ODI Number of Running Sessions

Hello guys !!
A cuestion,
I'm doing a package with a parallel process, but this only raises 3 maximum sessions at the same time, when I hope it raises 9
how can I increase the Number of running sessions / Maximum number of sessions for the agent?
Also I've created 5 five agents linked, for the load balancing effect, but no results
I appreciate any kind of Help

What is the maximum number of sessions you have given for agent??
You can get the number of session in the physical agent .

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    Sounds like you've got a connection leak - rather than increasing the number of open sessions, you need to constrain the application to use fewer!
    If you don't ensure that the connection is closed even if an exception is thrown after it is opened but before it is closed then you are liable - likely even - to leak connections.
    For example. Bad:
    Connection c = getConnection();
    ... code here ...
    Connection c = getConnection();
    try {
       ... code here ...
    } finally {
    }The same rule applies to ResultSet and Statement objects - and all three should be closed in the appropriate order (make sure you close result set and statement objects before re-using their reference).
    (edit: rephrased ambiguous final para).

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    Edited by: Keith A on Oct 6, 2009 9:06 AM

    Not the answer you are looking for but have you logged it with Oracle as you might not get many answers to this question on here.

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    -- Submits a dbms_job to cleanup sessions
    -- Expected Parameters:
    -- 1. hours_old - number of hours after session start before
    -- it should be deleted
    -- 2. start_time - when should the first job be run or 'START'
    -- 3. start_time_fmt - date format for start time
    -- 4. interval_hours - how many hours between each run
    -- If 'START' is provided for 2nd parameter, the 3rd parameter is
    -- ignored and it will default the start time to the current time.
    set serverout on
    set verify off
    create or replace package wwctx_patch is
    procedure cleanup_sessions
    p_hours_old IN number default 168 -- (1 week)
    end wwctx_patch;
    show errors package wwctx_patch;
    create or replace package body wwctx_patch as
    * cleanup expired sessions
    procedure cleanup_sessions
    p_hours_old IN number default 168 -- (1 week)
    cursor expired_sessions is
    select rowid
    from wwctx_sso_session$
    where active = 0
    or (session_start_time < sysdate - (p_hours_old/24));
    current_session expired_sessions%rowtype;
    record_count number := 0;
    if p_hours_old is null then
    open expired_sessions;
    fetch expired_sessions into current_session;
    exit when expired_sessions%notfound;
    record_count := record_count + 1;
    delete from wwctx_sso_session$
    where rowid = current_session.rowid;
    -- Note: The reason for doing this deletion in
    -- a loop with a commit in the loop is so as not
    -- to overrun the rollback segment in the case
    -- where there are a lot of sessions to cleanup
    -- with potentially a large amount of session
    -- storage to be deleted.
    -- do more than one per commit
    if record_count >= 10 then
    record_count := 0;
    end if;
    end loop;
    close expired_sessions;
    end if;
    when others then
    end wwctx_patch;
    show errors package body wwctx_patch
    v_jobid binary_integer;
    v_path varchar2(100) := 'oracle.portal.session';
    v_name varchar2(100) := 'cleanup_jobid';
    v_starttime date;
    v_hours_old number;
    v_interval_hours number;
    p_hours_old varchar2(30) := '&1';
    p_start_time varchar2(60) := '&2';
    p_start_time_fmt varchar2(60) := '&3';
    p_interval_hours varchar2(60) := '&4';
    -- validate hours_old parameter
    v_hours_old := to_number (p_hours_old);
    when others then
    -- validate starttime
    if upper(p_start_time) = 'START' then
    v_starttime := sysdate;
    v_starttime := to_date (p_start_time, p_start_time_fmt);
    end if;
    when others then
    -- validate interval_hours parameter
    v_interval_hours := to_number (p_interval_hours);
    when others then
    -- Create a preference store item for the job id that is
    -- created for the submitted job.
    -- This will allow it to be deleted or modified later.
    dbms_output.put_line ('Created path for job id.');
    -- probably this has already been created and a job
    -- is already in place.
    -- retrieve the job id
    ('ERROR: Exception in preference path creation');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: creating path - ' &#0124; &#0124; sqlerrm );
    p_path => v_path
    ,p_name => v_name
    dbms_output.put_line ('DBMS_JOB id = ' &#0124; &#0124; v_jobid );
    -- we'll try to create it below.
    if v_jobid is null then
    p_path => v_path,
    p_name => v_name,
    p_description => 'The job id of the DBMS_JOB for cleaning up '&#0124; &#0124;
    'the expired session rows.',
    p_type_name => 'NUMBER',
    p_language => WWNLS_API.AMERICAN
    when OTHERS then
    dbms_output.put_line('ERROR: creating name - ' &#0124; &#0124; sqlerrm );
    end if;
    l_job varchar2(4000);
    l_job :=
    'begin ' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' execute immediate ' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' ''begin wwctx_patch.cleanup_sessions(' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' p_hours_old => ' &#0124; &#0124; v_hours_old &#0124; &#0124;
    ' ); end;'' ' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' ; ' &#0124; &#0124;
    'exception ' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' when others then ' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' null; ' &#0124; &#0124;
    if v_jobid is null then
    job => v_jobid,
    what => l_job,
    next_date => v_starttime,
    interval => 'SYSDATE + ' &#0124; &#0124; v_interval_hours &#0124; &#0124; '/24'
    p_path => v_path,
    p_name => v_name,
    p_level_name => null,
    p_value => v_jobid
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Cleanup job submitted.' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' Job ID = ' &#0124; &#0124; v_jobid);
    -- v_jobid is not null
    -- modify the job
    job => v_jobid,
    what => l_job,
    next_date => v_starttime,
    interval => 'SYSDATE + ' &#0124; &#0124; v_interval_hours &#0124; &#0124; '/24'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Cleanup job updated.' &#0124; &#0124;
    ' Job ID = ' &#0124; &#0124; v_jobid);
    end if;
    if p_start_time_fmt = 'NOW' then
    job => v_jobid
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('Cleanup job run.');
    end if;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ERROR: Start Date Specified is Invalid');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ERROR: Age For Cleanup Specified is Invalid');
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ERROR: Job Interval Specified is Invalid');
    when OTHERS then
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('ERROR: ' &#0124; &#0124; sqlerrm );
    set verify on

