ODP and ODQ Sample Tutorial UI Issues

Dear ODI experts,
I have Installed ---> selected "Oracle Data Integrator, Oracle Data Profiling, Oracle Data Quality" ---> Complete (1012MB)
Then, I ran into two UI issues while following steps in Sample Tutorial:
Issue 1.Step 1-b of "Explore Relationships between Entities (Joins)" section (p.15)
- After clicking "Filter", "Create Join" pops a "Filter Entity" window.
- On the "Filter Entity" window, there are noting but only "Apply" and "Cancel" two buttons.
- No way to enter any filter expression.
Issue 2. Step 1 and 2 of "Apply Business Rules" section (p. 20)
- After right clicking and select "Add Business Rules", the "Entity Business Rule" window pops up
- On the "Entity Business Rule" window, only the left half part shown in the Sample Tutorial doc displayed, i.e. the expression constructor does not exist. There is no "Save" button, but a "Create" button instead.
========= update:
run into another UI issue in ODQ Sample Tutorial sections
Issue 3. step 2-b of “Design a Name and Address Cleansing Project” section (p. 24)
- double click the Transformer arrow
- click in "Row Filter" text box in "Input Setting" tab
- got the following error
An error has occurred in the script on this page
Line: 69
Char: 5
Error: Object doesn't support this property or method
Code: 0
URL: http://tss.trilliumsoftware.com/xfile/metabase/E5/tmp/e5_transrmr.tsd?outputStyle=/templates/transformer/xbinpo.xsl$output=/templa
Issue 4. step 7-f of “Design a Name and Address Cleansing project” section (p. 28)
- double click the "us Postal Matcher"
- select "Output Settings"
- click "Row Filter" text box
- got similar error as issue#3 above.
========= end of update.
Could these relate to the browser (IE 7.0.5730.11) I am using?
How do I fix these issues? Or how do I debug these issues, so I can provide more meaningful data to this thread?

Hi Josh,
May I know the keywords you used to search in Metalink?
Note 548868.1 was written for this issue you are facing.
If it does not pop up for the relevent keywords, Support needs to fix that.
btw I also cannot find mention of it in the release notes. Let me check with PM. Sorry about that..

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    Thanks to All

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    Pleeease help me, i am dying of frustration here…..:( that behavior cant be right, right?
    Thanks so much to everyone who actually reads this post and tries to help…….
    All the best,
    Niki Lapan

    Thank you so much for helping,
    But i really wonder how you did that. did you always switch between design view and preview view, then change the key position for 2px then switch back, to align the four letters? because i imagine that can get really frustrating, if you have a logo consisting of 58 parts instead of 4!:)
    Anyway thank you very much for your time and effort!!!!

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    Please somebody could tell-me where can I download a tutorial and code samples to start my studies on Java Telephony?
    Or may could somebory send to me for [email protected] .
    Thanks a lot. God bless you all !
    bye bye.

    The above contains a simple tutorial. Also looking for tutorials if you get any let me
    know. email to nchirara at Gmail dot com.
    you are what you think you are if you think you are what you are ?!

