSX on that. This time there was no trouble booting anything up. Everything seemed to work flawlessly. So we made a backup of my original drive (OSX, Windows, and all) onto an external hard drive and tested booting to it via USB. That again worked perfectly fine and booted right up with no problems. So after that we formatted the original hard drive and reinstated OSX. We then proceeded to transfer all the old files from the backup onto this new installation and LOW AND BEHOLD..... we were back to square one with it refusing to recognize the hard drive again.
    So this basically told us that there appears to be something either wrong with the hard drive, or something got really screwed up in the software along the lines and by me copying all my old files back over, I just ended up bringing the screwed up file back over with it! (despite not copying over any settings of any kind) So I am still extremely confused as to what is going wrong... did some boot sector possibly get screwed up may be?

  • ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified in windows server 2008 r2

    ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified in windows server 2008 r2.I made a application in asp.net c#.I am using ODBC connection.When I deployed my application in windows server2008 r2.There
    is no Microsoft ODBC driver shown in ODBC Data source administrator.Then I go to the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 and open  Odbcad32.exe and add Microsoft ODBC2 driver for Oracle and when I run my application I got following error
    ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
    I am using follwoing string
    <add name="theconnetion" connectionString="DSN=abdb;UID=abc;PWD=xyz"/>
    Guide me What I do?

    Did you add a System DSN or a User DSN? If you added a User DSN from your own login, the asp.net application will not be able to use it unless its application Pool in IIS is configured to run under the same credentials that you used for creating
    the DSN. It's better if you add a System DSN.
    Also, be careful to ensure that you are using a 64 bit DSN, unless you configure the application to run in 32 bits. If the 64 bit application attempts to use the 32 bit driver you get the same error message "Data source name not found and no default
    driver specified". See this KB article:

  • TS3299 opticals drive disappeared in my Windows 8 computer.   After  1-1/2 on the phone this was corrected but now my Itunes don't  recognize the drive.  Error message stating registry errors.  I tried   running in windows 7 compatibility mode that don't

    Purchased a new Ipad for my wife and integrated it with my windows 7 system and Itunes and made it through.  Was able to sync and bring pictures, contacts and bookmarks over.  Not to say it was easy because I never used any Apple product except my Ipad and Itunes.  Really enjoyed using the Ipad and was thinking of getting a new Iphone this week being my contract is up.
    Then the trouble began I bought a new windows 8 system after having trouble with my old hard drive.  I have finances and Tax programs I use that I thought would be easier to continue using windows rather than trying integrating past years Quicken & Turbo Tax information into a new Apple system.
    Well now I'm sorry I bought the new windows 8 system.  First all my optical drives disappeared when installing itunes.  After spending 1-1/2 on the phone with a service rep and finally was able to see my optical drive I thought everything was OK.  Then more trouble.  When I open Itunes I receive an error message that says my Itunes no longer recognizes my optical drive try reinstalling.  I reinstalled 10 times and tried compatibility mode and the end result is my Itunes no longer could burn Cd's.  I had this problem if I'm not mistaken in the past with ME system back many years ago.  And did not want to go through this again but here I am disgusted once again.

    I finally got my nano working (no thanks to Apple, hmpf!) and it's running fine with 1.0.2 now. For those with similiar problems try this:
    +For Mac, you need to:+
    +1. Downgrade to firmware 1.0.1 by deleting the files iPod_26.1.0.2.ipsw and iPod_26.1.0.2.ipsw.signature (are in the folder iPod software updates somewhere on the harddisk)+
    +2. under Settings in iTunes you have to disable automatic download of updates, then restart iTunes.+
    +3. Enter Disc Mode by holding menu & select for about ten seconds, then pressing play/pause & select for another ten seconds.+
    +4. reconnect your nano to Reset, and when iTunes prompts to update, just don't allow it to look for updates and then reset with fw 1.0.1.+
    I'm supriced Apple support didn't tell me about this? This worked great and is a very fast fix. I can't believe Apple got me to reinstall the whole OS, which didn't even solve it btw. USB 1, blah! Yeah right..
    Message was edited by: swingindh

  • Brand new iMacs & an external USB drive disappeared on one of them - help?

    I'm new to this particular forum & I just bought a 2.8 GHz intel iMac (my wife is picking up for me this moment) - my boss just bought a 3.06 GHz intel iMac a few days ago, he installed Parallels & then Vista Ultimate w/SP1. He has an external USB hard drive & it showed up mounted on the desktop. When Vista asked him (voices from the dark side) if he wanted to link the drive to Vista he said yes - that's when the drive disappeared & he said that he couldn't get it back & he said that he couldn't find it with the explorer in Vista either. He tried rebooting, tried reconnecting the drive, doing this w/o launching Vista, etc - but he said that it wouldn't come back. He is not experienced with Macs, only the dark side so he's not familar with the system yet. I have not seen his Mac yet. I'm at work, so I do not have access to a Mac, I cannot offer troubleshooting tips for this cold turkey w/o a Mac in front of me, as it has been over 5 years since I've seen a problem like this.
    That is why I'm writing this here, because I know that this is no doubt a simple fix for most of you. I can try to get him to come to this discussions site.
    I can't wait to fly my new Mac today - should I just go ahead and re-format (low-level) & install from scratch? Even though I've purchased Parallels also, which needs no partition, should I make a partition anyway, incase i want to also use the Boot Camp route on the other partition?
    Thanks 1.0E6,

    Success - He finally did get it back after shutting everything down, powering down, pulling its connection, bring the mac back up sans Parallels/Vista, connect up the drive, drive showed back up, then startup Parallels/Vista.
    btw - my new iMac is a dream (2.8/500/24") - I changed the memory to 4 mb, low level formatted the Mac, installed the software & "wow-zer" compared to my older lapstand iMac
    btw2 - I had posted before to other forums (Airport, Mail), but this was the 1st time to this particular forum (intel iMac)
    Message was edited by: Gino La Pointe

  • Re: 32 Bit ODBC Driver for Oracle 11g

    Were you able to resolve the problem with these troubleshooting measures ?
    Please let me know since i am facing similar issues like yours.
    I am using a Windows 7 64 bit and from QTP installed on this machine ,  i am trying to connect to Oracle database.
    Now initially i installed a 64 bit ODBC for Oracle . But when i did that and ran the Script below :
    Set objDatabase = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set rs=createobject("adodb.recordset")
    objDatabase.open "DRIVER={Oracle in OraClient11g_home1} ; DATA SOURCE=Oracle; SERVER= xyz ; DATABASE=abc1; UID=abc ; PASSWORD= abc123;"       
    rs.Open "select * from tablename", objDatabase
    'result1 = objDatabase.Execute("select * from tablename")
    'msgbox result1
    Do while not rs.eof
    print rs.fields("columnname")
    print rs.fields("columnname")
    it gives me an error
    “[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application”
    So i am assuming that i need to install the 32 bit ODBC drivers for Oracle as well in addition to the already installed 64 bit drivers ..
    Any thoughts on this ?

    64 bit apps need 64 bit Oracle client software.
    32 bit apps need 32 bit Oracle client software.
    You should be able to tell the bit-ness of the app by checking the Process tab in task manager to see if it has *32 next to it.
    You can install both 32 bit and 64 bit Oracle client software on the same box, but you need to do it into different homes, and different oracle_base should also be used.
    There isnt an Oracle client install bundle that installs both, you'll need to do each separately.
    Hope it helps,

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