Odd NullPointerException from static variable

I have a weird NPE from the following piece of code
public class DefaultConnectionHandler extends ConnectionHandlerImpl
    public void run()
        catch (Throwable t)
            if (severity == null)
                severity = ResultSeverity.FAILURE;
            c_log.error("Unexpected exception handling connection", t);
        }c_log is a log4j (1.3) Logger defined in ConnectionHandlerImpl
public abstract class ConnectionHandlerImpl implements ConnectionHandler
    protected static Logger c_log = Logger.getLogger(DefaultConnectionHandler.class);
...The NPE shows the c_log line as the first stack dump line - now I can't figure how this can be possible. As far as I'm aware, log4j will not return null for getLogger(), so c_log cannot be null. This occurred when shutting down the vm, so is there any chance the VM can unload classes while there are still instances of that class or is the only anwer that getLogger MUST have returned null. This is Java 6 u23.
Edited by: EJP on 31/03/2011 11:06: added code tags. Please use them.

848753 wrote:
c_log is not final, but it's not assigned anywhere else. It's used a lot in the instance, but I'm trying to get hold of the full log to see if any log messages were generated by it before the NPE, but I've got to wait until they wake up :(
I meant in the constructor, it calls
this.server = server;
server.registerTransport(transport);It's also not final, but that's the only place it's assigned.Make it final. It's possible (though seems unlikely) that one thread is assigning it, and since it's not final, another thread is only seeing its cached value--the default null. Making it final will correct the problem if that's it, or at the very least, eliminate it is a candidate now and possible source of other trouble in the future.

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    error report:
    model is null
    record is [send 'desc' sql,operated table is :friends, 2004/05/26 11:39:03]
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at testRecord.main(testRecord.java:14)

    but I just use this constructor once,never use twice
    with same jvm;I thinks my idea is not too very badIt's a public constructor (if I'm looking in the right
    place) - it could be called from anywhere. To
    intialize a static variable outside the declaration,
    use a static initializer:private static String whatever;static {
    whatever = "whatever";
    }Or simply (in this case):private static String whatever = "whatever";

  • Non-static variable cant accessed from the static context..your suggestion

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    ���������� public static void main(String ar[]){      ////static context
    ������������ int counter=0; ///Non static variable
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    �������������� counter++;
    �������������� System.out.println("Value of counter = " + counter) ; ///working fine
    �������������� }
    ���������� }
    Now the question is that if we are trying to declare a variable out-side the method (Non-static) , Then we defenately face the error' Non-static varialble can't accessed from the static context', BUT here within the static context we declared the non-static variable and accessed it perfectly.
    Please give your valuable suggestions.

    Once again stuck in my own thinking, As per my
    knowledge there is a general error in java.
    i.e. 'Non-static variable cant accessed from static
    Now the thing is that, When we are declaring any
    variables(non-static) and trying to access it within
    the same method, Its working perfectly fine.
    public class trial{
    ���������� public static void
    main(String ar[]){      ////static context
    ������������ int counter=0; ///Non
    static variable
    ������������ for(;counter<10;) {
    �������������� counter++;
    of counter = " + counter) ; ///working fine
    �������������� }
    ���������� }
    w the question is that if we are trying to declare a
    variable out-side the method (Non-static) , Then we
    defenately face the error' Non-static varialble can't
    accessed from the static context', BUT here within
    the static context we declared the non-static
    variable and accessed it perfectly.
    Please give your valuable suggestions.
    You are declaring a variable inside a static method,
    that means you are opening a static scope... i.e. static block internally...
    whatever the variable you declare inside a static block... will be static by default, even if you didn't add static while declaring...
    But if you put ... it will be considered as redundant by compiler.
    More over, static context does not get "this" pointer...
    that's the reason we refer to any non-static variables declared outside of any methods... by creating an object... this gives "this" pointer to static method controller.

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              submitButton.addActionListener(new ButtonHandler());The code...
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    thanks for the response.
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              input2 = new JTextField(15);
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    Well what is declared static? If I remeber right this error means that you have a static method that is trying to access data it does not have access to. Static methods cannot access data that is intance data because they do not exist in the instance (not 100% sure about this but I believe it is true, at the very least I know they do not have access to any non-static data). Post some more of your code like where you declare this (like class def) and where you set up the button.

