ODP - - Syntax change

I wrote the DAAB for ODP.net in ODP -
Recently my client upgraded to ODP - Surprisingly i got the syntax error on the following line:
Dim localParamers As New OracleParameterCollection
ODP - doesn't have the public constructor. Can someone explain why? Also I couldn't find any related documentation for this issue.
Please guide me?

Yeah, apparently the visibility of that constructor was an oversight in
See. OracleParameterCollection protection level changed so breaks code

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    There should be an easy solution - a hot key linked to a command line code or AppleScript to solve this problem. In fact, I've located some options, but due to the changes in the way Mavericks' syntax is apparently structured, the options don't seem to work.
    For example, a post relative to OS X 10.5 suggests:
    tell application "System Events"
    tell expose preferences
    tell spaces preferences
    However, when compiling this bit of script, I get an error that "Expected end of line but found application constant or consideration", relative to "expose preferences" and "space preferences".
    If that problem did not occur, I imagine the full code might look like this:
    tell application "System Events"
      tell expose preferences
      tell spaces preferences
        set x to application bindings
      set x to {|com.microsoft.Excel|:4} & x -- Have Excel appear in space 4
      end tell
      end tell
    end tell
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    Many thanks

    Nevermind - after rebooting it is working ok now.

  • Once again: rc.lua changes in awesome 3.4

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    -- require("obvious.battery")
    -- {{{ Variable definitions
    theme_path = "/home/thomas/.config/awesome/themes/arch.lua"
    terminal = "urxvt"
    editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "nano"
    editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
    modkey = "Mod1"
    layouts =
    awful.layout.suit.tile, -- 1
    awful.layout.suit.tile.left, -- 2
    awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, -- 3
    awful.layout.suit.tile.top, -- 4
    awful.layout.suit.fair, -- 5
    awful.layout.suit.fair.horizontal, -- 6
    awful.layout.suit.max, -- 7
    awful.layout.suit.max.fullscreen, -- 8
    awful.layout.suit.magnifier, -- 9
    awful.layout.suit.floating -- 10
    floatapps =
    -- by class
    ["MPlayer"] = true,
    ["feh"] = true,
    ["Heroes3.exe"] = true,
    ["Wine"] = true,
    -- by instance
    ["feh"] = true,
    ["mocp"] = true,
    ["H5_Game.exe"] = true
    apptags =
    -- ["Gran Paradiso"] = { screen = 1, tag = 2 },
    -- ["Thunderbird-bin"] = { screen = 1, tag = 4 },
    -- ["Mplayer"] = { screen = 1, tag = 3 },
    -- ["soffice"] = { screen = 1, tag = 5 }
    -- ["Heroes3.exe"] = { screen = 1, tag = 3 },
    use_titlebar = false
    -- {{{ Tags
    -- Define tags table.
    tags = {}
    tags.settings = {
    { name = "urxvt", layout = layouts[1], },
    { name = "www", layout = layouts[1], },
    { name = "mail", layout = layouts[7], },
    { name = "media", layout = layouts[10] },
    { name = "misc", layout = layouts[10], setslave = true },
    -- Initialize tags
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    tags[s] = {}
    for i, v in ipairs(tags.settings) do
    tags[s][i] = tag(v.name)
    tags[s][i].screen = s
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "layout", v.layout)
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "setslave", v.setslave)
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "mwfact", v.mwfact)
    tags[s][1].selected = true
    -- {{{ Wibox
    -- Create a textbox widget
    mytextbox = widget({ type = "textbox", align = "right" })
    -- Set the default text in textbox
    mytextbox.text = "<b><small> " .. awesome.release .. " </small></b> "
    -- Create a laucher widget and a main menu
    myawesomemenu = {
    { "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
    { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/rc.lua" },
    { "restart", awesome.restart },
    { "quit", awesome.quit },
    mymainmenu = awful.menu.new({ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
    { "urxvt", terminal },
    { "shutdown", terminal .. " -e poweroff" },
    { "reboot", terminal .. " -e reboot" }
    mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = image(beautiful.awesome_icon),
    menu = mymainmenu })
    -- Create a systray
    mysystray = widget({ type = "systray", align = "right" })
    -- Create a wibox for each screen and add it
    mywibox = {}
    mypromptbox = {}
    mylayoutbox = {}
    mytaglist = {}
    mytaglist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
    awful.button({ }, 3, function (tag) tag.selected = not tag.selected end),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    mytasklist = {}
    mytasklist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c)
    if not c:isvisible() then
    client.focus = c
    awful.button({ }, 3, function ()
    if instance then
    instance = nil
    instance = awful.menu.clients({ width=250 })
    awful.button({ }, 4, function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.button({ }, 5, function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Create a promptbox for each screen
    mypromptbox[s] = widget({ type = "textbox", align = "left" })
    -- Create an imagebox widget which will contains an icon indicating which layout we're using.
    -- We need one layoutbox per screen.
    mylayoutbox[s] = widget({ type = "imagebox", align = "right" })
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end)))
    -- Create a taglist widget
    mytaglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist.new(s, awful.widget.taglist.label.all, mytaglist.buttons)
    -- -- Gigamo battery widget
    -- batterywidget = widget({type = "textbox", name = "batterywidget", align = "right" })
    -- function batteryInfo(adapter)
    -- spacer = " "
    -- local fcur = io.open("/sys/class/power_supply/"..adapter.."/charge_now")
    -- local fcap = io.open("/sys/class/power_supply/"..adapter.."/charge_full")
    -- local fsta = io.open("/sys/class/power_supply/"..adapter.."/status")
    -- local cur = fcur:read()
    -- local cap = fcap:read()
    -- local sta = fsta:read()
    -- local battery = math.floor(cur * 100 / cap)
    -- if sta:match("Charging") then
    -- dir = "^"
    -- battery = "A/C ("..battery..")"
    -- elseif sta:match("Discharging") then
    -- dir = "v"
    -- if tonumber(battery) > 25 and tonumber(battery) < 75 then
    -- battery = battery
    -- elseif tonumber(battery) < 25 then
    -- if tonumber(battery) < 10 then
    -- naughty.notify({ title = "Battery Warning"
    -- , text = "Battery low!"..spacer..battery.."%"..spacer.."left!"
    -- , timeout = 5
    -- , position = "top_right"
    -- , fg = beautiful.fg_focus
    -- , bg = beautiful.bg_focus
    -- battery = battery
    -- else
    -- battery = battery
    -- else
    -- dir = "="
    -- battery = "A/C"
    -- batterywidget.text = spacer.."Bat:"..spacer..dir..battery..dir..spacer
    -- fcur:close()
    -- fcap:close()
    -- fsta:close()
    -- Create a date widget
    mydatewidget = widget({
    type = "textbox",
    name = "mydatewidget",
    align = "right" })
    wicked.register(mydatewidget, wicked.widgets.date, " ::: %b %e, %R ", 1)
    -- mytextbox.text = " " .. execute_command("perl /home/thomas/.scripts/conky-updates.pl") .. "
    -- MPD
    mpdwidget = widget({
    type = 'textbox',
    name = 'mpdwidget',
    align = 'right',
    wicked.register(mpdwidget, wicked.widgets.mpd,
    function (widget, args)
    if args[1]:find("volume:") == nil then
    return ' <span color="#e2baf1">Now Playing:</span> '..args[1]
    return ''
    netwidget = widget({
    type = 'textbox',
    name = 'netwidget',
    align = 'right',
    wicked.register(netwidget, wicked.widgets.net,
    ' <span color="#e2baf1">Net:</span> ${wlan0 down} / ${wlan0 up}',
    nil, nil, 3)
    cpugraphwidget = widget({
    type = 'graph',
    name = 'cpugraphwidget',
    align = 'right',
    cpugraphwidget.height = 0.85
    cpugraphwidget.width = 45
    cpugraphwidget.bg = '#333333'
    cpugraphwidget.border_color = '#0a0a0a'
    cpugraphwidget.grow = 'left'
    cpugraphwidget:plot_properties_set('cpu', {
    fg = '#AEC6D8',
    fg_center = '#285577',
    fg_end = '#e2baf1',
    vertical_gradient = false
    wicked.register(cpugraphwidget, wicked.widgets.cpu, '$1', 1, 'cpu')
    mailwidget = widget({
    type = 'textbox',
    name = 'mailwidget',
    align = 'right',
    function run_script()
    local filedescriptor = io.popen('perl /home/thomas/.scripts/checkMail.pl')
    local value = filedescriptor:read()
    return {value}
    -- Runs 'my_nifty_script.py' every 90 seconds and puts its output into the widget
    wicked.register(mailwidget, run_script, '<span color="#e2baf1"> Mail:</span> $1', 120)
    archwidget = widget({
    type = 'textbox',
    name = 'archwidget',
    align = 'right'
    function run_script()
    local filedescriptor = io.popen('perl /home/thomas/.scripts/conky-updates.pl')
    local value = filedescriptor:read()
    return {value}
    wicked.register(archwidget, run_script, '<span color="#e2baf1"> arch:</span> $1', 1000)
    cpuwidget = widget({
    type = 'textbox',
    name = 'cpuwidget',
    align = 'right'
    wicked.register(cpuwidget, wicked.widgets.cpu,
    ' <span color="#e2baf1">CPU:</span> $1%')
    -- Mousebindings for MPD
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.util.spawn("mpc toggle") end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v +3") end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v -3") end),
    awful.button({ }, 8, function () awful.util.spawn("mpc prev") end),
    awful.button({ }, 9, function () awful.util.spawn("mpc next") end)))
    -- Create a tasklist widget
    mytasklist[s] = awful.widget.tasklist.new(function(c)
    return awful.widget.tasklist.label.currenttags(c, s)
    end, mytasklist.buttons)
    -- Create the wibox
    mywibox[s] = wibox({ position = "top", fg = beautiful.fg_normal, bg = beautiful.bg_normal })
    -- Add widgets to the wibox - order matters
    mywibox[s].widgets = { mylauncher,
    -- mytasklist[s],
    -- obvious.battery(),
    -- mytextbox,
    s == 1 and mysystray or nil }
    mywibox[s].screen = s
    -- {{{ Mouse bindings
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () mymainmenu:toggle() end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    -- {{{ Key bindings
    globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "h", awful.tag.viewprev ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "l", awful.tag.viewnext ),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Escape", awful.tag.history.restore),
    awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn("scrot -e 'mv $f ~/Bilder/Sonstiges/ 2>/dev/null'") end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "j",
    function ()
    awful.client.focus.byidx( 1)
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "k",
    function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "w", function () mymainmenu:show(true) end),
    -- Layout manipulation
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx( -1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "j", function () awful.screen.focus( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "k", function () awful.screen.focus(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Tab",
    function ()
    if client.focus then
    -- Standard program
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Return", function () awful.util.spawn(terminal) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "r", awesome.restart),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incnmaster( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incnmaster(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "h", function () awful.tag.incncol( 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "l", function () awful.tag.incncol(-1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    -- Mina
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPlay", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc toggle") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioStop", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc stop") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioNext", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc next") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPrev", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc prev") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v -3") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v +3") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioMute", function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v mute") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86HomePage", function () awful.util.spawn("firefox") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86Mail", function () awful.util.spawn("thunderbird3") end),
    -- Prompt
    awful.key({ modkey }, "F2",
    function ()
    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = " Run: " },
    awful.util.spawn, awful.completion.shell,
    awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history")
    awful.key({ modkey }, "x",
    function ()
    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Run Lua code: " },
    awful.util.eval, nil,
    awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_eval")
    -- Client awful tagging: this is useful to tag some clients and then do stuff like move to tag on them
    clientkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "f", function (c) c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function (c) c:kill() end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "space", awful.client.floating.toggle ),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, "Return", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "o", awful.client.movetoscreen ),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function (c) c:redraw() end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "t", awful.client.togglemarked),
    awful.key({ modkey,}, "m",
    function (c)
    c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
    c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
    -- Compute the maximum number of digit we need, limited to 9
    keynumber = 0
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    keynumber = math.min(9, math.max(#tags[s], keynumber));
    for i = 1, keynumber do
    table.foreach(awful.key({ modkey }, i,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    end), function(_, k) table.insert(globalkeys, k) end)
    table.foreach(awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, i,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    tags[screen][i].selected = not tags[screen][i].selected
    end), function(_, k) table.insert(globalkeys, k) end)
    table.foreach(awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, i,
    function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    end), function(_, k) table.insert(globalkeys, k) end)
    table.foreach(awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, i,
    function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    end), function(_, k) table.insert(globalkeys, k) end)
    table.foreach(awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "F" .. i,
    function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    for k, c in pairs(awful.client.getmarked()) do
    awful.client.movetotag(tags[screen][i], c)
    end), function(_, k) table.insert(globalkeys, k) end)
    -- Set keys
    -- {{{ Hooks
    -- Hook function to execute when focusing a client.
    awful.hooks.focus.register(function (c)
    if not awful.client.ismarked(c) then
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
    -- Hook function to execute when unfocusing a client.
    awful.hooks.unfocus.register(function (c)
    if not awful.client.ismarked(c) then
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
    -- Hook function to execute when marking a client
    awful.hooks.marked.register(function (c)
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_marked
    -- Hook function to execute when unmarking a client.
    awful.hooks.unmarked.register(function (c)
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus
    -- Hook function to execute when a new client appears.
    awful.hooks.manage.register(function (c, startup)
    -- If we are not managing this application at startup,
    -- move it to the screen where the mouse is.
    -- We only do it for filtered windows (i.e. no dock, etc).
    if not startup and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    c.screen = mouse.screen
    if use_titlebar then
    -- Add a titlebar
    awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey })
    -- Add mouse bindings
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize)
    -- New client may not receive focus
    -- if they're not focusable, so set border anyway.
    c.border_width = beautiful.border_width
    c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal
    -- Check if the application should be floating.
    local cls = c.class
    local inst = c.instance
    if floatapps[cls] then
    awful.client.floating.set(c, floatapps[cls])
    elseif floatapps[inst] then
    awful.client.floating.set(c, floatapps[inst])
    -- Check application->screen/tag mappings.
    local target
    if apptags[cls] then
    target = apptags[cls]
    elseif apptags[inst] then
    target = apptags[inst]
    if target then
    c.screen = target.screen
    awful.client.movetotag(tags[target.screen][target.tag], c)
    -- Do this after tag mapping, so you don't see it on the wrong tag for a split second.
    client.focus = c
    -- Set key bindings
    -- Set the windows at the slave,
    -- i.e. put it at the end of others instead of setting it master.
    -- awful.client.setslave(c)
    -- Honor size hints: if you want to drop the gaps between windows, set this to false.
    c.size_hints_honor = false
    -- Hook function to execute when arranging the screen.
    -- (tag switch, new client, etc)
    awful.hooks.arrange.register(function (screen)
    local layout = awful.layout.getname(awful.layout.get(screen))
    if layout and beautiful["layout_" ..layout] then
    mylayoutbox[screen].image = image(beautiful["layout_" .. layout])
    mylayoutbox[screen].image = nil
    -- Give focus to the latest client in history if no window has focus
    -- or if the current window is a desktop or a dock one.
    if not client.focus then
    local c = awful.client.focus.history.get(screen, 0)
    if c then client.focus = c end
    awful.hooks.timer.register(3, function()
    -- Hook called every minute
    awful.hooks.timer.register(60, function ()
    mytextbox.text = os.date(" %a %b %d, %H:%M ")
    -- {{ Quick'n'Dirty Autostart
    -- awful.util.spawn("xset r rate 200 30")
    -- awful.util.spawn("numlockx")
    -- awful.util.spawn("setxkbmap se")
    -- awful.util.spawn("xrandr --output LVDS --off")
    -- awful.util.spawn("xrandr --output VGA-0 --mode 1680x1050")
    -- awful.util.spawn("mount /media/usb")
    -- awful.util.spawn("gsynaptics-init")
    awful.util.spawn("xscreensaver -no-splash")
    awful.util.spawn("urxvtd -q -f -o")
    -- awful.util.spawn("ck-launch-session")
    awful.util.spawn("xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.80")
    -- awful.util.spawn("bmpanel eight")
    awful.util.spawn("xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults")
    ╰─[16:53]> debug-awesome3.sh ~
    (EE) AIGLX error: dlopen of /usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/swrast_dri.so failed (/usr/lib/xorg/modules/dri/swrast_dri.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
    (EE) GLX: could not load software renderer
    unrecognised device identifier!
    (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
    unrecognised device identifier!
    (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
    unrecognised device identifier!
    (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
    unrecognised device identifier!
    (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
    unrecognised device identifier!
    (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
    unrecognised device identifier!
    (EE) config/hal: NewInputDeviceRequest failed (2)
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:72: W: luaA_tag_new: This function is deprecated and will be removed, see new syntax
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:72: W: luaA_tag_new: This function is deprecated and will be removed, see new syntax
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:72: W: luaA_tag_new: This function is deprecated and will be removed, see new syntax
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:72: W: luaA_tag_new: This function is deprecated and will be removed, see new syntax
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:72: W: luaA_tag_new: This function is deprecated and will be removed, see new syntax
    W: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:210: in main chunkW: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:222: in main chunkW: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:236: in main chunk/home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:240: W: widget_graph: This function is deprecated and will be removed, see awful.widget.graph
    W: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:259: in main chunkW: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:277: in main chunkXIO: fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server ":0.0"
    after 59 requests (59 known processed) with 0 events remaining.
    (nitrogen:17137): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :1.0
    W: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:294: in main chunkW: awful: function is deprecated, see timer object
    stack traceback:
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/util.lua:39: in function 'deprecate'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/awful/hooks.lua:59: in function 'register'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:718: in function 'regregister'
    /usr/share/awesome/lib/wicked.lua:679: in function 'register'
    /home/thomas/.config/awesome/rc_test.lua:302: in main chunkW: awesome: xcolor_init_reply:264: awesome: error, cannot allocate color '#000000'
    E: awesome: xutil_screen_get:77: X connection invalid
    Some things I´ve already noticed:
    -widget layout has changed (http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Awesome_3.3_to_3.4)
    -the invaders library has been removed
    Any ideas are welcome. Thank you!
    Last edited by tyr0 (2009-10-23 15:02:10)