  • Long delay for ManagedEventWatcher __InstanceCreationEvent query as number of user sessions increases

    We have a Windows service that monitors for process start events and sends notifications to client applications.
    We have discovered that the delay between when a process starts and when our EventArrivedEventHandler is called gets excessively long when the number of user sessions on the Windows server gets to about 80.
    The delay gets worse as the number of user sessions gets higher.
    The delays are not consistent. Even with 100 sessions some observed delays are short but most are too long and the maximum observed delay grows with the number of sessions.
    Here is one example of the delay we are seeing.
    A client application wrote its first log record to its log file at 11:05:34.076. Our EventArrivedEventHandler did not get notified of the process start event for the client application until 18 seconds later (at 11:05:52.188 ).
    We need the delay to be less than 5 seconds to be tolerable and would like the delay to be less than 3 seconds if possible.
    Is there something we can do to reduce the delay? Below are the details of our use of WMI.
    We are using an instance of class WqlEventQuery to represent a WMI event query in WQL format.
    We are constructing an instance of ManagementEventWatcher to consume events asynchronously.
    Below is how we are instantiating and running the query. Variable m_PollingIntervalInMilliseconds is set to 1000 by default.
                    WqlEventQuery query = new WqlEventQuery("__InstanceCreationEvent", new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, m_PollingIntervalInMilliseconds), "TargetInstance isa \"Win32_Process\"");
                    m_ManagementEventWatcher = new ManagementEventWatcher(query);
                    m_ManagementEventWatcher.EventArrived += new EventArrivedEventHandler(managementEventWatcher_EventArrived);
    Our Windows service is not the only user of WMI services on the server. I do not know if there is contention with other users of WMI services or if there is something about the way we are consuming WMI services that is inefficient.