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    int i;     
    int j=2;
    a(int i)
    public class b extends a
    public static void main(String args[])
    b test=new b();
    b.java:28: non-static variable super cannot be referenced from a static context
    1 error

    You cannot call "super" from a static context. Just like you can't use "this" or call any non-static methods in a static context.
    Try with test.super.j, although I'm not sure if it works. But you can call super.j in a non-static context, e.g. in your constructor, or in a non-static method.

  • "non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static contex"

    Hi, i'm writing a booking program at school and i'm getting 27 "non-static variable cannot be referenced from a static contex" errors. I can't find anything wrong with the code so I'm just asking you guys to look it through..
    public class bokningsmeny
    Bokning[] bokningslista = new Bokning[1000];
    String fornamn;
    String efternamn;
    String civilstand;
    String adress;
    String personnr;
    String telefonnr;
    int regnr;
    double inkomst;
    public static void main(String[] args)
    System.out.println("1. Mata in nya personer.");
    System.out.println("2. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och skriv personens andra uppgifter.");
    System.out.println("3. S&ouml;k personen via efternamn och skriv personens andra uppgifter.");
    System.out.println("4. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och &auml;ndra adress.");
    System.out.println("5. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och &auml;ndra telefonnummer.");
    System.out.println("6. S&ouml;k personen via personnummer och &auml;ndra civilst&aring;nd.");
    System.out.println("7. S&ouml;k personen vis personnummer och &auml;ndra inkomst");
    System.out.println("8. Skriv ut alla personer med givet namn.");
    System.out.println("9. Skriv ut alla personer med givet efternamn");
    System.out.println("10. Skriv ut alla personer med given adress");
    System.out.println("11. Skriv ut hela listan");
    System.out.println("12. Avsluta\n");
    int menyval = Keyboard.readInt();
    case 1:
    System.out.println("Mata in nya personer.\n______________________\n");
    boolean BOOuppgifter = false;
    for(int i = 0; i <= 1000; i++)
    if(bokningslista +== null)+
    +System.out.println("\nSt&auml;mmer informationen? (Y/N)");+
    +boolean BOOcase1yesorno = IsInputCorrect();+
    +if(BOOcase1yesorno == true)+
    +System.out.println("\nBokningen lyckades!\n");+
    +bokningslista += new Bokning(fornamn, efternamn, civilstand, adress, personnr, telefonnr, regnr, inkomst);
    ++++else if(BOOcase1yesorno == false
    ++++System.out.println("\nBokningen avbruten.\n")
    ++++case 2
    ++++System.out.println("Sok person med personnummer och &auml;ndra uppgifter.")
    ++System.out.print("Skriv in sokord: ")
    ++String query = Keyboard.readString()
    ++query = query.toUpperCase()
    ++String personnummersok
    ++boolean contains
    ++int antal = 0
    ++boolean BOOcase2result = false
    ++System.out.println("Resultat: \n_________\n")
    ++for(int i = 0; i < 1000; i++
    ++++if(bokningslista +!<b<br />+<em<b<br />+++personnummersok = (bokningslista+.hamtaPersonnum()).t
    ++++contains = personnummersok.con
    +<<br />++++BOOcase2r
    ++++fornamn = bokningslist
    +++++efternamn = boknin
    +++++++System.out.println(antal + ". " + fornam
    ++++<e<br />+++++++System.out.pri<br<br />+++++<em<br />+++++++System.out.println("\nVilket sokresultat vill du v&bdquo
    ++++<<br />+++++++if(case2ch
    +++<e<<br />+++<em<br />++++
    ++<em<br />+++++++System.out.p
    +++++<e<br />+++<<br<br /<br />+++++++System.out.printl
    +++<em<br />+++++<em<br />++
    <e<br />++++++++Sy
    ++++++<e<br /><em<br />++++++++<<br />+++++<e<br />+++
    +++<<br />+++++++++else if(case11exit != 'y' &<br<br />+<<br />++++
    ++++<e<br />+++++++
    ++++<em<br />+++++
    +++<em<br />+++++<em<br />++++<<br />++++++
    ++++<e<br />+++++++<e<br />++<em<br />++++<e<br />+++<<br />+++++++++System.out.println("\n\nNamn: " + fornamn + "
    ++++++++++ "\nHemadress: " + adr
    ++++++++++ telefon
    +<<br />+++++++++Syste
    ++++<em<br />+++++++++if(correct
    <em<br />++<em<br />++<<br />++++<e<br /><<<br /><e<br />+++++++++I have another file with the Bokning.java class in it but I know for sure that its error free. Notice that I'm not nearly done with the program, theres like 10 more 'cases' to be created but I dont w

