Odd and annoying file dialog behavior

First, I wish to point out that I do not use iTunes at all - have yet to even run the app for the first time on this current install (this problem was also evident on the prior install before I performed a complete erase and install for other reasons).
From time to time when I access the file open or save dialog, instead of pointing to either the last used folder or just my home directory, it will be opened to the iTunes library (and as I said, I have no use for iTunes; the main reason being is I can't hear).
There is no one app for which this happens consistently, so it's hard to describe how to replicate this issue; I just wanted to hear if anyone else has seen this issue and the solution (if one exists). I did ask on this in the past but got only chirping crickets in response.

No solution. Only chirping crickets. DXXNIT!

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    Go to Solution.

    You can pass a default file name to the 'File Dialog' Express VI.
    Use the 'selected path' output to open the file.
    Now is the right time to use %^<%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%3uZ>T
    If you don't hate time zones, you're not a real programmer.
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    Inplaceness is synonymous with insidiousness
    FileDialog.vi ‏21 KB

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    ok so i took out com.apple.finder.plist and the problem went away for a while. i didnt restart after i took it out, but the finder did stop resetting, but after i restarted it problem came back.
    That won't do it. You need to restart or log out and back in, because moving it to the desktop doesn't remove the copy it's using from memory. Everytime you launch any application (and the Finder is one of those), the computer copies it to memory and uses that one for its operations. Another way to relaunch the Finder is to OPTION-click on its Dock icon and select relaunch.
    I figured there'd be a new com.apple.finder.plist to get rid of, but i guess the finder didnt make a new one.
    You figured rightly. Anytime you move a .plist file out of ~/Library/Preferences/ and relaunch an application, if it can't find the plist file it'll create a new one with its default settings.
    is there a way to manually delete the "conflicting/corrupted preference file"?
    Yes. Quit the application, delete the plist file, and empty the trash. Relaunch the app and a new default plist file will be created.
    i really dont want to create a new admin account unless i absolutely have to.
    Your choice. However, it's a simple matter to create it, log into it, check things out, log out and into another, and delete it.
    btw after creating a new admin account could i delete the existing one so that i dont have to log in at startup?
    Yes. Log into the account you want to autologin to, System Preferencs->Accounts->click on the lock, enter your password->Login Options and set the account you want to autologin to, click on the lock to lock it, and quit SysPrefs.

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    0334116D 8D 4D 94 lea ecx,[ebp-6Ch]
    03341170 51 push ecx
    03341171 6A 00 push 0
    03341173 6A 00 push 0
    03341175 68 98 30 35 03 push offset string "hep4a"
    0334117A E8 07 02 00 00 call _HeOpen (03341386) <-crash
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    memory could not be "written"." I don't see how this applies to a call
    instruction... I tested all the parts of a file i/o operation and the
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    program works fine without any of the file stuff. any ideas?
    Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
    Before you buy.

    Wow, thanks for your fast and very helpful reply devchander!
    I already tried this and it works fine

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    Last edited by WeeDie (2008-10-12 00:52:03)

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    Using build MAIN-21.41 on windows xp.

    I too was disappointed that this promised enhancement was left out of version 1.1. However, I found a workaround that helps minimize the problem.
    If you have a Windows Explorer window open to the folder where your SQL file resides, you can drag-and-drop the file into SQL Developer to open it. The trick is that you must drag your cursor to the tab bar area of the SQL Developer window to get the file to open in a new tab. Dragging it to the editor section of the SQL Developer window will not open the file.

  • OS open file dialog vs my dialog

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    The interesting point is that, after pressing "get report" button, If i again press to "get report" button, I return main page. But I need this at one click, not 2 clicks.
    Help is needing...

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    When tabbing in the box, the File name, Files of type, Save, Cancel, and Save in options all have visual focus. The visual focus is lost until the actual focus is back on the File name field.
    Is there a way to get this dialog work the way it does in MS Word or Adobe Acrobat ?

    Hi was there any necessity to update? or did you just hit "Auto-Update" and did that instead? In the future,try not to update if the machine is working properly."If it ain't broke,don't fix it" famous American saying.
    Anyways...get the "combo download" from Apple's website:
    for the PPC:
    and for Intel:

  • GTK File Select Dialog Behavior

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    In previous versions, if you clicked on the file pane, and started typing, you could select directories in the file pane. If you hit enter while a folder was highlighted, then you entered that folder, and focus remained on the file select pane.
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    Is this a new GTK behavior, a bug, or something not related to GTK all together? If it's a new behavior, is there a way to get the old behavior back - this seems to make navigating the folder hierarchy much more cumbersome.
    Thanks for any help in this matter.

