how can i get total of delivery in query??
  system info of total  =form 140,item =29,variable =14.

Hello ,
Try this
Select T2.DocNum, SUM (T1.Price*T1.Quantity) 'Row _Total', T2.DocDotal
From ODLN T2 INNER JOIN DLN1 T1 ON T2.DocEntry=T1.DocEntry
INNER JOIN RDR1 T0 ON T0.DocEntry=T1.BaseEntry AND T0.LineNum=T1.BaseLine
WHERE T2.DocNum = '[%0]'
GROUP BY T2.DocNum, T2.DocTotal
Edited by: Balaji Selvaraj on Mar 6, 2012 10:34 AM
Edited by: Balaji Selvaraj on Mar 6, 2012 10:35 AM

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    I'm having trouble getting the correct serial numbers via SQL.
    From PHP I run the following query to get the Delivery Notes:
    select ODLN.DocEntry,ODLN.CardCode,ODLN.CardName,ODLN.DocDueDate,ODLN.DocDate,ODLN.NumAtCard,NNM1.SeriesName,ODLN.DocNum,ODLN.SlpCode,ODLN.CANCELED,ODLN.DocStatus,DLN1.ItemCode,DLN1.Dscription,DLN1.Quantity,DLN1.ShipDate,DLN1.LineStatus,ODLN.NumAtCard,ODLN.U_CodSit,ODLN.DocTotal,ODLN.DocCur,ODLN.CreateDate,ODLN.TrackNo,DLN1.SerialNum from ODLN INNER JOIN NNM1 ON (ODLN.Series = NNM1.Series) INNER JOIN OCRD ON (ODLN.CardCode = OCRD.CardCode AND OCRD.CardCode = '".$_POST["sapcode"]."' AND OCRD.Password = '".$_POST["sappwd"]."') INNER JOIN DLN1 ON ODLN.DocEntry = DLN1.DocEntry ORDER BY ODLN.CreateDate DESC,ODLN.DocEntry ASC
    While I loop through the results I then try to grab the serial numbers. I tried this:
    SELECT OSRI.IntrSerial FROM OSRI INNER JOIN SRI1 ON ( (SRI1.SysSerial = OSRI.SysSerial) AND (SRI1.BaseNum = ".$row['DocNum'].") ) INNER JOIN DLN1 ON (DLN1.DocEntry = SRI1.BaseEntry) WHERE ( (DLN1.DocEntry = ".$row['DocEntry'].") AND (DLN1.ItemCode = OSRI.ItemCode) AND (DLN1.ItemCode = '".$row['ItemCode']."') ) ORDER BY OSRI.IntrSerial
    but it gives me incoherent results compared to what appears in the SAP b1 client. For ex., some serial numbers are fine but in other cases I get more serial numbers than accounted for (article quantity = 1 but get 2 serial numbers; in SAP B1 client only one of the two serial numbers appears, as expected).
    So I then modified the query and added a check for the CardCode:
    SELECT OSRI.IntrSerial FROM OSRI INNER JOIN SRI1 ON ( (SRI1.SysSerial = OSRI.SysSerial) AND (SRI1.BaseNum = ".$row['DocNum'].") AND (SRI1.CardCode = '".$_POST["sapcode"]."') ) INNER JOIN DLN1 ON (DLN1.DocEntry = SRI1.BaseEntry) WHERE ( (OSRI.CardCode = '".$_POST["sapcode"]."') AND (DLN1.DocEntry = ".$row['DocEntry'].") AND (DLN1.ItemCode = OSRI.ItemCode) AND (DLN1.ItemCode = '".$row['ItemCode']."') ) ORDER BY OSRI.IntrSerial
    This query is slightly better in the sense that at least I don't get serial numbers that are not supposed to be there (eg. if quantity=1 I will not get 2 serial numbers as in the previous query). However, in some cases it works as expected and in other delivery notes it doesn't because it simply doesn't list the serial numbers (which where found in the first query).
    It might be because the CardCode field isn't always thoroughly set?
    If so, is it just a "user problem" so I should tell my company to review the way they fill SAP data?
    Or am I doing the wrong query?
    (The SDK doc regarding OSRI is confusing as it doesn't even point to SRI1 and I don't fully understand the relationships)

    you can catch (using MS SQL Profiler) the query which is executed by SBO once you click on serial nambers report from Delivery Note form.
    this is one of the ways to get a solution quickly.