    Hmm, thank you, I am more familiar now to vicious and i like it. Your setup is looking really nice, thank you for sharing.
    Just one question: I´m trying hard to get the cpugraph.widget. I just get a blank bar without graph. Is there an error in the config?
    -- {{{ License
    -- Awesome configuration, using awesome 3.4 on Arch GNU/Linux
    -- * Adrian C. <anrxc.sysphere.org>
    -- Screenshot: http://sysphere.org/gallery/snapshots
    -- This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share
    -- Alike License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
    -- {{{ Libraries
    -- User libraries
    -- {{{ Variable definitions
    -- Beautiful theme
    beautiful.init(awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/zenburn.lua")
    -- Modifier keys
    local altkey = "Mod4" -- Alt_L
    local modkey = "Mod1" -- Super_L
    -- This is used later as the default terminal and editor to run.
    terminal = "urxvt"
    editor = os.getenv("EDITOR") or "nano"
    editor_cmd = terminal .. " -e " .. editor
    use_titlebar = false
    -- Function aliases
    local exec = awful.util.spawn
    local sexec = awful.util.spawn_with_shell
    -- Window management layouts
    local layouts = {
    awful.layout.suit.tile, -- 1
    awful.layout.suit.tile.left, -- 2
    awful.layout.suit.tile.bottom, -- 3
    awful.layout.suit.tile.top, -- 4
    awful.layout.suit.max, -- 5
    awful.layout.suit.magnifier, -- 6
    awful.layout.suit.floating -- 7
    -- {{{ Tags
    local tags = {}
    tags.setup = {
    { name = "urxvt", layout = layouts[1] },
    -- { name = "emacs", layout = layouts[1] },
    { name = "web", layout = layouts[1] },
    { name = "mail", layout = layouts[5] },
    -- { name = "im", layout = layouts[1], mwfact = 0.13 },
    -- { name = "6", layout = layouts[7], hide = true },
    -- { name = "7", layout = layouts[7], hide = true },
    { name = "media", layout = layouts[7] },
    { name = "misc", layout = layouts[7] }
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    tags[s] = {}
    for i, t in ipairs(tags.setup) do
    tags[s][i] = tag({ name = t.name })
    tags[s][i].screen = s
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "layout", t.layout)
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "mwfact", t.mwfact)
    awful.tag.setproperty(tags[s][i], "hide", t.hide)
    tags[s][1].selected = true
    -- {{{ Menu
    -- Create a laucher widget and a main menu
    myawesomemenu = {
    { "manual", terminal .. " -e man awesome" },
    { "edit config", editor_cmd .. " " .. awful.util.getdir("config") .. "/rc.lua" },
    { "restart", awesome.restart },
    { "quit", awesome.quit }
    mymainmenu = awful.menu({ items = { { "awesome", myawesomemenu, beautiful.awesome_icon },
    { "urxvt", terminal },
    { "shutdown", terminal .. " -e poweroff" },
    { "reboot", terminal .. " -e reboot" }
    mylauncher = awful.widget.launcher({ image = image(beautiful.awesome_icon),
    menu = mymainmenu })
    -- Create a systray
    mysystray = widget({ type = "systray" })
    -- {{{ Wibox
    -- {{{ Widgets configuration
    -- {{{ Reusable separators
    local spacer = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    local separator = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    spacer.text = " "
    separator.text = "|"
    -- {{{ CPU usage and temperature
    --local cpuicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    --cpuicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_cpu)
    -- Initialize widget
    --cpuwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    -- Register widget
    --vicious.register(cpuwidget, vicious.widgets.cpu, "$1%")
    -- {{{ CPU usage and temperature
    local cpuicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    cpuicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_cpu)
    -- Initialize widgets
    local cpugraph = awful.widget.graph()
    -- Graph properties
    cpugraph:set_gradient_colors({ beautiful.fg_end_widget,
    beautiful.fg_center_widget, beautiful.fg_widget })
    awful.widget.layout.margins[cpugraph.widget] = { top = 2, bottom = 2 }
    -- Register widgets
    vicious.register(cpugraph, vicious.widgets.cpu, "$1")
    -- {{{ Battery state
    --local baticon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    --baticon.image = image(beautiful.widget_bat)
    -- Initialize widget
    --batwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    -- Register widget
    --vicious.register(batwidget, vicious.widgets.bat, "$1$2%", 61, "BAT0")
    -- {{{ Memory usage
    local memicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    memicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_mem)
    -- Initialize widget
    local membar = awful.widget.progressbar()
    -- Pogressbar properties
    membar:set_gradient_colors({ beautiful.fg_widget,
    beautiful.fg_center_widget, beautiful.fg_end_widget })
    awful.widget.layout.margins[membar.widget] = { top = 2, bottom = 2 }
    -- Register widget
    vicious.register(membar, vicious.widgets.mem, "$1", 13)
    -- {{{ File system usage
    local fsicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    fsicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_fs)
    -- Initialize widgets
    local fs = {
    r = awful.widget.progressbar(), h = awful.widget.progressbar(),
    s = awful.widget.progressbar(), b = awful.widget.progressbar()
    -- Progressbar properties
    for _, w in pairs(fs) do
    w:set_gradient_colors({ beautiful.fg_widget,
    beautiful.fg_center_widget, beautiful.fg_end_widget })
    awful.widget.layout.margins[w.widget] = { top = 1, bottom = 1 }
    -- Register buttons
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () exec("rox", false) end)
    -- Enable caching
    -- Register widgets
    vicious.register(fs.r, vicious.widgets.fs, "${/ usep}", 599)
    vicious.register(fs.h, vicious.widgets.fs, "${/home usep}", 599)
    vicious.register(fs.s, vicious.widgets.fs, "${/mnt/Daten usep}", 599)
    --vicious.register(fs.b, vicious.widgets.fs, "${/mnt/extern usep}", 599)
    -- {{{ Network usage
    local dnicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    local upicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    dnicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_net)
    upicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_netup)
    -- Initialize widget
    local netwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    -- Register widget
    vicious.register(netwidget, vicious.widgets.net, '<span color="'
    .. beautiful.fg_netdn_widget ..'">${wlan0 down_kb}</span> <span color="'
    .. beautiful.fg_netup_widget ..'">${wlan0 up_kb}</span>', 3)
    -- {{{ Mail subject
    --local mailicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    --mailicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_mail)
    -- Initialize widget
    --local mailwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    -- Register widget
    --vicious.register(mailwidget, vicious.widgets.mbox, "$1", 181, "/home/anrxc/mail/Inbox")
    -- Register buttons
    -- awful.button({ }, 1, function () exec("urxvt -title Alpine -e alpine_exp") end)
    -- {{{ Mail subject
    local mailicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    mailicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_mail)
    -- Initialize widget
    mailwidget = widget({ type = "textbox"})
    function run_script()
    local filedescriptor = io.popen('perl /home/thomas/.scripts/checkMail.pl')
    local value = filedescriptor:read()
    return {value}
    vicious.register(mailwidget, run_script, '$1', 120)
    -- {{{ Org-mode agenda
    --local orgicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    --orgicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_org)
    -- Initialize widget
    --local orgwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    -- Configure widget
    --local orgmode = {
    -- files = {
    -- "/home/anrxc/.org/work.org", "/home/anrxc/.org/index.org",
    -- "/home/anrxc/.org/personal.org", "/home/anrxc/.org/computers.org"
    -- color = {
    -- past = '<span color="'..beautiful.fg_urgent..'">',
    -- today = '<span color="'..beautiful.fg_normal..'">',
    -- soon = '<span color="'..beautiful.fg_widget..'">',
    -- future = '<span color="'..beautiful.fg_netup_widget..'">'
    -- Register widget
    --vicious.register(orgwidget, vicious.widgets.org,
    -- orgmode.color.past .. '$1</span>|' .. orgmode.color.today .. '$2</span>|' ..
    -- orgmode.color.soon .. '$3</span>|' .. orgmode.color.future .. '$4</span>',
    -- 601, orgmode.files)
    -- Register buttons
    -- awful.button({ }, 1, function () exec("emacsclient --eval '(org-agenda-list)'") end),
    -- awful.button({ }, 3, function () exec("emacsclient --eval '(make-remember-frame)'") end)
    -- {{{ Volume level
    --local volicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    --volicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_vol)
    -- Initialize widgets
    --local volwidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    --local volbar = awful.widget.progressbar()
    -- Progressbar properties
    --volbar:set_gradient_colors({ beautiful.fg_widget,
    -- beautiful.fg_center_widget, beautiful.fg_end_widget })
    --awful.widget.layout.margins[volbar.widget] = { top = 2, bottom = 2 }
    -- Enable caching
    -- Register widgets
    --vicious.register(volwidget, vicious.widgets.volume, "$1%", 2, "PCM")
    --vicious.register(volbar, vicious.widgets.volume, "$1", 2, "PCM")
    -- Register buttons
    -- awful.button({ }, 1, function () exec("kmix") end),
    -- awful.button({ }, 2, function () exec("amixer -q sset Master toggle") end),
    -- awful.button({ }, 4, function () exec("amixer -q sset PCM 2dB+") end),
    -- awful.button({ }, 5, function () exec("amixer -q sset PCM 2dB-") end)
    --)) volwidget:buttons( volbar.widget:buttons() )
    -- {{{ mpd widget
    local mpdicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    mpdicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_phones)
    -- Initialize widgets
    mpdwidget = widget({ type = "textbox"})
    -- Register widget
    vicious.register(mpdwidget, vicious.widgets.mpd, "$1")
    -- {{{ pacman widget
    local pacicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    pacicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_pacman)
    -- Initialize widgets
    pacmanwidget = widget({ type = "textbox"})
    -- Register widget
    vicious.register(pacmanwidget, vicious.widgets.pacman, "$1", 250)
    -- {{{ Date and time
    local dateicon = widget({ type = "imagebox" })
    dateicon.image = image(beautiful.widget_date)
    -- Initialize widget
    datewidget = widget({ type = "textbox" })
    -- Register widget
    vicious.register(datewidget, vicious.widgets.date, "%b %e, %R", 61)
    -- Register buttons
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () exec("pylendar.py") end)
    -- {{{ System tray
    local systray = widget({ type = "systray" })
    -- {{{ Wibox initialisation
    local wibox = {}
    local taglist = {}
    local layoutbox = {}
    local promptbox = {}
    taglist.buttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, awful.tag.viewonly),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.client.movetotag),
    awful.button({ }, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.client.toggletag),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    -- Create a promptbox
    promptbox[s] = awful.widget.prompt({ layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright })
    -- Create a layoutbox
    layoutbox[s] = awful.widget.layoutbox(s)
    awful.button({ }, 1, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.button({ }, 5, function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end)
    -- Create the taglist
    taglist[s] = awful.widget.taglist(s, awful.widget.taglist.label.all, taglist.buttons)
    -- Create the wibox
    wibox[s] = awful.wibox({ screen = s,
    fg = beautiful.fg_normal, height = 14,
    bg = beautiful.bg_normal, position = "top"
    -- Add widgets to the wibox
    wibox[s].widgets = {
    { taglist[s],
    layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.leftright
    s == screen.count() and systray or nil,
    separator, datewidget, dateicon,
    -- separator, volwidget, spacer, volbar.widget, volicon,
    separator, mpdwidget, mpdicon,
    -- separator, spacer, orgwidget, orgicon,
    separator, pacmanwidget, pacicon,
    separator, mailwidget, mailicon,
    separator, upicon, netwidget, dnicon,
    separator, fs.s.widget, fs.h.widget, fs.r.widget, fsicon,
    separator, spacer, membar.widget, spacer, memicon,
    -- separator, spacer, batwidget, baticon,
    separator, cpugraph.widget, cpuicon,
    layout = awful.widget.layout.horizontal.rightleft
    -- {{{ Mouse bindings
    awful.button({ }, 3, function () mymainmenu:toggle() end),
    awful.button({ }, 4, awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.button({ }, 5, awful.tag.viewprev)
    -- Client bindings
    local clientbuttons = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.button({ }, 1, function (c) client.focus = c; c:raise() end),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 1, awful.mouse.client.move),
    awful.button({ modkey }, 3, awful.mouse.client.resize)
    -- {{{ Key bindings
    -- {{{ Global keys
    local globalkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    -- {{{ Applications
    awful.key({ modkey }, "e", function () exec("emacsclient -n -c") end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "r", function () exec("rox", false) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "w", function () exec("firefox") end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Return", function () exec("urxvt") end),
    awful.key({ altkey }, "Return", function () exec("thunar") end),
    awful.key({ altkey }, "#49", function () teardrop("urxvt", "bottom") end),
    awful.key({ altkey }, "m", function () exec("urxvt -e ncmpcpp") end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "g", function () sexec("GTK2_RC_FILES=~/.gtkrc-gajim gajim") end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "q", function () exec("emacsclient --eval '(make-remember-frame)'") end),
    -- {{{ Multimedia keys
    -- awful.key({}, "#160", function () exec("kscreenlocker --forcelock") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#121", function () exec("pvol.py -m") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#122", function () exec("pvol.py -p -c -2") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#123", function () exec("pvol.py -p -c 2") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#232", function () exec("plight.py -s -a") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#233", function () exec("plight.py -s -a") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#244", function () exec("sudo /usr/sbin/pm-hibernate") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#150", function () exec("sudo /usr/sbin/pm-suspend") end),
    -- awful.key({}, "#225", function () exec("pypres.py") end),
    -- Mina
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPlay", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc toggle") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioStop", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc stop") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioNext", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc next") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioPrev", function () awful.util.spawn("mpc prev") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioLowerVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v -3") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioRaiseVolume", function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v +3") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86AudioMute", function () awful.util.spawn("aumix -v 1") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86HomePage", function () awful.util.spawn("firefox") end),
    awful.key({ }, "XF86Mail", function () awful.util.spawn("thunderbird3") end),
    -- {{{ Prompt menus
    awful.key({ modkey }, "F2", function ()
    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Run: " }, promptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
    function (...) promptbox[mouse.screen].text = exec(unpack(arg), false) end,
    awful.completion.shell, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history")
    awful.key({ modkey }, "F3", function ()
    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Dictionary: " }, promptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
    function (words)
    sexec("crodict "..words.." | ".."xmessage -timeout 10 -file -")
    awful.key({ modkey }, "F4", function ()
    awful.prompt.run({ prompt = "Run Lua code: " }, promptbox[mouse.screen].widget,
    awful.util.eval, nil, awful.util.getdir("cache") .. "/history_eval")
    -- {{{ Awesome controls
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "q", awesome.quit),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "r", function ()
    promptbox[mouse.screen].text = awful.util.escape(awful.util.restart())
    -- {{{ Tag browsing
    awful.key({ modkey }, "l", awful.tag.viewnext),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "h", awful.tag.viewprev),
    awful.key({ altkey }, "Tab", awful.tag.history.restore),
    awful.key({ }, "Print", function () awful.util.spawn("scrot -e 'mv $f ~/Bilder/Sonstiges/ 2>/dev/null'") end),
    -- {{{ Layout manipulation
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Right", function () awful.tag.incmwfact( 0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, }, "Left", function () awful.tag.incmwfact(-0.05) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, 1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "space", function () awful.layout.inc(layouts, -1) end),
    -- {{{ Focus controls
    awful.key({ modkey }, "p", function () awful.screen.focus_relative(1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "s", function () scratchpad.toggle() end),
    awful.key({ modkey,}, "m",
    function (c)
    c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
    c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
    awful.key({ modkey }, "u", awful.client.urgent.jumpto),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "j", function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey }, "k", function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Tab", function ()
    if client.focus then client.focus:raise() end
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "j", function () awful.client.swap.byidx(1) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "k", function () awful.client.swap.byidx(-1) end)
    -- {{{ Client manipulation
    local clientkeys = awful.util.table.join(
    awful.key({ modkey }, "b", function ()
    wibox[mouse.screen].visible = not wibox[mouse.screen].visible
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function (c) c:kill() end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "d", function (c) scratchpad.set(c, 0.60, 0.60, true) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "f", function (c) awful.titlebar.remove(c)
    c.fullscreen = not c.fullscreen; c.above = not c.fullscreen
    awful.key({ modkey }, "m", function (c)
    c.maximized_horizontal = not c.maximized_horizontal
    c.maximized_vertical = not c.maximized_vertical
    awful.key({ modkey }, "o", awful.client.movetoscreen),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Next", function () awful.client.moveresize(20, 20, -20, -20) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Prior", function () awful.client.moveresize(-20, -20, 20, 20) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Down", function () awful.client.moveresize(0, 20, 0, 0) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Up", function () awful.client.moveresize(0, -20, 0, 0) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Left", function () awful.client.moveresize(-20, 0, 0, 0) end),
    awful.key({ modkey }, "Right", function () awful.client.moveresize(20, 0, 0, 0) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "m", function (c) c:swap(awful.client.getmaster()) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "c", function (c) exec("kill -CONT " .. c.pid) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "s", function (c) exec("kill -STOP " .. c.pid) end),
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "t", function (c)
    if c.titlebar then awful.titlebar.remove(c)
    else awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey }) end
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, "f", function (c) awful.client.floating.toggle(c)
    if awful.client.floating.get(c)
    then c.above = true; awful.titlebar.add(c); awful.placement.no_offscreen(c)
    else c.above = false; awful.titlebar.remove(c) end
    use_titlebar = false
    -- {{{ Keyboard digits
    local keynumber = 0
    for s = 1, screen.count() do
    keynumber = math.min(9, math.max(#tags[s], keynumber));
    -- {{{ Tag controls
    for i = 1, keynumber do
    globalkeys = awful.util.table.join( globalkeys,
    awful.key({ modkey }, i, function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control" }, i, function ()
    local screen = mouse.screen
    if tags[screen][i] then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Shift" }, i, function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    awful.key({ modkey, "Control", "Shift" }, i, function ()
    if client.focus and tags[client.focus.screen][i] then
    -- Set keys
    -- {{{ Rules
    awful.rules.rules = {
    { rule = { },
    properties = {
    border_width = beautiful.border_width,
    border_color = beautiful.border_normal,
    focus = true,
    keys = clientkeys,
    buttons = clientbuttons
    { rule = { name = "Alpine" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][4] } },
    { rule = { class = "Gajim.py" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][5] } },
    { rule = { class = "Akregator" },
    properties = { tag = tags[1][8] } },
    { rule = { class = "Firefox", instance = "Navigator" },
    properties = { tag = tags[screen.count()][2] } },
    { rule = { class = "Emacs", instance = "emacs" },
    properties = { tag = tags[screen.count()][2] } },
    { rule = { class = "Emacs", instance = "_Remember_" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Xmessage", instance = "xmessage" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "ROX-Filer" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Ark" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Geeqie" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { class = "Pinentry-gtk-2" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    { rule = { instance = "firefox-bin" },
    properties = { floating = true } },
    -- {{{ Signals
    -- {{{ Signal function to execute when a new client appears
    client.add_signal("manage", function (c, startup)
    -- Add a titlebar to each floating client
    -- if awful.client.floating.get(c)
    -- or awful.layout.get(c.screen) == awful.layout.suit.floating then
    -- if not c.titlebar and c.class ~= "Xmessage" then
    -- awful.titlebar.add(c, { modkey = modkey })
    -- end
    -- -- Floating clients are always on top
    -- c.above = true
    -- end
    -- Enable sloppy focus
    c:add_signal("mouse::enter", function (c)
    if awful.layout.get(c.screen) ~= awful.layout.suit.magnifier
    and awful.client.focus.filter(c) then
    client.focus = c
    -- Client placement
    if not startup then
    if not c.size_hints.user_position
    and not c.size_hints.program_position then
    -- Honor size hints
    c.size_hints_honor = false
    -- {{{ Focus signal functions
    client.add_signal("focus", function (c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_focus end)
    client.add_signal("unfocus", function (c) c.border_color = beautiful.border_normal end)
    awful.util.spawn("xscreensaver -no-splash")
    awful.util.spawn("urxvtd -q -f -o")
    awful.util.spawn("xcompmgr -c -t-5 -l-5 -r4.2 -o.80")
    awful.util.spawn("xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults")