  • OCDM  - Sample Report Installation issue - Runs too longer with No progress

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    * Oracle DB 11g R2 (OLAP & MINING option)
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    * Installation of Communication Data Model (First Installation type from OCDM Installer)
    When we try to install Sample Reports at same stage the screen remain open and runs too longer with No progress.
    The Installation process for OCDM Sample Reports is given in the attached doc with screenshot and the log file is also included in the attached document.
    Please let us know the following two issue:
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Amol Thite
    I think, I cant Attach the file here and character limit is 30K for the post here so putting below the few lines of Log File content:
    I can email the screen shots docs and complete log file on request if needed.
    It stuck in Configuration Assistance screen -
    After more than 1 hour the same screen – No progress – I tried 3 times but same issue. Log file also not growing and seems its waiting for some dependent thing that need to happen before it proceed.
    =====start few lines of Log File=======================================
    The file oraparam.ini could not be found at /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/bin/oraparam.ini
    Using paramFile: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/oui/oraparam.ini
    Checking swap space: must be greater than 500 MB. Actual 1027 MB Passed
    Checking monitor: must be configured to display at least 256 colors. Actual 65536 Passed
    The number of files bootstrapped for the jre is 689.
    The number of files bootstrapped for the oui is 77.
    Using the umask value '022' available from oraparam.ini
    =====end few lines of Log File==================================
    INFO: Copying Aggr XML for: Oracle Communications Data Model
    INFO: The Top level Aggreage File = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/oracle.ocdm.11_2_3_0_0.xml
    INFO: deleted all the required instance files
    INFO: OUI_CAPlugIn is not found in XML
    INFO: cf session will be created for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TLAggr: oracle.ocdm instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: cf session for OH: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ TL Aggr: [oracle.ocdm] instancePath: inventory/ContentsXML/ConfigXML/
    INFO: aggr ref length : 2
    INFO: cf session hashcode: 22855989
    INFO: cf session saved with key: OraDb11g_home1 oracle.ocdm
    INFO: cf session is ok
    INFO: created and saved cf session for oh: OraDb11g_home1
    INFO: passing params to cf
    INFO: Handling the storing of variables for aggr name oracle.ocdm
    INFO: This variable sl_ASMSelectableDiskGroups is not added to the global context map
    INFO: This variable s_scratchPath is not added to the global context map
    INFO: exitonly tools to be excuted passed: 0
    INFO: Starting to execute configuration assistants
    INFO: Command = oracle.ocdm.OCDMCfgPlugIn /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/ocdm_install.sh ${s_dbSysPasswd}
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Starting OCDM configuration...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: OCDM configuration initialized, waiting for script response...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Receiving SYSTEM password...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Passing SYSTEM credentials to configuration script...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM credentials passed to configuration script.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: SYSTEM password received.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Initializing config parameteres...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Creating log folder...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: ocdm log folder exist
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Exporting config env...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Performing OWB check...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Installing OWB...
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: WARNING: OWB OWNER already exists.
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Archive: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/pdm/relational/sample_schema/ocdm_sample.dmp.zip
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: inflating: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/ocdm/install_tmp/ocdm_sample.dmp
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: 2011_02_28_11_24_30 10 % complete
    OCDMCfgPlugIn: Importing OCDM sample schema
    ==================end of log File ========================================

    Hi Please check my answers
    1) How to login to Analytics after OBIEE 11gR2 installed on Linux - ( in our case we use user as Administrator and tried password same as username, even checked with the user weblogic and other but no success. Please provide us the information which give details(document) about the Administartion of OBIEE 11gR2 on Linux).
    The current OCDM version does not support BIEE 11g, so you need to install BIEE 10g. In next release(will be available soon), OCDM will support BIEE 11g.
    2) The issue with installation of OCDM Sampple Reports though successful installation of OCDM Data Model.(First Installation Type from OCDM Installer)
    The importing will take a long time, you can login database with ocdm_sample_sys/ocdm_sample_sys, and use "select count(*) from tabs;" to monitor the import process.

  • Unable to run XPSDrv Driver and Filter Sample

    I'm facing to a problem with XPSDrv Driver and Filter Sample on my Windows 7 x64 machine
    I installed Visual Studio Ultimate 2013
    I installed WDK 8.1
    I installed WDK 8.1 Test Pack
    I installed everything from this
    site and I think that's all what I need for building the sample.
    Next I downloaded XPSDrv Driver and Filter Sample from
    http://code.msdn.microsoft.com/windowshardware/XPSDrv-Driver-and-Filter-980d24bc (btw. there is a step-by-step tutorial how to build the sample)
    1. Open the solution file in Visual Studio 2013 (I opened solution C++\XPSDrvSmpl.sln)
    2. Add all non-binary files (usually located in the \install directory of the sample) to the Package project
         a. In the Solution Explorer, right click
         b. Select Add, then click Existing Item
         c. Navigate to the location to which you downloaded the sample, and select all the files in the install directory, or the equivalent set of non-binary files such as INFs, INIs, GPD, PPD files, etc.
         d. Click Add
    Look at the picture how does my solution look like:
    Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