  • Approval Query for Prepaid customers

    Hi, I need help with a query. I want an approval screen to pop up when a user tries to add a delivery for a prepaid customer and the customer has not paid. The following query get me a "Could not commit transaction" error.
    In our system, customers with prepaid terms have -1 in the GroupNum field.
    SELECT Distinct 'TRUE' From OCRD T0 INNER JOIN ODLN T1 ON T0.CardCode = T1.CardCode WHERE $[OCRD.GroupNum] LIKE '-%' AND $[OCRD.Balance] + $[ODLN.DocTotal] <= 0
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    Try this:
    SELECT Distinct 'TRUE'
    From OCRD T0
    WHERE T0.CardCode = $[ODLN.CardCode] AND T0.GroupNum <0
    AND T0.Balance + $[ODLN.DocTotal] <= 0

  • Actualizar el doctotal del la orden de venta

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    Prueba con esta query
    SELECT T1.DocNum '# OV', T1.CardName, T0.ItemCode, T0.Quantity 'OV Cant', T0.Dscription, T3.DocNum '# Entrega', T2.Quantity,
    T5.DocNum '# Factura', t4.quantity, t8.docnum '# NCredito', -t7.quantity
    FROM dbo.RDR1 T0
    INNER JOIN dbo.OITW T6 ON T6.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode AND T6.WhsCOde = T0.WhsCode
    INNER JOIN dbo.ORDR T1 ON T1.DocEntry = T0.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN dbo.DLN1 T2 ON T2.BaseEntry = T0.DocEntry AND T2.BaseLine = T0.LineNum
    LEFT JOIN dbo.ODLN T3 ON T2.DocEntry = T3.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN dbo.INV1 t4 on t4.BaseEntry = t2.DocEntry and t4.BaseLine = t2.LineNum
    LEFT JOIN dbo.OINV t5 on t4.DocEntry = t5.DocEntry
    LEFT JOIN dbo.RIN1 t7 on t7.BaseEntry = t4.DocEntry and t7.BaseLine =t4.LineNum
    LEFT JOIN dbo.ORIN t8 on t7.DocEntry = t8.DocEntry
    WHERE T1.DocDate between '[%0]' and '[%1]'
    PD: no olvides calificar las respuestas

  • DocTotal in words Crystal Report

    I am trying to convert DocTotal field into words and not able to do so. Please advise a formula which an help me to get the doctotal in words in Purchase Order Crystal Report Layout
    For example by doctotal is 22,750.00 so I want the amount in words as
    Twenty Two Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty US Dollors & Zero cents.
    Please advise.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Ravi,
    Use this :
    numbervar RmVal:=0;
    numbervar Amt:=0;
    numbervar pAmt:=0;
    stringvar InWords :="Rupees ";
    Amt := <Enter your value here or Pass field here>
    if Amt > 10000000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/10000000);
    if Amt = 10000000 then RmVal := 1;
    if RmVal = 1 then
    InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crore"
    if RmVal > 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " crores";
    Amt := Amt - Rmval * 10000000;
    if Amt > 100000 then RmVal := truncate(Amt/100000);
    if Amt = 100000 then RmVal := 1;
    if RmVal = 1 then
    InWords := InWords + " " + towords(RmVal,0) + " lakhs"
    If RmVal > 1 then InWords := InWords + " " + ToWords(RmVal,0) + "Lakhs";
    Amt := Amt - Rmval * 100000;
    if Amt > 0 then InWords := InWords + " " + towords(truncate(Amt),0);
    pAmt := (Amt - truncate(Amt)) * 100;
    if pAmt > 0 then
    InWords := InWords + " and " + towords(pAmt,0) + " paisa only"
    InWords := InWords + " only";

  • How to get the numeric value of DocTotal from UI API

    When I hit the ADD button I need to get the DocTotal from the UI API !
    All I have is the EditText which gives it in string and the problem is to double.Parse it
    it's a pain to do it while there is CultureInfo related issue with it.
    So It would be wise to get the numeric value directly from the UI API instead of getting the DocTotal by string and trying to convert it.  So is there any way to get the numrci value of DocTotal from UI API ?