    Your code goes "+" crazy there, but here is your problem:
    public class B extends A {
        public void method() {}
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            //method(); //non-static method method() cannot be referenced from a static context
            B b = new B();
    }You need to be clear about the difference between static methods and non-static (instance) methods. Instance methods are applied to objects.

  • Non-static variable total cannot be referenced from a static context

    i am trying to write a program that uses the if-else statements and when i wrote my program i got "non-static variable total cannot be referenced from a static context" for three lines of my input.
    A:\Disks.java:20: non-static variable total cannot be referenced from a static context total = (10000 * .95 + ((diskCount - 10000) * .85));
    A:\Disks.java:22: non-static variable total cannot be referenced from a static context total = (diskCount * .95);
    A:\Disks.java:24: non-static variable total cannot be referenced from a static context System.out.print(total);
    Do you know what I did wrong?

    I apologise in advance for the general tone of this reply.....
    Ummm, let me think for a second... You referenced a non static
    variable from a static context. Yup, yup. That's it !
    If you can't figure this out, you really need to do a Java tutorial or
    buy a text book. Basically though, total is a member of some class
    and you are trying to use it from a static function. I bet you have
    something like:
    public class Test {
        public int total;
        // blah blah blah
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // This won't work cos "total" is a member and we are static
            // This works cos now you have an instance to pull total
            // out of.
            Test t = new Total();

  • Non-static variable aceYears cannot be referenced from a static context

    This is my error...
    investment.java:53: non-static variable aceYears cannot be referenced from a static context
    This is my code...
    public static void main (String[] args)
    and more code
    String termInvested = JOptionPane.showInputDialog
    ("Please enter the amount of years to invest your investment.");
    int intTermInvested = Integer.parseInt(termInvested);
    and yet more code..
    public void numberAceYears (int aceYears)
    for (int aY = 5 ; aY <= aceYears; aY++)
    double aceInterest = aceCoBalance * aceCoRate /100;
    aceCoBalance = aceCoBalance + aceInterest;
    aceYears = aceYears + aY;

    Short version: Either make the variable in question static, or create an instance of your class and use that to access it. Either one will work, but one probably suits your design better. It's up to you to figure out which one.
    For details, see the relevant section of your favorite Java book or tutorial, or poke around here:

  • Non-static variable change cannot be referenced from a static context

    My compiler says: : non-static variable change cannot be referenced from a static context
    when i try to compile this. Why is it happening?
    public class change{
      int coin[] = {1,5,10,25,50};
      int change=0;
      public static void main(){
        int val = Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Type the amount: ", "Change", JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE));
        change = backtrack();

    A static field or method is not associated with any instance of the class; rather it's associated with the class itself.
    When you declared the field to be non-static (by not including the "static" keyword; non-static methods and fields are much more common so it's the default), that meant that the field was a property of an object. But the static main method, being static, didn't have an object associated with it. So there was no "change" property to refer to.
    An alternative way to get this work, would be to make your main method instantiate an object of the class "change", and put the functionality in other instance methods.
    By the way, class names are supposed to start with upper-case letters. That's the convention.

  • How to read static variable defined java class from flex?

    This is a beginner question. If I use remoteClass to map a java class and a flex class, how can I access a static variable defined in java class from the flex code?

