Odd behavior when exporting to TXT

Post Author: mattlscc
CA Forum: Exporting
http://pixelspotlight.com/problem.docIf you view the document I created above you will noticed that in the preview of my report everything looks as I want it to appear... but once I export the report to TXT format I lose some data and characters.  On each line between transactions there is supposed to be a single "^" character, and it shows up in the preview correctly, but when I go to export this report I just get an empty line.  The other problem is when I go to export this report, all but the last line of the first transaction are missing. Any ideas on how to fix these two problems? Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Post Author: norton
CA Forum: General
Hi PC1095,
Are you exporting from the Crystal Reports designer?  If so, then you have posted to the wrong forum.
If you are having this issue from the crystalreports.com website, I don't believe we support version 8 reports, but let us know and we can try to look at it.

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    And the result here: http://ljusa.businesscatalyst.com/stockholm--1.html
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    Just an update.
    I haven't seen the naming problem with duoplicates reoccur. I am however still stuggling with duplicates.
    I have a page with 5 image frames linked to images which in turn trigger a lightbox. When I create a duplicate of a page there is always at least one of my image frames that moves and or a link to an image that is dead. The only recourse I have had is to recreate one of the lifgtboxes for each new page I create. With all the formatting this is time consuming.
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  • Odd behavior when using custom Composite/CompositeContext and antialiasing

    I created a custom Composite/CompositeContext class and when I use it with antialiasing it causes a black bar to appear. I seems it has nothing to do with the compose() code but just that fact that I set my own Composite object. The submitted code will show you what I mean. There are 3 check boxes 1) allows to use the custom Composite object, 2) allows to ignore the compose() code in the CompositeContext and 3) toggles the antialiasing flag in the rendering hints. When the antialiasing flag is set and the Composite object is used the bar appears regardless of if the compose() method is executed or not. If the Composite object is not used the bar goes away.
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    a) When the Composite is not used the code does a rectangular fill.
    b) When the Composite is used it should clip the rectangular fill to only the inside of a circle and do a gradient merge of background color and current color.
    c) If the compose() method is ignored then only the background is painted.
    d) When antialiasing is turned on the black bar appears, i) if you ignore the compose() method it remains, ii) if you do not use the Composite object the bar disappears (???)
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    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                for(int sy = src.getMinY(); sy < src.getMinY() + src.getHeight(); sy++) {
                    for(int sx = src.getMinX(); sx < src.getMinX() + src.getWidth(); sx++) {
                        int cx = sx - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                        int cy = sy - dstOut.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                        if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) continue;
                        srcPixel = src.getPixel(sx, sy, srcPixel);
                        int ox = dstOut.getMinX() + sx - src.getMinX();
                        int oy = dstOut.getMinY() + sy - src.getMinY();
                        if(ox < dstOut.getMinX() || ox >= dstOut.getMinX() + dstOut.getWidth()) continue;
                        if(oy < dstOut.getMinY() || oy >= dstOut.getMinY() + dstOut.getHeight()) continue;
                        dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
                        float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                        dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                        dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                        dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                        dstOut.setPixel(ox, oy, dstPixel);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