  • XML Type and ODP

    I have some problems with running application which uses ODP to connect to Oracle in version
    There is one PLSQL packages with maybe 30 procedures. Half of this have VARCHAR2 input parameters.
    In that version of Oracle there is bug - I very ofen get "Numeric or value error" during calling PLSQL.
    Only one suggestion from Oracle is to upgrade into higher version. My Admin told me that upgrade is planned
    but he cannot provide date. So I am going to change my code from:
    PROCEDURE Test1( param1 IN VARCHAR2
              ,param2 IN VARCHAR2
              ,param3 IN NUMBER
              ,param4 OUT CLOB)
    OracleCommand theCommand = new OracleCommand("package.Test1");
    theCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    theCommand.Parameters.Add("param1", OracleDbType.Varchar2, value1, ParameterDirection.Input);
    theCommand.Parameters.Add("param2", OracleDbType.Varchar2, value2, ParameterDirection.Input);
    theCommand.Parameters.Add("param3", OracleDbType.Decimal, value3, ParameterDirection.Input);
    theCommand.Parameters.Add("param4", OracleDbType.clob, ParameterDirection.Output);
    --old procedure is not changed
    PROCEDURE Test1( param1 IN VARCHAR2
              ,param2 IN VARCHAR2
              ,param3 IN NUMBER
              ,param4 OUT CLOB)
    --new procedure added with XMLType input
    PROCEDURE Test1( params IN XMLType
              ,paramClob OUT CLOB)
    param_1 VARCHAR2(4000);
    param_2 VARCHAR2(4000);
    param_3 NUMBER;
    SELECT ExtractValue( params, '/params/param1')
    ,ExtractValue( params, '/params/param2')
    ,ExtractValue( params, '/params/param3')
    INTO param_1, param_2, param_3
    --now calling old proc
    Test1(param_1, param_2, param_3, paramClob);
    END Test1;
    OracleCommand theCommand = new OracleCommand("package.Test1");
    theCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
         XDocument packedParams = new XDocument
    new XElement("params",
    new XElement("param1", value1),
    new XElement("param2", value2),
    new XElement("param3", value3)
    theCommand.Parameters.Add("params", OracleDbType.XMLType, packedParams , ParameterDirection.Input);
    theCommand.Parameters.Add("paramClob", OracleDbType.clob, ParameterDirection.Output);
    What do You think about such solution, do you have any bad experiences with using ODP/XMLType ?

    I doubt proposed change will reduce frequency of errors.
    "Numeric or value error"In V9 this error cause 2 possible causes.
    1) VARCHAR2 is too small
    2) non-numeric value being assigned to numeric datatype.
    If the root cause is #2 above, the error will continue with proposed change.
    Good Luck!

  • Bapi Function call from Crystal reports 2008. import parameters syntax.

    I have an issue with calling a function directly from Crystal reports (2008) in the R3 system.
    (if this belongs in another thread , please add the link if moved !)
    I try to get data through function "BAPI_CLASS_GET_CLASSIFICATIONS".
    Till now all possible input parameters have no data-result.
    I already read other threads stating that 'for example' the Language key needs to be provided in a single character. 'E' in stead of 'EN'.
    I also already created a Z-wrap-function that fills out all input parameters 'hardcoded'. This works.
    clearly there are som syntax changes in passing the values to R3 when called from Crystal Reports.
    Can someone state which syntax has to be followed for numeric fields, for datefields etc. (so when i make these dynamical, I know which syntax should be the outcome of the formula)
    in my function that doesn't work I use these selections:
    (this function is called in a standard report only calling this function)
    I already tried other languages or the 'EN' as input.
    (I would like to know how the date is passed exaclty to R3.)
    The function is of course RFC enabled.
    when I call the my Z-function with predefined inputparameters in R3 it does give the wanted result.
    ""Local Interface:
    *"  TABLES
    ZCLASS_OBJECTS-OBJECT_KEY = '000000000000000085'.
        CLASSTYPE                    = '001'
        CLASSNUM                     = 'DSWTEST'
    *   KEY_DATE                     = SY-DATUM
    *   LANGU_ISO                    =
    *   LANGU_INT                    =
    *   CHARACTS_OF_CLASS_ONLY       =
    *   RETURN                       =
        CLASS_OBJECTS                = ZCLASS_OBJECTS
    please advise.
    once again if this should be moved to another forum , add the link please!

    I just debugged my Z-function, after adding all input parameters as in the standard BAPI function.
    All parameters seems to be passed correctly except from the table parameters from
    So all I_parameters are passed :
    {ZBAPI_CLASS_GET_CLASSIFICATION.I_KEY_DATE} = Date (2011, 08, 05) and
    but the table parameters aren't coming through:
    these are 'blanco' in the function.
    also after the function is executed and all data is retrieved, when passing the data back to Crystal reports, once again, the table result isn't passed to Crystal Reports.
    please advise

  • [SOLVED] Is python vs. python2 print syntax causing failures to build?

    I've been trying to build pidgin so I can include webcam (aud/vid) support as well as support for the sametime protocol. I've tried pidgin-git, pidgin-mtn and most recently pidgin-gnome and haven't been able to install any of them.
    I've been pursuing pidgin-gnome the most since pidgin-git is way out of date and pidgin-mtn just won't budge for me.
    What I'm running into are continual failings due to print statements in one particular file: src/pkgname/libpurple/dbus-analyze-functions.py. In my extremely novice knowledge of python, I know that between 2 and 3, the print syntax changed a bit. I have the tutorial Dive into Python on my computer and it's in the python2 syntax so I recall that even when trying do the cursory "Hello World" I had to fiddle with the syntax. Specifically, I believe python 3+ requires anything after 'print' to be in parentheses.
    What this means is that every time that dbus-analyze-functions.py file fails, I track down the error and put it's print argument in parentheses. Then it fails at the next one.
    What is the protocol for things like this? The PKGBUILD has python in the depends... so are we just too far ahead in Arch and therefore don't have compatability with some of these applications? Not sure how to build pidgin via any of the aur packages at this point.
    Thanks for suggestions. Most likely, I'm missing something silly after all!
    Edit: great suggestion from ngoonee below -- I was relying on AUR for something I could have gotten from ABS all along. ABS had the correct precautions for handling python vs. python2 (saw clearly in the PKGBUILD the line '--with-python=/usr/bin/python2'.
    Last edited by jwhendy (2011-03-15 16:47:40)

    @ngoonee: Hmmm. I should look into ABS. I was thinking that "stock" packages were only available as binary and thus I've only either a) installed binaries via pacman or b) built some version from AUR when the repos didn't have them or when I needed special features.
    Why aren't you using http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=44209 anyway?
    Because the WIKI doesn't say a lick about libpurple-meanwhile. It says to compile from source, removing '--disable-meanwhile' and installing the meanwhile package. Fill me in if there's a better way and I'll make sure the wiki gets updated to say the same.
    Last edited by jwhendy (2011-03-15 13:20:39)

  • Php5 static class method access syntax error

    Dreamweaver is complaining about this syntax
    $class = 'ClassName';
    $class::method(); // static method
    Is there a way to omit these error warnings?

    Thanks for pointing out the reference to the change in PHP syntax.
    To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to turn off the syntax checking. You can turn off code hints, but that doesn't have any effect on the syntax checker.
    I suggest that you file a bug report to Adobe using the form at https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/mmform/index.cfm?name=wishform. Include the reference to the syntax change with your report.

  • Any changes in MIF specification between FM8 and FM9?

    MIF files exported from FrameMaker 9 are tagged with <MIFFile 9.00>, MIFs from FrameMaker 8 are tagged <MIFFile 8.00>
    Chapter 10 of the The FrameMaker 9 MIF reference lists the MIF syntax changes in FrameMaker 8; and lists all the changes that were in earlier versions, but does not list any changes for FrameMaker (version?) 9.
    Two questions.
    1. Are there any changes in the MIF specification between FrameMaker 8 and FrameMaker 9?
    2. If so does anyone know where we could get a list of these changes?
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    SMB202 wrote:
    MIF files exported from FrameMaker 9 are tagged with <MIFFile 9.00>, MIFs from FrameMaker 8 are tagged <MIFFile 8.00>
    Chapter 10 of the The FrameMaker 9 MIF reference lists the MIF syntax changes in FrameMaker 8; and lists all the changes that were in earlier versions, but does not list any changes for FrameMaker (version?) 9.
    Two questions.
    1. Are there any changes in the MIF specification between FrameMaker 8 and FrameMaker 9?
    2. If so does anyone know where we could get a list of these changes?
    Thanks in advance for the help.
    Until a real doc set materializes, you can try saving a FrameMaker 9.x doc as MIF and opening it in FM 8, then see the console messages that begin with "skipping."
    Peter Gold
    KnowHow ProServices

  • Ramifications of upgrade change

    In LabVIEW 7.1 I built an application that configured controls on a front panel based on input from an XML file.  All the controls on the front panel are initially invisible.  As the XML file is read, a control was made visible then modified according to the properties specified in the file.  I use the Unflatten From String function to convert the string to a cluster of values to be read by the control's property node.  But now I am using LabVIEW 8.6.  New properties for controls have been added plus there have been some syntax changes for previous ones.  I want to modify my application so that it will read XML files reading 7.1 and 8.6 properties, without interaction from the user.  Any ideas on the best way to solve this?

    I have the source files for my application.  Enclosed are the files used.  AddIndicator.vi makes the control visible and adjusts the control's properties as necessary.  Load from XML Data.vi reads the control's properties from the XML file.  SaveIndicator.vi saves the control's properties to the XML file.  All 3 of these VIs use the Flatten/Unflatten From String functions to convert the data. 
    AddIndicator.vi ‏49 KB
    Load from XML Data.vi ‏33 KB
    SaveIndicator.vi ‏45 KB

  • UserCertificate attribute and syntax

    Hi all.
    I am using iPlanet Directory Server 5.1 as a component to deploy a PKI and I am having problems with the "userCertificate" attribute and its associated syntax.
    The LDAP specifications stand that the attribute "userCertificate" (OID= is associated to the syntax "Certificate" (OID= However, according to the iPlanet implementation, the associated syntax changes to "Binary" (OID
    What's the reason of this change? Wouldn't it be more correct to use the "Certificate" standard syntax instead of the "Binary" one? Is it an implementation problem?
    Thanks in advance.
    Jaime Ferragut
    University of the Balearic Islands

    Hi again.
    In my opinion, storing the certificate as a binary blob has several problems. The most important is the impossibility to apply matching rules on its content. Try to imagine an LDAP server that doesn't check whether the certificate being served is the certificate requested by the client. By using the "binary" syntax, this can occur as the LDAP server has no knowledge of what it is offering to the clients.
    Moreover, if the standard syntax for this attribute is "Certificate", why changing the standard?
    Jaime Ferragut
    University of the Balearic Islands, Spain.