    Static propeties are by default ignored in the blazeds for serialization. You can try using another global property in the java bean which maps to the value stored in the static property( Hopefully it should work)
    public String instanceValue = ClassName.staticValue;
    Ref: http://livedocs.adobe.com/blazeds/1/blazeds_devguide/help.html?content=serialize_data_3.ht ml

  • How a statics variable different from global variable...

    explain the span of these two kind of varaiables in subroutines..with a simple example
    Thanks guyz

    Check the following syntaxes to declare a static variable.
    1. STATICS f.
    2. STATICS f(len).
    3. STATICS: BEGIN OF rec,
    END OF rec.
    END OF itab.
    Static validity means that, unlike normal local variables, the life of static variables does not depend on the defining procedure, but on the program at runtime. Static variables are thus not redefined on the stack each time the defining procedure is called, but exist independently of this in the program and keep their value, regardless of calls to the defining procedure.
    Global Variable:
    global variable is a variable that is accessible in every scope.

  • How to load value to a static variable on the run

    hi all
    i have a question about static variable. i need to have a variable to keep a value from DB shared by all instances. the variable is given value when the first instance is created. but from time to time, the value in DB may change, but i still need to maintain this shared value among instances. the static variable has life time as long as the program runs, does that mean if i need to change the value, i need to stop the program, and restart to load the new value? thanks.

    can the static variable be accessed within a
    non-static method, for instance, set the value by
    setXXX() method?Yes, and oddly enough, that usually how I access all my variables...
    public class StaticTester {
           static String theString = " My Message ";
           public void setMessage(String mess){
                      theString = mess;
           public String getMessage(){
                      return theString;
           public static void main(String[] theArgs){
                      StaticTester myTest = new StaticTester();
                    myTest.setMessage(" a New Message ");
    }Hope this helps...
    - MaxxDmg...
    - ' He who never sleeps... '

  • Servlets/Tomcat4/Resin/Static variables

    Having an odd problem when using Tomcat 4 or the latest release of Resin (note, I did not have this problem using Tomcat 3 or the previous version of Resin).
    I have class that contains static methods- namely a getProperty(String string) {} method that returns a String.... not important, just note that its static and is being called throughout my application like so: MyStaticClass.getProperty(String string)...
    The problem I'm having is this: When inside the servlet (e.g. the doPost()) the objects (static) in that class that I've initialized during the serlvets init seem ok, they are instantiated... but when I call the static class from an object seperate from the servlet (e.g. a database class or a java bean) the object is throwing a null pointer exception... it's almost like the servlet is using a different instance of that static variable than the rest of the application... and its really odd that it doesnt happen in tomcat 3...
    help :)

    Tomcat 4 is using a later version of the servlet specification than Tomcat 3. One of the changes made, I believe, was that each web application runs in its own virtual machine. That means that each web application has its own copy of the class and its own copy of the static variables. That's a rough description, but it sounds like what you are experiencing is basically that: your servlets are in one JVM and your database classes are in a different JVM. Kind of breaks your design, doesn't it? And your heart, too.

  • Static variable causing a NPE

    Hi all,
    Quick question regarding static class variables.
    Say I had the following code:
    public class Clazz {
      private static Hashtable table = new Hashtable();
      public void someMethod() {};
      public static void someStaticMethod() {
        if (table.get(x) == null) {
    }Why is it that calling Clazz.someStaticMethod() would result in a NullPointerException caused by table being null? My understanding was that since table is a static variable which is immediately constructed, it would never be null?
    Does it perhaps need to be placed in a static block at the top of the class?

    BigDaddyLoveHandles wrote:
    masijade. wrote:
    Darryl.Burke wrote:
    Why won't a NPE be thrown if x is null? From the API for Hashtable#get(Object key)
    NullPointerException - if the specified key is null
    dbSorry. My bag. My apologies. Blush (on that point anyway). But, in my defense at least, that is new as of 1.6 (according to the API docs, anyway). ;-)Hashtable has had non-null keys and values since its introduction. For example:
    [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/Hashtable.html#get(java.lang.Object)] Throws: NullPointerException - if the key is null.
    [http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/java/util/Hashtable.html#get(java.lang.Object)] : Throws: NullPointerException - if the key is null.
    Ahh, phuque. My history shows me that I looked at HashMap. Duh, huh, huh. Oh, well, that's life. ;-)
    Edit: Which is what I have had on my mind this entire time. :blush:
    Edit again: I did look at Hashtable looking at the 1.6 records though (just so no one thinks I'm saying that a null key will through an NPE in Hashmap in 1.6, it doesn't).

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