    Hello Marc,
    Here is a function which considering the Culture Info and always working. You can speed it up by using extending admininfo to global vairables, and loading the values at startup of the addon.
    Use the oEditText.value.ToString() to convert into into the doulbe number:
    Public Function _string2double(ByVal s As String) As Double
            Dim d As Double
    ' This part is fast, when regional settings equal to sap B1 settings:
                d = Convert.ToDouble(s)
                d = Math.Round(d, 6)
                Return d
            End Try
    ' Speed up performance: extend CompaneService variables to global variables and query them at addon startup.
                Dim nfi As System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat
                Dim oCompanyService As SAPbobsCOM.CompanyService = oCompany.GetCompanyService()
                Dim oAdminInfo As SAPbobsCOM.AdminInfo = oCompanyService.GetAdminInfo()
                Dim sbodsep As String = oAdminInfo.DecimalSeparator
                Dim sbotsep As String = oAdminInfo.ThousandsSeparator
                If s.IndexOf(Space(1)) > 0 Then
                    If oAdminInfo.DisplayCurrencyontheRight = BoYesNoEnum.tYES Then
                        s = s.Substring(0, s.IndexOf(Space(1)))
                        s = s.Substring(s.IndexOf(Space(1)), s.Length - s.IndexOf(Space(1)))
                    End If
                End If
                Dim s1 As String = s.Replace(sbotsep, nfi.NumberGroupSeparator)
                s1 = s1.Replace(sbodsep, nfi.NumberDecimalSeparator)
                d = Convert.ToDouble(s)
                d = Math.Round(d, 6)
                Return d
                Return 0
            End Try
        End Function
    Edited by: János Nagy on Oct 7, 2009 8:55 AM

  • SP01: DI error -5002 Invalid Total ORDR.DocTotal

    Hi All,
    i'm getting a strange error.
    i'm adding a sales order via DI.
    when the code is executed via the .net debugger it works great.
    when i create an installer and install the Addon i receive the error:
    -5002 Invalid Total [ORDR.DocTotal]
    do someone ever had this kind of error?
    btw i'm using SAPB12005A SP1 PL2
    Moty Moshin