    I got a better version to work as expected. Though there will probably be issues with the transformation to display coordinates as mentioned before. At least figured out some of the kinks of using a custom Composite/CompositeContext object.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class TestCustomComposite2
    extends JFrame
    implements ActionListener {
        private JCheckBox useCompositeChk, useAntialiasingChk, useCompositeContextChk;
        private Shape clippingShape = new Ellipse2D.Float(100, 100, 100, 100);
        private MergeComposite composite = new MergeComposite();
        public TestCustomComposite2() {
            super("Test Custom Composite");
            JPanel cp = (JPanel) getContentPane();
            cp.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
            cp.add(new TestCanvas(), BorderLayout.CENTER);
            JPanel panel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 0, 0));
            panel.add(useCompositeChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite", true));
            panel.add(useCompositeContextChk = new JCheckBox("Use Composite Context", true));
            panel.add(useAntialiasingChk = new JCheckBox("Use Antialiasing"));
            cp.add(panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
        private class TestCanvas
        extends JComponent {
            public TestCanvas() {
                setSize(300, 300);
            public void paint(Graphics gfx) {
                Dimension size = getSize();
                Graphics2D gfx2D = (Graphics2D) gfx;
                gfx2D.fillRect(0, 0, size.width, size.height);
                RenderingHints rh = null;
                if(useAntialiasingChk.isSelected()) {
                    rh = gfx2D.getRenderingHints();
                    gfx2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
                Rectangle r = clippingShape.getBounds();
                //gfx2D.drawRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height);
                Composite oldComposite = null;
                if(useCompositeChk.isSelected()) {
                    oldComposite = gfx2D.getComposite();
                gfx2D.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width + 1, r.height + 1);
                if(oldComposite != null)
                if(rh != null)
        public class MergeComposite
        implements Composite, CompositeContext {
            public CompositeContext createContext(ColorModel srcColorModel,
                                                  ColorModel dstColorModel,
                                                  RenderingHints hints) {
                return this;
            public void compose(Raster src,
                                Raster dstIn,
                                WritableRaster dstOut) {
    //            dumpRaster("SRC   ", src);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTIN ", dstIn);
    //            dumpRaster("DSTOUT", dstOut);
    //            System.out.println();
                if(dstIn != dstOut)
                    dstOut.setDataElements(0, 0, dstIn);
                int[] srcPixel = null;
                int[] dstPixel = null;
                int w = Math.min(src.getWidth(), dstIn.getWidth());
                int h = Math.min(src.getHeight(), dstIn.getHeight());
                int xMax = src.getMinX() + w;
                int yMax = src.getMinY() + h;
                for(int x = src.getMinX(); x < xMax; x++) {
                    for(int y = src.getMinY(); y < yMax; y++) {
                        try {
                            // THIS MIGHT NOT WORK ALL THE TIME
                            int cx = x - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateX();
                            int cy = y - dstIn.getSampleModelTranslateY();
                            if(!clippingShape.contains(cx, cy)) {
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                            else {
                                srcPixel = src.getPixel(x, y, srcPixel);
                                dstPixel = dstIn.getPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                                float mergeFactor = 1.0f * (cy - 100) / 100;
                                dstPixel[0] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[0], dstPixel[0]);
                                dstPixel[1] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[1], dstPixel[1]);
                                dstPixel[2] = merge(mergeFactor, srcPixel[2], dstPixel[2]);
                                dstOut.setPixel(x, y, dstPixel);
                        catch(Throwable t) {
                            System.out.println(t.getMessage() + " x=" + x + " y=" + y);
            protected int merge(float mergeFactor, int src, int dst) {
                return (int) (mergeFactor * src + (1.0f - mergeFactor) * dst);
            protected void dumpRaster(String lbl,
                                      Raster raster) {
                System.out.print(lbl + ":");
                System.out.print(" mx=" + format(raster.getMinX()));
                System.out.print(" my=" + format(raster.getMinY()));
                System.out.print(" rw=" + format(raster.getWidth()));
                System.out.print(" rh=" + format(raster.getHeight()));
                System.out.print(" tx=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateX()));
                System.out.print(" ty=" + format(raster.getSampleModelTranslateY()));
                System.out.print(" sm=" + raster.getSampleModel().getClass().getName());
            protected String format(int value) {
                String txt = Integer.toString(value);
                while(txt.length() < 4)
                    txt = " " + txt;
                return txt;
            public void dispose() {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            new TestCustomComposite2();

  • Strange text behavior when exporting to pdf

    I have this problem happening all the time - am I doing something wrong or is this a gitch?
    I have a question style that shoots to the left when at the top of a page and when the frame touches the top frame guide. If I move the frame very slightly it goes back to where it belongs - however having to always move the frame that otherwise sits automatically on the page guide is really annoying and time consumming. The second ilmage shows how the line goes to the left - this happens in Indesign usually. However the captures below show another problem that happened yesterday. In this case there was a difference between the InDesign file and the pdf file.
    1st image is inDesign view
    2nd image is odf view - the pdf looks different from what we have in InDesign.
    Any reason why this would happen?

    Acrobat, and Reader, have user preferences, just like other Adobe programs, and you can turn smoothing on or off for text and lineart (this also affects "stitching" on PDFs made with flattened transparency).
    InDesign automatically tries to embed all but the most complex (read CJK) fonts when exporting, and should throw a warning, if you haven't turned it off, when it cannot embed due to font licensing restrictions (in which case I would change the font). Printing to PDF requires that font embedding be enabled in the joboptions that are used by distiller, and those options are quite flexible as far as all, none, or some (i.e. you can designate fonts to always embed or never embed).