  • [SOLVED] Kernel panic - unable to mount root fs

    I'm having some trouble with my Toshiba NB255 netbook. It no longer boots after I performed a major pacman upgrade. It hangs with this error message:
    I did some research and found a couple of threads with problems similar to mine:
    From what I could tell, both had something to do with the initrd, but I'm not sure what to do in my specific situation. Additionally, according to my pacman.log the initrd was updated successfully during the upgrade. I did, however, also recently install some stuff to try to get my iPhone to tether to the netbook over USB (
    menu.lst: (the "root=" part of the first option was originally in the disk-by-uuid format, I changed it trying to fix the issue)
    # Config file for GRUB - The GNU GRand Unified Bootloader
    # /boot/grub/menu.lst
    # Linux Grub
    # /dev/fd0 (fd0)
    # /dev/sda (hd0)
    # /dev/sdb2 (hd1,1)
    # /dev/sda3 (hd0,2)
    # +-------------------------------------------------+
    # | 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024
    # ----+--------------------------------------------
    # 256 | 0x301=769 0x303=771 0x305=773 0x307=775
    # 32K | 0x310=784 0x313=787 0x316=790 0x319=793
    # 64K | 0x311=785 0x314=788 0x317=791 0x31A=794
    # 16M | 0x312=786 0x315=789 0x318=792 0x31B=795
    # +-------------------------------------------------+
    # for more details and different resolutions see
    # [url]http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB#Framebuffer_Resolution[/url]
    # general configuration:
    timeout 2
    default 0
    color light-blue/black light-cyan/blue
    # boot sections follow
    # each is implicitly numbered from 0 in the order of appearance below
    # TIP: If you want a 1024x768 framebuffer, add "vga=773" to your kernel line.
    # (0) Arch Linux
    title Arch Linux
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda3 resume=/dev/disk/by-uuid/55dfc8bd-98b4-4f27-875c-e7b06c8b1c3e ro
    initrd /kernel26.img
    # (1) Arch Linux
    title Arch Linux Fallback
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/0c38b0a8-2ce1-4b16-b902-3d9f0cc8b2cc ro
    initrd /kernel26-fallback.img
    # (2) Windows
    #title Windows
    #rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    #chainloader +1
    Initializing cgroup subsys cpuset
    Initializing cgroup subsys cpu
    Linux version 2.6.34-ARCH (tobias@T-POWA-LX) (gcc version 4.5.0 20100610 (prerelease) (GCC) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jul 5 21:03:38 UTC 2010
    BIOS-provided physical RAM map:
    BIOS-e820: 0000000000000000 - 000000000009dc00 (usable)
    BIOS-e820: 000000000009dc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 00000000000dc000 - 00000000000e0000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 00000000000e4000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 0000000000100000 - 000000003f5d0000 (usable)
    BIOS-e820: 000000003f5d0000 - 000000003f5e0000 (ACPI data)
    BIOS-e820: 000000003f5e0000 - 000000003f5e3000 (ACPI NVS)
    BIOS-e820: 000000003f5e3000 - 0000000040000000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 00000000e0000000 - 00000000f0000000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec10000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee01000 (reserved)
    BIOS-e820: 00000000ff000000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
    Notice: NX (Execute Disable) protection cannot be enabled: non-PAE kernel!
    DMI present.
    e820 update range: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000001000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
    e820 remove range: 00000000000a0000 - 0000000000100000 (usable)
    last_pfn = 0x3f5d0 max_arch_pfn = 0x100000
    MTRR default type: uncachable
    MTRR fixed ranges enabled:
    00000-9FFFF write-back
    A0000-BFFFF uncachable
    C0000-CFFFF write-protect
    D0000-DFFFF uncachable
    E0000-FFFFF write-protect
    MTRR variable ranges enabled:
    0 base 000000000 mask 0C0000000 write-back
    1 base 03F600000 mask 0FFE00000 uncachable
    2 base 03F800000 mask 0FF800000 uncachable
    3 disabled
    4 disabled
    5 disabled
    6 disabled
    7 disabled
    x86 PAT enabled: cpu 0, old 0x7040600070406, new 0x7010600070106
    e820 update range: 0000000000002000 - 0000000000010000 (usable) ==> (reserved)
    Scanning 1 areas for low memory corruption
    modified physical RAM map:
    modified: 0000000000000000 - 0000000000001000 (reserved)
    modified: 0000000000001000 - 0000000000002000 (usable)
    modified: 0000000000002000 - 0000000000010000 (reserved)
    modified: 0000000000010000 - 000000000009dc00 (usable)
    modified: 000000000009dc00 - 00000000000a0000 (reserved)
    modified: 00000000000dc000 - 00000000000e0000 (reserved)
    modified: 00000000000e4000 - 0000000000100000 (reserved)
    modified: 0000000000100000 - 000000003f5d0000 (usable)
    modified: 000000003f5d0000 - 000000003f5e0000 (ACPI data)
    modified: 000000003f5e0000 - 000000003f5e3000 (ACPI NVS)
    modified: 000000003f5e3000 - 0000000040000000 (reserved)
    modified: 00000000e0000000 - 00000000f0000000 (reserved)
    modified: 00000000fec00000 - 00000000fec10000 (reserved)
    modified: 00000000fee00000 - 00000000fee01000 (reserved)
    modified: 00000000ff000000 - 0000000100000000 (reserved)
    initial memory mapped : 0 - 01800000
    found SMP MP-table at [c00f7d40] f7d40
    init_memory_mapping: 0000000000000000-00000000377fe000
    0000000000 - 0000400000 page 4k
    0000400000 - 0037400000 page 2M
    0037400000 - 00377fe000 page 4k
    kernel direct mapping tables up to 377fe000 @ 15000-1a000
    RAMDISK: 3f453000 - 3f5c0000
    Allocated new RAMDISK: 00100000 - 0026c574
    Move RAMDISK from 000000003f453000 - 000000003f5bf573 to 00100000 - 0026c573
    ACPI: RSDP 000f7ca0 00024 (v02 TOSCPL)
    ACPI: XSDT 3f5d7ae9 00074 (v01 TOSCPL TOSCPL00 06040000 LTP 00000000)
    ACPI: FACP 3f5dfc60 000F4 (v03 TOSCPL TOSCPL00 06040000 PTL 00000002)
    ACPI: DSDT 3f5d8c7f 06F6D (v01 TOSCPL TOSCPL00 06040000 MSFT 03000000)
    ACPI: FACS 3f5e2fc0 00040
    ACPI: TCPA 3f5dfd54 00032 (v01 Phoeni x 06040000 TL 00000000)
    ACPI: HPET 3f5dfd86 00038 (v01 DELL M09 06040000 LOHR 0000005A)
    ACPI: MCFG 3f5dfdbe 0003C (v01 INTEL CRESTLNE 06040000 LOHR 0000005A)
    ACPI: SLIC 3f5dfdfa 00176 (v01 TOSCPL TOSCPL00 06040000 LOHR 00000000)
    ACPI: APIC 3f5dff70 00068 (v01 TOSCPL TOSCPL00 06040000 LTP 00000000)
    ACPI: BOOT 3f5dffd8 00028 (v01 TOSCPL TOSCPL00 06040000 LTP 00000001)
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d80df 0025F (v01 PmRef Cpu0Tst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d8039 000A6 (v01 PmRef Cpu1Tst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d7b5d 004DC (v02 PmRef CpuPm 00003000 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
    125MB HIGHMEM available.
    887MB LOWMEM available.
    mapped low ram: 0 - 377fe000
    low ram: 0 - 377fe000
    Zone PFN ranges:
    DMA 0x00000001 -> 0x00001000
    Normal 0x00001000 -> 0x000377fe
    HighMem 0x000377fe -> 0x0003f5d0
    Movable zone start PFN for each node
    early_node_map[3] active PFN ranges
    0: 0x00000001 -> 0x00000002
    0: 0x00000010 -> 0x0000009d
    0: 0x00000100 -> 0x0003f5d0
    On node 0 totalpages: 259422
    free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c1402fc0, node_mem_map c1563020
    DMA zone: 32 pages used for memmap
    DMA zone: 0 pages reserved
    DMA zone: 3950 pages, LIFO batch:0
    Normal zone: 1744 pages used for memmap
    Normal zone: 221486 pages, LIFO batch:31
    HighMem zone: 252 pages used for memmap
    HighMem zone: 31958 pages, LIFO batch:7
    Using APIC driver default
    ACPI: PM-Timer IO Port: 0x1008
    ACPI: Local APIC address 0xfee00000
    ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x00] lapic_id[0x00] enabled)
    ACPI: LAPIC (acpi_id[0x01] lapic_id[0x01] enabled)
    ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x00] high edge lint[0x1])
    ACPI: LAPIC_NMI (acpi_id[0x01] high edge lint[0x1])
    ACPI: IOAPIC (id[0x02] address[0xfec00000] gsi_base[0])
    IOAPIC[0]: apic_id 2, version 32, address 0xfec00000, GSI 0-23
    ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 0 global_irq 2 high edge)
    ACPI: INT_SRC_OVR (bus 0 bus_irq 9 global_irq 9 high level)
    ACPI: IRQ0 used by override.
    ACPI: IRQ2 used by override.
    ACPI: IRQ9 used by override.
    Using ACPI (MADT) for SMP configuration information
    ACPI: HPET id: 0x8086a201 base: 0xfed00000
    SMP: Allowing 2 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs
    nr_irqs_gsi: 24
    early_res array is doubled to 64 at [16000 - 167ff]
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 0000000000002000 - 0000000000010000
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009d000 - 000000000009e000
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 000000000009e000 - 00000000000a0000
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000a0000 - 00000000000dc000
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000dc000 - 00000000000e0000
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000e0000 - 00000000000e4000
    PM: Registered nosave memory: 00000000000e4000 - 0000000000100000
    Allocating PCI resources starting at 40000000 (gap: 40000000:a0000000)
    Booting paravirtualized kernel on bare hardware
    setup_percpu: NR_CPUS:8 nr_cpumask_bits:8 nr_cpu_ids:2 nr_node_ids:1
    PERCPU: Embedded 14 pages/cpu @c2000000 s34388 r0 d22956 u2097152
    pcpu-alloc: s34388 r0 d22956 u2097152 alloc=1*4194304
    pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 1
    Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on. Total pages: 257394
    Kernel command line: root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/0c38b0a8-2ce1-4b16-b902-3d9f0cc8b2cc resume=/dev/disk/by-uuid/55dfc8bd-98b4-4f27-875c-e7b06c8b1c3e ro
    PID hash table entries: 4096 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
    Dentry cache hash table entries: 131072 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
    Inode-cache hash table entries: 65536 (order: 6, 262144 bytes)
    Enabling fast FPU save and restore... done.
    Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done.
    Initializing CPU#0
    allocated 5190700 bytes of page_cgroup
    please try 'cgroup_disable=memory' option if you don't want memory cgroups
    Subtract (52 early reservations)
    #1 [0000001000 - 0000002000] EX TRAMPOLINE
    #2 [0001000000 - 000155ad84] TEXT DATA BSS
    #3 [000155b000 - 0001561164] BRK
    #4 [00000f7d50 - 0000100000] BIOS reserved
    #5 [00000f7d40 - 00000f7d50] MP-table mpf
    #6 [000009dc00 - 000009e071] BIOS reserved
    #7 [000009e1c1 - 00000f7d40] BIOS reserved
    #8 [000009e071 - 000009e1c1] MP-table mpc
    #9 [0000010000 - 0000011000] TRAMPOLINE
    #10 [0000011000 - 0000015000] ACPI WAKEUP
    #11 [0000015000 - 0000016000] PGTABLE
    #12 [0000100000 - 000026d000] NEW RAMDISK
    #13 [0001562000 - 0001563000] BOOTMEM
    #14 [0001563000 - 0001d53000] BOOTMEM
    #15 [000155adc0 - 000155adc4] BOOTMEM
    #16 [000155ae00 - 000155aec0] BOOTMEM
    #17 [000155aec0 - 000155af14] BOOTMEM
    #18 [0001d53000 - 0001d56000] BOOTMEM
    #19 [000155af40 - 000155af4c] BOOTMEM
    #20 [0001561180 - 0001561780] BOOTMEM
    #21 [000155af80 - 000155afa5] BOOTMEM
    #22 [000155afc0 - 000155afe7] BOOTMEM
    #23 [0001561780 - 0001561924] BOOTMEM
    #24 [0001561940 - 0001561980] BOOTMEM
    #25 [0001561980 - 00015619c0] BOOTMEM
    #26 [00015619c0 - 0001561a00] BOOTMEM
    #27 [0001561a00 - 0001561a40] BOOTMEM
    #28 [0001561a40 - 0001561a80] BOOTMEM
    #29 [0001561a80 - 0001561ac0] BOOTMEM
    #30 [0001561ac0 - 0001561b00] BOOTMEM
    #31 [0001561b00 - 0001561b40] BOOTMEM
    #32 [0001561b40 - 0001561b80] BOOTMEM
    #33 [0001561b80 - 0001561bc0] BOOTMEM
    #34 [0001561bc0 - 0001561c00] BOOTMEM
    #35 [0001561c00 - 0001561c40] BOOTMEM
    #36 [0001561c40 - 0001561c50] BOOTMEM
    #37 [0001561c80 - 0001561c90] BOOTMEM
    #38 [0001561cc0 - 0001561d3d] BOOTMEM
    #39 [0001561d40 - 0001561dbd] BOOTMEM
    #40 [0002000000 - 000200e000] BOOTMEM
    #41 [0002200000 - 000220e000] BOOTMEM
    #42 [0001561dc0 - 0001561dc4] BOOTMEM
    #43 [0001561e00 - 0001561e04] BOOTMEM
    #44 [0001561e40 - 0001561e48] BOOTMEM
    #45 [0001561e80 - 0001561e88] BOOTMEM
    #46 [0001561ec0 - 0001561f68] BOOTMEM
    #47 [0001561f80 - 0001561fe8] BOOTMEM
    #48 [0001d56000 - 0001d5a000] BOOTMEM
    #49 [0001d5a000 - 0001dda000] BOOTMEM
    #50 [0001dda000 - 0001e1a000] BOOTMEM
    #51 [000220e000 - 000270142c] BOOTMEM
    Initializing HighMem for node 0 (000377fe:0003f5d0)
    Memory: 1016576k/1038144k available (2930k kernel code, 21112k reserved, 1209k data, 408k init, 128840k highmem)
    virtual kernel memory layout:
    fixmap : 0xfff1e000 - 0xfffff000 ( 900 kB)
    pkmap : 0xff800000 - 0xffc00000 (4096 kB)
    vmalloc : 0xf7ffe000 - 0xff7fe000 ( 120 MB)
    lowmem : 0xc0000000 - 0xf77fe000 ( 887 MB)
    .init : 0xc140b000 - 0xc1471000 ( 408 kB)
    .data : 0xc12dc8fc - 0xc140adc0 (1209 kB)
    .text : 0xc1000000 - 0xc12dc8fc (2930 kB)
    Checking if this processor honours the WP bit even in supervisor mode...Ok.
    SLUB: Genslabs=13, HWalign=64, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=2, Nodes=1
    Hierarchical RCU implementation.
    Extended CMOS year: 2000
    Console: colour VGA+ 80x25
    console [tty0] enabled
    hpet clockevent registered
    Fast TSC calibration using PIT
    Detected 1662.845 MHz processor.
    Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 3327.26 BogoMIPS (lpj=5542816)
    Security Framework initialized
    Mount-cache hash table entries: 512
    Initializing cgroup subsys ns
    Initializing cgroup subsys cpuacct
    Initializing cgroup subsys memory
    Initializing cgroup subsys devices
    Initializing cgroup subsys freezer
    Initializing cgroup subsys net_cls
    CPU: Physical Processor ID: 0
    CPU: Processor Core ID: 0
    mce: CPU supports 5 MCE banks
    CPU0: Thermal monitoring handled by SMI
    using mwait in idle threads.
    Performance Events: Atom events, Intel PMU driver.
    ... version: 3
    ... bit width: 40
    ... generic registers: 2
    ... value mask: 000000ffffffffff
    ... max period: 000000007fffffff
    ... fixed-purpose events: 3
    ... event mask: 0000000700000003
    Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK.
    ACPI: Core revision 20100121
    Enabling APIC mode: Flat. Using 1 I/O APICs
    ..TIMER: vector=0x30 apic1=0 pin1=2 apic2=-1 pin2=-1
    CPU0: Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU N455 @ 1.66GHz stepping 0a
    APIC calibration not consistent with PM-Timer: 299ms instead of 100ms
    APIC delta adjusted to PM-Timer: 1039171 (3117494)
    Booting Node 0, Processors #1 Ok.
    Initializing CPU#1
    CPU0: Thermal monitoring enabled (TM1)
    Brought up 2 CPUs
    Total of 2 processors activated (6653.18 BogoMIPS).
    devtmpfs: initialized
    NET: Registered protocol family 16
    ACPI: bus type pci registered
    PCI: MMCONFIG for domain 0000 [bus 00-ff] at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] (base 0xe0000000)
    PCI: MMCONFIG at [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] reserved in E820
    PCI: Using MMCONFIG for extended config space
    PCI: Using configuration type 1 for base access
    bio: create slab <bio-0> at 0
    ACPI: EC: Look up EC in DSDT
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d89a8 00203 (v02 PmRef Cpu0Ist 00003000 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d833e 005E5 (v02 PmRef Cpu0Cst 00003001 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d8bab 000D4 (v02 PmRef Cpu1Ist 00003000 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: SSDT 3f5d8923 00085 (v02 PmRef Cpu1Cst 00003000 INTL 20050624)
    ACPI: Interpreter enabled
    ACPI: (supports S0 S3 S4 S5)
    ACPI: Using IOAPIC for interrupt routing
    ACPI: EC: GPE = 0x19, I/O: command/status = 0x66, data = 0x62
    ACPI: No dock devices found.
    PCI: Using host bridge windows from ACPI; if necessary, use "pci=nocrs" and report a bug
    ACPI Error (dsfield-0143): [CAPB] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0._OSC] (Node f701f288), AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI: Marking method _OSC as Serialized because of AE_ALREADY_EXISTS error
    ACPI: PCI Root Bridge [PCI0] (0000:00)
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0cf7]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [mem 0x40000000-0xf7ffffff]
    pci_root PNP0A08:00: host bridge window [io 0x0d00-0xfdff]
    pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0200000-0xf027ffff]
    pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 14: [io 0x18d0-0x18d7]
    pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 18: [mem 0xd0000000-0xdfffffff pref]
    pci 0000:00:02.0: reg 1c: [mem 0xf0000000-0xf00fffff]
    pci 0000:00:02.1: reg 10: [mem 0xf0280000-0xf02fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1b.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0300000-0xf0303fff 64bit]
    pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
    pci 0000:00:1b.0: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1d.0: reg 20: [io 0x1820-0x183f]
    pci 0000:00:1d.1: reg 20: [io 0x1840-0x185f]
    pci 0000:00:1d.2: reg 20: [io 0x1860-0x187f]
    pci 0000:00:1d.3: reg 20: [io 0x1880-0x189f]
    pci 0000:00:1d.7: reg 10: [mem 0xf0504000-0xf05043ff]
    pci 0000:00:1d.7: PME# supported from D0 D3hot D3cold
    pci 0000:00:1d.7: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 10: [io 0x18e8-0x18ef]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 14: [io 0x18dc-0x18df]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 18: [io 0x18e0-0x18e7]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 1c: [io 0x18d8-0x18db]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 20: [io 0x18c0-0x18cf]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: reg 24: [mem 0xf0504400-0xf05047ff]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# supported from D3hot
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1f.3: reg 20: [io 0x18a0-0x18bf]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 05-05]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0000] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
    pci 0000:07:00.0: reg 10: [mem 0xf0100000-0xf010ffff 64bit]
    pci 0000:07:00.0: supports D1
    pci 0000:07:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D3hot
    pci 0000:07:00.0: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 07-07]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [io 0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [mem 0xf0100000-0xf01fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
    pci 0000:09:00.0: reg 10: [io 0x2000-0x20ff]
    pci 0000:09:00.0: reg 18: [mem 0xf050c000-0xf050cfff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:09:00.0: reg 20: [mem 0xf0508000-0xf050bfff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:09:00.0: supports D1 D2
    pci 0000:09:00.0: PME# supported from D0 D1 D2 D3hot D3cold
    pci 0000:09:00.0: PME# disabled
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: bridge window [io 0x2000-0x2fff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: bridge window [mem 0xf0500000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 11-11] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [io 0xf000-0x0000] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0xfff00000-0x000fffff pref] (disabled)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [io 0x0000-0x0cf7] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem 0x40000000-0xf7ffffff] (subtractive decode)
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [io 0x0d00-0xfdff] (subtractive decode)