    Here is the code:
    oNewOrder = B1Connections.diCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
                        Dim LinesAdded As Integer = 0
                        For i = 1 To intDupAmount
                                ' this loop adds the different items to the Delivery object
                                oNewOrder.CardCode = strBPCode
                                oNewOrder.Series = strSeriesCode
                                oNewOrder.NumAtCard = strVendorRefNo
                                oNewOrder.Project = strProjectCode
                                oNewOrder.ShipToCode = strShipToCode
                                oNewOrder.DocDueDate = strDocDueDate
                                oNewOrder.Comments = strComments
                                oNewOrder.PaymentGroupCode = strPaymentTerms
                                oNewOrder.PaymentMethod = strPaymentMethod
                                'Currently not available thru the DI/UI
                                'oNewOrder.header = OQUTHeader
                                'oNewOrder.Footer = OQUTFooter
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("In For Step 1")
                            End Try
                                'Line item fields that are visible on the sales order form
                                oNewOrder.Lines.ItemCode = currSalesFormLines.ItemCode 'As String '1     'ItemCode
                                oNewOrder.Lines.ItemDescription = currSalesFormLines.ItemDesc 'As String '1     'ItemDesc
                                oNewOrder.Lines.WarehouseCode = currSalesFormLines.WhsCode 'As String '24     'WhsCode
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UnitPrice = currSalesFormLines.UnitPrice 'As Double '14     'UnitPrc
                                oNewOrder.Lines.DiscountPercent = currSalesFormLines.DiscPct 'As Double '14     'DiscPct
                                oNewOrder.Lines.Price = currSalesFormLines.Price 'As Double '17     'Price
                                oNewOrder.Lines.Quantity = currSalesFormLines.Quantity 'As Double '11     'Quantity
                                'Line item fields that are not visible on the sales order form
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_EstQty).Value = currSalesFormLines.EstQty  'As Double 'U_XX_EstQty
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_STCC).Value = currSalesFormLines.STCC.ToString    'As Double 'U_XX_STCC
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_HSC).Value = currSalesFormLines.HSC   'As String 'U_XX_HSC
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_CVal).Value = currSalesFormLines.CVal.ToString    'As Double 'U_XX_CVal
                                oNewOrder.Lines.TotalLc = currSalesFormLines.TotalLc 'As Double '21     'TotalLc
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_QtyMT).Value = currSalesFormLines.QtyMT  'As Double 'U_XX_QtyMT
                                oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_QtyST).Value = currSalesFormLines.QtyST   'As Double 'U_XX_QtyST
                                'oNewOrder.Lines.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdL_DGood).Value = currSalesFormLines.DGood.ToString    'As String 'U_XX_DGood
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("In For Step 2 - Lines")
                            End Try
                                'Header level UDF's
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ConNum).Value = cLastUdfMD.ConNum
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ConTyp).Value = cLastUdfMD.ConTyp
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ConSta).Value = cLastUdfMD.ConSta
                                If cLastUdfMD.RefCon <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_RefCon).Value = cLastUdfMD.RefCon
                                End If
                                'Get Release number
                                'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Before Add Msg 2")
                                lngNextRelease = cReleaseNumber.GetNextNum(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)
                                If lngNextRelease = -1 Then
                                    retVal = cReleaseNumber.UnLockNumbering(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)
                                    B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - Cannot Get Next Number from NNM1")
                                    Exit Sub
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_RelNum).Value = lngNextRelease.ToString  'intRelNum
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ShDtSt).Value = cLastUdfMD.ShDtSt
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_ShDtEn).Value = cLastUdfMD.ShDtEn
                                If cLastUdfMD.StrDt <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_StrDt).Value = cLastUdfMD.StrDt
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.StrAmt <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_StrAmt).Value = cLastUdfMD.StrAmt
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.AcrAmt <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_AcrAmt).Value = cLastUdfMD.AcrAmt
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_CQTY).Value = cLastUdfMD.CQTY
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_LN).Value = cLastUdfMD.LN
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STerms).Value = cLastUdfMD.STerms
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Mode).Value = cLastUdfMD.Mode
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Carrier).Value = cLastUdfMD.Carrier
                                If cLastUdfMD.PortEntry <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_PtEnt).Value = cLastUdfMD.PortEntry
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.CBrok <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_CBrok).Value = cLastUdfMD.CBrok
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Fterm).Value = cLastUdfMD.FTerms
                                If cLastUdfMD.PriveEq <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_PrivEq).Value = cLastUdfMD.PriveEq
                                End If
                                If cLastUdfMD.Route <> "" Then
                                    oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Route).Value = cLastUdfMD.Route
                                End If
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_TF).Value = cLastUdfMD.TF
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_Season).Value = cLastUdfMD.Season
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STCity).Value = cLastUdfMD.STCity
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STCtr).Value = cLastUdfMD.STCtr
                                'oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_STSt).Value = cLastUdfMD.STSt
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_TAmtIn).Value = cLastUdfMD.TAmtIn
                                oNewOrder.UserFields.Fields.Item("U_" + cUDinit.udfMdH_TAmtOr).Value = cLastUdfMD.TAmtOr
                            Catch ex As Exception
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("In For Step 3 - Header Level UDF")
                            End Try
                            ' add sales order current quntity () from total (U_XX_TQTYR)
                            ' add sales order current dollar value() from total (U_XX_TAMTR)
                            ' Try to add the sales order object to the database
                            'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Before Add Msg 3")
                            lRetCode = oNewOrder.Add()
                            'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Before Add Msg 3.1")
                            If lRetCode <> 0 Then ' If the addition failed
                                B1Connections.diCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
                                B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - " & lErrCode & sErrMsg)
                                '   B1Connections.diCompany.EndTransaction(BoWfTransOpt.wf_RollBack)
                                Catch ex As Exception
                                    B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - Add Error:" & lRetCode & " - " & ex.Message)
                                End Try
                                retVal = cReleaseNumber.UnLockNumbering(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)
                                'B1Connections.diCompany.GetLastError(lErrCode, sErrMsg)
                                'B1Connections.theAppl.MessageBox("Error - " & lErrCode & sErrMsg)
                                Exit Sub
                            End If
                            LinesAdded = LinesAdded + 1
                            ' init the order object
                            oNewOrder = B1Connections.diCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
                        Next i
                        retVal = cReleaseNumber.UnLockNumbering(cUDinit.udoRn_ReleaseNumber, strSeries)