    Hello RossAtWFMC,
    It seems that the services are working with a complex environment, and currently, we do not have such an environment which could reproduce this issue you described. Anyway, I would like to share whatever I found and some suggestions about this issue:
    >> called gets excessively long when the number of user sessions on the Windows server gets to about 80.
     The delay gets worse as the number of user sessions gets higher.
    This seems to show that the issue is related with the number of user sessions, it may be that when with lots of user sessions, there are something additional delay the event to be fired. As you mentions, there are other services on that server machine, if
    possible, you could make a test to run your WIM service only to see if it is still delayed.
    >> Is there something we can do to reduce the delay?
    I suggest that you could check this blog below which provide a way to debug with the .NET course code:
    So that you could know which method inside costs most time.
    From your provided code, it is not very clear if you use multi threads in your service, if not and your event handler is short, you could have a try with it, and there is a discussion about this topic:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • How to trace an already running session

    Sometime I come across following situation.
    Queries/SQL statements keep on running for a long time and users complain about the same.
    But since they have already started I am not able do anything about it.
    So please guide me "how can I trace already running session."

    Rushi Shah wrote:
    Sometime I come across following situation.
    Queries/SQL statements keep on running for a long time and users complain about the same.
    But since they have already started I am not able do anything about it.
    So please guide me "how can I trace already running session."
    Use DBMS_SUPPORT to set trace in another users session
    Next use the interface to again set trace for SCOTT's session that we found earlier. here it is:
         SQL> exec dbms_support.start_trace_in_session(10,20,waits=>true,binds=>false);
         PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
         SQL> -- execute some code
         SQL> exec dbms_support.stop_trace_in_session(10,20);
         PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

  • Event case: number of runs of a single event ?

    Hi everybody,
    I'm working on a CCD acquire system, and I developed the control software using an event structure.
    Every event controls a setting function for my system, and placed in timeout event fucnctions to get the status of my detector.
    Data acquisition is one of the control events. Now I need perform multiple acquisition and save acquired datas to a spreadsheet file, wich must be called with the number of the iteration.
    For example for 10 acquisition, the acquisition event will run 10 times, and save 10 files named: 1.csv, 2.csv ...
    How can be built a counter wich gives the number of iterations of a single event (in example the number of runs of the "acquire data" event) ?
    Thanks in advance
    LabVIEW 2011
    Go to Solution.

    Thanks, value signaling vas the right choice. I've wired the increment function to a shift register function of the while loop wich contains the event structure.
    Placed an indicator inside and works fine. 

  • Can I use ClassLoader to limit the number of running instances of my app?

    I want to limit the number of running instances of my app to 1 (like what IDEA and... do), can I do that with a class loader? How?
    Thanks in advance,
    Behrang S.

    If you search the advanced forum you will find several discussions on how you can do it.

  • Where to find my Serial Number for Photoshop CS6 Extended? The program has been on my computer for at least a year now and for some reason it is now requiring my serial number to run the program. Please help!

    Where to find my Serial Number for Photoshop CS6 Extended? The program has been on my computer for at least a year now and for some reason it is now requiring my serial number to run the program. Please help!

    Log in into your Adobe account and go to "My Products".  You'll find a list of all the products you've ever registered with Adobe.

  • How do i start an Oracle Trace?   For a currently running session?

    How do i start an Oracle Trace? For a currently running session? How do i read it?

    How do i read it? Ohh forgot this one. That tracing will create a tracefile in udump directory and you need to run tkprof to parse that trace file so that you can read it. To find the udump dir type "show parameter user_dump_dest" at sqlplus prompt and then run tkprof like (from OS prompt):
    tkprof file_name.trc file_name.txt sys=no
    Type only tkprof for more option of this tool.
    Daljit Singh

  • Large number of concurrent sessions

    What optimizations are used to provide a large number of concurrent sessions?