    pci_bus 0000:00: on NUMA node 0
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0._PRT]
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.EXP1._PRT]
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.EXP2._PRT]
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.EXP3._PRT]
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Routing Table [\_SB_.PCI0.PCIB._PRT]
    ACPI Error (dsfield-0143): [CAPB] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0._OSC] (Node f701f288), AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKA] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 *7 10 11 12 14 15)
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKB] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 10 *11 12 14 15)
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKC] (IRQs 3 4 *5 6 7 10 11 12 14 15)
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKD] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *10 11 12 14 15)
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKE] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKF] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 14 15) *0, disabled.
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKG] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 *10 11 12 14 15)
    ACPI: PCI Interrupt Link [LNKH] (IRQs 3 4 5 6 7 10 *11 12 14 15)
    vgaarb: device added: PCI:0000:00:02.0,decodes=io+mem,owns=io+mem,locks=none
    vgaarb: loaded
    PCI: Using ACPI for IRQ routing
    PCI: pci_cache_line_size set to 64 bytes
    pci 0000:00:1d.7: address space collision: [mem 0xf0504000-0xf05043ff] conflicts with PCI Bus 0000:09 [mem 0xf0500000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: address space collision: [mem 0xf0504400-0xf05047ff] conflicts with PCI Bus 0000:09 [mem 0xf0500000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
    reserve RAM buffer: 0000000000002000 - 000000000000ffff
    reserve RAM buffer: 000000000009dc00 - 000000000009ffff
    reserve RAM buffer: 000000003f5d0000 - 000000003fffffff
    NetLabel: Initializing
    NetLabel: domain hash size = 128
    NetLabel: protocols = UNLABELED CIPSOv4
    NetLabel: unlabeled traffic allowed by default
    HPET: 3 timers in total, 0 timers will be used for per-cpu timer
    hpet0: at MMIO 0xfed00000, IRQs 2, 8, 0
    hpet0: 3 comparators, 64-bit 14.318180 MHz counter
    Switching to clocksource tsc
    pnp: PnP ACPI init
    ACPI: bus type pnp registered
    pnp: PnP ACPI: found 8 devices
    ACPI: ACPI bus type pnp unregistered
    system 00:01: [io 0x0800-0x080f] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [io 0x1000-0x107f] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [io 0x1180-0x11bf] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [io 0x04d0-0x04d1] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [io 0xfe00] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [io 0x164e-0x174c] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [mem 0xe0000000-0xefffffff] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [mem 0xfed14000-0xfed17fff] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [mem 0xf8000000-0xfbffffff] has been reserved
    system 00:01: [mem 0xfef00000-0xfeffffff] has been reserved
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x40000000-0x401fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x40200000-0x403fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: BAR 15: assigned [mem 0x40400000-0x405fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: BAR 14: assigned [mem 0x40600000-0x409fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: BAR 13: assigned [io 0x3000-0x3fff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: BAR 13: assigned [io 0x4000-0x4fff]
    pci 0000:00:1d.7: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x40a00000-0x40a003ff]
    pci 0000:00:1d.7: BAR 0: set to [mem 0x40a00000-0x40a003ff] (PCI address [0x40a00000-0x40a003ff]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: BAR 5: assigned [mem 0x40a00400-0x40a007ff]
    pci 0000:00:1f.2: BAR 5: set to [mem 0x40a00400-0x40a007ff] (PCI address [0x40a00400-0x40a007ff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI bridge to [bus 05-05]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [io 0x3000-0x3fff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [mem 0x40000000-0x401fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: bridge window [mem 0x40200000-0x403fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI bridge to [bus 07-07]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [io 0x4000-0x4fff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [mem 0xf0100000-0xf01fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: bridge window [mem 0x40400000-0x405fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI bridge to [bus 09-09]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: bridge window [io 0x2000-0x2fff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: bridge window [mem 0x40600000-0x409fffff]
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: bridge window [mem 0xf0500000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: PCI bridge to [bus 11-11]
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [io disabled]
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem disabled]
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: bridge window [mem pref disabled]
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: enabling device (0000 -> 0003)
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
    pci 0000:00:1c.0: setting latency timer to 64
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
    pci 0000:00:1c.1: setting latency timer to 64
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
    pci 0000:00:1c.2: setting latency timer to 64
    pci 0000:00:1e.0: setting latency timer to 64
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 5 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 6 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 7 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 8 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 9 [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 10 [mem 0x40000000-0xf7ffffff]
    pci_bus 0000:00: resource 11 [io 0x0d00-0xfdff]
    pci_bus 0000:05: resource 0 [io 0x3000-0x3fff]
    pci_bus 0000:05: resource 1 [mem 0x40000000-0x401fffff]
    pci_bus 0000:05: resource 2 [mem 0x40200000-0x403fffff 64bit pref]
    pci_bus 0000:07: resource 0 [io 0x4000-0x4fff]
    pci_bus 0000:07: resource 1 [mem 0xf0100000-0xf01fffff]
    pci_bus 0000:07: resource 2 [mem 0x40400000-0x405fffff 64bit pref]
    pci_bus 0000:09: resource 0 [io 0x2000-0x2fff]
    pci_bus 0000:09: resource 1 [mem 0x40600000-0x409fffff]
    pci_bus 0000:09: resource 2 [mem 0xf0500000-0xf05fffff 64bit pref]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 4 [io 0x0000-0x0cf7]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 5 [mem 0x000a0000-0x000bffff]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 6 [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 7 [mem 0x000d4000-0x000d7fff]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 8 [mem 0x000d8000-0x000dbfff]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 9 [mem 0x000e0000-0x000e3fff]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 10 [mem 0x40000000-0xf7ffffff]
    pci_bus 0000:11: resource 11 [io 0x0d00-0xfdff]
    NET: Registered protocol family 2
    IP route cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
    TCP established hash table entries: 131072 (order: 8, 1048576 bytes)
    TCP bind hash table entries: 65536 (order: 7, 524288 bytes)
    TCP: Hash tables configured (established 131072 bind 65536)
    TCP reno registered
    UDP hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
    UDP-Lite hash table entries: 512 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
    NET: Registered protocol family 1
    pci 0000:00:02.0: Boot video device
    PCI: CLS 32 bytes, default 64
    Unpacking initramfs...
    Freeing initrd memory: 1460k freed
    Simple Boot Flag at 0x35 set to 0x1
    apm: BIOS not found.
    Scanning for low memory corruption every 60 seconds
    audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled)
    type=2000 audit(1285380584.433:1): initialized
    highmem bounce pool size: 64 pages
    VFS: Disk quotas dquot_6.5.2
    Dquot-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order 0, 4096 bytes)
    msgmni has been set to 1736
    alg: No test for stdrng (krng)
    Block layer SCSI generic (bsg) driver version 0.4 loaded (major 254)
    io scheduler noop registered
    io scheduler deadline registered
    io scheduler cfq registered (default)
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: setting latency timer to 64
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: irq 24 for MSI/MSI-X
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: setting latency timer to 64
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: irq 25 for MSI/MSI-X
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.2: setting latency timer to 64
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.2: irq 26 for MSI/MSI-X
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: Requesting control of PCIe PME from ACPI BIOS
    ACPI Error (dsfield-0143): [CAPB] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0._OSC] (Node f701f288), AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.0: Failed to receive control of PCIe PME service: ACPI _OSC failed
    pcie_pme: probe of 0000:00:1c.0:pcie01 failed with error -13
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: Requesting control of PCIe PME from ACPI BIOS
    ACPI Error (dsfield-0143): [CAPB] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0._OSC] (Node f701f288), AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.1: Failed to receive control of PCIe PME service: ACPI _OSC failed
    pcie_pme: probe of 0000:00:1c.1:pcie01 failed with error -13
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.2: Requesting control of PCIe PME from ACPI BIOS
    ACPI Error (dsfield-0143): [CAPB] Namespace lookup failure, AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    ACPI Error (psparse-0537): Method parse/execution failed [\_SB_.PCI0._OSC] (Node f701f288), AE_ALREADY_EXISTS
    pcieport 0000:00:1c.2: Failed to receive control of PCIe PME service: ACPI _OSC failed
    pcie_pme: probe of 0000:00:1c.2:pcie01 failed with error -13
    isapnp: Scanning for PnP cards...
    isapnp: No Plug & Play device found
    Serial: 8250/16550 driver, 4 ports, IRQ sharing disabled
    PNP: PS/2 Controller [PNP0303:KBC0,PNP0f13:PS2M] at 0x60,0x64 irq 1,12
    serio: i8042 KBD port at 0x60,0x64 irq 1
    serio: i8042 AUX port at 0x60,0x64 irq 12
    mice: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
    cpuidle: using governor ladder
    cpuidle: using governor menu
    TCP cubic registered
    NET: Registered protocol family 17
    Using IPI No-Shortcut mode
    PM: Checking image partition /dev/disk/by-uuid/55dfc8bd-98b4-4f27-875c-e7b06c8b1c3e
    input: AT Translated Set 2 keyboard as /devices/platform/i8042/serio0/input/input0
    PM: Resume from disk failed.
    registered taskstats version 1
    Initalizing network drop monitor service
    Freeing unused kernel memory: 408k freed
    udev: starting version 160
    SCSI subsystem initialized
    libata version 3.00 loaded.
    ahci 0000:00:1f.2: version 3.0
    ahci 0000:00:1f.2: PCI INT B -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
    ahci 0000:00:1f.2: irq 27 for MSI/MSI-X
    ahci 0000:00:1f.2: AHCI 0001.0100 32 slots 4 ports 3 Gbps 0xf impl SATA mode
    ahci 0000:00:1f.2: flags: 64bit ncq pm led clo pio slum part
    ahci 0000:00:1f.2: setting latency timer to 64
    scsi0 : ahci
    scsi1 : ahci
    scsi2 : ahci
    scsi3 : ahci
    ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0x40a00400 port 0x40a00500 irq 27
    ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0x40a00400 port 0x40a00580 irq 27
    ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0x40a00400 port 0x40a00600 irq 27
    ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0x40a00400 port 0x40a00680 irq 27
    ata2: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
    ata3: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
    ata1: SATA link up 3.0 Gbps (SStatus 123 SControl 300)
    ata4: SATA link down (SStatus 0 SControl 300)
    ata1.00: ATA-8: Hitachi HTS545025B9A300, PB2OC64G, max UDMA/133
    ata1.00: 488397168 sectors, multi 16: LBA48 NCQ (depth 31/32), AA
    ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133
    scsi 0:0:0:0: Direct-Access ATA Hitachi HTS54502 PB2O PQ: 0 ANSI: 5
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] 488397168 512-byte logical blocks: (250 GB/232 GiB)
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write Protect is off
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Mode Sense: 00 3a 00 00
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Write cache: enabled, read cache: enabled, doesn't support DPO or FUA
    sda: sda1 sda2 sda3 sda4
    sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Attached SCSI disk
    kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
    EXT3-fs (sda3): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode
    udev: starting version 160
    cfg80211: Calling CRDA to update world regulatory domain
    sd 0:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg0 type 0
    input: PC Speaker as /devices/platform/pcspkr/input/input1
    Linux agpgart interface v0.103
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
    usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
    usbcore: registered new device driver usb
    input: Lid Switch as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/device:0c/PNP0C0D:00/input/input2
    ACPI: Lid Switch [LID0]
    input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXSYBUS:00/PNP0A08:00/PNP0C0C:00/input/input3
    i801_smbus 0000:00:1f.3: PCI INT B -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
    ACPI: Power Button [PWRB]
    input: Power Button as /devices/LNXSYSTM:00/LNXPWRBN:00/input/input4
    ACPI: Power Button [PWRF]
    ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 'Enhanced' Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: PCI INT A -> GSI 23 (level, low) -> IRQ 23
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: setting latency timer to 64
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: EHCI Host Controller
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: using broken periodic workaround
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: debug port 1
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: cache line size of 32 is not supported
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: irq 23, io mem 0x40a00000
    ehci_hcd 0000:00:1d.7: USB 2.0 started, EHCI 1.00
    hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 1-0:1.0: 8 ports detected
    Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-1 state
    Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-2 state
    Monitor-Mwait will be used to enter C-3 state
    Marking TSC unstable due to TSC halts in idle
    Switching to clocksource hpet
    ACPI: AC Adapter [ACAD] (off-line)
    usb 1-4: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 2
    r8169 Gigabit Ethernet driver 2.3LK-NAPI loaded
    r8169 0000:09:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
    uhci_hcd: USB Universal Host Controller Interface driver
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 23 (level, low) -> IRQ 23
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: setting latency timer to 64
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: UHCI Host Controller
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 2
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.0: irq 23, io base 0x00001820
    hub 2-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 2-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: PCI INT B -> GSI 19 (level, low) -> IRQ 19
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: setting latency timer to 64
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: UHCI Host Controller
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 3
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.1: irq 19, io base 0x00001840
    hub 3-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 3-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: PCI INT C -> GSI 18 (level, low) -> IRQ 18
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: setting latency timer to 64
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: UHCI Host Controller
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 4
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.2: irq 18, io base 0x00001860
    r8169 0000:09:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
    r8169 0000:09:00.0: (unregistered net_device): unknown MAC, using family default
    r8169 0000:09:00.0: irq 28 for MSI/MSI-X
    r8169 0000:09:00.0: eth0: RTL8101e at 0xf8664000, 88:ae:1d:46:3e:b2, XID 0c200000 IRQ 28
    hub 4-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 4-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: PCI INT D -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: setting latency timer to 64
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: UHCI Host Controller
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 5
    uhci_hcd 0000:00:1d.3: irq 16, io base 0x00001880
    hub 5-0:1.0: USB hub found
    hub 5-0:1.0: 2 ports detected
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: Intel GMA3150 Chipset
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: detected 8188K stolen memory
    agpgart-intel 0000:00:00.0: AGP aperture is 256M @ 0xd0000000
    ath9k 0000:07:00.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 17 (level, low) -> IRQ 17
    ath9k 0000:07:00.0: setting latency timer to 64
    Synaptics Touchpad, model: 1, fw: 7.2, id: 0x1c0b1, caps: 0xd04731/0xa40000/0xa0000
    ath: EEPROM regdomain: 0x65
    ath: EEPROM indicates we should expect a direct regpair map
    ath: Country alpha2 being used: 00
    ath: Regpair used: 0x65
    ACPI: Battery Slot [BAT1] (battery present)
    input: SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad as /devices/platform/i8042/serio1/input/input5
    [drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
    rtc_cmos 00:04: RTC can wake from S4
    rtc_cmos 00:04: rtc core: registered rtc_cmos as rtc0
    rtc0: alarms up to one month, y3k, 114 bytes nvram, hpet irqs
    usb 1-8: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3
    i915 0000:00:02.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16
    i915 0000:00:02.0: setting latency timer to 64
    i915 0000:00:02.0: irq 29 for MSI/MSI-X
    [drm] set up 7M of stolen space
    phy0: Selected rate control algorithm 'ath9k_rate_control'
    Registered led device: ath9k-phy0::radio
    Registered led device: ath9k-phy0::assoc
    Registered led device: ath9k-phy0::tx
    Registered led device: ath9k-phy0::rx
    phy0: Atheros AR9285 Rev:2 mem=0xf8160000, irq=17
    fuse init (API version 7.13)
    [drm] initialized overlay support
    Initializing USB Mass Storage driver...
    scsi4 : usb-storage 1-4:1.0
    usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
    USB Mass Storage support registered.
    Linux video capture interface: v2.00
    uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device USB 2.0 Camera (064e:c211)
    input: USB 2.0 Camera as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb1/1-8/1-8:1.0/input/input6
    usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
    USB Video Class driver (v0.1.0)