  • Add invoice from xml -- wrong vatsum -- wrong discount -- wrong doctotal

    i save my invoice as a draft, save this draft as xml and then add my invoice.
    The way until xml goes fine. But when i add the invoice the systems calculates wrong vatsums.In due to that there will be a discount on the document and a wrong doctotal.
    When i adding my draft manually as invoice everything works well. Is this a bug? Does anybody know how to solve it?
            oInvoice = moSBOCompany.GetBusinessObjectFromXML(sOLDTAXdraftFilename, 0)
            oInvoice.DocumentsOwner = moSBOCompany.UserSignature  'empID
            RetVal = oInvoice.Add
    best regards

    Hi Markus,
    Have you checked the information in the Xml file is correct?
    Have you tried to create the same invoice with DI API without using xml?
    If you are sure you are doing the same thing and the results are not the same please open a message for support, they will investigate it.

  • DTW invoice import - doctotal problem

    I am trying to import purchase invoices through DTW, but having problem with the decimals. If I remove the decimals, the import goes fine, but the moment I put the decimals I get some error message. I have used "." as decimal separator, and 2 decimal places as configured in my company database.
    I have also noticed this similar problem with importing goods issue with DTW.
    Any ideas?

    When importing Purchase documents, you need not fill the Doctotal.   The DocTotal is automatically calculated by the System.
    Only enter the quantity and price on the lines.
    Probably there is document rounding set and thats why you are getting the error.
    Best wishes

  • Sales Order with zero DocTotal

    Is there anyway to create a Sales Order via DI-API with a zero DocTotal?  In this application, the Sales Order will initially have only text lines imported from an external application.  The actual inventory items will be added by customer service later, when the order is processed (based on the text lines).
    The error that I'm getting is -5002: Invalid total ORDR.DocTotal.  I can circumvent the error by adding a dummy item, but would prefer not to do this.
    In the Authorizations for the DI-API login user, I have 'Documents with Zero Amounts' set for 'Full Authorization' in the 'Sales - A/R' section.  I am able to create a zero order manually through the application.  However, I'm unable to do so through DI-API.
    This is on 2007A SP00 PL42.
    Edited by: David Credicott on Jan 4, 2010 2:05 PM

    Hello Dave,
    It is possible. Maybe your code is coming from some invalid customizing settings...
    for me working fine the following code:
    Sub CreateSalesOrderWithZeroAmount()
            Dim So As SAPbobsCOM.Documents = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(BoObjectTypes.oOrders)
            So.CardCode = "CUSTOMERCODE"
            So.DocDueDate = Today
            So.SpecialLines.LineType = BoDocSpecialLineType.dslt_Text
            So.SpecialLines.AfterLineNumber = -1
            So.SpecialLines.LineText = "TEST"
            If So.Add <> 0 Then
                sbo_application.MessageBox(String.Format("{0}-{1}", oCompany.GetLastErrorCode, oCompany.GetLastErrorDescription))
            End If
        End Sub

  • Hi Is it possible show in ODLN PLD a written 'TOTAL AMOUNT IS:'...

    Is it possible show in ODLN PLD a written 'TOTAL AMOUNT IS:' + (variable 91)
    only when ODLN,peymethed is a well specified value.

    Hi Fidel,
    Thanks for your message but my problem is that I have  5 differents values for ODLN.peymethod and I want that a special written appear on delivery document only when 1 of above value peymethod is selected. In basic I'll wrote an istruction like:
    If (ODLN.peymethod='my specified value')
    variable XXX='TOTAL AMOUNT IS: '+string(VARIABLE 91)
    variable XXX=' '
    end if
    could you help me to write something similar, valid for SAP PLD, to abtain a solution to my question.

  • Invalid total  [ORDR.DocTotal] Error when loading sales order

    Hi Experts,
                     Our cutomer hass upgraded to SAP B1 2007A from SAP B1 2005A.When the customer is trying to load data into salesorder object using our add-on we are getting the following error called "Invalid total  [ORDR.DocTotal]" and also "Invalid BP Code" even though tthe corresponding Business partner is available.
                     Please help me in finding the issue. What may be the possible reason for this. This is a critical customer issue kindly help.
    Ranjani Sampath.