    Hi Bala ,
    Use the following function modules
    PARAMETERS : p_upload TYPE rlgrap-filename
    *   PATHNAME               =
          pathfile               =p_upload
         canceled_by_user       = 1
         system_error           = 2
         OTHERS                 = 3
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    PARAMETERS : p_upload TYPE rlgrap-filename.
          file_name = p_upload.
    Thanks & Regards

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    Canon 1DX support was added to ACR in version 6.7, 7.1.  An updated CS6 should be at level ACR 8.6.  If your ACR is not at level 8.6 try using CS6 menu Help>Updates.  If that does not install ACR 8.6 try downloading the ACR and DNG 8.6 converter and see if ACR 8.6 will install into your CS6.
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Windows
    Adobe - Adobe Camera Raw and DNG Converter : For Macintosh

  • File Dialog and Report Generation Toolkit

    I designed a VI for an electrometer calibration and it works quite well The only problem I have is the following:
    I used the Report Generation Toolkit to put the measurement data in an Excel file. When I run the VI I'd like a window to pop up to define the location and name of the Excel report file. If these two things are done LabVIEW should create the specified Excel file and run the rest of the code.
    So i tried this with the "File Dialog" Vi and all the needed low-level File I/O VIs and it worked.
    But when i connect the "File Dialog" VI with the "New Report" VI of the Report Generation Toolkit I get an error message.
    Is there any solution to get this file dialog pop up window with the Report Generation VIs?
    thx for any help...!
    Message Edited by Flea on 12-15-2005 03:58 AM

    Wow, thanks for your fast and very helpful reply devchander!
    I already tried this and it works fine

  • What does the open file dialog do 'under the hood' and is there a way to simulate it

    What does the open file dialog do 'under the hood' and is there a way to simulate it?
    I have a bug in my code (that I've posted about before, here) which I can't fix at the moment, but I do have a workaround.
    Briefly, the bug:
    I call a dll from a function node, to initialise and run a spectrometer. If I start up the PC, LabVIEW and run my vi the code runs without complaint, the first call to the dll to initialise the spectrometer doesn;t return an error but the spectrometer is not detected either.
    I've tried various solutions, see the link above, and none work
    The workaround:
    If, at any time before running the code containing the function node I open an 'open file' dialog window, select the dll and click ok/hit enter then everything is fine. When I run the main code the spectrometer is detected.
    I use an express vi to open the file dialog, I specify the start path and file name as constant inputs and just click ok/hit return when the dialog pops up. I don't do anything with the dialog outputs. In fact the vi that contains the open file dialog can be run before the project containing the bug is even open.
    I have to do this everytime I turn the PC on.
    So, either
    1) Can somewone suggest a fix for the original bug?
    2) What is the easiest way to simulate the enter keypress when the open file dialog pops up
    3) Can someone tell me what the open file dialog does under the hood that somehow causes the dll to work and can it be simulated in straight LabVIEW
    I suspect that the dll itself is dodgy ( I have in the past talked to the supplier but not got very far, and I will try again but I would like a quick, temporary solution too). I'm guessing that the file dialog is making some kind of check on the file, and possibly registering its presence with the OS (winXP). I tried using the file/folder exists vi to see if checking the file like that worked but no luck.
    Any help greatly appreciated.

    Hi David
    I am very conscious about thread hijacking but this sounded like my issue so I hope you dont mind me asking about your issue. I am hoping that you have a spectrometer from the same vendor as me and its not just me seeing an Error 1097 issue. My spectrometer is from a company called Stellarnet.
    So far I have unable to get it to work with other VIs. There is one condition where I can get it to work but its no good for me.
    Case 1
    I open the VI in a fresh labview environment with no other VIs in memory. The code runs with no issue.
    Case 2
    Labview is not opened. I double click the spectrometer VI in windows explorer.  The VI opens but it fails to run resulting in Error 1097. Personally, I dont see the difference between this and Case 1 above and yet it fails.
    Case 3
    If I already have other VI's in memory and try to load the spectrometer VI and run it fails with Error 1097. This case is the one that most important to me. I have a test executive that will load test VIs dynamically and I can't get this to work. Same problem Error 1097.
    I wanted to share what I have seen with you and to let you know that maybe somebody else has the same issue. I am convinced its the DLL but the vendor dis-agreed saying it was LabVIEW. I couldn't convince him otherwise.
    Thanks in advance

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