    [drm] Big FIFO is enabled
    [drm] Big FIFO is enabled
    [drm] Big FIFO is enabled
    [drm] Big FIFO is enabled
    Console: switching to colour frame buffer device 128x37
    fb0: inteldrmfb frame buffer device
    registered panic notifier
    [drm] Initialized i915 1.6.0 20080730 for 0000:00:02.0 on minor 0
    HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 22 (level, low) -> IRQ 22
    HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: irq 30 for MSI/MSI-X
    HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: setting latency timer to 64
    hda_codec: ALC259: BIOS auto-probing.
    input: HDA Digital PCBeep as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1b.0/input/input7
    scsi 4:0:0:0: Direct-Access Generic- Multi-Card 1.00 PQ: 0 ANSI: 0 CCS
    sd 4:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg1 type 0
    sd 4:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk
    EXT3-fs (sda3): using internal journal
    kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
    EXT3-fs (sda4): warning: maximal mount count reached, running e2fsck is recommended
    EXT3-fs (sda4): using internal journal
    EXT3-fs (sda4): mounted filesystem with writeback data mode
    Adding 265068k swap on /dev/sda2. Priority:-1 extents:1 across:265068k
    pacman.log: (the latest update + my attempt at iphone USB tethering)
    [2010-09-25 00:08] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2010-09-25 00:08] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-09-25 00:08] starting full system upgrade
    [2010-09-25 00:14] Running 'pacman -Syyu'
    [2010-09-25 00:14] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-09-25 00:14] upgraded pacman (3.4.0-2 -> 3.4.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:15] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2010-09-25 00:15] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-09-25 00:15] starting full system upgrade
    [2010-09-25 00:15] Running 'pacman -Syu'
    [2010-09-25 00:15] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-09-25 00:15] starting full system upgrade
    [2010-09-25 00:15] Running 'pacman -Syyu'
    [2010-09-25 00:15] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-09-25 00:16] starting full system upgrade
    [2010-09-25 00:16] Running 'pacman -Syyu'
    [2010-09-25 00:16] synchronizing package lists
    [2010-09-25 00:16] starting full system upgrade
    [2010-09-25 00:26] removed libelf (0.8.13-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:26] removed libv4l (0.6.4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:26] installed goffice (0.8.9-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:26] upgraded abiword (2.8.6-1 -> 2.8.6-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:26] upgraded apvlv ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded tzdata (2010j-1 -> 2010l-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] Generating locales...
    [2010-09-25 00:27] en_US.UTF-8... done
    [2010-09-25 00:27] en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
    [2010-09-25 00:27] Generation complete.
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded glibc (2.12-4 -> 2.12.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded m4 (1.4.14-2 -> 1.4.15-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded autoconf (2.66-2 -> 2.67-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded glib2 (2.24.1-1 -> 2.24.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] installed iana-etc (2.30-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] warning: /etc/shadow installed as /etc/shadow.pacnew
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded filesystem (2010.02-4 -> 2010.09-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded dbus-core (1.2.24-1 -> 1.4.0-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded xproto (7.0.17-1 -> 7.0.18-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libxau (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libxcb (1.6-1 -> 1.7-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded kbproto (1.0.4-1 -> 1.0.5-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libx11 (1.3.4-1 -> 1.3.5-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded dbus (1.2.24-1 -> 1.4.0-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded avahi (0.6.25-3 -> 0.6.27-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded lua (5.1.4-5 -> 5.1.4-6)
    [2010-09-25 00:27]
    [2010-09-25 00:27] ==> awesome installation notes:
    [2010-09-25 00:27] ----------------------------------------
    [2010-09-25 00:27] During some updates of awesome, the config file syntax changes heavily.
    [2010-09-25 00:27] This means that your configuration file (~/.config/awesome/rc.lua) for
    [2010-09-25 00:27] any other than this particular version of awesome may or may not work.
    [2010-09-25 00:27]
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded awesome (3.4.5-2 -> 3.4.6-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded bzip2 (1.0.5-5 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded cabextract (1.2-2 -> 1.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded ppl (0.10.2-3 -> 0.11-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded cloog-ppl (0.15.9-1 -> 0.15.9-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded consolekit (0.4.1-2 -> 0.4.1-4)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] The directories /usr/lib/perl5/current, /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/current,
    [2010-09-25 00:27] /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1, and /usr/share/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1
    [2010-09-25 00:27] will be removed from @INC in a future release.
    [2010-09-25 00:27] The directory /usr/bin/perlbin/site will not be added to $PATH in a
    [2010-09-25 00:27] future release.
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded perl (5.10.1-5 -> 5.12.1-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded openssl (1.0.0.a-2 -> 1.0.0.a-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded curl (7.21.0-1 -> 7.21.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded util-linux-ng (2.18-2 -> 2.18-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded module-init-tools (3.11.1-2 -> 3.12-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded udev (160-1 -> 162-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded device-mapper (2.02.70-1 -> 2.02.73-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded dhcpcd (5.2.5-1 -> 5.2.7-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libldap (2.4.22-1 -> 2.4.23-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libgpg-error (1.7-3 -> 1.9-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libksba (1.0.7-1 -> 1.0.8-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libassuan (2.0.0-1 -> 2.0.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded dirmngr (1.1.0rc1-1 -> 1.1.0-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded gcc-libs (4.5.0-6 -> 4.5.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded espeak (1.43.03-1 -> 1.44.05-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded feh (1.8-1 -> 1.9-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded x264 (20100722-1 -> 20100826-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libvpx (0.9.1-1 -> 0.9.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libdrm (2.4.21-1 -> 2.4.21-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded libva (0.31.0_p13-2 -> 1.0.4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded ffmpeg (24460-1 -> 24953-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded nspr (4.8.4-1 -> 4.8.6-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded sqlite3 ( -> 3.7.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:27] upgraded nss (3.12.6-3 -> 3.12.7-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:28] upgraded xulrunner ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:28] upgraded firefox (3.6.8-1 -> 3.6.10-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:28] upgraded flashplugin ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:28] installed elfutils (0.148-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:28] upgraded gcc (4.5.0-6 -> 4.5.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:28] ==> Unregistering cabalized packages...
    [2010-09-25 00:28] ==> Done.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] ==> All cabalized and yaourt-installed packages need to be reinstalled now.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] ==> See /usr/share/haskell/ and ghc-pkg list --user for a tentative list of affected packages.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded ghc (6.12.1-4 -> 6.12.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded git (1.7.2-1 -> 1.7.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded gnome-keyring (2.30.3-1 -> 2.30.3-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded pinentry (0.8.0-1 -> 0.8.0-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded gnupg2 (2.0.15-1 -> 2.0.16-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded grep (2.6.3-1 -> 2.7-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded gstreamer0.10 (0.10.29-1 -> 0.10.30-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded orc (0.4.6-1 -> 0.4.7-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded gstreamer0.10-base (0.10.29-1 -> 0.10.30-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded vim-runtime (7.2-1 -> 7.3.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded ruby (1.9.1_p429-1 -> 1.9.2_p0-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] Updating desktop and mime database...done.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded gvim (7.2-1 -> 7.3.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] Reading package info from stdin ... done.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded haskell-mtl ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:29] Reading package info from stdin ... done.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded haskell-utf8-string (0.3.6-3 -> 0.3.6-4)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] Reading package info from stdin ... done.
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded haskell-x11 ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded libtool (2.2.10-1 -> 2.2.10-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded lcms (1.18-3 -> 1.19-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded iproute2 (2.6.34-2 -> 2.6.35-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded iptables (1.4.8-1 -> 1.4.9-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded irssi (0.8.15-1 -> 0.8.15-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded jack (0.118.0-3 -> 0.118.0-4)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded libxi (1.3-2 -> 1.3.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded jasper (1.900.1-5 -> 1.900.1-6)
    [2010-09-25 00:29] upgraded linux-firmware (20100623-2 -> 20100807-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> MKINITCPIO SETUP
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> ----------------
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> If you use LVM2, Encrypted root or software RAID,
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> Ensure you enable support in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf .
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> More information about mkinitcpio setup can be found here:
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mkinitcpio
    [2010-09-25 00:30]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2010-09-25 00:30] ==> Building image "default"
    [2010-09-25 00:30] ==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.35-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/kernel26.img
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Begin build
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [base]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [udev]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [autodetect]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [pata]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [sata]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [filesystems]
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Generating module dependencies
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Generating image '/boot/kernel26.img'...SUCCESS
    [2010-09-25 00:30] ==> SUCCESS
    [2010-09-25 00:30] ==> Building image "fallback"
    [2010-09-25 00:30] ==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.35-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/kernel26-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Begin build
    [2010-09-25 00:30] :: Parsing hook [base]
    [2010-09-25 00:31] :: Parsing hook [udev]
    [2010-09-25 00:31] :: Parsing hook [pata]
    [2010-09-25 00:31] :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    [2010-09-25 00:33] :: Parsing hook [sata]
    [2010-09-25 00:34] :: Parsing hook [filesystems]
    [2010-09-25 00:35] :: Generating module dependencies
    [2010-09-25 00:35] :: Generating image '/boot/kernel26-fallback.img'...SUCCESS
    [2010-09-25 00:35] ==> SUCCESS
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded kernel26 ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded kernel26-headers ( ->
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded lftp (4.0.9-1 -> 4.0.10-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libass (0.9.9-1 -> 0.9.11-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libcdaudio (0.99.12-4 -> 0.99.12-5)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libcups (1.4.4-1 -> 1.4.4-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libdatrie (0.2.3-1 -> 0.2.4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libfetch (2.32-1 -> 2.33-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libgnome-keyring (2.30.1-1 -> 2.30.1-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libid3tag (0.15.1b-5 -> 0.15.1b-6)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libpciaccess (0.11.0-1 -> 0.12.0-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libproxy (0.3.1-1 -> 0.4.6-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] installed v4l-utils (0.8.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded libxvmc (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded lirc-utils (0.8.6-3 -> 0.8.6-4)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.70-1 -> 2.02.73-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded man-pages (3.25-1 -> 3.26-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded mathomatic (15.1.5-1 -> 15.2.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded mdadm (3.1.2-2 -> 3.1.4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded mkinitcpio-busybox (1.16.2-1 -> 1.17.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded modemmanager (0.3-2 -> 0.4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded mpfr (3.0.0-1 -> 3.0.0-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded smbclient (3.5.4-1 -> 3.5.5-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded mplayer (31774-1 -> 32227-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded murrine-themes-collection (20100201-1 -> 20100910-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded nano (2.2.4-1 -> 2.2.5-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded ncmpcpp (0.5.4-1 -> 0.5.5-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded networkmanager (0.8-1 -> 0.8.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded network-manager-applet (0.8-3 -> 0.8.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded tcp_wrappers (7.6-11 -> 7.6-12)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded openssh (5.5p1-1 -> 5.6p1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] warning: /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist installed as /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist.pacnew
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded pacman-mirrorlist (20100621-1 -> 20100825-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded perl-list-moreutils (0.22-2 -> 0.22-4)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded pixman (0.18.2-1 -> 0.18.4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded poppler-data (0.4.2-1 -> 0.4.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded psmisc (22.11-1 -> 22.13-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:35] upgraded pycairo (1.8.8-1 -> 1.8.10-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded pygtk (2.17.0-1 -> 2.17.0-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded renderproto (0.11-1 -> 0.11.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded rpcbind (0.2.0-1 -> 0.2.0-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded rxvt-unicode-256color (9.07-8 -> 9.07-9)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] warning: /etc/slim.conf installed as /etc/slim.conf.pacnew
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded slim (1.3.1-7 -> 1.3.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] warning: /etc/sudoers installed as /etc/sudoers.pacnew
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded sudo (1.7.3-1 -> 1.7.4.p4-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded synergy (1.3.1-7 -> 1.3.4-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded syslog-ng (3.1.1-1 -> 3.1.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded sysvinit (2.86-5 -> 2.88-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded upower (0.9.4-1 -> 0.9.5-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded usbutils (0.87-1 -> 0.90-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded videoproto (2.3.0-1 -> 2.3.1-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded vim-colorsamplerpack (8.03-1 -> 8.03-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded vlc (1.1.1-3 -> 1.1.4-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded wine (1.2-1 -> 1.3.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xextproto (7.1.1-1 -> 7.1.2-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xf86-input-evdev (2.4.0-1 -> 2.4.0-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xfce-utils (4.6.2-1 -> 4.6.2-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xfconf (4.6.2-1 -> 4.6.2-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xfdesktop (4.6.2-1 -> 4.6.2-2)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xfsprogs (3.1.2-1 -> 3.1.3-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] Reading package info from stdin ... done.
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xmonad (0.9.1-4 -> 0.9.1-8)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xorg-server-utils (7.5-4 -> 7.5-6)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xorg-utils (7.6-2 -> 7.6-3)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xterm (259-1 -> 261-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded xz (4.999.9beta-5 -> 4.999.9beta_174_g41bc-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:36] upgraded youtube-dl (2010.07.14-1 -> 2010.08.04-1)
    [2010-09-25 00:41] Running 'pacman -S xcompmgr'
    [2010-09-25 00:41] installed xcompmgr (1.1.5-1)
    [2010-09-27 23:25] Running 'pacman -S libimobiledevice'
    [2010-09-27 23:25] installed libplist (1.3-1)
    [2010-09-27 23:25] installed usbmuxd (1.0.4-2)
    [2010-09-27 23:25] installed libimobiledevice (1.0.2-1)
    [2010-09-27 23:27] Running 'pacman -U /home/brandon/downloads/ipheth-utils/ipheth-utils-1.0-1-i686.pkg.tar.xz'
    [2010-09-27 23:27] >>> Reloading udev rules
    [2010-09-27 23:27] >>> You can load the iPhone Ethernet Driver now - ipheth
    [2010-09-27 23:27] installed ipheth-utils (1.0-1)
    Last edited by bas1 (2010-09-30 01:48:43)