    First of all check with the addon vendor whether the addon is compatible with 2007.
    Some changes might be required in the Addon to be compatible with 2007 version.
    If its your own addon kindly check it in the test system,after verifying the functionality of the addon proceed with the live system,untill then i suggest you not to use that addon.
    Also check note:[781944|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/smb_searchnotes/display.htm?note_langu=E&note_numm=0000781944],[978706|https://websmp130.sap-ag.de/sap(bD1lbiZjPTAwMQ==)/bc/bsp/spn/smb_searchnotes/display.htm?note_langu=E&note_numm=0000978706] might be related to your issue.

  • ODLN.StampNum through DI API

    Can the ODLN.StampNum field be accessed through the DI API (v8.8) ?
    I was not able to find it under that name or clear synonyms.

    Hi Johan,
    You may check this: Re: Returns -- Stamp No. field (Logistics tab)

  • Stored Procedure to block DN for specified BP unless ODLN.NumAtCard contain 6-digit number

    Hello experts
    I am trying to us SPTN block delivery for specified BP unless supplier reference field contains 6 digit number (this is Customer PO number format)
    --Block CCOR001 DN unless 6 figure number in ODLN.NumAtCard
    IF @object_type = '15' AND @transaction_type = 'A'
    IF EXISTS(SELECT T0.[Docentry] FROM ODLN T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode] = 'CCOR001' AND T0.[NumAtCard] != ###### AND T0.docentry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SELECT @error = 1, @error_message = N'Cannot deliver without 6 digit Purchase Order number'
    I am working on above query needing assistance with how to specify 6-digit number here ###### ?

    Hi Nagarajan,
    Thank you for assistance these queries are functioning well and due to improving knowledge I have added another condition to because when I tested I discover it is possible to add DN by putting "Verbal" in the field. Because we have many customers who do not require formal purchase orders it is necessary to block 'Verbal' and 'To be confirmed' 'TBC' 'follow' and so on.
    Here is query: It seems to work fine with basic testing so far..
    IF @object_type = '15' AND @transaction_type IN ('A','U')
    IF EXISTS(SELECT T0.[Docentry] FROM ODLN T0 WHERE T0.[CardCode] = 'CCOR001' AND T0.[NumAtCard] is null AND ISNUMERIC( T0.NumAtCard ) = 0 OR LEN(CAST(T0.[NumAtCard] As nvarchar(4000))) <> 6 AND T0.docentry = @list_of_cols_val_tab_del)
    SELECT @error = 1, @error_message = N'Cannot deliver without 6 digit Purchase Order number'

  • Query to link ORDR, ODLN, OINV, ORIN

    Dear Experts,
    Can anybody help me how to develop a query to get Delivary Doc No, Invoice No , Credit Memo No generated for  each sales order according to Posting Date. ie. I need a report like this
    Post.Date      SO.No     Deliv.No     Inv.No   CreditMemo.No
    we are using SBO 2007 B PL 8

    try this:
    SELECT DISTINCT dbo.ORDR.DocDate, dbo.ORDR.DocNum AS SO_No, dbo.ODLN.DocNum AS Del_No, dbo.OINV.DocNum AS InvoiceNo, dbo.ORIN.DocNum AS CreditNo
    FROM         dbo.ORIN INNER JOIN
                          dbo.RIN1 ON dbo.ORIN.DocEntry = dbo.RIN1.DocEntry RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                          dbo.ORDR LEFT OUTER JOIN
                          dbo.DLN1 INNER JOIN
                          dbo.ODLN ON dbo.DLN1.DocEntry = dbo.ODLN.DocEntry INNER JOIN
                          dbo.OINV INNER JOIN
                          dbo.INV1 ON dbo.OINV.DocEntry = dbo.INV1.DocEntry ON dbo.ODLN.DocEntry = dbo.INV1.BaseEntry ON dbo.ORDR.DocEntry = dbo.DLN1.BaseEntry ON
                          dbo.RIN1.BaseEntry = dbo.OINV.DocNum
    in here it only relation SO - DO - AR - ARC . you can use  BaseType field in (DLN1 ,INV1 ,RIN1  ) distinguish base document.

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