    So after I add the InstallPackage, I added all the files in the install folder to the driver files. Than I added all the files of the install folder to the package files in the properties of the driver package. I also added all the dlls of the sample to
    the package files. Then I edited the inf file:
    Change DriverVer to a new date,because the old one is not working.
    And this under the driverver:
    Add this to each Microsoft.xx sections: {GUID}
    Should look like this:
    Change the location of the dlls under SourceDisksFiles to 1 or leave it to 2 if you have subfolders for architecures.
    So my inf looks like that:
    ; Copyright (c) 2005 Microsoft Corporation
    ; All rights reserved.
    ; File Name:
    ; xdsmpl.inf
    ; Abstract:
    ; XPSDrv sample driver install file
    Signature="$Windows NT$"
    CoreDriverSections="{D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F0},UNIDRV.OEM", "{D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5},XPSDRV.OEM,XPSGPD.OEM"
    CoreDriverDependencies={D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F0}, {D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5}
    CoreDriverDependencies={D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F0}, {D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5}
    CoreDriverDependencies={D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F0}, {D20EA372-DD35-4950-9ED8-A6335AFE79F5}
    1 = %Location%,,
    2 = %Location%,,,x86
    1 = %Location%,,
    2 = %Location%,,,ia64
    1 = %Location%,,
    2 = %Location%,,,amd64
    xdsmpl.gpd = 1
    xdnames.gpd = 1
    xdwmark.gpd = 1
    xdbook.gpd = 1
    xdcolman.gpd = 1
    xdnup.gpd = 1
    xdpgscl.gpd = 1
    xdsmpl-pipelineconfig.xml = 1
    xdsmpl.ini = 1
    xdwscRGB.icc = 1
    xdCMYKPrinter.icc = 1
    xdwmark.dll = 1
    xdcolman.dll = 1
    xdbook.dll = 1
    xdnup.dll = 1
    xdsmplui.dll = 1
    xdscale.dll = 1
    Location="XPSDrv Sample Driver Location"

  • How to validate prerequisite for ODP and Oracle Client connection

    I have a very simple application on .Net that connect to Oracle using ODP (was compiled with Oracle.DataAccess dll 10.2).
    I want to check "connection prerequisite" (application will be able to connect to DB) before installing this aplication on other computers?
    How can I check that ODP.NET version 10.2 or higher is installed on target host (registry check is not enopugh)?
    I know that I can check ODP entries in registry - but this will not check Oracle Client and compatibility between client and ODP.
    Also, if ODP was installed by ODAC XCopy installation - registry may be not updated by new ODP entry.
    And - if I am installing on the computer, DB was installed on, Oracle Client can be not installed separately.
    And one more issue: When I tried to run "test connection" method from installation, that use referenced dll on machine, that has only ODAC (with ODP) 11, - "Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleInit.Initialize()
    at Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleConnection..cctor()" error message was thrown (policies for both ODAC 10.2 and 11 are exists in GAC (assembly), pointing to Oracle.DataAccess 11 from ODP 2x bin).
    So, How and which components can I check to ensure appropriate versions of ODP and Oracle Client were installed and application will be connected?
    Thank you in advance!

    You could check for the presense of Oracle.DataAccess.dll in the GAC. Bear in mind you'd also want to check the version and whether a policy files exists as well as a newer version + policy file will work too (but not without the policy file).
    That wouldn't confirm the install is valid and works though, and I don't know of a way you could easily check that, apart from perhaps simply trying to run a small exe that attempts a connection to the database.
    With respect to the type initializer exception, that occurs when ODP cant find the right oraops*.dll or oci.dll, usually due to the wrong one being found, but can also occur if one is not found at all. Quite often this is due to the application including ODP in its bin directory rather than letting ODP get picked up out of the gac. Prior to, ODP loads the dependencies based in PATH so multiple homes can cause it as well. and higher ODP loads dll's based on DLLPATH registry entry.
    Hope it helps,