  • User gets odd behavior when print previewing calendar

    User calls with an odd problem.
    She is using 32 bit IE 9 with our SP 2010 farm.
    She goes to her department calendar. She sees events.
    She presses Print Preview. No events are shown on the page.
    She tries to export the data to Outlook - it tells her there is too much data.
    She calls me.
    I look - her default view is running into the resource throttling of the farm. So I try to create a unique view that only shows this week's events.
    It works fine for me. Print preview and printing work as well.
    When she looks at it in her browser, it works fine.
    When she tries to print preview - no events show up on the preview page.
    She tries to export from the new view - Outlook gets no events.
    She is using IE9, so the IE7 comments in old threads are not relevant.
    I set the web part configuration to 12 inches as one conversation suggestions. That doesn't help.
    Does anyone else have any ideas of things to try?

    When I look at the custom calendar within SharePoint Designer, the page has a ListView Web Part but not an XsltListViewWebPart.
    I have tried several times to step through blog entries that describe editing the page, setting the view of the web part, etc. At one point whatever I tried turned the calendar view into a list view ... sigh. I created a new calendar view and made it
    the default.
    I have asked the user to try the print preview out today to see if it works for her after I created the new view.
    The really odd thing about all of this is that at least 2 people don't have the problem with not seeing event data in the print preview.
    It _almost_ sounds like some sort of machine specific issue she is having.
    I wonder if I should ask the admins to repair Office 2010 on her machine to make certain the DLLs are all working properly.

  • Data Missing when exporting to .txt

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    Any inputs on this.

    Hi Raja,
    Not sure, what version are you in, but must not be in latest.
    You have to write a e-text to get csv/txt of the desired format.
    By default, if you are not in latest version, you will see some data when you select csv without E-text template

  • Active Directory:  Odd behavior when accessing network shares

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    AD is bound and working properly.
    I am successfully logging in with an AD account that is set to 'mobile' mode.
    Two questions:
    1. Why is it that when I access a share that I have rights to access, I am prompted for my user name and password? I am already logged in with a domain account and validated by the domain controller. This is not a big problem, but I am curious.
    2. Why is it that I am denied access to some shares, and others I can connect to but cannot see their contents, yet logged into a Windows machine with the same AD account, I can access all of them just fine? This one is a big problem.
    I'm hoping there are just more things I need to configure to get it to work. Either way, I'm having fun learning all of this.

    I'm not very clear on how OS X handles AD integration, but I'm having an odd problem, perhaps someone may know the answer.
    AD is bound and working properly.
    I am successfully logging in with an AD account that is set to 'mobile' mode.
    Two questions:
    1. Why is it that when I access a share that I have rights to access, I am prompted for my user name and password? I am already logged in with a domain account and validated by the domain controller. This is not a big problem, but I am curious.
    2. Why is it that I am denied access to some shares, and others I can connect to but cannot see their contents, yet logged into a Windows machine with the same AD account, I can access all of them just fine? This one is a big problem.
    I'm hoping there are just more things I need to configure to get it to work. Either way, I'm having fun learning all of this.

  • Odd behavior when plugged into itunes

    My unit keeps rebooting

    How odd. Even if the other computer is off?
    Yep — permanent magnets don't turn off.
    The same thing has been noted when certain cell phones are set down on the MBP's wrist rest in the right place.

  • Chromium odd behavior when logging in via lxdm [SOLVED]

    Anyone know why chromium looks different when I log in with LXDM?  I usually use lightdm.
    Lightdm (looks normal):
    Last edited by graysky (2012-02-25 15:11:33)

    Have you tried toggling the option for Chromium to use the GTK theme? (if its already in use, switch to Chrome's theming and switch back)
    Last edited by anonymous_user (2012-02-25 03:46:59)