    karol wrote:
    bas1 wrote:I guess the thing to do would be to try to re-generate the initrd via chroot, but I have no idea how to do this.
    You may try to add or remove some hooks as this mysteriously helped some folks.
    Good luck.
    Well, chrooting and regenerating the initial ramdisk has fixed it! Thanks for the help!!
    Edit:  and just FYI, I didn't change any hooks in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf when I re-generated.  But yeah, if someone else has this issue, try playing with them.
    Last edited by bas1 (2010-09-30 01:59:47)

  • [SOLVED] System fails to boot after upgrade.

    Not exactly sure what happened as the upgrade appeared to go smoothly. Now trying to start just causes an endless cycle of rebooting. I have been unable to even boot into single user mode. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated here.
    Using the livecd I can mount all the filesystems, and I have run fsck on all of them so I know they are clean. Here are my grub entries:
    # (0) Arch Linux
    title Arch Linux
    root (hd0,1)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/569a7fe5-7452-4064-adc1-71b6b2b58b0b resume=/dev/sda7 ro vga=773 elevator=deadline
    initrd /boot/kernel26.img
    # (1) Arch Linux
    title Arch Linux Fallback
    root (hd0,1)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/569a7fe5-7452-4064-adc1-71b6b2b58b0b ro vga=773
    initrd /boot/kernel26-fallback.img
    I have tried using a kernel line of just:
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz26 root=/dev/sda2 ro
    and get the same results, as soon as grub starts to load the kernel the system reboots and I can't see what's on screen long enough to know what's happening.
    [2009-07-19 16:02] synchronizing package lists
    [2009-07-19 16:02] starting full system upgrade
    [2009-07-20 14:52] synchronizing package lists
    [2009-07-20 14:52] starting full system upgrade
    [2009-07-20 14:54] starting full system upgrade
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded kernel-headers ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:44] Generating locales...
    [2009-07-20 15:44] en_US.UTF-8... done
    [2009-07-20 15:44] en_US.ISO-8859-1... done
    [2009-07-20 15:44] Generation complete.
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded glibc (2.10.1-2 -> 2.10.1-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded readline (5.2.013-2 -> 6.0.003-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded abook (0.6.0pre2-1 -> 0.6.0pre2-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded gcc-libs (4.4.0-3 -> 4.4.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded libgcrypt (1.4.4-1 -> 1.4.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded gnutls (2.8.0-1 -> 2.8.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded bash (3.2.048-3 -> 4.0.024-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded e2fsprogs (1.41.6-1 -> 1.41.8-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded perl (5.10.0-4 -> 5.10.0-6)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] warning: /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf installed as /etc/ssl/openssl.cnf.pacnew
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded openssl (0.9.8k-2 -> 0.9.8k-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded sqlite3 (3.6.15-1 -> 3.6.15-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded heimdal (1.2.1-3 -> 1.2.1-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded libpng (1.2.37-1 -> 1.2.38-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded libjpeg (6b-6 -> 7-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded libtiff (3.8.2-4 -> 3.8.2-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded libcups (1.3.10-2 -> 1.3.11-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded cairo (1.8.6-1 -> 1.8.8-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded libthai (0.1.11-1 -> 0.1.12-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded pango (1.24.2-1 -> 1.24.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded gtk2 (2.16.2-1 -> 2.16.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:44] upgraded aiksaurus (1.2.1-1 -> 1.2.1-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded python (2.6.2-2 -> 2.6.2-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded boost (1.37.0-1 -> 1.39.0-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libmysqlclient (5.1.35-2 -> 5.1.36-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded mysql-clients (5.1.35-1 -> 5.1.36-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded mysql (5.1.35-1 -> 5.1.36-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libmng (1.0.10-1 -> 1.0.10-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded dri2proto (2.0-1 -> 2.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libdrm (2.4.11-2 -> 2.4.12-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libxt (1.0.5-2 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded mesa (7.4.4-1 -> 7.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] > Qt 4.5.1
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] Prefix: /usr
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] > ATTENTION
    [2009-07-20 15:45] Some components are split into separate packages:
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] qtmod : Base libraries and tools
    [2009-07-20 15:45] qtmod-doc : Documentation
    [2009-07-20 15:45] qtmod-demos : Demos & Examples
    [2009-07-20 15:45] qtmod-tools : Development Tools (Assistant, Designer, Linguist)
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded qtmod (4.5.1-2 -> 4.5.1-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded akonadi (1.1.2-1 -> 1.1.2-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded apr (1.3.3-1 -> 1.3.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded unixodbc (2.2.14-1 -> 2.2.14-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded apr-util (1.3.4-1 -> 1.3.7-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded apvlv ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libsndfile (1.0.20-2 -> 1.0.20-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded jack-audio-connection-kit (0.116.2-1 -> 0.116.2-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded wxgtk ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded audacity (1.3.7-1 -> 1.3.8-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded avifile (0.7.45-3 -> 0.7.45-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded imlib2 (1.4.2-2 -> 1.4.2-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libxdg-basedir (1.0.0-2 -> 1.0.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded lua (5.1.4-3 -> 5.1.4-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ==> awesome installation notes:
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ----------------------------------------
    [2009-07-20 15:45] During some updates of awesome, the config file syntax changes heavily.
    [2009-07-20 15:45] This means that your configuration file (~/.config/awesome/rc.lua) for
    [2009-07-20 15:45] any other than this particular version of awesome may or may not work.
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded awesome (3.3-2 -> 3.3.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded bc (1.06-5 -> 1.06-6)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded binutils (2.19.1-4 -> 2.19.1-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded gstreamer0.10-base-plugins (0.10.23-1 -> 0.10.23-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded brasero (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded run-parts (2.31-1 -> 3.1.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded sed (4.2-1 -> 4.2.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] Updating certificates in /etc/ssl/certs... 4 added, 0 removed; done.
    [2009-07-20 15:45] Running hooks in /etc/ca-certificates/update.d....done.
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded ca-certificates (20080809-5 -> 20090709-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded cairomm (1.8.0-1 -> 1.8.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded calcurse (2.5-1 -> 2.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded mjpegtools (1.9.0-1 -> 1.9.0-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded cinelerra-cv (20090519-1 -> 20090715-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded ctags (5.7-1 -> 5.8-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded lcms (1.18-1 -> 1.18-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] NOTE for drcaw:
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ----
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ==> dcraw provides the simple commandline tools for raw conversion. If you
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ==> are looking for a more sophisticated way consider gimp-ufraw, which
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ==> provides a gimp-plugin and a standalone application that can even convert
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ==> to 16-bit tiff files (which you can use in cinepaint eg.) So please do a
    [2009-07-20 15:45] ==> 'pacman -S gimp-ufraw' to get it.
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded dcraw (1.410-1 -> 1.425-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libtorrent-rasterbar (0.14.2-1 -> 0.14.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] >>> Deluge's daemon is running with the "deluge" user. The default download directory is /srv/deluge/
    [2009-07-20 15:45]
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded deluge (1.1.9-1 -> 1.1.9-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded device-mapper (1.02.32-1 -> 1.02.33-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded jasper (1.900.1-2 -> 1.900.1-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded devil (1.7.8-1 -> 1.7.8-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded dhcpcd (5.0.4-1 -> 5.0.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] > Rebuilding MIME database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:45] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded kdemod-kdelibs (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:45] upgraded libtool (2.2.6a-1 -> 2.2.6a-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] NOTE
    [2009-07-20 15:46] ----
    [2009-07-20 15:46] Add your user to group 'camera' to use camera devices.
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded libgphoto2 (2.4.6-1 -> 2.4.6-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] NOTE
    [2009-07-20 15:46] ----
    [2009-07-20 15:46] Add your user to group 'scanner' to use scanner devices.
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded sane (1.0.20-2 -> 1.0.20-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-common (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded kdemod-kdepimlibs (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded digikam (0.10.0-2 -> 0.10.0-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded directfb (1.2.8-1 -> 1.4.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded ghostscript (8.64-5 -> 8.64-6)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded libwmf ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded libxml2 (2.7.3-1.1 -> 2.7.3-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded imagemagick ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded dvdauthor (0.6.14-4 -> 0.6.14-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] -- Edit config.h in PKGBUILD's directory (generally /var/abs/community/x11/dwm/)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] -- and rebuild package if you want to change settings.
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded dwm (5.5-1 -> 5.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded smbclient (3.3.6-1 -> 3.3.6-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded mplayer (29318-1.1 -> 29411-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] installed flam3 (2.7.18-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded electricsheep (2.6.8-4 -> 2.7b12-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded enblend-enfuse (3.2-2 -> 3.2-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded gnome-keyring (2.26.1-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded libsoup (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded libgweather (2.26.1-2 ->
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded evolution-data-server (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded gtkhtml (3.26.2-1 -> 3.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded evolution (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded evolution-exchange (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded feh (1.3.4-4 -> 1.3.4-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded ffmpegthumbnailer (1.5.0-1 -> 1.5.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded filezilla ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded fltk (1.1.9-1 -> 1.1.9-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded fluidsynth (1.0.8-1 -> 1.0.9-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:46] upgraded fox (1.6.35-1 -> 1.6.36-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded freeciv (2.1.9-1 -> 2.1.9-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gcc (4.4.0-3 -> 4.4.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gd (2.0.35-1 -> 2.0.35-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gedit (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gegl (0.0.22-1 -> 0.0.22-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gimp (2.6.6-1 -> 2.6.6-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gimp-ufraw (0.15-2 -> 0.15-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded glade (3.6.5-2 -> 3.6.7-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded glib-perl (1.221-1 -> 1.222-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded glibmm (2.20.0-1 -> 2.20.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gmerlin (0.4.0-4 -> 0.4.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gnome-desktop (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gnome-menus (2.26.1-1 -> 2.26.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded libwnck (2.26.1-1 -> 2.26.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:47] upgraded gnome-panel (2.26.2-1 -> 2.26.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gnome-themes (2.26.2-1 ->
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gnupg (1.4.9-1 -> 1.4.9-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gnupg2 (2.0.11-1 -> 2.0.12-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded libxaw (1.0.5-1 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded graphviz (2.22.2-1.1 -> 2.22.2-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded grep (2.5.4-2 -> 2.5.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gstreamer0.10-good-plugins (0.10.15-1 -> 0.10.15-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gtk-recordmydesktop (0.3.8-1 -> 0.3.8-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gtk2-perl (1.220-1 -> 1.221-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded guile (1.8.6-1 -> 1.8.7-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] >>please run /usr/sbin/cups-genppdupdate
    [2009-07-20 15:48] >>and restart cups deamon
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded gutenprint (5.2.3-1 -> 5.2.3-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:48]
    [2009-07-20 15:48] NOTE
    [2009-07-20 15:48] ----
    [2009-07-20 15:48] # If you want to use this driver with sane:
    [2009-07-20 15:48] # echo "hpaio" >> /etc/sane.d/dll.conf
    [2009-07-20 15:48]
    [2009-07-20 15:48]
    [2009-07-20 15:48] UPGRADING
    [2009-07-20 15:48] ----
    [2009-07-20 15:48] # This version no longer uses an init script. You should remove hplip
    [2009-07-20 15:48] # from the /etc/rc.conf daemon list.
    [2009-07-20 15:48]
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded hplip (3.9.4b-1 -> 3.9.4b-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded htmldoc (1.8.27-1 -> 1.8.27-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded libpano13 (2.9.12-1 -> 2.9.12-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded hugin (0.7.0-4 -> 0.7.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded hwdetect (2009.06-1 -> 2009.07-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded icu (4.2-1 -> 4.2.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded imlib (1.9.15-5 -> 1.9.15-6)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded inkscape (0.46-11 -> 0.46-12)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded iptables ( -> 1.4.4-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded iw (0.9.14-1 -> 0.9.15-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded iwlwifi-4965-ucode ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:48] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-runtime (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:48] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:48] upgraded kdemod-kdebase (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-doc (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-konsole (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-kwrite (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-runtime-doc (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-runtime-icons (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-workspace (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-workspace-doc (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdebase-workspace-wallpapers (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-doc (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-gwenview (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-kamera (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-kcolorchooser (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-kolourpaint (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-kruler (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-ksnapshot (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded libdjvu (3.5.22-1 -> 3.5.22-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdegraphics-okular (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-common (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-doc (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-kget (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-kopete (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded ppp (2.4.4-8 -> 2.4.4-9)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-kppp (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded libvncserver (0.9.7-1 -> 0.9.7-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-krdc (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:49] > Rebuilding xdg icon database ... DONE
    [2009-07-20 15:49] upgraded kdemod-kdenetwork-krfb (4.2.4-1 -> 4.2.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> Updating module dependencies. Please wait ...
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> MKINITCPIO SETUP
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> ----------------
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> If you use LVM2, Encrypted root or software RAID,
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> Ensure you enable support in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf .
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> More information about mkinitcpio setup can be found here:
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Mkinitcpio
    [2009-07-20 15:50]
    [2009-07-20 15:50] >>> Generating initial ramdisk, using mkinitcpio. Please wait...
    [2009-07-20 15:50] ==> Building image "default"
    [2009-07-20 15:50] ==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.30-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/kernel26.img
    [2009-07-20 15:50] :: Begin build
    [2009-07-20 15:50] :: Parsing hook [base]
    [2009-07-20 15:50] :: Parsing hook [udev]
    [2009-07-20 15:50] :: Parsing hook [autodetect]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [pata]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [sata]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [filesystems]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Generating module dependencies
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Generating image '/boot/kernel26.img'...SUCCESS
    [2009-07-20 15:51] ==> SUCCESS
    [2009-07-20 15:51] ==> Building image "fallback"
    [2009-07-20 15:51] ==> Running command: /sbin/mkinitcpio -k 2.6.30-ARCH -c /etc/mkinitcpio.conf -g /boot/kernel26-fallback.img -S autodetect
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Begin build
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [base]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [udev]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [pata]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [scsi]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [sata]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Parsing hook [filesystems]
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Generating module dependencies
    [2009-07-20 15:51] :: Generating image '/boot/kernel26-fallback.img'...SUCCESS
    [2009-07-20 15:51] ==> SUCCESS
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded kernel26 (2.6.30-5 ->
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded kismet (2008_05_R1-4 -> 2008_05_R1-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-cairo (1.8.6-1 -> 1.8.8-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-glibc (2.10.1-2 -> 2.10.1-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-e2fsprogs (1.41.6-1 -> 1.41.8-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-gcc-libs (4.4.0-3 -> 4.4.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-glib2 (2.20.3-1 -> 2.20.4-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-readline (5.2.013-2 -> 6.0.003-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-gnutls (2.8.0-1 -> 2.8.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-openssl (0.9.8k-2 -> 0.9.8k-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-heimdal (1.2.1-3 -> 1.2.1-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libjpeg (6b-6 -> 7-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libtiff (3.8.2-4 -> 3.8.2-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libcups (1.3.10-2 -> 1.3.11-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-pango (1.24.2-1 -> 1.24.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-gtk2 (2.16.2-1 -> 2.16.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libdrm (2.4.11-2 -> 2.4.12-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libgcrypt (1.4.4-1 -> 1.4.4-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libgl (7.4.2-2 -> 7.4.4-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libxml2 (2.7.3-1 -> 2.7.3-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-libxt (1.0.5-2 -> 1.0.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-mesa (7.4.2-1 -> 7.4.4-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded lib32-sqlite3 (3.6.15-1 -> 3.6.15-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded libcanberra (0.12-1 -> 0.14-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded libevent (1.4.10-1 -> 1.4.11-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded libgdiplus (2.4-1 -> 2.4.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:51] upgraded libquicktime (1.1.1-3 -> 1.1.1-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded libwebkit (1.1.10-1 -> 1.1.10-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded links-g (2.2-1 -> 2.2-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded lvm2 (2.02.47-1 -> 2.02.48-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded mercurial (1.2.1-1 -> 1.3-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded mtools (4.0.10-2 -> 4.0.10-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded mutagen (1.15-1 -> 1.16-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded namcap (2.2-2 -> 2.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded nautilus-cd-burner (2.24.0-1 -> 2.24.0-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded ncmpcpp (0.3.4-1 -> 0.3.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded wpa_supplicant (0.6.9-1 -> 0.6.9-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded netcfg (2.1.3-3 -> 2.2.1-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded neverball (1.5.1-1 -> 1.5.1-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded nmap (4.76-4 -> 5.00-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded openmovieeditor (0.0.20090105-3 -> 0.0.20090105-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] * relogin or source /etc/profile.d/openoffice.sh
    [2009-07-20 15:52] * see http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Openoffice
    [2009-07-20 15:52] how to use extensions, e.g. for spell checking
    [2009-07-20 15:52] see /opt/openoffice/share/extension/install what
    [2009-07-20 15:52] is shipped with this package
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded openoffice-base (3.1.0-2 -> 3.1.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded parted (1.8.8-2 -> 1.8.8-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded pcmanfm (0.5.1-1 -> 0.5.1-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded perl-html-parser (3.60-1 -> 3.61-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded perl-uri (1.37-1 -> 1.38-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded perl-libwww (5.825-1 -> 5.829-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded postgresql-libs (8.3.7-1 -> 8.3.7-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded pgadmin3 (1.10.0beta3-1 -> 1.10.0-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded pil (1.1.6-5 -> 1.1.6-6)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded pilot-link (0.12.3-4 -> 0.12.3-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded poppler (0.10.7-1 -> 0.10.7-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded postgresql (8.3.7-2 -> 8.3.7-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded pycairo (1.8.4-1 -> 1.8.6-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded qingy (0.9.9-1 -> 0.9.9-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded qt3 (3.3.8-11 -> 3.3.8-12)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded ruby (1.8.7_p173-1 -> 1.8.7_p174-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded ruby-libart (0.18.1-1 -> 0.19.0-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded samba (3.3.6-1 -> 3.3.6-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded sdl_image (1.2.7-1 -> 1.2.7-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded sauerbraten (2008_06_20_ctf_edition-1 -> 2009_05_04_trooper_edition-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded sdl_perl (2.1.3-4 -> 2.1.3-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] Fixing gshadow file ...
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded shadow ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded silly (0.1.0-2 -> 0.1.0-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded smc (1.8-1 -> 1.8-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded source-highlight (3.1-1 -> 3.1-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] warning: extracting /etc/sudoers as /etc/sudoers.pacnew
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded sudo (1.7.1-2 -> 1.7.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded sunbird (0.9-1 -> 0.9-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded swftools (0.9.0-1 -> 0.9.0-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded syslog-ng (3.0.1-6 -> 3.0.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded texlive-bin (2008-4 -> 2008-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded tftp-hpa (5.0-2 -> 5.0-3)
    [2009-07-20 15:52] upgraded thunar (1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.1-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded thunderbird ( ->
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded tightvnc (1.3.10-1 -> 1.3.10-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded transcode (1.1.0-5 -> 1.1.3-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded transmission-gtk (1.60-1 -> 1.72-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded usbutils (0.82-1 -> 0.84-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] installed libmtp (0.3.7-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] installed enca (1.9-4)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] installed libass (0.9.6-2)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded vlc (0.9.9a-5 -> 1.0.0-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded xfce4-clipman-plugin (1.0.1-1 -> 1.0.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded xfce4-power-manager (0.8.0-1 -> 0.8.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded xine-ui (0.99.5-4 -> 0.99.5-5)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded xmlrpc-c (1.06.33-1 -> 1.06.35-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded xorg-server ( -> 1.6.2-1)
    [2009-07-20 15:53] upgraded xz-utils (4.999.8beta-3 -> 4.999.8beta-4)
    [2009-07-20 16:08] upgraded codecs (20071007-4 -> 20071007-6)
    [2009-07-20 16:09] upgraded muttprint (0.72d-8 -> 0.72d-9)
    [2009-07-20 16:11] upgraded openvpn-dev (2.1_rc15-2 -> 2.1_rc18-2)
    [2009-07-20 16:11] upgraded perl-xyne-arch (0.66-1 -> 0.68-2)
    [2009-07-20 16:11] installed rpmextract (1.0-3)
    [2009-07-20 16:14] Before using picasa you must accept the license.
    [2009-07-20 16:14] The license files are located in /usr/share/licences/picasa/
    [2009-07-20 16:14]
    [2009-07-20 16:14] NOTE:
    [2009-07-20 16:14] If you're not running gnome/kde please look at the hook files
    [2009-07-20 16:14] located in /opt/picasa/info.
    [2009-07-20 16:14] Edit them for your default filemanager/browser/email/mime-handling,
    [2009-07-20 16:14] and copy them to /opt/picasa/bin.
    [2009-07-20 16:14] If you're a gnome/kde user you should not modify these files.
    [2009-07-20 16:14] Picasa will use your default DE settings.
    [2009-07-20 16:14]
    [2009-07-20 16:14] upgraded picasa-beta (3.0_5744.02-1 -> 3.0_5744.02-3)
    [2009-07-20 16:14] upgraded powerpill (16.0-11 -> 16.0-12)
    [2009-07-20 16:24] synchronizing package lists
    [2009-07-20 16:24] starting full system upgrade
    [2009-07-20 16:25] upgraded lib32-libgl (7.4.4-1 -> 7.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 16:25] upgraded lib32-libpng (1.2.37-1 -> 1.2.38-1)
    [2009-07-20 16:25] upgraded lib32-mesa (7.4.4-1 -> 7.5-1)
    [2009-07-20 16:25] synchronizing package lists
    [2009-07-20 16:25] starting full system upgrade
    [2009-07-20 16:28] update desktop mime database... done
    [2009-07-20 16:28] update desktop applications database... done
    [2009-07-20 16:28] upgraded xaralx (0.7r1785-3 -> 0.7r1785-5)
    any suggestions on how to get more info?
    Last edited by webframp (2009-07-21 18:32:58)