  • Conflict between the saved data and the sampling rate and samples to read using PXI 6070e

    Hello, I am using PXI 6070e to read an analog voltage. I was sampling at 6.6 MHz and the samples to read were 10. So, that means it should sample 10 points every 1.5 um. The x-axis of the graph on the control panel was showing ns and us scale, which I think because of the fast sampling and acquiring data. I use "write to measurement file" block to save the data. However, the data was saved every 0.4 second and as 35 points data at the beginning of each cycle (e.g. 35 points at 0.4 sec and 35 at 0.8 sec, and so on) and there was no data in between. Can anyone help me how there are 35 reading points every cycle? I could not find the relation between the sampling rate and samples to read, to 35 points every 0.4 second!
    Another thing, do I need to add a filter after acquiring the data (after the DAQ assistant block)? Is there anti-aliasing filter is built in PXI 6070e?
    Thanks for the help in advance,

    I'm not seeing anything that points to this issue.  Your DAQ is set to continuous acquire.  I'm not sure if this is really what you want because your DAQ buffer will keep overwriting.  You probably just want to set to Read N Samples.
    I'm not a fan of using the express VIs.  And since you are writing to a TDMS file, I would use the Stream to TDMS option in DAQmx.  If you use the LabVIEW Example Finder, search for "TDMS Log" for a list of some good examples.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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  • TS1398 I am unable to connect wifi on my phone 4s since last 2 weeks... I am living in shanghai and did not have this issue since 2 weeks... iPad works fine... Please suggest some measures... Tried the on off reset settings etc.

    I am unable to connect wifi on my phone 4s since last 2 weeks... I am living in shanghai and did not have this issue since 2 weeks... iPad works fine... Please suggest some measures... Tried the on off reset settings etc. but no luck ...
    In fact after updating the software to the latest version I am having more of this... Sometimes the wifi button freezes an I can't even slide it to on / off...

    Noooo! Actually I too had d same prob wit my iPhone 4S. When I connect to my wifi network it won't get connected or it wil be grey scaled! I took it to d istore and since I had warranty they replaced my IPhone. It iPad charger has high volt than ur iPhone charger so when u connect wit it, there is a chance where large amount of current passes thru ur iPhone. So for sure it wil damage ur motherboard and its parts! Many said that iOS 6 or 6.0.1 or 6.1 was d reason for tis wifi prob! But apple never made its mistake wit it's software. If and only if u hav hardware prob u wil hav these sort of wifi prob Bluetooth prob! So best way s to replace ur iPhone!

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    The songs I'm not able to import casme from CD's.  Nothing from napster etc.
    I've tried and tried to import them rom iTunes vis "Library"  " Import"

    Hey kbert73
    I would do a transfer of purchases from the phone and not sync. If you sync then it will want to start over and sync music that is on the MacBook Pro. If you want to transfer the music, check out the article below that will give you multiple options on how to move. I have also provided on how to sync with multiple computers.
    iTunes: How to move your music to a new computer
    Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    -Norm G.

  • I upgraded my 3rd generation ipad to ios 6.0.1 and now am experiencing various issues.  Neither Pages or Numbers will open.  I just see a gray screen that says Pages or Numbers at the top and all of my documents are gone.