  • Strange behavior when performing query

    Hi all,
    I'm getting some odd behavior when doing different kinds of queries and am hoping someone here can help out. I have a database with continuously updated PDML data (http://www.nbee.org/doku.php?id=netpdl:pdml_specification). I am opening anf querying the database from a seperate application. This appears to work fine for certain types of queries, and fails for other types with error messages that don't seem relevant. Specifically, some queries that use the attribute axis as the last leaf seem to get fouled up. Here are some example queries and the results I get:
    First some queries that work:
    Query: "string(collection()[1]/packet[1]/proto[1]/field[1]/@size)"
    A valid number
    Query: "collection()//proto[@name='geninfo']/field[@name='len']"
    <field name="len" pos="0" show="64" showname="Packet Length" value="40" size="64"/>
    <field name="len" pos="0" show="64" showname="Packet Length" value="40" size="64"/>
    <field name="len" pos="0" show="64" showname="Packet Length" value="40" size="64"/>
    Now some queries that don't work:
    Query: "collection()//packet/proto/field/@size"
    Output to stdout - "Transaction specified for a non-transactional database"
    and an Exception with message - "Error: Invalid argument"
    Query: "collection()//proto[@name='geninfo']/field[@name='len']/@name" (notice it's almost identical to above working query except with @name)
    Same as above, an stdout about transactions and an exception about invalid arguments
    What I find most interesting is that both errors (the one printed to stdout and the one I get in my exception) don't seem to have anything to do with the problem. I know the transactional stuff isn't messed up because the exact same code works for certain queries. I'm not sure about the "Error: Invalid argument" exception, but it's not very helpful by itself. I'm using the Java library and DBXML version 2.4.16. Anyone have any ideas what's going on?

    As a follow-up, it appears that I just needed to wrap my attributes in the XPath string() function. For example "collection()//packet/proto/field/@size" does not work while "collection()//packet/proto/field/string(@size)" works fine.
    I'm still not sure why it's spitting out an error message to stdout about transactions not being enabled when the only real error is with the query, but at least it's working now.

  • Odd Behavior with Multi-page Forums

    I have observed an odd behavior, when navigating multi-page forums.
    As an example, I use the Premiere Elements Tips & Tricks sub-forum often, to link to helpful articles. It is, like most, a multi-page forum.
    As the order of the articles will change, as new replies are added, I often need to navigate to multiple pages, to find the one that I need. My bookmark opens that forum onto Page 1, which is normal. I then scroll that page, looking for what I want. If it is not there, I will use either the Next, or the Page 2 buttons to move on. As I have scrolled to the bottom of Page 1, the Next (or Page 2) page will open at the bottom, rather than at the top, the first time that I do this. Pages 3, and above, will always open at the top. Also, if I go back to Page 2, it now opens at the top. I only see this, when going from Page 1, to Page 2, and then, only the first time. Odd, but no deal breaker, as I just manually scroll back to the top of Page 2, and then scroll down, looking for a particular article.
    I am on Chrome and Win XP-Pro SP-3. I have not yet tried in IE 7 - my latest version.
    Has anyone else experienced this little anomaly?

    Sorry, but I am out of "points... "
    Thank you for the input. I just found it slightly odd behavior, and all that it means is a bit of scrolling, now that I know what to expect. In most cases, the average user probably does not go to Page 2 of a forum, but many of us do. If it becomes a pain, I'll just jump quickly to Page 3, and then back to Page 2.
    Hey, Adobe never promised to make my life perfect - just better... I can easily live with this, but thought I'd ask, in case it was OE on my part.

  • Odd colorsync profile behavior when printing

    I'm having a bit of an odd situation when printing out of Aperture. When choosing ANY colorsync profile in the print dialog box that ends in .icc, the color of the preview image and the resulting print is off horribly, in the blue/purple direction. When a profile that doesn't contain .icc in the listed name is chosen, the print is fine.
    +SPR2400 PremSmgls Photo.icc+ results in wrong color rendering
    +SPR2400 PremiumSemigloss+ works just fine
    This isn't limited to Epson profiles; I have a few profiles from Ilford and Innova which are doing the same thing.
    I should note that this didn't used to happen, and started after the upgrade to 2.14 and/or 10.6/1---i did both basically simultaneously, so I'm not sure which might be the culprit.
    The error doesn't happen when printing out of Photoshop, for what it's worth. And yes, I have color management turned off at the printer level, so it's only being handled by the application.

    I had a comparable problem with my Epson Stylus Photo R1800. Once I set the profile back to the SPR1800 Premium Glossy the funky colors were corrected. Then, however, prints were far too dark. Setting the Gamma in the Print dialog to 1.3 got it back to an acceptable quality, albeit a bit too dark still. I have spent a lot of electrons with Epson support and they were of minimal help through this entire fiasco. Basically I had to "hunt and peck" with different settings to get to the point where the print quality was acceptable. I have shared my findings with them so hopefully they'll pass them on to folks who contact them. They say they are "constantly" working on new drivers to solve such problems, but gave me no projection as to when that might be. All this started after upgrading to 10.6.
    Message was edited by: JMiller1948

  • Is it possible to get transparent background when exporting to PDF?