    That does appear to be my issue, I use jfs with no separate /boot
    The following steps fixed it:
    Mount your / (and /boot partition into this mount) from your Ach system, ex:
    sda2 (/) -> /mnt/arch
    sda1 (/boot)(if you have a own /boot) -> /mnt/arch/boot
    Do a chroot /mnt
    and therein a:
    pacman -U /var/cache/pacman/pkg/kernel26- (or i686)
    further details at the link above.
    Last edited by webframp (2009-07-21 18:32:14)

  • Problem with Image Loading

    I am using JWS to launch my application. Earlier I was using jdk1.5.0_12 version and everything was working fine. But, one of our machines didnt had jdk1.5.0_12 but had jdk1.5.0_19 version. So, JWS uses "Java Web Start 1.5.0_19" version.
    In my code, I am loading images at two different places. At first place I am loading my images using ClassLoader cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
    InputStream baseInputStream = cl.getResourceAsStream(value);
              if(baseInputStream != null){
                  ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(1024);
                  byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];
                  int len;
                  while((len = baseInputStream.read(buffer)) >= 0)
                      out.write(buffer, 0, len);
                  imageIcon = new ImageIcon(out.toByteArray());
              }This is working fine. But at the second place, I am setting the look and feel for my application using, SkinLookandFeel.loadDefaultThemePack() method. This method hangs permanently and my application fails to launch. When I debugged this method, I found the following:
    1. It goes to loadDefaultThemePack() method of SkinLookAndFeel class. (package: com.l2fprod.gui.plaf.skin)
    2. This in turn calls the loadThemePackDefinition((com.l2fprod.gui.plaf.skin.SkinLookAndFeel.class).getResource("/skinlf-themepack.xml")); of SkinLookAndFeel class.
    3. The XML file is loaded properly.
    4. In method loadThemePackDefinition(), the XML is parsed.
    5. This XML has a tag <icon name="InternalFrame.icon" value="icons/Window.gif" />.
    6. A URL is formed using URL iconURL = new URL(url, element.getProperty("VALUE"));7. This URL is also formed properly.
    8. Next, SkinUtils.loadImage(iconURL) is called.
    9. In this method, image is created using method: byte data[] = SkinLookAndFeel.getURLContent(url);
                img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(data);10. The img variable created here has width and height = -1 with imagerep (consumer) as null, source (producer) as sun.awt.image.ByteAraryImageSource.
    11. Then, ImageUtils.transparent(img) method is called.
    12. In this method, toBufferedImage(image) method is clalled.
    13. in toBufferedImage(image) method, new image is created using image = (new ImageIcon(image)).getImage(); method.
    14. This new image created also has width and height = -1 with imagerep (consumer) as sun.awt.image.ImageRepresentation, source (producer) as ByteAraryImageSource.
    15. Now, new BufferedImage is created using BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(image.getWidth(null), image.getHeight(null), 2);16. In the constructor of BufferedImage, createCompatibleWritableRaster(width, height) method is called on DirectColorModel. This method throws exception, since width and height are -1.
    Points to note are:
    1. This is working fine with jdk1.5.0_12 but not with jdk1.5.0_19. I tried this with latest java 1.5 version, jdk1.5.0_21. The problem is still there.
    2. When I tried with jdk1.5.0_12, instead of DirectColorModel instance, createCompatibleWritableRaster() method in point 16 above was called on IndexColorModel. I am not creating or initializing any color model, so, I dont know, when does the instance of DirectColorModel or IndexColorModel is used and whether it has any thing to do with my problem.
    Can any one provide any pointers, what could be the issue with jdk1.5.0_19.

    Have a look throughout the forum (and google), JWS retrieved url syntax changed in 5u16 (or 14 I can never remember).
    Otherwise keep waiting for some good samaritan, good luck with it, most people are sick tired of this topic.

  • Query Print Layout / Query Manager

    Hopefully some one here can help me out ...
    I have created a handful of Query Print Layouts.  How or is there a way when I make a change to the underlying query, to reassociate it with the report?  Now when I change the query,  I have to create a new report.  I am currently on SAP B1 2007 PL11.  When I upgraded from PL06 to PL11,  the queries handle prompted dates differently, causing me to have to make a simple syntax change to my query which does not change the data being passed to the report.
    Thanks in advance

    This is the short-coming of the Query PLD.  Once you change the Query, you will need to redo the template all over again.
    Therefore, it is a good practise to always finalize the query and then design the layout.
    Re-assigning the revised query to QPLD is not possible

  • Coldfusion 10 will not start

    I am running CF 10 on Redhat Linux 6 and everything was working fine until recently, but now I cannot get CF to start up.  I had created a datasource to connect to a unidata database and it was not working, so I needed a newer version of the database driver.  I got the new version of the driver (the 2 files needed for the driver are unijdbc.jar and asjava.zip).  I placed the files in the location where I've always placed them while using CF 8:
    /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/wwwroot/WEB-INF/classes/unijdbc.jar,/opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/ww wroot/WEB-INF/classes/asjava.zip,"%CLASSPATH%"
    and set the class path in the CF Administrator accordingly, then stopped and started CF, and it came up fine, but the datasource to unidata would not verify (see my other recent forum post) -- in reply to that post, someone had recommended I put the drivers in a different location, so I did that, and set the classpath accordingly:
    /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/runtime/lib/unijdbc.jar,/opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/runtime/lib/as java.zip,"%CLASSPATH%"
    then stopped and started CF, and it came up without problem, but datasource still would not connect. 
    So, I made one more change to the classpath and took the "" off the end so it looks like this:
    /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/runtime/lib/unijdbc.jar,/opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/runtime/lib/as java.zip,%CLASSPATH%
    and then instead of doing "service coldfusion_10 stop" and "service coldfusion_10 start" as I had been doing, I decided to try "service coldfusion_10 restart".  It said it was stopping CF but then could not start it.  I don't have the exact error but it did end with this:
    The ColdFusion 10 server instance named cfusion is starting up and will be available shortly.
    There has been an error starting ColdFusion 10 server instance named cfusion, please check the logs.
    So I thought perhaps the "restart" left a pid or something hanging and it did not completely shut down, so it could not restart, although it would not let me do the stop command either, nor were there any coldfusion processes running on the server.  So I decided to reboot the server to see if that would help, it did not -- after the server came back up, I tried starting coldfusion again, and keep getting this error: 
    [root@ctc3650z selinux]# service coldfusion_10 start
    Starting ColdFusion 10 server instance named cfusion ...
    nohup: ignoring input and appending output to `nohup.out'
    sh: /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/runtime/lib/asjava.zip: cannot execute binary file
    sh: line 0: bg: no job control
    The ColdFusion 10 server instance named cfusion is starting up and will be available shortly.
    There has been an error starting ColdFusion 10 server instance named cfusion, please check the logs.
    [root@ctc3650z selinux]#
    I cannot get into the coldfusion administrator to change the classpath, but it does not appear to like the asjava.zip file, which it had no problem wtih before (is same file).  I do not understand this error:
    sh: /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/runtime/lib/asjava.zip: cannot execute binary file
    Also it says "please check the logs" ... I have looked at all the logs under /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/logs and nothing in them references this error.
    Here is the entry in the /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/bin/nohup.out:
    Usage: java [-options] class [args...]
               (to execute a class)
       or  java [-options] -jar jarfile [args...]
               (to execute a jar file)
    where options include:
        -d32          use a 32-bit data model if available
        -d64          use a 64-bit data model if available
        -server       to select the "server" VM
                      The default VM is server.
        -cp <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
        -classpath <class search path of directories and zip/jar files>
                      A : separated list of directories, JAR archives,
                      and ZIP archives to search for class files.
                      set a system property
                      enable verbose output
        -version      print product version and exit
                      require the specified version to run
        -showversion  print product version and continue
        -jre-restrict-search | -jre-no-restrict-search
                      include/exclude user private JREs in the version search
        -? -help      print this help message
        -X            print help on non-standard options
                      enable assertions
                      disable assertions
        -esa | -enablesystemassertions
                      enable system assertions
        -dsa | -disablesystemassertions
                      disable system assertions
                      load native agent library <libname>, e.g. -agentlib:hprof
                        see also, -agentlib:jdwp=help and -agentlib:hprof=help
                      load native agent library by full pathname
                      load Java programming language agent, see java.lang.instrument
                      show splash screen with specified image
    [root@ctc3650z logs]#
    Can anyone help?  Thank you very much, and sorry so wordy...

    I fixed it myself!!  I could not get back into the CF Admin to undo the syntax change on the classpath on the Java/JVM page, since CF was down, so I dug around on the server and found this file:  /opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/bin/jvm.config  which is the contents of that screen.  I edited it with vi and undid the syntax change I did, then I was able to start up coldfusion.  Still can't get my unidata datasource to connect, but that's another issue...

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