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    1- Neither Pages or Numbers will open.  I just see a gray screen that says Pages or Numbers at the top and all of my documents are gone. The icon that allows me to create a new document also does not appear.  I went to icloud.com to see whether my documents still existed, which brings me to the 2nd problem.
    2- It appears that all of my Pages documents are still on icloud, but all of my Numbers documents are gone.  There were only about 10, but I access 2 of them nearly every day, so this is a big issue for me.
    I went into Settings and all of the icloud information is correct and it "Documents & Data" is on.  When I look at the storage, I see the Pages documents but not the Numbers ones.  The next thing I did was turn my ipad off and back on, but this didn't fix anything.  Since my Pages documents are still on icloud, I then tried to delete the Pages app from the ipad so that I could reinstall it, which resulted in the 3rd problem.
    3- I cannot delete any apps.  I can get all of the icons to shake and the small x IS available, but everything freezes when I click it.  I can't do anything at that point except reset the ipad or wait until it eventually restarts itself.  I've tried this with Pages as well as multiple other apps, all with the same result.  I've also tried downloading a new app (which worked fine) and then deleting that one, but I got the same result.
    3a- A small related issue to this that I am far less concerned about is that when the ipad restarts itself, it comes back on and the screen is really dark and I can barely make out what appears on the screen.  If I enter my password right away, it stays that way until I go into Settings - Brightness & Wallpaper and touch the brightness setting (although I'm not actually changing the setting because it already shows that the brightness is turned up a little over halfway).  If I don't enter my password right away and let it go completely dark, then click the home button, the brightness is fine.
    So now I'm stuck.  My guess is that I will need to restore it, but wanted to check before I take that step.  Unfortunately, my laptop is on its deathbed so I haven't been synching my ipad to it and I fear my Numbers documents are gone forever.  I'd like to try everything I can to fix these issues before doing the restore in hopes that I can get the Numbers documents back.
    Any suggestions for any or all of these problems?

    Purplehiddledog wrote:
    I do backup with iCloud.  I can't wait until the new iMac is available so that I can once again have my files in more than 1 location without needing to rely solely on the cloud. 
    I also rely on iTunes and my MacBook and Time Machine as well as backing up to iCloud. I know many users know have gone totally PC free, but I chose to use iCloud merely as my third backup.
    I assume that the restore would result in my ability to open Pages and Numbers and fix the problem with deleting apps, but this would also mean that if my Numbers documents still exist solely within the app and are just not on iCloud for some reason that they would be gone forever.  Is that right?
    In a word, yes. In a little more detail.... When you restore from an iCloud backup, you must erase the device and start all over again. There is no other way to access the backup in iCloud without erasing the device. Consequently, you are starting all over again. Therefore, it would also be my assumption that Pages and Numbers will work again and that the deleting apps issues would be fixed as well.
    If the documents are not in the backup, and you do not have a backup elsewhere, the documents could be gone forever.

  • Delivery Notes and CofAs we are having issues.

    Hi , one of our users has the following problem:
    I have recently had a printer put  on the network that is compatible with SAP.  When we generate CofAs or Delivery Notes from SAP, the printout font is now in courier and the letters/numbers are overlapping in some sections.
    We need to have this fixed so the CofAs/DNs are legible.
    Also, the DNs should be printing two-sided.  They are not now.  The printer is capable of printing two-sided.
    I printed out a Quality Notification and it prints fine.  Only the Delivery Notes and CofAs we are having issues.
    what could be the problem?
    how could it be fixed?
    please let us know.

              I tried this option, but did not help. We have two weblogic servers on different
              machines. One works fine in downloading pdf file over https, but not the other.
              The error we are getting after selecting it to save it to a file:
              IE cannot download xx.pdf from www.xxx.com
              From the link, when we say "save target as", we get different error as:
              This file could not be written to cache.
              Someone suggested to pass "pragma: public" or "pragama: no-cache" in the header.
              But we are just simply serving it as a file, neither from servlet nor from jsp.
              So I suspect it something to do with our weblogic proxy or security configuration.
              Any ideas/help is much appreciated.
              Jayashree Raghavan <[email protected]> wrote:
              >If you ever have a similar problem it might help to check in browser
              >In IE goto tools/internet options/
              >Goto advanced Tab
              >go down to Security.
              >Uncheck the "donot save encrypted pages to disk".
              >This will make downloading a pdf work in ssl.
              >Jayashree Raghavan wrote:
              >> We resolved this problem thanks to Maxim, by commenting out the code
              >that sends to the browser not to cache these pdf files. response.setHeader("Pragma",