    When exporting a document to PDF, Pages turns the background white instead of keeping it transparent. I need it to be transparent. Can anyone tell me what to do to fix this?
    When I print a document I use stationary that is in my printer. When I want to send the document by email I need to combine my text with my stationary (on the same page). In CS4 InDesign this is really easy with switching layers on/off, but I don't want to use InDesign for my wordprocessing, but Pages. In Pages I can add a background, but I can't switch it on/off. So now I use AcrobatPro 9 to combine my text document with my stationary, adding it as a watermark or background. This does not work with documents I made in Pages since Pages makes the background of a document WHITE when it exports to pdf. Instead it needs to be TRANSPARENT.
    By the way: MS-Word gets it right: it keeps the background transparent when making a pdf. But I don't want to go back to Word, I just want Pages to do it right...
    Any suggestions how I can make this work? Thanks!

    Hi marchaarman
    Pages has an odd behavior, it actually puts 2 white backgrounds in the back of its documents.
    This confounds Acrobat which inserts watermarks in front of the 1st background but sandwiched under the 2nd.
    MsWord does not actually make a transparent background it just makes the 1 white background, or whatever the paper color may be.
    If you want your watermark, you will need to add it in Pages, possibly as a master object in a section template that you can eliminate or add as you want.

  • Inaccurate GPS data when exporting from iPhoto

    I'm trying to export geotagged photos from iPhoto, and I'm experience some odd behavior.
    1) When I tag the photos outside of iPhoto, the photos' geo information comes up correctly in Places, but when I try to export the photo (either drag to desktop or File > Export > File Export and set +Kind: Current+ ) I get the correct latitude but the longitude is on the other side of the world according to Preview. (My best guess, I'd say about 180° off.) If I export the same photo but set +Kind: JPEG+ the location info in Preview looks fine.
    2) I see similar behavior when I try to export a photo I geotag within iPhoto. If I drag-export or File > Export with +Kind: Current+ (as above), the exported file has no geo info, but if I export with +Kind: JPEG+ it's fine.
    I'm trying to geotag photos for a friend and then send the pics back to him, but I don't want to re-compress them. Has anyone else encountered this and come up with a workaround?
    Thanks in advance,

    Paul Villasenor wrote:
    I'm trying to geotag photos for a friend and then send the pics back to him, but I don't want to re-compress them. Has anyone else encountered this and come up with a workaround?
    Seems like iPhoto may not be well suited for working on other people's photos since it requires an import/add followed by an export. iPhoto isn't really build for this sort of thing.
    Instead you might try something like Graphic Converter. You can browse your folders (no importing necessary) and Geocode photos by using Google Earth to locate the positions. GC will then apply that current Earth location to any selected photos with a menu item. This writes the data directly to the photos so no need to export either and it doesn't effect the photos in any way by re-compressing or otherwise processing the photos themselves.
    Best of luck,

  • Files render, but adjustments don't show when exported or printed

    Hello all,
    Running Lightroom 2.2 on Mac OS 10.4
    I'm experiencing some very odd behavior from a few files (originally NEFs converted to DNG; all from the same shoot/card). I am able to render adjustments in the Develop module but then two very odd things happen.
    First, when I zoom to 1:1 preview the rendered changes do not appear; the file reverts to it's original state.
    Secondly, and most importantly, when I export the files as a jpeg (whether from the Library, Develop, or Print module) the rendered changes do not appear and the file reverts to its original state. Again, same issue if I try to print the file -- the adjustments don't come through.
    To further the mystery, this is only happening to a few files and I am able to manipulate the others and export them just fine. FURTHERMORE, when I open the same files on another computer that's running LR 1.4, I am able to edit and render the files AND see the changes upon export.
    Any ideas?
    Thank you in advance.

    Duplicate the files in another folder, import them with 'do not import
    duplicates' turned off in the import dialog, or import them into a
    'test' catalog and see if they'll work. That'll narrow down whether
    it's possibly a catalog glitch, and therefore how to solve it.

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