    1) Design so that clustering is easy - e.g. cache only read-only data, and
    cache it agressively
    2) Keep replication requirements down - e.g. keep HTTP sessions small and
    turn off replication on stateful session beans
    3) Always load test with db shared = true so that you don't get nasty
    surprise when clustering
    4) Don't hit the database more than necessary - generally the db scales the
    Cameron Purdy
    Tangosol, Inc.
    Clustering Weblogic? You're either using Coherence, or you should be!
    Download a Tangosol Coherence eval today at http://www.tangosol.com/
    "Priya Shinde" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:3c6fb3bd$[email protected]..
    What optimizations are used to provide a large number of concurrentsessions?

  • Error Message-"Maximum number of internal sessions reached"

       In one of the User defined screen , we are getting error as
    "Maximum number of internal sessions reached".
       This error is not coming each & every time.This screen is used to store the values in Z-table.
       This error is coming after entering 6-9 entries.  
       What may be the problem.
       The code is as follows :
       when 'save'.
            INSERT zmmt001_grn_gate FROM wk_zmmt01.
            INSERT zmmt002_grn_item FROM TABLE it_zmmt02.
            IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
              COMMIT WORK.
              MESSAGE I002 WITH wk_sno.
              CLEAR wk_lifnr.
              CLEAR wk_ebeln.
              CLEAR wk_name.
              CLEAR wk_appval.
              CLEAR wk_chal.
              CLEAR wk_form38.
              REFRESH it_temp_tc1 .
              CALL TRANSACTION 'ZMMI001'.
              ROLLBACK WORK.
              MESSAGE e000 WITH text-006.
      Whether CALL TRANSACTION 'ZMMI001' statement having problem..
      Pls give your suggestion on this.
    Thanks in Advance,
    Best Regards,

    I agree on the reason of the problem, too. SAP limits the number of internal sessions. By calling the transaction with <b>"CALL TRANSACTION ..."</b> statement, you keep the current transaction's program data and open a new internal session. To handle things technically, SAP forces an internal session number limit.
    The solution is to use <b>"LEAVE TO TRANSACTION ..."</b> which ends the current transaction session, rolls out the relevant program and then opens the new session.
    [email protected]

  • The number of active sessions isn't decreasing in OC4J instance

    Hi Guru’s,
    Could you help me, please?
    The number of active sessions isn’t decreasing in OC4J instance after our clients closed the application.
    Our partner use Oracle AS 10gR3 ( with J2EE and HTTP mode.
    When we monitoring our OC4J instance with Performance tab on Oracle EM, we appreciate that the value of Active Sessions on ‘Servlets and JSPs’ are very high. If users close our applications, then number of active sessions isn’t decreasing and active status isn’t becoming inactive.
    Which OC4J settings responsible for managing active sessions and how can I get more information about the active session details?
    Thanks in advance,

    Dinesh.Rajak wrote:
    When I deployed this code Tomcat, it is giving the output as 0, hence tried with accessing the jsp file in multiple browsers but still it is showing the count of active session as 0 - plz helpPlease, don't resurrect old threads, and it's still the wrong forum. Create a new thread if you have a specific question, and create the thread in the correct forum. I'm closing this thread.

  • MIGO( (good receipt,Transfer pos how to  to get serial number  at run time

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    I need to change the status of serial number (equipment number ) during Migo (good receipt,Transfer posting).
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    Hi Dilip,
    If I am correct you are taking about changing user Status at device level (serial number)
    you can set the user status through status profile (Tcode OIBS for particular status profile).
    within this, you can also set/ change the status, if particular business transaction is executed (for e.g. good receipt, Stock transfer)
    Please check if you are using status profile in your case, if not create one, by this way i think you can able to map the requirement.

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