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    29/11/2014 20:17:01.315 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 11 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 49 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:17:37.013 com.apple.backupd[616]: Finished scan
    29/11/2014 20:17:43.108 com.apple.backupd[616]: Saved event cache at
    /Volumes/Time Machine Backups/Backups.backupdb/Geoff Lambrechts’s iMac
    (2)/2014-11-29-200648.inProgress/9B453663-603F-40B8-AC21-24F05C724E15/.6162AD34- 38F8-30AB-98E0-4A22FB9D311F.eventdb
    29/11/2014 20:17:43.207 com.apple.backupd[616]: Not using file event
    preflight for Macintosh HD
    29/11/2014 20:18:01.561 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 11 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 49 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:18:16.288 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]:
    (com.apple.quicklook[715]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy
    launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
    29/11/2014 20:18:23.705 com.apple.SecurityServer[56]: Session 100013 created
    29/11/2014 20:18:32.046 mdworker[718]: code validation failed in the
    process of getting signing information: Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain
    Code=-67062 "The operation couldn’t be completed. (OSStatus error -67062.)"
    29/11/2014 20:19:01.662 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 11 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 49 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:19:45.458 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]:
    (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The
    _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    29/11/2014 20:19:59.123 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]:
    (com.apple.PubSub.Agent[725]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy
    launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
    29/11/2014 20:19:59.123 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]:
    (com.apple.PubSub.Agent[725]) Endpoint has been activated through legacy
    launch(3) APIs. Please switch to XPC or bootstrap_check_in():
    29/11/2014 20:20:01.138 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:21:01.484 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:21:13.430 com.apple.backupd[616]: Found 4529 files (1.1 GB)
    needing backup
    29/11/2014 20:21:18.786 com.apple.backupd[616]: 2.82 GB required (including
    padding), 1.24 TB available
    29/11/2014 20:21:31.775 Console[734]: Failed to connect (_consoleX) outlet
    from (NSApplication) to (ConsoleX): missing setter or instance variable
    29/11/2014 20:21:34.230 WindowServer[162]: disable_update_timeout: UI
    updates were forcibly disabled by application "Console" for over 1.00
    seconds. Server has re-enabled them.
    29/11/2014 20:21:36.898 WindowServer[162]: common_reenable_update: UI
    updates were finally reenabled by application "Console" after 3.67 seconds
    (server forcibly re-enabled them after 1.00 seconds)
    29/11/2014 20:21:36.971 coreservicesd[83]: SFLEntryBase::ListHasChanged
    mach_msg returned 10000004d
    29/11/2014 20:22:01.817 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:23:02.170 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:24:02.547 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:25:02.168 CalendarAgent[218]:
    [Refusing to parse response
    to PROPPATCH because of content-type: .]
    29/11/2014 20:25:02.233 CalendarAgent[218]:
    [Refusing to parse response
    to PROPPATCH because of content-type: .]
    29/11/2014 20:25:02.236 CalendarAgent[218]:
    [Refusing to parse response
    to PROPPATCH because of content-type: .]
    29/11/2014 20:25:02.284 CalendarAgent[218]:
    [Refusing to parse response
    to PROPPATCH because of content-type: .]
    29/11/2014 20:25:03.059 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:25:12.674 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]:
    (com.apple.imfoundation.IMRemoteURLConnectionAgent) The
    _DirtyJetsamMemoryLimit key is not available on this platform.
    29/11/2014 20:26:03.464 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    29/11/2014 20:27:03.841 com.apple.xpc.launchd[1]: (jp.buffalo.NASPower)
    Service only ran for 10 seconds. Pushing respawn out by 50 seconds.
    On 29 November 2014 at 19:29, Apple Support Communities Updates <

  • Error message trying to synchronise audio and midi sample rate 42463

    I have a Rode Podcaster mic that is terrific. It has been working fine in GB. suddenly I am getting this when I try to record my podcast:
    'Error message trying to synchronise audio and midi sample rate 42463 recognised. Check conflict between Garageband and external device'
    Has anyone experienced this before? How do I resolve it? I'm still using my Version 6.0.5.
    Apple, is this a way of forcing me to upgrade to V10?

    Just click the icon on each track that stops it acting as a live input. It looks like a sound wave. Only have them clicked orange when using the track to record! I don't know if that will solve your problem!

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